int code_base_load(code_base_t *self, named_tuples_t *nm_tuples, term_t module, term_t exports, term_t fun_table, term_t attrs, term_t preloaded, term_t misc) { module_t *m; apr_pool_t *pool; apr_pool_create(&pool, 0); m = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*m)); m->mod_pool = pool; m->literals = heap_make(pool); m->key.module = module; m->key.is_old = 0; m->code_size = 0; m->code = 0; m->exports = apr_hash_make(pool); m->nfuns = 0; m->funs = 0; m->files = 0; m->source = 0; if (preloaded != nil) { int i; int n = list_length(preloaded); term_t cons = preloaded; int ok = 1; m->code = apr_palloc(pool, n*sizeof(codel_t)); m->code_size = n; i = 0; while (ok && is_cons(cons)) { term_box_t *cbox = peel(cons); if (is_int(cbox->cons.head)) { m->code[i].i = int_value(cbox->cons.head); } else if (is_tuple(cbox->cons.head)) { term_box_t *tbox = peel(cbox->cons.head); if (tbox->tuple.size == 2) { term_t selector = tbox->tuple.elts[0]; term_t value = tbox->tuple.elts[1]; switch (selector) { case AT__: // {'@',Offset} m->code[i].l = m->code + int_value(value); break; case A_T: // {t,Literal} m->code[i].t = heap_marshal(value, m->literals); break; case A_B: m->code[i].bif = builtins[int_value(value)].entry; break; case A_N: // {n,{N,F}} if (is_tuple(value)) { term_box_t *vb = peel(value); if (vb->tuple.size == 2) { term_t name = vb->tuple.elts[0]; term_t field = vb->tuple.elts[1]; int index = named_tuples_set(nm_tuples, name, field); m->code[i].t = tag_int(index); } else ok = 0; } else ok = 0; break; default: ok = 0; } } } else if (is_bignum(cbox->cons.head)) { mp_int mp = bignum_to_mp(cbox->cons.head); m->code[i].i = mp_get_int(&mp); } else ok = 0; i++; cons = cbox->cons.tail; } if (!ok) { apr_pool_destroy(pool); return 1; } } // misc: // source line info: // {file,Files} // {source,[{F,L,S,E}]} if (misc != nil) { term_t cons = misc; while (is_cons(cons)) { term_box_t *cb = peel(cons); term_t t = cb->cons.head; if (is_tuple(t)) { term_box_t *tb = peel(t); if (tb->tuple.size >= 2) { term_t selector = tb->tuple.elts[0]; term_t info = tb->tuple.elts[1]; switch (selector) { case A_FILES: m->files = source_files_names(info, pool); break; case A_SOURCE: m->source = source_line_blocks(info, pool); break; } } } cons = cb->cons.tail; } } if (fun_table != nil) { int i; int nfuns = list_length(fun_table); term_t cons = fun_table; int ok = 1; m->funs = apr_palloc(pool, nfuns*sizeof(fun_slot_t)); m->nfuns = nfuns; for (i = 0; ok && i < nfuns; i++) { term_box_t *cbox = peel(cons); if (is_tuple(cbox->cons.head)) { term_box_t *tbox = peel(cbox->cons.head); if (tbox->tuple.size == 2) { term_t uniq = tbox->tuple.elts[0]; term_t offset = tbox->tuple.elts[1]; if ((is_int(uniq) || is_bignum(uniq)) && is_int(offset)) { fun_slot_t *slot = &m->funs[i]; if (is_int(uniq)) slot->uniq = int_value(uniq); else { mp_int mp = bignum_to_mp(uniq); slot->uniq = (uint)mp_get_int(&mp); } slot->entry = m->code + int_value(offset); } else ok = 0; } else ok = 0; } else ok = 0; cons = cbox->cons.tail; } if (!ok) { apr_pool_destroy(pool); return 1; } } //TODO: attrs ingnored if (exports != nil) { int ok = 1; term_t cons = exports; while (ok && is_cons(cons)) { term_box_t *cbox = peel(cons); // {Function,Arity,Offset} if (is_tuple(cbox->cons.head)) { term_box_t *tbox = peel(cbox->cons.head); if (tbox->tuple.size == 3) { term_t function = tbox->tuple.elts[0]; term_t arity = tbox->tuple.elts[1]; term_t offset = tbox->tuple.elts[2]; if (is_atom(function) && is_int(arity) && is_int(offset)) { export_t *exp = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*exp)); exp->key.function = function; exp->key.arity = int_value(arity); exp->entry = m->code + int_value(offset); apr_hash_set(m->exports, &exp->key, sizeof(exp->key), exp); } else ok = 0; } else ok = 0; } else ok = 0; cons = cbox->cons.tail; } if (!ok) { apr_pool_destroy(pool); return 1; } } apr_hash_set(self->modules, &m->key, sizeof(m->key), m); return 0; }
bool Type::is_number() const { return is_float() || is_int() || is_byte(); }
/* MAIN */ int main( int argc, char **argv ) { size_t results[] = {4255, 142803, 46838, 0}, i = 0, output = 0; const size_t b = 5; const char *count_bytes_files[] = { "/data/orig_breaks.txt", "/data/spawner_output.txt", "/data/zh_romance_of_three_kingdoms.txt", ""}, *source_dir = getenv("SOURCE"); char buffer[BUFSIZ], tinybuffer[b], *locale = "root", *encoding = "UTF-8"; OChar obuffer[BUFSIZ], otinybuffer[b]; struct stat sts; time_t now; FILE *f; init_oly(argv[0], TEST_PKGDATADIR, encoding, locale); if (source_dir == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "requires SOURCE environment variable, supplied by runtest. Exiting...\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } plan(16); diag("----- Testing oly_timestamp function. -----"); time(&now); is_double(((double)( now*1000)), oly_timestamp(), 1000.0, "Two times should be close enough."); diag("----- Testing count_file_bytes function. -----"); for (i = 0; (results[i] != 0); i++) { strcpy(buffer, source_dir); strcat(buffer, count_bytes_files[i]); if (stat(buffer, &sts) == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { printf ("The file %s doesn't exist...\n", buffer); } f = fopen(buffer, "r"); assert( count_file_bytes( f, &output ) == OLY_OKAY ) ; is_int(results[i], output, "File: %s", count_bytes_files[i]); fclose(f); } diag("----- Testing get_default_locale and get_default_encoding function. -----"); is_unicode_string( u"root", get_default_locale(), "For this test, default locale should be root."); is_unicode_string( u"UTF-8", get_default_encoding(), "For this test, default encoding should be UTF-8."); diag("----- Testing char_default_locale and char_default_encoding function. -----"); is_string( "root", char_default_locale(), "For this test, default locale should be root."); is_string( "UTF-8", char_default_encoding(), "For this test, default encoding should be UTF-8."); diag("----- ostr_to_cstr and cstr_to_ostr -----"); is_unicode_string( u"Lorum ipsum etc...", cstr_to_ostr( obuffer, BUFSIZ, "Lorum ipsum etc..."), "Char to ochar with space, BUFSIZ = %i", BUFSIZ); is_unicode_string( u"Loru", cstr_to_ostr( otinybuffer, b, "Lorum ipsum etc..." ), "Char to ochar with tiny buffer of %i characters.", (int)b ); is_unicode_string( u"", cstr_to_ostr( otinybuffer, b, "" ), "Char to ochar With empty string" ); is_unicode_string( u"", cstr_to_ostr( otinybuffer, b, NULL ), "Char to ochar from null" ); is_string( "Back the other way!", ostr_to_cstr( buffer, BUFSIZ, u"Back the other way!" ), "OChar to char, BUFSIZ = %i", BUFSIZ ); is_string( "five", ostr_to_cstr( tinybuffer, b, u"five characters is all that fits." ), "OChar to char, buffer of %i OChars", (int)b ); is_string( "", ostr_to_cstr( tinybuffer, b, NULL ), "Char to ochar a NULL from string." ); is_string( "", ostr_to_cstr( tinybuffer, b, u"" ), "Char to ochar with an empty string." ); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
static void print_statistics(lprec *lp) { REAL *col, *RHSmin, *RHSmax, *OBJmin, *OBJmax, *MATmin, *MATmax; int *nz, ret, m, n, i, j, k, l, nRHSmin = 0, nRHSmax = 0, nOBJmin = 0, nOBJmax = 0, nMATmin = 0, nMATmax = 0, *rowRHSmin, *rowRHSmax, *colOBJmin, *colOBJmax, *rowMATmin, *rowMATmax, *colMATmin, *colMATmax; m = get_Nrows(lp); n = get_Ncolumns(lp); col = (REAL *) malloc((1 + m) * sizeof(*col)); nz = (int *) malloc((1 + m) * sizeof(*RHSmin)); RHSmin = (REAL *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*RHSmin)); RHSmax = (REAL *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*RHSmax)); rowRHSmin = (int *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*RHSmin)); rowRHSmax = (int *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*RHSmax)); OBJmin = (REAL *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*OBJmin)); OBJmax = (REAL *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*OBJmax)); colOBJmin = (int *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*colOBJmin)); colOBJmax = (int *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*colOBJmax)); MATmin = (REAL *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*MATmin)); MATmax = (REAL *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*MATmax)); rowMATmin = (int *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*rowMATmin)); rowMATmax = (int *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*rowMATmax)); colMATmin = (int *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*colMATmin)); colMATmax = (int *) malloc(nstats * sizeof(*colMATmax)); /* minmax(2.0, MATmin, MATmax, &nMATmin, &nMATmax, 1, rowMATmin, rowMATmax, 8, colMATmin, colMATmax); minmax(1.0, MATmin, MATmax, &nMATmin, &nMATmax, 2, rowMATmin, rowMATmax, 7, colMATmin, colMATmax); minmax(1.5, MATmin, MATmax, &nMATmin, &nMATmax, 3, rowMATmin, rowMATmax, 6, colMATmin, colMATmax); minmax(3.0, MATmin, MATmax, &nMATmin, &nMATmax, 4, rowMATmin, rowMATmax, 5, colMATmin, colMATmax); minmax(4.0, MATmin, MATmax, &nMATmin, &nMATmax, 5, rowMATmin, rowMATmax, 4, colMATmin, colMATmax); minmax(0.1, MATmin, MATmax, &nMATmin, &nMATmax, 6, rowMATmin, rowMATmax, 3, colMATmin, colMATmax); minmax(5.0, MATmin, MATmax, &nMATmin, &nMATmax, 7, rowMATmin, rowMATmax, 2, colMATmin, colMATmax); minmax(1.4, MATmin, MATmax, &nMATmin, &nMATmax, 8, rowMATmin, rowMATmax, 1, colMATmin, colMATmax); printminmax(MATmin, MATmax, nMATmin, nMATmax, rowMATmin, rowMATmax, colMATmin, colMATmax); */ for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) minmax(get_rh(lp, i), RHSmin, RHSmax, &nRHSmin, &nRHSmax, i, rowRHSmin, rowRHSmax, 0, NULL, NULL); for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { ret = get_columnex(lp, j, col, nz); for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) if (nz[i] == 0) minmax(col[i], OBJmin, OBJmax, &nOBJmin, &nOBJmax, 0, NULL, NULL, j, colOBJmin, colOBJmax); else minmax(col[i], MATmin, MATmax, &nMATmin, &nMATmax, nz[i], rowMATmin, rowMATmax, j, colMATmin, colMATmax); } printf("Constraints: %d\n", get_Nrows(lp)); printf("Variables : %d\n", get_Ncolumns(lp)); for (j = k = l = 0, i = n; i >= 1; i--) { if (is_int(lp, i)) j++; if (is_semicont(lp, i)) k++; if (is_SOS_var(lp, i)) l++; } printf("Integers : %d\n", j); printf("Semi-cont : %d\n", k); printf("SOS : %d\n", l); k = get_nonzeros(lp); printf("Non-zeros : %d\tdensity=%f%%\n", k, ((double) k) / (((double) m) * ((double) n)) * 100.0); printf("\nAbsolute Ranges:\n\n Minima Maxima\n"); printf("\nMatrix Coeficients:\n"); printminmax(lp, "A", MATmin, MATmax, nMATmin, nMATmax, rowMATmin, rowMATmax, colMATmin, colMATmax); printf("\nObj. Vector:\n"); printminmax(lp, "c", OBJmin, OBJmax, nOBJmin, nOBJmax, NULL, NULL, colOBJmin, colOBJmax); printf("\nRHS Vector:\n"); printminmax(lp, "b", RHSmin, RHSmax, nRHSmin, nRHSmax, rowRHSmin, rowRHSmax, NULL, NULL); free(col); free(nz); free(RHSmin); free(RHSmax); free(rowRHSmin); free(rowRHSmax); free(OBJmin); free(OBJmax); free(colOBJmin); free(colOBJmax); free(MATmin); free(MATmax); free(rowMATmin); free(rowMATmax); free(colMATmin); free(colMATmax); }
