int isr_reportx (ISREPORT *rep, int *tids, int n)
{   /* --- report the current item set */
    assert(rep);                  /* check the function arguments */
    rep->tids   = tids;           /* store the transaction id array */
    rep->tidcnt = n;              /* and the number of transaction ids */
    n = isr_report(rep);          /* report the current item set */
    rep->tids   = NULL;           /* clear the transaction id array */
    return n;                     /* return number of rep. item sets */
}  /* isr_reportx() */
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
{                               /* --- main function */
  int     i, k = 0;             /* loop variables */
  char    *s;                   /* to traverse the options */
  CCHAR   **optarg = NULL;      /* option argument */
  CCHAR   *fn_inp  = NULL;      /* name of input  file */
  CCHAR   *fn_out  = NULL;      /* name of output file */
  CCHAR   *fn_sel  = NULL;      /* name of item selection file */
  #ifdef ISR_PATSPEC            /* if to allow a pattern spectrum */
  CCHAR   *fn_psp  = NULL;      /* name of pattern spectrum file */
  CCHAR   *recseps = NULL;      /* record  separators */
  CCHAR   *fldseps = NULL;      /* field   separators */
  CCHAR   *blanks  = NULL;      /* blank   characters */
  CCHAR   *comment = NULL;      /* comment characters */
  CCHAR   *hdr     = "";        /* record header  for output */
  CCHAR   *sep     = " ";       /* item separator for output */
  CCHAR   *dflt    = "  (%1S)"; /* default format for check */
  CCHAR   *format  = dflt;      /* format for information output */
  int     target   = 's';       /* target type (closed/maximal) */
  ITEM    min      =  1;        /* minimum size of an item set */
  ITEM    max      = 16;        /* maximum size of an item set */
  double  supp     = 10;        /* minimum support (in percent) */
  int     eval     = 'x';       /* additional evaluation measure */
  double  minval   = 10;        /* minimum evaluation measure value */
  int     sort     =  2;        /* flag for item sorting and recoding */
  int     dir      = +1;        /* item processing order */
  long    repeat   =  1;        /* number of repetitions */
  int     mtar     =  0;        /* mode for transaction reading */
  int     mrep     =  0;        /* mode for item set reporting */
  int     stats    =  0;        /* flag for item set statistics */
  ITEM    m;                    /* number of items */
  TID     n;                    /* number of transactions */
  SUPP    w;                    /* total transaction weight */
  clock_t t;                    /* timer for measurements */
  ISEVALFN *evalfn = (ISEVALFN*)0; /* evaluation function */

  #ifndef QUIET                 /* if not quiet version */
  prgname = argv[0];            /* get program name for error msgs. */

