예제 #1
int tfs_getfld (const TFSCAN *tfs, FILE *file, char *buf, int len,
                int *read)
{                               /* --- read a table field */
  int  c;                       /* character read */
  int  d;                       /* delimiter type */
  char *p;                      /* to traverse the buffer */

  assert(tfs && file && buf && (len >= 0));
  p = buf; *p = '\0';           /* clear read buffer */
  do {                          /* --- skip leading blanks */
    c = getc(file);             /* get next character */
    if (c == EOF) return (ferror(file)) ? -1 : TFS_EOF;
  } while (isblank(c));         /* while character is blank */
  if (issep(c)) {               /* check for field/record separator */
    if (read) *read = 0;        /* clear number of characters read */
    return (isfldsep(c)) ? TFS_FLD : TFS_REC;
  }                             /* return delimiter type */
  while (1) {                   /* --- read value */
    if (len >= 0) {             /* if buffer is not full, */
      len--; *p++ = (char)c; }  /* store character in buffer */
    c = getc(file);             /* get next character */
    if (issep(c)) { d = (isfldsep(c))  ? TFS_FLD : TFS_REC; break; }
    if (c == EOF) { d = (ferror(file)) ? -1      : TFS_EOF; break; }
  }                             /* while character is no separator */
  while (isblank(*--p));        /* --- remove trailing blanks */
  *++p = '\0';                  /* terminate string in buffer */
  if (read) *read = (int)(p -buf); /* store number of characters read */
  if (d != TFS_FLD) return d;   /* if not at field separator, abort */
  while (isblank(c)) {          /* --- skip trailing blanks */
    c = getc(file);             /* get next character */
    if (c == EOF) return (ferror(file)) ? -1 : TFS_EOF;
  }                             /* check for end of file */
  if (isrecsep(c))  return TFS_REC;  /* check for record separator */
  if (!isfldsep(c)) ungetc(c, file); /* put back character */
  return TFS_FLD;               /* return delimiter type */
}  /* tfs_getfld() */
예제 #2
int trd_read (TABREAD *trd)
{                               /* --- read the next table field */
  int  c, d;                    /* character read, delimiter type */
  char *p, *e;                  /* to traverse the field */

  /* --- initialize --- */
  assert(trd && trd->file);     /* check the function arguments */
  trd->pos = (trd->delim == TRD_FLD) ? trd->pos+1 : 1;
  trd->field[trd->len = 0] = 0; /* clear the current field */
  GETC(trd, c, TRD_EOF);        /* get the first character */

  /* --- skip comment records --- */
  if (trd->delim != TRD_FLD) {  /* if at the start of a record */
    while (iscomment(c)) {      /* while the record is a comment */
      while (!isrecsep(c))      /* while not at end of record, */
        GETC(trd, c, TRD_EOF);  /* get the next character */
      trd->rec++;               /* count the comment record */
      GETC(trd, c, TRD_EOF);    /* get the first character */
    }                           /* after the comment record */
  }                             /* (comment records are skipped) */

  /* --- skip leading blanks --- */
  while (isblank(c))            /* while the character is blank, */
    GETC(trd, c, TRD_REC);      /* get the next character */
  if (issep(c)) {               /* check for field/record separator */
    trd->last = c;              /* store the last character read */
    if (isfldsep(c)) return trd->delim = TRD_FLD;
    trd->rec++;      return trd->delim = TRD_REC;
  }                             /* if at end of record, count record */
  /* Note that after at least one valid character was read, even  */
  /* if it is a blank, the end of file/input is translated into a */
  /* record separator. EOF is returned only if no character could */
  /* be read before the end of file/input is encountered.         */

  /* --- read the field --- */
  p = trd->field; e = p +TRD_MAXLEN;
  while (1) {                   /* field read loop */
    if (p < e) *p++ = (char)c;  /* append the last character */
    c = trd_getc(trd);          /* and get the next character */
    if (c < 0)    { d = (c <= TRD_ERR) ? TRD_ERR : TRD_REC; break; }
    if (issep(c)) { d = (isfldsep(c))  ? TRD_FLD : TRD_REC; break; }
  }                             /* while character is no separator */
  trd->last = c;                /* store the last character read */

  /* --- remove trailing blanks --- */
  while (isblank(*--p));        /* skip blank characters at the end */
  *++p = '\0';                  /* and terminate the current field */
  trd->len = (size_t)(p -trd->field); /* store number of characters */

  /* --- check for a null value --- */
  while (--p >= trd->field)     /* check for only null value chars. */
    if (!isnull((unsigned char)*p)) break;
  if (p < trd->field)           /* clear field if null value */
    trd->field[trd->len = 0] = 0;

