예제 #1
void backwardelimination(uint nvariables,uint nsamples, dmatrix x, dvector w, dvector y){
  bool    finished   = false;
  uint    leastinterestingmodel;
  double  logLfull   = likelihoodbyem(nvariables,nsamples,x,w,y);
  bvector model      = newbvector(nvariables);
  double  dropneeded = 2*inverseF(2,nsamples-nvariables,0.005);
  cout << "Likelihood of the full model: " << logLfull << endl;
  while((!finished) && modelsize(nvariables,model) > 1){

    cout << "modelsize(model) = " << modelsize(nvariables,model) << "Drop " << dropneeded <<endl;
    dvector logL = newdvector(modelsize(nvariables,model));
    for(uint todrop=0;todrop<modelsize(nvariables,model);todrop++){
      bvector tempmodel = newbvector(nvariables);
      dmatrix designmatrix = createdesignmatrix(nvariables,nsamples,x,tempmodel);
      logL[todrop] = likelihoodbyem(modelsize(nvariables,tempmodel),nsamples,designmatrix,w,y);

    leastinterestingmodel = lowestindex(modelsize(nvariables,model),logL);
    cout << "Least interesting model:" << leastinterestingmodel << " Difference to fullmodel:" << (logLfull - logL[leastinterestingmodel]) << endl;
    if(dropneeded > fabs(logLfull - logL[leastinterestingmodel])){
      logLfull = logL[leastinterestingmodel];
      cout << "Drop variable" << leastinterestingmodel << endl;
      cout << "Likelihood of the new full model: " << logLfull<< endl;
      for(uint x=0;x<nvariables;x++){
        if(model[x]) cout << "Variable" << x << "In Model" << endl;

예제 #2
void inverseF_R(int* df1,int* df2, double* alfa, double* out){
  (*out) = inverseF((*df1), (*df2), (*alfa));
예제 #3
파일: mqmscan.cpp 프로젝트: DavidTongxx/qtl
double analyseF2(int Nind, int *nummark, cvector *cofactor, MQMMarkerMatrix marker,
               vector y, int Backwards, double **QTL,vector
               *mapdistance, int **Chromo, int Nrun, int RMLorML, double
               windowsize, double stepsize, double stepmin, double stepmax,
               double alfa, int em, int out_Naug, int **INDlist, char
               reestimate, MQMCrossType crosstype, bool dominance, int verbose) {
  if (verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Starting C-part of the MQM analysis\n");

  int  Naug, Nmark = (*nummark), run = 0;
  bool useREML = true, fitQTL = false;
  bool warned = false;

  ivector chr = newivector(Nmark); // The chr vector contains the chromosome number for every marker
  for(int i = 0; i < Nmark; i++){  // Rprintf("INFO: Receiving the chromosome matrix from R");
    chr[i] = Chromo[0][i];
  if(RMLorML == 1) useREML=false;  // use ML instead

  // Create an array of marker positions - and calculate R[f] based on these locations
  cvector position = relative_marker_position(Nmark,chr);
  vector  r = recombination_frequencies(Nmark, position, (*mapdistance));

  //Rprintf("INFO: Initialize Frun and informationcontent to 0.0");
  const int Nsteps = (int)(chr[Nmark-1]*((stepmax-stepmin)/stepsize+1));
  matrix Frun = newmatrix(Nsteps,Nrun+1);
  vector informationcontent = newvector(Nsteps);
  for (int i = 0; i < (Nrun+1); i++) {
    for (int ii = 0; ii < Nsteps; ii++) {
      if(i==0) informationcontent[ii] = 0.0;
      Frun[ii][i]= 0.0;

  bool dropj = false;
  int jj=0;

  // Rprintf("any triple of non-segregating markers is considered to be the result of:\n");
  // Rprintf("identity-by-descent (IBD) instead of identity-by-state (IBS)\n");
  // Rprintf("no (segregating!) cofactors are fitted in such non-segregating IBD regions\n");
  for (int j=0; j < Nmark; j++) { // WRONG: (Nmark-1) Should fix the out of bound in mapdistance, it does fix, but created problems for the last marker
    dropj = false;
    if(j+1 < Nmark){  // Check if we can look ahead
      if(((*mapdistance)[j+1]-(*mapdistance)[j])==0.0){ dropj=true; }
    if (!dropj) {
      marker[jj]          = marker[j];
      (*cofactor)[jj]     = (*cofactor)[j];
      (*mapdistance)[jj]  = (*mapdistance)[j];
      chr[jj]             = chr[j];
      r[jj]               = r[j];
      position[jj]        = position[j];
    } else{
      if (verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Marker %d at chr %d is dropped\n",j,chr[j]);
      if ((*cofactor)[j]==MCOF) {
        if (verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Cofactor at chr %d is dropped\n",chr[j]);
  //if(verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Number of markers: %d -> %d\n",Nmark,jj);
  Nmark = jj;
  (*nummark) = jj;

  // Update the array of marker positions - and calculate R[f] based on these new locations
  position = relative_marker_position(Nmark,chr);

  r = recombination_frequencies(Nmark, position, (*mapdistance));

  debug_trace("After dropping of uninformative cofactors\n");

  ivector newind; // calculate Traits mean and variance
  vector newy;
  MQMMarkerMatrix newmarker;
  double ymean = 0.0, yvari = 0.0;
  //Rprintf("INFO: Number of individuals: %d Number Aug: %d",Nind,out_Naug);
  int cur = -1;
  for (int i=0; i < Nind; i++){
    if(INDlist[0][i] != cur){
      ymean += y[i];
      cur = INDlist[0][i];
  ymean/= out_Naug;

  for (int i=0; i < Nind; i++){
    if(INDlist[0][i] != cur){
      yvari += pow(y[i]-ymean, 2);
      cur = INDlist[0][i];
  yvari /= (out_Naug-1);