  /* --- print usage message --- */
  if (argc > 1) {               /* if arguments are given */
    fprintf(stderr, "%s - %s\n", argv[0], DESCRIPTION);
    fprintf(stderr, VERSION); } /* print a startup message */
  else {                        /* if no arguments given */
    printf("usage: %s [options] infile [outfile]\n", argv[0]);
    printf("%s\n", DESCRIPTION);
    printf("%s\n", VERSION);
    printf("-t#      target type                              "
                    "(default: %c)\n", target);
    printf("         (s: frequent, c: closed, m: maximal item sets, "
                     "g: generators)\n");
    printf("-m#      minimum number of items per item set     "
                    "(default: %"ITEM_FMT")\n", min);
    printf("-n#      maximum number of items per item set     "
                    "(default: %"ITEM_FMT")\n", max);
    printf("-s#      minimum support of an item set           "
                    "(default: %g%%)\n", supp);
    printf("         (positive: percentage, "
                     "negative: absolute number)\n");
    printf("-e#      additional evaluation measure            "
                    "(default: none)\n");
    printf("-d#      minimum value of add. evaluation measure "
                    "(default: %g%%)\n", minval);
    printf("-q#      sort items w.r.t. their frequency        "
                    "(default: %d)\n", sort);
    printf("         (1: ascending, -1: descending, 0: do not sort,\n"
           "          2: ascending, -2: descending w.r.t. "
                    "transaction size sum)\n");
    printf("-u#      item processing order/search direction   "
                    "(default: %d)\n", dir);
    printf("         (fixed to -1 for closed/maximal item sets\n"
           "          fixed to +1 for generators, free otherwise)\n");
    printf("-x#      number of repetitions (for benchmarking) "
                    "(default: 1)\n");
    printf("-R#      read an item selection from a file\n");
    #ifdef ISR_PATSPEC
    printf("-P#      write a pattern spectrum to a file\n");
    printf("-Z       print item set statistics (counts per size)\n");
    printf("-g       write output in scanable form "
                    "(quote certain characters)\n");
    printf("-h#      record header  for output                "
                    "(default: \"%s\")\n", hdr);
    printf("-k#      item separator for output                "
                    "(default: \"%s\")\n", sep);
    printf("-v#      output format for item set information   "
                    "(default: \"%s\")\n", format);
    printf("-w       transaction weight in last field         "
                    "(default: only items)\n");
    printf("-r#      record/transaction separators            "
                    "(default: \"\\n\")\n");
    printf("-f#      field /item        separators            "
                    "(default: \" \\t,\")\n");
    printf("-b#      blank   characters                       "
                    "(default: \" \\t\\r\")\n");
    printf("-C#      comment characters                       "
                    "(default: \"#\")\n");
    printf("-!       print additional option information\n");
    printf("infile   file to read transactions from           "
    printf("outfile  file to write frequent item sets to      "
    return 0;                   /* print a usage message */
  }                             /* and abort the program */
  #endif  /* #ifndef QUIET */
  /* free option characters: acilopy [A-Z]\[CT] */

  /* --- evaluate arguments --- */
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {  /* traverse arguments */
    s = argv[i];                /* get option argument */
    if (optarg) { *optarg = s; optarg = NULL; continue; }
    if ((*s == '-') && *++s) {  /* -- if argument is an option */
      while (*s) {              /* traverse options */
        switch (*s++) {         /* evaluate switches */
          case '!': help();                          break;
          case 't': target = (*s) ? *s++ : 's';      break;
          case 'm': min    = (ITEM)strtol(s, &s, 0); break;
          case 'n': max    = (ITEM)strtol(s, &s, 0); break;
          case 's': supp   =       strtod(s, &s);    break;
          case 'e': eval   = (*s) ? *s++ : 0;        break;
          case 'd': minval =       strtod(s, &s);    break;
          case 'q': sort   = (int) strtol(s, &s, 0); break;
          case 'u': dir    = (int) strtol(s, &s, 0); break;
          case 'x': repeat =       strtol(s, &s, 0); break;
          case 'R': optarg = &fn_sel;                break;
          #ifdef ISR_PATSPEC
          case 'P': optarg = &fn_psp;                break;
          case 'Z': stats  = 1;                      break;
          case 'g': mrep   = ISR_SCAN;               break;
          case 'h': optarg = &hdr;                   break;
          case 'k': optarg = &sep;                   break;
          case 'v': optarg = &format;                break;
          case 'w': mtar  |= TA_WEIGHT;              break;
          case 'r': optarg = &recseps;               break;
          case 'f': optarg = &fldseps;               break;
          case 'b': optarg = &blanks;                break;
          case 'C': optarg = &comment;               break;
          default : error(E_OPTION, *--s);           break;
        }                       /* set option variables */
        if (optarg && *s) { *optarg = s; optarg = NULL; break; }
      } }                       /* get option argument */
    else {                      /* -- if argument is no option */
      switch (k++) {            /* evaluate non-options */
        case  0: fn_inp = s;      break;
        case  1: fn_out = s;      break;
        default: error(E_ARGCNT); break;
      }                         /* note filenames */
  if (optarg)     error(E_OPTARG);      /* check (option) arguments */
  if (k    < 1)   error(E_ARGCNT);      /* and number of arguments */
  if (min  < 0)   error(E_SIZE, min);   /* check the size limits */
  if (max  < 0)   error(E_SIZE, max);   /* and the minimum support */
  if (max  > 16)  error(E_SIZE, max);   /* and the minimum support */
  if (supp > 100) error(E_SUPPORT, supp);
  if (repeat < 1) error(E_REPEAT, repeat);
  if ((!fn_inp || !*fn_inp) && (fn_sel && !*fn_sel))
    error(E_STDIN);             /* stdin must not be used twice */
  switch (target) {             /* check and translate target type */
    case 's': target = ISR_ALL;              break;
    case 'c': target = ISR_CLOSED;           break;
    case 'm': target = ISR_MAXIMAL;          break;
    case 'g': target = ISR_GENERA;           break;
    default : error(E_TARGET, (char)target); break;
  }                             /* (get target type code) */
  switch (eval) {               /* check and translate measure */
    case 'x': evalfn = (ISEVALFN*)0;         break;
    case 'b': evalfn = isr_logrto;           break;
    default : error(E_MEASURE, (char)eval);  break;
  }                             /* (get evaluation measure code) */
  if ((format == dflt) && (supp < 0))
    format = "  (%a)";          /* adapt the default info. format */
  MSG(stderr, "\n");            /* terminate the startup message */

