mblk_t *ms_load_jpeg_as_yuv(const char *jpgpath, MSVideoSize *reqsize){ mblk_t *m=NULL; struct stat statbuf; uint8_t *jpgbuf; #if !defined(_MSC_VER) int fd=open(jpgpath,O_RDONLY); #else int fd=_open(jpgpath,O_RDONLY); #endif if (fd!=-1){ fstat(fd,&statbuf); jpgbuf=(uint8_t*)alloca(statbuf.st_size); #if !defined(_MSC_VER) read(fd,jpgbuf,statbuf.st_size); #else _read(fd,jpgbuf,statbuf.st_size); #endif m=jpeg2yuv(jpgbuf,statbuf.st_size,reqsize); }else{ ms_error("Cannot load %s",jpgpath); } return m; }
static mblk_t *jpeg2yuv(uint8_t *jpgbuf, int bufsize, MSVideoSize *reqsize){ #ifndef NO_FFMPEG AVCodecContext av_context; int got_picture=0; AVFrame orig; mblk_t *ret; struct SwsContext *sws_ctx; AVPacket pkt; MSPicture dest; AVCodec *codec=avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_MJPEG); if (codec==NULL){ ms_error("Could not find MJPEG decoder in ffmpeg."); return NULL; } avcodec_get_context_defaults(&av_context); if (avcodec_open(&av_context,codec)<0){ ms_error("jpeg2yuv: avcodec_open failed"); return NULL; } av_init_packet(&pkt); pkt.data=jpgbuf; pkt.size=bufsize; if (avcodec_decode_video2(&av_context,&orig,&got_picture,&pkt) < 0) { ms_error("jpeg2yuv: avcodec_decode_video failed"); avcodec_close(&av_context); return NULL; } ret=ms_yuv_buf_alloc(&dest, reqsize->width,reqsize->height); /* not using SWS_FAST_BILINEAR because it doesn't play well with * av_context.pix_fmt set to PIX_FMT_YUVJ420P by jpeg decoder */ sws_ctx=sws_getContext(av_context.width,av_context.height,av_context.pix_fmt, reqsize->width,reqsize->height,PIX_FMT_YUV420P,SWS_BILINEAR, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (sws_ctx==NULL) { ms_error("jpeg2yuv: ms_sws_getContext() failed."); avcodec_close(&av_context); freemsg(ret); return NULL; } #if LIBSWSCALE_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(0,9,0) if (sws_scale(sws_ctx,(const uint8_t* const *)orig.data,orig.linesize,0,av_context.height,dest.planes,dest.strides)<0){ #else if (sws_scale(sws_ctx,(uint8_t**)orig.data,orig.linesize,0,av_context.height,dest.planes,dest.strides)<0){ #endif ms_error("jpeg2yuv: ms_sws_scale() failed."); sws_freeContext(sws_ctx); avcodec_close(&av_context); freemsg(ret); return NULL; } sws_freeContext(sws_ctx); avcodec_close(&av_context); return ret; #elif TARGET_OS_IPHONE MSPicture dest; CGDataProviderRef dataProvider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(NULL, jpgbuf, bufsize, NULL); // use the data provider to get a CGImage; release the data provider CGImageRef image = CGImageCreateWithJPEGDataProvider(dataProvider, NULL, FALSE, kCGRenderingIntentDefault); CGDataProviderRelease(dataProvider); reqsize->width = CGImageGetWidth(image); reqsize->height = CGImageGetHeight(image); uint8_t* tmp = (uint8_t*) malloc(reqsize->width * reqsize->height * 4); mblk_t* ret=ms_yuv_buf_alloc(&dest, reqsize->width, reqsize->height); CGColorSpaceRef colourSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGContextRef imageContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(tmp, reqsize->width, reqsize->height, 8, reqsize->width*4, colourSpace, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast); CGColorSpaceRelease(colourSpace); // draw