예제 #1
 * 函数功能:几何校正需要调用的函数
arma::mat centering(arma::mat &x){
	arma::mat tmp = -mean(x.rows(0, 1), 1);
	arma::mat tmp2(2,2);
	arma::mat tmp1 = join_horiz(tmp2, tmp);
	arma::mat v;
	v << 0 << 0 << 1 << arma::endr;
	arma::mat T = join_vert(tmp1, v);
	//T.print("T =");
	arma::mat xm = T * x;
	//xm.print("xm =");
	//at least one pixel apart to avoid numerical problems
	//xm.print("xm =");
	double std11 = arma::stddev(xm.row(0));
	//cout << "std11:" << std11 << endl;
	double std22 = stddev(xm.row(1));
	//cout << "std22:" << std22 << endl;

    double std1 = std::max(std11, 1.0);
    double std2 = std::max(std22, 1.0);
	arma::mat S;
	S << 1/std1 << 0 << 0 << arma::endr
	  << 0 << 1/std2 << 0 << arma::endr
	  << 0 << 0 << 1 << arma::endr;
	arma::mat C = S * T ;
	//C.print("C =");
	return C;
예제 #2
/// \brief UnivariateData::Calibrate
/// \param values Intensity (or band ratio, or areas) of calibration curve)
/// \param conentrations
void UnivariateData::Calibrate(const vec &values, const vec &concentrations)
    mat X = Vespucci::Math::LinLeastSq::Vandermonde(concentrations, 1);
    vec calibration_y;
    vec coefs = Vespucci::Math::LinLeastSq::OrdinaryLeastSquares(X,

    calibration_stats_["Calibrated"] = 1;
    vec residuals = values - calibration_y;
    calibration_curve_ = join_horiz(concentrations, join_horiz(calibration_y, residuals));

    double b = coefs(0);
    double m = coefs(1);
    results_.transform([m, b](double val){return (val - b)/m;});
예제 #3
 * 函数功能:几何校正需要调用的函数
arma::mat toAffinity(arma::mat &f){
	arma::mat A;
	arma::mat v;
	v << 0 << 0 << 1 << arma::endr;
	int flag = f.n_rows;
		case 6:{ // oriented ellipses
			arma::mat T = f.rows(0, 1);
			arma::mat tmp = join_horiz(f.rows(2, 3), f.rows(4, 5));
			arma::mat tmp1 = join_horiz(tmp, T);
			A = join_vert(tmp1, v);
		case 4:{   // oriented discs
			arma::mat T = f.rows(0, 1);
			double s = f.at(2,0);
			double th = f.at(3,0);
			arma::mat S = arma::randu<arma::mat>(2,2);
			/*S.at(0, 0) = s*cos(th);
			S.at(0, 1) = -s*sin(th);
			S.at(1, 0) = s*sin(th);
			S.at(1, 1) = s*cos(th);*/
			S << s*cos(th) << -s*sin(th) << arma::endr
			  << s*sin(th) << s*cos(th)  << arma::endr;
			arma::mat tmp1 = join_horiz(S, T);
			A = join_vert(tmp1, v);
			//A.print("A =");
		/*case 3:{    // discs
			mat T = f.rows(0, 1);
			mat s = f.row(2);
			int th = 0 ;
			A = [s*[cos(th) -sin(th) ; sin(th) cos(th)], T ; 0 0 1] ;
		case 5:{ // ellipses
			mat T = f.rows(0, 1);
			A = [mapFromS(f(3:5)), T ; 0 0 1] ;
            std::cout << "出错啦!" << std::endl;
	return A;
예제 #4
vector<mat> make_raw_freebie_flow_bases(const mat & value_basis,
                                        const vector<sp_mat> blocks,
                                        const mat & Q){
  // Same as above, but don't orthonormalize
  vector<mat> flow_bases;
  uint A = blocks.size();
  assert((A+1) == Q.n_cols);
  for(uint a = 0; a < A; a++){
    mat raw_basis = join_horiz(mat(blocks.at(a).t() * value_basis),
  return flow_bases;
예제 #5
vector<sp_mat> make_freebie_flow_bases(const sp_mat & value_basis,
                                       const vector<sp_mat> blocks,
                                       const mat & Q){
  vector<sp_mat> flow_bases;
  uint A = blocks.size();
  assert((A+1) == Q.n_cols);
  for(uint a = 0; a < A; a++){
    mat raw_basis = join_horiz(mat(blocks.at(a).t() * value_basis),
    // Orthonorm (TODO: do directly in sparse?)
  return flow_bases;
예제 #6
/// \brief AnalysisResults::Concatenate
/// \param other
/// Merge the matrices of other into the same-named matrices of this one
/// Will perform a check of mergability for every matrix before performing merge
/// Non mergable matrices are removed from this result.
bool AnalysisResults::Concatenate(QSharedPointer<AnalysisResults> other)
    QSet<QString> intersection = KeyList().toSet().intersect(other->KeyList().toSet());
    //Check mergability (this should not be a problem if both come from same dataset)
    //User may be allowed to merge from two different datasets, if for some reason they wanted to do that
    QSet<QString> mergeable_matrices = intersection;
    for (auto key: intersection)
        if (GetMatrix(key).n_rows != other->GetMatrix(key).n_rows) {
    if (mergeable_matrices.isEmpty()) return false;
    for (auto key: mergeable_matrices) {
        mat matrix = GetMatrix(key);
        mat other_matrix = other->GetMatrix(key);
        matrix = join_horiz(matrix, other_matrix);
        AddMatrix(key, matrix);
    return true;
예제 #7
Dy* _5R_::Doit(vec q0_, vec q1_){
	this->q0_ = q0_;
	this->q1_ = q1_;