  /* --- read item selection --- */
  ibase = ib_create(0, 0);      /* create an item base */
  if (!ibase) error(E_NOMEM);   /* to manage the items */
  tread = trd_create();         /* create a transaction reader */
  if (!tread) error(E_NOMEM);   /* and configure the characters */
  trd_allchs(tread, recseps, fldseps, blanks, "", comment);
  if (fn_sel) {                 /* if item appearances are given */
    t = clock();                /* start timer, open input file */
    if (trd_open(tread, NULL, fn_sel) != 0)
      error(E_FOPEN, trd_name(tread));
    MSG(stderr, "reading %s ... ", trd_name(tread));
    m = ib_readsel(ibase,tread);/* read the given item selection */
    if (m < 0) error((int)-m, ib_errmsg(ibase, NULL, 0));
    trd_close(tread);           /* close the input file */
    MSG(stderr, "[%"ITEM_FMT" item(s)]", m);
    MSG(stderr, " done [%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t));
  }                             /* print a log message */

  /* --- read transaction database --- */
  tabag = tbg_create(ibase);    /* create a transaction bag */
  if (!tabag) error(E_NOMEM);   /* to store the transactions */
  t = clock();                  /* start timer, open input file */
  if (trd_open(tread, NULL, fn_inp) != 0)
    error(E_FOPEN, trd_name(tread));
  MSG(stderr, "reading %s ... ", trd_name(tread));
  k = tbg_read(tabag, tread, mtar);
  if (k < 0)                    /* read the transaction database */
    error(-k, tbg_errmsg(tabag, NULL, 0));
  trd_delete(tread, 1);         /* close the input file and */
  tread = NULL;                 /* delete the table reader */
  m = ib_cnt(ibase);            /* get the number of items, */
  n = tbg_cnt(tabag);           /* the number of transactions, */
  w = tbg_wgt(tabag);           /* the total transaction weight */
  MSG(stderr, "[%"ITEM_FMT" item(s), %"TID_FMT, m, n);
  if (w != (SUPP)n) MSG(stderr, "/%"SUPP_FMT, w);
  MSG(stderr, " transaction(s)] done [%.2fs].", SEC_SINCE(t));
  if ((m <= 0) || (n <= 0))     /* check for at least one item */
    error(E_NOITEMS);           /* and at least one transaction */
  MSG(stderr, "\n");            /* compute absolute support value */
  supp = ceilsupp((supp >= 0) ? 0.01 *supp *(double)w : -supp);

  /* --- sort and recode items --- */
  t = clock();                  /* start timer, print log message */
  MSG(stderr, "filtering, sorting and recoding items ... ");
  m = tbg_recode(tabag, (SUPP)supp, -1, 16, -sort);
  if (m <  0) error(E_NOMEM);   /* recode items and transactions */
  if (m <= 0) error(E_NOITEMS); /* and check the number of items */
  MSG(stderr, "[%"ITEM_FMT" item(s)]", m);
  MSG(stderr, " done [%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t));

