void *db_get(struct db *db, const void *key, size_t key_len, size_t *val_len) { size_t vall; void *val = kcdbget(db->kdb, key, key_len, &vall); *val_len = vall; return val; }
/* main routine */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { KCDB *db; char *vbuf; size_t vsiz; int retour = 1; db = kcdbnew (); if (argc != 3) { fprintf (stderr, "Usage getVal DB_FILE KEY\n"); return 100; } /* open the database */ if (!kcdbopen (db, argv[1], KCOWRITER | KCOCREATE)) { fprintf (stderr, "open error: %s\n", kcecodename (kcdbecode (db))); return 100; } vbuf = kcdbget (db, argv[2], strlen (argv[2]), &vsiz); if (vbuf) { printf ("%s\n", vbuf); kcfree (vbuf); retour = 0; } /* delete the database object */ kcdbdel (db); return retour; }
/* get_genid * Looks up the host's genid in the host->genid database */ static int get_genid(char *host) { KCDB *db; char *vbuf; size_t vsiz; int answer = 0; int host_size; /* create the database object */ db = kcdbnew(); /* open the database */ if (!kcdbopen(db, genid_kyoto_db, KCOREADER | KCONOLOCK)) { TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "could not open the genid database %s", genid_kyoto_db); TSError("[%s] could not open the genid database %s: %s", PLUGIN_NAME, genid_kyoto_db, strerror(errno)); return 0; } vbuf = kcdbget(db, host, strlen(host), &vsiz); if (vbuf) { TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "kcdbget(%s) = %s", host, vbuf); answer = (int)strtol(vbuf, NULL, 10); kcfree(vbuf); } else { host_size = strlen(host); TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "kcdbget(%s) - no record found, len(%d)", host, host_size); answer = 0; } kcdbclose(db); return answer; }
/* main routine */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { KCDB *db; char *vbuf; size_t vsiz; /* Variable for time mesure */ clock_t start, finish; int duration; start = clock (); db = kcdbnew (); /* open the database */ if (!kcdbopen (db, argv[1], KCOWRITER | KCOCREATE)) { fprintf (stderr, "open error: %s\n", kcecodename (kcdbecode (db))); return 100; } vbuf = kcdbget (db, argv[2], strlen (argv[2]), &vsiz); if (vbuf) { printf ("%s\n", vbuf); kcfree (vbuf); } /* delete the database object */ kcdbdel (db); finish = clock (); duration = (finish - start); printf ("\nduration : %iclock (%i clock/s) \n", duration, CLOCKS_PER_SEC); return 0; }
char * pwd_save(KCDB * db, const char * origin_url) { char * pk, * epk, * url; char hash[41]; size_t vsiz; if(!kcdbopen(db, db_file, KCOWRITER|KCOCREATE)) { printf("Status: 500 INTERNAL ERROR\r\n\r\nkcdb open error: %s\n", kcecodename(kcdbecode(db))); return NULL; } if(strstr(origin_url, "http://") == NULL && strstr(origin_url, "https://") == NULL) { url = malloc(strlen(origin_url) + 8); strcpy(url, "http://"); strcat(url, origin_url); } else { url = malloc(strlen(origin_url) + 1); strcpy(url, origin_url); } // calc url hash and check if exists sha1(hash, url); epk = kcdbget(db, hash, strlen(hash), &vsiz); if(epk) { pk = malloc(strlen(epk) + 1); strcpy(pk, epk); kcfree(epk); free(url); kcdbclose(db); return pk; } pk = pwd_get_pk(db); if(pk == NULL) { free(url); kcdbclose(db); return NULL; } //TODO save pk => url && hash => pk if(!kcdbset(db, pk, strlen(pk), url, strlen(url))) { free(pk); pk = NULL; } if(!kcdbset(db, hash, strlen(hash), pk, strlen(pk))) { free(pk); pk = NULL; } free(url); kcdbclose(db); return pk; }
char *rdf_kb_rid_unhash(KCDB *hash_st, rid rid) { char tmp_rid[16+1]; char *vbuf; size_t vsiz; sprintf(tmp_rid,"%llx",rid); vbuf = kcdbget(hash_st, tmp_rid , 16 * sizeof(char), &vsiz); //log_debug("%llx %s", rid, vbuf); return vbuf; }
char * pwd_get_pk(KCDB * db) { char * pk, * result; size_t vsiz; int i; const char * map = ".adgjmptw"; pk = kcdbget(db, "master", 6, &vsiz); if(pk) { result = malloc(vsiz + 2); strcpy(result, pk); kcfree(pk); pk = NULL; } else { result = malloc(3); strcpy(result, "0"); } // increase pk vsiz = strlen(result); for(i = 0; ; i++) { if(i == vsiz) { result[i] = i == 0 ? '1' : (result[i - 1] == '1' ? '2' : '1'); result[i + 1] = '\0'; break; } result[i]++; if(result[i] >= '9') result[i] = i > 0 ? (result[i - 1] == '0' ? '1' : '0') : '1'; else if(i > 0 && result[i - 1] == result[i]) i--; else if(i < vsiz && result[i + 1] == result[i]) i--; else break; } if(!kcdbset(db, "master", 6, result, strlen(result))) { free(result); return NULL; } // mapping result vsiz = strlen(result); for(i = 0 ; i < vsiz; i++) { result[i] = map[result[i]&0x0f]; } return result; }
