int main(void) { int del; iolib_init(); /* Initialize I/O library - required */ iolib_setdir(8,11, BBBIO_DIR_IN); /* Set pin P8 - 11 as input */ iolib_setdir(8,12, BBBIO_DIR_OUT); /* Set pin P8 - 12 as output */ int count = 0; while(count < 50) { count ++ ; if (is_high(8,11)) /* Check if in is high (i.e. button pressed) */ { del=100; /* fast speed */ } if (is_low(8,11)) /* Check if in is low (i.e button is released) */ { del=500; /* slow speed */ } pin_high(8,12); /* Set pin to high - LED on */ iolib_delay_ms(del); /* Delay for 'del' msec */ pin_low(8,12); /* Set pin to low - LED off */ iolib_delay_ms(del); /* Delay for 'del' msec */ } iolib_free(); /* Release I/O library prior to program exit - required */ return(0); }
int producerth2(void){ int count = 0; int flag=0; iolib_setdir(8,12, BBBIO_DIR_IN); /* Set pin P8 - 11 as input */ while(count < 10) { char l='R'; iolib_delay_ms(100); if (is_high(8,12)) /* Check if in is high (i.e. button pressed) */ { if (flag==1) { flag=0; enqueue(l,count+10); count++; continue; } else continue; } if (is_low(8,12)) /* Check if in is low (i.e button is released) */ { if (flag==0) { flag=1; } else continue; } } return 0; }
int main(void) { //timer0_init(); // timer 0 initialize SystemInit(); // system variables and state initialize timer1_init(); // timer 1 initialize PortInit(); // inputs and outputs initialize _delay_ms(500); start_Test(); _delay_ms(5000); while(1) { if(is_high(PINB,PB0)) { if(first_Pause == 0) { pause_Test(); first_Pause++; } } else { first_Pause= 0; RI_Test_1(); } } }
/* * Class: org_bulldog_beagleboneblack_jni_NativeGpio * Method: digitalRead * Signature: (II)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_bulldog_beagleboneblack_jni_NativeGpio_digitalRead (JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint port, jint pin) { if(is_high(port, pin)) { return 1; } return 0; }
//----------------------------------------------- int main(void) { int DebFlag =DEBOUNCING_BUTTON_UP; int DebCount = 0; iolib_init(); iolib_setdir(8,12, BBBIO_DIR_IN); iolib_setdir(8,11, BBBIO_DIR_IN); #ifdef DEBOUNCING BBBIO_sys_Enable_Debouncing(8 ,11 ,10); #else BBBIO_sys_Disable_Debouncing(8 ,11); #endif printf("OK\n"); int count = 0; int Test =0; while(Test <10) { count ++ ; if (is_high(8,11)) { DebFlag = DEBOUNCING_BUTTON_DOWN; } else { if(DebFlag == DEBOUNCING_BUTTON_DOWN) { DebCount ++ ; DebFlag = DEBOUNCING_BUTTON_UP ; } } if(count == 10000000) { printf("%d\n",DebCount); count =0; Test ++; } } BBBIO_sys_Disable_Debouncing(8 ,11); iolib_free(); printf("Release\n"); return(0); }
void NEXA::Receiver::recv(code_t& cmd) { uint32_t start, stop; int32_t bits = 0L; uint16_t us; uint16_t ix; do { // Wait for the start condition while (is_low()); stop = RTC::micros(); // Collect the samples; high followed by low pulse ix = 0; while (ix < IX_MAX) { // Capture length of high period start = stop; while (is_high()); stop = RTC::micros(); us = stop - start; if (us < LOW_THRESHOLD || us > HIGH_THRESHOLD) break; m_sample[ix & IX_MASK] = us; ix += 1; // Capture length of low period start = stop; while (is_low()); stop = RTC::micros(); us = stop - start; if (us < LOW_THRESHOLD || us > HIGH_THRESHOLD) break; m_sample[ix & IX_MASK] = us; ix += 1; // Decode every four samples to a code bit if ((ix & IX_MASK) == 0) { int8_t bit = decode_bit(); if (bit < 0) break; bits = (bits << 1) | bit; } } } while (ix != IX_MAX); m_code = bits; cmd = bits; }