  /* --- sort and reduce transactions --- */
  t = clock();                  /* start timer, print log message */
  MSG(stderr, "sorting and reducing transactions ... ");
  tbg_filter(tabag,min,NULL,0); /* remove items of short transactions */
  tbg_itsort(tabag, +1, 1);     /* sort items in transactions and */
  tbg_sort  (tabag, +1, 1);     /* sort the trans. lexicographically */
  n = tbg_reduce(tabag, 0);     /* reduce transactions to unique ones */
  tbg_pack(tabag, 16);          /* pack items with codes < 16 */
  MSG(stderr, "[%"TID_FMT, n);  /* print number of transactions */
  if (w != (SUPP)n) MSG(stderr, "/%"SUPP_FMT, w);
  MSG(stderr, " transaction(s)] done [%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t));

  /* --- find frequent item sets --- */
  t = clock();                  /* start the timer */
  if (eval == 'b') mrep |= ISR_LOGS;
  report = isr_create(ibase, target|mrep, -1, hdr, sep, NULL);
  if (!report) error(E_NOMEM);  /* create an item set reporter */
  isr_setfmt (report, format);  /* and configure it: set flags, */
  isr_setsize(report, min, max);/* info. format and size range, */
  if (evalfn)                   /* and the evaluation function */
    isr_seteval(report, evalfn, NULL, +1, 0.01*minval);
  #ifdef ISR_PATSPEC            /* if to allow a pattern spectrum */
  if (fn_psp && (isr_addpsp(report, NULL) < 0))
    error(E_NOMEM);             /* add a pattern spectrum if req. */
  if (isr_open(report, NULL, fn_out) != 0)
    error(E_FOPEN, isr_name(report));  /* open the output file */
  MSG(stderr, "writing %s ... ", isr_name(report));
  if      (target == ISR_GENERA)              dir = +1;
  else if (target & (ISR_CLOSED|ISR_MAXIMAL)) dir = -1;
  fim16 = m16_create(dir, (SUPP)supp, report);
  if (!fim16) error(E_NOMEM);   /* create a 16 items machine */
  for (i = 0; i < repeat; i++){ /* repeated mining loop */
    isr_reset(report);          /* (re)init. the output counters */
    m16_addtbg(fim16, tabag);   /* add trans. bag to 16 items machine */
    k = m16_mine(fim16);        /* find frequent item sets */
    if (k < 0) error(E_NOMEM);  /* with 16 items machine */
  if (isr_report(report) < 0)   /* report the empty set (if needed) */
  if (isr_close(report) != 0)   /* close the output file */
    error(E_FWRITE, isr_name(report));
  MSG(stderr, "[%"SIZE_FMT" set(s)]", isr_repcnt(report));
  MSG(stderr, " done [%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t));
  if (stats) isr_prstats(report, stdout, 0);

  /* --- write pattern spectrum --- */
  #ifdef ISR_PATSPEC            /* if to allow a pattern spectrum */
  if (fn_psp) {                 /* if to write a pattern spectrum */
    psp    = isr_getpsp(report);/* get the pattern spectrum */
    twrite = twr_create();      /* create a table writer and */
    if (!twrite) error(E_NOMEM);/* open the output file */
    if (twr_open(twrite, NULL, fn_psp) != 0)
      error(E_FOPEN,  twr_name(twrite));
    if (psp_report(psp, twrite) != 0)
      error(E_FWRITE, twr_name(twrite));
    twr_delete(twrite, 1);      /* write the pattern spectrum, */
    twrite = NULL;              /* delete the table writer, and */
  }                             /* clear the writer variable */

