예제 #1
// All purpose function to check is spot is free for travel into.
bool is_blocked(location to_check) {
	short i,gr;
	ter_num_t ter;
	if(is_out()) {
		if(impassable(univ.out[to_check.x][to_check.y])) {
			return true;
		if(to_check == univ.party.p_loc)
			return true;
		for(i = 0; i < univ.party.out_c.size(); i++)
				if(univ.party.out_c[i].m_loc == to_check)
					return true;
		return false;
	if((is_town()) || (is_combat())) {
		ter = univ.town->terrain(to_check.x,to_check.y);
		gr = univ.scenario.ter_types[ter].picture;
		// Terrain blocking?
		if(impassable(ter)) {
			return true;
		// Keep away from marked specials during combat
		if((is_combat()) && univ.town.is_spot(to_check.x, to_check.y))
			return true;
		if((is_combat()) && (univ.scenario.ter_types[coord_to_ter(to_check.x,to_check.y)].trim_type == eTrimType::CITY))
			return true; // TODO: Maybe replace eTrimType::CITY with a blockage == clear/special && is_special() check
		// Note: The purpose of the above check is to avoid portals.
		// Party there?
			if(to_check == univ.town.p_loc)
				return true;
			for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
				if(univ.party[i].main_status == eMainStatus::ALIVE && to_check == univ.party[i].combat_pos)
					return true;
		// Monster there?
		if(univ.target_there(to_check, TARG_MONST))
			return true;
		// Magic barrier?
			return true;
			return true;
		return false;
	return true;
예제 #2
// Looks at all spaces within 2, looking for a spot which is clear of nastiness and beings
// returns {0,0} if none found
location find_clear_spot(location from_where,short mode)
//mode; // 0 - normal  1 - prefer adjacent space
	location loc,store_loc;
	short num_tries = 0,r1;
	while (num_tries < 75) {
		loc = from_where;
		r1 = get_ran(1,-2,2);
		loc.x = loc.x + r1;
		r1 = get_ran(1,-2,2);
		loc.y = loc.y + r1;
		if ((loc_off_act_area(loc) == false) && (is_blocked(loc) == false)
			&& (can_see(from_where,loc,1) == 0)
			&& (!(is_combat()) || (pc_there(loc) == 6))
			&& (!(is_town()) || (loc != univ.town.p_loc))
			 && (!(univ.town.misc_i(loc.x,loc.y) & 248)) && // check for crate, barrel, barrier, quickfire
			(!(univ.town.explored(loc.x,loc.y) & 254))) { // check for fields, clouds
				if ((mode == 0) || ((mode == 1) && (adjacent(from_where,loc) == true)))
					return loc;
					else store_loc = loc;			
	return store_loc;
예제 #3
bool combat_move_monster(short which,location destination)

	if (monst_can_be_there(destination,which) == false)
		return false;
		else if (monst_check_special_terrain(destination,2,which) == false)
		return false;
			else {
				univ.town.monst[which].direction = 
				  set_direction(univ.town.monst[which].cur_loc, destination);
				univ.town.monst[which].cur_loc = destination;

				if (point_onscreen(destination,center) == true) {
					if (is_combat())
						  	(short) univ.town.monst[which].ap);
						else move_sound(univ.town->terrain(destination.x,destination.y),
					  	(short) univ.town.monst[which].ap);
				return true;
	return false;
예제 #4
short sight_obscurity(short x,short y) {
	ter_num_t what_terrain;
	short store;
	what_terrain = coord_to_ter(x,y);
	// TODO: This should not be hard-coded!
	// It appears to refer to mountain cave entrances, surface tower, and surface pit. (WHY?)
	if((what_terrain >= 237) && (what_terrain <= 242))
		return 1;
	store = get_blockage(what_terrain);
	if(is_town()) {
	if((is_town()) || (is_combat())) {
			store += 2;
		if((univ.town.is_fire_barr(x,y)) || (univ.town.is_force_barr(x,y)))
			return 5;
		if(univ.town.is_crate(x,y) || univ.town.is_barrel(x,y) || univ.town.is_block(x,y))
	return store;
예제 #5
void apply_unseen_mask()
	Rect base_rect = {9,9,53,45},to_rect,big_to = {13,13,337,265};
	GrafPtr old_port;
	short i,j,k,l;
	ConstPatternParam c;
	bool need_bother = false;
	if (PSD[SDF_NO_FRILLS] > 0)