  Naug      = Nind;                             // Fix for not doing dataaugmentation, we just copy the current as the augmented and set Naug to Nind
  Nind      = out_Naug;
  newind    = newivector(Naug);
  newy      = newvector(Naug);
  newmarker = newMQMMarkerMatrix(Nmark,Naug);
  for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
    newy[i]= y[i];
    newind[i]= INDlist[0][i];
    for (int j=0; j<Nmark; j++) {
      newmarker[j][i]= marker[j][i];
  // End fix

  vector newweight = newvector(Naug);

  double max = rmixture(newmarker, newweight, r, position, newind,Nind, Naug, Nmark, mapdistance,reestimate,crosstype,verbose);   //Re-estimation of mapdistances if reestimate=TRUE

  if(max > stepmax){ fatal("ERROR: Re-estimation of the map put markers at: %f Cm, run the algorithm with a step.max larger than %f Cm", max, max); }

  //Check if everything still is correct positions and R[f]
  position = relative_marker_position(Nmark,chr);

  r = recombination_frequencies(Nmark, position, (*mapdistance));

  /* eliminate individuals with missing trait values */
  //We can skip this part iirc because R throws out missing phenotypes beforehand
  int oldNind = Nind;
  for (int i=0; i<oldNind; i++) {
    Nind -= ((y[i]==TRAITUNKNOWN) ? 1 : 0);

  int oldNaug = Naug;
  for (int i=0; i<oldNaug; i++) {
    Naug -= ((newy[i]==TRAITUNKNOWN) ? 1 : 0);

  marker        = newMQMMarkerMatrix(Nmark+1,Naug);
  y             = newvector(Naug);
  ivector ind   = newivector(Naug);
  vector weight = newvector(Naug);
  int newi = 0;
  for (int i=0; i < oldNaug; i++)
    if (newy[i]!=TRAITUNKNOWN) {
      y[newi]= newy[i];
      ind[newi]= newind[i];
      weight[newi]= newweight[i];
      for (int j=0; j<Nmark; j++) marker[j][newi]= newmarker[j][i];
  int diff;
  for (int i=0; i < (Naug-1); i++) {
    diff = ind[i+1]-ind[i];
    if (diff>1) {
      for (int ii=i+1; ii<Naug; ii++){ ind[ii]=ind[ii]-diff+1; }
  //END throwing out missing phenotypes

  double variance=-1.0;
  cvector selcofactor = newcvector(Nmark); /* selected cofactors */
  int dimx   = designmatrixdimensions((*cofactor),Nmark,dominance);
  double F1  = inverseF(1,Nind-dimx,alfa,verbose);
  double F2  = inverseF(2,Nind-dimx,alfa,verbose);
  if (verbose) {
    Rprintf("INFO: dimX: %d, nInd: %d\n",dimx,Nind);
    Rprintf("INFO: F(Threshold, Degrees of freedom 1, Degrees of freedom 2) = Alfa\n");
    Rprintf("INFO: F(%.3f, 1, %d) = %f\n",ftruncate3(F1),(Nind-dimx),alfa);
    Rprintf("INFO: F(%.3f, 2, %d) = %f\n",ftruncate3(F2),(Nind-dimx),alfa);
  F2 = 2.0* F2; // 9-6-1998 using threshold x*F(x,df,alfa)

  weight[0]= -1.0;
  double logL = QTLmixture(marker,(*cofactor),r,position,y,ind,Nind,Naug,Nmark,&variance,em,&weight,useREML,fitQTL,dominance,crosstype, &warned, verbose);
    if (!R_finite(logL)) {
      Rprintf("WARNING: Log-likelihood of full model = INFINITE\n");
      if (R_IsNaN(logL)) {
        Rprintf("WARNING: Log-likelihood of full model = NOT A NUMBER (NAN)\n");
        Rprintf("INFO: Log-likelihood of full model = %.3f\n",ftruncate3(logL));
    Rprintf("INFO: Residual variance = %.3f\n",ftruncate3(variance));
    Rprintf("INFO: Trait mean= %.3f; Trait variation = %.3f\n",ftruncate3(ymean),ftruncate3(yvari));
  if (R_finite(logL) && !R_IsNaN(logL)) {
    if(Backwards==1){    // use only selected cofactors
      logL = backward(Nind, Nmark, (*cofactor), marker, y, weight, ind, Naug, logL,variance, F1, F2, &selcofactor, r,
                      position, &informationcontent, mapdistance,&Frun,run,useREML,fitQTL,dominance, em, windowsize,
                      stepsize, stepmin, stepmax,crosstype,verbose);
    }else{ // use all cofactors
      logL = mapQTL(Nind, Nmark, (*cofactor), (*cofactor), marker, position,(*mapdistance), y, r, ind, Naug, variance,
                    'n', &informationcontent,&Frun,run,useREML,fitQTL,dominance, em, windowsize, stepsize, stepmin,
                    stepmax,crosstype,verbose); // printout=='n'
  // Write output and/or send it back to R
  // Cofactors that made it to the final model
  for (int j=0; j<Nmark; j++) {
    if (selcofactor[j]==MCOF) {

  if (verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Number of output datapoints: %d\n", Nsteps);  // QTL likelihood for each location
  for (int ii=0; ii<Nsteps; ii++) {
    //Convert LR to LOD before sending back
    QTL[0][ii] = Frun[ii][0] / 4.60517;
    QTL[0][Nsteps+ii] = informationcontent[ii];
  return logL;