void PluginLayerWebKitThread::setPluginView(PluginView* pluginView)
    m_pluginView = pluginView;
    setNeedsTexture(isDrawable() && pluginView);

    if (m_pluginView)
    else {
        // We can't afford to wait until the next commit
        // to set the m_pluginView to 0 in the impl, because it is
        // about to be destroyed.
void VideoLayerWebKitThread::setMediaPlayer(MediaPlayer* mediaPlayer)
    m_mediaPlayer = mediaPlayer;

    // This is a bit of a misnomer, since we don't need an actual GL texture.
    // However, the LayerRenderer will only process layers that "need textures"
    setNeedsTexture(isDrawable() && (contents() || drawsContent() || this->mediaPlayer()));

    if (!m_mediaPlayer) {
        // We can't afford to wait until the next commit to set the m_mediaPlayer
        // to 0 in the impl, because it is about to be destroyed.

        // Clear hole punch rect.

예제 #3
QRegion TilePainter::computeFillRegion(const QPoint &fillOrigin) const {
    //create that region that will hold the fill
    QRegion fillRegion;

    //silently quit if parameters are unsatisfactory
    if (!isDrawable(fillOrigin.x(), fillOrigin.y()))
        return fillRegion;

    //cache cell that we will match other cells against
    const Cell matchCell = cellAt(fillOrigin.x(), fillOrigin.y());

    //grab map dimensions for later use.
    const int mapWidth = mMapEditor->map()->width();
    const int mapHeight = mMapEditor->map()->height();
    const int mapSize = mapWidth * mapHeight;

    //create a queue to hold cells that need filling
    QList<QPoint> fillPositions;

    qDebug() << "fix " << fillPositions.at(0).x();
    qDebug() << "fiy " << fillPositions.at(0).y();

    //create an array that will store which cells have been processed
    //this is faster than checking if a given cell is in the region/list
    QVector<quint8> processedCellsVec(mapSize);
    quint8 *processedCells = processedCellsVec.data();

    //loop through queued positions and fill them, while at the same time
    //checking adjacent positions to see if they should be added
    while (!fillPositions.isEmpty()) {

        for (int i = 0; i < fillPositions.size(); ++i) {
            qDebug() << "fx " << fillPositions.at(i).x();
            qDebug() << "fy " << fillPositions.at(i).y();

        const QPoint currentPoint = fillPositions.takeFirst();

        //qDebug() << "cpx" << currentPoint.x();
        //qDebug() << "cpy" << currentPoint.y();

        const int startOfLine = currentPoint.y() * mapWidth;

        //seek as far left as we can
        int left = currentPoint.x();
        while (cellAt(left - 1, currentPoint.y()) == matchCell &&
               isDrawable(left - 1, currentPoint.y()))

        //seek as far right as we can
        int right = currentPoint.x();
        while (cellAt(right + 1, currentPoint.y()) == matchCell &&
               isDrawable(right + 1, currentPoint.y()))

        qDebug() << left;

        //add cells between left and right to the region
        fillRegion += QRegion(left, currentPoint.y(), right - left + 1, 1);

        //add cell strip to processed cells
        memset(&processedCells[startOfLine + left],
               right - left);

        //these variables cache whether the last cell was added to the queue
        //or not as an optimization, since adjacent cells on the x axis
        //do not need to be added to the queue.
        bool lastAboveCell = false;
        bool lastBelowCell = false;

        //loop between left and right and check if cells above or
        //below need to be added to the queue
        for (int x = left; x <= right; ++x) {
            const QPoint fillPoint(x, currentPoint.y());

            //check cell above
            if (fillPoint.y() > 0) {
                QPoint aboveCell(fillPoint.x(), fillPoint.y() - 1);
                if (!processedCells[aboveCell.y() * mapWidth + aboveCell.x()] &&
                    cellAt(aboveCell.x(), aboveCell.y()) == matchCell &&
                    isDrawable(aboveCell.x(), aboveCell.y()))
                    //do not add the above cell to the queue if its
                    //x-adjacent cell was added.
                    if (!lastAboveCell)

                    lastAboveCell = true;
                } else lastAboveCell = false;

                processedCells[aboveCell.y() * mapWidth + aboveCell.x()] = 1;

            //check cell below
            if (fillPoint.y() + 1 < mapHeight) {
                QPoint belowCell(fillPoint.x(), fillPoint.y() + 1);
                if (!processedCells[belowCell.y()*mapWidth + belowCell.x()] &&
                    cellAt(belowCell.x(), belowCell.y()) == matchCell &&
                    isDrawable(belowCell.x(), belowCell.y()))
                    //do not add the below cell to the queue if its
                    //x-adjacent cell was added.
                    if (!lastBelowCell)

                    lastBelowCell = true;
                } else lastBelowCell = false;

                processedCells[belowCell.y() * mapWidth + belowCell.x()] = 1;

    return fillRegion;