	if ((is_combat()) && (which_combat_type == 0))
	if (!(is_out()) && (univ.town->lighting_type > 0))
	for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 11; j++) 
			if (unexplored_area[i + 1][j + 1] == 1)
				need_bother = true;
	if (need_bother == false)
	//p = *bw_pats[3];
	//c = p;
	c = *bw_pats[3];
	for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 11; j++) 
			if (unexplored_area[i + 1][j + 1] == 1) {

					to_rect = base_rect;
					OffsetRect(&to_rect,-28 + i * 28,-36 + 36 * j);
					for (k = i - 2; k < i + 1; k++)
						for (l = j - 2; l < j + 1; l++)
							if ((k >= 0) && (l >= 0) && (k < 9) && (l < 9) && ((k != i - 1) || (l != j - 1)))
								terrain_there[k][l] = -1;

	//p = *bw_pats[6];
	//c = p;
	c = *bw_pats[6];
예제 #6
short light_radius() {
	short store = 1,i;
	short extra_levels[6] = {10,20,50,75,110,140};
	if(((which_combat_type == 0) && (is_combat()))
		|| (is_out()) || (univ.town->lighting_type == 0))
		return 200;
	for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		if(univ.party.light_level > extra_levels[i])
	return store;
예제 #7
// TODO: What on earth is this and why does it mangle the blockage?
// NOTE: Seems to return 5 for "blocks sight", 1 for "obstructs missiles", 0 otherwise
// So it should probably be called something like "get_opacity" instead.
short get_blockage(ter_num_t terrain_type) {
	// little kludgy in here for pits
	if((terrain_type == 90) && (is_combat()) && (which_combat_type == 0))
		return 5;
	if(univ.scenario.ter_types[terrain_type].blockage == eTerObstruct::BLOCK_MOVE_AND_SIGHT ||
	   univ.scenario.ter_types[terrain_type].blockage == eTerObstruct::BLOCK_SIGHT)
		return 5;
	else if(univ.scenario.ter_types[terrain_type].blockage == eTerObstruct::BLOCK_MOVE_AND_SHOOT)
		return 1;
	else {
		return 0;
예제 #8
bool monst_check_special_terrain(location where_check,short mode,short which_monst)
//mode; // 1 - town 2 - combat
	ter_num_t ter = 0;
	short r1,i,guts = 0;
	bool can_enter = true,mage = false;
	location from_loc,to_loc;
	bool do_look = false; // If becomes true, terrain changed, so need to update what party sees
	cCreature *which_m;
	short ter_abil;
	unsigned short ter_flag;
	from_loc = univ.town.monst[which_monst].cur_loc;
	switch (mode) {	
		case 1:
			ter = univ.town->terrain(where_check.x,where_check.y);
		case 2:
			ter = combat_terrain[where_check.x][where_check.y];
	which_m = &univ.town.monst[which_monst];
	ter_abil = scenario.ter_types[ter].special;
	ter_flag = scenario.ter_types[ter].flag3.u;
		if ((mode > 0) && (ter_abil == TER_SPEC_CONVEYOR)) {
			if (
				((ter_flag == DIR_N) && (where_check.y > from_loc.y)) ||
				((ter_flag == DIR_E) && (where_check.x < from_loc.x)) ||
				((ter_flag == DIR_S) && (where_check.y < from_loc.y)) ||
				((ter_flag == DIR_W) && (where_check.x > from_loc.x)) ) {
					return false;