the image to the context, release it CGContextDrawImage(imageContext, CGRectMake(0, 0, reqsize->width, reqsize->height), image); CGImageRelease(image); /* convert tmp/RGB -> ret/YUV */ for(int y=0; y<reqsize->height; y++) { for(int x=0; x<reqsize->width; x++) { uint8_t r = tmp[y * reqsize->width * 4 + x * 4 + 0]; uint8_t g = tmp[y * reqsize->width * 4 + x * 4 + 1]; uint8_t b = tmp[y * reqsize->width * 4 + x * 4 + 2]; // Y *dest.planes[0]++ = (uint8_t)((0.257 * r) + (0.504 * g) + (0.098 * b) + 16); // U/V subsampling if ((y % 2==0) && (x%2==0)) { uint32_t r32=0, g32=0, b32=0; for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { for(int j=0; j<2; j++) { r32 += tmp[(y+i) * reqsize->width * 4 + (x+j) * 4 + 0]; g32 += tmp[(y+i) * reqsize->width * 4 + (x+j) * 4 + 1]; b32 += tmp[(y+i) * reqsize->width * 4 + (x+j) * 4 + 2]; } } r32 = (uint32_t)(r32 * 0.25f); g32 = (uint32_t)(g32 * 0.25f); b32 = (uint32_t) (b32 * 0.25f); // U *dest.planes[1]++ = (uint8_t)(-(0.148 * r32) - (0.291 * g32) + (0.439 * b32) + 128); // V *dest.planes[2]++ = (uint8_t)((0.439 * r32) - (0.368 * g32) - (0.071 * b32) + 128); } } } free(tmp); return ret; #else return NULL; #endif } mblk_t *ms_load_jpeg_as_yuv(const char *jpgpath, MSVideoSize *reqsize){ #if defined(WIN32) mblk_t *m=NULL; DWORD st_sizel; DWORD st_sizeh; uint8_t *jpgbuf; DWORD err; HANDLE fd; #ifdef UNICODE WCHAR wUnicode[1024]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, jpgpath, -1, wUnicode, 1024); fd = CreateFile(wUnicode, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); #else fd = CreateFile(jpgpath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); #endif if (fd==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ ms_error("Failed to open %s",jpgpath); return NULL; } st_sizel=0; st_sizeh=0; st_sizel = GetFileSize(fd, &st_sizeh); if (st_sizeh>0 || st_sizel<=0) { CloseHandle(fd); ms_error("Can't load file %s",jpgpath); return NULL; } jpgbuf=(uint8_t*)ms_malloc0(st_sizel); if (jpgbuf==NULL) { CloseHandle(fd); ms_error("Cannot allocate buffer for %s",jpgpath); return NULL; } err=0; ReadFile(fd, jpgbuf, st_sizel, &err, NULL) ; if (err!=st_sizel){ ms_error("Could not read as much as wanted !"); } m=jpeg2yuv(jpgbuf,st_sizel,reqsize); ms_free(jpgbuf); if (m==NULL) { CloseHandle(fd); ms_error("Cannot load image from buffer for %s",jpgpath); return NULL; } CloseHandle(fd); return m; #else mblk_t *m=NULL; struct stat statbuf; uint8_t *jpgbuf; int err; int fd=open(jpgpath,O_RDONLY); if (fd!=-1){ fstat(fd,&statbuf); if (statbuf.st_size<=0) { close(fd); ms_error("Cannot load %s",jpgpath); return NULL; } jpgbuf=(uint8_t*)ms_malloc0(statbuf.st_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); if (jpgbuf==NULL) { close(fd); ms_error("Cannot allocate buffer for %s",jpgpath); return NULL; } err=read(fd,jpgbuf,statbuf.st_size); if (err!=statbuf.st_size){ ms_error("Could not read as much as wanted: %i<>%li !",err,(long)statbuf.st_size); } m=jpeg2yuv(jpgbuf,statbuf.st_size,reqsize); ms_free(jpgbuf); if (m==NULL) { close(fd); ms_error("Cannot load image from buffer for %s",jpgpath); return NULL; } }else{ ms_error("Cannot load %s",jpgpath); return NULL; } close(fd); return m; #endif }