예제 #1
파일: icp.c 프로젝트: AndreaCensi/csm
void sm_icp(struct sm_params*params, struct sm_result*res) {
	res->valid = 0;

	LDP laser_ref  = params->laser_ref;
	LDP laser_sens = params->laser_sens;
	if(!ld_valid_fields(laser_ref) || 
	   !ld_valid_fields(laser_sens)) {
	sm_debug("sm_icp: laser_sens has %d/%d; laser_ref has %d/%d rays valid\n",
		count_equal(laser_sens->valid, laser_sens->nrays, 1), laser_sens->nrays,
		count_equal(laser_ref->valid, laser_ref->nrays, 1), laser_ref->nrays);
	/** Mark as invalid the rays outside of (min_reading, max_reading] */
	ld_invalid_if_outside(laser_ref, params->min_reading, params->max_reading);
	ld_invalid_if_outside(laser_sens, params->min_reading, params->max_reading);
	sm_debug("sm_icp:  laser_sens has %d/%d; laser_ref has %d/%d rays valid (after removing outside interval [%f, %f])\n",
		count_equal(laser_sens->valid, laser_sens->nrays, 1), laser_sens->nrays,
		count_equal(laser_ref->valid, laser_ref->nrays, 1), laser_ref->nrays,
   	   params->min_reading, params->max_reading);
	if(JJ) jj_context_enter("sm_icp");
	if(params->use_corr_tricks || params->debug_verify_tricks)

	if(params->do_alpha_test) {
		ld_simple_clustering(laser_ref, params->clustering_threshold);
		ld_compute_orientation(laser_ref, params->orientation_neighbourhood, params->sigma);
		ld_simple_clustering(laser_sens, params->clustering_threshold);
		ld_compute_orientation(laser_sens, params->orientation_neighbourhood, params->sigma);

	if(JJ) jj_add("laser_ref",  ld_to_json(laser_ref));
	if(JJ) jj_add("laser_sens", ld_to_json(laser_sens));
	gsl_vector * x_new = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
	gsl_vector * x_old = vector_from_array(3, params->first_guess);
	if(params->do_visibility_test) {
		visibilityTest(laser_ref, x_old);

		gsl_vector * minus_x_old = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
		visibilityTest(laser_sens, minus_x_old);
	double error;
	int iterations;
	int nvalid;
	if(!icp_loop(params, x_old->data, x_new->data, &error, &nvalid, &iterations)) {
		sm_error("icp: ICP failed for some reason. \n");
		res->valid = 0;
		res->iterations = iterations;
		res->nvalid = 0;
	} else {
		/* It was succesfull */

		int restarted = 0;		
		double best_error = error;
		gsl_vector * best_x = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
		gsl_vector_memcpy(best_x, x_new);

		if(params->restart && 
			(error/nvalid)>(params->restart_threshold_mean_error) ) {
			sm_debug("Restarting: %f > %f \n",(error/nvalid),(params->restart_threshold_mean_error));
			restarted = 1;
			double dt  = params->restart_dt;
			double dth = params->restart_dtheta;
			sm_debug("icp_loop: dt = %f dtheta= %f deg\n",dt,rad2deg(dth));
			double perturb[6][3] = {
				{dt,0,0}, {-dt,0,0},
				{0,dt,0}, {0,-dt,0},
				{0,0,dth}, {0,0,-dth}

			int a; for(a=0;a<6;a++){
				sm_debug("-- Restarting with perturbation #%d\n", a);
				struct sm_params my_params = *params;
				gsl_vector * start = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
					gvs(start, 0, gvg(x_new,0)+perturb[a][0]);
					gvs(start, 1, gvg(x_new,1)+perturb[a][1]);
					gvs(start, 2, gvg(x_new,2)+perturb[a][2]);
				gsl_vector * x_a = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
				double my_error; int my_valid; int my_iterations;
				if(!icp_loop(&my_params, start->data, x_a->data, &my_error, &my_valid, &my_iterations)){
					sm_error("Error during restart #%d/%d. \n", a, 6);
				if(my_error < best_error) {
					sm_debug("--Perturbation #%d resulted in error %f < %f\n", a,my_error,best_error);
					gsl_vector_memcpy(best_x, x_a);
					best_error = my_error;
				gsl_vector_free(x_a); gsl_vector_free(start);
		/* At last, we did it. */
		res->valid = 1;
		vector_to_array(best_x, res->x);
		sm_debug("icp: final x =  %s  \n", gsl_friendly_pose(best_x));
		if (restarted) { // recompute correspondences in case of restarts
			ld_compute_world_coords(laser_sens, res->x);