	// begin determining guts, which determines how enthused the monst is about entering
	// nasty barriers
	if ((which_m->mu > 0) || (which_m->cl > 0))
		mage = true;
	if (which_m->spec_skill == 13)
		guts = 20;
		else guts = get_ran(1,1,(which_m->level / 2));
	guts += which_m->health / 20;
	if (mage == true)
		guts = guts / 2;
	if (which_m->attitude == 0)
		guts = guts / 2;
	if ((univ.town.is_antimagic(where_check.x,where_check.y)) && (mage == true))
		return false;
	if ((univ.town.is_fire_wall(where_check.x,where_check.y)) && (which_m->spec_skill != 22)) {
			if (guts < 3) return false;
	if (univ.town.is_force_wall(where_check.x,where_check.y)) {
			if (guts < 4) return false;
	if ((univ.town.is_ice_wall(where_check.x,where_check.y)) && (which_m->spec_skill != 23)) {
			if (guts < 5) return false;
	if (univ.town.is_sleep_cloud(where_check.x,where_check.y)) {
			if (guts < 8) return false;
	if (univ.town.is_blade_wall(where_check.x,where_check.y)) {
			if (guts < 8) return false;
	if (univ.town.is_quickfire(where_check.x,where_check.y)) {
			if (guts < 8) return false;
	if (univ.town.is_scloud(where_check.x,where_check.y)) {
		if (guts < 4) return false;
	if ((univ.town.is_web(where_check.x,where_check.y)) && (which_m->m_type != 12)) {
		if (guts < 3) return false;
	if (univ.town.is_fire_barr(where_check.x,where_check.y)) {
		if ((which_m->attitude % 2 == 1) && (get_ran(1,1,100) < (which_m->mu * 10 + which_m->cl * 4))) {
			add_string_to_buf("Monster breaks barrier.");
			else {
				if (guts < 6) return false;
				r1 = get_ran(1,0,10);
				if ((r1 < 8) || (monster_placid(which_monst)))
					can_enter = false;
	if (univ.town.is_force_barr(where_check.x,where_check.y)) { /// Not in big towns
		if ((which_m->attitude % 2 == 1) && (get_ran(1,1,100) < (which_m->mu * 10 + which_m->cl * 4))
			&& (!univ.town->strong_barriers)) {
			add_string_to_buf("Monster breaks barrier.");
			else can_enter = false;
	if (univ.town.is_crate(where_check.x,where_check.y)) {
		if (monster_placid(which_monst))
			can_enter = false;
			else {
				to_loc = push_loc(from_loc,where_check);
				univ.town.set_crate((short) where_check.x,(short) where_check.y,false);
				if (to_loc.x > 0)
					univ.town.set_crate((short) to_loc.x,(short) to_loc.y, true);
				for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOWN_ITEMS; i++)
					if ((univ.town.items[i].variety > 0) && (univ.town.items[i].item_loc == where_check)
					 && (univ.town.items[i].contained))
			 			univ.town.items[i].item_loc = to_loc;
	if (univ.town.is_barrel(where_check.x,where_check.y)) {
		if (monster_placid(which_monst))
			can_enter = false;
			else {
				to_loc = push_loc(from_loc,where_check);
				univ.town.set_barrel((short) where_check.x,(short) where_check.y,false);
				if (to_loc.x > 0)
				    	univ.town.set_barrel((short) to_loc.x,(short) to_loc.y,true);
				for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOWN_ITEMS; i++)
					if ((univ.town.items[i].variety > 0) && (univ.town.items[i].item_loc == where_check)
					 && (univ.town.items[i].contained))
			 			univ.town.items[i].item_loc = to_loc;
	if (monster_placid(which_monst) && // monsters don't hop into bed when things are calm
		(scenario.ter_types[ter].special == TER_SPEC_BED))
				can_enter = false;
	if (mode == 1 && univ.town.is_spot(where_check.x, where_check.y))
		can_enter = false;
	if (ter == 90) {
			if ((is_combat()) && (which_combat_type == 0)) {
				univ.town.monst[which_monst].active = 0;
				add_string_to_buf("Monster escaped! ");
			return false;
	switch (ter_abil) {
		// changing ter
			can_enter = false;
			if (!(monster_placid(which_monst))) {
				univ.town->terrain(where_check.x,where_check.y) = scenario.ter_types[ter].flag1.u;
				combat_terrain[where_check.x][where_check.y] = scenario.ter_types[ter].flag1.u;
				do_look = true;
				if (point_onscreen(center,where_check))

			can_enter = false;
		case TER_SPEC_DAMAGING: // TODO: Update this to check other cases
			if (ter_flag == DAMAGE_FIRE && univ.town.monst[which_monst].immunities & 8)
				return true;
				else return false;

