예제 #1
int main(int argc, char ** argv){

	/* variables declaration */
	int i;
	int *size_of_buffer = 0;
	int num_of_ones = 0;
	/* Number of rounds that the algorithm will run */
	int rounds = 0;		
	/* buffer that master will send */
	char *buffer = NULL;
	/* sessionC handler */
	session *s;
	join_session(&argc, &argv, &s, "Slave3.spr");
	role *Master = s->get_role(s, "Master");	
	/* receive size of buffer */
	receive_int(Master, &size_of_buffer);
	printf("size of buffer is %d\n", *size_of_buffer);
	/* Dynamic memory allocation */
	buffer = (char *) malloc( (*size_of_buffer) * sizeof(char));
	/* Receive the buffer */
	receive_string(Master, &buffer);
/* For 100000 rounds */	
while(rounds++ < 100000){		
	/* Compute the number of ones */
	num_of_ones = number_of_ones(buffer); 
	printf("num of ones is %d\n", num_of_ones);
	/* Send the result to the master node */
	send_int(Master, num_of_ones);
	/* Deallocate memory */
	/* End current session */
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char **argv){

	/* Variables declaration */
	int i;
	int j;
	/* Number of rounds to run the algorithm */
	int rounds = 0;
	/* Total size of the array */
	int total_size = (rows * columns) / participants;
	printf("Total amount of work is %d\n", total_size);
	/* the amount of work that is assigned to worker1 */
	int amount_of_work = floor( (worker1 + 1) * columns / participants ) - floor( worker1 * columns / participants );
	printf("amount of work is %d\n", amount_of_work);
	/* Session start */
	session *s;
	join_session(&argc, &argv, &s, "worker1.spr");
	role *master = s->get_role(s, "master");
	/* Dynamic memory allocation of array C */
	int *C = NULL;
	C = (int *) malloc(columns * sizeof(int));
	if(C == NULL)
		/* Terminate program if there is not enough memory */ 
		fprintf(stderr, "out of memory \n");

	/* Declaration of the main array */
	int *Beta_worker1 = NULL;
	/* Dynamic memory allocation */
	Beta_worker1 = (int *) malloc( total_size * sizeof(int) );
	/* Abort if there is not enough memory */
	if(Beta_worker1 == NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
	/* The array that will hold the results */
	int *worker1_results = NULL;
	worker1_results = (int *) malloc( amount_of_work * sizeof(int) );
	/* Fill with zeros the result array */
	fill_with_zeros(worker1_results, amount_of_work);
	/* The size of the arrays that master waits from the workers */
	size_t array_C = columns;
	size_t array_Beta = total_size;	
	/* worker1 receives the arrays in order to do the computation */
	recv_int_array(master, C, &array_C);
	recv_int_array(master, Beta_worker1, &array_Beta);
/* Run for 1000 rounds */	
while(rounds++ < 1000){	
	/* Main computation from master */
	for(i = 0; i < amount_of_work; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < columns; j++)
			worker1_results[i] += Beta_worker1[i * amount_of_work + j] * C[j];
}//End of while	
	/* worker1 sends the results to the master */
	send_int_array(master, worker1_results, amount_of_work);
	/* End Session */
	/* Deallocate memmory */
	C = NULL;
	Beta_worker1 = NULL;
	worker1_results = NULL;
예제 #3
void cChannelSession::dataRX(const QVector<QByteArray> &data)
    if (data.count() < 2)
        qDebug() << "[ERROR]cChannelSession::dataRX-> Pocos campos... :" << data.count();
    int cmd = data[1].toInt();
    //qDebug() << "[INFO]cChannelSession::dataRX-> Comando:" << cmd;
    if(cmd == CMD_JOIN_SESSION)
        QString id = data[2];
        emit join_session(id);
    else if (cmd == CMD_SESSION_STATUS)
        QString id      = data[2];
        bool status     = data[3].toInt();
        QString reason  = data[4];
        emit session_status(id,status,reason);
    else if (cmd == CMD_GET_SESSION_USERLIST)
        QString id = data[2];
        emit get_session_userlist(id);
    else if (cmd == CMD_SESSION_USERLIST)
        QString id = data[2];
        QByteArray array = data[3];
        cUsersInfoList userslist(array);
        emit session_userlist(id,userslist);
    else if (cmd == CMD_GET_CHATROOM_LIST)
        QString id = data[2];
        emit get_chatroom_list(id);
    else if (cmd == CMD_CHATROOM_LIST)
        QString id = data[2];
        QVector<cChatInfo> chats;
        for ( int i = 3 ; i < data.count() ; i+=3 )
            cChatInfo chatroom(data[i],data[i+1],data[i+2].toInt());
        emit chatroom_list(id,chats);
    else if(cmd == CMD_JOIN_CHATROOM)
        QString id = data[2];
        emit join_chatroom(id);
    else if(cmd == CMD_CHATROOM_STATUS)
        QString id      = data[2];
        bool status     = data[3].toInt();
        QString reason  = data[4];
        emit chatroom_status(id,status,reason);
    else if(cmd == CMD_GET_CHATROOM_USERLIST)
        QString chatroom_id = data[2];
        emit get_chatroom_userlist(chatroom_id);
    else if(cmd == CMD_CHATROOM_USERLIST)
        QString id = data[2];
        QByteArray array = data[3];
        cUsersInfoList userslist(array);
        emit chatroom_userlist(id,userslist);
    else if(cmd == CMD_CREATE_CHATROOM)
        QString name    = data[2];
        bool persistent = data[3].toInt();
        emit create_chatroom(name,persistent);
    else if(cmd == CMD_CHATROOM_MSG)
        QVector<cChatMsg> msgs;
        QString id = data[2];
        for ( int i = 3 ; i < data.count() ; i+=3 )
            QDateTime timestamp;
            cChatMsg msg(data[i],data[i+1],timestamp);
        emit chatroom_msg(id,msgs);
    else if(cmd == CMD_GET_FILELIST)
        QString id = data[2];
        emit get_file_list(id);
    else if(cmd == CMD_FILELIST)
        QString id = data[2];

