// Resolve - Creates a nicely formatted rendition of the CallStack, including // symbolic information (function names and line numbers) if available. and // saves it for later retrieval. This is almost identical to Callstack::dump above. // // Note: The symbol handler must be initialized prior to calling this // function. // // - showInternalFrames (IN): If true, then all frames in the CallStack will be // dumped. Otherwise, frames internal to the heap will not be dumped. // // Return Value: // // None. // void CallStack::resolve(BOOL showInternalFrames) { if (m_resolved) { // already resolved, no need to do it again // resolving twice may report an incorrect module for the stack frames // if the memory was leaked in a dynamic library that was already unloaded. return; } if (m_status & CALLSTACK_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { // This call stack appears to be incomplete. Using StackWalk64 may be // more reliable. Report(L" HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting \"StackWalkMethod\"\n" L" in the vld.ini file to \"safe\" instead of \"fast\" may result in a more\n" L" complete stack trace.\n"); } IMAGEHLP_LINE64 sourceInfo = { 0 }; sourceInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64); BYTE symbolBuffer [sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE] = { 0 }; WCHAR callingModuleName [MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR lowerCaseName [MAX_PATH]; const size_t max_line_length = MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1; m_resolvedCapacity = m_size * max_line_length; m_resolved = new WCHAR[m_resolvedCapacity]; const size_t allocedBytes = m_resolvedCapacity * sizeof(WCHAR); ZeroMemory(m_resolved, allocedBytes); // Iterate through each frame in the call stack. for (UINT32 frame = 0; frame < m_size; frame++) { // Try to get the source file and line number associated with // this program counter address. SIZE_T programCounter = (*this)[frame]; g_symbolLock.Enter(); BOOL foundline = FALSE; DWORD displacement = 0; // It turns out that calls to SymGetLineFromAddrW64 may free the very memory we are scrutinizing here // in this method. If this is the case, m_Resolved will be null after SymGetLineFromAddrW64 returns. // When that happens there is nothing we can do except crash. DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymGetLineFromAddrW64\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); foundline = SymGetLineFromAddrW64(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement, &sourceInfo); assert(m_resolved != NULL); if (foundline && !showInternalFrames) { wcscpy_s(lowerCaseName, sourceInfo.FileName); _wcslwr_s(lowerCaseName, wcslen(lowerCaseName) + 1); if (isInternalModule(lowerCaseName)) { // Don't show frames in files internal to the heap. g_symbolLock.Leave(); continue; } } // Initialize structures passed to the symbol handler. SYMBOL_INFO* functionInfo = (SYMBOL_INFO*)&symbolBuffer; functionInfo->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); functionInfo->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_LENGTH; // Try to get the name of the function containing this program // counter address. DWORD64 displacement64 = 0; LPWSTR functionName; DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymFromAddrW\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); if (SymFromAddrW(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement64, functionInfo)) { functionName = functionInfo->Name; } else { // GetFormattedMessage( GetLastError() ); functionName = L"(Function name unavailable)"; displacement64 = 0; } g_symbolLock.Leave(); HMODULE hCallingModule = GetCallingModule(programCounter); LPWSTR moduleName = L"(Module name unavailable)"; if (hCallingModule && GetModuleFileName(hCallingModule, callingModuleName, _countof(callingModuleName)) > 0) { moduleName = wcsrchr(callingModuleName, L'\\'); if (moduleName == NULL) moduleName = wcsrchr(callingModuleName, L'/'); if (moduleName != NULL) moduleName++; else moduleName = callingModuleName; } // Use static here to increase performance, and avoid heap allocs. Hopefully this won't // prove to be an issue in thread safety. If it does, it will have to be simply non-static. static WCHAR stack_line[max_line_length] = L""; int NumChars = -1; // Display the current stack frame's information. if (foundline) { // Just truncate anything that is too long. if (displacement == 0) NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_line_length, _TRUNCATE, L" %s (%d): %s!