예제 #1
static void writeFindPositionInfo(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *db, int taxId, char *hubUrl,
                                  char *position)
/* Write JSON for the info needed to populate the 'Find Position' section. */
char *genome = hGenome(db);
if (isEmpty(genome))
    jsonWriteStringf(jw, "error", "No genome for db '%s'", db);
    jsonWriteString(jw, "db", db);
    jsonWriteNumber(jw, "taxId", taxId);
    jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", genome);
    struct slPair *dbOptions = NULL;
    char genomeLabel[PATH_LEN*4];
    if (isNotEmpty(hubUrl))
        struct trackHub *hub = hubConnectGetHub(hubUrl);
        if (hub == NULL)
            jsonWriteStringf(jw, "error", "Can't connect to hub at '%s'", hubUrl);
        struct dbDb *dbDbList = trackHubGetDbDbs(hub->name);
        dbOptions = trackHubDbDbToValueLabel(dbDbList);
        safecpy(genomeLabel, sizeof(genomeLabel), hub->shortLabel);
        jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl);
        dbOptions = hGetDbOptionsForGenome(genome);
        safecpy(genomeLabel, sizeof(genomeLabel), genome);
    jsonWriteValueLabelList(jw, "dbOptions", dbOptions);
    jsonWriteString(jw, "genomeLabel", genomeLabel);
    jsonWriteString(jw, "position", position);
    char *suggestTrack = NULL;
    if (! trackHubDatabase(db))
        suggestTrack = assemblyGeneSuggestTrack(db);
    jsonWriteString(jw, "suggestTrack", suggestTrack);
    char *description = maybeGetDescriptionText(db);
    //#*** TODO: move jsonStringEscape inside jsonWriteString
    char *encoded = jsonStringEscape(description);
    jsonWriteString(jw, "description", encoded);
예제 #2
char *cartJsonRequiredParam(struct hash *paramHash, char *name, struct jsonWrite *jw, char *context)
/* Convenience function for a CartJsonHandler function: Look up name in paramHash.
 * If found, return the string contained in its jsonElement value.
 * If not, write an error message (using context) and return NULL. */
char *param = cartJsonOptionalParam(paramHash, name);
if (param == NULL)
    jsonWriteStringf(jw, "error",
		     "%s: required param %s is missing", context, name);
return param;
예제 #3
static void setHubDb(struct cartJson *cj, struct hash *paramHash)
/* Set db and genome according to hubUrl (and/or db and hub) and return the info we'll need
 * to fill in the findPosition section. */
char *hubUrl = cartJsonRequiredParam(paramHash, "hubUrl", cj->jw, "setHubDb");
char *taxIdStr = cartJsonOptionalParam(paramHash, "taxId");
int taxId = taxIdStr ? atoi(taxIdStr) : -1;
// cart's db was already set by magic handling of hub CGI variables sent along
// with this command.
char *db = cartString(cart, "db");
if (isEmpty(db))
    jsonWriteStringf(cj->jw, "error", "No db for hubUrl '%s'", hubUrl);
    writeFindPositionInfo(cj->jw, db, taxId, hubUrl, hDefaultPos(db));
예제 #4
static void doOneCommand(struct cartJson *cj, char *command,
                         struct jsonElement *paramObject)
/* Dispatch command by name, checking for required parameters. */
CartJsonHandler *handler = hashFindVal(cj->handlerHash, command);
if (handler)
    struct hash *paramHash = jsonObjectVal(paramObject, command);
    handler(cj, paramHash);
    jsonWriteStringf(cj->jw, "error",
		     "cartJson: unrecognized command '%s'\"", command);
예제 #5
static void setTaxId(struct cartJson *cj, struct hash *paramHash)
/* Set db and genome according to taxId (and/or db) and return the info we'll need
 * to fill in the findPosition section. */
char *taxIdStr = cartJsonRequiredParam(paramHash, "taxId", cj->jw, "setTaxId");
char *db = cartJsonOptionalParam(paramHash, "db");
int taxId = atoi(taxIdStr);
if (isEmpty(db))
    db = hDbForTaxon(taxId);
if (isEmpty(db))
    jsonWriteStringf(cj->jw, "error", "No db for taxId '%s'", taxIdStr);
    writeFindPositionInfo(cj->jw, db, taxId, NULL, hDefaultPos(db));
    cartSetString(cart, "db", db);
    cartSetString(cart, "position", hDefaultPos(db));
예제 #6
static void hgPositionsJson(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *db, struct hgPositions *hgp, struct cart *cart)
/* Write out JSON description of multiple position matches. */
struct hgPosTable *table;
jsonWriteListStart(jw, "positionMatches");
struct trackDb *tdbList = NULL;
for (table = hgp->tableList; table != NULL; table = table->next)
    if (table->posList != NULL)
	char *tableName = table->name;
	// clear the tdb cache if this track is a hub track
	if (isHubTrack(tableName))
	    tdbList = NULL;
	struct trackDb *tdb = tdbForTrack(db, tableName, &tdbList);
	if (!tdb && startsWith("all_", tableName))
            tdb = tdbForTrack(db, tableName+strlen("all_"), &tdbList);
        if (!tdb)
            errAbort("no track for table \"%s\" found via a findSpec", tableName);
	char *trackName = tdb->track;
	jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
	jsonWriteString(jw, "name", table->name);
	jsonWriteString(jw, "trackName", trackName);
	jsonWriteString(jw, "description", table->description);
	jsonWriteString(jw, "vis", hCarefulTrackOpenVis(db, trackName));
	jsonWriteListStart(jw, "matches");
	struct hgPos *pos;
	for (pos = table->posList; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next)
	    char *encMatches = cgiEncode(pos->browserName);
	    jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL); // begin one match
	    if (pos->chrom != NULL)
		jsonWriteStringf(jw, "position", "%s:%d-%d",
				 pos->chrom, pos->chromStart+1, pos->chromEnd);
		// GenBank results set position to GB accession instead of chr:s-e position.