int is_pentagonal(int n) { return is_int((0.5+sqrt(0.25+6*(double)n)) / 3); }
STATIC REAL scale(lprec *lp, REAL *scaledelta) { int i, j, nz, row_count, nzOF = 0; REAL *row_max, *row_min, *scalechange = NULL, absval; REAL col_max, col_min; MYBOOL rowscaled, colscaled; MATrec *mat = lp->matA; REAL *value; int *rownr; if(is_scaletype(lp, SCALE_NONE)) return(0.0); if(!lp->scaling_used) { allocREAL(lp, &lp->scalars, lp->sum_alloc + 1, FALSE); for(i = 0; i <= lp->sum; i++) { lp->scalars[i] = 1; } lp->scaling_used = TRUE; } #ifdef Paranoia else for(i = 0; i <= lp->sum; i++) { if(lp->scalars[i] == 0) report(lp, SEVERE, "scale: Zero-valued scalar found at index %d\n", i); } #endif if(scaledelta == NULL) allocREAL(lp, &scalechange, lp->sum + 1, FALSE); else scalechange = scaledelta; /* Must initialize due to computation of scaling statistic - KE */ for(i = 0; i <= lp->sum; i++) scalechange[i] = 1; row_count = lp->rows; allocREAL(lp, &row_max, row_count + 1, TRUE); allocREAL(lp, &row_min, row_count + 1, FALSE); /* Initialise min and max values of rows */ for(i = 0; i <= row_count; i++) { if(is_scaletype(lp, SCALE_MEAN)) row_min[i] = 0; /* Carries the count of elements */ else row_min[i] = lp->infinite; /* Carries the minimum element */ } /* Calculate row scaling data */ for(j = 1; j <= lp->columns; j++) { absval = lp->orig_obj[j]; if(absval != 0) { absval = scaled_mat(lp, absval, 0, j); accumulate_for_scale(lp, &row_min[0], &row_max[0], absval); nzOF++; } i = mat->col_end[j - 1]; value = &(COL_MAT_VALUE(i)); rownr = &(COL_MAT_ROWNR(i)); nz = mat->col_end[j]; for(; i < nz; i++, value += matValueStep, rownr += matRowColStep) { absval = scaled_mat(lp, *value, *rownr, j); accumulate_for_scale(lp, &row_min[*rownr], &row_max[*rownr], absval); } } /* Calculate scale factors for rows */ i = 0; for(; i <= lp->rows; i++) { if(i == 0) nz = nzOF; else nz = mat_rowlength(lp->matA, i); absval = minmax_to_scale(lp, row_min[i], row_max[i], nz); /* nz instead of nzOF KJEI 20/05/2010 */ if(absval == 0) absval = 1; scalechange[i] = absval; } FREE(row_max); FREE(row_min); /* Row-scale the matrix (including the objective function and Lagrangean constraints) */ rowscaled = scale_updaterows(lp, scalechange, TRUE); /* Calculate column scales */ i = 1; for(j = 1; j <= lp->columns; j++) { if(is_int(lp,j) && !is_integerscaling(lp)) { /* do not scale integer columns */ scalechange[lp->rows + j] = 1; } else { col_max = 0; if(is_scaletype(lp, SCALE_MEAN)) col_min = 0; else col_min = lp->infinite; absval = lp->orig_obj[j]; if(absval != 0) { absval = scaled_mat(lp, absval, 0, j); accumulate_for_scale(lp, &col_min, &col_max, absval); } i = mat->col_end[j - 1]; value = &(COL_MAT_VALUE(i)); rownr = &(COL_MAT_ROWNR(i)); nz = mat->col_end[j]; for(; i < nz; i++, value += matValueStep, rownr += matRowColStep) { absval = scaled_mat(lp, *value, *rownr, j); accumulate_for_scale(lp, &col_min, &col_max, absval); } nz = mat_collength(lp->matA, j); if(fabs(lp->orig_obj[j]) > 0) nz++; scalechange[lp->rows + j] = minmax_to_scale(lp, col_min, col_max, nz); } } /* ... and then column-scale the already row-scaled matrix */ colscaled = scale_updatecolumns(lp, &scalechange[lp->rows], TRUE); /* Create a geometric mean-type measure of the extent of scaling performed; */ /* ideally, upon successive calls to scale() the value should converge to 0 */ if(rowscaled || colscaled) { col_max = 0; for(j = 1; j <= lp->columns; j++) col_max += log(scalechange[lp->rows + j]); col_max = exp(col_max/lp->columns); i = 0; col_min = 0; for(; i <= lp->rows; i++) col_min += log(scalechange[i]); col_min = exp(col_min/row_count); } else { col_max = 1; col_min = 1; } if(scaledelta == NULL) FREE(scalechange); return(1 - sqrt(col_max*col_min)); }
bool mpfx_manager::is_abs_one(mpfx const & n) const { unsigned * w = words(n); return is_int(n) && w[m_frac_part_sz] == 1 && ::is_zero(m_int_part_sz - 1, w + m_frac_part_sz + 1); }
/* sample upnp client program */ int main(int argc, char ** argv) { char command = 0; char ** commandargv = 0; int commandargc = 0; struct UPNPDev * devlist = 0; char lanaddr[64]; /* my ip address on the LAN */ int i; const char * rootdescurl = 0; const char * multicastif = 0; const char * minissdpdpath = 0; int retcode = 0; int error = 0; int ipv6 = 0; const char * description = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; int nResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData); if(nResult != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "WSAStartup() failed.\n"); return -1; } #endif printf("upnpc : miniupnpc library test client, version %s.\n", MINIUPNPC_VERSION_STRING); printf(" (c) 2005-2014 Thomas Bernard.\n"); printf("Go to or\n" "for more information.\n"); /* command line processing */ for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { if(0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--help") || 0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) { command = 0; break; } if(argv[i][0] == '-') { if(argv[i][1] == 'u') rootdescurl = argv[++i]; else if(argv[i][1] == 'm') multicastif = argv[++i]; else if(argv[i][1] == 'p') minissdpdpath = argv[++i]; else if(argv[i][1] == '6') ipv6 = 1; else if(argv[i][1] == 'e') description = argv[++i]; else { command = argv[i][1]; i++; commandargv = argv + i; commandargc = argc - i; break; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "option '%s' invalid\n", argv[i]); } } if(!command || (command == 'a' && commandargc<4) || (command == 'd' && argc<2) || (command == 'r' && argc<2) || (command == 'A' && commandargc<6) || (command == 'U' && commandargc<2) || (command == 'D' && commandargc<1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage :\t%s [options] -a ip port external_port protocol [duration]\n\t\tAdd port redirection\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -d external_port protocol <remote host>\n\t\tDelete port redirection\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -s\n\t\tGet Connection status\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -l\n\t\tList redirections\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -L\n\t\tList redirections (using GetListOfPortMappings (for IGD:2 only)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -n ip port external_port protocol [duration]\n\t\tAdd (any) port redirection allowing IGD to use alternative external_port (for IGD:2 only)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -N external_port_start external_port_end protocol [manage]\n\t\tDelete range of port redirections (for IGD:2 only)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -r port1 [external_port1] protocol1 [port2 [external_port2] protocol2] [...]\n\t\tAdd all redirections to the current host\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -A remote_ip remote_port internal_ip internal_port protocol lease_time\n\t\tAdd Pinhole (for IGD:2 only)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -U uniqueID new_lease_time\n\t\tUpdate Pinhole (for IGD:2 only)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -C uniqueID\n\t\tCheck if Pinhole is Working (for IGD:2 only)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -K uniqueID\n\t\tGet Number of packets going through the rule (for IGD:2 only)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -D uniqueID\n\t\tDelete Pinhole (for IGD:2 only)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -S\n\t\tGet Firewall status (for IGD:2 only)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -G remote_ip remote_port internal_ip internal_port protocol\n\t\tGet Outbound Pinhole Timeout (for IGD:2 only)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " \t%s [options] -P\n\t\tGet Presentation url\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "\nprotocol is UDP or TCP\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -e description : set description for port mapping.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -6 : use ip v6 instead of ip v4.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -u url : bypass discovery process by providing the XML root description url.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -m address/interface : provide ip address (ip v4) or interface name (ip v4 or v6) to use for sending SSDP multicast packets.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p path : use this path for MiniSSDPd socket.\n"); return 1; } if( rootdescurl || (devlist = upnpDiscover(2000, multicastif, minissdpdpath, 0/*sameport*/, ipv6, &error))) { struct UPNPDev * device; struct UPNPUrls urls; struct IGDdatas data; if(devlist) { printf("List of UPNP devices found on the network :\n"); for(device = devlist; device; device = device->pNext) { printf(" desc: %s\n st: %s\n\n", device->descURL, device->st); } } else if(!rootdescurl) { printf("upnpDiscover() error code=%d\n", error); } i = 1; if( (rootdescurl && UPNP_GetIGDFromUrl(rootdescurl, &urls, &data, lanaddr, sizeof(lanaddr))) || (i = UPNP_GetValidIGD(devlist, &urls, &data, lanaddr, sizeof(lanaddr)))) { switch(i) { case 1: printf("Found valid IGD : %s\n", urls.controlURL); break; case 2: printf("Found a (not connected?) IGD : %s\n", urls.controlURL); printf("Trying to continue anyway\n"); break; case 3: printf("UPnP device found. Is it an IGD ? : %s\n", urls.controlURL); printf("Trying to continue anyway\n"); break; default: printf("Found device (igd ?) : %s\n", urls.controlURL); printf("Trying to continue anyway\n"); } printf("Local LAN ip address : %s\n", lanaddr); #if 0 printf("getting \"%s\"\n", urls.ipcondescURL); descXML = miniwget(urls.ipcondescURL, &descXMLsize); if(descXML) { /*fwrite(descXML, 1, descXMLsize, stdout);*/ free(descXML); descXML = NULL; } #endif switch(command) { case 'l': DisplayInfos(&urls, &data); ListRedirections(&urls, &data); break; case 'L': NewListRedirections(&urls, &data); break; case 'a': SetRedirectAndTest(&urls, &data, commandargv[0], commandargv[1], commandargv[2], commandargv[3], (commandargc > 4)?commandargv[4]:"0", description, 0); break; case 