예제 #1
int main(int argc, char** args) {
    int argchar;
	char* progname = args[0];
	kdtree_t* kd;
	char* fn;
	int printData = 0;
	int treeData = 0;

    while ((argchar = getopt(argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1)
        switch (argchar) {
		case 'h':
		case 'd':
			printData = 1;
		case 'n':
			treeData = 1;

    if (argc - optind == 1) {
		fn = args[optind];
    } else {

	printf("Reading kdtree from file %s ...\n", fn);
	kd = kdtree_fits_read(fn, NULL, NULL);

    printf("Tree name: \"%s\"\n", kd->name);

	printf("Treetype: 0x%x\n", kd->treetype);

	printf("Data type:     %s\n", kdtree_kdtype_to_string(kdtree_datatype(kd)));
	printf("Tree type:     %s\n", kdtree_kdtype_to_string(kdtree_treetype(kd)));
	printf("External type: %s\n", kdtree_kdtype_to_string(kdtree_exttype(kd)));

	printf("N data points:  %i\n", kd->ndata);
	printf("Dimensions:     %i\n", kd->ndim);
	printf("Nodes:          %i\n", kd->nnodes);
	printf("Leaf nodes:     %i\n", kd->nbottom);
	printf("Non-leaf nodes: %i\n", kd->ninterior);
	printf("Tree levels:    %i\n", kd->nlevels);

	printf("LR array:     %s\n", (kd->lr     ? "yes" : "no"));
	printf("Perm array:   %s\n", (kd->perm   ? "yes" : "no"));
	printf("Bounding box: %s\n", (kd->bb.any ? "yes" : "no"));
	printf("Split plane:  %s\n", (kd->split.any ? "yes" : "no"));
	printf("Split dim:    %s\n", (kd->splitdim  ? "yes" : "no"));
	printf("Data:         %s\n", (kd->data.any  ? "yes" : "no"));

	if (kd->minval && kd->maxval) {
		int d;
		printf("Data ranges:\n");
		for (d=0; d<kd->ndim; d++)
			printf("  %i: [%g, %g]\n", d, kd->minval[d], kd->maxval[d]);

	printf("Running kdtree_check...\n");
	if (kdtree_check(kd)) {
		printf("kdtree_check failed.\n");

	if (printData) {
		int i, d;
		int dt = kdtree_datatype(kd);
		double data[kd->ndim];
		for (i=0; i<kd->ndata; i++) {
			int iarray;
			kdtree_copy_data_double(kd, i, 1, data);
			printf("data[%i] = %n(", i, &iarray);
			for (d=0; d<kd->ndim; d++)
				printf("%s%g", d?", ":"", data[d]);

			if (treeData) {
				printf("%*s(", iarray, "");
				for (d=0; d<kd->ndim; d++)
					switch (dt) {
					case KDT_DATA_DOUBLE:
						printf("%s%g", (d?", ":""),
							   kd->data.d[kd->ndim * i + d]);
					case KDT_DATA_FLOAT:
						printf("%s%g", (d?", ":""),
							   kd->data.f[kd->ndim * i + d]);
					case KDT_DATA_U32:
						printf("%s%u", (d?", ":""),
							   kd->data.u[kd->ndim * i + d]);
					case KDT_DATA_U16:
						printf("%s%u", (d?", ":""),
							   (unsigned int)kd->data.s[kd->ndim * i + d]);


	return 0;
예제 #2
int unpermute_stars(startree_t* treein, quadfile_t* qfin,
					startree_t** p_treeout, quadfile_t* qfout,
					anbool dosweeps, anbool check,
					char** args, int argc) {
	startree_t* treeout;
	int i;
	int N;
	int healpix = -1;
    int hpnside = 0;
	int starhp = -1;
	int lastgrass;
	qfits_header* qouthdr;
	qfits_header* qinhdr;
	anbool allsky;