int ADT7301_read() { int value = 0; int data_count =0; int i =0 ; pin_high(ADT7301_SCLK_PORT,ADT7301_SCLK_PIN); value =0; //set CS to 1 , why pin_low ? because CS in ADT7301 is inverse pin pin_low(ADT7301_CS_PORT,ADT7301_CS_PIN); //set DIN to 0 pin_low(ADT7301_DIN_PORT,ADT7301_DIN_PIN); //read temperature Data for(i=0;i<16;i++) { //generate half cycle(1) pin_low(ADT7301_SCLK_PORT ,ADT7301_SCLK_PIN); iolib_delay_ms(1); //generate half cycle(0) pin_high(ADT7301_SCLK_PORT,ADT7301_SCLK_PIN); iolib_delay_ms(1); value <<= 1 ; int get_value = is_high(ADT7301_DOUT_PORT,ADT7301_DOUT_PIN) ; value |= get_value; } //set CS to 1 pin_high(ADT7301_CS_PORT,ADT7301_CS_PIN); // return RAW value , this valuse is return value ; }
void *inputCheck(void *data) { // Variables to be assigned values extern int frequency[]; extern float amplitude[]; extern float timeDiv; extern int triggerLevel; extern int voltageDiv; extern int waveType[2]; extern int offset; extern int menu; extern int mode; //Stores latest value of buttons int latestValue[4]; //Stores previous values for buttons int previousValue[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; while (!gShouldStop) { //Handles Scroll Button Input if (is_high(scrollButton)) latestValue[0] = 1; else latestValue[0] = 0; //Cycles through menu if (latestValue[0] == 0 && previousValue[0] == 1) { if (mode == -1) { menu++; menu %= 3; memcpy(displayBuffer, &menuBuffer[menu], 1024); } } previousValue[0] = latestValue[0]; //Handles Select Button Input if (is_high(selectButton)) latestValue[1] = 1; else latestValue[1] = 0; if (latestValue[1] == 0 && previousValue[1] == 1) { //Selects menu or goes back to menu if (mode == -1) { if (menu == 0) { mode = 0; memcpy(displayBuffer, &oscilliscopeBuffer, 1024); } else if (menu == 1) { mode = 1; memcpy(displayBuffer, &signalGenBuffer, 1024); } else if (menu == 2) { mode = 2; memcpy(displayBuffer, &aboutBuffer, 1024); } } else { mode = -1; memcpy(displayBuffer, &menuBuffer[menu], 1024); } } previousValue[1] = latestValue[1]; //Handles Wave Type For Channel 1 or Offset for oscilloscope if (is_high(button1)) latestValue[2] = 1; else latestValue[2] = 0; if (latestValue[2] == 0 && previousValue[2] == 1) { if (mode == 1) { if (waveType[0] == 0) { waveType[0] = 1; drawCross(26, 57, 0); drawCross(58, 57, 1); } else if (waveType[0] == 1) { waveType[0] = 2; drawCross(26, 57, 0); drawCross(58, 57, 0); } else { waveType[0] = 0; drawCross(26, 57, 1); } } else if (mode == 0) { offset++; if (offset > 30) offset = 30; } } previousValue[2] = latestValue[2]; //Handles Wave Type For Channel 2 or Offset for oscilloscope if (is_high(button2)) latestValue[3] = 1; else latestValue[3] = 0; if (latestValue[3] == 0 && previousValue[3] == 1) { if (mode == 1) { if (waveType[1] == 0) { waveType[1] = 1; drawCross(89, 57, 0); drawCross(121, 57, 1); } else if (waveType[1] == 1) { waveType[1] = 2; drawCross(89, 57, 0); drawCross(121, 57, 0); } else { waveType[1] = 0; drawCross(89, 57, 1); } } else if (mode == 0) { offset--; if (offset < 1) offset = 1; } } previousValue[3] = latestValue[3]; //Retrieves 10 analouge samples BBBIO_work(10); //Averages the retrieved smaples int sampleAverage[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) { for (int m = 0; m < 5; m++) { sampleAverage[m] += analougeInputs[m][n]; } } for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) sampleAverage[n] /= 10; //End of averaging //checks if device in oscilliscope mode if (mode == 0) { triggerLevel = 1 + (sampleAverage[2] * (62 - 1) / 4096); // Normalises trigger level to between 1 and 62 voltageDiv = 1 + (sampleAverage[1] * (5 - 1) / 4096); // normalise to between 0 and 5 for voltage division sampleAverage[0] = (sampleAverage[0] * 6 / 4096); // normalise to between 0 and 6 for time divisions //10 pixels per division hence sampleSkip=sampleRate X timeDiv /10 switch (sampleAverage[0]) { case 0: timeDiv = 0.1; //0.1mS sampleSkip = 1; //0.96 