'd': RemoveRedirect(&urls, &data, commandargv[0], commandargv[1], commandargc > 2 ? commandargv[2] : NULL); break; case 'n': /* aNy */ SetRedirectAndTest(&urls, &data, commandargv[0], commandargv[1], commandargv[2], commandargv[3], (commandargc > 4)?commandargv[4]:"0", description, 1); break; case 'N': if (commandargc < 3) fprintf(stderr, "too few arguments\n"); RemoveRedirectRange(&urls, &data, commandargv[0], commandargv[1], commandargv[2], commandargc > 3 ? commandargv[3] : NULL); break; case 's': GetConnectionStatus(&urls, &data); break; case 'r': i = 0; while(i<commandargc) { if(!is_int(commandargv[i])) { /* 1st parameter not an integer : error */ fprintf(stderr, "command -r : %s is not an port number\n", commandargv[i]); retcode = 1; break; } else if(is_int(commandargv[i+1])){ /* 2nd parameter is an integer : <port> <external_port> <protocol> */ SetRedirectAndTest(&urls, &data, lanaddr, commandargv[i], commandargv[i+1], commandargv[i+2], "0", description, 0); i+=3; /* 3 parameters parsed */ } else { /* 2nd parameter not an integer : <port> <protocol> */ SetRedirectAndTest(&urls, &data, lanaddr, commandargv[i], commandargv[i], commandargv[i+1], "0", description, 0); i+=2; /* 2 parameters parsed */ } } break; case 'A': SetPinholeAndTest(&urls, &data, commandargv[0], commandargv[1], commandargv[2], commandargv[3], commandargv[4], commandargv[5]); break; case 'U': GetPinholeAndUpdate(&urls, &data, commandargv[0], commandargv[1]); break; case 'C': for(i=0; i<commandargc; i++) { CheckPinhole(&urls, &data, commandargv[i]); } break; case 'K': for(i=0; i<commandargc; i++) { GetPinholePackets(&urls, &data, commandargv[i]); } break; case 'D': for(i=0; i<commandargc; i++) { RemovePinhole(&urls, &data, commandargv[i]); } break; case 'S': GetFirewallStatus(&urls, &data); break; case 'G': GetPinholeOutboundTimeout(&urls, &data, commandargv[0], commandargv[1], commandargv[2], commandargv[3], commandargv[4]); break; case 'P': printf("Presentation URL found:\n"); printf(" %s\n", data.presentationurl); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown switch -%c\n", command); retcode = 1; } FreeUPNPUrls(&urls); } else { fprintf(stderr, "No valid UPNP Internet Gateway Device found.\n"); retcode = 1; } freeUPNPDevlist(devlist); devlist = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "No IGD UPnP Device found on the network !\n"); retcode = 1; } #ifdef _WIN32 nResult = WSACleanup(); if(nResult != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "WSACleanup() failed.\n"); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ return retcode; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TermKey *tk; TermKeyKey key; plan_tests(57); tk = termkey_new_abstract("vt100", TERMKEY_FLAG_UTF8); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "a", 1); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY low ASCII"); is_int(key.type, TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE, "key.type low ASCII"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 'a', "key.code.codepoint low ASCII"); /* 2-byte UTF-8 range is U+0080 to U+07FF (0xDF 0xBF) */ /* However, we'd best avoid the C1 range, so we'll start at U+00A0 (0xC2 0xA0) */ termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xC2\xA0", 2); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 2 low"); is_int(key.type, TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE, "key.type UTF-8 2 low"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0x00A0, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 2 low"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xDF\xBF", 2); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 2 high"); is_int(key.type, TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE, "key.type UTF-8 2 high"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0x07FF, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 2 high"); /* 3-byte UTF-8 range is U+0800 (0xE0 0xA0 0x80) to U+FFFD (0xEF 0xBF 0xBD) */ termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xE0\xA0\x80", 3); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 3 low"); is_int(key.type, TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE, "key.type UTF-8 3 low"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0x0800, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 3 low"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xEF\xBF\xBD", 3); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 3 high"); is_int(key.type, TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE, "key.type UTF-8 3 high"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0xFFFD, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 3 high"); /* 4-byte UTF-8 range is U+10000 (0xF0 0x90 0x80 0x80) to U+10FFFF (0xF4 0x8F 0xBF 0xBF) */ termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xF0\x90\x80\x80", 4); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 4 low"); is_int(key.type, TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE, "key.type UTF-8 4 low"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0x10000, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 4 low"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF", 4); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 4 high"); is_int(key.type, TERMKEY_TYPE_UNICODE, "key.type UTF-8 4 high"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0x10FFFF, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 4 high"); /* Invalid continuations */ termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xC2!", 2); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 2 invalid cont"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0xFFFD, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 2 invalid cont"); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 2 invalid after"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, '!', "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 2 invalid after"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xE0!", 2); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 3 invalid cont"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0xFFFD, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 3 invalid cont"); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 3 invalid after"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, '!', "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 3 invalid after"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xE0\xA0!", 3); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 3 invalid cont 2"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0xFFFD, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 3 invalid cont 2"); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 3 invalid after"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, '!', "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 3 invalid after"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xF0!", 2); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 4 invalid cont"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0xFFFD, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 4 invalid cont"); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 4 invalid after"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, '!', "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 4 invalid after"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xF0\x90!", 3); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 4 invalid cont 2"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0xFFFD, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 4 invalid cont 2"); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 4 invalid after"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, '!', "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 4 invalid after"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xF0\x90\x80!", 4); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 4 invalid cont 3"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0xFFFD, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 4 invalid cont 3"); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 4 invalid after"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, '!', "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 4 invalid after"); /* Partials */ termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xC2", 1); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN, "getkey yields RES_AGAIN UTF-8 2 partial"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xA0", 1); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 2 partial"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0x00A0, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 2 partial"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xE0", 1); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN, "getkey yields RES_AGAIN UTF-8 3 partial"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xA0", 1); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN, "getkey yields RES_AGAIN UTF-8 3 partial"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\x80", 1); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 3 partial"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0x0800, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 3 partial"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\xF0", 1); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN, "getkey yields RES_AGAIN UTF-8 4 partial"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\x90", 1); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN, "getkey yields RES_AGAIN UTF-8 4 partial"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\x80", 1); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN, "getkey yields RES_AGAIN UTF-8 4 partial"); termkey_push_bytes(tk, "\x80", 1); is_int(termkey_getkey(tk, &key), TERMKEY_RES_KEY, "getkey yields RES_KEY UTF-8 4 partial"); is_int(key.code.codepoint, 0x10000, "key.code.codepoint UTF-8 4 partial"); termkey_destroy(tk); return exit_status(); }
unsigned options::get_unsigned(name const & n, unsigned default_value) const { sexpr const & r = get_sexpr(n); return !is_nil(r) && is_int(r) ? static_cast<unsigned>(to_int(r)) : default_value; }
