예제 #1
  void path::m_path_iterator_decrement(path::iterator & it)
    BOOST_ASSERT(it.m_pos && "path::iterator decrement past begin()");

    size_type end_pos(it.m_pos);

    // if at end and there was a trailing non-root '/', return "."
    if (it.m_pos == it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname.size()
      && it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname.size() > 1
      && is_separator(it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname[it.m_pos-1])
      && is_non_root_separator(it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname, it.m_pos-1) 
      it.m_element = dot_path;

    size_type root_dir_pos(root_directory_start(it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname, end_pos));

    // skip separators unless root directory
    for (
      end_pos > 0
      && (end_pos-1) != root_dir_pos
      && is_separator(it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname[end_pos-1])
      --end_pos) {}

    it.m_pos = filename_pos(it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname, end_pos);
    it.m_element = it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname.substr(it.m_pos, end_pos - it.m_pos);
    if (it.m_element.m_pathname == preferred_separator_string)
      it.m_element.m_pathname = separator_string;  // needed for Windows, harmless on POSIX
예제 #2
void path::m_path_iterator_increment(path::iterator & it)
    BOOST_ASSERT(it.m_pos < it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname.size() && "path::basic_iterator increment past end()");

    // increment to position past current element
    it.m_pos += it.m_element.m_pathname.size();

    // if end reached, create end basic_iterator
    if (it.m_pos == it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname.size())

    // both POSIX and Windows treat paths that begin with exactly two separators specially
    bool was_net(it.m_element.m_pathname.size() > 2
                 && is_separator(it.m_element.m_pathname[0])
                 && is_separator(it.m_element.m_pathname[1])
                 && !is_separator(it.m_element.m_pathname[2]));

    // process separator (Windows drive spec is only case not a separator)
    if (is_separator(it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname[it.m_pos]))
        // detect root directory
        if (was_net
#       ifdef BOOST_WINDOWS_API
                // case "c:/"
                || it.m_element.m_pathname[it.m_element.m_pathname.size()-1] == colon
#       endif
            it.m_element.m_pathname = separator;

        // bypass separators
        while (it.m_pos != it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname.size()
                && is_separator(it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname[it.m_pos]))

        // detect trailing separator, and treat it as ".", per POSIX spec
        if (it.m_pos == it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname.size()
                && is_non_root_separator(it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname, it.m_pos-1))
            it.m_element = dot_path;

    // get next element
    size_type end_pos(it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname.find_first_of(separators, it.m_pos));
    if (end_pos == string_type::npos) end_pos = it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname.size();
    it.m_element = it.m_path_ptr->m_pathname.substr(it.m_pos, end_pos - it.m_pos);
예제 #3
 path path::filename() const
   size_type pos(filename_pos(m_pathname, m_pathname.size()));
   return (m_pathname.size()
             && pos
             && is_separator(m_pathname[pos])
             && is_non_root_separator(m_pathname, pos))
     ? dot_path
     : path(m_pathname.c_str() + pos);