예제 #1
unsigned int kheap_virtual_address(unsigned int physical_address)
	//TODO: [PROJECT 2016 - Kernel Dynamic Allocation/Deallocation] kheap_virtual_address()
	// Write your code here, remove the panic and write your code
	//panic("kheap_virtual_address() is not implemented yet...!!");

	//return the virtual address corresponding to given physical_address
	//refer to the project documentation for the detailed steps

	//sacn the whole kernel heap to find the mapped virtual address
	uint32 va;
	for(va = KERNEL_HEAP_START; va 	< (uint32) keepBlocks[nextBlock - 1].blockStartVirtualAddress
	 + keepBlocks[nextBlock - 1].blockSize; va += PAGE_SIZE){
		//use kheap_physical_address
		uint32 framePhysicalAddress = kheap_physical_address(va);
		if(framePhysicalAddress == physical_address)
			return va;


	//change this "return" according to your answer
	return 0;
// Allocates a new env and loads the named user program into it.
struct Env* env_create(char* user_program_name, unsigned int page_WS_size)
	//[1] get pointer to the start of the "user_program_name" program in memory
	// Hint: use "get_user_program_info" function,
	// you should set the following "ptr_program_start" by the start address of the user program
	uint8* ptr_program_start = 0;

	struct UserProgramInfo* ptr_user_program_info = get_user_program_info(user_program_name);
	if(ptr_user_program_info == 0) return NULL;
	ptr_program_start = ptr_user_program_info->ptr_start ;
	//	if(ptr_user_program_info->environment != NULL)
	//	{
	//		cprintf("env_create: an old environment already exist for [%s]!! \nfreeing the old one by calling start_env_free....\n", ptr_user_program_info->environment->prog_name);
	//		start_env_free(ptr_user_program_info->environment);
	//		//return ptr_user_program_info;
	//	}

	//[2] allocate new environment, (from the free environment list)
	//if there's no one, return NULL
	// Hint: use "allocate_environment" function
	struct Env* e = NULL;
	if(allocate_environment(&e) < 0)
		return 0;

	//[2.5 - 2012] Set program name inside the environment
	e->prog_name = ptr_user_program_info->name ;

	//[3] allocate a frame for the page directory, Don't forget to set the references of the allocated frame.
	//REMEMBER: "allocate_frame" should always return a free frame
	uint32* ptr_user_page_directory;
	unsigned int phys_user_page_directory;
		ptr_user_page_directory = create_user_directory();
		phys_user_page_directory = kheap_physical_address((uint32)ptr_user_page_directory);
		int r;
		struct Frame_Info *p = NULL;

		allocate_frame(&p) ;
		p->references = 1;

		ptr_user_page_directory = STATIC_KERNEL_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS(to_physical_address(p));
		phys_user_page_directory = to_physical_address(p);

	//[4] initialize the new environment by the virtual address of the page directory
	// Hint: use "initialize_environment" function

	e->page_WS_max_size = page_WS_size;

	initialize_environment(e, ptr_user_page_directory, phys_user_page_directory);

	// We want to load the program into the user virtual space
	// each program is constructed from one or more segments,
	// each segment has the following information grouped in "struct ProgramSegment"
	//	1- uint8 *ptr_start: 	start address of this segment in memory
	//	2- uint32 size_in_file: size occupied by this segment inside the program file,
	//	3- uint32 size_in_memory: actual size required by this segment in memory
	// 	usually size_in_file < or = size_in_memory
	//	4- uint8 *virtual_address: start virtual address that this segment should be copied to it

	//[6] switch to user page directory
	// Hint: use rcr3() and lcr3()
	uint32 kern_phys_pgdir = rcr3() ;
	lcr3(e->env_cr3) ;

	//[7] load each program segment into user virtual space
	struct ProgramSegment* seg = NULL;  //use inside PROGRAM_SEGMENT_FOREACH as current segment information
	int segment_counter=0;
	uint32 remaining_ws_pages = (e->page_WS_max_size)-1; // we are reserving 1 page of WS for the stack that will be allocated just before the end of this function
	uint32 lastTableNumber=0xffffffff;

	PROGRAM_SEGMENT_FOREACH(seg, ptr_program_start)
		//allocate space for current program segment and map it at seg->virtual_address then copy its content
		// from seg->ptr_start to seg->virtual_address
		//Hint: use program_segment_alloc_map_copy_workingset()

		//cprintf("SEGMENT #%d, dest start va = %x, dest end va = %x\n",segment_counter, seg->virtual_address, (seg->virtual_address + seg->size_in_memory));
		LOG_STATMENT(cprintf("SEGMENT #%d, size_in_file = %d, size_in_memory= %d, dest va = %x",segment_counter,seg->size_in_file,
				seg->size_in_memory, seg->virtual_address));

		uint32 allocated_pages=0;
		program_segment_alloc_map_copy_workingset(e, seg, &allocated_pages, remaining_ws_pages, &lastTableNumber);

		remaining_ws_pages -= allocated_pages;
		LOG_STATMENT(cprintf("SEGMENT: allocated pages in WS = %d",allocated_pages));
		LOG_STATMENT(cprintf("SEGMENT: remaining WS pages after allocation = %d",remaining_ws_pages));

