struct bytecode* jq_compile_args(const char* str, jv args) { assert(jv_get_kind(args) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); struct locfile locations; locfile_init(&locations, str, strlen(str)); block program; struct bytecode* bc = 0; int nerrors = jq_parse(&locations, &program); if (nerrors == 0) { for (int i=0; i<jv_array_length(jv_copy(args)); i++) { jv arg = jv_array_get(jv_copy(args), i); jv name = jv_object_get(jv_copy(arg), jv_string("name")); jv value = jv_object_get(arg, jv_string("value")); program = gen_var_binding(gen_const(value), jv_string_value(name), program); jv_free(name); } jv_free(args); program = builtins_bind(program); nerrors = block_compile(program, &locations, &bc); } if (nerrors) { fprintf(stderr, "%d compile %s\n", nerrors, nerrors > 1 ? "errors" : "error"); } locfile_free(&locations); return bc; }
jv jv_parser_next(struct jv_parser* p) { assert(p->curr_buf && "a buffer must be provided"); if (p->bom_strip_position == 0xff) return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("Malformed BOM")); jv value; presult msg = 0; while (!msg && p->curr_buf_pos < p->curr_buf_length) { char ch = p->curr_buf[p->curr_buf_pos++]; msg = scan(p, ch, &value); } if (msg == OK) { return value; } else if (msg) { return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("%s at line %d, column %d", msg, p->line, p->column)); } else if (p->curr_buf_is_partial) { assert(p->curr_buf_pos == p->curr_buf_length); // need another buffer return jv_invalid(); } else { assert(p->curr_buf_pos == p->curr_buf_length); // at EOF if (p->st != JV_PARSER_NORMAL) return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("Unfinished string")); if ((msg = check_literal(p))) return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string(msg)); if (p->stackpos != 0) return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("Unfinished JSON term")); // p->next is either invalid (nothing here but no syntax error) // or valid (this is the value). either way it's the thing to return value = p->next; p->next = jv_invalid(); return value; } }
static int parse_slice(jv array, jv slice, int* pstart, int* pend) { // Array slices int len = jv_array_length(jv_copy(array)); jv start_jv = jv_object_get(jv_copy(slice), jv_string("start")); jv end_jv = jv_object_get(slice, jv_string("end")); if (jv_get_kind(start_jv) == JV_KIND_NULL) { jv_free(start_jv); start_jv = jv_number(0); } if (jv_get_kind(end_jv) == JV_KIND_NULL) { jv_free(end_jv); end_jv = jv_number(len); } if (jv_get_kind(start_jv) != JV_KIND_NUMBER || jv_get_kind(end_jv) != JV_KIND_NUMBER) { jv_free(start_jv); jv_free(end_jv); return 0; } else { int start = (int)jv_number_value(start_jv); int end = (int)jv_number_value(end_jv); if (start < 0) start = len + start; if (end < 0) end = len + end; if (start < 0) start = 0; if (start > len) start = len; if (end > len) end = len; if (end < start) end = start; assert(0 <= start && start <= end && end <= len); *pstart = start; *pend = end; return 1; } }
void dump_operation(struct bytecode* bc, uint16_t* codeptr) { int pc = codeptr - bc->code; printf("%04d ", pc); const struct opcode_description* op = opcode_describe(bc->code[pc++]); printf("%s", op->name); if (op->length > 1) { uint16_t imm = bc->code[pc++]; if (op->op == CALL_JQ || op->op == TAIL_CALL_JQ) { for (int i=0; i<imm+1; i++) { uint16_t level = bc->code[pc++]; uint16_t idx = bc->code[pc++]; jv name; if (idx & ARG_NEWCLOSURE) { idx &= ~ARG_NEWCLOSURE; name = jv_object_get(jv_copy(getlevel(bc,level)->subfunctions[idx]->debuginfo), jv_string("name")); } else { name = jv_array_get(jv_object_get(jv_copy(getlevel(bc,level)->debuginfo), jv_string("params")), idx); } printf(" %s:%d", jv_string_value(name), idx); jv_free(name); if (level) { printf("^%d", level); } } } else if (op->op == CALL_BUILTIN) { int func = bc->code[pc++]; jv name = jv_array_get(jv_copy(bc->globals->cfunc_names), func); printf(" %s", jv_string_value(name)); jv_free(name); } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_BRANCH) { printf(" %04d", pc + imm); } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_CONSTANT) { printf(" "); jv_dump(jv_array_get(jv_copy(bc->constants), imm), 0); } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_VARIABLE) { uint16_t v = bc->code[pc++]; jv name = jv_array_get(jv_object_get(jv_copy(getlevel(bc,imm)->debuginfo), jv_string("locals")), v); printf(" $%s:%d", jv_string_value(name), v); jv_free(name); if (imm) { printf("^%d", imm); } } else { printf(" %d", imm); } } }
jv cfunction_invoke(struct cfunction* function, jv input[]) { switch (function->nargs) { case 1: return ((func_1)function->fptr)(input[0]); case 2: return ((func_2)function->fptr)(input[0], input[1]); case 3: return ((func_3)function->fptr)(input[0], input[1], input[2]); case 4: return ((func_4)function->fptr)(input[0], input[1], input[2], input[3]); case 5: return ((func_5)function->fptr)(input[0], input[1], input[2], input[3], input[4]); default: return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("Function takes too many arguments")); } }
static int parse_slice(jv j, jv slice, int* pstart, int* pend) { // Array slices jv start_jv = jv_object_get(jv_copy(slice), jv_string("start")); jv end_jv = jv_object_get(slice, jv_string("end")); if (jv_get_kind(start_jv) == JV_KIND_NULL) { jv_free(start_jv); start_jv = jv_number(0); } int len; if (jv_get_kind(j) == JV_KIND_ARRAY) len = jv_array_length(jv_copy(j)); else len = jv_string_length_codepoints(jv_copy(j)); if (jv_get_kind(end_jv) == JV_KIND_NULL) { jv_free(end_jv); end_jv = jv_number(len); } if (jv_get_kind(start_jv) != JV_KIND_NUMBER || jv_get_kind(end_jv) != JV_KIND_NUMBER) { jv_free(start_jv); jv_free(end_jv); return 0; } else { double dstart = jv_number_value(start_jv); double dend = jv_number_value(end_jv); if (dstart < 0) dstart += len; if (dend < 0) dend += len; if (dstart < 0) dstart = 0; if (dstart > len) dstart = len; int start = (int)dstart; int end = (dend > len) ? len : (int)dend; // Ends are exclusive but e.g. 1 < 1.5 so :1.5 should be :2 not :1 if(end < dend) end += 1; if (end > len) end = len; if (end < start) end = start; assert(0 <= start && start <= end && end <= len); *pstart = start; *pend = end; return 1; } }
int jq_compile_args(jq_state *jq, const char* str, jv args) { jv_nomem_handler(jq->nomem_handler, jq->nomem_handler_data); assert(jv_get_kind(args) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); struct locfile locations; locfile_init(&locations, jq, str, strlen(str)); block program; jq_reset(jq); if (jq->bc) { bytecode_free(jq->bc); jq->bc = 0; } int nerrors = jq_parse(&locations, &program); if (nerrors == 0) { int i; for (i=0; i<jv_array_length(jv_copy(args)); i++) { jv arg = jv_array_get(jv_copy(args), i); jv name = jv_object_get(jv_copy(arg), jv_string("name")); jv value = jv_object_get(arg, jv_string("value")); program = gen_var_binding(gen_const(value), jv_string_value(name), program); jv_free(name); } nerrors = builtins_bind(jq, &program); if (nerrors == 0) { nerrors = block_compile(program, &locations, &jq->bc); } } jv_free(args); if (nerrors) { jv s = jv_string_fmt("%d compile %s", nerrors, nerrors > 1 ? "errors" : "error"); if (jq->err_cb != NULL) jq->err_cb(jq->err_cb_data, s); else if (!jv_is_valid(s)) fprintf(stderr, "Error formatting jq compilation errors: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", jv_string_value(s)); jv_free(s); } locfile_free(&locations); return jq->bc != NULL; }
void dump_disassembly(int indent, struct bytecode* bc) { if (bc->nclosures > 0) { printf("%*s[params: ", indent, ""); jv params = jv_object_get(jv_copy(bc->debuginfo), jv_string("params")); for (int i=0; i<bc->nclosures; i++) { if (i) printf(", "); jv name = jv_array_get(jv_copy(params), i); printf("%s", jv_string_value(name)); jv_free(name); } jv_free(params); printf("]\n"); } dump_code(indent, bc); for (int i=0; i<bc->nsubfunctions; i++) { struct bytecode* subfn = bc->subfunctions[i]; jv name = jv_object_get(jv_copy(subfn->debuginfo), jv_string("name")); printf("%*s%s:%d:\n", indent, "", jv_string_value(name), i); jv_free(name); dump_disassembly(indent+2, subfn); } }
jv jv_parse_sized(const char* string, int length) { struct jv_parser parser; parser_init(&parser); jv_parser_set_buf(&parser, string, length, 0); jv value = jv_parser_next(&parser); if (jv_is_valid(value)) { jv next = jv_parser_next(&parser); if (jv_is_valid(next)) { // multiple JSON values, we only wanted one jv_free(value); jv_free(next); value = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("Unexpected extra JSON values")); } else if (jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(next))) { // parser error after the first JSON value jv_free(value); value = next; } else { // a single valid JSON value jv_free(next); } } else if (jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(value))) { // parse error, we'll return it } else { // no value at all jv_free(value); value = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("Expected JSON value")); } parser_free(&parser); if (!jv_is_valid(value) && jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(value))) { jv msg = jv_invalid_get_msg(value); value = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("%s (while parsing '%s')", jv_string_value(msg), string)); jv_free(msg); } return value; }