	// Action may change terrain, so update what's been seen
	if (do_look == true) {
		if (is_town())
		if (is_combat())
			for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
				if (univ.party[i].main_status == 1)
	return can_enter;
예제 #9
short switch_target_to_adjacent(short which_m,short orig_target)
	location monst_loc;
	short i,num_adj = 0;
	monst_loc = univ.town.monst[which_m].cur_loc;

	// First, take care of friendly monsters.
	if (univ.town.monst[which_m].attitude % 2 == 0) {
		if (orig_target >= 100)
			if ((univ.town.monst[orig_target - 100].active > 0) &&
			 (monst_adjacent(univ.town.monst[orig_target - 100].cur_loc,which_m) == true))
				return orig_target;
		for (i = 0; i < univ.town->max_monst(); i++)
			if ((univ.town.monst[i].active > 0) &&
			 (univ.town.monst[i].attitude % 2 == 1) &&
			 (monst_adjacent(univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc,which_m) == true))
				return i + 100;
		return orig_target;

	// If we get here while in town, just need to check if switch to pc
	if ((is_town()) && (monst_adjacent(univ.town.p_loc,which_m) == true))
		return 0;
	if (is_town())
		return orig_target;
	// If target is already adjacent, we're done here.
	if ((is_combat()) && (orig_target < 6))
		if ((univ.party[orig_target].main_status == 1) && (monst_adjacent(pc_pos[orig_target],which_m) == true))
			return orig_target;
	if (orig_target >= 100)
		if ((univ.town.monst[orig_target - 100].active > 0) &&
		 (monst_adjacent(univ.town.monst[orig_target - 100].cur_loc,which_m) == true))
			return orig_target;
	// Anyone unarmored? Heh heh heh...
	if (is_combat())
		for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
			if ((univ.party[i].main_status == 1) && (monst_adjacent(pc_pos[i],which_m) == true) && 
			 (get_encumberance(i) < 2))
		 		return i; 

	// Check for a nice, adjacent, friendly monster and maybe attack
	for (i = 0; i < univ.town->max_monst(); i++)
		if ((univ.town.monst[i].active > 0) &&
		 (univ.town.monst[i].attitude % 2 == 0) &&
		 (monst_adjacent(univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc,which_m) == true) &&
		 (get_ran(1,0,2) < 2))
			return i + 100;

	// OK. Now if this monster has PCs adjacent, pick one at randomn and hack. Otherwise,
	// stick with orig. target.
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		if ((univ.party[i].main_status == 1) && (monst_adjacent(pc_pos[i],which_m) == true)) 

	if (num_adj == 0)	
		return orig_target;
	i = 0;
	num_adj = get_ran(1,1,num_adj);
	while ((num_adj > 1) || (univ.party[i].main_status != 1) || (monst_adjacent(pc_pos[i],which_m) == false)) {
		if ((univ.party[i].main_status == 1) && (monst_adjacent(pc_pos[i],which_m) == true)) 
	return i;
예제 #10
short monst_pick_target(short which_m)
	cCreature *cur_monst;
	short targ_pc,targ_m;

	cur_monst = &univ.town.monst[which_m];