  /* --- clean up --- */
  CLEANUP;                      /* clean up memory and close files */
  SHOWMEM;                      /* show (final) memory usage */
  return 0;                     /* return 'ok' */
}  /* main() */
static int rec_neg (FIM16 *fim, int n, BITTA mask)
{                               /* --- find frequent item sets */
  int   i, r;                   /* loop variable, error status */
  SUPP  s;                      /* item support */
  BITTA m;                      /* filtering mask */

  assert(fim && (n >= 0));      /* check the function arguments */
  for (i = n; --i >= 2; ) {     /* traverse the remaining items */
    s = fim->supps[i];          /* get the support of the item and */
    if (s < fim->smin) continue;/* skip infrequent/eliminated items */
    r = isr_add(fim->report, fim->map[i], s);
    if (r <  0) return -1;      /* add item i to the reporter */
    if (r <= 0) {               /* check if item i needs processing, */
      clear(fim, i); continue;} /* otherwise delete its transactions */
    assert(mask & (1 << i));    /* item must not be excluded */
    if (fim->ends[i]-fim->btas[i] <= 1){ /* if only one transaction, */
      fim->ends[i] = fim->btas[i]; /* add all items as perfect exts. */
      fim->wgts[m = *fim->btas[i]] = 0;
      for (r = 0; (unsigned int)(1 << r) <= (unsigned int)m; r++)
        if (m & (1 << r)) isr_addpex(fim->report, fim->map[r]); }
    else {                      /* if more than one transaction */
      project(fim,i,mask,fim+1);/* project database to item i */
      count(fim+1, i);          /* count th support of all items */
      m = filter (fim+1, i, s); /* remove infrequent items and */
      r = rec_neg(fim+1, i, m); /* prefect extension items and then */
      if (r < 0) return -1;     /* find freq. item sets recursively */
    }                           /* and check for a recursion error */
    if (isr_report(fim->report) < 0)
      return -1;                /* report the current item set */
    isr_remove(fim->report, 1); /* remove the item i again */
  }                             /* from the item set reporter */

  if ((mask & 2)                /* if item 1 is frequent */
  &&  (fim->supps[1] >= fim->smin)) {
    r = isr_add(fim->report, fim->map[1], fim->supps[1]);
    if (r < 0) return -1;       /* add item 1 to the reporter */
    if (r > 0) {                /* if item 1 needs processing, */
      if ((mask & 1)            /* if item 0 is frequent given 1 */
      &&  (fim->wgts[3] >= fim->smin)) {
        if (fim->wgts[3] >= fim->supps[1])
          isr_addpex(fim->report, fim->map[0]);
        else {                  /* check for a perfect extension */
          r = isr_add(fim->report, fim->map[0], fim->wgts[3]);
          if (r < 0) return -1; /* add item 0 to the reporter */
          if (r > 0) {          /* if item 0 needs processing */
            if (isr_report(fim->report) < 0)
              return -1;        /* report the current item set */
            isr_remove(fim->report, 1);
          }                     /* remove the item 0 again */
        }                       /* from the item set reporter */
      if (isr_report(fim->report) < 0)
        return -1;              /* report the current item set */
      isr_remove(fim->report,1);/* remove the item 1 again */
    }                           /* from the item set reporter */
  if ((mask & 1)                /* if item 0 is frequent */
  &&  (fim->supps[0] >= fim->smin)) {
    r = isr_add(fim->report, fim->map[0], fim->supps[0]);
    if (r < 0) return -1;       /* add item 0 to the reporter */
    if (r > 0) {                /* if item 0 needs processing */
      if (isr_report(fim->report) < 0)
        return -1;              /* report the current item set */
      isr_remove(fim->report,1);/* remove the item 0 again */
    }                           /* from the item set reporter */
  memset(fim->wgts+1, 0, 3*sizeof(SUPP));  /* clear weights, */
  memset(fim->supps,  0, 2*sizeof(SUPP));  /* support and lists */
  memcpy(fim->ends, fim->btas, 2*sizeof(BITTA*));
  return 0;                     /* return 'ok' */
}  /* rec_neg() */
static int rec_pos (FIM16 *fim, int n, BITTA mask)
{                               /* --- find frequent item sets */
  int   i, r;                   /* loop variable, error status */
  SUPP  s;                      /* item support */
  BITTA m;                      /* filtering mask */

