예제 #1
bool CHttpServer::decide(String const &method, String const &arg_uri, String const &query,
                         HeaderList const &headers, String const &body/*, IResponseSender& respSender*/ )
    if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Decide what to do with uri %s", arg_uri.c_str());
    callback_t callback = registered(arg_uri);
    if (callback) {
        if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is registered callback, so handle it appropriately", arg_uri.c_str());

        if ( callback == rho_http_ruby_proc_callback )
            call_ruby_proc( query, body );
            callback(this, query.length() ? query : body);

        return false;

    String uri = arg_uri;

    String fullPath = CFilePath::join(m_root, uri);
#ifndef RHO_NO_RUBY_API    
    if (rho_ruby_is_started())
        Route route;
        if (dispatch(uri, route)) {
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is correct route, so enable MVC logic", uri.c_str());
            VALUE req = create_request_hash(route.application, route.model, route.action, route.id,
                                            method, uri, query, headers, body);
            VALUE data = callFramework(req);
            String reply(getStringFromValue(data), getStringLenFromValue(data));

            bool isRedirect = String_startsWith(reply, "HTTP/1.1 301") ||
                              String_startsWith(reply, "HTTP/1.1 302");

            if (!send_response(reply, isRedirect))
                return false;

            if (method == "GET")

		    if ( sync::RhoconnectClientManager::haveRhoconnectClientImpl() ) {

			    if (!route.id.empty()) {
				    sync::RhoconnectClientManager::rho_sync_addobjectnotify_bysrcname(route.model.c_str(), route.id.c_str());
            return true;
        if (isdir(fullPath)) {
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is directory, redirecting to index", uri.c_str());
            String q = query.empty() ? "" : "?" + query;
            HeaderList headers;
            headers.push_back(Header("Location", CFilePath::join( uri, "index" RHO_ERB_EXT) + q));
            send_response(create_response("301 Moved Permanently", headers), true);
            return false;

        if (isindex(uri)) {
            if (!isfile(fullPath)) {
                if (verbose) RAWLOG_ERROR1("The file %s was not found", fullPath.c_str());
                String error = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + uri + " was not found.</font></html>";
                send_response(create_response("404 Not Found",error));
                return false;
            if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is index file, call serveIndex", uri.c_str());

            VALUE req = create_request_hash(route.application, route.model, route.action, route.id,
                                            method, uri, query, headers, body);

            VALUE data = callServeIndex((char *)fullPath.c_str(), req);
            String reply(getStringFromValue(data), getStringLenFromValue(data));

            if (!send_response(reply))
                return false;

            if (method == "GET")

            return true;
    // Try to send requested file
    if (verbose) RAWTRACE1("Uri %s should be regular file, trying to send it", uri.c_str());

    bool bRes = send_file(uri, headers);

    return bRes;
예제 #2
bool CHttpServer::decide(String const &method, String const &arg_uri, String const &query,
                         HeaderList const &headers, String const &body)
    RAWTRACE1("Decide what to do with uri %s", arg_uri.c_str());
    callback_t callback = registered(arg_uri);
    if (callback) {
        RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is registered callback, so handle it appropriately", arg_uri.c_str());

        if ( callback == rho_http_ruby_proc_callback )
            call_ruby_proc( query, body );
            callback(this, query.length() ? query : body);

        return false;

    String uri = arg_uri;

//#ifdef OS_ANDROID
//    //Work around malformed Android WebView URLs
//    if (!String_startsWith(uri, "/app") &&
//        !String_startsWith(uri, "/public") &&
//        !String_startsWith(uri, "/data")) 
//    {
//        RAWTRACE1("Malformed URL: '%s', adding '/app' prefix.", uri.c_str());
//        uri = CFilePath::join("/app", uri);
//    }

    String fullPath = CFilePath::join(m_root, uri);
    Route route;
    if (dispatch(uri, route)) {
        RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is correct route, so enable MVC logic", uri.c_str());
        VALUE req = create_request_hash(route.application, route.model, route.action, route.id,
                                        method, uri, query, headers, body);
        VALUE data = callFramework(req);
        String reply(getStringFromValue(data), getStringLenFromValue(data));

        bool isRedirect = String_startsWith(reply, "HTTP/1.1 301") ||
                          String_startsWith(reply, "HTTP/1.1 302");

        if (!send_response(reply, isRedirect))
            return false;

        if (method == "GET")

		if ( sync::RhoconnectClientManager::haveRhoconnectClientImpl() ) {

			if (!route.id.empty()) {
				sync::RhoconnectClientManager::rho_sync_addobjectnotify_bysrcname(route.model.c_str(), route.id.c_str());
        return true;
//#ifndef OS_ANDROID
    if (isdir(fullPath)) {
        RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is directory, redirecting to index", uri.c_str());
        String q = query.empty() ? "" : "?" + query;
        HeaderList headers;
        headers.push_back(Header("Location", CFilePath::join( uri, "index"RHO_ERB_EXT) + q));
        send_response(create_response("301 Moved Permanently", headers), true);
        return false;
//    //Work around this Android redirect bug:
//    //http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?can=2&q=11583&id=11583
//    if (isdir(fullPath)) {
//        RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is directory, override with index", uri.c_str());
//        return decide(method, CFilePath::join( uri, "index"RHO_ERB_EXT), query, headers, body);
//    }
    if (isindex(uri)) {
        if (!isfile(fullPath)) {
            RAWLOG_ERROR1("The file %s was not found", fullPath.c_str());
            String error = "<html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + uri + " was not found.</font></html>";
            send_response(create_response("404 Not Found",error));
            return false;
        RAWTRACE1("Uri %s is index file, call serveIndex", uri.c_str());

        VALUE req = create_request_hash(route.application, route.model, route.action, route.id,
                                        method, uri, query, headers, body);

        VALUE data = callServeIndex((char *)fullPath.c_str(), req);
        String reply(getStringFromValue(data), getStringLenFromValue(data));

        if (!send_response(reply))
            return false;

        if (method == "GET")

        return true;
    // Try to send requested file
    RAWTRACE1("Uri %s should be regular file, trying to send it", uri.c_str());
    return send_file(uri, headers);