static nxweb_result download_on_request(nxweb_http_server_connection* conn, nxweb_http_request* req, nxweb_http_response* resp) { nxweb_parse_request_parameters( req, 0 ); const char *name_space = nx_simple_map_get_nocase( req->parameters, "namespace" ); char * url = malloc(strlen(req->path_info)+1); if (!url) {return NXWEB_ERROR;} strcpy(url, req->path_info); url[strlen(req->path_info)] = '\0'; nxweb_url_decode( url, 0 ); char *fname = url, *temp; while (temp = strstr(fname, "/")) {fname = temp + 1;} char *strip_args = strstr(fname, "?"); int fname_len = strip_args ? (strip_args - fname) : strlen(fname); char fname_with_space[1024] = {0}; if ( strlen(url) > sizeof(fname_with_space)-1 ) { char err_msg[1024] = {0}; snprintf( err_msg, sizeof(err_msg)-1, "<html><body>File not found<br/>namespace:%s<br/>filename:%.*s</body></html>", name_space, fname_len, fname ); nxweb_send_http_error(resp, 404, err_msg); resp->keep_alive=0; free(url); return NXWEB_MISS; } if( name_space ) {sprintf( fname_with_space, "%s:/", name_space);} else {strcpy( fname_with_space, ":/" );} strncat( fname_with_space, fname, fname_len ); size_t file_size = 0; char *pfile_data = kcdbget( g_kcdb, fname_with_space, strlen(fname_with_space), &file_size ); if ( pfile_data == NULL ) { char err_msg[1024] = {0}; snprintf( err_msg, sizeof(err_msg)-1, "<html><body>File not found<br/>namespace:%s<br/>filename:%.*s</body></html>", name_space, fname_len, fname ); nxweb_send_http_error(resp, 404, err_msg); resp->keep_alive=0; free(url); return NXWEB_MISS; } KC_DATA *ptmp = nxb_alloc_obj(req->nxb, sizeof(KC_DATA)); nxweb_set_request_data(req, UPLOAD_HANDLER_KEY, (nxe_data)(void *)ptmp, upload_request_data_finalize); ptmp->data_ptr = pfile_data; nxweb_send_data( resp, pfile_data + RECORD_HEADER_LEN, file_size - RECORD_HEADER_LEN, "application/octet-stream" ); free(url); return NXWEB_OK; }
void get_master_pgn(struct evhttp_request *req, void *context) { if (evhttp_request_get_command(req) != EVHTTP_REQ_GET) { evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADMETHOD, "Method Not Allowed"); return; } const struct evhttp_uri *uri = evhttp_request_get_evhttp_uri(req); if (!uri) { puts("evhttp_request_get_evhttp_uri failed"); return; } const char *path = evhttp_uri_get_path(uri); if (!path) { puts("evhttp_uri_get_path failed"); return; } char game_id[9] = {}; int end; if (1 != sscanf(path, "/master/pgn/%8s%n", game_id, &end) || strlen(game_id) != 8 || strlen(path) != end) { evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); return; } size_t pgn_size; char *pgn = kcdbget(master_pgn_db, game_id, 8, &pgn_size); if (!pgn) { evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Master PGN Not Found"); return; } struct evbuffer *res = evbuffer_new(); if (!res) { puts("could not allocate response buffer"); abort(); } struct evkeyvalq *headers = evhttp_request_get_output_headers(req); evhttp_add_header(headers, "Content-Type", "application/vnd.chess-pgn; charset=utf-8"); evbuffer_add(res, pgn, pgn_size); kcfree(pgn); evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", res); evbuffer_free(res); }
char * pwd_load(KCDB * db, const char * key) { char * url, * value; size_t vsiz; if(!kcdbopen(db, db_file, KCOREADER)) { printf("Status: 500 INTERNAL ERROR\r\n\r\nkcdb open error: %s\n", kcecodename(kcdbecode(db))); return NULL; } value = kcdbget(db, key, strlen(key), &vsiz); if(!value) { kcdbclose(db); return NULL; } url = malloc(strlen(value) + 1); strcpy(url, value); kcfree(value); kcdbclose(db); return url; }
Datum kc_delete(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { char *map_name = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0)); char *start_time = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1)); ArrayType *rids = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(2); int i; Datum *rid_datums; bool *rid_nulls; int rid_count; char *next_rid; KCDB *main_db; char *vbuf; size_t vsiz; int64_t num_keys_to_run; int64_t num_keys_deleted; char **keys_to_use; Cloudflare__ZoneTimeBucket *msg_new; // Open our DB. main_db = kcdbnew(); if (!open_db (main_db, map_name, start_time)) { PG_RETURN_INT64(0); } kcdbbegintran (main_db, 0); // Now run over the array. deconstruct_array(rids, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i', &rid_datums, &rid_nulls, &rid_count); if (ARR_HASNULL(rids)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_ARRAY_ELEMENT_ERROR), errmsg("cannot work with arrays containing NULLs"))); } keys_to_use = (char **)palloc(KC_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_RID * sizeof(char)); num_keys_deleted = 0; char prefixes_to_use[rid_count][KC_MAX_RID]; for (i = 0; i < rid_count; i++) { next_rid = TextDatumGetCString(rid_datums[i]); snprintf(prefixes_to_use[i], KC_MAX_RID, "%s%s", next_rid, CF_LABEL_SEP); num_keys_to_run = kcdbmatchprefix (main_db, prefixes_to_use[i], keys_to_use, KC_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_RID); if (num_keys_to_run != -1) { num_keys_deleted += num_keys_to_run; int next_key; for (next_key=0; next_key < num_keys_to_run; next_key++) { vbuf = kcdbget(main_db, keys_to_use[next_key], strlen(keys_to_use[next_key]), &vsiz); if (vbuf) { msg_new = cloudflare__zone_time_bucket__unpack(NULL, vsiz, (const uint8_t *)vbuf); if (msg_new == NULL) { // Something failed ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_EXCEPTION), errmsg("error unpacking incoming message"))); } else { if (msg_new->kv_map_file) { unlink(msg_new->kv_map_file); } kcdbremove (main_db, keys_to_use[next_key], strlen(keys_to_use[next_key])); } cloudflare__zone_time_bucket__free_unpacked(msg_new, NULL); kcfree(vbuf); kcfree(keys_to_use[next_key]); } else { ereport(NOTICE, (errcode(ERRCODE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_EXCEPTION), errmsg("get error on %s -- %s", keys_to_use[next_key], kcecodename(kcdbecode(main_db))))); } } } else { ereport(NOTICE, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("prefix error on %s -- %s", prefixes_to_use[i], kcecodename(kcdbecode(main_db))))); } } pfree(keys_to_use); // Done! kcdbendtran (main_db, 1); if (!kcdbclose(main_db)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_EXCEPTION), errmsg("Error Closeing db: \"%s\"", kcecodename(kcdbecode(main_db))))); } PG_RETURN_INT64(num_keys_deleted); }
Datum kc_shrink(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { char *map_name = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0)); char *start_time = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1)); // Start time + uid!!! char *new_rid = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(2)); ArrayType *old_rids = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(3); char *classification = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(4)); char *doctype = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(5)); char *pop = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(6)); char *psource = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(7)); text *tout; int i,j; Datum *rid_datums; bool *rid_nulls; int rid_count; char *next_rid; KCDB *main_db; char *vbuf; size_t vsiz; // Open our DB. main_db = kcdbnew(); if (!open_db (main_db, map_name, start_time)) { tout = cstring_to_text(new_rid); PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(tout); } kcdbbegintran (main_db, 0); // First fill in what we can from the input. Cloudflare__ZoneTimeBucket msg = CLOUDFLARE__ZONE_TIME_BUCKET__INIT; msg.map_name = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char)); msg.doctype = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char)); msg.classification = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char)); msg.pop = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char)); msg.psource = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char)); msg.result_id = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char)); msg.db_key = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char)); msg.db_path = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char)); msg.map_entry = palloc(MAX_KEYS_BEFORE_KV_MAP * sizeof(Cloudflare__ZoneTimeBucket__Counter)); msg.n_map_entry = 0; strncpy(msg.map_name, map_name, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY); strncpy(msg.classification, classification, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY); strncpy(msg.doctype, doctype, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY); strncpy(msg.pop, pop, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY); strncpy(msg.psource, psource, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY); strncpy(msg.result_id, new_rid, KC_MAX_RID); snprintf(msg.db_path, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY, "%s%s%s", map_name, "/", start_time); snprintf(msg.db_key, KC_MAX_RID, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", new_rid, CF_LABEL_SEP, classification, CF_LABEL_SEP, doctype, CF_LABEL_SEP, pop, CF_LABEL_SEP, psource, CF_LABEL_SEP, map_name); // Now run over the