  assert(fim && (n >= 0));      /* check the function arguments */
  /* The item mask needs to be checked, because items 0,1,2 may have  */
  /* been identified as perfect extensions in higher recursion levels.*/
  if ((mask & 1)                /* if item 0 is frequent */
  &&  (fim->supps[0] >= fim->smin)) {
    r = isr_add(fim->report, fim->map[0], fim->supps[0]);
    if (r < 0) return -1;       /* add item 0 to the reporter */
    if (r > 0) {                /* if item 0 needs processing */
      if (isr_report(fim->report) < 0)
        return -1;              /* report the current item set */
      isr_remove(fim->report,1);/* remove the item 0 again */
    }                           /* from the item set reporter */
  if ((mask & 2)                /* if item 1 is frequent */
  &&  (fim->supps[1] >= fim->smin)) {
    r = isr_add(fim->report, fim->map[1], fim->supps[1]);
    if (r < 0) return -1;       /* add item 1 to the reporter */
    if (r > 0) {                /* if item 1 needs processing, */
      if ((mask & 1)            /* if item 0 is frequent given 1 */
      &&  (fim->wgts[3] >= fim->smin)) {
        if (fim->wgts[3] >= fim->supps[1])
          isr_addpex(fim->report, fim->map[0]);
        else {                  /* check for a perfect extension */
          r = isr_add(fim->report, fim->map[0], fim->wgts[3]);
          if (r < 0) return -1; /* add item 0 to the reporter */
          if (r > 0) {          /* if item 0 needs processing */
            if (isr_report(fim->report) < 0)
              return -1;        /* report the current item set */
            isr_remove(fim->report, 1);
          }                     /* remove the item 0 again */
        }                       /* from the item set reporter */
      if (isr_report(fim->report) < 0)
        return -1;              /* report the current item set */
      isr_remove(fim->report,1);/* remove the item 1 again */
    }                           /* from the item set reporter */
  if (n <= 2) {                 /* if only two items to process */
    memset(fim->wgts+1, 0, 3*sizeof(SUPP));
    memset(fim->supps,  0, 2*sizeof(SUPP));
    memcpy(fim->ends, fim->btas, 2*sizeof(BITTA*));
    return 0;                   /* clear counters for items 0 and 1 */
  }                             /* and clear the transaction lists */
  if ((mask & 4)                /* if item 2 is frequent */
  &&  (fim->supps[2] >= fim->smin)) {
    r = isr_add(fim->report, fim->map[2], fim->supps[2]);
    if (r < 0) return -1;       /* add item 2 to the reporter */
    if (r > 0) {                /* if  item 2 needs processing, */
      m = 0;                    /* project/count for items 0 and 1 */
      fim->wgts[3]  = fim->wgts[7];
      fim->wgts[2]  = fim->wgts[6];
      fim->wgts[1]  = fim->wgts[5];
      fim->supps[0] = s = fim->wgts[3] +fim->wgts[1];
      if      (s >= fim->supps[2]) isr_addpex(fim->report, fim->map[0]);
      else if (s >= fim->smin)     m = (BITTA)(m | (mask & 1));
      fim->supps[1] = s = fim->wgts[3] +fim->wgts[2];
      if      (s >= fim->supps[2]) isr_addpex(fim->report, fim->map[1]);
      else if (s >= fim->smin)     m = (BITTA)(m | (mask & 2));
      r = rec_pos(fim, 2, m);   /* perfect extension items and then */
      if (r < 0) return -1;     /* find freq. item sets recursively */
      if (isr_report(fim->report) < 0)
        return -1;              /* report the current item set */
      isr_remove(fim->report,1);/* remove the item 2 again */
    }                           /* from the item set reporter */
  if (n <= 3) {                 /* if only two items to process */
    memset(fim->wgts+1, 0, 7*sizeof(SUPP));  /* clear weights, */
    memset(fim->supps,  0, 3*sizeof(SUPP));  /* support and lists */
    memcpy(fim->ends, fim->btas, 3*sizeof(BITTA*));
    return 0;                   /* clear counters for items 0, 1, 2 */
  }                             /* and clear the transaction lists */
  if ((mask & 8)                /* if item 3 is frequent */
  &&  (fim->supps[3] >= fim->smin)) {
    r = isr_add(fim->report, fim->map[3], fim->supps[3]);
    if (r < 0) return -1;       /* add item 3 to the reporter */
    if (r > 0) {                /* if  item 3 needs processing, */
      m = 0;                    /* project/count for items 0 and 1 */
      fim->wgts[4]  = fim->wgts[12];
      fim->wgts[3]  = fim->wgts[11] +(fim->wgts[7] = fim->wgts[15]);
      fim->wgts[2]  = fim->wgts[10] +(fim->wgts[6] = fim->wgts[14]);
      fim->wgts[1]  = fim->wgts[ 9] +(fim->wgts[5] = fim->wgts[13]);
      fim->supps[0] = s = fim->wgts[3] +fim->wgts[1];
      if      (s >= fim->supps[3]) isr_addpex(fim->report, fim->map[0]);
      else if (s >= fim->smin)     m = (BITTA)(m | (mask & 1));
      fim->supps[1] = s = fim->wgts[3] +fim->wgts[2];
      if      (s >= fim->supps[3]) isr_addpex(fim->report, fim->map[1]);
      else if (s >= fim->smin)     m = (BITTA)(m | (mask & 2));
      fim->supps[2] = s = fim->wgts[7] +fim->wgts[6]
                        + fim->wgts[5] +fim->wgts[4];
      if      (s >= fim->supps[3]) isr_addpex(fim->report, fim->map[2]);
      else if (s >= fim->smin)     m = (BITTA)(m | (mask & 4));
      r = rec_pos(fim, 3, m);   /* perfect extension items and then */
      if (r < 0) return -1;     /* find freq. item sets recursively */
      if (isr_report(fim->report) < 0)
        return -1;              /* report the current item set */
      isr_remove(fim->report,1);/* remove the item 3 again */
    }                           /* from the item set reporter */
  memset(fim->wgts+1, 0, 15*sizeof(SUPP));  /* clear weights, */
  memset(fim->supps,  0,  4*sizeof(SUPP));  /* support and lists */
  memcpy(fim->ends, fim->btas, 4*sizeof(BITTA*));