int main(void) { /* NOTE: really large epsilon. This is because we are summing and the * the floating point rounding may effect the result when comparing with * MATLAB data. */ const float64 eps = 1; plan(3 + 1); ndarray3* n = orion_read_mhd("test-data/ITK/HeadMRVolume/HeadMRVolume.mhd"); array_float* scales = array_new_float( 10 ); /* taken from MATLAB `sums` variable above */ array_float* sums = array_new_float( 10 ); array_add_float( scales, 1.50 ); array_add_float(sums, 208564.0312 ); array_add_float( scales, 1.75 ); array_add_float(sums, 269313.5000 ); array_add_float( scales, 2.00 ); array_add_float(sums, 334097.3750 ); array_add_float( scales, 2.25 ); array_add_float(sums, 381097.5938 ); array_add_float( scales, 2.50 ); array_add_float(sums, 404807.3125 ); array_add_float( scales, 3.00 ); array_add_float(sums, 421116.8125 ); array_add_float( scales, 4.00 ); array_add_float(sums, 438598.1875 ); array_orion_eig_feat_result* r = orion_computeEigenvaluesGaussianFilter(n, EIG_FEAT_METHOD_SORT_SATO, false, scales); size_t r_len = array_length_orion_eig_feat_result(r); { /* 3 tests */ /* sanity tests */ is_int( array_length_float(scales) , array_length_orion_eig_feat_result(r), "there are as many results as there are scales"); orion_eig_feat_result* first_result = array_get_orion_eig_feat_result(r,0); is_double( array_get_float(scales,0), first_result->scale, 0, "the first scale is recorded in the result as expected"); ndarray3* first_result_first_n = array_get_ndarray3(first_result->eig_feat,0); ok( ndarray3_is_same_size(n, first_result_first_n), "the size of the returned ndarray3 is the same"); } { /* 1 test */ bool all_sums_expect = true; for( size_t r_idx = 0; r_idx < r_len && all_sums_expect; r_idx++ ) { orion_eig_feat_result* e = array_get_orion_eig_feat_result(r, r_idx); /* first eigenvalue */ ndarray3* n_e = array_get_ndarray3(e->eig_feat,0); all_sums_expect &= fabs( ndarray3_sum_over_all_float64(n_e) - array_get_float(sums, r_idx) ) < eps; /*[>DEBUG<]{ float64 n_e_sum_got = ndarray3_sum_over_all_float64(n_e); float64 n_e_sum_expected = array_get_float(sums, r_idx); printf("i = %d; scale = %f; with sum for first eigenvalue: got = %f and expect %f : expected / got: %f\n", r_idx, array_get_orion_eig_feat_result(r, r_idx)->scale, n_e_sum_got, n_e_sum_expected, n_e_sum_expected / n_e_sum_got ); }*/ } ok( all_sums_expect, "The sum of the first eigenvalue is as is expected"); } for( size_t r_idx = 0; r_idx < r_len; r_idx++ ) { orion_eig_feat_result* e = array_get_orion_eig_feat_result(r, r_idx); orion_eig_feat_result_free(e); } array_free_orion_eig_feat_result(r); array_free_float(scales); array_free_float(sums); ndarray3_free(n); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int options::get_int(name const & n, int default_value) const { sexpr const & r = get_sexpr(n); return !is_nil(r) && is_int(r) ? to_int(r) : default_value; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef HAVE_EXECINFO_H signal(SIGSEGV, crash_sig); signal(SIGABRT, crash_sig); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE localfd; WSADATA wsa; enum_device_t devs[MAX_DEVICE_COUNT]; #else int localfd; #endif char cmd[1024]; int remotefd; library_conf_t conf; int opt; struct in_addr a; struct option long_options[] = { { "conf", 1, NULL, 'c' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; char short_options[512] = {0}; longopt2shortopt(long_options, sizeof(long_options) / sizeof(struct option), short_options); #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H openlog(argv[0], LOG_PERROR | LOG_CONS | LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0); #endif qtun = calloc(sizeof(*qtun), 1); #ifdef WIN32 remotefd = -1; localfd = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #else localfd = remotefd = -1; #endif { char path[MAX_PATH] = {0}; #ifdef WIN32 strcpy(path, argv[0]); #elif defined(__APPLE__) char tmp_path[sizeof(path)] = {0}; uint32_t len = sizeof(path); if (_NSGetExecutablePath(tmp_path, &len) == -1) { perror("_NSGetExecutablePath"); return 1; } if (readlink(tmp_path, path, sizeof(path)) == -1) { if (errno == EINVAL) strcpy(path, tmp_path); else { perror("readlink"); return 1; } } #else if (readlink("/proc/self/exe", path, sizeof(path)) == -1) { perror("readlink"); return 1; } #endif init_path(path); } conf_init(&conf); while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'c': { char* path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (path == NULL) { perror("realpath"); return 1; } strcpy(conf.conf_file, path); free(path); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "param error\n"); return 1; } } #ifdef WIN32 { size_t count = enum_devices(devs); if (count == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "have no QTun Virtual Adapter\n"); return 1; } else if (count == 1) { strcpy(conf.dev_symbol, devs[0].dev_path); strcpy(conf.dev_name, devs[0].dev_name); } else { size_t i; char str[20] = { 0 }; int n = -1; printf("Have Adapters:\n"); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { printf("%lu: %s\n", i + 1, devs[i].dev_name); } printf("Choose One[1]: "); while (n == -1) { if (str[0] == '\n' && str[1] == 0) n = 1; else { if (!is_int(str, sizeof(str))) continue; n = atoi(str); if (n < 1 || n > (int)count) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Number must >= 1 and <= %lu\n", count); n = -1; continue; } } } strcpy(conf.dev_symbol, devs[n].dev_path); strcpy(conf.dev_name, devs[n].dev_name); } } #endif init_lua(); show_logo(); script_load_config(qtun->lua, &conf, conf.conf_file); #ifdef WIN32 if (strlen(conf.dev_symbol) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing param [-e] or [--device]\n"); return 1; } #endif #ifdef WIN32 localfd = tun_open(conf.dev_symbol); if (localfd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 1; fprintf(stdout, "%s opened\n", conf.dev_name); #else memset(qtun->dev_name, 0, IFNAMSIZ); localfd = tun_open(qtun->dev_name); if (localfd == -1) return 1; syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s opened\n", qtun->dev_name); #endif a.s_addr = conf.localip; #ifdef WIN32 WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa); #endif if (strlen(conf.server) == 0) { if (conf.netmask == 0 || conf.netmask > 31) { #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif fprintf(stderr, "netmask must > 0 and <= 31\n"); return 1; } library_init(conf); if (conf.localip == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "localip is zero\n"); return 1; } if (strlen(conf.signature_file) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "missing signature file\n"); return 1; } qtun->is_server = 1; remotefd = bind_and_listen(conf.server_port); if (remotefd == -1) { #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return 1; } #ifdef WIN32 { a.s_addr = conf.localip; sprintf(cmd, "netsh interface ip set address name=\"%s\" static %s %s", conf.dev_name, inet_ntoa(a), STR_LEN2MASK(conf.netmask)); SYSTEM_EXIT(cmd); } #elif defined(__APPLE__) { sprintf(cmd, "ifconfig %s %s/%u up", qtun->dev_name, inet_ntoa(a), conf.netmask); SYSTEM_EXIT(cmd); a.s_addr = conf.localip & LEN2MASK(conf.netmask); sprintf(cmd, "route add -net %s/%u %s", inet_ntoa(a), conf.netmask, inet_ntoa(a)); SYSTEM_EXIT(cmd); } #else { sprintf(cmd, "ifconfig %s %s/%u up", qtun->dev_name, inet_ntoa(a), conf.netmask); SYSTEM_EXIT(cmd); a.s_addr = conf.localip & LEN2MASK(conf.netmask); sprintf(cmd, "route add -net %s/%u dev %s", inet_ntoa(a), conf.netmask, qtun->dev_name); SYSTEM_EXIT(cmd); } #endif server_loop(remotefd, localfd); } else { #ifdef unix unsigned char mask; #endif int inited = 0; library_init(conf); qtun->is_server = 0; while (1) { remotefd = connect_server(conf.server, conf.server_port); if (remotefd == -1) { SLEEP(5); continue; } a.s_addr = qtun->localip; if (qtun->localip == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "localip is zero\n"); return 1; } if (strlen(conf.signature_file) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "missing signature file\n"); return 1; } if (!inited) { #ifdef WIN32 { sprintf(cmd, "netsh interface ip set address name=\"%s\" static %s %s", conf.dev_name, inet_ntoa(a), STR_LEN2MASK(conf.netmask)); SYSTEM_EXIT(cmd); } #elif defined(__APPLE__) { char ip1[16], ip2[16]; a.s_addr = qtun->localip; strcpy(ip1, inet_ntoa(a)); a.s_addr = qtun->client.local_ip; strcpy(ip2, inet_ntoa(a)); sprintf(cmd, "ifconfig %s inet %s %s up", qtun->dev_name, ip1, ip2); SYSTEM_EXIT(cmd); mask = netmask(); a.s_addr = qtun->localip & LEN2MASK(mask); sprintf(cmd, "route add -net %s/%u %s", inet_ntoa(a), mask, ip2); SYSTEM_EXIT(cmd); } #else { sprintf(cmd, "ifconfig %s %s up", qtun->dev_name, inet_ntoa(a)); SYSTEM_EXIT(cmd); mask = netmask(); a.s_addr = qtun->localip & LEN2MASK(mask); sprintf(cmd, "route add -net %s/%u dev %s", inet_ntoa(a), mask, qtun->dev_name); SYSTEM_EXIT(cmd); } #endif inited = 1; } client_loop(remotefd, localfd); close(remotefd); SYSLOG(LOG_WARNING, "retry"); } } #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H closelog(); #endif library_free(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int fd, i, num_loop, zero = 0; char c, lock_f[128]; struct stat st; int *iptr; char *cptr; if(argc != 4) { printf("usage: %s <pathname> <loop number> <char>\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(is_int(argv[2])) num_loop = atoi(argv[2]); c = argv[3][0]; i = stat(argv[1], &st); /* first one will get -1*/ snprintf(lock_f, sizeof(lock_f), "%s.lock", argv[1]); if((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDWR | O_CREAT, F_MODE)) < 0) { perror("open() failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(i == -1) { /* initialze */ write(fd, &zero, sizeof(int)); /* int counter*/ for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { write(fd, &zero, 1); } } iptr = (int *)mmap(NULL, SIZE+sizeof(int), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if(iptr == MAP_FAILED) { perror("mmap failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } close(fd); /* POSIX recommendation */ cptr = (char *)(&iptr[1]); my_lock_init(lock_f); setbuf(stdout, NULL); /* stdout unbuffer */ for(i = 0; i < num_loop; i++) { my_lock_wait(); if(*iptr >= (SIZE-1)) { my_lock_release(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } // for ( ; ; ) { if ((cptr[*iptr - 1]) == c && *iptr != 0) { my_lock_release(); usleep(100); my_lock_wait(); } else { break; } } cptr[*iptr] = c; printf("%c: %d\n", c, (*iptr)++); my_lock_release(); // usleep(800000); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { plan(11); /* Create memory pool context. */ struct mempool *pool = mp_new(64 * 1024); knot_mm_t mm; mm.ctx = pool; mm.alloc = (knot_mm_alloc_t)mp_alloc; = NULL; /* Create hashtable */ int ret = KNOT_EOK; uint16_t len = 0; const char *key = "mykey", *cur = NULL, *prev = NULL; value_t val = (void*)0xdeadbeef, *rval = NULL; hhash_iter_t it; hhash_t *tbl = hhash_create_mm(ELEM_COUNT, &mm); ok(tbl != NULL, "hhash: create"); if (tbl == NULL) { return KNOT_ERROR; /* No point in testing further on. */ } /* Generate random keys. */ char *keys[ELEM_COUNT]; unsigned nfilled = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ELEM_COUNT; ++i) { keys[i] = test_randstr_mm(&mm); } /* Insert single element. */ ret = hhash_insert(tbl, key, KEY_LEN(key), val); ok(ret == KNOT_EOK, "hhash: insert single element"); /* Retrieve nonexistent element. */ cur = "nokey"; rval = hhash_find(tbl, cur, KEY_LEN(cur)); ok(rval == NULL, "hhash: find non-existent element"); /* Retrieve single element. */ rval = hhash_find(tbl, key, KEY_LEN(key)); ok(rval != NULL, "hhash: find existing element"); /* Fill the table. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < ELEM_COUNT; ++i) { ret = hhash_insert(tbl, keys[i], KEY_LEN(keys[i]), keys[i]); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { nfilled = i; break; } } /* Check all keys integrity. */ unsigned nfound = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < nfilled; ++i) { rval = hhash_find(tbl, keys[i], KEY_LEN(keys[i])); if (!rval || memcmp(*rval, keys[i], KEY_LEN(keys[i])) != 0) { break; /* Mismatch */ } ++nfound; } is_int(nfilled, nfound, "hhash: found all inserted keys"); /* Test keys order index. */ hhash_build_index(tbl); hhash_iter_begin(tbl, &it, true); while (!hhash_iter_finished(&it)) { cur = hhash_iter_key(&it, &len); if (!str_check_sort(prev, cur)) { break; } prev = cur; int strl = strlen(cur); assert(strl + 1 == len); hhash_iter_next(&it); } ok(hhash_iter_finished(&it), "hhash: passed order index checks"); /* Retrieve all keys. */ nfound = 0; hhash_iter_begin(tbl, &it, false); while (!hhash_iter_finished(&it)) { cur = hhash_iter_key(&it, &len); if (hhash_find(tbl, cur, len) == NULL) { break; } else { ++nfound; } hhash_iter_next(&it); } ok(hhash_iter_finished(&it), "hhash: found all iterated keys"); is_int(tbl->weight, nfound, "hhash: all iterated keys found"); /* Test find less or equal. */ prev = "mykey0"; /* mykey should precede it */ hhash_find_leq(tbl, prev, KEY_LEN(prev), &rval); ok(rval && *rval == val, "hhash: find less or equal"); /* Delete key and retrieve it. */ ret = hhash_del(tbl, key, KEY_LEN(key)); ok(ret == KNOT_EOK, "hhash: remove key"); rval = hhash_find(tbl, key, KEY_LEN(key)); ok(rval == NULL, "hhash: find removed element"); /* Free all memory. */ mp_delete(mm.ctx); return KNOT_EOK; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { plan(4); // 1. Create slab cache srand(time(0)); const unsigned pattern = 0xdeadbeef; slab_cache_t cache; int ret = slab_cache_init(&cache, sizeof(int)); is_int(0, ret, "slab: created empty cache"); // 2. Couple alloc/free bool valid_free = true; for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { int* data = (int*)slab_cache_alloc(&cache); *data = pattern; slab_free(data); if (*data == pattern) valid_free = false; } // 5. Verify freed block ok(valid_free, "slab: freed memory is correctly invalidated"); // 4. Reap memory slab_t* slab = cache.slabs_free; int free_count = 0; while (slab) { slab_t* next = slab->next; if (slab_isempty(slab)) { ++free_count; } slab = next; } int reaped = slab_cache_reap(&cache); is_int(reaped, free_count, "slab: cache reaping works"); // Stress cache int alloc_count = 73521; void** ptrs = alloca(alloc_count * sizeof(void*)); int ptrs_i = 0; for(int i = 0; i < alloc_count; ++i) { double roll = rand() / (double) RAND_MAX; if ((ptrs_i == 0) || (roll < 0.6)) { int id = ptrs_i++; ptrs[id] = slab_cache_alloc(&cache); if (ptrs[id] == 0) { ptrs_i--; } else { int* data = (int*)ptrs[id]; *data = pattern; } } else { slab_free(ptrs[--ptrs_i]); } } // 5. Delete cache slab_cache_destroy(&cache); is_int(0, cache.bufsize, "slab: freed cache"); return 0; }
int CurtisReidScales(lprec *lp, MYBOOL _Advanced, REAL *FRowScale, REAL *FColScale) { int i, row, col, ent, nz; REAL *RowScalem2, *ColScalem2, *RowSum, *ColSum, *residual_even, *residual_odd; REAL sk, qk, ek, skm1, qkm1, ekm1, qkm2, qkqkm1, ekm2, ekekm1, absvalue, logvalue, StopTolerance; int *RowCount, *ColCount, colMax; int Result; MATrec *mat = lp->matA; REAL *value; int *rownr, *colnr; if(CurtisReidMeasure(lp, _Advanced, FRowScale, FColScale)<0.1*get_nonzeros(lp)) return(0); /* Allocate temporary memory and find RowSum and ColSum measures */ nz = get_nonzeros(lp); colMax = lp->columns; allocREAL(lp, &RowSum, lp->rows+1, TRUE); allocINT(lp, &RowCount, lp->rows+1, TRUE); allocREAL(lp, &residual_odd, lp->rows+1, TRUE); allocREAL(lp, &ColSum, colMax+1, TRUE); allocINT(lp, &ColCount, colMax+1, TRUE); allocREAL(lp, &residual_even, colMax+1, TRUE); allocREAL(lp, &RowScalem2, lp->rows+1, FALSE); allocREAL(lp, &ColScalem2, colMax+1, FALSE); /* Set origin for row scaling */ for(i = 1; i <= colMax; i++) { absvalue=fabs(lp->orig_obj[i]); if(absvalue>0) { logvalue = log(absvalue); ColSum[i] += logvalue; RowSum[0] += logvalue; ColCount[i]++; RowCount[0]++; } } value = &(COL_MAT_VALUE(0)); rownr = &(COL_MAT_ROWNR(0)); colnr = &(COL_MAT_COLNR(0)); for(i = 0; i < nz; i++, value += matValueStep, rownr += matRowColStep, colnr += matRowColStep) { absvalue=fabs(*value); if(absvalue>0) { logvalue = log(absvalue); ColSum[*colnr] += logvalue; RowSum[*rownr] += logvalue; ColCount[*colnr]++; RowCount[*rownr]++; } } /* Make sure we dont't have division by zero errors */ for(row = 0; row <= lp->rows; row++) if(RowCount[row] == 0) RowCount[row] = 1; for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) if(ColCount[col] == 0) ColCount[col] = 1; /* Initialize to RowScale = RowCount-1 RowSum ColScale = 0.0 residual = ColSum - ET RowCount-1 RowSum */ StopTolerance= MAX(lp->scalelimit-floor(lp->scalelimit), DEF_SCALINGEPS); StopTolerance *= (REAL) nz; for(row = 0; row <= lp->rows; row++) { FRowScale[row] = RowSum[row] / (REAL) RowCount[row]; RowScalem2[row] = FRowScale[row]; } /* Compute initial residual */ for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) { FColScale[col] = 0; ColScalem2[col] = 0; residual_even[col] = ColSum[col]; if(lp->orig_obj[col] != 0) residual_even[col] -= RowSum[0] / (REAL) RowCount[0]; i = mat->col_end[col-1]; rownr = &(COL_MAT_ROWNR(i)); ent = mat->col_end[col]; for(; i < ent; i++, rownr += matRowColStep) { residual_even[col] -= RowSum[*rownr] / (REAL) RowCount[*rownr]; } } /* Compute sk */ sk = 0; skm1 = 0; for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) sk += (residual_even[col]*residual_even[col]) / (REAL) ColCount[col]; Result = 0; qk=1; qkm1=0; qkm2=0; ek=0; ekm1=0; ekm2=0; while(sk>StopTolerance) { /* Given the values of residual and sk, construct ColScale (when pass is even) RowScale (when pass is odd) */ qkqkm1 = qk * qkm1; ekekm1 = ek * ekm1; if((Result % 2) == 0) { /* pass is even; construct RowScale[pass+1] */ if(Result != 0) { for(row = 0; row <= lp->rows; row++) RowScalem2[row] = FRowScale[row]; if(qkqkm1 != 0) { for(row = 0; row <= lp->rows; row++) FRowScale[row]*=(1 + ekekm1 / qkqkm1); for(row = 0; row<=lp->rows; row++) FRowScale[row]+=(residual_odd[row] / (qkqkm1 * (REAL) RowCount[row]) - RowScalem2[row] * ekekm1 / qkqkm1); } } } else { /* pass is odd; construct ColScale[pass+1] */ for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) ColScalem2[col] = FColScale[col]; if(qkqkm1 != 0) { for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) FColScale[col] *= (1 + ekekm1 / qkqkm1); for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) FColScale[col] += (residual_even[col] / ((REAL) ColCount[col] * qkqkm1) - ColScalem2[col] * ekekm1 / qkqkm1); } } /* update residual and sk (pass + 1) */ if((Result % 2) == 0) { /* even */ /* residual */ for(row = 0; row <= lp->rows; row++) residual_odd[row] *= ek; for(i = 1; i <= colMax; i++) if(lp->orig_obj[i] != 0) residual_odd[0] += (residual_even[i] / (REAL) ColCount[i]); rownr = &(COL_MAT_ROWNR(0)); colnr = &(COL_MAT_COLNR(0)); for(i = 0; i < nz; i++, rownr += matRowColStep, colnr += matRowColStep) { residual_odd[*rownr] += (residual_even[*colnr] / (REAL) ColCount[*colnr]); } for(row = 0; row <= lp->rows; row++) residual_odd[row] *= (-1 / qk); /* sk */ skm1 = sk; sk = 0; for(row = 0; row <= lp->rows; row++) sk += (residual_odd[row]*residual_odd[row]) / (REAL) RowCount[row]; } else { /* odd */ /* residual */ for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) residual_even[col] *= ek; for(i = 1; i <= colMax; i++) if(lp->orig_obj[i] != 0) residual_even[i] += (residual_odd[0] / (REAL) RowCount[0]); rownr = &(COL_MAT_ROWNR(0)); colnr = &(COL_MAT_COLNR(0)); for(i = 0; i < nz; i++, rownr += matRowColStep, colnr += matRowColStep) { residual_even[*colnr] += (residual_odd[*rownr] / (REAL) RowCount[*rownr]); } for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) residual_even[col] *= (-1 / qk); /* sk */ skm1 = sk; sk = 0; for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) sk += (residual_even[col]*residual_even[col]) / (REAL) ColCount[col]; } /* Compute ek and qk */ ekm2=ekm1; ekm1=ek; ek=qk * sk / skm1; qkm2=qkm1; qkm1=qk; qk=1-ek; Result++; } /* Synchronize the RowScale and ColScale vectors */ ekekm1 = ek * ekm1; if(qkm1 != 0) { if((Result % 2) == 0) { /* pass is even, compute RowScale */ for(row = 0; row<=lp->rows; row++) FRowScale[row]*=(1.0 + ekekm1 / qkm1); for(row = 0; row<=lp->rows; row++) FRowScale[row]+=(residual_odd[row] / (qkm1 * (REAL) RowCount[row]) - RowScalem2[row] * ekekm1 / qkm1); } else { /* pass is odd, compute ColScale */ for(col=1; col<=colMax; col++) FColScale[col]*=(1 + ekekm1 / qkm1); for(col=1; col<=colMax; col++) FColScale[col]+=(residual_even[col] / ((REAL) ColCount[col] * qkm1) - ColScalem2[col] * ekekm1 / qkm1); } } /* Do validation, if indicated */ if(FALSE && mat_validate(mat)){ double check, error; /* CHECK: M RowScale + E ColScale = RowSum */ error = 0; for(row = 0; row <= lp->rows; row++) { check = (REAL) RowCount[row] * FRowScale[row]; if(row == 0) { for(i = 1; i <= colMax; i++) { if(lp->orig_obj[i] != 0) check += FColScale[i]; } } else { i = mat->row_end[row-1]; ent = mat->row_end[row]; for(; i < ent; i++) { col = ROW_MAT_COLNR(i); check += FColScale[col]; } } check -= RowSum[row]; error += check*check; } /* CHECK: E^T RowScale + N ColScale = ColSum */ error = 0; for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) { check = (REAL) ColCount[col] * FColScale[col]; if(lp->orig_obj[col] != 0) check += FRowScale[0]; i = mat->col_end[col-1]; ent = mat->col_end[col]; rownr = &(COL_MAT_ROWNR(i)); for(; i < ent; i++, rownr += matRowColStep) { check += FRowScale[*rownr]; } check -= ColSum[col]; error += check*check; } } /* Convert to scaling factors (rounding to nearest power of 2 can optionally be done as a separate step later) */ for(col = 1; col <= colMax; col++) { absvalue = exp(-FColScale[col]); if(absvalue < MIN_SCALAR) absvalue = MIN_SCALAR; if(absvalue > MAX_SCALAR) absvalue = MAX_SCALAR; if(!is_int(lp,col) || is_integerscaling(lp)) FColScale[col] = absvalue; else FColScale[col] = 1; } for(row = 0; row <= lp->rows; row++) { absvalue = exp(-FRowScale[row]); if(absvalue < MIN_SCALAR) absvalue = MIN_SCALAR; if(absvalue > MAX_SCALAR) absvalue = MAX_SCALAR; FRowScale[row] = absvalue; } /* free temporary memory */ FREE(RowSum); FREE(ColSum); FREE(RowCount); FREE(ColCount); FREE(residual_even); FREE(residual_odd); FREE(RowScalem2); FREE(ColScalem2); return(Result); }