		if(params->do_compute_covariance)  {

			val cov0_x, dx_dy1, dx_dy2;
				laser_ref, laser_sens, best_x,
				&cov0_x, &dx_dy1, &dx_dy2);
			val cov_x = sc(square(params->sigma), cov0_x); 
/*			egsl_v2da(cov_x, res->cov_x); */
			res->cov_x_m = egsl_v2gslm(cov_x);
			res->dx_dy1_m = egsl_v2gslm(dx_dy1);
			res->dx_dy2_m = egsl_v2gslm(dx_dy2);
			if(0) {
				egsl_print("cov0_x", cov0_x);
				egsl_print_spectrum("cov0_x", cov0_x);
				val fim = ld_fisher0(laser_ref);
				val ifim = inv(fim);
				egsl_print("fim", fim);
				egsl_print_spectrum("ifim", ifim);
		res->error = best_error;
		res->iterations = iterations;
		res->nvalid = nvalid;



	if(JJ) jj_context_exit();
예제 #2
	Trims the corrispondences using an adaptive algorithm 

	Assumes cartesian coordinates computed. (points and points_w)
	So, to disable this:
		outliers_maxPerc = 1
		outliers_adaptive_order = 1 

void kill_outliers_trim(struct sm_params*params,  double*total_error) {
	if(JJ) jj_context_enter("kill_outliers_trim");
	LDP laser_ref  = params->laser_ref;
	LDP laser_sens = params->laser_sens;
	/* dist2, indexed by k, contains the error for the k-th correspondence */
	int k = 0; 
	double dist2[laser_sens->nrays];
	int i;
	double dist[laser_sens->nrays];
	/* for each point in laser_sens */
	for(i=0;i<laser_sens->nrays;i++) {
		/* which has a valid correspondence */
		if(!ld_valid_corr(laser_sens, i)) { dist[i]=NAN; continue; }
		double *p_i_w = laser_sens->points_w[i].p;
		int j1 = laser_sens->corr[i].j1;
		int j2 = laser_sens->corr[i].j2;
		/* Compute the distance to the corresponding segment */
		dist[i]=  dist_to_segment_d(
			laser_ref->points[j1].p, laser_ref->points[j2].p, p_i_w);
		dist2[k] = dist[i];
	if(JJ) jj_add_int("num_valid_before", k);
	if(JJ) jj_add_double_array("dist_points", dist2, laser_sens->nrays);
	if(JJ) jj_add_double_array("dist_corr_unsorted", dist2, k);

#if 0	
	double dist2_copy[k]; for(i=0;i<k;i++) dist2_copy[i] = dist2[i];

	/* two errors limits are defined: */
		/* In any case, we don't want more than outliers_maxPerc% */
		int order = (int)floor(k*(params->outliers_maxPerc));
			order = GSL_MAX(0, GSL_MIN(order, k-1));

	/* The dists for the correspondence are sorted
	   in ascending order */
		quicksort(dist2, 0, k-1);
		double error_limit1 = dist2[order];
		if(JJ) jj_add_double_array("dist_corr_sorted", dist2, k);
		/* Then we take a order statics (o*K) */
		/* And we say that the error must be less than alpha*dist(o*K) */
		int order2 = (int)floor(k*params->outliers_adaptive_order);
			order2 = GSL_MAX(0, GSL_MIN(order2, k-1));
		double error_limit2 = params->outliers_adaptive_mult*dist2[order2];
	double error_limit = GSL_MIN(error_limit1, error_limit2);
#if 0
	double error_limit1_ho = hoare_selection(dist2_copy, 0, k-1, order);
	double error_limit2_ho = error_limit2;
	if((error_limit1_ho != error_limit1) || (error_limit2_ho != error_limit2)) {
		printf("%f == %f    %f  == %f\n",
			error_limit1_ho, error_limit1, error_limit2_ho, error_limit2);

	if(JJ) jj_add_double_array("dist_corr_sorted", dist2, k);
	if(JJ) jj_add_double("error_limit_max_perc", error_limit1);
	if(JJ) jj_add_double("error_limit_adaptive", error_limit2);
	if(JJ) jj_add_double("error_limit", error_limit);
	sm_debug("\ticp_outliers: maxPerc %f error_limit: fix %f adaptive %f \n",