  for (i = 4; i < n; i++) {     /* traverse the (remaining) items */
    s = fim->supps[i];          /* get the support of the item and */
    if (s < fim->smin) continue;/* skip infrequent/eliminated items */
    r = isr_add(fim->report, fim->map[i], s);
    if (r <  0) return -1;      /* add item i to the reporter */
    if (r <= 0) {               /* check if item i needs processing, */
      clear(fim, i); continue;} /* otherwise delete its transactions */
    assert(mask & (1 << i));    /* item must not be excluded */
    if (fim->ends[i]-fim->btas[i] <= 1){ /* if only one transaction, */
      fim->ends[i] = fim->btas[i]; /* add all items as perfect exts. */
      fim->wgts[m = *fim->btas[i]] = 0;
      for (r = 0; (unsigned int)(1 << r) <= (unsigned int)m; r++)
        if (m & (1 << r)) isr_addpex(fim->report, fim->map[r]); }
    else {                      /* if more than one transaction */
      project(fim,i,mask, fim); /* project database to item i */
      count(fim, i);            /* count the support of all items */
      m = filter (fim, i, s);   /* remove infrequent items and */
      r = rec_pos(fim, i, m);   /* perfect extension items and then */
      if (r < 0) return -1;     /* find freq. item sets recursively */
    }                           /* and check for a recursion error */
    if (isr_report(fim->report) < 0)
      return -1;                /* report the current item set */
    isr_remove(fim->report, 1); /* remove the item i again */
  }                             /* from the item set reporter */
  return 0;                     /* return 'ok' */
}  /* rec_pos() */