array. deconstruct_array(old_rids, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i', &rid_datums, &rid_nulls, &rid_count); if (ARR_HASNULL(old_rids)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_ARRAY_ELEMENT_ERROR), errmsg("cannot work with arrays containing NULLs"))); } int num_new_keys = 0; int num_entries = 0; char keys_to_use[rid_count][KC_MAX_RID]; Cloudflare__ZoneTimeBucket *msg_new[rid_count]; j=0; for (i = 0; i < rid_count; i++) { next_rid = TextDatumGetCString(rid_datums[i]); snprintf(keys_to_use[i], KC_MAX_RID, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", next_rid, CF_LABEL_SEP, classification, CF_LABEL_SEP, doctype, CF_LABEL_SEP, pop, CF_LABEL_SEP, psource, CF_LABEL_SEP, map_name); vbuf = kcdbget(main_db, keys_to_use[i], strlen(keys_to_use[i]), &vsiz); if (vbuf) { msg_new[j] = cloudflare__zone_time_bucket__unpack(NULL, vsiz, (const uint8_t *)vbuf); if (msg_new[j] == NULL) { // Something failed ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("error unpacking incoming message"))); } else { if (msg_new[j]->kv_map_file) { num_entries = MAX_KEYS_BEFORE_KV_MAP + 1; } else { num_entries += msg_new[j]->n_map_entry; } j++; } kcfree(vbuf); } else { #ifdef CF_DUBUG ereport(NOTICE, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("get error on %s -- %s", keys_to_use[i], kcecodename(kcdbecode(main_db))))); #endif } } // Now merge the buffers. KCDB* msg_db = NULL; if (num_entries > MAX_KEYS_BEFORE_KV_MAP) { msg_db = kcdbnew(); set_kv_path(&msg, map_name, start_time, msg_db); } for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { if (num_entries > MAX_KEYS_BEFORE_KV_MAP) { num_new_keys += merge_using_kv_map(&msg, msg_new[i], msg_db); } else { num_new_keys += merge_messages_basic(&msg, msg_new[i]); } cloudflare__zone_time_bucket__free_unpacked(msg_new[i], NULL); } if (num_entries > MAX_KEYS_BEFORE_KV_MAP) { // Close the db. kcdbendtran (msg_db, 1); kcdbclose(msg_db); } #ifdef CF_DUBUG ereport(NOTICE, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("saving: num map entries: %zu -- writting with %d keys", msg.n_map_entry, num_new_keys))); #endif // Save the updated buffer. if (num_new_keys > 0) { unsigned int len; void *buf; len = cloudflare__zone_time_bucket__get_packed_size (&msg); buf = palloc (len); cloudflare__zone_time_bucket__pack (&msg, buf); if(!kcdbset(main_db, msg.db_key, strlen(msg.db_key), buf, len)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_EXCEPTION), errmsg("set error: %s\n", kcecodename(kcdbecode(main_db))))); } pfree (buf); } // Done! kcdbendtran (main_db, 1); if (!kcdbclose(main_db)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_EXCEPTION), errmsg("Error Closeing db: \"%s\"", kcecodename(kcdbecode(main_db))))); } tout = cstring_to_text(new_rid); PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(tout); }
/* perform order command */ static int32_t procorder(const char* path, int64_t rnum, int32_t rnd, int32_t etc, int32_t tran, int32_t oflags) { KCDB* db; KCCUR* cur, *paracur; int32_t err; char kbuf[RECBUFSIZ], *vbuf, wbuf[RECBUFSIZ], *corepath, *copypath, *snappath; size_t ksiz, vsiz, psiz; int32_t wsiz; int64_t i, cnt; double stime, etime; VISARG visarg; oprintf("<In-order Test>\n path=%s rnum=%ld rnd=%d etc=%d tran=%d oflags=%d\n\n", path, (long)rnum, rnd, etc, tran, oflags); err = FALSE; db = kcdbnew(); oprintf("opening the database:\n"); stime = kctime(); if (!kcdbopen(db, path, KCOWRITER | KCOCREATE | KCOTRUNCATE | oflags)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbopen"); err = TRUE; } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); oprintf("setting records:\n"); stime = kctime(); for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) { if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran"); err = TRUE; } ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i)); if (!kcdbset(db, kbuf, ksiz, kbuf, ksiz)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbset"); err = TRUE; } if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran"); err = TRUE; } if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) { oputchar('.'); if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i); } } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); if (etc) { oprintf("adding records:\n"); stime = kctime(); for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) { if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran"); err = TRUE; } ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i)); if (!kcdbadd(db, kbuf, ksiz, kbuf, ksiz) && kcdbecode(db) != KCEDUPREC) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbadd"); err = TRUE; } if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran"); err = TRUE; } if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) { oputchar('.'); if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i); } } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); } if (etc) { oprintf("appending records:\n"); stime = kctime(); for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) { if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran"); err = TRUE; } ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i)); if (!kcdbappend(db, kbuf, ksiz, kbuf, ksiz)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbadd"); err = TRUE; } if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran"); err = TRUE; } if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) { oputchar('.'); if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i); } } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); } oprintf("getting records:\n"); stime = kctime(); for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) { if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran"); err = TRUE; } ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i)); vbuf = kcdbget(db, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz); if (vbuf) { if (vsiz < ksiz || memcmp(vbuf, kbuf, ksiz)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbget"); err = TRUE; } kcfree(vbuf); } else if (!rnd || kcdbecode(db) != KCENOREC) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbget"); err = TRUE; } if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran"); err = TRUE; } if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) { oputchar('.'); if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i); } } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); if (etc) { oprintf("getting records with a buffer:\n"); stime = kctime(); for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) { if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran"); err = TRUE; } ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i)); wsiz = kcdbgetbuf(db, kbuf, ksiz, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf)); if (wsiz >= 0) { if (wsiz < (int32_t)ksiz || memcmp(wbuf, kbuf, ksiz)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbgetbuf"); err = TRUE; } } else if (!rnd || kcdbecode(db) != KCENOREC) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbgetbuf"); err = TRUE; } if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran"); err = TRUE; } if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) { oputchar('.'); if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i); } } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); } if (etc) { oprintf("traversing the database by the inner iterator:\n"); stime = kctime(); cnt = kcdbcount(db); visarg.rnum = rnum; visarg.rnd = rnd; visarg.cnt = 0; memset(visarg.rbuf, '+', sizeof(visarg.rbuf)); if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran"); err = TRUE; } if (!kcdbiterate(db, visitfull, &visarg, TRUE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbiterate"); err = TRUE; } if (rnd) oprintf(" (end)\n"); if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran"); err = TRUE; } if (visarg.cnt != cnt) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbiterate"); err = TRUE; } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); } if (etc) { oprintf("traversing the database by the outer cursor:\n"); stime = kctime(); cnt = kcdbcount(db); visarg.rnum = rnum; visarg.rnd = rnd; visarg.cnt = 0; if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran"); err = TRUE; } cur = kcdbcursor(db); if (!kccurjump(cur) && kccurecode(cur) != KCENOREC) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kccurjump"); err = TRUE; } paracur = kcdbcursor(db); while (!err && kccuraccept(cur, &visitfull, &visarg, TRUE, !rnd)) { if (rnd) { ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)myrand(rnum)); switch (myrand(3)) { case 0: { if (!kcdbremove(db, kbuf, ksiz) && kcdbecode(db) != KCENOREC) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbremove"); err = TRUE; } break; } case 1: { if (!kccurjumpkey(paracur, kbuf, ksiz) && kccurecode(paracur) != KCENOREC) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kccurjump"); err = TRUE; } break; } default: { if (!kccurstep(cur) && kccurecode(cur) != KCENOREC) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kccurstep"); err = TRUE; } break; } } } } oprintf(" (end)\n"); kccurdel(paracur); kccurdel(cur); if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran"); err = TRUE; } if (!rnd && visarg.cnt != cnt) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kccuraccept"); err = TRUE; } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); } if (etc) { oprintf("synchronizing the database:\n"); stime = kctime(); if (!kcdbsync(db, FALSE, NULL, NULL)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbsync"); err = TRUE; } if (!kcdboccupy(db, FALSE, NULL, NULL)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdboccupy"); err = TRUE; } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); } if (etc) { corepath = kcdbpath(db); psiz = strlen(corepath); if (strstr(corepath, ".kch") || strstr(corepath, ".kct")) { copypath = kcmalloc(psiz + 256); sprintf(copypath, "%s.tmp", corepath); snappath = kcmalloc(psiz + 256); sprintf(snappath, "%s.kcss", corepath); } else { copypath = kcmalloc(256); sprintf(copypath, "kclangctest.tmp"); snappath = kcmalloc(256); sprintf(snappath, "kclangctest.kcss"); } oprintf("copying the database file:\n"); stime = kctime(); if (!kcdbcopy(db, copypath)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbcopy"); err = TRUE; } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); remove(copypath); oprintf("dumping records into snapshot:\n"); stime = kctime(); if (!kcdbdumpsnap(db, snappath)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbdumpsnap"); err = TRUE; } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); oprintf("loading records into snapshot:\n"); stime = kctime(); cnt = kcdbcount(db); if (rnd && myrand(2) == 0 && !kcdbclear(db)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbclear"); err = TRUE; } if (!kcdbloadsnap(db, snappath) || kcdbcount(db) != cnt) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbloadsnap"); err = TRUE; } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, FALSE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); remove(snappath); kcfree(copypath); kcfree(snappath); kcfree(corepath); } oprintf("removing records:\n"); stime = kctime(); for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) { if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran"); err = TRUE; } ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i)); if (!kcdbremove(db, kbuf, ksiz) && ((!rnd && !etc) || kcdbecode(db) != KCENOREC)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbremove"); err = TRUE; } if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran"); err = TRUE; } if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) { oputchar('.'); if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i); } } etime = kctime(); dbmetaprint(db, TRUE); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); oprintf("closing the database:\n"); stime = kctime(); if (!kcdbclose(db)) { dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbclose"); err = TRUE; } etime = kctime(); oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime); kcdbdel(db); oprintf("%s\n\n", err ? "error" : "ok"); return err ? 1 : 0; }
void get_master(struct evhttp_request *req, void *context) { if (evhttp_request_get_command(req) != EVHTTP_REQ_GET) { evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADMETHOD, "Method Not Allowed"); return; } const char *uri = evhttp_request_get_uri(req); if (!uri) { puts("evhttp_request_get_uri failed"); return; } struct evkeyvalq query; const char *fen = NULL; const char *jsonp = NULL; int moves = 12; int topGames = 4; if (0 == evhttp_parse_query(uri, &query)) { fen = evhttp_find_header(&query, "fen"); jsonp = evhttp_find_header(&query, "callback"); if (evhttp_find_header(&query, "moves")) { moves = atoi(evhttp_find_header(&query, "moves")); } if (evhttp_find_header(&query, "topGames")) { topGames = atoi(evhttp_find_header(&query, "topGames")); } } if (!fen || !strlen(fen)) { evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Missing FEN"); return; } // Look up positon. board_t pos; if (!board_set_fen(&pos, fen)) { evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Invalid FEN"); } if (verbose) printf("master: %.255s\n", fen); struct evbuffer *res = evbuffer_new(); if (!res) { puts("could not allocate response buffer"); abort(); } // CORS. struct evkeyvalq *headers = evhttp_request_get_output_headers(req); if (cors) evhttp_add_header(headers, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // Set Content-Type. if (jsonp && strlen(jsonp)) { evhttp_add_header(headers, "Content-Type", "application/javascript"); evbuffer_add_printf(res, "%s(", jsonp); } else { evhttp_add_header(headers, "Content-Type", "application/json"); } uint64_t zobrist_hash = board_zobrist_hash(&pos, POLYGLOT); struct master_record *record = master_record_new(); size_t record_size; char *encoded_record = kcdbget(master_db, (const char *) &zobrist_hash, 8, &record_size); if (encoded_record) { decode_master_record((const uint8_t *) encoded_record, record); } unsigned long average_rating_sum = master_record_average_rating_sum(record); unsigned long total_white = master_record_white(record); unsigned long total_draws = master_record_draws(record); unsigned long total_black = master_record_black(record); unsigned long total = total_white + total_draws + total_black; evbuffer_add_printf(res, "{\n"); // Add totals. evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"white\": %lu,\n", total_white); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"draws\": %lu,\n", total_draws); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"black\": %lu,\n", total_black); if (total) evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"averageRating\": %lu,\n", average_rating_sum / total); else evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"averageRating\": null,\n"); // Add move list. evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"moves\": [\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < record->num_moves && i < moves; i++) { unsigned long move_total = record->moves[i].white + record->moves[i].draws + record->moves[i].black; char uci[LEN_UCI], san[LEN_SAN]; move_uci(record->moves[i].move, uci); board_san(&pos, record->moves[i].move, san); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " {\n"); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"uci\": \"%s\",\n", uci); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"san\": \"%s\",\n", san); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"white\": %lu,\n", record->moves[i].white); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"draws\": %lu,\n", record->moves[i].draws); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"black\": %lu,\n", record->moves[i].black); if (move_total) { evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"averageRating\": %lu\n", record->moves[i].average_rating_sum / move_total); } else { evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"averageRating\": null\n"); } evbuffer_add_printf(res, " }%s\n", (i < record->num_moves - 1 && i < moves - 1) ? "," : ""); } evbuffer_add_printf(res, " ],\n"); // Add top games. evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"topGames\": [\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < record->num_refs && i < topGames; i++) { char game_id[9] = {}; strncpy(game_id, record->refs[i].game_id, 8); size_t pgn_size; char *pgn = kcdbget(master_pgn_db, game_id, 8, &pgn_size); if (!pgn) continue; char *save_ptr; struct pgn_game_info *game_info = pgn_game_info_read(pgn, &save_ptr); if (!game_info->white || !game_info->black) continue; evbuffer_add_printf(res, " {\n"); // TODO: winner, white.name, white.rating, black.name, black.rating, -avg rating evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"id\": \"%s\",\n", game_id); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"winner\": \"%s\",\n", game_info->result ? (game_info->result > 0 ? "white" : "black") : "draw"); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"white\": {\n"); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"name\": \"%s\",\n", game_info->white); // XXX TODO ! evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"rating\": %d\n", game_info->white_elo); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " },\n"); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"black\": {\n"); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"name\": \"%s\",\n", game_info->black); // XXX TODO ! evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"rating\": %d\n", game_info->black_elo); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " },\n"); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " \"year\": %d\n", game_info->year); evbuffer_add_printf(res, " }%s\n", (i < record->num_refs - 1 && i < topGames - 1) ? "," : ""); } evbuffer_add_printf(res, " ]\n"); evbuffer_add_printf(res, "}%s\n", (jsonp && strlen(jsonp)) ? ")" : ""); evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", res); evbuffer_free(res); }