    P->Doit(q0_(span(0,P->dof-1)), q1_(span(0,P->dof-1)));
    uint soma = P->dof;
    for(uint i=0; i<nR_; i++){
        soma += R_[i]->dof;
        R_[i]->Doit(q0_(span(soma-R_[i]->dof,soma-1)), q1_(span(soma-R_[i]->dof,soma-1)) );

    //M_, v_ e g_
    M_ = join_diag(M__, nR_+1);
    v_ = join_vert(v__, nR_+1);
    g_ = join_vert(g__, nR_+1);
    // _q_, Ah_, Ao_, A_, b_, C_ e Z_
    _q_ = D_*P->q0_ - E_*join_vert(o__, nR_) - F_*join_vert(q0__, nR_) - f_;
    	case 1:
    	    Ao_ = -E_*join_diag(Jv_n__, nR_) - F_;
    	    b_ = E_*join_vert(a_co_n__, nR_);
    	case 2:
    	    Ao_ = join_vert(-E_*join_diag(Jv_n__, nR_) - F_, -Q_*join_diag(Jw_n__, nR_) - S_);
    	    b_ = join_vert(E_*join_vert(a_co_n__, nR_), F_*join_vert(dw_co_n__, nR_));
    A_ = join_horiz(Ah_, Ao_);
    C_ = join_vert( eye(dof,dof), -solve(Ao_,Ah_) );
    mat Aux_ = C_.row(u_nzi_(0)); for(uint i=1; i<u_nzi_.n_rows; i++) Aux_ = join_vert(Aux_, C_.row(u_nzi_(i)));
    Z_ = Aux_;
    //Z_ = join_vert(C_.row(2), C_.row(4));
    // Mh_, vh_ e gh_
    dy->Mh_ = solve(Z_.t(), C_.t()*M_*C_);
    dy->vh_ = solve(Z_.t(), C_.t()*( M_*join_vert(zeros(dof), solve(Ao_, b_) ) + v_ ));
    dy->gh_ = solve(Z_.t(), C_.t()*g_);

