int main (int argc, char const * argv []) { extern struct channel channel; static char const * optv [] = { "ei:qv", "action priority destination rate ttl operand condition [...] [device] [...]\n\n where condition is field operator value", "CoQos Stream Utility", "e\tredirect stderr to stdout", #if defined (WINPCAP) || defined (LIBPCAP) "i n\thost interface is (n) [" LITERAL (CHANNEL_ETHNUMBER) "]", #else "i s\thost interface is (s) [" LITERAL (CHANNEL_ETHDEVICE) "]", #endif "q\tquiet mode", "v\tverbose mode", (char const *) (0) }; #include "../plc/plc.c" struct connection connection; struct MMEClassifier * rule = (struct MMEClassifier *)(&connection.rule.CLASSIFIERS); uint16_t * word; uint8_t * byte; signed code; signed c; if (getenv (PLCDEVICE)) { #if defined (WINPCAP) || defined (LIBPCAP) channel.ifindex = atoi (getenv (PLCDEVICE)); #else channel.ifname = strdup (getenv (PLCDEVICE)); #endif } optind = 1; while ((c = getoptv (argc, argv, optv)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'e': dup2 (STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO); break; case 'i': #if defined (WINPCAP) || defined (LIBPCAP) channel.ifindex = atoi (optarg); #else channel.ifname = optarg; #endif break; case 'q': _setbits (channel.flags, CHANNEL_SILENCE); _setbits (plc.flags, PLC_SILENCE); break; case 'v': _setbits (channel.flags, CHANNEL_VERBOSE); _setbits (plc.flags, PLC_VERBOSE); break; default: break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; memset (&connection, 0, sizeof (connection)); if ((code = lookup (* argv++, actions, SIZEOF (actions))) == -1) { assist (*--argv, CLASSIFIER_ACTION_NAME, actions, SIZEOF (actions)); } connection.cspec.CONN_CAP = (uint8_t)(code); argc--; if (!argc) { error (1, ECANCELED, "Expected Priority: 0-15"); } connection.cspec.CONN_COQOS_PRIO = (uint8_t)(uintspec (* argv++, 0, 15)); argc--; if (!argc) { error (1, ECANCELED, "Expected Destination MAC Address"); } if (!hexencode (connection.APP_DA, sizeof (connection.APP_DA), synonym (* argv++, devices, SIZEOF (devices)))) { error (1, errno, "Invalid MAC=[%s]", *--argv); } argc--; if (!argc) { error (1, ECANCELED, "Expected Data Rate: 10-9000 (kbps)"); } connection.cspec.CONN_RATE = (uint16_t)(uintspec (* argv++, 1, 9000)); argc--; if (!argc) { error (1, ECANCELED, "Expected TTL: 10000-2000000 (microseconds)"); } connection.cspec.CONN_TTL = (uint32_t)(uintspec (* argv++, 10000, 2000000)); argc--; if ((code = lookup (* argv++, operands, SIZEOF (operands))) == -1) { assist (*--argv, CLASSIFIER_OPERAND_NAME, operands, SIZEOF (operands)); } connection.rule.MOPERAND = (uint8_t)(code); argc--; while ((* argv) && (lookup (* argv, controls, SIZEOF (controls)) == -1)) { if ((code = lookup (* argv++, fields, SIZEOF (fields))) == -1) { assist (*--argv, CLASSIFIER_FIELD_NAME, fields, SIZEOF (fields)); } rule->CR_PID = (uint8_t)(code); argc--; if ((code = lookup (* argv++, operators, SIZEOF (operators))) == -1) { assist (*--argv, CLASSIFIER_OPERATOR_NAME, operators, SIZEOF (operators)); } rule->CR_OPERAND = (uint8_t)(code); argc--; if (!argc || !