void fire_delegate_operation::evaluate( transaction_evaluation_state& eval_state )
   { try {
       auto delegate_record = eval_state._current_state->get_account_record( this->delegate_id );
       if( !delegate_record ) FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( unknown_account_id, (delegate_id) );
       if( !delegate_record->is_delegate() ) FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( not_a_delegate, (delegate_record) );

       switch( (fire_delegate_operation::reason_type)this->reason )
          case fire_delegate_operation::multiple_blocks_signed:
             auto proof = fc::raw::unpack<multiple_block_proof>( this->data );

             FC_ASSERT( proof.first.id() != proof.second.id() );
             FC_ASSERT( proof.first.timestamp == proof.second.timestamp )
             FC_ASSERT( proof.first.signee() == proof.second.signee() )
             FC_ASSERT( proof.first.validate_signee( delegate_record->active_key() ) );

             // then fire the delegate
             // this maintains the invariant of total votes == total shares
             delegate_record->adjust_votes_against( delegate_record->votes_for() );
             delegate_record->adjust_votes_for( -delegate_record->votes_for() );
             eval_state._current_state->store_account_record( *delegate_record );
          case fire_delegate_operation::invalid_testimony:
             auto testimony = fc::raw::unpack<signed_delegate_testimony>( this->data );

             bool is_delegates_key = false;
             auto signee = testimony.signee();
             for( auto key : delegate_record->active_key_history )
                if( signee == key.second )
                   is_delegates_key = true;
             if( !is_delegates_key ) FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( not_a_delegate_signature, (signee)(delegate_record) );

             auto trx_loc = eval_state._current_state->get_transaction( testimony.transaction_id );
             // delegate said it was valid, but it is invalid
             if( !trx_loc && testimony.valid )
                delegate_record->adjust_votes_against( delegate_record->votes_for() );
                delegate_record->adjust_votes_for( -delegate_record->votes_for() );
                eval_state._current_state->store_account_record( *delegate_record );
                FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( invalid_fire_operation );
   } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (*this) ) }
예제 #2
   void transaction_evaluation_state::evaluate_deposit( const deposit_operation& op )
   { try {
       auto deposit_balance_id = op.balance_id();
       auto delegate_record = _current_state->get_name_record( op.condition.delegate_id );
       if( !delegate_record ) fail( BTS_INVALID_NAME_ID, fc::variant(op) );
       if( !delegate_record->is_delegate() ) fail( BTS_INVALID_DELEGATE_ID, fc::variant(op) );

       auto cur_record = _current_state->get_balance_record( deposit_balance_id );
       if( !cur_record )
          cur_record = balance_record( op.condition );
       cur_record->last_update   = _current_state->now();
       cur_record->balance       += op.amount;

       sub_balance( deposit_balance_id, asset(op.amount, cur_record->condition.asset_id) );
       if( cur_record->condition.asset_id == 0 ) 
          add_vote( cur_record->condition.delegate_id, op.amount );

       _current_state->store_balance_record( *cur_record );
   } FC_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS( warn, "", ("op",op) ) }
예제 #3
string pretty_block_list( const vector<block_record>& block_records, cptr client )
    if( block_records.empty() ) return "No blocks found.\n";
    FC_ASSERT( client != nullptr );

    std::stringstream out;
    out << std::left;

    out << std::setw(  8 ) << "HEIGHT";
    out << std::setw( 20 ) << "TIMESTAMP";
    out << std::setw( 32 ) << "SIGNING DELEGATE";
    out << std::setw(  8 ) << "# TXS";
    out << std::setw(  8 ) << "SIZE";
    out << std::setw( 16 ) << "TOTAL FEES";
    out << std::setw(  8 ) << "LATENCY";
    out << std::setw( 15 ) << "PROCESSING TIME";
    out << "\n";

    out << pretty_line( 115 );
    out << "\n";

    auto last_block_timestamp = block_records.front().timestamp;

    for( const auto& block_record : block_records )
        /* Print any missed slots */

        const bool descending = last_block_timestamp > block_record.timestamp;
        while( last_block_timestamp != block_record.timestamp )
            if( descending ) last_block_timestamp -= BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_BLOCK_INTERVAL_SEC;
            else last_block_timestamp += BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_BLOCK_INTERVAL_SEC;

            if( last_block_timestamp == block_record.timestamp ) break;

            out << std::setw(  8 ) << "MISSED";
            out << std::setw( 20 ) << pretty_timestamp( last_block_timestamp );

            const auto slot_record = client->get_chain()->get_slot_record( last_block_timestamp );
            FC_ASSERT( slot_record.valid() );
            const auto delegate_record = client->get_chain()->get_account_record( slot_record->block_producer_id );
            FC_ASSERT( delegate_record.valid() && delegate_record->is_delegate() );
            out << std::setw( 32 ) << pretty_shorten( delegate_record->name, 31 );

            out << std::setw(  8 ) << "N/A";
            out << std::setw(  8 ) << "N/A";
            out << std::setw( 16 ) << "N/A";
            out << std::setw(  8 ) << "N/A";
            out << std::setw( 15 ) << "N/A";
            out << '\n';

        /* Print produced block */

        out << std::setw(  8 ) << block_record.block_num;
        out << std::setw( 20 ) << pretty_timestamp( block_record.timestamp );

        const auto& delegate_name = client->blockchain_get_block_signee( block_record.block_num );

        out << std::setw( 32 );
        if( FILTER_OUTPUT_FOR_TESTS ) out << "[redacted]";
        else out << pretty_shorten( delegate_name, 31 );

        out << std::setw(  8 ) << block_record.user_transaction_ids.size();
        out << std::setw(  8 ) << block_record.block_size;
        out << std::setw( 16 ) << client->get_chain()->to_pretty_asset( asset( block_record.total_fees ) );

            out << std::setw(  8 ) << "[redacted]";
            out << std::setw( 15 ) << "[redacted]";
            out << std::setw(  8 ) << block_record.latency.to_seconds();
            out << std::setw( 15 ) << block_record.processing_time.count() / double( 1000000 );

        out << '\n';

    return out.str();
예제 #4
 share_type account_record::delegate_pay_rate()const
     if( is_delegate() ) return delegate_info->pay_rate;
     return -1;
예제 #5
 void account_record::adjust_votes_for( share_type delta )
     FC_ASSERT( is_delegate() );
     delegate_info->votes_for += delta;
예제 #6
 int64_t account_record::net_votes()const
     FC_ASSERT( is_delegate() );
     return delegate_info->votes_for;
예제 #7
 share_type votes_against()const 
    FC_ASSERT( is_delegate() );
    return delegate_info->votes_against;
예제 #8
 share_type votes_for()const 
    FC_ASSERT( is_delegate() );
    return delegate_info->votes_for;
예제 #9
 void adjust_votes_against( share_type delta )
    FC_ASSERT( is_delegate() );
    delegate_info->votes_against += delta;
예제 #10
 int64_t net_votes()const 
 {  // TODO: move to cpp
    FC_ASSERT( is_delegate() );
    return delegate_info->votes_for - delegate_info->votes_against; 
예제 #11
 share_type delegate_pay_balance()const
 { // TODO: move to cpp
    FC_ASSERT( is_delegate() );
    return delegate_info->pay_balance;