		///[1] temporary initialize 1st page in memory then writing it on page file
		uint32 dataSrc_va = (uint32) seg->ptr_start;
		uint32 seg_va = (uint32) seg->virtual_address ;

		uint32 start_first_page = ROUNDDOWN(seg_va , PAGE_SIZE);
		uint32 end_first_page = ROUNDUP(seg_va , PAGE_SIZE);
		uint32 offset_first_page = seg_va  - start_first_page ;

		memset(ptr_temp_page , 0, PAGE_SIZE);
		uint8 *src_ptr =  (uint8*) dataSrc_va;
		uint8 *dst_ptr =  (uint8*) (ptr_temp_page + offset_first_page);
		int i;
		for (i = seg_va ; i < end_first_page ; i++, src_ptr++,dst_ptr++ )
			*dst_ptr = *src_ptr ;

		if (pf_add_env_page(e, start_first_page, ptr_temp_page) == E_NO_PAGE_FILE_SPACE)
			panic("ERROR: Page File OUT OF SPACE. can't load the program in Page file!!");

		//LOG_STRING(" -------------------- PAGE FILE: 1st page is written");

		///[2] Start writing the segment ,from 2nd page until before last page, to page file ...

		uint32 start_last_page = ROUNDDOWN(seg_va  + seg->size_in_file, PAGE_SIZE) ;
		uint32 end_last_page = seg_va  + seg->size_in_file;

		for (i = end_first_page ; i < start_last_page ; i+= PAGE_SIZE, src_ptr+= PAGE_SIZE)
			if (pf_add_env_page(e, i, src_ptr) == E_NO_PAGE_FILE_SPACE)
				panic("ERROR: Page File OUT OF SPACE. can't load the program in Page file!!");

		//LOG_STRING(" -------------------- PAGE FILE: 2nd page --> before last page are written");

		///[3] temporary initialize last page in memory then writing it on page file

		dst_ptr =  (uint8*) ptr_temp_page;
		memset(dst_ptr, 0, PAGE_SIZE);

		for (i = start_last_page ; i < end_last_page ; i++, src_ptr++,dst_ptr++ )
			*dst_ptr = *src_ptr;
		if (pf_add_env_page(e, start_last_page, ptr_temp_page) == E_NO_PAGE_FILE_SPACE)
			panic("ERROR: Page File OUT OF SPACE. can't load the program in Page file!!");

		//LOG_STRING(" -------------------- PAGE FILE: last page is written");

		///[4] writing the remaining seg->size_in_memory pages to disk

		uint32 start_remaining_area = ROUNDUP(seg_va + seg->size_in_file,PAGE_SIZE) ;
		uint32 remainingLength = (seg_va + seg->size_in_memory) - start_remaining_area ;

		for (i=0 ; i < ROUNDUP(remainingLength,PAGE_SIZE) ;i+= PAGE_SIZE, start_remaining_area += PAGE_SIZE)
			if (pf_add_empty_env_page(e, start_remaining_area, 1) == E_NO_PAGE_FILE_SPACE)
				panic("ERROR: Page File OUT OF SPACE. can't load the program in Page file!!");
		//LOG_STRING(" -------------------- PAGE FILE: segment remaining area is written (the zeros) ");
// Initialize the kernel virtual memory layout for environment e.
// Given a pointer to an allocated page directory, set the e->env_pgdir and e->env_cr3 accordingly,
// and initialize the kernel portion of the new environment's address space.
// Do NOT (yet) map anything into the user portion
// of the environment's virtual address space.
void initialize_environment(struct Env* e, uint32* ptr_user_page_directory
		, unsigned int phys_user_page_directory)
	//panic("initialize_environment function is not completed yet") ;
	// [1] initialize the kernel portion of the new environment's address space.
	// [2] set e->env_pgdir and e->env_cr3 accordingly,
	int i;
	e->env_page_directory = ptr_user_page_directory;
	e->env_cr3 = phys_user_page_directory;

	//[TODODONE]: copy the kernel area only (to avoid copying the currently shared objects)
	for (i = 0 ; i < PDX(USER_TOP) ; i++)
		e->env_page_directory[i] = 0 ;

	for (i = PDX(USER_TOP) ; i < 1024 ; i++)
		e->env_page_directory[i] = ptr_page_directory[i] ;

	// Allocate the page working set for both kernel and user
#if USE_KHEAP == 1
		e->__uptr_pws = (struct WorkingSetElement*) USER_PAGES_WS_START;

		e->ptr_pageWorkingSet = create_user_page_WS(e->page_WS_max_size);

		unsigned int sva = (unsigned int)e->ptr_pageWorkingSet;
		uint32 nBytes = sizeof(struct WorkingSetElement) * e->page_WS_max_size;
		unsigned int dva = (unsigned int) (e->__uptr_pws);
		for(sva = (uint32)(e->ptr_pageWorkingSet); sva < ((uint32)(e->ptr_pageWorkingSet) + nBytes) ; sva+=PAGE_SIZE, dva+=PAGE_SIZE)
			unsigned int pa = kheap_physical_address(sva);
			map_frame(e->env_page_directory, to_frame_info(pa), (void*)dva, PERM_USER);
		uint32 env_index = (uint32)(e-envs);
		e->__uptr_pws = (struct WorkingSetElement*)
						( ((struct Env*)(UENVS+sizeof(struct Env)*env_index))->ptr_pageWorkingSet );

	//initialize environment working set
	for(i=0; i< (e->page_WS_max_size); i++)
		e->ptr_pageWorkingSet[i].virtual_address = 0;
		e->ptr_pageWorkingSet[i].empty = 1;
		e->ptr_pageWorkingSet[i].time_stamp = 0 ;
	e->page_last_WS_index = 0;

	for(i=0; i< __TWS_MAX_SIZE; i++)
		e->__ptr_tws[i].virtual_address = 0;
		e->__ptr_tws[i].empty = 1;
		e->__ptr_tws[i].time_stamp = 0 ;

	e->table_last_WS_index = 0;



	e->shared_free_address = USER_SHARED_MEM_START;

	//Completes other environment initializations, (envID, status and most of registers)