// `v` might be pointing to a field inlined in a structure therefore // `jl_typeof(v)` may not be the same with `vt` and only `vt` should be // used to determine the type of the value. // This is necessary to make sure that this function doesn't allocate any // memory through the Julia GC static size_t jl_static_show_x_(JL_STREAM *out, jl_value_t *v, jl_datatype_t *vt, struct recur_list *depth) { size_t n = 0; if ((uintptr_t)vt < 4096U) { n += jl_printf(out, "<?#%p::%p>", (void*)v, (void*)vt); } else if ((uintptr_t)v < 4096U) { n += jl_printf(out, "<?#%p::", (void*)v); n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)vt, depth); n += jl_printf(out, ">"); } else if (vt == jl_method_type) { jl_method_t *m = (jl_method_t*)v; n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)m->module, depth); n += jl_printf(out, ".%s(...)", jl_symbol_name(m->name)); } else if (vt == jl_method_instance_type) { jl_method_instance_t *li = (jl_method_instance_t*)v; if (jl_is_method(li->def.method)) { jl_method_t *m = li->def.method; n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)m->module, depth); if (li->specTypes) { n += jl_printf(out, "."); n += jl_show_svec(out, ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(li->specTypes))->parameters, jl_symbol_name(m->name), "(", ")"); } else { n += jl_printf(out, ".%s(?)", jl_symbol_name(m->name)); } } else { n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)li->def.module, depth); n += jl_printf(out, ".<toplevel thunk> -> "); n += jl_static_show_x(out, li->inferred, depth); } } else if (vt == jl_simplevector_type) { n += jl_show_svec(out, (jl_svec_t*)v, "svec", "(", ")"); } else if (vt == jl_datatype_type) { jl_datatype_t *dv = (jl_datatype_t*)v; jl_sym_t *globname = dv->name->mt != NULL ? dv->name->mt->name : NULL; int globfunc = 0; if (globname && !strchr(jl_symbol_name(globname), '#') && !strchr(jl_symbol_name(globname), '@') && dv->name->module && jl_binding_resolved_p(dv->name->module, globname)) { jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding(dv->name->module, globname); if (b && jl_typeof(b->value) == v) globfunc = 1; } jl_sym_t *sym = globfunc ? globname : dv->name->name; char *sn = jl_symbol_name(sym); int hidden = !globfunc && strchr(sn, '#'); size_t i = 0; int quote = 0; if (hidden) { n += jl_printf(out, "getfield("); } else if (globfunc) { n += jl_printf(out, "typeof("); } if (dv->name->module != jl_core_module || !jl_module_exports_p(jl_core_module, sym)) { n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)dv->name->module, depth); if (!hidden) { n += jl_printf(out, "."); if (globfunc && !jl_id_start_char(u8_nextchar(sn, &i))) { n += jl_printf(out, ":("); quote = 1; } } } if (hidden) { n += jl_printf(out, ", Symbol(\""); n += jl_printf(out, "%s", sn); n += jl_printf(out, "\"))"); } else { n += jl_printf(out, "%s", sn); if (globfunc) { n += jl_printf(out, ")"); if (quote) n += jl_printf(out, ")"); } } if (dv->parameters && (jl_value_t*)dv != dv->name->wrapper && (jl_has_free_typevars(v) || (jl_value_t*)dv != (jl_value_t*)jl_tuple_type)) { size_t j, tlen = jl_nparams(dv); if (tlen > 0) { n += jl_printf(out, "{"); for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) { jl_value_t *p = jl_tparam(dv,j); n += jl_static_show_x(out, p, depth); if (j != tlen-1) n += jl_printf(out, ", "); } n += jl_printf(out, "}"); } else if (dv->name == jl_tuple_typename) { n += jl_printf(out, "{}"); } } } else if (vt == jl_intrinsic_type) { int f = *(uint32_t*)jl_data_ptr(v); n += jl_printf(out, "#<intrinsic #%d %s>", f, jl_intrinsic_name(f)); } else if (vt == jl_int64_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRId64, *(int64_t*)v); } else if (vt == jl_int32_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRId32, *(int32_t*)v); } else