	N = startree_N(treein);
	allsky = qfits_header_getboolean(startree_header(treein), "ALLSKY", 0);
	if (allsky)
		logverb("Star kd-tree is all-sky\n");
	else {
		starhp = qfits_header_getint(startree_header(treein), "HEALPIX", -1);
		if (starhp == -1)
			ERROR("Warning, input star kdtree didn't have a HEALPIX header.\n");
		hpnside = qfits_header_getint(startree_header(treein), "HPNSIDE", 1);
		healpix = starhp;
		logverb("Star kd-tree covers healpix %i, nside %i\n", healpix, hpnside);

	qfout->healpix = healpix;
    qfout->hpnside = hpnside;
	qfout->numstars          = qfin->numstars;
	qfout->dimquads          = qfin->dimquads;
	qfout->index_scale_upper = qfin->index_scale_upper;
	qfout->index_scale_lower = qfin->index_scale_lower;
	qfout->indexid           = qfin->indexid;

	qouthdr = quadfile_get_header(qfout);
	qinhdr  = quadfile_get_header(qfin);

	an_fits_copy_header(qinhdr, qouthdr, "ALLSKY");

	qfits_header_add(qouthdr, "HISTORY", "This file was created by the program \"unpermute-stars\".", NULL, NULL);
	qfits_header_add(qouthdr, "HISTORY", "unpermute-stars command line:", NULL, NULL);
	fits_add_args(qouthdr, args, argc);
	qfits_header_add(qouthdr, "HISTORY", "(end of unpermute-stars command line)", NULL, NULL);
	qfits_header_add(qouthdr, "HISTORY", "** unpermute-stars: history from input:", NULL, NULL);
	fits_copy_all_headers(qinhdr, qouthdr, "HISTORY");
	qfits_header_add(qouthdr, "HISTORY", "** unpermute-stars: end of history from input.", NULL, NULL);
	qfits_header_add(qouthdr, "COMMENT", "** unpermute-stars: comments from input:", NULL, NULL);
	fits_copy_all_headers(qinhdr, qouthdr, "COMMENT");
	qfits_header_add(qouthdr, "COMMENT", "** unpermute-stars: end of comments from input.", NULL, NULL);

	if (quadfile_write_header(qfout)) {
		ERROR("Failed to write quadfile header.\n");
		return -1;

	logmsg("Writing quads...\n");


	if (check) {
		logmsg("Running quadfile_check()...\n");
		if (quadfile_check(qfin)) {
			ERROR("quadfile_check() failed");
			return -1;
		logmsg("Check passed.\n");

		logmsg("Checking inverse permutation...\n");
		if (startree_check_inverse_perm(treein)) {
			ERROR("check failed!");
			return -1;

		logmsg("Running startree kdtree_check()...\n");
		if (kdtree_check(treein->tree)) {
			ERROR("kdtree_check() failed");
			return -1;
		logmsg("Check passed.\n");

	lastgrass = 0;
	for (i=0; i<qfin->numquads; i++) {
		int j;
		unsigned int stars[qfin->dimquads];
		if (i*80/qfin->numquads != lastgrass) {
			lastgrass = i*80/qfin->numquads;
		if (quadfile_get_stars(qfin, i, stars)) {
			ERROR("Failed to read quadfile entry.\n");
			return -1;
		for (j=0; j<qfin->dimquads; j++)
			stars[j] = treein->inverse_perm[stars[j]];
		if (quadfile_write_quad(qfout, stars)) {
			ERROR("Failed to write quadfile entry.\n");
			return -1;

	if (quadfile_fix_header(qfout)) {
		ERROR("Failed to fix quadfile header");
		return -1;

	treeout = startree_new();
	treeout->tree = malloc(sizeof(kdtree_t));
	memcpy(treeout->tree, treein->tree, sizeof(kdtree_t));
	treeout->tree->perm = NULL;