	*total_error = 0;
	int nvalid = 0;
	for(i=0;i<laser_sens->nrays;i++) {
		if(!ld_valid_corr(laser_sens, i)) continue;
		if(dist[i] > error_limit) {
			laser_sens->corr[i].valid = 0;
			laser_sens->corr[i].j1 = -1;
			laser_sens->corr[i].j2 = -1;
		} else {
			*total_error += dist[i];
	sm_debug("\ticp_outliers: valid %d/%d (limit: %f) mean error = %f \n",nvalid,k,error_limit,

	if(JJ) jj_add_int("num_valid_after", nvalid);
	if(JJ) jj_add_double("total_error", *total_error);
	if(JJ) jj_add_double("mean_error", *total_error / nvalid);
	if(JJ) jj_context_exit();
예제 #3
void ld_cluster_curv(LDP ld) {
	int min_cluster_size = 10;
	double sigma = 0.005; 
	int orientation_neighbours = 4;
	int npeaks = 5;
	double near_peak_threshold = 0.4;

	if(JJ) jj_context_enter("ld_cluster_curv");
	int n = ld->nrays;
	if(JJ) jj_add_int_array("a00valid", ld->valid, n);
	if(JJ) jj_add_double_array("a01theta", ld->theta, n);
	if(JJ) jj_add_double_array("a02readings", ld->readings, n);
	ld_simple_clustering(ld, sigma*5);
/*	int i=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++)
		ld->cluster[i] = ld->valid[i] ? 1 : -1;*/
	if(JJ) jj_add_int_array("a04cluster", ld->cluster, n);
	ld_remove_small_clusters(ld, min_cluster_size);
	ld_mark_cluster_as_invalid(ld, -1);
	if(JJ) jj_add_int_array("a06cluster", ld->cluster, n);
	double filter[10] = {.5, .4, .3, .2, .2, .2, .2, .2, .2, .2};
	double deriv_filter[7] = {0, .6, .3, .2, .2, .2, .1};
	double smooth_alpha[n];
	double deriv_alpha[n];

	int p;
	if(JJ) jj_loop_enter("it");
	for(p=0;p<npeaks;p++) {  if(JJ) jj_loop_iteration();
		if(JJ) jj_add_int_array("cluster", ld->cluster, n);

		ld_compute_orientation(ld, orientation_neighbours, sigma);
		int i;
			ld->cluster[i] = -1;
		if(JJ) jj_add_double_array("alpha", ld->alpha, n);
		cluster_convolve(ld->cluster, ld->alpha, n, smooth_alpha, filter, 10, 0);
		if(JJ) jj_add_int_array("alpha_valid", ld->alpha_valid, n);

		if(JJ) jj_add_double_array("smooth_alpha", smooth_alpha, n);
		cluster_convolve(ld->cluster, smooth_alpha, n, deriv_alpha, deriv_filter, 7, 1);
		if(JJ) jj_add_double_array("deriv_alpha", deriv_alpha, n);
		array_abs(deriv_alpha, n);
		int peak = cluster_find_max(ld->cluster, deriv_alpha, n);
		if(JJ) jj_add_int("peak", peak);
		int peak_cluster = ld->cluster[peak];
		int up = peak; double threshold = near_peak_threshold  * deriv_alpha[peak];
		while(up<n-1 && (ld->cluster[up]==peak_cluster) && deriv_alpha[up+1] >  threshold) up++;
		int down = peak;
		while(down>1  && (ld->cluster[up]==peak_cluster) && deriv_alpha[down-1] > threshold) down--;
		int j;
		for(j=down;j<=up;j++) {
			ld->cluster[j] = -1;
			ld->valid[j] = 0;
			ld->readings[j] = NAN;
		int next_cluster = ld_max_cluster_id(ld) + 1;
		for(j = up+1; j<ld->nrays; j++) {
			if(ld->cluster[j] == peak_cluster)
				ld->cluster[j] = next_cluster;
	if(JJ) jj_loop_exit();

	if(JJ) jj_context_exit();