    return dy;
예제 #8
 * 函数功能:几何校正
 * 待写:H_final的值也应该返回去
arma::uvec geometricVerification(const arma::mat &frames1, const arma::mat &frames2, 
	const arma::mat &matches, const superluOpts &opts){
	// 测试载入是否准确
    /*std::cout<< "element测试: " << " x: " << frames1(0,1) << " y: " << frames1(1,1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << " 行数: " << frames1.n_rows << " 列数:" << frames1.n_cols << std::endl;
    std::cout << "==========================================================" << std::endl;*/

	int numMatches = matches.n_cols;
	// 测试匹配数目是否准确
    /*std::cout << "没有RANSAC前匹配数目: " << numMatches << std::endl;
    std::cout << "==========================================================" << std::endl;*/

	arma::field<arma::uvec> inliers(1, numMatches);
	arma::field<arma::mat> H(1, numMatches);

	arma::uvec v = arma::linspace<arma::uvec>(0,1,2);
    arma::mat onesVector = arma::ones(1, matches.n_cols);
	arma::uvec matchedIndex_Query = arma::conv_to<arma::uvec>::from(matches.row(0)-1);
	arma::uvec matchedIndex_Object = arma::conv_to<arma::uvec>::from(matches.row(1)-1);

	arma::mat x1 = frames1(v, matchedIndex_Query) ;
	arma::mat x2 = frames2(v, matchedIndex_Object);
    /*std::cout << " x1查询图像匹配行数: " << x1.n_rows << " 查询图像匹配列数:" << x1.n_cols << std::endl;
    std::cout << " x2目标图像匹配行数: " << x2.n_rows << " 目标图像匹配列数:" << x2.n_cols << std::endl;
    std::cout<< "x1 element测试: " << " x: " << x1(0,1) << " y: " << x1(1,1) << std::endl;
    std::cout<< "x2 element测试: " << " x: " << x2(0,1) << " y: " << x2(1,1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "==========================================================" << std::endl;*/

	arma::mat x1hom = arma::join_cols(x1, arma::ones<arma::mat>(1, numMatches));  //在下面添加一行,注意和join_rows的区别
	arma::mat x2hom = arma::join_cols(x2, arma::ones<arma::mat>(1, numMatches));
    /*std::cout << " x1hom查询图像匹配行数: " << x1hom.n_rows << " 查询图像匹配列数:" << x1hom.n_cols << std::endl;
    std::cout<< "x1hom element测试: " << " x: " << x1hom(0,1) << " y: " << x1hom(1,1) << " z: " << x1hom(2,1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "==========================================================" << std::endl;*/