	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "HEALPIX");
	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "HPNSIDE");
	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "ALLSKY");
	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "JITTER");
	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "CUTNSIDE");
	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "CUTMARG");
	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "CUTBAND");
	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "CUTDEDUP");
	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "CUTNSWEP");
	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "CUTMINMG");
	an_fits_copy_header(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "CUTMAXMG");

	qfits_header_add(startree_header(treeout), "HISTORY", "unpermute-stars command line:", NULL, NULL);
	fits_add_args(startree_header(treeout), args, argc);
	qfits_header_add(startree_header(treeout), "HISTORY", "(end of unpermute-stars command line)", NULL, NULL);
	qfits_header_add(startree_header(treeout), "HISTORY", "** unpermute-stars: history from input:", NULL, NULL);
	fits_copy_all_headers(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "HISTORY");
	qfits_header_add(startree_header(treeout), "HISTORY", "** unpermute-stars: end of history from input.", NULL, NULL);
	qfits_header_add(startree_header(treeout), "COMMENT", "** unpermute-stars: comments from input:", NULL, NULL);
	fits_copy_all_headers(startree_header(treein), startree_header(treeout), "COMMENT");
	qfits_header_add(startree_header(treeout), "COMMENT", "** unpermute-stars: end of comments from input.", NULL, NULL);

	if (dosweeps) {
		// copy sweepX headers.
		for (i=1;; i++) {
			char key[16];
			int n;
			sprintf(key, "SWEEP%i", i);
			n = qfits_header_getint(treein->header, key, -1);
			if (n == -1)
			an_fits_copy_header(treein->header, treeout->header, key);

		// compute sweep array.
		treeout->sweep = malloc(N * sizeof(uint8_t));
		for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
			int ind = treein->tree->perm[i];
			// Stars are sorted first by sweep and then by brightness within
			// the sweep.  Instead of just storing the sweep number, we can
			// store a quantization of the total-ordered rank.
			treeout->sweep[i] = (uint8_t)floor((float)256.0 * (float)ind / (float)N);

	*p_treeout = treeout;
	return 0;
예제 #3
void test_hd_1(CuTest* tc) {
    hd_catalog_t* hdcat;
    int* invperm;
    int* present;
    int ind, i, N;
    double xyz[3];
    double ra, dec;
    int strangehds[] = { 40142, 40441, 40672, 40746, 40763, 40764,
                         104176, 104193, 163635, 224698, 224699,
                         129371 };

    if (!file_readable("hd.fits")) {
        printf("File \"hd.fits\" does not exist; test skipped.\n");

    hdcat = henry_draper_open("hd.fits");
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, hdcat);

    N = hdcat->kd->ndata;
    invperm = calloc(N, sizeof(int));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, invperm);

    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, kdtree_check(hdcat->kd));

    kdtree_inverse_permutation(hdcat->kd, invperm);

    present = calloc(N, sizeof(int));
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
        CuAssert(tc, "invperm in range", invperm[i] < N);

    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
        CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, present[i]);

    // Where is "HD n" ?
    for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
        bl* res;
        int j;

        ind = invperm[i];
        kdtree_copy_data_double(hdcat->kd, ind, 1, xyz);
        xyzarr2radecdeg(xyz, &ra, &dec);
        printf("HD %i: RA,Dec %g, %g\n", i+1, ra, dec);

        res = henry_draper_get(hdcat, ra, dec, 10.0);
        CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, res);
        for (j=0; j<bl_size(res); j++) {
            hd_entry_t* hd = bl_access(res, j);
            printf("res %i: HD %i, RA, Dec %g, %g\n", j, hd->hd, hd->ra, hd->dec);

    for (i=0; i<sizeof(strangehds)/sizeof(int); i++) {
        ind = invperm[strangehds[i]-1];
        kdtree_copy_data_double(hdcat->kd, ind, 1, xyz);
        xyzarr2radecdeg(xyz, &ra, &dec);
        printf("HD %i: RA,Dec %g, %g\n", strangehds[i], ra, dec);