%s\n", sourceInfo.FileName, sourceInfo.LineNumber, moduleName, functionName); else NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_line_length, _TRUNCATE, L" %s (%d): %s!%s + 0x%X bytes\n", sourceInfo.FileName, sourceInfo.LineNumber, moduleName, functionName, displacement); } else { if (displacement64 == 0) NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_line_length, _TRUNCATE, L" " ADDRESSFORMAT L" (File and line number not available): %s!%s\n", programCounter, moduleName, functionName); else NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_line_length, _TRUNCATE, L" " ADDRESSFORMAT L" (File and line number not available): %s!%s + 0x%X bytes\n", programCounter, moduleName, functionName, (DWORD)displacement64); } if (NumChars >= 0) { assert(m_resolved != NULL); m_resolvedLength += NumChars; wcsncat_s(m_resolved, m_resolvedCapacity, stack_line, NumChars); } } // end for loop }
// Resolve - Creates a nicely formatted rendition of the CallStack, including // symbolic information (function names and line numbers) if available. and // saves it for later retrieval. This is almost identical to Callstack::dump above. // // Note: The symbol handler must be initialized prior to calling this // function. // // - showInternalFrames (IN): If true, then all frames in the CallStack will be // dumped. Otherwise, frames internal to the heap will not be dumped. // // Return Value: // // None. // int CallStack::resolve(BOOL showInternalFrames) { if (m_resolved) { // already resolved, no need to do it again // resolving twice may report an incorrect module for the stack frames // if the memory was leaked in a dynamic library that was already unloaded. return 0; } if (m_status & CALLSTACK_STATUS_STARTUPCRT) { // there is no need to resolve a leak that will not be reported return 0; } if (m_status & CALLSTACK_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { // This call stack appears to be incomplete. Using StackWalk64 may be // more reliable. Report(L" HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting \"StackWalkMethod\"\n" L" in the vld.ini file to \"safe\" instead of \"fast\" may result in a more\n" L" complete stack trace.\n"); } int unresolvedFunctionsCount = 0; IMAGEHLP_LINE64 sourceInfo = { 0 }; sourceInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64); bool skipStartupLeaks = !!(g_vld.GetOptions() & VLD_OPT_SKIP_CRTSTARTUP_LEAKS); // Use static here to increase performance, and avoid heap allocs. // It's thread safe because of g_heapMapLock lock. static WCHAR stack_line[MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1] = L""; bool isPrevFrameInternal = false; bool isDynamicInitializer = false; DWORD NumChars = 0; CriticalSectionLocker<DbgHelp> locker(g_DbgHelp); const size_t max_line_length = MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1; m_resolvedCapacity = m_size * max_line_length; const size_t allocedBytes = m_resolvedCapacity * sizeof(WCHAR); m_resolved = new WCHAR[m_resolvedCapacity]; if (m_resolved) { ZeroMemory(m_resolved, allocedBytes); } // Iterate through each frame in the call stack. for (UINT32 frame = 0; frame < m_size; frame++) { // Try to get the source file and line number associated with // this program counter address. SIZE_T programCounter = (*this)[frame]; DWORD displacement = 0; // It turns out that calls to SymGetLineFromAddrW64 may free the very memory we are scrutinizing here // in this method. If this is the case, m_Resolved will be null after SymGetLineFromAddrW64 returns. // When that happens there is nothing we can do except crash. DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymGetLineFromAddrW64\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); BOOL foundline = g_DbgHelp.SymGetLineFromAddrW64(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement, &sourceInfo, locker); if (skipStartupLeaks && foundline && !isDynamicInitializer && !