예제 #1
/** Saves a file to the table item based on the @param fileData: */
QString TableItem::saveFile(QByteArray fileData, QString fileType)
    if (getDirectory().isEmpty()) return "";

    /* Create all the folders necessary if they don't exist: */
    QDir dir;

    /* Get the path name: */
    int extension = getAvailableFileExtension(fileType);
    QString filePath = makeFilepath(getName(), getDirectory(), fileType, extension);

    /* Save the file into the folderpath location: */
    QFile itemFile(filePath);
        return "";

    /* Write data into the file: */

    /* Set a hash for the file to identify it: */
    setFileHash( QCryptographicHash::hash(fileData,QCryptographicHash::Md5) );
    return filePath;
String JavaVMSingleton::computeClassPath(const zorba::StaticContext* aStaticContext)
  String cp;

  // get classpath from global Properties
  PropertiesGlobal * properties = Zorba::getInstance(NULL)->getPropertiesGlobal();
  std::string globalClassPath;
  cp += globalClassPath;

  std::vector<String> lCPV;

  for (std::vector<String>::iterator lIter = lCPV.begin();
       lIter != lCPV.end(); ++lIter)
    // verify it contains a jars dir
    String jarsDir( *lIter );
    fs::append( jarsDir, "jars" );

    if ( fs::get_type( jarsDir ) == fs::directory )
      fs::iterator itemIter( jarsDir );

      while ( itemIter.next() )
        String itemFile( jarsDir );
        fs::append( itemFile, itemIter->name );
        if ( fs::get_type( itemFile ) == fs::file )
          std::string suffix = "-classpath.txt";
          size_t found;
          found = itemFile.rfind(suffix);
          if (found!=std::string::npos &&
              found + suffix.length() == itemFile.length() )
            std::auto_ptr<std::istream> pathFile;
            pathFile.reset(new std::ifstream (itemFile.c_str ()));
            if (!pathFile->good() || pathFile->eof() )
              std::cerr << "file {" << itemFile << "} not found or not readable." << std::endl;
              throw itemFile;

            // read file
            char line[1024];
            while( !pathFile->eof() && !pathFile->bad() && !pathFile->fail())
              pathFile->getline(line, sizeof(line));
              std::string lineStr(line);

              if ( lineStr.size() > 0 ) {
                cp += fs::path_separator;
                cp += fs::normalize_path( lineStr, jarsDir );


  return cp;