		jsonWriteString(jw, "position", pos->name);
	    // this is magic to tell the browser to make the
	    // composite and this subTrack visible
	    if (tdb->parent)
		if (tdbIsSuperTrackChild(tdb))
		    jsonWriteStringf(jw, "extraSel", "%s=show&", tdb->parent->track);
		    // tdb is a subtrack of a composite or a view
		    jsonWriteStringf(jw, "extraSel", "%s_sel=1&%s_sel=1&",
				     trackName, tdb->parent->track);
	    jsonWriteString(jw, "hgFindMatches", encMatches);
	    jsonWriteString(jw, "posName", htmlEncodeText(pos->name, FALSE));
	    if (pos->description)
		stripString(pos->description, "\n");
		jsonWriteString(jw, "description", stripAnchor(pos->description));
	    jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); // end one match
	jsonWriteListEnd(jw); // end matches
	jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); // end one table
    jsonWriteListEnd(jw); // end positionMatches
예제 #7
static struct hgPositions *genomePosCJ(struct jsonWrite *jw,
				       char *db, char *spec, char **retChromName,
				       int *retWinStart, int *retWinEnd, struct cart *cart)
/* Search for positions in genome that match user query.
 * Return an hgp unless there is a problem.  hgp->singlePos will be set if a single
 * position matched.
 * Otherwise display list of positions, put # of positions in retWinStart,
 * and return NULL. */
char *hgAppName = "cartJson";
struct hgPositions *hgp = NULL;
char *chrom = NULL;
int start = BIGNUM;
int end = 0;

char *terms[16];
int termCount = chopByChar(cloneString(spec), ';', terms, ArraySize(terms));
boolean multiTerm = (termCount > 1);

int i = 0;
for (i = 0;  i < termCount;  i++)
    if (isEmpty(terms[i]))
    hgp = hgPositionsFind(db, terms[i], "", hgAppName, cart, multiTerm);
    if (hgp == NULL || hgp->posCount == 0)
	jsonWriteStringf(jw, "error",
			 "Sorry, couldn't locate %s in genome database", htmlEncode(terms[i]));
	if (multiTerm)
	    jsonWriteStringf(jw, "error",
			     "%s not uniquely determined -- can't do multi-position search.",
	*retWinStart = 0;
	return NULL;
    if (hgp->singlePos != NULL)
	if (chrom != NULL && !sameString(chrom, hgp->singlePos->chrom))
	    jsonWriteStringf(jw, "error",
			     "Sites occur on different chromosomes: %s, %s.",
			     chrom, hgp->singlePos->chrom);
	    return NULL;
	chrom = hgp->singlePos->chrom;
	if (hgp->singlePos->chromStart < start)
	    start = hgp->singlePos->chromStart;
	if (hgp->singlePos->chromEnd > end)
	    end = hgp->singlePos->chromEnd;
	hgPositionsJson(jw, db, hgp, cart);
	if (multiTerm && hgp->posCount != 1)
	    jsonWriteStringf(jw, "error",
			     "%s not uniquely determined (%d locations) -- "
			     "can't do multi-position search.",
			     terms[i], hgp->posCount);
	    return NULL;
if (hgp != NULL)
    *retChromName = chrom;
    *retWinStart  = start;
    *retWinEnd    = end;
return hgp;