static jv f_startswith(jq_state *jq, jv a, jv b) { if (jv_get_kind(a) != JV_KIND_STRING || jv_get_kind(b) != JV_KIND_STRING) return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("startswith() requires string inputs")); int alen = jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(a)); int blen = jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(b)); jv ret; if (blen <= alen && memcmp(jv_string_value(a), jv_string_value(b), blen) == 0) ret = jv_true(); else ret = jv_false(); jv_free(a); jv_free(b); return ret; }
static jv f_endswith(jq_state *jq, jv a, jv b) { if (jv_get_kind(a) != JV_KIND_STRING || jv_get_kind(b) != JV_KIND_STRING) return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("endswith() requires string inputs")); const char *astr = jv_string_value(a); const char *bstr = jv_string_value(b); size_t alen = jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(a)); size_t blen = jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(b)); jv ret;; if (alen < blen || memcmp(astr + (alen - blen), bstr, blen) != 0) ret = jv_false(); else ret = jv_true(); jv_free(a); jv_free(b); return ret; }
int block_compile(block b, struct locfile* locations, struct bytecode** out) { struct bytecode* bc = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct bytecode)); bc->parent = 0; bc->nclosures = 0; bc->globals = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct symbol_table)); int ncfunc = count_cfunctions(b); bc->globals->ncfunctions = 0; bc->globals->cfunctions = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct cfunction) * ncfunc); bc->globals->cfunc_names = jv_array(); bc->debuginfo = jv_object_set(jv_object(), jv_string("name"), jv_null()); int nerrors = compile(locations, bc, b); assert(bc->globals->ncfunctions == ncfunc); if (nerrors > 0) { bytecode_free(bc); *out = 0; } else { *out = bc; } return nerrors; }
static jv slurp_file(const char* filename) { FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!file) { return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Could not open %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno))); } jv data = jv_string(""); while (!feof(file) && !ferror(file)) { char buf[4096]; size_t n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), file); data = jv_string_concat(data, jv_string_sized(buf, (int)n)); } int badread = ferror(file); fclose(file); if (badread) { jv_free(data); return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Error reading from %s", filename)); } return data; }
int main() { jv_pool_t* pool; yahoo_guy_t* guy; jv_queue_t* q; yahoo_t* yahoo; pool = jv_pool_create(1024); //初始化内存池 int i; // 构建队列 const jv_str_t names[] = { jv_string("rainx"), jv_string("xiaozhe"), jv_string("zhoujian") }; const int ids[] = { 4611, 8322, 6111 }; yahoo = jv_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(yahoo_t)); jv_queue_init(&yahoo->queue); //初始化queue for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { guy = (yahoo_guy_t*) jv_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(yahoo_guy_t)); guy->id = ids[i]; //guy->name = (char*) jv_palloc(pool, (size_t) (strlen(names[i]) + 1) ); guy->name = (u_char*) jv_strdup(pool, names[i].data); jv_queue_init(&guy->queue); // 从头部进入队列 jv_queue_insert_head(&yahoo->queue, &guy->queue); } // 从尾部遍历输出 for (q = jv_queue_last(&yahoo->queue); q != jv_queue_sentinel(&yahoo->queue); q = jv_queue_prev(q)) { guy = jv_queue_data(q, yahoo_guy_t, queue); printf("No. %d guy in yahoo is %s \n", guy->id, guy->name); } // 找到位于队列中间(若队列有奇数个元素就是正中间,若有偶数个元素则为后半部分的首个元素)的元素输出 { jv_queue_t *m = jv_queue_middle(&yahoo->queue); guy = jv_queue_data(m, yahoo_guy_t, queue); printf("Middle man: ID: %d, Name: %s\n", guy->id, guy->name); } // 排序从头部输出 jv_queue_sort(&yahoo->queue, yahoo_no_cmp); printf("sorting....\n"); for (q = jv_queue_prev(&yahoo->queue); q != jv_queue_sentinel(&yahoo->queue); q = jv_queue_last(q)) { guy = jv_queue_data(q, yahoo_guy_t, queue); printf("No. %d guy in yahoo is %s \n", guy->id, guy->name); } // 找到位于队列中间(若队列有奇数个元素就是正中间,若有偶数个元素则为后半部分的首个元素)的元素输出 { jv_queue_t *m = jv_queue_middle(&yahoo->queue); guy = jv_queue_data(m, yahoo_guy_t, queue); printf("Middle man: ID: %d, Name: %s\n", guy->id, guy->name); } jv_pool_destroy(pool); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { jq_state *jq = NULL; int ret = 0; int compiled = 0; if (argc) progname = argv[0]; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--run-tests")) { return jq_testsuite(argc, argv); } jq = jq_init(); if (jq == NULL) { perror("malloc"); ret = 1; goto out; } const char* program = 0; input_filenames = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(const char*) * argc); ninput_files = 0; int further_args_are_files = 0; int jq_flags = 0; jv_parser_flags parser_flags = 0; jv program_arguments = jv_array(); for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (further_args_are_files) { input_filenames[ninput_files++] = argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) { if (!program) usage(); further_args_are_files = 1; } else if (!isoptish(argv[i])) { if (program) { input_filenames[ninput_files++] = argv[i]; } else { program = argv[i]; } } else if (isoption(argv[i], 's', "slurp")) { options |= SLURP; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'r', "raw-output")) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'c', "compact-output")) { options |= COMPACT_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'C', "color-output")) { options |= COLOUR_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'M', "monochrome-output")) { options |= NO_COLOUR_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'a', "ascii-output")) { options |= ASCII_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "unbuffered")) { options |= UNBUFFERED_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'S', "sort-keys")) { options |= SORTED_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'R', "raw-input")) { options |= RAW_INPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'n', "null-input")) { options |= PROVIDE_NULL; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'f', "from-file")) { options |= FROM_FILE; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'e', "exit-status")) { options |= EXIT_STATUS; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'I', "online-input")) { parser_flags = JV_PARSE_EXPLODE_TOPLEVEL_ARRAY; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "arg")) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --arg takes two parameters (e.g. -a varname value)\n", progname); die(); } jv arg = jv_object(); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("name"), jv_string(argv[i+1])); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("value"), jv_string(argv[i+2])); program_arguments = jv_array_append(program_arguments, arg); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments } else if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "argfile")) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --argfile takes two parameters (e.g. -a varname filename)\n", progname); die(); } jv arg = jv_object(); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("name"), jv_string(argv[i+1])); jv data = jv_load_file(argv[i+2], 0); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad JSON in --argfile %s %s: %s\n", progname, argv[i+1], argv[i+2], jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); ret = 1; goto out; } if (jv_get_kind(data) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_array_length(jv_copy(data)) == 1) data = jv_array_get(data, 0); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("value"), data); program_arguments = jv_array_append(program_arguments, arg); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments } else if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-dump-disasm")) { options |= DUMP_DISASM; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-trace")) { jq_flags |= JQ_DEBUG_TRACE; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'h', "help")) { usage(); } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'V', "version")) { printf("jq-%s\n", JQ_VERSION); ret = 0; goto out; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option %s\n", progname, argv[i]); die(); } } if (!program) usage(); if (ninput_files == 0) current_input = stdin; if ((options & PROVIDE_NULL) && (options & (RAW_INPUT | SLURP))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --null-input cannot be used with --raw-input or --slurp\n", progname); die(); } if (options & FROM_FILE) { jv data = jv_load_file(program, 1); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); ret = 1; goto out; } compiled = jq_compile_args(jq, jv_string_value(data), program_arguments); jv_free(data); } else { compiled = jq_compile_args(jq, program, program_arguments); } if (!compiled){ ret = 1; goto out; } if (options & DUMP_DISASM) { jq_dump_disassembly(jq, 0); printf("\n"); } if (options & PROVIDE_NULL) { ret = process(jq, jv_null(), jq_flags); } else { jv slurped; if (options & SLURP) { if (options & RAW_INPUT) { slurped = jv_string(""); } else { slurped = jv_array(); } } struct jv_parser* parser = jv_parser_new(parser_flags); char buf[4096]; while (read_more(buf, sizeof(buf))) { if (options & RAW_INPUT) { int len = strlen(buf); if (len > 0) { if (options & SLURP) { slurped = jv_string_concat(slurped, jv_string(buf)); } else { if (buf[len-1] == '\n') buf[len-1] = 0; ret = process(jq, jv_string(buf), jq_flags); } } } else { jv_parser_set_buf(parser, buf, strlen(buf), !feof(stdin)); jv value; while (jv_is_valid((value = jv_parser_next(parser)))) { if (options & SLURP) { slurped = jv_array_append(slurped, value); } else { ret = process(jq, value, jq_flags); } } if (jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(value))) { jv msg = jv_invalid_get_msg(value); fprintf(stderr, "parse error: %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); jv_free(msg); ret = 1; break; } else { jv_free(value); } } } jv_parser_free(parser); if (ret != 0) goto out; if (options & SLURP) { ret = process(jq, slurped, jq_flags); } } out: jv_mem_free(input_filenames); jq_teardown(&jq); if (ret >= 10 && ret <= 11 && !