break; case 1: timeDiv = 0.5; //0.5mS sampleSkip = 5; //4.8 break; case 2: timeDiv = 1; //1mS sampleSkip = 10; //9.6 break; case 3: timeDiv = 2; //2mS sampleSkip = 19; //19.2 break; case 4: timeDiv = 5; //5mS sampleSkip = 48; //48 break; case 5: timeDiv = 10; //10mS sampleSkip = 96; //96 break; } printf( "\rTime Div = %.1f mS, Voltage Div = %.2f v,TriggerLevel= %d ", timeDiv, (float) voltageDiv / 4, triggerLevel); fflush(stdout); //Checks if device in signal generator mode } else if (mode == 1) { frequency[0] = ((50 + (sampleAverage[3] * (20000 - 50) / 4096)) / 50 * 50); // normalise to 50-20000 and assigns to frequency1 frequency[1] = ((50 + (sampleAverage[4] * (20000 - 50) / 4096)) / 50 * 50); // normalise to 50-20000 and assigns to frequency2 drawNumber(18, 19, frequency[0], 4); drawNumber(82, 19, frequency[1], 4); amplitude[0] = (float) sampleAverage[1] / 4096; amplitude[1] = (float) sampleAverage[2] / 4096; drawNumber(42, 30, sampleAverage[1] * (100) / 4096, 1); drawNumber(106, 30, sampleAverage[2] * (100) / 4096, 1); } updateDisplay(); usleep(30000); } pthread_exit(NULL); }
/** * ww_calc_bounds * @screen: The screen for which to calculate the bounds * @struts: A list of %WnckWindow<!---->s that should be treated as * blocking elements on the desktop. Eg. panels and docks * @x: Return value for the left side of the bounding box * @y: Return value for the top of the box * @right: Return coordinate for the right side of the bounding box * @bottom: Return value for the bottom coordinate of the bounding box * * Calculate the maximal rect within a set of blocking windows. * For simplicity this method assumes that all struts are along the screen * edges and expand over the entire screen edge. Ie a standard panel setup. */ void ww_calc_bounds (WnckScreen *screen, GList *struts, int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) { GList *next; WnckWindow *win; int wx, wy, ww, wh; /* current window geom */ int edge_l, edge_t, edge_b, edge_r; int screen_w, screen_h; edge_l = 0; edge_t = 0; edge_r = wnck_screen_get_width (screen); edge_b = wnck_screen_get_height (screen); screen_w = edge_r; screen_h = edge_b; for (next = struts; next; next = next->next) { win = WNCK_WINDOW (next->data); wnck_window_get_geometry (win, &wx, &wy, &ww, &wh); /* Left side strut */ if (is_high(ww, wh) && wx == 0) { edge_l = MAX(edge_l, ww); } /* Top struct */ else if (is_broad(ww, wh) && wy == 0) { edge_t = MAX (edge_t, wh); } /* Right side strut */ else if (is_high(ww, wh) && (wx+ww) == screen_w) { edge_r = MIN(edge_r, wx); } /* Bottom struct */ else if (is_broad(ww, wh) && (wy+wh) == screen_h) { edge_b = MIN (edge_b, wy); } else { g_warning ("Desktop layout contains floating element at " "(%d, %d)@%dx%d", wx, wy, ww, wh); } } g_debug ("Calculated desktop bounds (%d, %d), (%d, %d)", edge_l, edge_t, edge_r, edge_b); *left = edge_l; *top = edge_t; *right = edge_r; *bottom = edge_b; }
int pin_get(int p) { return is_high(BANK,p); }
static bool test_allocate_ipv4_transport_address(void) { struct tuple client1tuple, client2tuple, client3tuple; struct in_addr client1addr4, client2addr4, client3addr4; struct tuple *sharing_client_tuple; struct in_addr *non_sharing_addr; struct ipv4_transport_addr result; struct host6_node *host6; unsigned int i = 0; bool success = true; if (is_error(init_ipv6_tuple(&client1tuple, "1::1", 60000, "64:ff9b::1", 60000, L4PROTO_UDP))) goto fail; if (is_error(init_ipv6_tuple(&client2tuple, "1::2", 60000, "64:ff9b::2", 60000, L4PROTO_UDP))) goto fail; if (is_error(init_ipv6_tuple(&client3tuple, "1::3", 60000, "64:ff9b::3", 60000, L4PROTO_UDP))) goto fail; log_debug("IPv6 client 1 arrives and makes 25 connections."); /* * Because