	arma::mat x1p, H21;  //作用域
	double tol;
	for(int m = 0; m < numMatches; ++m){
		//cout << "m: " << m << endl;
		for(unsigned int t = 0; t < opts.numRefinementIterations; ++t){
			//cout << "t: " << t << endl;
			if (t == 0){
				arma::mat tmp1 = frames1.col(matches(0, m)-1);
				arma::mat A1 = toAffinity(tmp1);
				//A1.print("A1 =");
				arma::mat tmp2 = frames2.col(matches(1, m)-1);
				arma::mat A2 = toAffinity(tmp2);
				//A2.print("A2 =");
				H21 = A2 * inv(A1);
				//H21.print("H21 =");
				x1p = H21.rows(0, 1) * x1hom ;
				//x1p.print("x1p =");
				tol = opts.tolerance1;
			}else if(t !=0 && t <= 3){
				arma::mat A1 = x1hom.cols(inliers(0, m));
				arma::mat A2 = x2.cols(inliers(0, m));
				//A1.print("A1 =");
				//A2.print("A2 =");
		        H21 = A2*pinv(A1);
				//H21.print("H21 =");
				x1p = H21.rows(0, 1) * x1hom ;
				//x1p.print("x1p =");
				arma::mat v;
				v << 0 << 0 << 1 << arma::endr;
				H21 = join_vert(H21, v);
				//H21.print("H21 =");
				//x1p.print("x1p =");
				tol = opts.tolerance2;
				arma::mat x1in = x1hom.cols(inliers(0, m));
				arma::mat x2in = x2hom.cols(inliers(0, m));
				arma::mat S1 = centering(x1in);
				arma::mat S2 = centering(x2in);
				arma::mat x1c = S1 * x1in;
				//x1c.print("x1c =");
				arma::mat x2c = S2 * x2in;
				//x2c.print("x2c =");
				arma::mat A1 = arma::randu<arma::mat>(x1c.n_rows ,x1c.n_cols);
				arma::mat A2 = arma::randu<arma::mat>(x1c.n_rows ,x1c.n_cols);
				arma::mat A3 = arma::randu<arma::mat>(x1c.n_rows ,x1c.n_cols);
				for(unsigned int i = 0; i < x1c.n_cols; ++i){
					A2.col(i) = x1c.col(i)*(-x2c.row(0).col(i));
					A3.col(i) = x1c.col(i)*(-x2c.row(1).col(i));
				arma::mat T1 = join_cols(join_horiz(x1c, A1), join_horiz(A1, x1c));
				arma::mat T2 = join_cols(T1, join_horiz(A2, A3));
				//T2.print("T2 =");
				arma::mat U;
				arma::vec s;
				arma::mat V;
				svd_econ(U, s, V, T2);
				//U.print("U =");
				//V.print("V =");
				arma::vec tmm = U.col(U.n_cols-1);
				H21 = reshape(tmm, 3, 3).t();
				H21 = inv(S2) * H21 * S1;
				H21 = H21 / H21(H21.n_rows-1, H21.n_cols-1) ;
				//H21.print("H21 =");
				arma::mat x1phom = H21 * x1hom ;
				arma::mat cc1 = x1phom.row(0) / x1phom.row(2);
				arma::mat cc2 = x1phom.row(1) / x1phom.row(2);
				arma::mat x1p = join_cols(cc1, cc2);
				//x1p.print("x1p =");
				tol = opts.tolerance3;
			arma::mat tmp = arma::square(x2 - x1p); //精度跟matlab相比更高?
			//tmp.print("tmp =");
			arma::mat dist2 = tmp.row(0) + tmp.row(1);
			//dist2.print("dist2 =");
			inliers(0, m) = arma::find(dist2 < pow(tol, 2));
			H(0, m) = H21;
			//H(0, m).print("H(0, m) =");
			//inliers(0, m).print("inliers(0, m) =");
			//cout << inliers(0, m).size() << endl;
			//cout << "==========================================================" << endl;
			if (inliers(0, m).size() < opts.minInliers) break;
			if (inliers(0, m).size() > 0.7 * numMatches) break;
	arma::uvec scores(numMatches);
	for(int i = 0; i < numMatches; ++i){
		scores.at(i) = inliers(0, i).n_rows;
	//scores.print("scores = ");
	arma::uword index;
	//cout << index << endl;
	arma::mat H_final = inv(H(0, index));
	//H_final.print("H_final = ");
	arma::uvec inliers_final = inliers(0, index);
	//inliers_final.print("inliers_final = ");
	return inliers_final;
예제 #9
int main(){

    Mecanismo P = Mecanismo(2);

    cube I1__; I1__.zeros(3,3,2);
    I1__.slice(0) << 0 << 0                       << 0          << endr
                  << 0 << 107.307e-6 + 146.869e-6 << 0          << endr
                  << 0 << 0                       << 107.307e-6 + 146.869e-6 << endr;

    I1__.slice(1) << 0 << 0        << 0        << endr
                  << 0 << 438.0e-6 << 0        << endr
                  << 0 << 0        << 438.0e-6 << endr;

    cube I2__; I2__.zeros(3,3,2);
    I2__.slice(0) << 0 << 0                        << 0          << endr
                  << 0 << 107.307e-6 + 188.738e-6  << 0          << endr
                  << 0 << 0                        << 107.307e-6 + 188.738e-6  << endr;

