예제 #1
String WebPageSerializerImpl::postActionAfterSerializeOpenTag(
    const Element* element, SerializeDomParam* param)
    StringBuilder result;

    param->haveAddedContentsBeforeEnd = false;
    if (!param->isHTMLDocument)
        return result.toString();
    // Check after processing the open tag of HEAD element
    if (!param->haveAddedCharsetDeclaration
        && isHTMLHeadElement(*element)) {
        param->haveAddedCharsetDeclaration = true;
        // Check meta element. WebKit only pre-parse the first 512 bytes
        // of the document. If the whole <HEAD> is larger and meta is the
        // end of head part, then this kind of pages aren't decoded correctly
        // because of this issue. So when we serialize the DOM, we need to
        // make sure the meta will in first child of head tag.
        // See http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16621.
        // First we generate new content for writing correct META element.

        param->haveAddedContentsBeforeEnd = true;
        // Will search each META which has charset declaration, and skip them all
        // in PreActionBeforeSerializeOpenTag.
    } else if (isHTMLScriptElement(*element) || isHTMLScriptElement(*element)) {
        param->isInScriptOrStyleTag = true;

    return result.toString();
예제 #2
Node* DOMPatchSupport::patchNode(Node* node, const String& markup, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    // Don't parse <html> as a fragment.
    if (node->isDocumentNode() || (node->parentNode() && node->parentNode()->isDocumentNode())) {
        return 0;

    Node* previousSibling = node->previousSibling();
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = DocumentFragment::create(m_document);
    Node* targetNode = node->parentElementOrShadowRoot() ? node->parentElementOrShadowRoot() : m_document.documentElement();

    // Use the document BODY as the context element when editing immediate shadow root children,
    // as it provides an equivalent parsing context.
    if (targetNode->isShadowRoot())
        targetNode = m_document.body();
    Element* targetElement = toElement(targetNode);

    // FIXME: This code should use one of createFragment* in markup.h
    if (m_document.isHTMLDocument())
        fragment->parseHTML(markup, targetElement);
        fragment->parseXML(markup, targetElement);

    // Compose the old list.
    ContainerNode* parentNode = node->parentNode();
    Vector<OwnPtr<Digest> > oldList;
    for (Node* child = parentNode->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        oldList.append(createDigest(child, 0));

    // Compose the new list.
    String markupCopy = markup.lower();
    Vector<OwnPtr<Digest> > newList;
    for (Node* child = parentNode->firstChild(); child != node; child = child->nextSibling())
        newList.append(createDigest(child, 0));
    for (Node* child = fragment->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (isHTMLHeadElement(*child) && !child->firstChild() && markupCopy.find("</head>") == kNotFound)
            continue; // HTML5 parser inserts empty <head> tag whenever it parses <body>
        if (isHTMLBodyElement(*child) && !child->firstChild() && markupCopy.find("</body>") == kNotFound)
            continue; // HTML5 parser inserts empty <body> tag whenever it parses </head>
        newList.append(createDigest(child, &m_unusedNodesMap));
    for (Node* child = node->nextSibling(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        newList.append(createDigest(child, 0));

    if (!innerPatchChildren(parentNode, oldList, newList, exceptionState)) {
        // Fall back to total replace.
        if (!m_domEditor->replaceChild(parentNode, fragment.release(), node, exceptionState))
            return 0;
    return previousSibling ? previousSibling->nextSibling() : parentNode->firstChild();
예제 #3
DocumentFragment* createContextualFragment(
    const String& markup,
    Element* element,
    ParserContentPolicy parserContentPolicy,
    ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
  if (!isSupportedContainer(element)) {
        NotSupportedError, "The range's container is '" + element->localName() +
                               "', which is not supported.");
    return nullptr;

  DocumentFragment* fragment = createFragmentForInnerOuterHTML(
      markup, element, parserContentPolicy, "createContextualFragment",
  if (!fragment)
    return nullptr;

  // We need to pop <html> and <body> elements and remove <head> to
  // accommodate folks passing complete HTML documents to make the
  // child of an element.