it's the same IPv6 client, all of those connections should be masked with the same * IPv4 address. This minimizes confusion from remote IPv4 hosts. */ client1tuple.src.addr6.l4 = 65511; if (!test_allocate_aux(&client1tuple, NULL, &client1addr4, true)) goto fail; for (i = 65512; i < 65536; i++) { client1tuple.src.addr6.l4 = i; if (!test_allocate_aux(&client1tuple, &client1addr4, NULL, true)) goto fail; } log_debug("Client 2 arrives and make 50 connections."); /* * All of them should share the same IPv4 address, * which should be different from client1's (again, to minimize confusion). */ client2tuple.src.addr6.l4 = 65486; success &= test_allocate_aux(&client2tuple, NULL, &client2addr4, true); success &= assert_true(client1addr4.s_addr != client2addr4.s_addr, "the nodes are being masked with different addresses"); if (!success) goto fail; for (i = 65487; i < 65536; i++) { client2tuple.src.addr6.l4 = i; if (!test_allocate_aux(&client2tuple, &client2addr4, NULL, true)) goto fail; } log_debug("Client 1 makes another 25 connections."); /* * Because there are still ports available, he should still get the same IPv4 address. * Essentially, this proves that client2's intervention doesn't affect client 1's connections. */ for (i = 65486; i < 65511; i++) { client1tuple.src.addr6.l4 = i; if (!test_allocate_aux(&client1tuple, &client1addr4, NULL, true)) goto fail; } log_debug("Client 3 arrives and hogs up all of its address's low ports."); /* * At this point, both IPv4 addresses have 50 high ports taken. * Because both IPv4 addresses are taken, client 3 will share its IPv4 address with someone. */ client3tuple.src.addr6.l4 = 0; if (!test_allocate_aux(&client3tuple, NULL, &client3addr4, true)) goto fail; for (i = 1; i < 1024; i++) { client3tuple.src.addr6.l4 = i; if (!test_allocate_aux(&client3tuple, &client3addr4, NULL, true)) goto fail; } log_debug("The client that shares an address with client 3 requests a low port."); /* * Because all of them are taken, he gets the same address but a runner-up high port instead. */ if (addr4_equals(&client1addr4, &client3addr4)) { sharing_client_tuple = &client1tuple; non_sharing_addr = &client2addr4; } else if (addr4_equals(&client2addr4, &client3addr4)) { sharing_client_tuple = &client2tuple; non_sharing_addr = &client1addr4; } else { log_err("Client 3 doesn't share its IPv4 address with anyone, despite validations."); goto fail; } if (is_error(host6_node_get_or_create(&sharing_client_tuple->src.addr6.l3, &host6))) goto fail; sharing_client_tuple->src.addr6.l4 = 0; success &= assert_equals_int(0, allocate_transport_address(host6, sharing_client_tuple, &result), "result 3"); success &= assert_equals_ipv4(&client3addr4, &result.l3, "runnerup still gets his addr"); success &= assert_true(is_high(result.l4), "runnerup gets a high port"); success &= bib_inject(&sharing_client_tuple->src.addr6.l3, sharing_client_tuple->src.addr6.l4, &result.l3, result.l4, L4PROTO_UDP) != NULL; host6_node_return(host6); if (!success) goto fail; log_debug("Client 3 now hogs up all of its address's remaining ports."); /* 51 high ports were already taken, so this will stop early. */ for (i = 1024; i < 65485; i++) { client3tuple.src.addr6.l4 = i; if (!test_allocate_aux(&client3tuple, &client3addr4, NULL, i != 65484)) goto fail; } /* * At this point, client's address has 50 + 1024 + 1 + 64461 = 65536 ports taken. * ie. It no longer has any ports. */ log_debug("Then, the function will fall back to use the other address."); client3tuple.src.addr6.l4 = i; if (is_error(host6_node_get_or_create(&client3tuple.src.addr6.l3, &host6))) goto fail; success &= assert_equals_int(0, allocate_transport_address(host6, &client3tuple, &result), "function