(options & EXIT_STATUS)) return 0; return ret; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int ret = 0; if (argc) progname = argv[0]; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--run-tests")) { return jq_testsuite(argc - 1, argv + 1); } const char* program = 0; input_filenames = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(const char*) * argc); ninput_files = 0; int further_args_are_files = 0; int jq_flags = 0; jv program_arguments = jv_array(); for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (further_args_are_files) { input_filenames[ninput_files++] = argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) { if (!program) usage(); further_args_are_files = 1; } else if (!isoptish(argv[i])) { if (program) { input_filenames[ninput_files++] = argv[i]; } else { program = argv[i]; } } else if (isoption(argv[i], 's', "slurp")) { options |= SLURP; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'r', "raw-output")) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'c', "compact-output")) { options |= COMPACT_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'C', "color-output")) { options |= COLOUR_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'M', "monochrome-output")) { options |= NO_COLOUR_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'a', "ascii-output")) { options |= ASCII_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'R', "raw-input")) { options |= RAW_INPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'n', "null-input")) { options |= PROVIDE_NULL; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'f', "from-file")) { options |= FROM_FILE; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "arg")) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --arg takes two parameters (e.g. -a varname value)\n", progname); die(); } jv arg = jv_object(); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("name"), jv_string(argv[i+1])); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("value"), jv_string(argv[i+2])); program_arguments = jv_array_append(program_arguments, arg); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments } else if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-dump-disasm")) { options |= DUMP_DISASM; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-trace")) { jq_flags |= JQ_DEBUG_TRACE; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'h', "help")) { usage(); } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'V', "version")) { fprintf(stderr, "jq version %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option %s\n", progname, argv[i]); die(); } } if (!program) usage(); if (ninput_files == 0) current_input = stdin; if ((options & PROVIDE_NULL) && (options & (RAW_INPUT | SLURP))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --null-input cannot be used with --raw-input or --slurp\n", progname); die(); } if (options & FROM_FILE) { jv data = slurp_file(program); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); return 1; } bc = jq_compile_args(jv_string_value(data), program_arguments); jv_free(data); } else { bc = jq_compile_args(program, program_arguments); } if (!bc) return 1; if (options & DUMP_DISASM) { dump_disassembly(0, bc); printf("\n"); } if (options & PROVIDE_NULL) { process(jv_null(), jq_flags); } else { jv slurped; if (options & SLURP) { if (options & RAW_INPUT) { slurped = jv_string(""); } else { slurped = jv_array(); } } struct jv_parser parser; jv_parser_init(&parser); char buf[4096]; while (read_more(buf, sizeof(buf))) { if (options & RAW_INPUT) { int len = strlen(buf); if (len > 0) { if (options & SLURP) { slurped = jv_string_concat(slurped, jv_string(buf)); } else { if (buf[len-1] == '\n') buf[len-1] = 0; process(jv_string(buf), jq_flags); } } } else { jv_parser_set_buf(&parser, buf, strlen(buf), !feof(stdin)); jv value; while (jv_is_valid((value = jv_parser_next(&parser)))) { if (options & SLURP) { slurped = jv_array_append(slurped, value); } else { process(value, jq_flags); } } if (jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(value))) { jv msg = jv_invalid_get_msg(value); fprintf(stderr, "parse error: %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); jv_free(msg); ret = 1; break; } else { jv_free(value); } } } jv_parser_free(&parser); if (ret != 0) goto out; if (options & SLURP) { process(slurped, jq_flags); } } out: jv_mem_free(input_filenames); bytecode_free(bc); return ret; }
static void run_jq_tests(jv lib_dirs, FILE *testdata) { char prog[4096]; char buf[4096]; struct err_data err_msg; int tests = 0, passed = 0, invalid = 0; unsigned int lineno = 0; int must_fail = 0; int check_msg = 0; jq_state *jq = NULL; jq = jq_init(); assert(jq); if (jv_get_kind(lib_dirs) == JV_KIND_NULL) lib_dirs = jv_array(); jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("JQ_LIBRARY_PATH"), lib_dirs); while (1) { if (!fgets(prog, sizeof(prog), testdata)) break; lineno++; if (skipline(prog)) continue; if (checkfail(prog)) { must_fail = 1; check_msg = checkerrormsg(prog); jq_set_error_cb(jq, test_err_cb, &err_msg); continue; } if (prog[strlen(prog)-1] == '\n') prog[strlen(prog)-1] = 0; printf("Testing '%s' at line number %u\n", prog, lineno); int pass = 1; tests++; int compiled = jq_compile(jq, prog); if (must_fail) { jq_set_error_cb(jq, NULL, NULL); must_fail = 0; check_msg = 0; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), testdata)) { invalid++; break; } lineno++; if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n') buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; if (compiled) { printf("*** Test program compiled that should not have at line %u: %s\n", lineno, prog); invalid++; continue; } if (check_msg && strcmp(buf, err_msg.buf) != 0) { printf("*** Erroneous test program failed with wrong message (%s) at line %u: %s\n", err_msg.buf, lineno, prog); invalid++; } else { passed++; } continue; } if (!compiled) { printf("*** Test program failed to compile at line %u: %s\n", lineno, prog); invalid++; // skip past test data while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), testdata)) { lineno++; if (buf[0] == '\n' || (buf[0] == '\r' && buf[1] == '\n')) break; } continue; } printf("Disassembly:\n"); jq_dump_disassembly(jq, 2); printf("\n"); if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), testdata)) { invalid++; break; } lineno++; jv input = jv_parse(buf); if (!jv_is_valid(input)){ invalid++; continue; } jq_start(jq, input, JQ_DEBUG_TRACE); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), testdata)) { lineno++; if (skipline(buf)) break; jv expected = jv_parse(buf); if (!jv_is_valid(expected)){ invalid++; continue; } jv actual = jq_next(jq); if (!jv_is_valid(actual)) { jv_free(actual); printf("*** Insufficient results for test at line number %u: %s\n", lineno, prog); pass = 0; break; } else if (!jv_equal(jv_copy(expected), jv_copy(actual))) { printf("*** Expected "); jv_dump(jv_copy(expected), 0); printf(", but got "); jv_dump(jv_copy(actual), 0); printf(" for test at line number %u: %s\n", lineno, prog); pass = 0; } jv as_string = jv_dump_string(jv_copy(expected), rand() & ~(JV_PRINT_COLOUR|JV_PRINT_REFCOUNT)); jv reparsed = jv_parse_sized(jv_string_value(as_string), jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(as_string))); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(expected), jv_copy(reparsed))); jv_free(as_string); jv_free(reparsed); jv_free(expected); jv_free(actual); } if (pass) { jv extra = jq_next(jq); if (jv_is_valid(extra)) { printf("*** Superfluous result: "); jv_dump(extra, 0); printf(" for test at line number %u, %s\n", lineno, prog); pass = 0; } else { jv_free(extra); } } passed+=pass; } jq_teardown(&jq); printf("%d of %d tests passed (%d malformed)\n", passed,tests,invalid); if (passed != tests) exit(1); }
