/** * @brief queries the database for a set of records to be inserted into a given tree * * @param searchTree pointer to a tree where insertions will be performed; can be NULL * @param query set of ports that a database record must match to be inserted into the tree * * The query method browses through the database, extracts all the descriptors matching * the given query parameter and inserts them into the given learning tree. * Note that this is an append procedure, the given tree needs not to be empty. * A "descriptor matching the query" is a descriptor whose port id is in the query map. * If the given tree is empty (NULL) a new tree is created and returned. * * @return the tree root * * @internal */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC MacTreeNode* ixEthDBQuery(MacTreeNode *searchTree, IxEthDBPortMap query, IxEthDBRecordType recordFilter, UINT32 maxEntries) { HashIterator iterator; UINT32 entryCount = 0; /* browse database */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBInitHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); while (IS_ITERATOR_VALID(&iterator)) { MacDescriptor *descriptor = (MacDescriptor *) iterator.node->data; IX_ETH_DB_UPDATE_TRACE("DB: (PortUpdate) querying [%s]:%d on port map ... ", mac2string(descriptor->macAddress), descriptor->portID); if ((descriptor->type & recordFilter) != 0 && IS_PORT_INCLUDED(descriptor->portID, query)) { MacDescriptor *descriptorClone = ixEthDBCloneMacDescriptor(descriptor); IX_ETH_DB_UPDATE_TRACE("match\n"); if (descriptorClone != NULL) { /* add descriptor to tree */ searchTree = ixEthDBTreeInsert(searchTree, descriptorClone); entryCount++; } } else { IX_ETH_DB_UPDATE_TRACE("no match\n"); } if (entryCount < maxEntries) { /* advance to the next record */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBIncrementHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); } else { /* the NPE won't accept more entries so we can stop now */ ixEthDBReleaseHashIterator(&iterator); IX_ETH_DB_UPDATE_TRACE("DB: (PortUpdate) number of elements reached maximum supported by port\n"); break; } } IX_ETH_DB_UPDATE_TRACE("DB: (PortUpdate) query inserted %d records in the search tree\n", entryCount); return ixEthDBTreeRebalance(searchTree); }
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBDatabaseClear(IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBRecordType recordType) { IxEthDBPortMap triggerPorts; HashIterator iterator; if (portID >= IX_ETH_DB_NUMBER_OF_PORTS && portID != IX_ETH_DB_ALL_PORTS) { return IX_ETH_DB_INVALID_PORT; } /* check if the user passes some extra bits */ if ((recordType | IX_ETH_DB_ALL_RECORD_TYPES) != IX_ETH_DB_ALL_RECORD_TYPES) { return IX_ETH_DB_INVALID_ARG; } SET_EMPTY_DEPENDENCY_MAP(triggerPorts); /* browse database and age entries */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBInitHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); while (IS_ITERATOR_VALID(&iterator)) { MacDescriptor *descriptor = (MacDescriptor *) iterator.node->data; if (((descriptor->portID == portID) || (portID == IX_ETH_DB_ALL_PORTS)) && ((descriptor->type & recordType) != 0)) { /* add to trigger if automatic updates are required */ if (ixEthDBPortUpdateRequired[descriptor->type]) { /* add port to the set of update trigger ports */ JOIN_PORT_TO_MAP(triggerPorts, descriptor->portID); } /* delete entry */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBRemoveEntryAtHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); } else { /* move to the next record */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBIncrementHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); } } /* update ports which lost records */ ixEthDBUpdatePortLearningTrees(triggerPorts); return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; }
