// Convert float to rj string with 1234, _123, -123, _-12, 12.3, _1.2, or -1.2 format char *ftostr4sign(const float& fx) { const int x = fx * 10; if (!WITHIN(x, -99, 999)) return itostr4sign((int)fx); const bool neg = x < 0; const int xx = neg ? -x : x; conv[3] = neg ? '-' : (xx >= 100 ? DIGIMOD(xx, 100) : ' '); conv[4] = DIGIMOD(xx, 10); conv[5] = '.'; conv[6] = DIGIMOD(xx, 1); return &conv[3]; }
// Convert float to rj string with _123, -123, _-12, or __-1 format char *ftostr4sign(const float& x) { return itostr4sign((int)x); }