    I2__.slice(1) << 0 << 0          << 0          << endr
                  << 0 << 301.679e-6 << 0          << endr
                  << 0 << 0          << 301.679e-6 << endr;

    Serial RR1 = Serial(2, {0.12, 0.16}, {0.06, 0.078},{0.062, 0.124}, I1__ , {0, 0, 9.8}, &fDH_RR);
    Serial RR2 = Serial(2, {0.12, 0.16}, {0.06, 0.058},{0.062, 0.097}, I2__ , {0, 0, 9.8}, &fDH_RR);
    Serial **RR_ = new Serial* [2];
    RR_[0] = &RR1;
    RR_[1] = &RR2;

    //Matrizes que descrevem a arquitetura do mecanismo
    double l0 = 0.05;
    mat D_ = join_vert((mat)eye(2,2),2);
    mat E_ = join_diag( Roty(0)(span(0,1),span(0,2)), Roty(PI)(span(0,1),span(0,2)) );
    mat F_ = zeros(4,4);
    vec f_ = {l0,0,-l0,0};

    Parallel Robot = Parallel(2, &P, RR_, 2, {2,4}, D_, E_, F_, f_);
    Reference RefObj = Reference(0.12, {0.08, 0.16}, {-0.08, 0.4});

    //Plotar área de trabalho
    uint nx = 96.0;
    uint ny = 56.0;
    double lx = 0.24;
    double ly = 0.28;
    double xi = -lx;
    double xf = lx;
    double yi = 0.0;
    double yf = ly;
    double dx = (xf-xi)/(nx-1);
    double dy = (yf-yi)/(ny-1);
    double dl = 0.5*(dx+dy);
    Mat<int> M; M.zeros(nx,ny);
    field<mat> fZ_(nx,ny);
    field<mat> fMh_(nx,ny);
    field<vec> fgh_(nx,ny);
    field<vec> fa1_(nx,ny);
    field<vec> fa2_(nx,ny);
    field<vec> fa12_(nx,ny);
    for(uint i=0; i<nx; i++){
        for(uint j=0; j<ny; j++){
    vec v1_ = {1,0};
    vec v2_ = {0,1};
    vec v12_ = {1,1};
    double r = 0.07;
    double x0 = 0.0;
    double y0 = 0.17;

    uint rows = nx;
    uint cols = ny;

    vec q0_ = {0.823167, 1.81774, 0.823167, 1.81774};

    GNR2 gnr2 = GNR2("RK6", &Robot, 1e-6, 30);
    //gnr2.Doit(q0_, {0.05,0.08});
    //cout << gnr2.convergiu << endl;
    //cout << gnr2.x_ << endl;
    //cout << gnr2.res_ << endl;
    //cout << gnr2.n << endl;

    double x;
    double y;
    mat A2_;
    for(uint i=0; i<rows; i++){
        for(uint j=0; j<cols; j++){
            x = xi + i*dx;
            y = yi + j*dy;
            gnr2.Doit(q0_, {x, y});
                q0_ = gnr2.x_;
                A2_ = join_horiz(Robot.Ah_, join_horiz(Robot.Ao_.col(1), Robot.Ao_.col(3)) );
                if(abs(det(Robot.Ao_)) < 1.6*1e-6 || abs(det(A2_)) < 1e-11 ) M(i,j) = 2;
                	M(i,j) = 1;
                	Robot.Doit(Robot.q0_, join_vert(v1_, -solve(Robot.Ao_, Robot.Ah_*v1_)) );
                	fZ_(i,j) = Robot.Z_;
                    fMh_(i,j) = Robot.dy->Mh_;
                    fgh_(i,j) = Robot.dy->gh_;
                    fa1_(i,j) = Robot.dy->vh_;
                    Robot.Doit(Robot.q0_, Robot.C_*v2_);
                    fa2_(i,j) = Robot.dy->vh_;
                    Robot.Doit(Robot.q0_, Robot.C_*v12_);
                    fa12_(i,j) = Robot.dy->vh_ - fa1_(i,j) - fa2_(i,j);
            gnr2.convergiu = false;
            if( ((x - x0)*(x - x0) + (y - y0)*(y - y0) <= (r+dl)*(r+dl) ) && ((x - x0)*(x - x0) + (y - y0)*(y - y0) >= (r-dl)*(r-dl) ) && (M(i,j) != 2) )
                M(i,j) = 3;

