예제 #1
// Determine the type of data in the cell
int EditDialog::checkDataType(const QByteArray& data)
    QByteArray cellData = data;

    // Check for NULL data type
    if (cellData.isNull()) {
        return Null;

    // Check if it's an image. First do a quick test by calling canRead() which only checks the first couple of bytes or so. Only if
    // that returned true, do a more sophisticated test of the data. This way we get both, good performance and proper data checking.
    QBuffer imageBuffer(&cellData);
    QImageReader readerBuffer(&imageBuffer);
    QString imageFormat = readerBuffer.format();
    if(readerBuffer.canRead() && !readerBuffer.read().isNull())
        return imageFormat == "svg" ? SVG : Image;

    // Check if it's text only
        QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(cellData);
        if (!jsonDoc.isNull())
            return JSON;
            return Text;

    // It's none of the above, so treat it as general binary data
    return Binary;
bool SqliteTableModel::nosync_isBinary(const QModelIndex& index) const
        return false;

    const auto & cached_row = m_cache.at(index.row());

    return !isTextOnly(cached_row.at(index.column()), m_encoding, true);
void NSRPopplerDocument::renderPage(int page)
	double dpix, dpiy;

	if (_doc == NULL || page > getNumberOfPages() || page < 1)

	_page = _catalog->getPage(page);

	if (isTextOnly()) {
		PDFRectangle	*rect;
		GooString	*text;
		TextOutputDev	*dev;

		dev = new TextOutputDev (0, gFalse, gFalse, gFalse);

		_doc->displayPageSlice(dev, _page->getNum(), 72, 72, 0, gFalse, gTrue, gFalse, -1, -1, -1, -1);

		rect = _page->getCropBox();
		text = dev->getText(rect->x1, rect->y1, rect->x2, rect->y2);
		_text = processText(QString::fromUtf8(text->getCString()));

		delete text;
		delete dev;
		_readyForLoad = true;


	if (isZoomToWidth()) {
		double wZoom = ((double) getScreenWidth() / (double) _page->getCropWidth() * 100.0);
		setZoomSilent((int) wZoom);

	if (getZoom() > getMaxZoom())
		setZoomSilent (getMaxZoom());
	else if (getZoom() < getMinZoom())
		setZoomSilent (getMinZoom());

	if (_readyForLoad)
		_dev->startPage(0, NULL);

	dpix = _dpix * getZoom() / 100.0;
	dpiy = _dpiy * getZoom() / 100.0;

	_page->display(_dev, dpix, dpiy, getRotation(), gFalse, gFalse, gTrue, _catalog);

	_readyForLoad = true;