	// First, any chance target is screwed?
	if (univ.town.monst[which_m].target >= 100) {
	if (((cur_monst->attitude % 2 == 1) && 
		(univ.town.monst[univ.town.monst[which_m].target - 100].attitude == cur_monst->attitude)) ||
		((cur_monst->attitude % 2 == 0) && (univ.town.monst[univ.town.monst[which_m].target - 100].attitude % 2 == 0)))
			univ.town.monst[which_m].target = 6;
			else if (univ.town.monst[univ.town.monst[which_m].target - 100].active == 0)
				univ.town.monst[which_m].target = 6;
	if (univ.town.monst[which_m].target < 6) 
		if ((univ.party[univ.town.monst[which_m].target].main_status != 1) || (get_ran(1,0,3) == 1))
			univ.town.monst[which_m].target = 6;		
	if ((is_combat()) && (cur_monst->attitude % 2 == 1)) {
		if (spell_caster < 6)
			if ((get_ran(1,1,5) < 5) && (monst_can_see(which_m,pc_pos[spell_caster]) == true)
					&& (univ.party[spell_caster].main_status == 1)) 
						return spell_caster;
		if (missile_firer < 6)
			if ((get_ran(1,1,5) < 3) && (monst_can_see(which_m,pc_pos[missile_firer]) == true)
				&& (univ.party[missile_firer].main_status == 1)) 
					return missile_firer;
		if (univ.town.monst[which_m].target < 6)
			if ((monst_can_see(which_m,pc_pos[univ.town.monst[which_m].target]) == true)
				&& (univ.party[univ.town.monst[which_m].target].main_status == 1)) 
					return univ.town.monst[which_m].target;

//	if (monst_target[which_m] >= 100) {
//		if ((can_see(cur_monst->m_loc,univ.town.monst[monst_target[which_m] - 100].m_loc,0) < 4)
//			&& (univ.town.monst[monst_target[which_m] - 100].active > 0)) 
//				return monst_target[which_m];
//		}
	// Now pick a target pc and a target monst and see which is more attractive
	targ_pc = monst_pick_target_pc(which_m,cur_monst);
	targ_m = monst_pick_target_monst(cur_monst);
	if ((targ_pc != 6) && (targ_m == 6))
		return targ_pc;
	if ((targ_pc == 6) && (targ_m != 6))
		return targ_m;
	if ((targ_pc == 6) && (targ_m == 6))
		return 6;
	if (is_town()) {
		if (cur_monst->attitude % 2 == 0) {
			return targ_m;
		if ((targ_m == 6) && (cur_monst->attitude % 2 == 1))
			return 0;
		if (dist(cur_monst->cur_loc,univ.town.monst[targ_m - 100].cur_loc) <
				return targ_m;
				else return 0;
	// Otherwise we're in combat
	if ((dist(cur_monst->cur_loc,univ.town.monst[targ_m - 100].cur_loc) ==
		dist(cur_monst->cur_loc,pc_pos[targ_pc])) && (get_ran(1,0,6) < 3))
			return targ_m;
			else return targ_pc;
	if (dist(cur_monst->cur_loc,univ.town.monst[targ_m - 100].cur_loc) <
			return targ_m;
			else return targ_pc;