    else if(cmd == CMD_GET_PAD_LIST)
        QString id = data[2];
        emit get_pad_list(id);
    else if(cmd == CMD_PAD_LIST)
        QString id = data[2];
        QByteArray array(data[3]);
        cPadsInfoList padslist(array);
        emit pad_list(id,padslist);

    else if(cmd == CMD_JOIN_PAD)
        QString id = data[2];
        emit join_pad(id);
    else if(cmd == CMD_PAD_STATUS)
        QString id      = data[2];
        bool status     = data[3].toInt();
        QString reason  = data[4];
        emit pad_status(id,status,reason);
    else if(cmd == CMD_GET_PAD_USERLIST)
        QString id = data[2];
        emit get_pad_userlist(id);
    else if(cmd == CMD_PAD_USERLIST)
        QString id = data[2];
        QByteArray array = data[3];
        cUsersInfoList userslist(array);
        emit pad_userlist(id,userslist);
    else if(cmd == CMD_GET_PAD_DOCUMENT)
        QString id(data[2]);
        emit get_pad_document(id);
    else if(cmd == CMD_PAD_DOCUMENT)
        QString id(data[2]);
        QString padText(data[3]);
        emit pad_document(id,padText);
    else if(cmd == CMD_PAD_CHANGES)
        QString id(data[2]);
        QString sender = data[3];
        int pos(data[4].toInt());
        int del(data[5].toInt());
        int add(data[6].toInt());
        QString text(data[7]);
        emit pad_changes(id,sender,pos,del,add,text);
        qDebug() << "[ERROR]cChannelSession::dataRX-> Comando desconocido:" << cmd;
예제 #4
/* Main function */
int main(int argc, char **argv){

	/* Variables declaration */
	int i;
	int j;
	/* The number of non zero elements */
	int *num_of_no_zeros = NULL;

	/* number of rounds */
	int rounds = 0;
	/* Session start */
	session *s;
	join_session(&argc, &argv, &s, "worker3.spr");
	role *Master = s->get_role(s, "Master");	

	printf("I am here\n");
	/* Receive number of non zero elements */
	receive_int(Master, &num_of_no_zeros);
	printf("NUm of zeros is %d\n", *num_of_no_zeros);
	/* Number of non zero elements */
	int no_zeros = *num_of_no_zeros;	
	/* Declaration and dynamic memory allocation af array row_ptr */
	int *row_ptr = (int *) malloc((nrows + 1) * sizeof(int));
	if(row_ptr == NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory, aborting program...\n");
	/* Decalration and dynamic memory allocation af array values */
	int *values = (int *) malloc(no_zeros * sizeof(int));
	if(values == NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory, aborting program...\n");

	/* Declaration and dynamic memory allocation af col_ind array */
	int *col_ind = (int *) malloc(no_zeros * sizeof(int));
	if(col_ind == NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory, aborting program...\n");
	/* Declaration and dynamic memory allocation af x array */
	int *x = (int *) malloc(ncolumns * sizeof(int));
	if(x == NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory, aborting program...\n");
	/* Expected size of array */
	size_t sz_rows = 1001;
	size_t sz_cols = 1000;
	size_t sz_no_zeros = no_zeros;	
	/* Receive row_ptr from master */
	recv_int_array(Master, row_ptr, &sz_rows);
	/* Receive values array from master */
	recv_int_array(Master, values, &sz_no_zeros);
	/* Receive col_ind array from master */
	recv_int_array(Master, col_ind, &sz_no_zeros);	
	/* Receive x array from master */
	recv_int_array(Master, x, &sz_cols);		
	printf("value[%d] = %d\n", 0, values[0]);
	/* The array that will hold the results of the main computation */
	int *results = NULL;
	/* Define the amount of work that worker 1 will do */
	int start_work;
	int end_work;	
	int amount_of_work;
	/* The amount of work that the master will do */
	start_work = floor((worker3 * nrows)/participants) / 10;
	end_work = floor(((worker3 + 1) * nrows)/participants) / 10;	
	amount_of_work = (end_work - start_work);
	printf("start = %d - end = %d - amount of work = %d\n", start_work, end_work, amount_of_work);	
	/* Declaration and dynamic memory allocation af x array */
	results = (int *) malloc( 2 * amount_of_work * sizeof(int));
	if(results == NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory, aborting program...\n");
/* Run for 100 rounds */	
while(rounds++ < 10000){	
	/* Main computation of the result. Worker1
	computes the work that is assigned to it*/
	for(i = start_work; i < end_work; i++){
		for(j = row_ptr[i]; j < row_ptr[i + 1]; j++)
			results[i] += values[j] * x[col_ind[j]];

	int array[amount_of_work];
	for(i = 0; i < amount_of_work; i++)
		array[i] = 0;
	//send_int_array(Master, array, amount_of_work);	
	//printf("here i am \n");
	/* Send the results to the master */
	//send_int_array(Master, values, amount_of_work);
	send_int_array(Master, results, amount_of_work);
	//send_int(Master, amount_of_work);
	//recv_int_array(Master, col_ind, &sz_no_zeros);	
	/* End current session */
	/* Free memory */
	row_ptr = NULL;
	values = NULL;
	col_ind = NULL;
	x = NULL;
	results = NULL;