    for(uint i=0; i<rows; i++){
        for(uint j=0; j<cols; j++){
            cout << M(i,j) << ";" ;
            if(j==cols-1) cout << endl;


    return 0;
예제 #10
int dtq::compProp(void)
  // need myh to proceed
  if (! haveMyh) return 1;

  // fundamental size
  ylen = 2*bigm+1;

  // start computing the propagator!
  prop = arma::sp_mat(ylen,ylen);

  // create yvec
  yvec = arma::zeros(ylen);
  for (int i=-bigm; i<=bigm; i++)
    yvec(bigm+i) = i*myk;

  // apply f and g to yvec
  fy = arma::zeros(ylen);
  gy = arma::zeros(ylen);
  for (int i=-bigm; i<=bigm; i++)
    fy(bigm+i) = (*f)(yvec(bigm+i),curtheta);
    gy(bigm+i) = (*g)(yvec(bigm+i),curtheta);

  // normalization "constant"
  arma::vec c0mod = 1.0/(sqrt(2.0*(arma::datum::pi)*myh)*gy);

  // variance
  arma::vec gy2 = gy % gy;
  arma::vec myvar = gy2*myh;

  // compute and set main diagonal
  // prop.diag() = maindiag;
  arma::vec propvals = arma::exp(-(myh/2.0)*(fy%fy)/gy2) % c0mod;
  arma::umat proploc(2, ylen);
  proploc.row(0) = arma::regspace<arma::urowvec>(0, (ylen-1));
  proploc.row(1) = arma::regspace<arma::urowvec>(0, (ylen-1));

  // superdiagonals
  bool done = false;
  int curdiag = 1;
  double mytol = 2.0e-16;
  double refsum = arma::sum(arma::abs(propvals))*myk;
  while (! done)
    arma::vec mymean = curdiag*myk + fy*myh;
    arma::vec thisdiag = arma::exp(-mymean%mymean/(2.0*myvar))%c0mod;
    thisdiag = thisdiag.tail(ylen - curdiag);
    double thissum = arma::sum(arma::abs(thisdiag));
    if ((curdiag == 1) || (thissum > mytol*refsum))
      // prop.diag(curdiag) = thisdiag;
      arma::umat newloc(2, ylen-curdiag);
      newloc.row(0) = arma::regspace<arma::urowvec>(0, (ylen-curdiag-1));
      newloc.row(1) = newloc.row(0) + curdiag;
      proploc = join_horiz(proploc, newloc);
      propvals = join_vert(propvals, thisdiag);
      if (curdiag == ylen) done = true;
    else done = true;
  int maxdiag = curdiag;
  for (curdiag=1; curdiag<=maxdiag; curdiag++)
    arma::vec mymean = -curdiag*myk + fy*myh;
    arma::vec thisdiag = arma::exp(-mymean%mymean/(2.0*myvar))%c0mod;
    thisdiag = thisdiag.head(ylen - curdiag);
    // prop.diag(-curdiag) = thisdiag;
    arma::umat newloc(2, ylen-curdiag);
    newloc.row(1) = arma::regspace<arma::urowvec>(0, (ylen-curdiag-1));
    newloc.row(0) = newloc.row(1) + curdiag;
    proploc = join_horiz(proploc, newloc);
    propvals = join_vert(propvals, thisdiag);
  prop = arma::sp_mat(proploc, propvals, ylen, ylen);
  // check normalization, should get all 1's
  // std::cout << myk*sum(prop,0) << '\n';
  haveProp = true;
  return 0;