result"); success &= assert_true(client3addr4.s_addr != result.l3.s_addr, "node gets a runnerup address"); success &= bib_inject(&client3tuple.src.addr6.l3, client3tuple.src.addr6.l4, &result.l3, result.l4, L4PROTO_UDP) != NULL; host6_node_return(host6); if (!success) goto fail; log_debug("It will also fall back to use the other address as the other sharing node now hogs " "all remaining ports."); /* * 51 high ports ports were already taken, so this will stop early. * Also, the sharing client already requested port 0, so we have to start at 1. */ for (i = 1; i < 65486; i++) { sharing_client_tuple->src.addr6.l4 = i; if (!test_allocate_aux(sharing_client_tuple, non_sharing_addr, NULL, i != 65485)) goto fail; } log_debug("Now the pool is completely exhausted, so further requests cannot fall back."); if (is_error(host6_node_get_or_create(&client1tuple.src.addr6.l3, &host6))) goto fail; success &= assert_equals_int(-ESRCH, allocate_transport_address(host6, &client1tuple, &result), "client 1's request is denied"); host6_node_return(host6); if (is_error(host6_node_get_or_create(&client2tuple.src.addr6.l3, &host6))) goto fail; success &= assert_equals_int(-ESRCH, allocate_transport_address(host6, &client2tuple, &result), "client 2's request is denied"); host6_node_return(host6); if (is_error(host6_node_get_or_create(&client3tuple.src.addr6.l3, &host6))) goto fail; success &= assert_equals_int(-ESRCH, allocate_transport_address(host6, &client3tuple, &result), "client 3's request is denied"); host6_node_return(host6); return success; fail: log_debug("i was %u.", i); return false; }
static bool is_same_range(u16 num1, u16 num2) { return is_high(num1) ? is_high(num2) : is_low(num2); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ int main() { list_audio_devices(alcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER)); /* BBBIOlib init*/ iolib_init(); iolib_setdir(8,11, BBBIO_DIR_IN); /* Button */ iolib_setdir(8,12, BBBIO_DIR_OUT); /* LED */ // sys_info.capability = SYS_CAPABILITY_VIDEO_Tx | SYS_CAPABILITY_VIDEO_Rx | SYS_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_Tx | SYS_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_Rx; // sys_info.capability = SYS_CAPABILITY_VIDEO_Tx | SYS_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_Tx; sys_info.capability =SYS_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_Rx | SYS_CAPABILITY_VIDEO_Rx; // sys_info.capability = SYS_CAPABILITY_VIDEO_Tx; sys_info.status = SYS_STATUS_INIT; = 320; = 240; // = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420; = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV; /* alloc RGB565 buffer for frame buffer data store */ RGB565_buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc( * *2); /* step Codec register */ avcodec_register_all(); av_register_all(); video_encoder_init(,,; video_decoder_init(,,; printf("Codec init finish\n"); /* step Frame buffer initial*/ if(FB_init() == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Frame Buffer init error\n"); } FB_clear(var_info.xres, var_info.yres); sys_set_status(SYS_STATUS_IDLE); /* Create Video thread */ if(sys_info.capability & SYS_CAPABILITY_VIDEO_Rx) pthread_create(&Video_Rx_thread, NULL, Video_Rx_loop, NULL); if(sys_info.capability & SYS_CAPABILITY_VIDEO_Tx) pthread_create(&Video_Tx_thread, NULL, Video_Tx_loop, NULL); /* Create Audio thread*/ if(sys_info.capability & SYS_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_Rx) pthread_create(&Audio_Rx_thread, NULL, Audio_Rx_loop, NULL); if(sys_info.capability & SYS_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_Tx) pthread_create(&Audio_Tx_thread, NULL, Audio_Tx_loop, NULL); /* Signale