static void jv_test() { /// JSON parser regression tests { jv v = jv_parse("{\"a':\"12\"}"); assert(jv_get_kind(v) == JV_KIND_INVALID); v = jv_invalid_get_msg(v); assert(strcmp(jv_string_value(v), "Expected separator between values at line 1, column 9 (while parsing '{\"a':\"12\"}')") == 0); jv_free(v); } /// Arrays and numbers { jv a = jv_array(); assert(jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 0); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 0); a = jv_array_append(a, jv_number(42)); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 0)) == 42); jv a2 = jv_array_append(jv_array(), jv_number(42)); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a), jv_copy(a))); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a2), jv_copy(a2))); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a), jv_copy(a2))); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a2), jv_copy(a))); jv_free(a2); a2 = jv_array_append(jv_array(), jv_number(19)); assert(!jv_equal(jv_copy(a), jv_copy(a2))); assert(!jv_equal(jv_copy(a2), jv_copy(a))); jv_free(a2); assert(jv_get_refcnt(a) == 1); a = jv_array_append(a, jv_copy(a)); assert(jv_get_refcnt(a) == 1); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 2); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 0)) == 42); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { jv subarray = jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 1); assert(jv_get_kind(subarray) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(subarray)) == 1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(subarray), 0)) == 42); jv_free(subarray); } jv subarray = jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 1); assert(jv_get_kind(subarray) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(subarray)) == 1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(subarray), 0)) == 42); jv sub2 = jv_copy(subarray); sub2 = jv_array_append(sub2, jv_number(19)); assert(jv_get_kind(sub2) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(sub2)) == 2); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(sub2), 0)) == 42); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(sub2), 1)) == 19); assert(jv_get_kind(subarray) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(subarray)) == 1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(subarray), 0)) == 42); jv_free(subarray); void* before = sub2.u.ptr; sub2 = jv_array_append(sub2, jv_number(200)); void* after = sub2.u.ptr; assert(before == after); jv_free(sub2); jv a3 = jv_array_append(jv_copy(a), jv_number(19)); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a3)) == 3); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a3), 0)) == 42); assert(jv_array_length(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a3), 1)) == 1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a3), 2)) == 19); jv_free(a3); jv a4 = jv_array(); a4 = jv_array_append(a4, jv_number(1)); a4 = jv_array_append(a4, jv_number(2)); jv a5 = jv_copy(a4); a4 = jv_array_append(a4, jv_number(3)); a4 = jv_array_slice(a4, 0, 1); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a4)) == 1); a4 = jv_array_append(a4, jv_number(4)); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a4)) == 2); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a5)) == 2); jv_free(a4); jv_free(a5); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 2); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 0)) == 42); assert(jv_array_length(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 1)) == 1); jv_dump(jv_copy(a), 0); printf("\n"); jv_free(a); } /// Strings { assert(jv_equal(jv_string("foo"), jv_string_sized("foo", 3))); char nasty[] = "foo\0"; jv shortstr = jv_string(nasty), longstr = jv_string_sized(nasty, sizeof(nasty)); assert(jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(shortstr)) == (int)strlen(nasty)); assert(jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(longstr)) == (int)sizeof(nasty)); jv_free(shortstr); jv_free(longstr); char a1s[] = "hello", a2s[] = "hello", bs[] = "goodbye"; jv a1 = jv_string(a1s), a2 = jv_string(a2s), b = jv_string(bs); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a1), jv_copy(a2))); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a2), jv_copy(a1))); assert(!jv_equal(jv_copy(a1), jv_copy(b))); assert(jv_string_hash(jv_copy(a1)) == jv_string_hash(jv_copy(a1))); assert(jv_string_hash(jv_copy(a1)) == jv_string_hash(jv_copy(a2))); assert(jv_string_hash(jv_copy(b)) != jv_string_hash(jv_copy(a1))); jv_free(a1); jv_free(a2); jv_free(b); assert(jv_equal(jv_string("hello42!"), jv_string_fmt("hello%d%s", 42, "!"))); char big[20000]; for (int i=0; i<(int)sizeof(big); i++) big[i] = 'a'; big[sizeof(big)-1] = 0; jv str = jv_string_fmt("%s", big); assert(jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(str)) == sizeof(big) - 1); assert(!strcmp(big, jv_string_value(str))); jv_free(str); } /// Objects { jv o1 = jv_object(); o1 = jv_object_set(o1, jv_string("foo"), jv_number(42)); o1 = jv_object_set(o1, jv_string("bar"), jv_number(24)); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o1), jv_string("foo"))) == 42); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o1), jv_string("bar"))) == 24); jv o2 = jv_object_set(jv_copy(o1), jv_string("foo"), jv_number(420)); o2 = jv_object_set(o2, jv_string("bar"), jv_number(240)); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o1), jv_string("foo"))) == 42); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o1), jv_string("bar"))) == 24); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o2), jv_string("foo"))) == 420); jv_free(o1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o2), jv_string("bar"))) == 240); jv_dump(jv_copy(o2), 0); printf("\n"); jv_free(o2); } /// Compile errors { jq_state *jq = jq_init(); jq_compile_args(jq, "}", jv_array()); jq_teardown(&jq); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { jq_state *jq = NULL; int ret = 0; int compiled = 0; char *t = NULL; if (argc) progname = argv[0]; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--run-tests")) { return jq_testsuite(argc, argv); } jq = jq_init(); if (jq == NULL) { perror("malloc"); ret = 2; goto out; } const char* program = 0; input_filenames = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(const char*) * argc); ninput_files = 0; int further_args_are_files = 0; int jq_flags = 0; size_t short_opts = 0; jv program_arguments = jv_array(); jv lib_search_paths = jv_array(); for (int i=1; i<argc; i++, short_opts = 0) { if (further_args_are_files) { input_filenames[ninput_files++] = argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) { if (!program) usage(2); further_args_are_files = 1; } else if (!isoptish(argv[i])) { if (program) { input_filenames[ninput_files++] = argv[i]; } else { program = argv[i]; } } else { if (argv[i][1] == 'L') { if (argv[i][2] != 0) { // -Lname (faster check than strlen) lib_search_paths = jv_array_append(lib_search_paths, jv_string(argv[i]+2)); } else if (i >= argc - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "-L takes a parameter: (e.g. -L /search/path or -L/search/path)\n"); die(); } else { lib_search_paths = jv_array_append(lib_search_paths, jv_string(argv[i+1])); i++; } continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 's', "slurp", &short_opts)) { options |= SLURP; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'r', "raw-output", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'c', "compact-output", &short_opts)) { options |= COMPACT_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'C', "color-output", &short_opts)) { options |= COLOUR_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'M', "monochrome-output", &short_opts)) { options |= NO_COLOUR_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'a', "ascii-output", &short_opts)) { options |= ASCII_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "unbuffered", &short_opts)) { options |= UNBUFFERED_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'S', "sort-keys", &short_opts)) { options |= SORTED_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'R', "raw-input", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_INPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'n', "null-input", &short_opts)) { options |= PROVIDE_NULL; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'f', "from-file", &short_opts)) { options |= FROM_FILE; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'j', "join-output", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT | RAW_NO_LF; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'i', "in-place", &short_opts)) { options |= IN_PLACE; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'e', "exit-status", &short_opts)) { options |= EXIT_STATUS; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "arg", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --arg takes two parameters (e.g. -a varname value)\n", progname); die(); } jv arg = jv_object(); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("name"), jv_string(argv[i+1])); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("value"), jv_string(argv[i+2])); program_arguments = jv_array_append(program_arguments, arg); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "argfile", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --argfile takes two parameters (e.g. -a varname filename)\n", progname); die(); } jv arg = jv_object(); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("name"), jv_string(argv[i+1])); jv data = jv_load_file(argv[i+2], 0); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad JSON in --argfile %s %s: %s\n", progname, argv[i+1], argv[i+2], jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); ret = 2; goto out; } if (jv_get_kind(data) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_array_length(jv_copy(data)) == 1) data = jv_array_get(data, 0); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("value"), data); program_arguments = jv_array_append(program_arguments, arg); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-dump-disasm", &short_opts)) { options |= DUMP_DISASM; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-trace", &short_opts)) { jq_flags |= JQ_DEBUG_TRACE; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'h', "help", &short_opts)) { usage(0); if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'V', "version", &short_opts)) { printf("jq-%s\n", JQ_VERSION); ret = 0; goto out; } // check for unknown options... if this argument was a short option if (strlen(argv[i]) != short_opts + 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option %s\n", progname, argv[i]); die(); } } } char *penv = getenv("JQ_LIBRARY_PATH"); if (penv) { #ifdef WIN32 #define PATH_ENV_SEPARATOR ";" #else #define PATH_ENV_SEPARATOR ":" #endif lib_search_paths = jv_array_concat(lib_search_paths,jv_string_split(jv_string(penv),jv_string(PATH_ENV_SEPARATOR))); #undef PATH_ENV_SEPARATOR } jq_set_lib_dirs(jq,lib_search_paths); char *origin = strdup(argv[0]); if (origin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of memory\n"); exit(1); } jq_set_lib_origin(jq,jv_string(dirname(origin))); free(origin); #if (!defined(WIN32) && defined(HAVE_ISATTY)) || defined(HAVE__ISATTY) #if defined(HAVE__ISATTY) && defined(isatty) #undef isatty #define isatty _isatty #endif if (!program && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) && !isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) program = "."; #endif if (!program) usage(2); if ((options & IN_PLACE)) { if (ninput_files == 0) usage(2); if (strcmp(input_filenames[0], "-") == 0) usage(2); size_t tlen = strlen(input_filenames[0]) + 7; t = jv_mem_alloc(tlen); int n = snprintf(t, tlen,"%sXXXXXX", input_filenames[0]); assert(n > 0 && (size_t)n < tlen); if (mkstemp(t) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s creating temporary file", strerror(errno)); exit(3); } if (freopen(t, "w", stdout) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s redirecting stdout to temporary file", strerror(errno)); exit(3); } } if (ninput_files == 0) current_input = stdin; if ((options & PROVIDE_NULL) && (options & (RAW_INPUT | SLURP))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --null-input cannot be used with --raw-input or --slurp\n", progname); die(); } if (options & FROM_FILE) { jv data = jv_load_file(program, 1); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); ret = 2; goto out; } compiled = jq_compile_args(jq, jv_string_value(data), program_arguments); jv_free(data); } else { compiled = jq_compile_args(jq, program, program_arguments); } if (!compiled){ ret = 3; goto out; } if (options & DUMP_DISASM) { jq_dump_disassembly(jq, 0); printf("\n"); } if (options & PROVIDE_NULL) { ret = process(jq, jv_null(), jq_flags); } else { jv slurped; if (options & SLURP) { if (options & RAW_INPUT) { slurped = jv_string(""); } else { slurped = jv_array(); } } struct jv_parser* parser = jv_parser_new(0); char buf[4096]; while (read_more(buf, sizeof(buf))) { if (options & RAW_INPUT) { int len = strlen(buf); if (len > 0) { if (options & SLURP) { slurped = jv_string_concat(slurped, jv_string(buf)); } else { if (buf[len-1] == '\n') buf[len-1] = 0; ret = process(jq, jv_string(buf), jq_flags); } } } else { jv_parser_set_buf(parser, buf, strlen(buf), !feof(stdin)); jv value; while (jv_is_valid((value = jv_parser_next(parser)))) { if (options & SLURP) { slurped = jv_array_append(slurped, value); } else { ret = process(jq, value, jq_flags); } } if (jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(value))) { jv msg = jv_invalid_get_msg(value); fprintf(stderr, "parse error: %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); jv_free(msg); ret = 4; break; } else { jv_free(value); } } } jv_parser_free(parser); if (ret != 0) goto out; if (options & SLURP) { ret = process(jq, slurped, jq_flags); } } if ((options & IN_PLACE)) { #ifdef WIN32 (void) freopen("NUL", "w+", stdout); #else (void) freopen("/dev/null", "w+", stdout); #endif if (rename(t, input_filenames[0]) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s renaming temporary file", strerror(errno)); exit(3); } jv_mem_free(t); } out: jv_mem_free(input_filenames); jq_teardown(&jq); if (ret >= 10 && (options & EXIT_STATUS)) return ret - 10; if (ret >= 10) return 0; return ret; }
static int compile(struct locfile* locations, struct bytecode* bc, block b) { int errors = 0; int pos = 0; int var_frame_idx = 0; bc->nsubfunctions = 0; errors += expand_call_arglist(locations, &b); b = BLOCK(b, gen_op_simple(RET)); jv localnames = jv_array(); for (inst* curr = b.first; curr; curr = curr->next) { if (!curr->next) assert(curr == b.last); int length = opcode_describe(curr->op)->length; if (curr->op == CALL_JQ) { for (inst* arg = curr->arglist.first; arg; arg = arg->next) { length += 2; } } pos += length; curr->bytecode_pos = pos; curr->compiled = bc; assert(curr->op != CLOSURE_REF && curr->op != CLOSURE_PARAM); if ((opcode_describe(curr->op)->flags & OP_HAS_VARIABLE) && curr->bound_by == curr) { curr->imm.intval = var_frame_idx++; localnames = jv_array_append(localnames, jv_string(curr->symbol)); } if (curr->op == CLOSURE_CREATE) { assert(curr->bound_by == curr); curr->imm.intval = bc->nsubfunctions++; } if (curr->op == CLOSURE_CREATE_C) { assert(curr->bound_by == curr); int idx = bc->globals->ncfunctions++; bc->globals->cfunc_names = jv_array_append(bc->globals->cfunc_names, jv_string(curr->symbol)); bc->globals->cfunctions[idx] = *curr->imm.cfunc; curr->imm.intval = idx; } } bc->debuginfo = jv_object_set(bc->debuginfo, jv_string("locals"), localnames); if (bc->nsubfunctions) { bc->subfunctions = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct bytecode*) * bc->nsubfunctions); for (inst* curr = b.first; curr; curr = curr->next) { if (curr->op == CLOSURE_CREATE) { struct bytecode* subfn = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct bytecode)); bc->subfunctions[curr->imm.intval] = subfn; subfn->globals = bc->globals; subfn->parent = bc; subfn->nclosures = 0; subfn->debuginfo = jv_object_set(jv_object(), jv_string("name"), jv_string(curr->symbol)); jv params = jv_array(); for (inst* param = curr->arglist.first; param; param = param->next) { assert(param->op == CLOSURE_PARAM); assert(param->bound_by == param); param->imm.intval = subfn->nclosures++; param->compiled = subfn; params = jv_array_append(params, jv_string(param->symbol)); } subfn->debuginfo = jv_object_set(subfn->debuginfo, jv_string("params"), params); errors += compile(locations, subfn, curr->subfn); curr->subfn = gen_noop(); } } } else { bc->subfunctions = 0; } bc->codelen = pos; uint16_t* code = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * bc->codelen); bc->code = code; pos = 0; jv constant_pool = jv_array(); int maxvar = -1; if (!errors) for (inst* curr = b.first; curr; curr = curr->next) { const struct opcode_description* op = opcode_describe(curr->op); if (op->length == 0) continue; code[pos++] = curr->op; assert(curr->op != CLOSURE_REF && curr->op != CLOSURE_PARAM); if (curr->op == CALL_BUILTIN) { assert(curr->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_CREATE_C); assert(!curr->arglist.first); code[pos++] = (uint16_t)curr->imm.intval; code[pos++] = curr->bound_by->imm.intval; } else if (curr->op == CALL_JQ) { assert(curr->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_CREATE || curr->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_PARAM); code[pos++] = (uint16_t)curr->imm.intval; code[pos++] = nesting_level(bc, curr->bound_by); code[pos++] = curr->bound_by->imm.intval | (curr->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_CREATE ? ARG_NEWCLOSURE : 0); for (inst* arg = curr->arglist.first; arg; arg = arg->next) { assert(arg->op == CLOSURE_REF && arg->bound_by->op == CLOSURE_CREATE); code[pos++] = nesting_level(bc, arg->bound_by); code[pos++] = arg->bound_by->imm.intval | ARG_NEWCLOSURE; } } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_CONSTANT) { code[pos++] = jv_array_length(jv_copy(constant_pool)); constant_pool = jv_array_append(constant_pool, jv_copy(curr->imm.constant)); } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_VARIABLE) { code[pos++] = nesting_level(bc, curr->bound_by); uint16_t var = (uint16_t)curr->bound_by->imm.intval; code[pos++] = var; if (var > maxvar) maxvar = var; } else if (op->flags & OP_HAS_BRANCH) { assert(curr->>bytecode_pos != -1); assert(curr->>bytecode_pos > pos); // only forward branches code[pos] = curr->>bytecode_pos - (pos + 1); pos++; } else if (op->length > 1) { assert(0 && "codegen not implemented for this operation"); } } bc->constants = constant_pool; bc->nlocals = maxvar + 2; // FIXME: frames of size zero? block_free(b); return errors; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc) progname = argv[0]; const char* program = 0; for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (!isoptish(argv[i])) { if (program) usage(); program = argv[i]; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 's', "slurp")) { options |= SLURP; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'r', "raw-output")) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'c', "compact-output")) { options |= COMPACT_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'a', "ascii-output")) { options |= ASCII_OUTPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'R', "raw-input")) { options |= RAW_INPUT; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'n', "null-input")) { options |= PROVIDE_NULL; } else if (isoption(argv[i], 'h', "help")) { usage(); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option %s\n", progname, argv[i]); die(); } } if (!program) usage(); if ((options & PROVIDE_NULL) && (options & (RAW_INPUT | SLURP))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --null-input cannot be used with --raw-input or --slurp\n", program); die(); } bc = jq_compile(program); if (!bc) return 1; #if JQ_DEBUG dump_disassembly(0, bc); printf("\n"); #endif if (options & PROVIDE_NULL) { process(jv_null()); } else { jv slurped; if (options & SLURP) slurped = jv_invalid(); int first = 1; struct jv_parser parser; jv_parser_init(&parser); while (!feof(stdin)) { char buf[4096]; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) buf[0] = 0; if (options & RAW_INPUT) { int len = strlen(buf); if (len > 0) { if (options & SLURP) { if (first) slurped = jv_string(buf); else slurped = jv_string_concat(slurped, jv_string(buf)); } else { if (buf[len-1] == '\n') buf[len-1] = 0; process(jv_string(buf)); } } } else { jv_parser_set_buf(&parser, buf, strlen(buf), !feof(stdin)); jv value; while (jv_is_valid((value = jv_parser_next(&parser)))) { if (options & SLURP) { if (first) slurped = jv_array(); slurped = jv_array_append(slurped, value); } else { process(value); } } if (jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(value))) { jv msg = jv_invalid_get_msg(value); fprintf(stderr, "parse error: %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); jv_free(msg); break; } else { jv_free(value); } } first = 0; } jv_parser_free(&parser); if (options & SLURP) { if (jv_is_valid(slurped)) { process(slurped); } else { jv_free(slurped); } } } bytecode_free(bc); return 0; }