inline bool is_int (tree t) { return is_atomic (t) && is_int (t->label); }
int main(void) { pam_handle_t *pamh; struct pam_args *args; struct pam_conv conv = { NULL, NULL }; bool status; struct vector *cells; char *program; struct output *seen; const char *argv_bool[2] = { NULL, NULL }; const char *argv_err[2] = { NULL, NULL }; const char *argv_empty[] = { NULL }; #ifdef HAVE_KRB5 const char *argv_all[] = { ",", "debug", "expires=1d", "ignore_root", "minimum_uid=1000", "program=/bin/true" }; char *krb5conf; #else const char *argv_all[] = { ",", "debug", "expires=86400", "ignore_root", "minimum_uid=1000", "program=/bin/true" }; #endif if (pam_start("test", NULL, &conv, &pamh) != PAM_SUCCESS) sysbail("cannot create pam_handle_t"); args = putil_args_new(pamh, 0); if (args == NULL) bail("cannot create PAM argument struct"); plan(161); /* First, check just the defaults. */ args->config = config_new(); status = putil_args_defaults(args, options, optlen); ok(status, "Setting the defaults"); ok(args->config->cells == NULL, "...cells default"); is_int(false, args->config->debug, "...debug default"); is_int(10, args->config->expires, "...expires default"); is_int(true, args->config->ignore_root, "...ignore_root default"); is_int(0, args->config->minimum_uid, "...minimum_uid default"); ok(args->config->program == NULL, "...program default"); /* Now parse an empty set of PAM arguments. Nothing should change. */ status = putil_args_parse(args, 0, argv_empty, options, optlen); ok(status, "Parse of empty argv"); ok(args->config->cells == NULL, "...cells still default"); is_int(false, args->config->debug, "...debug still default"); is_int(10, args->config->expires, "...expires default"); is_int(true, args->config->ignore_root, "...ignore_root still default"); is_int(0, args->config->minimum_uid, "...minimum_uid still default"); ok(args->config->program == NULL, "...program still default"); /* Now, check setting everything. */ status = putil_args_parse(args, 6, argv_all, options, optlen); ok(status, "Parse of full argv"); if (args->config->cells == NULL) ok_block(4, false, "...cells is set"); else { ok(args->config->cells != NULL, "...cells is set"); is_int(2, args->config->cells->count, "...with two cells"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[0], "...first is"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[1], "...second is"); } is_int(true, args->config->debug, "...debug is set"); is_int(86400, args->config->expires, "...expires is set"); is_int(true, args->config->ignore_root, "...ignore_root is set"); is_int(1000, args->config->minimum_uid, "...minimum_uid is set"); is_string("/bin/true", args->config->program, "...program is set"); config_free(args->config); args->config = NULL; /* Test deep copying of defaults. */ cells = vector_new(); if (cells == NULL) sysbail("cannot allocate memory"); vector_add(cells, ""); vector_add(cells, ""); options[0].defaults.list = cells; program = strdup("/bin/false"); if (program == NULL) sysbail("cannot allocate memory"); options[5].defaults.string = program; args->config = config_new(); status = putil_args_defaults(args, options, optlen); ok(status, "Setting defaults with new defaults"); if (args->config->cells == NULL) ok_block(4, false, "...cells is set"); else { ok(args->config->cells != NULL, "...cells is set"); is_int(2, args->config->cells->count, "...with two cells"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[0], "...first is"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[1], "...second is"); } is_string("/bin/false", args->config->program, "...program is /bin/false"); status = putil_args_parse(args, 6, argv_all, options, optlen); ok(status, "Parse of full argv after defaults"); if (args->config->cells == NULL) ok_block(4, false, "...cells is set"); else { ok(args->config->cells != NULL, "...cells is set"); is_int(2, args->config->cells->count, "...with two cells"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[0], "...first is"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[1], "...second is"); } is_int(true, args->config->debug, "...debug is set"); is_int(86400, args->config->expires, "...expires is set"); is_int(true, args->config->ignore_root, "...ignore_root is set"); is_int(1000, args->config->minimum_uid, "...minimum_uid is set"); is_string("/bin/true", args->config->program, "...program is set"); is_string("", cells->strings[0], "...first cell after parse"); is_string("", cells->strings[1], "...second cell after parse"); is_string("/bin/false", program, "...string after parse"); config_free(args->config); args->config = NULL; is_string("", cells->strings[0], "...first cell after free"); is_string("", cells->strings[1], "...second cell after free"); is_string("/bin/false", program, "...string after free"); options[0].defaults.list = NULL; options[5].defaults.string = NULL; vector_free(cells); free(program); /* Test specifying the default for a vector parameter as a string. */ options[0].type = TYPE_STRLIST; options[0].defaults.string = ","; args->config = config_new(); status = putil_args_defaults(args, options, optlen); ok(status, "Setting defaults with string default for vector"); if (args->config->cells == NULL) ok_block(4, false, "...cells is set"); else { ok(args->config->cells != NULL, "...cells is set"); is_int(2, args->config->cells->count, "...with two cells"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[0], "...first is"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[1], "...second is"); } config_free(args->config); args->config = NULL; options[0].type = TYPE_LIST; options[0].defaults.string = NULL; /* Should be no errors so far. */ ok(pam_output() == NULL, "No errors so far"); /* Test various ways of spelling booleans. */ args->config = config_new(); TEST_BOOL("debug", args->config->debug, true); TEST_BOOL("debug=false", args->config->debug, false); TEST_BOOL("debug=true", args->config->debug, true); TEST_BOOL("debug=no", args->config->debug, false); TEST_BOOL("debug=yes", args->config->debug, true); TEST_BOOL("debug=off", args->config->debug, false); TEST_BOOL("debug=on", args->config->debug, true); TEST_BOOL("debug=0", args->config->debug, false); TEST_BOOL("debug=1", args->config->debug, true); TEST_BOOL("debug=False", args->config->debug, false); TEST_BOOL("debug=trUe", args->config->debug, true); TEST_BOOL("debug=No", args->config->debug, false); TEST_BOOL("debug=Yes", args->config->debug, true); TEST_BOOL("debug=OFF", args->config->debug, false); TEST_BOOL("debug=ON", args->config->debug, true); config_free(args->config); args->config = NULL; /* Test for various parsing errors. */ args->config = config_new(); TEST_ERROR("debug=", LOG_ERR, "invalid boolean in setting: debug="); TEST_ERROR("debug=truth", LOG_ERR, "invalid boolean in setting: debug=truth"); TEST_ERROR("minimum_uid", LOG_ERR, "value missing for option minimum_uid"); TEST_ERROR("minimum_uid=", LOG_ERR, "value missing for option minimum_uid="); TEST_ERROR("minimum_uid=foo", LOG_ERR, "invalid number in setting: minimum_uid=foo"); TEST_ERROR("minimum_uid=1000foo", LOG_ERR, "invalid number in setting: minimum_uid=1000foo"); TEST_ERROR("program", LOG_ERR, "value missing for option program"); TEST_ERROR("cells", LOG_ERR, "value missing for option cells"); config_free(args->config); args->config = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_KRB5 /* Test for Kerberos krb5.conf option parsing. */ krb5conf = test_file_path("data/krb5-pam.conf"); if (krb5conf == NULL) bail("cannot find data/krb5-pam.conf"); if (setenv("KRB5_CONFIG", krb5conf, 1) < 0) sysbail("cannot set KRB5_CONFIG"); krb5_free_context(args->ctx); status = krb5_init_context(&args->ctx); if (status != 0) bail("cannot parse test krb5.conf file"); args->config = config_new(); status = putil_args_defaults(args, options, optlen); ok(status, "Setting the defaults"); status = putil_args_krb5(args, "testing", options, optlen); ok(status, "Options from krb5.conf"); ok(args->config->cells == NULL, "...cells default"); is_int(true, args->config->debug, "...debug set from krb5.conf"); is_int(1800, args->config->expires, "...expires set from krb5.conf"); is_int(true, args->config->ignore_root, "...ignore_root default"); is_int(1000, args->config->minimum_uid, "...minimum_uid set from krb5.conf"); ok(args->config->program == NULL, "...program default"); status = putil_args_krb5(args, "other-test", options, optlen); ok(status, "Options from krb5.conf (other-test)"); is_int(-1000, args->config->minimum_uid, "...minimum_uid set from krb5.conf other-test"); /* Test with a realm set, which should expose more settings. */ krb5_free_context(args->ctx); status = krb5_init_context(&args->ctx); if (status != 0) bail("cannot parse test krb5.conf file"); args->realm = strdup("FOO.COM"); if (args->realm == NULL) sysbail("cannot allocate memory"); status = putil_args_krb5(args, "testing", options, optlen); ok(status, "Options from krb5.conf with FOO.COM"); is_int(2, args->config->cells->count, "...cells count from krb5.conf"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[0], "...first cell from krb5.conf"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[1], "...second cell from krb5.conf"); is_int(true, args->config->debug, "...debug set from krb5.conf"); is_int(1800, args->config->expires, "...expires set from krb5.conf"); is_int(true, args->config->ignore_root, "...ignore_root default"); is_int(1000, args->config->minimum_uid, "...minimum_uid set from krb5.conf"); is_string("/bin/false", args->config->program, "...program from krb5.conf"); /* Test with a different realm. */ free(args->realm); args->realm = strdup("BAR.COM"); if (args->realm == NULL) sysbail("cannot allocate memory"); status = putil_args_krb5(args, "testing", options, optlen); ok(status, "Options from krb5.conf with BAR.COM"); is_int(2, args->config->cells->count, "...cells count from krb5.conf"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[0], "...first cell from krb5.conf"); is_string("", args->config->cells->strings[1], "...second cell from krb5.conf"); is_int(true, args->config->debug, "...debug set from krb5.conf"); is_int(1800, args->config->expires, "...expires set from krb5.conf"); is_int(true, args->config->ignore_root, "...ignore_root default"); is_int(1000, args->config->minimum_uid, "...minimum_uid set from krb5.conf"); is_string("echo /bin/true", args->config->program, "...program from krb5.conf"); config_free(args->config); args->config = config_new(); status = putil_args_krb5(args, "other-test", options, optlen); ok(status, "Options from krb5.conf (other-test with realm)"); ok(args->config->cells == NULL, "...cells is NULL"); is_string("echo /bin/true", args->config->program, "...program from krb5.conf"); config_free(args->config); args->config = NULL; /* Test for time parsing errors. */ args->config = config_new(); TEST_ERROR("expires=ft87", LOG_ERR, "bad time value in setting: expires=ft87"); config_free(args->config); /* Test error reporting from the krb5.conf parser. */ args->config = config_new(); status = putil_args_krb5(args, "bad-number", options, optlen); ok(status, "Options from krb5.conf (bad-number)"); seen = pam_output(); is_string("invalid number in krb5.conf setting for minimum_uid: 1000foo", seen->lines[0].line, "...and correct error reported"); is_int(LOG_ERR, seen->lines[0].priority, "...with correct priority"); pam_output_free(seen); config_free(args->config); args->config = NULL; /* Test error reporting on times from the krb5.conf parser. */ args->config = config_new(); status = putil_args_krb5(args, "bad-time", options, optlen); ok(status, "Options from krb5.conf (bad-time)"); seen = pam_output(); if (seen == NULL) ok_block(2, false, " error output"); else { is_string("invalid time in krb5.conf setting for expires: ft87", seen->lines[0].line, "...and correct error reported"); is_int(LOG_ERR, seen->lines[0].priority, "...with correct priority"); } pam_output_free(seen); config_free(args->config); args->config = NULL; test_file_path_free(krb5conf); #else /* !HAVE_KRB5 */ skip_block(37, "Kerberos support not configured"); #endif putil_args_free(args); pam_end(pamh, 0); return 0; }
static void basicCounterFunctionality(void) { ph_counter_scope_t *scope; scope = ph_counter_scope_define(NULL, "test1", 24); is_true(scope != NULL); is_string("test1", ph_counter_scope_get_name(scope)); uint8_t slot = ph_counter_scope_register_counter(scope, "dummy"); is(0, slot); ph_counter_scope_add(scope, slot, 1); is(1, ph_counter_scope_get(scope, slot)); ph_counter_scope_add(scope, slot, 1); is(2, ph_counter_scope_get(scope, slot)); ph_counter_scope_add(scope, slot, 3); is(5, ph_counter_scope_get(scope, slot)); /* register some more slots */ const char *names[2] = {"sent", "recd"}; is_true(ph_counter_scope_register_counter_block( scope, 2, slot + 1, names)); ph_counter_block_t *block = ph_counter_block_open(scope); is_true(block != NULL); ph_counter_block_add(block, slot + 1, 3); is(3, ph_counter_scope_get(scope, slot + 1)); // C++, clogging up code with casts since the last century uint8_t bulk_slots[2] = { (uint8_t)(slot + 1), (uint8_t)(slot + 2) }; int64_t values[2] = { 1, 5 }; ph_counter_block_bulk_add(block, 2, bulk_slots, values); is(4, ph_counter_scope_get(scope, slot + 1)); is(5, ph_counter_scope_get(scope, slot + 2)); uint8_t num_slots; int64_t view_slots[10]; const char *view_names[10]; num_slots = ph_counter_scope_get_view(scope, 10, view_slots, view_names); is(3, num_slots); is(5, view_slots[0]); is(4, view_slots[1]); is(5, view_slots[2]); is_string("dummy", view_names[0]); is_string("sent", view_names[1]); is_string("recd", view_names[2]); ph_counter_scope_t *kid_scope; // Verify that attempting to define the same scope twice fails kid_scope = ph_counter_scope_define(NULL, "test1", 24); is_true(kid_scope == NULL); // Get ourselves a real child kid_scope = ph_counter_scope_define(scope, "child", 8); is_true(kid_scope != NULL); is_string("test1.child", ph_counter_scope_get_name(kid_scope)); ph_counter_scope_t *resolved; resolved = ph_counter_scope_resolve(NULL, "test1"); is(scope, resolved); resolved = ph_counter_scope_resolve(NULL, "test1.child"); is(kid_scope, resolved); ph_counter_scope_register_counter(kid_scope, "w00t"); // Test iteration struct counter_name_val counter_data[16]; int n_counters = 0; ph_counter_scope_iterator_t iter; // Collect all counter data; it is returned in an undefined order. // For the sake of testing we want to order it, so we collect the data // and then sort it ph_counter_scope_iterator_init(&iter); ph_counter_scope_t *iter_scope; while ((iter_scope = ph_counter_scope_iterator_next(&iter)) != NULL) { int i; if (strncmp(ph_counter_scope_get_name(iter_scope), "test1", 5)) { continue; } num_slots = ph_counter_scope_get_view(iter_scope, 10, view_slots, view_names); for (i = 0; i < num_slots; i++) { counter_data[n_counters].scope_name = ph_counter_scope_get_name(iter_scope); counter_data[n_counters].name = view_names[i]; counter_data[n_counters].val = view_slots[i]; n_counters++; } ph_counter_scope_delref(iter_scope); } qsort(counter_data, n_counters, sizeof(struct counter_name_val), compare_counter_name_val); struct counter_name_val expected_data[] = { { "test1", "dummy", 5 }, { "test1", "recd", 5 }, { "test1", "sent", 4 }, { "test1.child", "w00t", 0 }, }; int num_expected = sizeof(expected_data) / sizeof(expected_data[0]); is_int(num_expected, n_counters); for (int i = 0; i < n_counters; i++) { is_string(expected_data[i].scope_name, counter_data[i].scope_name); is_string(expected_data[i].name, counter_data[i].name); is(expected_data[i].val, counter_data[i].val); diag("%s.%s = %" PRIi64, counter_data[i].scope_name, counter_data[i].name, counter_data[i].val); } }
int main(void) { int i, count; unsigned int j; long lcount; char lgbuf[128]; plan(8 + (18 + (ARRAY_SIZE(fp_formats) - 1) * ARRAY_SIZE(fp_nums) + (ARRAY_SIZE(int_formats) - 1) * ARRAY_SIZE(int_nums) + (ARRAY_SIZE(uint_formats) - 1) * ARRAY_SIZE(uint_nums) + (ARRAY_SIZE(llong_formats) - 1) * ARRAY_SIZE(llong_nums) + (ARRAY_SIZE(ullong_formats) - 1) * ARRAY_SIZE(ullong_nums)) * 2); is_int(4, test_snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s", "abcd"), "simple string length"); is_int(2, test_snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", 20), "number length"); is_int(7, test_snprintf(NULL, 0, "Test %.2s", "abcd"), "limited string"); is_int(1, test_snprintf(NULL, 0, "%c", 'a'), "character length"); is_int(0, test_snprintf(NULL, 0, ""), "empty format length"); test_format(true, "abcd", 4, "%s", "abcd"); test_format(true, "20", 2, "%d", 20); test_format(true, "Test ab", 7, "Test %.2s", "abcd"); test_format(true, "a", 1, "%c", 'a'); test_format(true, "", 0, ""); test_format(true, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234", 36, "%s", string); test_format(true, "abcdefghij", 10, "%.10s", string); test_format(true, " abcdefghij", 12, "%12.10s", string); test_format(true, " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0", 40, "%40s", string); test_format(true, "abcdefghij ", 14, "%-14.10s", string); test_format(true, " abcdefghijklmnopq", 50, "%50s", string); test_format(true, "%abcd%", 6, "%%%0s%%", "abcd"); test_format(true, "", 0, "%.0s", string); test_format(true, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 444", 32, "%.26s %d", string, 4444); test_format(true, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -2.", 32, "%.26s %.1f", string, -2.5); test_format(true, "abcdefghij4444", 14, "%.10s%n%d", string, &count, 4444); is_int(10, count, "correct output from %%n"); test_format(true, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234", 36, "%n%s%ln", &count, string, &lcount); is_int(0, count, "correct output from two %%n"); is_int(31, lcount, "correct output from long %%ln"); test_format(true, "(null)", 6, "%s", NULL); for (i = 0; fp_formats[i] != NULL; i++) for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(fp_nums); j++) { count = sprintf(lgbuf, fp_formats[i], fp_nums[j]); test_format(false, lgbuf, count, fp_formats[i], fp_nums[j]); } for (i = 0; int_formats[i] != NULL; i++) for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(int_nums); j++) { count = sprintf(lgbuf, int_formats[i], int_nums[j]); test_format(false, lgbuf, count, int_formats[i], int_nums[j]); } for (i = 0; uint_formats[i] != NULL; i++) for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(uint_nums); j++) { count = sprintf(lgbuf, uint_formats[i], uint_nums[j]); test_format(false, lgbuf, count, uint_formats[i], uint_nums[j]); } for (i = 0; llong_formats[i] != NULL; i++) for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(llong_nums); j++) { count = sprintf(lgbuf, llong_formats[i], llong_nums[j]); test_format(false, lgbuf, count, llong_formats[i], llong_nums[j]); } for (i = 0; ullong_formats[i] != NULL; i++) for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(ullong_nums); j++) { count = sprintf(lgbuf, ullong_formats[i], ullong_nums[j]); test_format(false, lgbuf, count, ullong_formats[i], ullong_nums[j]); } return 0; }
void getInitialPosition(Cell board[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH],Player * player,char * token){ Position position; Direction direction; token = strtok(NULL, DELIMS); /*- get 'y' -*/ if(is_int(token)){ position.y= atoi(token); token = strtok(NULL,DELIMS); } else { printf("INVALID INPUT\n"); } /*- get 'x' -*/ if(is_int(token)){ position.x = atoi(token); token = strtok(NULL,DELIMS); } else { printf("INVALID INPUT\n"); } /*- get 'direction' -*/ if(strcmp(token,"west") == 0) { direction = WEST; } else if(strcmp(token,"south") == 0) { direction = SOUTH; } else if(strcmp(token,"east") == 0) { direction = EAST; } else if(strcmp(token,"north") == 0) { direction = NORTH; } else { printf("Please enter the direction correctl (north,east,south,west).\n"); } /* initialise player position on the board */ initialisePlayer(player,&position,direction); if(placePlayer(board,position) == TRUE) { position.x = player->position.x; position.y = player->position.y; player->direction = direction; direction = atoi(token); } else{ printf("INVALID INPUT\n"); } }