SIGINT */ signal(SIGINT, SIGINT_release); /* Main loop */ while(sys_get_status() != SYS_STATUS_RELEASE) { /* Button on */ if (is_high(8,11)) { sys_set_status(SYS_STATUS_WORK); pin_high(8, 12); /* LED on*/ } else { // FB_clear(var_info.xres, var_info.yres); // sys_set_status(SYS_STATUS_IDLE); sys_set_status(SYS_STATUS_WORK); pin_low(8, 12); /* LED off */ } //usleep(100000); sleep(1); } pin_low(8, 12); /* LED off */ /* ******************************************************* * Main thread for SIP server communication and HW process * * * *******************************************************/ /* release */ if(sys_info.capability & SYS_CAPABILITY_VIDEO_Tx) pthread_join(Video_Tx_thread,NULL); if(sys_info.capability & SYS_CAPABILITY_VIDEO_Rx) pthread_join(Video_Rx_thread,NULL); if(sys_info.capability & SYS_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_Tx) pthread_join(Audio_Tx_thread,NULL); if(sys_info.capability & SYS_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_Rx) pthread_join(Audio_Rx_thread,NULL); munmap(FB_ptr, FB_scerrn_size); close(FB); free(RGB565_buffer); video_encoder_release(); video_decoder_release(); printf("finish\n"); return 0; }
bool is_low() { return !is_high(); }
//Function to read in audio data from speaker through audio input pin on the audio cape void readAudioData(int mArraySize, char mArray[]) { struct timespec currentTime; struct timespec lastChange; char cur; char prev; int curPos = 0; int bitsRead = 0; int numOfPeriods; int i; uint64_t timeDifferenceNS; uint64_t audioPeriod; uint64_t difference; //Reads in different numbers for period between bits read from Audio Cape in different states if (state == 1) { audioPeriod = RECORDING_PERIOD_NS; difference = RECORDING_PERIOD_DIFFERENCE; } else { audioPeriod = TUNER_PERIOD_NS; difference = TUNER_PERIOD_DIFFERENCE; } // Check initial reading of Audio Input pin if (is_high(9, 25)) { cur = 1; mArray[curPos] = 1; prev = 1; } else { cur = 0; mArray[curPos] = 0; prev = 0; } ++curPos; ++bitsRead; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, ¤tTime); lastChange = currentTime; // Loops that continuosly poll the audio input pin and modifies the char array as needed while (curPos < mArraySize - 1 && (state == 1 && stopButton == 0)) { // Check current input from audio input pin if (is_high(9, 25)) { cur = 1; } else { cur = 0; } // Check to see if whether there has been a change of input from audio input pin if (cur != prev) { // Calculate time difference between changes of input from audio input pin clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, ¤tTime); if (currentTime.tv_nsec < lastChange.tv_nsec) { timeDifferenceNS = ((1000000000) * (currentTime.tv_sec - 1 - lastChange.tv_sec)) + ((1000000000 + currentTime.tv_nsec) - lastChange.tv_nsec); } else { timeDifferenceNS = ((1000000000) * (currentTime.tv_sec - lastChange.tv_sec)) + (currentTime.tv_nsec - lastChange.tv_nsec); } numOfPeriods = timeDifferenceNS / AUDIOCAPE_PERIOD_NS; // Modify character array as needed to store input from audio pin for (i = 0; (i < numOfPeriods) && (bitsRead < BIT_DEPTH); ++i) { mArray[curPos] = cur; ++curPos; ++bitsRead; } prev = cur; // Reset the bitsRead variable if (bitsRead > BIT_DEPTH) { bitsRead = 0; // If there is a difference between sampling rate of Audio Cape and current sampling rate, sleep if (difference != 0) { currentTime.tv_nsec += difference; clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, TIMER_ABSTIME, ¤tTime, NULL); } } } } // If input has finished, end array with an 'f' char and fill remaining chars as literal 0 mArray[curPos] = 'f'; for (i = curPos + 1; i < mArraySize - 1; ++i) { mArray[i] = 0; } }