/** * @brief disables a port * * @param portID ID of the port to disable * * This function is fully documented in the * main header file, IxEthDB.h * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if disabling was * successful or an appropriate error message * otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBPortDisable(IxEthDBPortId portID) { HashIterator iterator; IxEthDBPortMap triggerPorts; /* ports who will have deleted records and therefore will need updating */ BOOL result; PortInfo *portInfo; IxEthDBFeature learningEnabled; IxEthDBPriorityTable classZeroTable; IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT_EXISTS(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_SINGLE_NPE(portID); portInfo = &ixEthDBPortInfo[portID]; if (!portInfo->enabled) { /* redundant */ return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; } if (ixEthDBPortDefinitions[portID].type == IX_ETH_NPE) { /* save filtering state */ ixEthDBPortState[portID].firewallMode = portInfo->firewallMode; ixEthDBPortState[portID].frameFilter = portInfo->frameFilter; ixEthDBPortState[portID].taggingAction = portInfo->taggingAction; ixEthDBPortState[portID].stpBlocked = portInfo->stpBlocked; ixEthDBPortState[portID].srcAddressFilterEnabled = portInfo->srcAddressFilterEnabled; ixEthDBPortState[portID].maxRxFrameSize = portInfo->maxRxFrameSize; ixEthDBPortState[portID].maxTxFrameSize = portInfo->maxTxFrameSize; memcpy(ixEthDBPortState[portID].vlanMembership, portInfo->vlanMembership, sizeof (IxEthDBVlanSet)); memcpy(ixEthDBPortState[portID].transmitTaggingInfo, portInfo->transmitTaggingInfo, sizeof (IxEthDBVlanSet)); memcpy(ixEthDBPortState[portID].priorityTable, portInfo->priorityTable, sizeof (IxEthDBPriorityTable)); ixEthDBPortState[portID].saved = TRUE; /* now turn off all EthDB filtering features on the port */ /* VLAN & QoS */ if ((portInfo->featureCapability & IX_ETH_DB_VLAN_QOS) != 0) { ixEthDBPortVlanMembershipRangeAdd((IxEthDBPortId) portID, 0, IX_ETH_DB_802_1Q_MAX_VLAN_ID); ixEthDBEgressVlanRangeTaggingEnabledSet((IxEthDBPortId) portID, 0, IX_ETH_DB_802_1Q_MAX_VLAN_ID, FALSE); ixEthDBAcceptableFrameTypeSet((IxEthDBPortId) portID, IX_ETH_DB_ACCEPT_ALL_FRAMES); ixEthDBIngressVlanTaggingEnabledSet((IxEthDBPortId) portID, IX_ETH_DB_PASS_THROUGH); memset(classZeroTable, 0, sizeof (classZeroTable)); ixEthDBPriorityMappingTableSet((IxEthDBPortId) portID, classZeroTable); } /* STP */ if ((portInfo->featureCapability & IX_ETH_DB_SPANNING_TREE_PROTOCOL) != 0) { ixEthDBSpanningTreeBlockingStateSet((IxEthDBPortId) portID, FALSE); } /* Firewall */ if ((portInfo->featureCapability & IX_ETH_DB_FIREWALL) != 0) { ixEthDBFirewallModeSet((IxEthDBPortId) portID, IX_ETH_DB_FIREWALL_BLACK_LIST); ixEthDBFirewallTableDownload((IxEthDBPortId) portID); ixEthDBFirewallInvalidAddressFilterEnable((IxEthDBPortId) portID, FALSE); } /* Frame size filter */ ixEthDBFilteringPortMaximumFrameSizeSet((IxEthDBPortId) portID, IX_ETH_DB_DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE); /* WiFi */ if ((portInfo->featureCapability & IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_HEADER_CONVERSION) != 0) { ixEthDBWiFiConversionTableDownload((IxEthDBPortId) portID); } /* save and disable the learning feature bit */ learningEnabled = portInfo->featureStatus & IX_ETH_DB_LEARNING; portInfo->featureStatus &= ~IX_ETH_DB_LEARNING; } else { /* save the learning feature bit */ learningEnabled = portInfo->featureStatus & IX_ETH_DB_LEARNING; } SET_EMPTY_DEPENDENCY_MAP(triggerPorts); ixEthDBUpdateLock(); /* wipe out current entries for this port */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBInitHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); while (IS_ITERATOR_VALID(&iterator)) { MacDescriptor *descriptor = (MacDescriptor *) iterator.node->data; /* check if the port match. If so, remove the entry */ if (descriptor->portID == portID && (descriptor->type == IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_RECORD || descriptor->type == IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_VLAN_RECORD) && !descriptor->recordData.filteringData.staticEntry) { /* delete entry */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBRemoveEntryAtHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); /* add port to the set of update trigger ports */ JOIN_PORT_TO_MAP(triggerPorts, portID); } else { /* move to the next record */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBIncrementHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); } } if (ixEthDBPortDefinitions[portID].type == IX_ETH_NPE) { if (portInfo->updateMethod.searchTree != NULL) { ixEthDBFreeMacTreeNode(portInfo->updateMethod.searchTree); portInfo->updateMethod.searchTree = NULL; } ixEthDBNPEUpdateHandler(portID, IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_RECORD); } /* mark as disabled */ portInfo->enabled = FALSE; /* disable updates unless the user has specifically altered the default behavior */ if (ixEthDBPortDefinitions[portID].type == IX_ETH_NPE) { if (!portInfo->updateMethod.userControlled) { portInfo->updateMethod.updateEnabled = FALSE; } /* make sure we re-initialize the NPE learning tree when the port is re-enabled */ portInfo->updateMethod.treeInitialized = FALSE; } ixEthDBUpdateUnlock(); /* restore learning feature bit */ portInfo->featureStatus |= learningEnabled; /* if we've removed any records or lost any events make sure to force an update */ IS_EMPTY_DEPENDENCY_MAP(result, triggerPorts); if (!result) { ixEthDBUpdatePortLearningTrees(triggerPorts); } return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; }
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBDatabaseMaintenance() { HashIterator iterator; UINT32 portIndex; BOOL agingRequired = FALSE; /* ports who will have deleted records and therefore will need updating */ IxEthDBPortMap triggerPorts; if (IX_FEATURE_CTRL_SWCONFIG_ENABLED != ixFeatureCtrlSwConfigurationCheck (IX_FEATURECTRL_ETH_LEARNING)) { return; } SET_EMPTY_DEPENDENCY_MAP(triggerPorts); /* check if there's at least a port that needs aging */ for (portIndex = 0 ; portIndex < IX_ETH_DB_NUMBER_OF_PORTS ; portIndex++) { if (ixEthDBPortInfo[portIndex].agingEnabled && ixEthDBPortInfo[portIndex].enabled) { agingRequired = TRUE; } } if (agingRequired) { /* ask each NPE port to write back the database for aging inspection */ for (portIndex = 0 ; portIndex < IX_ETH_DB_NUMBER_OF_PORTS ; portIndex++) { if (ixEthDBPortDefinitions[portIndex].type == IX_ETH_NPE && ixEthDBPortInfo[portIndex].agingEnabled && ixEthDBPortInfo[portIndex].enabled) { IxNpeMhMessage message; IX_STATUS result; /* send EDB_GetMACAddressDatabase message */ FILL_GETMACADDRESSDATABASE(message, 0 /* unused */, IX_OSAL_MMU_VIRT_TO_PHYS(ixEthDBPortInfo[portIndex].updateMethod.npeUpdateZone)); IX_ETHDB_SEND_NPE_MSG(IX_ETHNPE_PHYSICAL_ID_TO_NODE(portIndex), message, result); if (result == IX_SUCCESS) { /* analyze NPE copy */ ixEthDBNPESyncScan(portIndex, ixEthDBPortInfo[portIndex].updateMethod.npeUpdateZone, FULL_ELT_BYTE_SIZE); IX_ETH_DB_SUPPORT_TRACE("DB: (API) Finished scanning NPE tree on port %d\n", portIndex); } else { ixOsalLog(IX_OSAL_LOG_LVL_WARNING, IX_OSAL_LOG_DEV_STDOUT, "EthDB: (Maintenance) warning, Clearing Database records for all types for port %d\n", portIndex, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ixEthDBDatabaseClear(portIndex, IX_ETH_DB_ALL_RECORD_TYPES); } } } /* browse database and age entries */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBInitHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); while (IS_ITERATOR_VALID(&iterator)) { MacDescriptor *descriptor = (MacDescriptor *) iterator.node->data; UINT32 *age = NULL; BOOL staticEntry = TRUE; if (descriptor->type == IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_RECORD) { age = &descriptor->recordData.filteringData.age; staticEntry = descriptor->recordData.filteringData.staticEntry; } else if (descriptor->type == IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_VLAN_RECORD) { age = &descriptor->recordData.filteringVlanData.age; staticEntry = descriptor->recordData.filteringVlanData.staticEntry; } else { staticEntry = TRUE; } if (ixEthDBPortInfo[descriptor->portID].agingEnabled && (staticEntry == FALSE)) { /* manually increment the age if the port has no such capability */ if ((ixEthDBPortDefinitions[descriptor->portID].capabilities & IX_ETH_ENTRY_AGING) == 0) { *age += (IX_ETH_DB_MAINTENANCE_TIME / 60); } /* age entry if it exceeded the maximum time to live */ if (*age >= (IX_ETH_DB_LEARNING_ENTRY_AGE_TIME / 60)) { /* add port to the set of update trigger ports */ JOIN_PORT_TO_MAP(triggerPorts, descriptor->portID); /* delete entry */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBRemoveEntryAtHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); } else { /* move to the next record */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBIncrementHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); } } else { /* move to the next record */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBIncrementHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); } } /* update ports which lost records */ ixEthDBUpdatePortLearningTrees(triggerPorts); } }
/** * @brief displays all the filtering records belonging to a port * * @param portID ID of the port to display * * Note that this function is documented in the main component * header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @warning deprecated, use @ref ixEthDBFilteringDatabaseShowRecords() * instead. Calling this function is equivalent to calling * ixEthDBFilteringDatabaseShowRecords(portID, IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_RECORD) */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBFilteringDatabaseShow(IxEthDBPortId portID) { IxEthDBStatus local_result; HashIterator iterator; PortInfo *portInfo; UINT32 recordCount = 0; IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_SINGLE_NPE(portID); portInfo = &ixEthDBPortInfo[portID]; /* display table header */ printf("Ethernet database records for port ID [%d]\n", portID); ixEthDBDependencyPortMapShow(portID, portInfo->dependencyPortMap); if (ixEthDBPortDefinitions[portID].type == IX_ETH_NPE) { printf("NPE updates are %s\n\n", portInfo->updateMethod.updateEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } else { printf("updates disabled (not an NPE)\n\n"); } printf(" MAC address | Age | Type \n"); printf("___________________________________\n"); /* browse database */ BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBInitHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator)); while (IS_ITERATOR_VALID(&iterator)) { MacDescriptor *descriptor = (MacDescriptor *) iterator.node->data; if (descriptor->portID == portID && descriptor->type == IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_RECORD) { recordCount++; /* display entry */ printf(" %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X | %5d | %s\n", descriptor->macAddress[0], descriptor->macAddress[1], descriptor->macAddress[2], descriptor->macAddress[3], descriptor->macAddress[4], descriptor->macAddress[5], descriptor->recordData.filteringData.age, descriptor->recordData.filteringData.staticEntry ? "static" : "dynamic"); } /* move to the next record */ BUSY_RETRY_WITH_RESULT(ixEthDBIncrementHashIterator(&dbHashtable, &iterator), local_result); /* debug */ if (local_result == IX_ETH_DB_BUSY) { return IX_ETH_DB_FAIL; } } /* display number of records */ printf("\nFound %d records\n", recordCount); return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; }