(m_status & CALLSTACK_STATUS_NOTSTARTUPCRT) && isCrtStartupModule(sourceInfo.FileName)) { m_status |= CALLSTACK_STATUS_STARTUPCRT; delete[] m_resolved; m_resolved = NULL; m_resolvedCapacity = 0; m_resolvedLength = 0; return 0; } bool isFrameInternal = false; if (foundline && !showInternalFrames) { if (isInternalModule(sourceInfo.FileName)) { // Don't show frames in files internal to the heap. isFrameInternal = true; } } // show one allocation function for context if (NumChars > 0 && !isFrameInternal && isPrevFrameInternal) { m_resolvedLength += NumChars; if (m_resolved) { wcsncat_s(m_resolved, m_resolvedCapacity, stack_line, NumChars); } } isPrevFrameInternal = isFrameInternal; DWORD64 displacement64; BYTE symbolBuffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE]; LPCWSTR functionName = getFunctionName(programCounter, displacement64, (SYMBOL_INFO*)&symbolBuffer, locker); if (skipStartupLeaks && foundline && beginWith(functionName, wcslen(functionName), L"`dynamic initializer for '")) { isDynamicInitializer = true; } if (!foundline) displacement = (DWORD)displacement64; NumChars = resolveFunction( programCounter, foundline ? &sourceInfo : NULL, displacement, functionName, stack_line, _countof( stack_line )); if (NumChars > 0 && !isFrameInternal) { m_resolvedLength += NumChars; if (m_resolved) { wcsncat_s(m_resolved, m_resolvedCapacity, stack_line, NumChars); } } } // end for loop m_status |= CALLSTACK_STATUS_NOTSTARTUPCRT; return unresolvedFunctionsCount; }
// dump - Dumps a nicely formatted rendition of the CallStack, including // symbolic information (function names and line numbers) if available. // // Note: The symbol handler must be initialized prior to calling this // function. // // - showinternalframes (IN): If true, then all frames in the CallStack will be // dumped. Otherwise, frames internal to the heap will not be dumped. // // Return Value: // // None. // void CallStack::dump(BOOL showInternalFrames, UINT start_frame) const { // The stack was dumped already if (m_resolved) { dumpResolved(); return; } if (m_status & CALLSTACK_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { // This call stack appears to be incomplete. Using StackWalk64 may be // more reliable. Report(L" HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting \"StackWalkMethod\"\n" L" in the vld.ini file to \"safe\" instead of \"fast\" may result in a more\n" L" complete stack trace.\n"); } IMAGEHLP_LINE64 sourceInfo = { 0 }; sourceInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64); BYTE symbolBuffer [sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE] = { 0 }; WCHAR lowerCaseName [MAX_PATH]; WCHAR callingModuleName [MAX_PATH]; const size_t max_size = MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1; // Iterate through each frame in the call stack. for (UINT32 frame = start_frame; frame < m_size; frame++) { // Try to get the source file and line number associated with // this program counter address. SIZE_T programCounter = (*this)[frame]; g_symbolLock.Enter(); BOOL foundline = FALSE; DWORD displacement = 0; DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymGetLineFromAddrW64\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); foundline = SymGetLineFromAddrW64(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement, &sourceInfo); if (foundline && !showInternalFrames) { wcscpy_s(lowerCaseName, sourceInfo.FileName); _wcslwr_s(lowerCaseName, wcslen(lowerCaseName) + 1); if (isInternalModule(lowerCaseName)) { // Don't show frames in files internal to the heap. g_symbolLock.Leave(); continue; } } // Initialize structures passed to the symbol handler. SYMBOL_INFO* functionInfo = (SYMBOL_INFO*)&symbolBuffer; functionInfo->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); functionInfo->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_LENGTH; // Try to get the name of the function containing this program // counter address. DWORD64 displacement64 = 0; LPWSTR functionName; DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymFromAddrW\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); if (SymFromAddrW(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement64, functionInfo)) { functionName = functionInfo->Name; } else { // GetFormattedMessage( GetLastError() ); functionName = L"(Function name unavailable)"; displacement64 = 0; } g_symbolLock.Leave(); HMODULE hCallingModule = GetCallingModule(programCounter); LPWSTR moduleName = L"(Module name unavailable)"; if (hCallingModule && GetModuleFileName(hCallingModule, callingModuleName, _countof(callingModuleName)) > 0) { moduleName = wcsrchr(callingModuleName, L'\\'); if (moduleName == NULL) moduleName = wcsrchr(callingModuleName, L'/'); if (moduleName != NULL) moduleName++; else moduleName = callingModuleName; } // Use static here to increase performance, and avoid heap allocs. Hopefully this won't // prove to be an issue in thread safety. If it does, it will have to be simply non-static. static WCHAR stack_line[MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1] = L""; int NumChars = -1; // Display the current stack frame's information. if (foundline) { if (displacement == 0) NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_size, _TRUNCATE, L" %s (%d): %s!%s\n", sourceInfo.FileName, sourceInfo.LineNumber, moduleName, functionName); else NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_size, _TRUNCATE, L" %s (%d): %s!%s + 0x%X bytes\n", sourceInfo.FileName, sourceInfo.LineNumber, moduleName, functionName, displacement); } else { if (displacement64 == 0) NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_size, _TRUNCATE, L" " ADDRESSFORMAT L" (File and line number not available): %s!%s\n", programCounter, moduleName, functionName); else NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_size, _TRUNCATE, L" " ADDRESSFORMAT L" (File and line number not available): %s!%s + 0x%X bytes\n", programCounter, moduleName, functionName, (DWORD)displacement64); } Print(stack_line); } }
// dump - Dumps a nicely formatted rendition of the CallStack, including // symbolic information (function names and line numbers) if available. // // Note: The symbol handler must be initialized prior to calling this // function. // // - showinternalframes (IN): If true, then all frames in the CallStack will be // dumped. Otherwise, frames internal to the heap will not be dumped. // // Return Value: // // None. // void CallStack::dump(BOOL showInternalFrames, UINT start_frame) const { // The stack was dumped already if (m_resolved) { dumpResolved(); return; } if (m_status & CALLSTACK_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { // This call stack appears to be incomplete. Using StackWalk64 may be // more reliable. Report(L" HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting \"StackWalkMethod\"\n" L" in the vld.ini file to \"safe\" instead of \"fast\" may result in a more\n" L" complete stack trace.\n"); } IMAGEHLP_LINE64 sourceInfo = { 0 }; sourceInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64); // Use static here to increase performance, and avoid heap allocs. // It's thread safe because of g_heapMapLock lock. static WCHAR stack_line[MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1] = L""; bool isPrevFrameInternal = false; CriticalSectionLocker<DbgHelp> locker(g_DbgHelp); // Iterate through each frame in the call stack. for (UINT32 frame = start_frame; frame < m_size; frame++) { // Try to get the source file and line number associated with // this program counter address. SIZE_T programCounter = (*this)[frame]; BOOL foundline = FALSE; DWORD displacement = 0; DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymGetLineFromAddrW64\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); foundline = g_DbgHelp.SymGetLineFromAddrW64(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement, &sourceInfo, locker); bool isFrameInternal = false; if (foundline && !showInternalFrames) { if (isInternalModule(sourceInfo.FileName)) { // Don't show frames in files internal to the heap. isFrameInternal = true; } } // show one allocation function for context if (!isFrameInternal && isPrevFrameInternal) Print(stack_line); isPrevFrameInternal = isFrameInternal; DWORD64 displacement64; BYTE symbolBuffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE]; LPCWSTR functionName = getFunctionName(programCounter, displacement64, (SYMBOL_INFO*)&symbolBuffer, locker); if (!foundline) displacement = (DWORD)displacement64; DWORD NumChars = resolveFunction(programCounter, foundline ? &sourceInfo : NULL, displacement, functionName, stack_line, _countof(stack_line)); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(NumChars); if (!isFrameInternal) Print(stack_line); } }