예제 #1
LayoutRect RenderRegion::regionOverflowRect() const
    // FIXME: Would like to just use hasOverflowClip() but we aren't a block yet. When RenderRegion is eliminated and
    // folded into RenderBlock, switch to hasOverflowClip().
    bool clipX = style()->overflowX() != OVISIBLE;
    bool clipY = style()->overflowY() != OVISIBLE;
    if ((clipX && clipY) || !isValid() || !m_flowThread)
        return regionRect();

    LayoutRect flowThreadOverflow = m_flowThread->visualOverflowRect();

    // Only clip along the flow thread axis.
    LayoutUnit outlineSize = maximalOutlineSize(PaintPhaseOutline);
    LayoutRect clipRect;
    if (m_flowThread->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        LayoutUnit minY = isFirstRegion() ? (flowThreadOverflow.y() - outlineSize) : regionRect().y();
        LayoutUnit maxY = isLastRegion() ? max(regionRect().maxY(), flowThreadOverflow.maxY()) + outlineSize : regionRect().maxY();
        LayoutUnit minX = clipX ? regionRect().x() : (flowThreadOverflow.x() - outlineSize);
        LayoutUnit maxX = clipX ? regionRect().maxX() : (flowThreadOverflow.maxX() + outlineSize);
        clipRect = LayoutRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
    } else {
        LayoutUnit minX = isFirstRegion() ? (flowThreadOverflow.x() - outlineSize) : regionRect().x();
        LayoutUnit maxX = isLastRegion() ? max(regionRect().maxX(), flowThreadOverflow.maxX()) + outlineSize : regionRect().maxX();
        LayoutUnit minY = clipY ? regionRect().y() : (flowThreadOverflow.y() - outlineSize);
        LayoutUnit maxY = clipY ? regionRect().maxY() : (flowThreadOverflow.maxY() + outlineSize);
        clipRect = LayoutRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);

    return clipRect;
예제 #2
LayoutRect RenderMultiColumnSet::flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(const LayoutRect& portionRect, unsigned index, unsigned colCount, LayoutUnit colGap) const
    // This function determines the portion of the flow thread that paints for the column. Along the inline axis, columns are
    // unclipped at outside edges (i.e., the first and last column in the set), and they clip to half the column
    // gap along interior edges.
    // In the block direction, we will not clip overflow out of the top of the first column, or out of the bottom of
    // the last column. This applies only to the true first column and last column across all column sets.
    // FIXME: Eventually we will know overflow on a per-column basis, but we can't do this until we have a painting
    // mode that understands not to paint contents from a previous column in the overflow area of a following column.
    // This problem applies to regions and pages as well and is not unique to columns.
    bool isFirstColumn = !index;
    bool isLastColumn = index == colCount - 1;
    bool isLeftmostColumn = style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? isFirstColumn : isLastColumn;
    bool isRightmostColumn = style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? isLastColumn : isFirstColumn;
    LayoutRect overflowRect(portionRect);
    if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        if (isLeftmostColumn) {
            // Shift to the logical left overflow of the flow thread to make sure it's all covered.
            overflowRect.shiftXEdgeTo(min(flowThread()->visualOverflowRect().x(), portionRect.x()));
        } else {
            // Expand into half of the logical left column gap.
            overflowRect.shiftXEdgeTo(portionRect.x() - colGap / 2);
        if (isRightmostColumn) {
            // Shift to the logical right overflow of the flow thread to ensure content can spill out of the column.
            overflowRect.shiftMaxXEdgeTo(max(flowThread()->visualOverflowRect().maxX(), portionRect.maxX()));
        } else {
            // Expand into half of the logical right column gap.
            overflowRect.shiftMaxXEdgeTo(portionRect.maxX() + colGap / 2);
    } else {
        if (isLeftmostColumn) {
            // Shift to the logical left overflow of the flow thread to make sure it's all covered.
            overflowRect.shiftYEdgeTo(min(flowThread()->visualOverflowRect().y(), portionRect.y()));
        } else {
            // Expand into half of the logical left column gap.
            overflowRect.shiftYEdgeTo(portionRect.y() - colGap / 2);
        if (isRightmostColumn) {
            // Shift to the logical right overflow of the flow thread to ensure content can spill out of the column.
            overflowRect.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(max(flowThread()->visualOverflowRect().maxY(), portionRect.maxY()));
        } else {
            // Expand into half of the logical right column gap.
            overflowRect.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(portionRect.maxY() + colGap / 2);
    return overflowRectForFlowThreadPortion(overflowRect, isFirstRegion() && isFirstColumn, isLastRegion() && isLastColumn);
예제 #3
LayoutRect RenderRegion::flowThreadPortionOverflowRect() const
    return overflowRectForFlowThreadPortion(flowThreadPortionRect(), isFirstRegion(), isLastRegion());
예제 #4
LayoutRect RenderRegion::flowThreadPortionOverflowRect()
    return overflowRectForFlowThreadPortion(flowThreadPortionRect(), isFirstRegion(), isLastRegion(), VisualOverflow);
예제 #5
LayoutRect RenderMultiColumnSet::flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(const LayoutRect& portionRect, unsigned index, unsigned colCount, LayoutUnit colGap) const
    // This function determines the portion of the flow thread that paints for the column. Along the inline axis, columns are
    // unclipped at outside edges (i.e., the first and last column in the set), and they clip to half the column
    // gap along interior edges.
    // In the block direction, we will not clip overflow out of the top of the first column, or out of the bottom of
    // the last column. This applies only to the true first column and last column across all column sets.
    // FIXME: Eventually we will know overflow on a per-column basis, but we can't do this until we have a painting
    // mode that understands not to paint contents from a previous column in the overflow area of a following column.
    // This problem applies to regions and pages as well and is not unique to columns.
    bool isFirstColumn = !index;
    bool isLastColumn = index == colCount - 1;
    bool isLeftmostColumn = style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? isFirstColumn : isLastColumn;
    bool isRightmostColumn = style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? isLastColumn : isFirstColumn;

    // Calculate the overflow rectangle, based on the flow thread's, clipped at column logical
    // top/bottom unless it's the first/last column.
    LayoutRect overflowRect = overflowRectForFlowThreadPortion(portionRect, isFirstColumn && isFirstRegion(), isLastColumn && isLastRegion());

    // Avoid overflowing into neighboring columns, by clipping in the middle of adjacent column
    // gaps. Also make sure that we avoid rounding errors.
    if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        if (!isLeftmostColumn)
            overflowRect.shiftXEdgeTo(portionRect.x() - colGap / 2);
        if (!isRightmostColumn)
            overflowRect.shiftMaxXEdgeTo(portionRect.maxX() + colGap - colGap / 2);
    } else {
        if (!isLeftmostColumn)
            overflowRect.shiftYEdgeTo(portionRect.y() - colGap / 2);
        if (!isRightmostColumn)
            overflowRect.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(portionRect.maxY() + colGap - colGap / 2);
    return overflowRect;
예제 #6
void RenderRegion::computeOverflowFromFlowThread()

    LayoutRect layoutRect = overflowRectForFlowThreadPortion(flowThreadPortionRect(), isFirstRegion(), isLastRegion(), LayoutOverflow);

    layoutRect.setLocation(contentBoxRect().location() + (layoutRect.location() - m_flowThreadPortionRect.location()));

    // FIXME: Correctly adjust the layout overflow for writing modes.