  Node* nextNode = nullptr;
  for (Node* node = fragment->firstChild(); node; node = nextNode) {
    nextNode = node->nextSibling();
    if (isHTMLHtmlElement(*node) || isHTMLHeadElement(*node) ||
        isHTMLBodyElement(*node)) {
      HTMLElement* element = toHTMLElement(node);
      if (Node* firstChild = element->firstChild())
        nextNode = firstChild;
      removeElementPreservingChildren(fragment, element);
  return fragment;
예제 #4
bool DOMPatchSupport::innerPatchChildren(ContainerNode* parentNode, const Vector<OwnPtr<Digest> >& oldList, const Vector<OwnPtr<Digest> >& newList, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    pair<ResultMap, ResultMap> resultMaps = diff(oldList, newList);
    ResultMap& oldMap = resultMaps.first;
    ResultMap& newMap = resultMaps.second;

    Digest* oldHead = 0;
    Digest* oldBody = 0;

    // 1. First strip everything except for the nodes that retain. Collect pending merges.
    HashMap<Digest*, Digest*> merges;
    HashSet<size_t, WTF::IntHash<size_t>, WTF::UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<size_t> > usedNewOrdinals;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < oldList.size(); ++i) {
        if (oldMap[i].first) {
            if (usedNewOrdinals.add(oldMap[i].second).isNewEntry)
            oldMap[i].first = 0;
            oldMap[i].second = 0;

        // Always match <head> and <body> tags with each other - we can't remove them from the DOM
        // upon patching.
        if (isHTMLHeadElement(*oldList[i]->m_node)) {
            oldHead = oldList[i].get();
        if (isHTMLBodyElement(*oldList[i]->m_node)) {
            oldBody = oldList[i].get();

        // Check if this change is between stable nodes. If it is, consider it as "modified".
        if (!m_unusedNodesMap.contains(oldList[i]->m_sha1) && (!i || oldMap[i - 1].first) && (i == oldMap.size() - 1 || oldMap[i + 1].first)) {
            size_t anchorCandidate = i ? oldMap[i - 1].second + 1 : 0;
            size_t anchorAfter = (i == oldMap.size() - 1) ? anchorCandidate + 1 : oldMap[i + 1].second;
            if (anchorAfter - anchorCandidate == 1 && anchorCandidate < newList.size())
                merges.set(newList[anchorCandidate].get(), oldList[i].get());
            else {
                if (!removeChildAndMoveToNew(oldList[i].get(), exceptionState))
                    return false;
        } else {
            if (!removeChildAndMoveToNew(oldList[i].get(), exceptionState))
                return false;

    // Mark retained nodes as used, do not reuse node more than once.
    HashSet<size_t, WTF::IntHash<size_t>, WTF::UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<size_t> >  usedOldOrdinals;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < newList.size(); ++i) {
        if (!newMap[i].first)
        size_t oldOrdinal = newMap[i].second;
        if (usedOldOrdinals.contains(oldOrdinal)) {
            // Do not map node more than once
            newMap[i].first = 0;
            newMap[i].second = 0;

    // Mark <head> and <body> nodes for merge.
    if (oldHead || oldBody) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < newList.size(); ++i) {
            if (oldHead && isHTMLHeadElement(*newList[i]->m_node))
                merges.set(newList[i].get(), oldHead);
            if (oldBody && isHTMLBodyElement(*newList[i]->m_node))
                merges.set(newList[i].get(), oldBody);

    // 2. Patch nodes marked for merge.
    for (HashMap<Digest*, Digest*>::iterator it = merges.begin(); it != merges.end(); ++it) {
        if (!innerPatchNode(it->value, it->key, exceptionState))
            return false;

    // 3. Insert missing nodes.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < newMap.size(); ++i) {
        if (newMap[i].first || merges.contains(newList[i].get()))
        if (!insertBeforeAndMarkAsUsed(parentNode, newList[i].get(), parentNode->traverseToChildAt(i), exceptionState))
            return false;

    // 4. Then put all nodes that retained into their slots (sort by new index).
    for (size_t i = 0; i < oldMap.size(); ++i) {
        if (!oldMap[i].first)
        RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Node> node = oldMap[i].first->m_node;
        Node* anchorNode = parentNode->traverseToChildAt(oldMap[i].second);
        if (node == anchorNode)
        if (isHTMLBodyElement(*node) || isHTMLHeadElement(*node))
            continue; // Never move head or body, move the rest of the nodes around them.

        if (!m_domEditor->insertBefore(parentNode, node.release(), anchorNode, exceptionState))
            return false;
    return true;