static void jv_test() { /// Arrays and numbers { jv a = jv_array(); assert(jv_get_kind(a) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 0); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 0); a = jv_array_append(a, jv_number(42)); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 0)) == 42); jv a2 = jv_array_append(jv_array(), jv_number(42)); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a), jv_copy(a))); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a2), jv_copy(a2))); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a), jv_copy(a2))); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a2), jv_copy(a))); jv_free(a2); a2 = jv_array_append(jv_array(), jv_number(19)); assert(!jv_equal(jv_copy(a), jv_copy(a2))); assert(!jv_equal(jv_copy(a2), jv_copy(a))); jv_free(a2); assert(a.val.nontrivial.ptr->count == 1); a = jv_array_append(a, jv_copy(a)); assert(a.val.nontrivial.ptr->count == 1); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 2); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 0)) == 42); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { jv subarray = jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 1); assert(jv_get_kind(subarray) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(subarray)) == 1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(subarray), 0)) == 42); jv_free(subarray); } jv subarray = jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 1); assert(jv_get_kind(subarray) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(subarray)) == 1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(subarray), 0)) == 42); jv sub2 = jv_copy(subarray); sub2 = jv_array_append(sub2, jv_number(19)); assert(jv_get_kind(sub2) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(sub2)) == 2); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(sub2), 0)) == 42); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(sub2), 1)) == 19); assert(jv_get_kind(subarray) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(subarray)) == 1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(subarray), 0)) == 42); jv_free(subarray); void* before = sub2.val.nontrivial.ptr; sub2 = jv_array_append(sub2, jv_number(200)); void* after = sub2.val.nontrivial.ptr; assert(before == after); jv_free(sub2); jv a3 = jv_array_append(jv_copy(a), jv_number(19)); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a3)) == 3); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a3), 0)) == 42); assert(jv_array_length(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a3), 1)) == 1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a3), 2)) == 19); jv_free(a3); jv a4 = jv_array(); a4 = jv_array_append(a4, jv_number(1)); a4 = jv_array_append(a4, jv_number(2)); jv a5 = jv_copy(a4); a4 = jv_array_append(a4, jv_number(3)); a4 = jv_array_slice(a4, 0, 1); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a4)) == 1); a4 = jv_array_append(a4, jv_number(4)); assert(jv_array_length(a4) == 2); assert(jv_array_length(a5) == 2); assert(jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 2); assert(jv_number_value(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 0)) == 42); assert(jv_array_length(jv_array_get(jv_copy(a), 1)) == 1); jv_dump(jv_copy(a), 0); printf("\n"); jv_free(a); } /// Strings { assert(jv_equal(jv_string("foo"), jv_string_sized("foo", 3))); char nasty[] = "foo\0"; jv shortstr = jv_string(nasty), longstr = jv_string_sized(nasty, sizeof(nasty)); assert(jv_string_length_bytes(shortstr) == (int)strlen(nasty)); assert(jv_string_length_bytes(longstr) == (int)sizeof(nasty)); char a1s[] = "hello", a2s[] = "hello", bs[] = "goodbye"; jv a1 = jv_string(a1s), a2 = jv_string(a2s), b = jv_string(bs); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a1), jv_copy(a2))); assert(jv_equal(jv_copy(a2), jv_copy(a1))); assert(!jv_equal(jv_copy(a1), jv_copy(b))); assert(jv_string_hash(jv_copy(a1)) == jv_string_hash(jv_copy(a1))); assert(jv_string_hash(jv_copy(a1)) == jv_string_hash(jv_copy(a2))); assert(jv_string_hash(jv_copy(b)) != jv_string_hash(jv_copy(a1))); jv_free(a1); jv_free(a2); jv_free(b); assert(jv_equal(jv_string("hello42!"), jv_string_fmt("hello%d%s", 42, "!"))); char big[20000]; for (int i=0; i<(int)sizeof(big); i++) big[i] = 'a'; big[sizeof(big)-1] = 0; jv str = jv_string_fmt("%s", big); assert(jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(str)) == sizeof(big) - 1); assert(!strcmp(big, jv_string_value(str))); jv_free(str); } /// Objects { jv o1 = jv_object(); o1 = jv_object_set(o1, jv_string("foo"), jv_number(42)); o1 = jv_object_set(o1, jv_string("bar"), jv_number(24)); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o1), jv_string("foo"))) == 42); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o1), jv_string("bar"))) == 24); jv o2 = jv_object_set(jv_copy(o1), jv_string("foo"), jv_number(420)); o2 = jv_object_set(o2, jv_string("bar"), jv_number(240)); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o1), jv_string("foo"))) == 42); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o1), jv_string("bar"))) == 24); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o2), jv_string("foo"))) == 420); jv_free(o1); assert(jv_number_value(jv_object_get(jv_copy(o2), jv_string("bar"))) == 240); jv_dump(jv_copy(o2), 0); printf("\n"); jv_free(o2); } }
jv jq_next(jq_state *jq) { jv cfunc_input[MAX_CFUNCTION_ARGS]; jv_nomem_handler(jq->nomem_handler, jq->nomem_handler_data); uint16_t* pc = stack_restore(jq); assert(pc); int backtracking = !jq->initial_execution; jq->initial_execution = 0; while (1) { uint16_t opcode = *pc; if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { dump_operation(frame_current(jq)->bc, pc); printf("\t"); const struct opcode_description* opdesc = opcode_describe(opcode); stack_ptr param = 0; if (!backtracking) { int stack_in = opdesc->stack_in; if (stack_in == -1) stack_in = pc[1]; int i; for (i=0; i<stack_in; i++) { if (i == 0) { param = jq->stk_top; } else { printf(" | "); param = *stack_block_next(&jq->stk, param); } if (!param) break; jv_dump(jv_copy(*(jv*)stack_block(&jq->stk, param)), 0); //printf("<%d>", jv_get_refcnt(param->val)); //printf(" -- "); //jv_dump(jv_copy(jq->path), 0); } } else { printf("\t<backtracking>"); } printf("\n"); } if (backtracking) { opcode = ON_BACKTRACK(opcode); backtracking = 0; } pc++; switch (opcode) { default: assert(0 && "invalid instruction"); case LOADK: { jv v = jv_array_get(jv_copy(frame_current(jq)->bc->constants), *pc++); assert(jv_is_valid(v)); jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); stack_push(jq, v); break; } case DUP: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(v)); stack_push(jq, v); break; } case DUP2: { jv keep = stack_pop(jq); jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(v)); stack_push(jq, keep); stack_push(jq, v); break; } case SUBEXP_BEGIN: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(v)); stack_push(jq, v); jq->subexp_nest++; break; } case SUBEXP_END: { assert(jq->subexp_nest > 0); jq->subexp_nest--; jv a = stack_pop(jq); jv b = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, a); stack_push(jq, b); break; } case POP: { jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); break; } case APPEND: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t vidx = *pc++; jv* var = frame_local_var(jq, vidx, level); assert(jv_get_kind(*var) == JV_KIND_ARRAY); *var = jv_array_append(*var, v); break; } case INSERT: { jv stktop = stack_pop(jq); jv v = stack_pop(jq); jv k = stack_pop(jq); jv objv = stack_pop(jq); assert(jv_get_kind(objv) == JV_KIND_OBJECT); if (jv_get_kind(k) == JV_KIND_STRING) { stack_push(jq, jv_object_set(objv, k, v)); stack_push(jq, stktop); } else { print_error(jq, jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Cannot use %s as object key", jv_kind_name(jv_get_kind(k))))); jv_free(stktop); jv_free(v); jv_free(k); jv_free(objv); goto do_backtrack; } break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(RANGE): case RANGE: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; jv* var = frame_local_var(jq, v, level); jv max = stack_pop(jq); if (jv_get_kind(*var) != JV_KIND_NUMBER || jv_get_kind(max) != JV_KIND_NUMBER) { print_error(jq, jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Range bounds must be numeric"))); jv_free(max); goto do_backtrack; } else if (jv_number_value(jv_copy(*var)) >= jv_number_value(jv_copy(max))) { /* finished iterating */ goto do_backtrack; } else { jv curr = jv_copy(*var); *var = jv_number(jv_number_value(*var) + 1); struct stack_pos spos = stack_get_pos(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(max)); stack_save(jq, pc - 3, spos); stack_push(jq, curr); } break; } // FIXME: loadv/storev may do too much copying/freeing case LOADV: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; jv* var = frame_local_var(jq, v, level); if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { printf("V%d = ", v); jv_dump(jv_copy(*var), 0); printf("\n"); } jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(*var)); break; } // Does a load but replaces the variable with null case LOADVN: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; jv* var = frame_local_var(jq, v, level); if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { printf("V%d = ", v); jv_dump(jv_copy(*var), 0); printf("\n"); } jv_free(stack_pop(jq)); stack_push(jq, *var); *var = jv_null(); break; } case STOREV: { uint16_t level = *pc++; uint16_t v = *pc++; jv* var = frame_local_var(jq, v, level); jv val = stack_pop(jq); if (jq->debug_trace_enabled) { printf("V%d = ", v); jv_dump(jv_copy(val), 0); printf("\n"); } jv_free(*var); *var = val; break; } case PATH_BEGIN: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); stack_push(jq, jq->path); stack_save(jq, pc - 1, stack_get_pos(jq)); stack_push(jq, jv_number(jq->subexp_nest)); stack_push(jq, v); jq->path = jv_array(); jq->subexp_nest = 0; break; } case PATH_END: { jv v = stack_pop(jq); jv_free(v); // discard value, only keep path int old_subexp_nest = (int)jv_number_value(stack_pop(jq)); jv path = jq->path; jq->path = stack_pop(jq); struct stack_pos spos = stack_get_pos(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_copy(path)); stack_save(jq, pc - 1, spos); stack_push(jq, path); jq->subexp_nest = old_subexp_nest; break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(PATH_BEGIN): case ON_BACKTRACK(PATH_END): { jv_free(jq->path); jq->path = stack_pop(jq); goto do_backtrack; } case INDEX: case INDEX_OPT: { jv t = stack_pop(jq); jv k = stack_pop(jq); path_append(jq, jv_copy(k)); jv v = jv_get(t, k); if (jv_is_valid(v)) { stack_push(jq, v); } else { if (opcode == INDEX) print_error(jq, v); else jv_free(v); goto do_backtrack; } break; } case JUMP: { uint16_t offset = *pc++; pc += offset; break; } case JUMP_F: { uint16_t offset = *pc++; jv t = stack_pop(jq); jv_kind kind = jv_get_kind(t); if (kind == JV_KIND_FALSE || kind == JV_KIND_NULL) { pc += offset; } stack_push(jq, t); // FIXME do this better break; } case EACH: case EACH_OPT: stack_push(jq, jv_number(-1)); // fallthrough case ON_BACKTRACK(EACH): case ON_BACKTRACK(EACH_OPT): { int idx = jv_number_value(stack_pop(jq)); jv container = stack_pop(jq); int keep_going, is_last = 0; jv key, value; if (jv_get_kind(container) == JV_KIND_ARRAY) { if (opcode == EACH || opcode == EACH_OPT) idx = 0; else idx = idx + 1; int len = jv_array_length(jv_copy(container)); keep_going = idx < len; is_last = idx == len - 1; if (keep_going) { key = jv_number(idx); value = jv_array_get(jv_copy(container), idx); } } else if (jv_get_kind(container) == JV_KIND_OBJECT) { if (opcode == EACH || opcode == EACH_OPT) idx = jv_object_iter(container); else idx = jv_object_iter_next(container, idx); keep_going = jv_object_iter_valid(container, idx); if (keep_going) { key = jv_object_iter_key(container, idx); value = jv_object_iter_value(container, idx); } } else { assert(opcode == EACH || opcode == EACH_OPT); if (opcode == EACH) { print_error(jq, jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_fmt("Cannot iterate over %s", jv_kind_name(jv_get_kind(container))))); } keep_going = 0; } if (!keep_going) { jv_free(container); goto do_backtrack; } else if (is_last) { // we don't need to make a backtrack point jv_free(container); path_append(jq, key); stack_push(jq, value); } else { struct stack_pos spos = stack_get_pos(jq); stack_push(jq, container); stack_push(jq, jv_number(idx)); stack_save(jq, pc - 1, spos); path_append(jq, key); stack_push(jq, value); } break; } do_backtrack: case BACKTRACK: { pc = stack_restore(jq); if (!pc) { return jv_invalid(); } backtracking = 1; break; } case FORK: { stack_save(jq, pc - 1, stack_get_pos(jq)); pc++; // skip offset this time break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(FORK): { uint16_t offset = *pc++; pc += offset; break; } case CALL_BUILTIN: { int nargs = *pc++; jv top = stack_pop(jq); jv* in = cfunc_input; int i; in[0] = top; for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++) { in[i] = stack_pop(jq); } struct cfunction* function = &frame_current(jq)->bc->globals->cfunctions[*pc++]; typedef jv (*func_1)(jv); typedef jv (*func_2)(jv,jv); typedef jv (*func_3)(jv,jv,jv); typedef jv (*func_4)(jv,jv,jv,jv); typedef jv (*func_5)(jv,jv,jv,jv,jv); switch (function->nargs) { case 1: top = ((func_1)function->fptr)(in[0]); break; case 2: top = ((func_2)function->fptr)(in[0], in[1]); break; case 3: top = ((func_3)function->fptr)(in[0], in[1], in[2]); break; case 4: top = ((func_4)function->fptr)(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3]); break; case 5: top = ((func_5)function->fptr)(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3], in[4]); break; default: return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string("Function takes too many arguments")); } if (jv_is_valid(top)) { stack_push(jq, top); } else { print_error(jq, top); goto do_backtrack; } break; } case CALL_JQ: { jv input = stack_pop(jq); uint16_t nclosures = *pc++; uint16_t* retaddr = pc + 2 + nclosures*2; struct frame* new_frame = frame_push(jq, make_closure(jq, pc), pc + 2, nclosures); new_frame->retdata = jq->stk_top; new_frame->retaddr = retaddr; pc = new_frame->bc->code; stack_push(jq, input); break; } case RET: { jv value = stack_pop(jq); assert(jq->stk_top == frame_current(jq)->retdata); uint16_t* retaddr = frame_current(jq)->retaddr; if (retaddr) { // function return pc = retaddr; frame_pop(jq); } else { // top-level return, yielding value struct stack_pos spos = stack_get_pos(jq); stack_push(jq, jv_null()); stack_save(jq, pc - 1, spos); return value; } stack_push(jq, value); break; } case ON_BACKTRACK(RET): { // resumed after top-level return goto do_backtrack; } } } }
static void debug_cb(void *data, jv input) { int dumpopts = *(int *)data; jv_dumpf(JV_ARRAY(jv_string("DEBUG:"), input), stderr, dumpopts & ~(JV_PRINT_PRETTY)); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { jq_state *jq = NULL; int ret = 0; int compiled = 0; int parser_flags = 0; int nfiles = 0; int badwrite; jv program_arguments = jv_array(); #ifdef WIN32 SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); _setmode(fileno(stdout), _O_TEXT | _O_U8TEXT); _setmode(fileno(stderr), _O_TEXT | _O_U8TEXT); int wargc; wchar_t **wargv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &wargc); assert(wargc == argc); size_t arg_sz; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { argv[i] = alloca((arg_sz = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wargv[i], -1, 0, 0, 0, 0))); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wargv[i], -1, argv[i], arg_sz, 0, 0); } #endif if (argc) progname = argv[0]; jq = jq_init(); if (jq == NULL) { perror("malloc"); ret = 2; goto out; } int dumpopts = JV_PRINT_INDENT_FLAGS(2); const char* program = 0; jv_extra_opt extra_opt; extra_opt.array_fold=0; extra_opt.array_fold_indent=1; jq_util_input_state *input_state = jq_util_input_init(NULL, NULL); // XXX add err_cb int further_args_are_files = 0; int jq_flags = 0; size_t short_opts = 0; jv lib_search_paths = jv_null(); for (int i=1; i<argc; i++, short_opts = 0) { if (further_args_are_files) { jq_util_input_add_input(input_state, argv[i]); nfiles++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) { if (!program) usage(2); further_args_are_files = 1; } else if (!isoptish(argv[i])) { if (program) { jq_util_input_add_input(input_state, argv[i]); nfiles++; } else { program = argv[i]; } } else { if (argv[i][1] == 'L') { if (jv_get_kind(lib_search_paths) == JV_KIND_NULL) lib_search_paths = jv_array(); if (argv[i][2] != 0) { // -Lname (faster check than strlen) lib_search_paths = jv_array_append(lib_search_paths, jq_realpath(jv_string(argv[i]+2))); } else if (i >= argc - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "-L takes a parameter: (e.g. -L /search/path or -L/search/path)\n"); die(); } else { lib_search_paths = jv_array_append(lib_search_paths, jq_realpath(jv_string(argv[i+1]))); i++; } continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "fold", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --fold takes one parameter\n", progname); die(); } extra_opt.array_fold = atoi(argv[i+1]); if (extra_opt.array_fold < 1 || extra_opt.array_fold > 255) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --fold takes a number between 1 and 255\n", progname); die(); } i++; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 's', "slurp", &short_opts)) { options |= SLURP; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'r', "raw-output", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'c', "compact-output", &short_opts)) { dumpopts &= ~(JV_PRINT_TAB | JV_PRINT_INDENT_FLAGS(7)); if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'C', "color-output", &short_opts)) { options |= COLOR_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'M', "monochrome-output", &short_opts)) { options |= NO_COLOR_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'a', "ascii-output", &short_opts)) { options |= ASCII_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "unbuffered", &short_opts)) { options |= UNBUFFERED_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'S', "sort-keys", &short_opts)) { options |= SORTED_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'R', "raw-input", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_INPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'n', "null-input", &short_opts)) { options |= PROVIDE_NULL; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'f', "from-file", &short_opts)) { options |= FROM_FILE; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'j', "join-output", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT | RAW_NO_LF; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "tab", &short_opts)) { dumpopts &= ~JV_PRINT_INDENT_FLAGS(7); dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_TAB | JV_PRINT_PRETTY; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "indent", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --indent takes one parameter\n", progname); die(); } dumpopts &= ~(JV_PRINT_TAB | JV_PRINT_INDENT_FLAGS(7)); int indent = atoi(argv[i+1]); if (indent < -1 || indent > 7) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --indent takes a number between -1 and 7\n", progname); die(); } dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_INDENT_FLAGS(indent); i++; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "seq", &short_opts)) { options |= SEQ; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "stream", &short_opts)) { parser_flags |= JV_PARSE_STREAMING; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "stream-errors", &short_opts)) { parser_flags |= JV_PARSE_STREAM_ERRORS; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'e', "exit-status", &short_opts)) { options |= EXIT_STATUS; if (!short_opts) continue; } // FIXME: For --arg* we should check that the varname is acceptable if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "arg", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --arg takes two parameters (e.g. --arg varname value)\n", progname); die(); } jv arg = jv_object(); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("name"), jv_string(argv[i+1])); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("value"), jv_string(argv[i+2])); program_arguments = jv_array_append(program_arguments, arg); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "argjson", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --argjson takes two parameters (e.g. --argjson varname text)\n", progname); die(); } jv v = jv_parse(argv[i+2]); if (!jv_is_valid(v)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid JSON text passed to --argjson\n", progname); die(); } jv arg = jv_object(); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("name"), jv_string(argv[i+1])); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("value"), v); program_arguments = jv_array_append(program_arguments, arg); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "argfile", &short_opts) || isoption(argv[i], 0, "slurpfile", &short_opts)) { const char *which; if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "argfile", &short_opts)) which = "argfile"; else which = "slurpfile"; if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --%s takes two parameters (e.g. --%s varname filename)\n", progname, which, which); die(); } jv arg = jv_object(); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("name"), jv_string(argv[i+1])); jv data = jv_load_file(argv[i+2], 0); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad JSON in --%s %s %s: %s\n", progname, which, argv[i+1], argv[i+2], jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); jv_free(arg); ret = 2; goto out; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "argfile", &short_opts) && jv_get_kind(data) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_array_length(jv_copy(data)) == 1) data = jv_array_get(data, 0); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("value"), data); program_arguments = jv_array_append(program_arguments, arg); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-dump-disasm", &short_opts)) { options |= DUMP_DISASM; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-trace", &short_opts)) { jq_flags |= JQ_DEBUG_TRACE; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'h', "help", &short_opts)) { usage(0); if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'V', "version", &short_opts)) { printf("jq-%s\n", JQ_VERSION); ret = 0; goto out; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "run-tests", &short_opts)) { i++; // XXX Pass program_arguments, even a whole jq_state *, through; // could be useful for testing ret = jq_testsuite(lib_search_paths, (options & DUMP_DISASM) || (jq_flags & JQ_DEBUG_TRACE), argc - i, argv + i); goto out; } // check for unknown options... if this argument was a short option if (strlen(argv[i]) != short_opts + 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option %s\n", progname, argv[i]); die(); } } } if (isatty(fileno(stdout))) { dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_ISATTY; #ifndef WIN32 /* Disable color by default on Windows builds as Windows terminals tend not to display it correctly */ dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_COLOR; #endif } if (options & SORTED_OUTPUT) dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_SORTED; if (options & ASCII_OUTPUT) dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_ASCII; if (options & COLOR_OUTPUT) dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_COLOR; if (options & NO_COLOR_OUTPUT) dumpopts &= ~JV_PRINT_COLOR; if (jv_get_kind(lib_search_paths) == JV_KIND_NULL) { // Default search path list lib_search_paths = JV_ARRAY(jv_string("~/.jq"), jv_string("$ORIGIN/../lib/jq"), jv_string("$ORIGIN/lib")); } jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("JQ_LIBRARY_PATH"), lib_search_paths); char *origin = strdup(argv[0]); if (origin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of memory\n"); exit(1); } jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("JQ_ORIGIN"), jv_string(dirname(origin))); free(origin); if (strchr(JQ_VERSION, '-') == NULL) jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("VERSION_DIR"), jv_string(JQ_VERSION)); else jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("VERSION_DIR"), jv_string_fmt("%.*s-master", (int)(strchr(JQ_VERSION, '-') - JQ_VERSION), JQ_VERSION)); #if (!defined(WIN32) && defined(HAVE_ISATTY)) || defined(HAVE__ISATTY) #if defined(HAVE__ISATTY) && defined(isatty) #undef isatty #define isatty _isatty #endif if (!program && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) && !isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) program = "."; #endif if (!program) usage(2); if (options & FROM_FILE) { char *program_origin = strdup(program); if (program_origin == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(2); } jv data = jv_load_file(program, 1); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); ret = 2; goto out; } jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("PROGRAM_ORIGIN"), jq_realpath(jv_string(dirname(program_origin)))); compiled = jq_compile_args(jq, jv_string_value(data), jv_copy(program_arguments)); free(program_origin); jv_free(data); } else { jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("PROGRAM_ORIGIN"), jq_realpath(jv_string("."))); // XXX is this good? compiled = jq_compile_args(jq, program, jv_copy(program_arguments)); } if (!compiled){ ret = 3; goto out; } if (options & DUMP_DISASM) { jq_dump_disassembly(jq, 0); printf("\n"); } if ((options & SEQ)) parser_flags |= JV_PARSE_SEQ; if ((options & RAW_INPUT)) jq_util_input_set_parser(input_state, NULL, (options & SLURP) ? 1 : 0); else jq_util_input_set_parser(input_state, jv_parser_new(parser_flags), (options & SLURP) ? 1 : 0); // Let jq program read from inputs jq_set_input_cb(jq, jq_util_input_next_input_cb, input_state); // Let jq program call `debug` builtin and have that go somewhere jq_set_debug_cb(jq, debug_cb, &dumpopts); if (nfiles == 0) jq_util_input_add_input(input_state, "-"); if (options & PROVIDE_NULL) { if (extra_opt.array_fold==0) { ret = process(jq, jv_null(), jq_flags, dumpopts); } else { ret = process_extra_opt(jq, jv_null(), jq_flags, dumpopts, &extra_opt); } } else { jv value; while (jq_util_input_errors(input_state) == 0 && (jv_is_valid((value = jq_util_input_next_input(input_state))) || jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(value)))) { if (jv_is_valid(value)) { if (extra_opt.array_fold==0) { ret = process(jq, value, jq_flags, dumpopts); } else { ret = process_extra_opt(jq, value, jq_flags, dumpopts, &extra_opt); } continue; } // Parse error jv msg = jv_invalid_get_msg(value); if (!(options & SEQ)) { // --seq -> errors are not fatal ret = 4; fprintf(stderr, "parse error: %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); jv_free(msg); break; } fprintf(stderr, "ignoring parse error: %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); jv_free(msg); } } if (jq_util_input_errors(input_state) != 0) ret = 2; out: badwrite = ferror(stdout); if (fclose(stdout)!=0 || badwrite) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: writing output failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); ret = 2; } jv_free(program_arguments); jq_util_input_free(&input_state); jq_teardown(&jq); if (ret >= 10 && (options & EXIT_STATUS)) return ret - 10; if (ret >= 10) return 0; return ret; }