  /* --- check for end of line --- */
  if (d != TRD_FLD) {           /* if not at a field separator */
    if (d == TRD_REC) trd->rec++;
    return trd->delim = d;      /* if at end of record, count record, */
  }                             /* and then abort the function */

  /* --- skip trailing blanks --- */
  while (isblank(c)) {          /* while character is blank, */
    trd->last = c;              /* note the last character */
    GETC(trd, c, TRD_REC);      /* and get the next character */
  if (isrecsep(c)) {            /* check for a record separator */
    trd->last = c; trd->rec++; return trd->delim = TRD_REC; }
  if (isfldsep(c))              /* note the field separator or */
    trd->last = c;              /* put back last character (may be */
  else trd_ungetc(trd, c);      /* necessary if blank = field sep.) */
  return trd->delim = TRD_FLD;  /* return the delimiter type */
}  /* trd_read() */
예제 #3
파일: tabscan.c 프로젝트: crubeido/test
int ts_next (TABSCAN *tsc, FILE *file, char *buf, int len)
{                               /* --- read the next table field */
  int  c, d;                    /* character read, delimiter type */
  char *p;                      /* to traverse the buffer */

  assert(tsc && (!buf || (len >= 0)));  /* check function argumens */

  /* --- initialize --- */
  if (!buf) {                   /* if no buffer given, use internal */
    buf = tsc->buf; len = TS_SIZE; }
  p = buf; *p = '\0';           /* clear the read buffer and */
  tsc->cnt = 0;                 /* the number of characters read */
  GETC(c, TS_EOF, file);        /* get the first character */

  /* --- skip comment records --- */
  if (tsc->delim != TS_FLD) {   /* if at the start of a record */
    while (iscomment(c)) {      /* while the record is a comment */
      tsc->reccnt++;            /* count the record to be read */
      while (!isrecsep(c))      /* while not at end of record, */
        GETC(c, TS_EOF, file);  /* get the next character */
      GETC(c, TS_EOF, file);    /* get the first character */
    }                           /* after the comment record */
  }                             /* (comment records are skipped) */

  /* --- skip leading blanks --- */
  while (isblank(c))            /* while character is blank, */
    GETC(c, TS_REC, file);      /* get the next character */
  if (issep(c)) {               /* check for field/record separator */
    tsc->last = c;              /* store the last character read */
    if (isfldsep(c)) return tsc->delim = TS_FLD;
    tsc->reccnt++;   return tsc->delim = TS_REC;
  }                             /* if at end of record, count reocrd */
  /* Note that after at least one valid character was read, even  */
  /* if it is a blank, the end of file/input is translated into a */
  /* record separator. -1 is returned only if no character could  */
  /* be read before the end of file/input is encountered.         */

  /* --- read the field --- */
  while (1) {                   /* field read loop */
    if (len > 0) {              /* if the buffer is not full, */
      len--; *p++ = (char)c; }  /* store the character in the buffer */
    c = getc(file);             /* get the next character */
    if (issep(c)) { d = (isfldsep(c))  ? TS_FLD : TS_REC; break; }
    if (c == EOF) { d = (ferror(file)) ? TS_ERR : TS_REC; break; }
  }                             /* while character is no separator */
  tsc->last = c;                /* store the last character read */

  /* --- remove trailing blanks --- */
  while (isblank(*--p));        /* while character is blank */
  *++p = '\0';                  /* terminate string in buffer */
  tsc->cnt = (int)(p -buf);     /* store number of characters read */

  /* --- check for a null value --- */
  while (--p >= buf)            /* check for only null value chars. */
    if (!isnull((unsigned char)*p)) break;
  if (p < buf) {                /* clear buffer if null value */
    buf[0] = '\0'; tsc->cnt = 0; }
  /* --- check for end of line --- */
  if (d != TS_FLD) {            /* if not at a field separator */
    if (d == TS_REC) tsc->reccnt++;
    return tsc->delim = d;      /* if at end of record, count record, */
  }                             /* and then abort the function */

  /* --- skip trailing blanks --- */
  while (isblank(c)) {          /* while character is blank, */
    tsc->last = c;              /* note the last character */
    GETC(c, TS_REC, file);      /* and get the next character */
  if (isrecsep(c)) {            /* check for a record separator */
    tsc->reccnt++; tsc->last = c; return tsc->delim = TS_REC; }
  if (isfldsep(c))              /* note the field separator or */
    tsc->last = c;              /* put back last character (may be */
  else ungetc(c, file);         /* necessary if blank = field sep.) */
  return tsc->delim = TS_FLD;   /* return the delimiter type */
}  /* ts_next() */