예제 #11
void draw_party_symbol(location center) {
	rectangle source_rect;
	location target(4,4);
	short i = 0;
	if((is_town()) && (univ.town.p_loc.x > 70))
	if(overall_mode == MODE_LOOK_TOWN || cartoon_happening) {
		target.x += univ.town.p_loc.x - center.x;
		target.y += univ.town.p_loc.y - center.y;
	if((univ.party.in_boat < 0) && (univ.party.in_horse < 0)) {
		i = first_active_pc();
		sf::Texture* from_gw;
		pic_num_t pic = univ.party[i].which_graphic;
		if(pic >= 1000) {
			bool isParty = pic >= 10000;
			pic_num_t need_pic = pic % 1000;
			if(univ.party.direction >= 4)
			graf_pos_ref(from_gw, source_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(need_pic, isParty);
		} else if(pic >= 100) {
			// Note that we assume it's a 1x1 graphic.
			// PCs can't be larger than that, but we leave it to the scenario designer to avoid assigning larger graphics.
			pic_num_t need_pic = pic - 100;
			int mode = 0;
			if(univ.party.direction >= 4)
			source_rect = get_monster_template_rect(need_pic, mode, 0);
			int which_sheet = m_pic_index[need_pic].i / 20;
			from_gw = ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("monst" + std::to_string(1 + which_sheet)).get();
		} else {
			source_rect = calc_rect(2 * (pic / 8), pic % 8);
			if(univ.party.direction >= 4)
			from_gw = ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("pcs").get();
		ter_num_t ter = 0;
			ter = univ.out[univ.party.p_loc.x][univ.party.p_loc.y];
		else if(is_town() || is_combat())
			ter = univ.town->terrain(univ.town.p_loc.x,univ.town.p_loc.y);
		// now wedge in bed graphic
		if(is_town() && univ.scenario.ter_types[ter].special == eTerSpec::BED)
			draw_one_terrain_spot((short) target.x,(short) target.y,10000 + univ.scenario.ter_types[ter].flag1);
		else Draw_Some_Item(*from_gw, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld, target, 1, 0);
	else if(univ.party.in_boat >= 0) {
		if(univ.party.direction == DIR_N) i = 2;
		else if(univ.party.direction == DIR_S) i = 3;
		else i = univ.party.direction > DIR_S;
		Draw_Some_Item(*ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("vehicle"), calc_rect(i,0), terrain_screen_gworld, target, 1, 0);
	}else {
		i = univ.party.direction > 3;
		Draw_Some_Item(*ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("vehicle"), calc_rect(i + 2, 1), terrain_screen_gworld, target, 1, 0);
예제 #12
void draw_monsters() {
	short i,j = 0,k;
	short width,height;
	rectangle source_rect,to_rect;
	location where_draw,store_loc;
	ter_num_t ter;
	rectangle monst_rects[4][4] = {
		for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
			if(univ.party.out_c[i].exists) {
				if((point_onscreen(univ.party.p_loc, univ.party.out_c[i].m_loc)) &&
					(can_see_light(univ.party.p_loc, univ.party.out_c[i].m_loc,sight_obscurity) < 5)) {
					where_draw.x = univ.party.out_c[i].m_loc.x - univ.party.p_loc.x + 4;
					where_draw.y = univ.party.out_c[i].m_loc.y - univ.party.p_loc.y + 4;
					for(j = 0; univ.party.out_c[i].what_monst.monst[j] == 0 && j < 7; j++);
					short picture_wanted;
					if(j == 7) univ.party.out_c[i].exists = false; // begin watch out
					else {
						picture_wanted = get_monst_picnum(univ.party.out_c[i].what_monst.monst[j]);
					} // end watch out
					if(univ.party.out_c[i].exists) {
						if(picture_wanted >= 1000) {
							for(k = 0; k < width * height; k++) {
								sf::Texture* src_gw;
								graf_pos_ref(src_gw, source_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(picture_wanted % 1000 +
																							 ((univ.party.out_c[i].direction < 4) ? 0 : (width * height)) + k);
								to_rect = monst_rects[(width - 1) * 2 + height - 1][k];
								to_rect.offset(13 + 28 * where_draw.x,13 + 36 * where_draw.y);
								rect_draw_some_item(*src_gw, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld,to_rect, sf::BlendAlpha);
						if(picture_wanted < 1000) {
							for(k = 0; k < width * height; k++) {
								source_rect = get_monster_template_rect(picture_wanted,(univ.party.out_c[i].direction < 4) ? 0 : 1,k);
								to_rect = monst_rects[(width - 1) * 2 + height - 1][k];
								to_rect.offset(13 + 28 * where_draw.x,13 + 36 * where_draw.y);
								int which_sheet = m_pic_index[picture_wanted].i / 20;
								sf::Texture& monst_gworld = *ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("monst" + std::to_string(1 + which_sheet));
								rect_draw_some_item(monst_gworld, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld,to_rect, sf::BlendAlpha);
	if(is_town() || is_combat()) {
		for(i = 0; i < univ.town.monst.size(); i++)
			if(univ.town.monst[i].active != 0 && !univ.town.monst[i].invisible && univ.town.monst[i].status[eStatus::INVISIBLE] <= 0)
				if(point_onscreen(center,univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc) && party_can_see_monst(i)) {
					where_draw.x = univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc.x - center.x + 4;
					where_draw.y = univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc.y - center.y + 4;
					for(k = 0; k < width * height; k++) {
						store_loc = where_draw;
						store_loc.x += k % width;
						store_loc.y += k / width;
						ter = univ.town->terrain(univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc.x,univ.town.monst[i].cur_loc.y);
						// in bed?
						if(store_loc.x >= 0 && store_loc.x < 9 && store_loc.y >= 0 && store_loc.y < 9 &&
						   (univ.scenario.ter_types[ter].special == eTerSpec::BED) && isHumanoid(univ.town.monst[i].m_type)
						   && (univ.town.monst[i].active == 1 || univ.town.monst[i].target == 6) &&
						   width == 1 && height == 1)
							draw_one_terrain_spot((short) where_draw.x,(short) where_draw.y,10000 + univ.scenario.ter_types[ter].flag1);
						else if(univ.town.monst[i].picture_num >= 1000) {
							bool isParty = univ.town.monst[i].picture_num >= 10000;
							sf::Texture* src_gw;
							pic_num_t need_pic = (univ.town.monst[i].picture_num % 1000) + k;
							if(univ.town.monst[i].direction >= 4) need_pic += width * height;
							if(combat_posing_monster == i + 100) need_pic += (2 * width * height);
							graf_pos_ref(src_gw, source_rect) = spec_scen_g.find_graphic(need_pic, isParty);
							Draw_Some_Item(*src_gw, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld, store_loc, 1, 0);
						} else {
							pic_num_t this_monst = univ.town.monst[i].picture_num;
							int pic_mode = (univ.town.monst[i].direction) < 4 ? 0 : 1;
							pic_mode += (combat_posing_monster == i + 100) ? 10 : 0;
							source_rect = get_monster_template_rect(this_monst, pic_mode, k);
							int which_sheet = m_pic_index[this_monst].i / 20;
							sf::Texture& monst_gworld = *ResMgr::get<ImageRsrc>("monst" + std::to_string(1 + which_sheet));
							Draw_Some_Item(monst_gworld, source_rect, terrain_screen_gworld, store_loc, 1, 0);
예제 #13
short can_see_light(location p1, location p2, std::function<short(short,short)> get_obscurity) {
	if(is_combat() && !combat_pt_in_light(p2)) return 6;
	else if(is_town() && !pt_in_light(p1,p2)) return 6;
	return can_see(p1, p2, get_obscurity);
예제 #14
void pc_record_type::equipItem(short item_num)
	short num_equipped_of_this_type = 0;
	short num_hands_occupied = 0;
	short i;
	short equip_item_type = 0;