* argv) { error (1, ENOTSUP, "Have %s '%s' without any value", CLASSIFIER_OPERATOR_NAME, *--argv); } switch (rule->CR_PID) { case FIELD_ETH_SA: case FIELD_ETH_DA: bytespec (* argv++, rule->CR_VALUE, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); break; case FIELD_IPV4_SA: case FIELD_IPV4_DA: ipv4spec (* argv++, rule->CR_VALUE); break; case FIELD_IPV6_SA: case FIELD_IPV6_DA: ipv6spec (* argv++, rule->CR_VALUE); break; case FIELD_VLAN_UP: case FIELD_IPV4_TOS: case FIELD_IPV4_PROT: byte = (uint8_t *)(rule->CR_VALUE); *byte = (uint8_t)(basespec (* argv++, 0, sizeof (* byte))); break; case FIELD_VLAN_ID: case FIELD_TCP_SP: case FIELD_TCP_DP: case FIELD_UDP_SP: case FIELD_UDP_DP: case FIELD_IP_SP: case FIELD_IP_DP: word = (uint16_t *)(rule->CR_VALUE); *word = (uint16_t)(basespec (* argv++, 0, sizeof (* word))); *word = htons (*word); break; case FIELD_ETH_TYPE: word = (uint16_t *)(rule->CR_VALUE); *word = (uint16_t)(basespec (* argv++, 0, sizeof (* word))); *word = htons (*word); break; case FIELD_HPAV_MME: bytespec (* argv++, rule->CR_VALUE, sizeof (uint8_t) + sizeof (uint16_t)); byte = (uint8_t *)(rule->CR_VALUE); HTOBE16 ((uint16_t)(* ++byte)); break; case FIELD_IPV6_TC: case FIELD_IPV6_FL: case FIELD_TCP_ACK: default: error (1, ENOTSUP, "Field '%s' (0x%02X)", argv [-2], rule->CR_PID); break; } connection.rule.NUM_CLASSIFIERS++; if (connection.rule.NUM_CLASSIFIERS > RULE_MAX_CLASSIFIERS) { error (1, ENOTSUP, "More than %d classifiers in rule", RULE_MAX_CLASSIFIERS); } rule++; argc--; } connection.cspec.CSPEC_VERSION = 0x0001; openchannel (&channel); if (!(plc.message = malloc (sizeof (* plc.message)))) { error (1, errno, PLC_NOMEMORY); } if (!argc) { add_conn (&plc, &connection); } while ((argc) && (* argv)) { if (!hexencode (channel.peer, sizeof (channel.peer), synonym (* argv, devices, SIZEOF (devices)))) { error (1, errno, PLC_BAD_MAC, * argv); } add_conn (&plc, &connection); argc--; argv++; } free (plc.message); closechannel (&channel); exit (0); }
signed ParseRule (int * argcp, char const ** argvp [], struct MMERule * rule, struct cspec * cspec) { int argc = * argcp; char const ** argv = * argvp; union { uint32_t wide; uint16_t word; uint8_t byte [4]; } temp; signed code; struct MMEClassifier * classifier = (struct MMEClassifier *) (& rule->CLASSIFIER); if ((code = lookup (* argv++, actions, SIZEOF (actions))) == -1) { assist (* -- argv, CLASSIFIER_ACTION_NAME, actions, SIZEOF (actions)); } rule->MACTION = (uint8_t) (code); argc--; if ((code = lookup (* argv++, operands, SIZEOF (operands))) == -1) { assist (* -- argv, CLASSIFIER_OPERAND_NAME, operands, SIZEOF (operands)); } rule->MOPERAND = (uint8_t) (code); argc--; while ((* argv) && (lookup (* argv, controls, SIZEOF (controls)) == -1)) { if ((code = lookup (* argv++, fields, SIZEOF (fields))) == -1) { assist (* -- argv, CLASSIFIER_FIELD_NAME, fields, SIZEOF (fields)); } classifier->CR_PID = (uint8_t) (code); argc--; if ((code = lookup (* argv++, operators, SIZEOF (operators))) == -1) { assist (* -- argv, CLASSIFIER_OPERATOR_NAME, operators, SIZEOF (operators)); } classifier->CR_OPERAND = (uint8_t) (code); argc--; if (! argc || ! * argv) { error (1, ENOTSUP, "I have %s '%s' but no value", CLASSIFIER_OPERATOR_NAME, * -- argv); } switch (classifier->CR_PID) { case FIELD_ETH_SA: case FIELD_ETH_DA: bytespec (* argv++, classifier->CR_VALUE, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); break; case FIELD_IPV4_SA: case FIELD_IPV4_DA: ipv4spec (* argv++, classifier->CR_VALUE); break; case FIELD_IPV6_SA: case FIELD_IPV6_DA: ipv6spec (* argv++, classifier->CR_VALUE); break; case FIELD_VLAN_UP: case FIELD_IPV6_TC: case FIELD_IPV4_TOS: case FIELD_IPV4_PROT: classifier->CR_VALUE [0] = (uint8_t) (basespec (* argv++, 0, sizeof (classifier->CR_VALUE [0]))); break; case FIELD_VLAN_ID: case FIELD_TCP_SP: case FIELD_TCP_DP: case FIELD_UDP_SP: case FIELD_UDP_DP: case FIELD_IP_SP: case FIELD_IP_DP: temp.word = (uint16_t) (basespec (* argv++, 0, sizeof (temp.word))); temp.word = htons (temp.word); memcpy (classifier->CR_VALUE, & temp, sizeof (temp.word)); break; case FIELD_ETH_TYPE: temp.word = (uint16_t) (basespec (* argv++, 0, sizeof (temp.word))); temp.word = htons (temp.word); memcpy (classifier->CR_VALUE, & temp, sizeof (temp.word)); break; case FIELD_IPV6_FL: temp.wide = (uint32_t) (basespec (* argv++, 0, sizeof (temp.wide))) & 0x000FFFFF; temp.wide = htonl (temp.wide); memcpy (classifier->CR_VALUE, & temp.byte [1], 3); break; case FIELD_HPAV_MME: bytespec (* argv++, classifier->CR_VALUE, sizeof (uint16_t) + sizeof (uint8_t)); temp.byte [0] = classifier->CR_VALUE [1]; classifier->CR_VALUE [1] = classifier->CR_VALUE [2]; classifier->CR_VALUE [2] = temp.byte [0]; break; case FIELD_TCP_ACK: if ((code = lookup (* argv++, states, SIZEOF (states))) == -1) { assist (* -- argv, CLASSIFIER_STATE_NAME, states, SIZEOF (states)); } memset (classifier->CR_VALUE, 0, sizeof (classifier->CR_VALUE)); break; case FIELD_VLAN_TAG: if ((code = lookup (* argv++, states, SIZEOF (states))) == -1) { assist (* -- argv, CLASSIFIER_STATE_NAME, states, SIZEOF (states)); } memset (classifier->CR_VALUE, 0, sizeof (classifier->CR_VALUE)); classifier->CR_OPERAND ^= code; break; default: error (1, ENOTSUP, "%s", argv [- 2]); break; } rule->NUM_CLASSIFIERS++; classifier++; argc--; } memcpy (classifier, cspec, sizeof (* cspec)); if ((code = lookup (* argv++, controls, SIZEOF (controls))) == -1) { assist (* -- argv, CLASSIFIER_CONTROL_NAME, controls, SIZEOF (controls)); } rule->MCONTROL = (uint8_t) (code); argc--; if ((code = lookup (* argv++, volatilities, SIZEOF (volatilities))) == -1) { assist (* -- argv, CLASSIFIER_VOLATILITY_NAME, volatilities, SIZEOF (volatilities)); } rule->MVOLATILITY = (uint8_t) (code); argc--; * argcp = argc; * argvp = argv; return (0); }