if (vt == jl_int16_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRId16, *(int16_t*)v); } else if (vt == jl_int8_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRId8, *(int8_t*)v); } else if (vt == jl_uint64_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "0x%016" PRIx64, *(uint64_t*)v); } else if (vt == jl_uint32_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "0x%08" PRIx32, *(uint32_t*)v); } else if (vt == jl_uint16_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "0x%04" PRIx16, *(uint16_t*)v); } else if (vt == jl_uint8_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "0x%02" PRIx8, *(uint8_t*)v); } else if (jl_is_cpointer_type((jl_value_t*)vt)) { #ifdef _P64 n += jl_printf(out, "0x%016" PRIx64, *(uint64_t*)v); #else n += jl_printf(out, "0x%08" PRIx32, *(uint32_t*)v); #endif } else if (vt == jl_float32_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "%gf", *(float*)v); } else if (vt == jl_float64_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "%g", *(double*)v); } else if (vt == jl_bool_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "%s", *(uint8_t*)v ? "true" : "false"); } else if ((jl_value_t*)vt == jl_typeof(jl_nothing)) { n += jl_printf(out, "nothing"); } else if (vt == jl_string_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "\""); jl_uv_puts(out, jl_string_data(v), jl_string_len(v)); n += jl_string_len(v); n += jl_printf(out, "\""); } else if (v == jl_bottom_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "Union{}"); } else if (vt == jl_uniontype_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "Union{"); while (jl_is_uniontype(v)) { // tail-recurse on b to flatten the printing of the Union structure in the common case n += jl_static_show_x(out, ((jl_uniontype_t*)v)->a, depth); n += jl_printf(out, ", "); v = ((jl_uniontype_t*)v)->b; } n += jl_static_show_x(out, v, depth); n += jl_printf(out, "}"); } else if (vt == jl_unionall_type) { jl_unionall_t *ua = (jl_unionall_t*)v; n += jl_static_show_x(out, ua->body, depth); n += jl_printf(out, " where "); n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)ua->var, depth->prev); } else if (vt == jl_tvar_type) { // show type-var bounds only if they aren't going to be printed by UnionAll later jl_tvar_t *var = (jl_tvar_t*)v; struct recur_list *p; int showbounds = 1; for (p = depth; p != NULL; p = p->prev) { if (jl_is_unionall(p->v) && ((jl_unionall_t*)p->v)->var == var) { showbounds = 0; break; } } jl_value_t *lb = var->lb, *ub = var->ub; if (showbounds && lb != jl_bottom_type) { // show type-var lower bound if it is defined int ua = jl_is_unionall(lb); if (ua) n += jl_printf(out, "("); n += jl_static_show_x(out, lb, depth); if (ua) n += jl_printf(out, ")"); n += jl_printf(out, "<:"); } n += jl_printf(out, "%s", jl_symbol_name(var->name)); if (showbounds && (ub != (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type || lb != jl_bottom_type)) { // show type-var upper bound if it is defined, or if we showed the lower bound int ua = jl_is_unionall(ub); n += jl_printf(out, "<:"); if (ua) n += jl_printf(out, "("); n += jl_static_show_x(out, ub, depth); if (ua) n += jl_printf(out, ")"); } } else if (vt == jl_module_type) { jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)v; if (m->parent != m && m->parent != jl_main_module) { n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)m->parent, depth); n += jl_printf(out, "."); } n += jl_printf(out, "%s", jl_symbol_name(m->name)); } else if (vt == jl_sym_type) { char *sn = jl_symbol_name((jl_sym_t*)v); int quoted = !jl_is_identifier(sn) && jl_operator_precedence(sn) == 0; if (quoted) n += jl_printf(out, "Symbol(\""); else n += jl_printf(out, ":"); n += jl_printf(out, "%s", sn); if (quoted) n += jl_printf(out, "\")"); } else if (vt == jl_ssavalue_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "SSAValue(%" PRIuPTR ")", (uintptr_t)((jl_ssavalue_t*)v)->id); } else if (vt == jl_globalref_type) { n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)jl_globalref_mod(v), depth); n += jl_printf(out, ".