    //the next check didn't allow food to be equipped in combat mode... leftover from Exile 1-2-3 ?
	/*if ((overall_mode == MODE_COMBAT) && (items[item_num].variety == ITEM_TYPE_FOOD))
		add_string_to_buf("Equip: Not in combat");
	else {*/
		// unequip
	if (equip[item_num] == true) {
		if ((equip[item_num] == true) &&
			add_string_to_buf("Equip: Item is cursed.           ");
  			else {
				equip[item_num] = false;
				add_string_to_buf("Equip: Unequipped");
				if ((weap_poisoned == item_num) && (status[STATUS_POISONED_WEAPON] > 0)) {
						add_string_to_buf("  Poison lost.           ");
						status[STATUS_POISONED_WEAPON] = 0;

	else {  // equip
		if (equippable[items[item_num].variety] == false)
			add_string_to_buf("Equip: Can't equip this item.");
				else {
					for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
						if (equip[i] == true) {
							if (items[i].variety == items[item_num].variety)
							num_hands_occupied = num_hands_occupied + num_hands_to_use[items[i].variety];

					equip_item_type = excluding_types[items[item_num].variety];
					// Now if missile is already equipped, no more missiles
					if (equip_item_type > 0) {
						for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
							if ((equip[i] == true) && (excluding_types[items[i].variety] == equip_item_type)) {
								add_string_to_buf("Equip: You have something of");
								add_string_to_buf("  this type equipped.");

					if ((is_combat()) && (items[item_num].variety == ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR))
						add_string_to_buf("Equip: Not armor in combat");
						else if ((2 - num_hands_occupied) < num_hands_to_use[items[item_num].variety])
							add_string_to_buf("Equip: Not enough free hands");
							else if (num_that_can_equip[items[item_num].variety] <= num_equipped_of_this_type)
								add_string_to_buf("Equip: Can't equip another");
								else {
									equip[item_num] = true;
									add_string_to_buf("Equip: OK");


	if (stat_window == getNum())