예제 #1
파일: socket.c 프로젝트: eerimoq/simba
 * An UDP packet has been received.
static void on_udp_recv(void *arg_p,
                        struct udp_pcb *pcb_p,
                        struct pbuf *pbuf_p,
                        ip_addr_t *addr_p,
                        const ip_addr_t *addr_p,
                        uint16_t port)
    struct socket_t *socket_p = arg_p;

    /* Discard the packet if there is already a packed waiting. */
    if (socket_p->input.u.recvfrom.pbuf_p != NULL) {

    /* Save the remote address and port. */
    socket_p->input.u.recvfrom.remote_addr.ip.number = ip_addr_get_ip4_u32(addr_p);
    socket_p->input.u.recvfrom.remote_addr.ip.number = ip_addr_get_ip4_u32(addr_p);
    socket_p->input.u.recvfrom.remote_addr.port = port;

    /* Copy the data to the receive buffer if there is one. */
    if (socket_p->input.cb.state == STATE_RECVFROM) {
        socket_p->input.cb.state = STATE_IDLE;
        socket_p->input.u.recvfrom.pbuf_p = NULL;
        socket_p->input.u.recvfrom.left = 0;
        udp_recv_from_copy_resume(socket_p, pbuf_p);
    } else {
        socket_p->input.u.recvfrom.pbuf_p = pbuf_p;
        socket_p->input.u.recvfrom.left = pbuf_p->tot_len;
예제 #2
파일: test_tcp.c 프로젝트: tansinan/lwIP

/** Call tcp_new() and tcp_abort() and test memp stats */
  struct tcp_pcb *pcb, *pcbl;
  struct tcp_pcb_listen *lpcb;
  struct netif netif;
  struct test_tcp_txcounters txcounters;
  struct test_tcp_counters counters;
  struct pbuf *p;
  ip_addr_t src_addr;
  err_t err;

  fail_unless(MEMP_STATS_GET(used, MEMP_TCP_PCB) == 0);

  test_tcp_init_netif(&netif, &txcounters, &test_local_ip, &test_netmask);
  /* initialize counter struct */
  memset(&counters, 0, sizeof(counters));

  pcb = tcp_new();
  EXPECT_RET(pcb != NULL);
  err = tcp_bind(pcb, &netif.ip_addr, 1234);
  EXPECT(err == ERR_OK);
  pcbl = tcp_listen(pcb);
  EXPECT_RET(pcbl != NULL);
  EXPECT_RET(pcbl != pcb);
  lpcb = (struct tcp_pcb_listen *)pcbl;

  ip_addr_set_ip4_u32_val(src_addr, lwip_htonl(lwip_ntohl(ip_addr_get_ip4_u32(&lpcb->local_ip)) + 1));

  /* check correct syn packet */
  p = tcp_create_segment(&src_addr, &lpcb->local_ip, 12345,
    lpcb->local_port, NULL, 0, 12345, 54321, TCP_SYN);
  EXPECT(p != NULL);
  if (p != NULL) {
    /* pass the segment to tcp_input */
    test_tcp_input(p, &netif);
    /* check if counters are as expected */
    EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 1);

  /* check syn packet with short length */
  p = tcp_create_segment(&src_addr, &lpcb->local_ip, 12345,
    lpcb->local_port, NULL, 0, 12345, 54321, TCP_SYN);
  EXPECT(p != NULL);
  EXPECT(p->next == NULL);
  if ((p != NULL) && (p->next == NULL)) {
    p->len -= 2;
    p->tot_len -= 2;
    /* pass the segment to tcp_input */
    test_tcp_input(p, &netif);
    /* check if counters are as expected */
    EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 1);