%s", jl_symbol_name(jl_globalref_name(v))); } else if (vt == jl_labelnode_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRIuPTR ":", jl_labelnode_label(v)); } else if (vt == jl_gotonode_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "goto %" PRIuPTR, jl_gotonode_label(v)); } else if (vt == jl_quotenode_type) { jl_value_t *qv = *(jl_value_t**)v; if (!jl_is_symbol(qv)) { n += jl_printf(out, "quote "); } else { n += jl_printf(out, ":("); } n += jl_static_show_x(out, qv, depth); if (!jl_is_symbol(qv)) { n += jl_printf(out, " end"); } else { n += jl_printf(out, ")"); } } else if (vt == jl_newvarnode_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "<newvar "); n += jl_static_show_x(out, *(jl_value_t**)v, depth); n += jl_printf(out, ">"); } else if (vt == jl_linenumbernode_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "#= "); n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_linenode_file(v), depth); n += jl_printf(out, ":%" PRIuPTR " =#", jl_linenode_line(v)); } else if (vt == jl_expr_type) { jl_expr_t *e = (jl_expr_t*)v; if (e->head == assign_sym && jl_array_len(e->args) == 2) { n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_exprarg(e,0), depth); n += jl_printf(out, " = "); n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_exprarg(e,1), depth); } else { char sep = ' '; if (e->head == body_sym) sep = '\n'; n += jl_printf(out, "Expr(:%s", jl_symbol_name(e->head)); size_t i, len = jl_array_len(e->args); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { n += jl_printf(out, ",%c", sep); n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_exprarg(e,i), depth); } n += jl_printf(out, ")::"); n += jl_static_show_x(out, e->etype, depth); } } else if (jl_is_array_type(vt)) { n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)vt, depth); n += jl_printf(out, "["); size_t j, tlen = jl_array_len(v); jl_array_t *av = (jl_array_t*)v; jl_datatype_t *el_type = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_tparam0(vt); int nlsep = 0; if (av->flags.ptrarray) { // print arrays with newlines, unless the elements are probably small for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) { jl_value_t *p = jl_array_ptr_ref(av, j); if (p != NULL && (uintptr_t)p >= 4096U) { jl_value_t *p_ty = jl_typeof(p); if ((uintptr_t)p_ty >= 4096U) { if (!jl_isbits(p_ty)) { nlsep = 1; break; } } } } } if (nlsep && tlen > 1) n += jl_printf(out, "\n "); for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) { if (av->flags.ptrarray) { n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_array_ptr_ref(v, j), depth); } else { char *ptr = ((char*)av->data) + j * av->elsize; n += jl_static_show_x_(out, (jl_value_t*)ptr, el_type, depth); } if (j != tlen - 1) n += jl_printf(out, nlsep ? ",\n " : ", "); } n += jl_printf(out, "]"); } else if (vt == jl_loaderror_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "LoadError(at "); n += jl_static_show_x(out, *(jl_value_t**)v, depth); // Access the field directly to avoid allocation n += jl_printf(out, " line %" PRIdPTR, ((intptr_t*)v)[1]); n += jl_printf(out, ": "); n += jl_static_show_x(out, ((jl_value_t**)v)[2], depth); n += jl_printf(out, ")"); } else if (vt == jl_errorexception_type) { n += jl_printf(out, "ErrorException("); n += jl_static_show_x(out, *(jl_value_t**)v, depth); n += jl_printf(out, ")"); } else if (jl_is_datatype(vt)) { int istuple = jl_is_tuple_type(vt); if (!istuple) n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)vt, depth); n += jl_printf(out, "("); size_t nb = jl_datatype_size(vt); size_t tlen = jl_datatype_nfields(vt); if (nb > 0 && tlen == 0) { uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)v; n += jl_printf(out, "0x"); for(int i = nb - 1; i >= 0; --i) n += jl_printf(out, "%02" PRIx8, data[i]); } else { size_t i = 0; if (vt == jl_typemap_entry_type) i = 1; for (; i < tlen; i++) { if (!istuple) { n += jl_printf(out, "%s", jl_symbol_name(jl_field_name(vt, i))); n += jl_printf(out, "="); } size_t offs = jl_field_offset(vt, i); char *fld_ptr = (char*)v + offs; if (jl_field_isptr(vt, i)) { n += jl_static_show_x(out, *(jl_value_t**)fld_ptr, depth); } else { n += jl_static_show_x_(out, (jl_value_t*)fld_ptr, (jl_datatype_t*)jl_field_type(vt, i), depth); } if (istuple && tlen == 1) n += jl_printf(out, ","); else if (i != tlen - 1) n += jl_printf(out, ", "); } if (vt == jl_typemap_entry_type) { n += jl_printf(out, ", next=↩︎\n "); n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_fieldref(v, 0), depth); } } n += jl_printf(out, ")"); } else { n += jl_printf(out, "<?#%p::", (void*)v); n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)vt, depth); n += jl_printf(out, ">"); } return n; }
static jl_lambda_info_t *jl_instantiate_staged(jl_method_t *generator, jl_tupletype_t *tt, jl_svec_t *env) { size_t i, l; jl_expr_t *ex = NULL; jl_value_t *linenum = NULL; jl_svec_t *sparam_vals = env; jl_lambda_info_t *func = generator->lambda_template; JL_GC_PUSH4(&ex, &linenum, &sparam_vals, &func); int last_in = in_pure_callback; assert(jl_svec_len(func->sparam_syms) == jl_svec_len(sparam_vals)); JL_TRY { in_pure_callback = 1; ex = jl_exprn(lambda_sym, 2); int nargs = func->nargs; jl_array_t *argnames = jl_alloc_cell_1d(nargs); jl_cellset(ex->args, 0, argnames); for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) jl_cellset(argnames, i, jl_cellref(func->slotnames, i)); jl_expr_t *scopeblock = jl_exprn(jl_symbol("scope-block"), 1); jl_cellset(ex->args, 1, scopeblock); jl_expr_t *body = jl_exprn(jl_symbol("block"), 2); jl_cellset(((jl_expr_t*)jl_exprarg(ex,1))->args, 0, body); linenum = jl_box_long(generator->line); jl_value_t *linenode = jl_new_struct(jl_linenumbernode_type, linenum); jl_cellset(body->args, 0, linenode); // invoke code generator assert(jl_nparams(tt) == jl_array_len(argnames) || (func->isva && (jl_nparams(tt) >= jl_array_len(argnames) - 1))); jl_cellset(body->args, 1, jl_call_unspecialized(sparam_vals, func, jl_svec_data(tt->parameters), jl_nparams(tt))); if (func->sparam_syms != jl_emptysvec) { // mark this function as having the same static parameters as the generator size_t i, nsp = jl_svec_len(func->sparam_syms); jl_expr_t *newast = jl_exprn(jl_symbol("with-static-parameters"), nsp + 1); jl_exprarg(newast, 0) = (jl_value_t*)ex; // (with-static-parameters func_expr sp_1 sp_2 ...) for (i = 0; i < nsp; i++) jl_exprarg(newast, i+1) = jl_svecref(func->sparam_syms, i); ex = newast; } // need to eval macros in the right module, but not give a warning for the `eval` call unless that results in a call to `eval` func = (jl_lambda_info_t*)jl_toplevel_eval_in_warn(generator->module, (jl_value_t*)ex, 1); // finish marking this as a specialization of the generator func->isva = generator->lambda_template->isva; func->def = generator; jl_gc_wb(func, generator); func->sparam_vals = env; jl_gc_wb(func, env); func->specTypes = tt; jl_gc_wb(func, tt); jl_array_t *stmts = func->code; for(i = 0, l = jl_array_len(stmts); i < l; i++) { jl_cellset(stmts, i, jl_resolve_globals(jl_cellref(stmts, i), func)); } in_pure_callback = last_in; } JL_CATCH { in_pure_callback = last_in; jl_rethrow(); } JL_GC_POP(); return func; }