int to_int() const { if( !is_int() ) throw std::logic_error( "not int" ) ; return i ; }
int main(void) { pid_t child; socket_type server, client; int status, flags; char buffer[20]; ssize_t length; gss_buffer_desc result; alarm(20); plan(12); if (chdir(getenv("C_TAP_BUILD")) < 0) sysbail("can't chdir to C_TAP_BUILD"); unlink("server-ready"); child = fork(); if (child < 0) sysbail("cannot fork"); else if (child == 0) { server = create_server(); send_regular_token(server); socket_close(server); exit(0); } else { client = create_client(); length = read(client, buffer, 12); is_int(10, length, "received token has correct length"); ok(memcmp(buffer, token, 10) == 0, "...and correct data"); waitpid(child, NULL, 0); socket_close(client); } unlink("server-ready"); child = fork(); if (child < 0) sysbail("cannot fork"); else if (child == 0) { server = create_server(); send_hand_token(server); socket_close(server); exit(0); } else { client = create_client(); status = token_recv(client, &flags, &result, 5, 0); is_int(TOKEN_OK, status, "received hand-rolled token"); is_int(3, flags, "...with right flags"); is_int(5, result.length, "...and right length"); ok(memcmp(result.value, "hello", 5) == 0, "...and right data"); free(result.value); waitpid(child, NULL, 0); socket_close(client); } /* Send a token with a length of one, but no following data. */ unlink("server-ready"); child = fork(); if (child < 0) sysbail("cannot fork"); else if (child == 0) { server = create_server(); socket_xwrite(server, "\0\0\0\0\1", 5); socket_close(server); exit(0); } else { client = create_client(); status = token_recv(client, &flags, &result, 200, 0); is_int(TOKEN_FAIL_EOF, status, "receive invalid token"); waitpid(child, NULL, 0); socket_close(client); } /* Send a token larger than our token size limit. */ unlink("server-ready"); child = fork(); if (child < 0) sysbail("cannot fork"); else if (child == 0) { server = create_server(); send_hand_token(server); socket_close(server); exit(0); } else { client = create_client(); status = token_recv(client, &flags, &result, 4, 0); is_int(TOKEN_FAIL_LARGE, status, "receive too-large token"); waitpid(child, NULL, 0); socket_close(client); } /* Send EOF when we were expecting a token. */ unlink("server-ready"); child = fork(); if (child < 0) sysbail("cannot fork"); else if (child == 0) { server = create_server(); socket_close(server); exit(0); } else { client = create_client(); status = token_recv(client, &flags, &result, 4, 0); is_int(TOKEN_FAIL_EOF, status, "receive end of file"); waitpid(child, NULL, 0); socket_close(client); } /* * Test a timeout on sending a token. We have to send a large enough * token that the network layer doesn't just buffer it. */ unlink("server-ready"); child = fork(); if (child < 0) sysbail("cannot fork"); else if (child == 0) { server = create_server(); sleep(3); socket_close(server); exit(0); } else { result.value = bmalloc(8192 * 1024); memset(result.value, 'a', 8192 * 1024); result.length = 8192 * 1024; client = create_client(); status = token_send(client, 3, &result, 1); free(result.value); is_int(TOKEN_FAIL_TIMEOUT, status, "can't send due to timeout"); socket_close(client); waitpid(child, NULL, 0); } /* Test a timeout on receiving a token. */ unlink("server-ready"); child = fork(); if (child < 0) sysbail("cannot fork"); else if (child == 0) { server = create_server(); sleep(3); socket_close(server); exit(0); } else { client = create_client(); status = token_recv(client, &flags, &result, 200, 1); is_int(TOKEN_FAIL_TIMEOUT, status, "can't receive due to timeout"); socket_close(client); waitpid(child, NULL, 0); } /* Special test for error handling when sending tokens. */ server = open("/dev/full", O_RDWR); if (server < 0) skip("/dev/full not available"); else { result.value = bmalloc(5); memcpy(result.value, "hello", 5); result.length = 5; status = token_send(server, 3, &result, 0); free(result.value); is_int(TOKEN_FAIL_SOCKET, status, "can't send due to system error"); close(server); } unlink("server-ready"); return 0; }
static void tst1() { unsynch_mpq_manager nm; polynomial::manager m(nm); polynomial_ref x(m); x = m.mk_polynomial(m.mk_var()); polynomial_ref p(m); p = 3*x - 2; algebraic_numbers::manager am(nm); scoped_anum_vector rs1(am); std::cout << "p: " << p << "\n"; am.isolate_roots(p, rs1); display_anums(std::cout, rs1); SASSERT(rs1.size() == 1); std::cout.flush(); p = (x^2) - 2; std::cout << "p: " << p << "\n"; rs1.reset(); am.isolate_roots(p, rs1); display_anums(std::cout, rs1); SASSERT(rs1.size() == 2); scoped_anum sqrt2(am); am.set(sqrt2, rs1[1]); scoped_mpq q(nm); nm.set(q, 1, 3); scoped_anum aq(am); am.set(aq, q); // create algebraic number representing 1/3 am.add(sqrt2, aq, aq); std::cout << "sqrt(2) + 1/3: "; am.display_decimal(std::cout, aq, 10); std::cout << " "; am.display_interval(std::cout, aq); std::cout << " "; am.display_root(std::cout, aq); std::cout << "\n"; am.set(aq, q); am.add(rs1[0], aq, aq); std::cout << "-sqrt(2) + 1/3: "; am.display_decimal(std::cout, aq, 10); std::cout << " "; am.display_interval(std::cout, aq); std::cout << " "; am.display_root(std::cout, aq); std::cout << "\n"; p = ((x^5) - x - 1)*(x-1)*(x-2); std::cout << "p: " << p << "\n"; rs1.reset(); am.isolate_roots(p, rs1); display_anums(std::cout, rs1); SASSERT(rs1.size() == 3); scoped_anum gauss(am); am.set(gauss, rs1[1]); std::cout << "compare(" << sqrt2 << ", " << gauss << "): " <<, gauss) << "\n"; statistics st; am.collect_statistics(st); st.display_smt2(std::cout); p = ((x^2) - 2)*((x^2) - 3); std::cout << "p: " << p << "\n"; rs1.reset(); am.isolate_roots(p, rs1); display_anums(std::cout, rs1); SASSERT(rs1.size() == 4); scoped_anum hidden_sqrt2(am); am.set(hidden_sqrt2, rs1[2]); std::cout << "compare(" << sqrt2 << ", " << hidden_sqrt2 << "): " <<, hidden_sqrt2) << "\n"; st.reset(); am.collect_statistics(st); st.display_smt2(std::cout); std::cout << "sqrt(2)^4: " << (sqrt2^4) << "\n"; SASSERT(is_int(power(sqrt2, 4))); SASSERT(power(sqrt2, 4) == 4); scoped_anum sqrt2_gauss(am); am.add(sqrt2, gauss, sqrt2_gauss); std::cout << "sqrt2 + gauss: " << sqrt2_gauss << " "; am.display_root(std::cout, sqrt2_gauss); std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "sqrt2*sqrt2: " << sqrt2*sqrt2 << "\n"; std::cout << "sqrt2*sqrt2 == 2: " << (sqrt2*sqrt2 == 2) << std::endl; scoped_anum three(am); am.set(three, -3); std::cout << "(-3)^(1/5): " << root(three, 5) << "\n"; std::cout << "sqrt(2)^(1/3): " << root(sqrt2, 3) << "\n"; std::cout << "as-root-object(sqrt(2)^(1/3)): " << root_obj_pp(root(sqrt2, 3)) << "\n"; std::cout << "(sqrt(2) + 1)^(1/3): " << root(sqrt2 + 1, 3) << "\n"; std::cout << "as-root-object((sqrt(2) + 1)^(1/3)): " << root_obj_pp(root(sqrt2 + 1, 3)) << "\n"; std::cout << "(sqrt(2) + gauss)^(1/5): " << root(sqrt2 + gauss, 5) << "\n"; std::cout << "as-root-object(sqrt(2) + gauss)^(1/5): " << root_obj_pp(root(sqrt2 + gauss, 5)) << "\n"; std::cout << "(sqrt(2) / sqrt(2)): " << sqrt2 / hidden_sqrt2 << "\n"; std::cout << "(sqrt(2) / gauss): " << sqrt2 / gauss << "\n"; std::cout << "(sqrt(2) / gauss) 30 digits: " << decimal_pp(sqrt2 / gauss, 30) << "\n"; std::cout << "as-root-object(sqrt(2) / gauss): " << root_obj_pp(sqrt2 / gauss) << "\n"; std::cout << "is_int(sqrt(2)^(1/3)): " << am.is_int(root(sqrt2, 3)) << "\n"; scoped_anum tmp(am); scoped_anum four(am); am.set(four, 4); am.set(tmp, sqrt2); am.inv(tmp); std::cout << "1/sqrt(2): " << tmp << "\n"; am.mul(tmp, four, tmp); std::cout << "4*1/sqrt(2): " << tmp << " " << root_obj_pp(tmp) << "\n"; am.mul(tmp, sqrt2, tmp); std::cout << "sqrt(2)*4*(1/sqrt2): " << tmp << " " << root_obj_pp(tmp) << "\n"; std::cout << "is_int(sqrt(2)*4*(1/sqrt2)): " << am.is_int(tmp) << ", after is-int: " << tmp << "\n"; p = (998*x - 1414)*((x^2) - 15); std::cout << "p: " << p << "\n"; rs1.reset(); am.isolate_roots(p, rs1); std::cout << "is-rational(sqrt2): " << am.is_rational(sqrt2) << "\n"; scoped_anum qr(am); am.set(qr, rs1[1]); std::cout << "qr: " << root_obj_pp(qr); std::cout << ", is-rational: " << am.is_rational(qr) << ", val: " << root_obj_pp(qr) << "\n"; return; std::cout << "compare(" << sqrt2 << ", " << gauss << "): " <<, gauss) << "\n"; p = (x^16) - 136*(x^14) + 6476*(x^12) - 141912*(x^10) + 1513334*(x^8) - 7453176*(x^6) + 13950764*(x^4) - 5596840*(x^2) + 46225; std::cout << "p: " << p << "\n"; rs1.reset(); am.isolate_roots(p, rs1); display_anums(std::cout, rs1); }
bool Formatter::is_number(ItRules::type value) { return is_double(value) || is_int(value) ; }
bool is_numeric() const { return is_int() || is_decimal(); }
/* A more readable lp-format report of the model; antiquated and not updated */ void REPORT_lp(lprec *lp) { int i, j; if(lp->outstream == NULL) return; if(lp->matA->is_roworder) { report(lp, IMPORTANT, "REPORT_lp: Cannot print lp while in row entry mode.\n"); return; } fprintf(lp->outstream, "Model name: %s\n", get_lp_name(lp)); fprintf(lp->outstream, " "); for(j = 1; j <= lp->columns; j++) fprintf(lp->outstream, "%8s ", get_col_name(lp,j)); fprintf(lp->outstream, "\n%simize ", (is_maxim(lp) ? "Max" : "Min")); for(j = 1; j <= lp->columns; j++) fprintf(lp->outstream, "%8g ", get_mat(lp, 0, j)); fprintf(lp->outstream, "\n"); for(i = 1; i <= lp->rows; i++) { fprintf(lp->outstream, "%-9s ", get_row_name(lp, i)); for(j = 1; j <= lp->columns; j++) fprintf(lp->outstream, "%8g ", get_mat(lp, i, j)); if(is_constr_type(lp, i, GE)) fprintf(lp->outstream, ">= "); else if(is_constr_type(lp, i, LE)) fprintf(lp->outstream, "<= "); else fprintf(lp->outstream, " = "); fprintf(lp->outstream, "%8g", get_rh(lp, i)); if(is_constr_type(lp, i, GE)) { if(get_rh_upper(lp, i) < lp->infinite) fprintf(lp->outstream, " %s = %8g", "upbo", get_rh_upper(lp, i)); } else if(is_constr_type(lp, i, LE)) { if(get_rh_lower(lp, i) > -lp->infinite) fprintf(lp->outstream, " %s = %8g", "lowbo", get_rh_lower(lp, i)); } fprintf(lp->outstream, "\n"); } fprintf(lp->outstream, "Type "); for(i = 1; i <= lp->columns; i++) { if(is_int(lp,i)) fprintf(lp->outstream, " Int "); else fprintf(lp->outstream, " Real "); } fprintf(lp->outstream, "\nupbo "); for(i = 1; i <= lp->columns; i++) if(get_upbo(lp, i) >= lp->infinite) fprintf(lp->outstream, " Inf "); else fprintf(lp->outstream, "%8g ", get_upbo(lp, i)); fprintf(lp->outstream, "\nlowbo "); for(i = 1; i <= lp->columns; i++) if(get_lowbo(lp, i) <= -lp->infinite) fprintf(lp->outstream, " -Inf "); else fprintf(lp->outstream, "%8g ", get_lowbo(lp, i)); fprintf(lp->outstream, "\n"); fflush(lp->outstream); }