예제 #1
 * Points are in world coordinates
void Gouraud_Shading(face *f, object_copy *obj,
		vector<light> *lights, camera *camera, int xres, int yres, color **grid,
		float **depth_grid, MatrixXd *perspective, MatrixXd *inv_cam) {
	point *a = &(obj->points[f->vertices.index1-1]);
	color colora = lighting(a,
				obj, lights, camera);

	point *b = &(obj->points[f->vertices.index2-1]);
	color colorb = lighting(b,
				obj, lights, camera);

	point *c = &(obj->points[f->vertices.index3-1]);
	color colorc = lighting(c,
				obj, lights, camera);

	point ndca = to_NDC(a, perspective, inv_cam);
	point ndcb = to_NDC(b, perspective, inv_cam);
	point ndcc = to_NDC(c, perspective, inv_cam);

	Vector3d va(ndca.x, ndca.y, ndca.z);
	Vector3d vb(ndcb.x, ndcb.y, ndcb.z);
	Vector3d vc(ndcc.x, ndcc.y, ndcc.z);
	Vector3d cross = (vc - vb).cross(va - vb);

	// ignore if pointing away from camera or if face is outside NDC box
	if (cross(2) >= 0 && is_in_box(&ndca) && is_in_box(&ndcb) && is_in_box(&ndcc))
		raster_triangle(&ndca, &ndcb, &ndcc, colora, colorb, colorc, xres, yres, grid, depth_grid);
예제 #2
int cbBarHintsPlugin::HitTestHints( cbBarInfo& info, const wxPoint& pos )
    wxPoint inPane = pos;
    mpPane->PaneToFrame( &inPane.x, &inPane.y );

    wxRect& rect = info.mBoundsInParent;

    if ( info.IsFixed() ) return false;

    int boxOfs, grooveOfs, coord;

    GetHintsLayout( rect, info, boxOfs, grooveOfs, coord );

    if ( mpPane->IsHorizontal() )
        if ( mCloseBoxOn )
            if ( is_in_box( wxPoint( rect.x + mHintGap + boxOfs, coord ), inPane ) )

                return CLOSE_BOX_HITTED;

            coord += BTN_BOX_HEIGHT;

        if ( mCollapseBoxOn )
            if ( mCloseBoxOn ) coord += BOX_T_BOX_GAP;

            if ( is_in_box( wxPoint( rect.x + mHintGap + boxOfs, coord ), inPane ) )

                return COLLAPSE_BOX_HITTED;

            coord += BTN_BOX_HEIGHT;
        if ( mCloseBoxOn )
            coord -= BTN_BOX_WIDTH;

            if ( is_in_box( wxPoint( coord , rect.y + mHintGap + boxOfs ), inPane ) )

                return CLOSE_BOX_HITTED;

        if ( mCollapseBoxOn )
            if ( mCloseBoxOn ) coord -= BOX_T_BOX_GAP;
            coord -= BTN_BOX_WIDTH;

            if ( is_in_box( wxPoint( coord, rect.y + mHintGap + boxOfs ), inPane ) )

                return COLLAPSE_BOX_HITTED;

    return false;
예제 #3
 * Also has depth buffering and ignores points where normals point away
 * Points a, b, c are in NDC
void raster_triangle_Phong(point *a, point *b, point *c,
		point *world_a, point *world_b, point *world_c,
		point *normal_a, point *normal_b, point *normal_c,
		object_copy *obj, vector<light> *lights, camera *CAM,
		int xres, int yres, color** grid, float** depth_grid,
		MatrixXd *perspective, MatrixXd *inv_cam) {

	point screen_a = NDC_to_screen(a, xres, yres);
	point screen_b = NDC_to_screen(b, xres, yres);
	point screen_c = NDC_to_screen(c, xres, yres);

	float x_min = min_x(&screen_a, &screen_b, &screen_c);
	float x_max = max_x(&screen_a, &screen_b, &screen_c);
	float y_min = min_y(&screen_a, &screen_b, &screen_c);
	float y_max = max_y(&screen_a, &screen_b, &screen_c);

	x_max = x_max > xres ? xres : x_max;
	y_max = y_max > yres ? yres : y_max;
	x_min = x_min < 0 ? 0 : x_min;
	y_min = y_min < 0 ? 0 : y_min;

	// TODO: compute colors by normals

	for (int x = x_min; x < x_max; x++) {
		for (int y = y_min; y < y_max; y++) {
			// get alpha/beta/gamma
			point curr_point = create_point(x, y, 0);
			float alpha = compute_alpha(&screen_a, &screen_b, &screen_c, &curr_point);
			float beta = compute_beta(&screen_a, &screen_b, &screen_c, &curr_point);
			float gamma = compute_gamma(&screen_a, &screen_b, &screen_c, &curr_point);
			curr_point.z = alpha * screen_a.z + beta * screen_b.z + gamma * screen_c.z;

			// compute interpolated point (in world view) and normal for the point
			point normal = (*normal_a) * alpha + (*normal_b) * beta + (*normal_c) * gamma;
			point coordinate = (*world_a) * alpha + (*world_b) * beta + (*world_c) * gamma;
			point ndc_coordinate = to_NDC(&coordinate, perspective, inv_cam);

			if (is_in_box(&ndc_coordinate) && valid_parameters(alpha, beta, gamma)
					&& depth_grid[x][y] > curr_point.z) {
				color col = lighting(&coordinate, &normal, obj, lights, CAM);
				grid[x][y].r = col.r;
				grid[x][y].g = col.g;
				grid[x][y].b = col.b;

				depth_grid[x][y] = curr_point.z;