Scalar F_cranic(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* titer = ext->fn[0]; Func<Scalar>* tprev = ext->fn[1]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result += wt[i] * (HEATCAP * (titer->val[i] - tprev->val[i]) * v->val[i] / TAU + 0.5 * lam(titer->val[i]) * (titer->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + titer->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) + 0.5 * lam(tprev->val[i]) * (tprev->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + tprev->dy[i] * v->dy[i])); return result; }
Scalar F_cranic(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* u_prev_newton = u_ext[0]; Func<Scalar>* u_prev_time = ext->fn[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result += wt[i] * ((u_prev_newton->val[i] - u_prev_time->val[i]) * v->val[i] / TAU + 0.5 * lam(u_prev_newton->val[i]) * (u_prev_newton->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u_prev_newton->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) + 0.5 * lam(u_prev_time->val[i]) * (u_prev_time->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u_prev_time->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) - heat_src(e->x[i], e->y[i]) * v->val[i]); return result; }
static long image(ZZ& det, mat_ZZ& B, mat_ZZ* U, long verbose) { long m = B.NumRows(); long n = B.NumCols(); long force_reduce = 1; vec_long P; P.SetLength(m); vec_ZZ D; D.SetLength(m+1); D[0] = 1; vec_vec_ZZ lam; lam.SetLength(m); long j; for (j = 1; j <= m; j++) lam(j).SetLength(m); if (U) ident(*U, m); long s = 0; long k = 1; long max_k = 0; while (k <= m) { if (k > max_k) { IncrementalGS(B, P, D, lam, s, k); max_k = k; } if (k == 1) { force_reduce = 1; k++; continue; } if (force_reduce) for (j = k-1; j >= 1; j--) reduce(k, j, B, P, D, lam, U); if (P(k-1) != 0 && P(k) == 0) { force_reduce = swap(k, B, P, D, lam, U, max_k, verbose); k--; } else { force_reduce = 1; k++; } } det = D[s]; return s; }
TEST(Interface, Simple){ linear_ip::Vector c(5) ,b(3); linear_ip::Matrix A(3, 5); b << 6, 12, 10; c << 2, 1, 0, 0, 0; A << 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 0, -1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1; linear_ip::lp P(c, A, b); P.solve(); linear_ip::Vector x(5), s(5), lam(3); x << 2, 4, 0, 6, 0; s << 0, 0, 3, 0, 1; lam << 3, 0, -1; EXPECT_TRUE(x.isApprox(P.get_x(), 1e-5)); EXPECT_TRUE(s.isApprox(P.get_s(), 1e-5)); EXPECT_TRUE(lam.isApprox(P.get_lam(), 1e-5)); }
void bar (A b) { void (*lam) (A) = [](A) { baz (); }; if (auto c = b) lam (c); }
Scalar res(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* u_prev = ext->fn[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result += wt[i] * (lam(u_prev->val[i]) * (u_prev->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u_prev->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) - heat_src(e->x[i], e->y[i]) * v->val[i]); return result; }
Scalar bilinear_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *u, Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* u_prev = ext->fn[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result += wt[i] * (lam(u_prev->val[i]) * (u->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u->dy[i] * v->dy[i])); return result; }
Scalar res_ss(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext, double t) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* Y_prev_newton = u_ext[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { result += wt[i] * (lam(Y_prev_newton->val[i]) * (Y_prev_newton->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + Y_prev_newton->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) - heat_src(e->x[i], e->y[i], t) * v->val[i]); } return result; }
Scalar jac(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u, Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* u_prev = ext->fn[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result += wt[i] * (dlam_du(u_prev->val[i]) * u->val[i] * (u_prev->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u_prev->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) + lam(u_prev->val[i]) * (u->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u->dy[i] * v->dy[i])); return result; }
Scalar J_euler(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u, Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* titer = ext->fn[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result += wt[i] * (HEATCAP * u->val[i] * v->val[i] / TAU + dlam_dT(titer->val[i]) * u->val[i] * (titer->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + titer->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) + lam(titer->val[i]) * (u->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u->dy[i] * v->dy[i])); return result; }
Scalar J_cranic(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *u, Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* u_prev_newton = u_ext[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result += wt[i] * (u->val[i] * v->val[i] / TAU + 0.5 * dlam_du(u_prev_newton->val[i]) * u->val[i] * (u_prev_newton->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u_prev_newton->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) + 0.5 * lam(u_prev_newton->val[i]) * (u->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u->dy[i] * v->dy[i])); return result; }
Scalar jac_sdirk(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *u, Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* u_prev_newton = u_ext[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result += wt[i] * (u->val[i] * v->val[i] / TAU + BUTCHER_A_11 * (dlam_du(u_prev_newton->val[i]) * u->val[i] * (u_prev_newton->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u_prev_newton->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) + lam(u_prev_newton->val[i]) * (u->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u->dy[i] * v->dy[i]))); return result; }
Scalar res1(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* Y1_prev_newton = u_ext[0]; Func<Scalar>* u_prev_time = ext->fn[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result += wt[i] * ((Y1_prev_newton->val[i] - u_prev_time->val[i]) * v->val[i] + GAMMA * TAU * (lam(Y1_prev_newton->val[i]) * (Y1_prev_newton->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + Y1_prev_newton->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) - heat_src(e->x[i], e->y[i], TIME+GAMMA*TAU) * v->val[i])); return result; }
Scalar jac2(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *u, Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Scalar result = 0; Func<Scalar>* Y2_prev_newton = u_ext[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result += wt[i] * (u->val[i] * v->val[i] + GAMMA * TAU * (dlam_du(Y2_prev_newton->val[i]) * u->val[i] * (Y2_prev_newton->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + Y2_prev_newton->dy[i] * v->dy[i]) + lam(Y2_prev_newton->val[i]) * (u->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u->dy[i] * v->dy[i]))); return result; }
void ProjectToEdge (const Surface * f1, const Surface * f2, Point<3> & hp) { Vec<2> rs, lam; Vec<3> a1, a2; Mat<2> a; int i = 10; while (i > 0) { i--; rs(0) = f1 -> CalcFunctionValue (hp); rs(1) = f2 -> CalcFunctionValue (hp); f1->CalcGradient (hp, a1); f2->CalcGradient (hp, a2); double alpha = fabs(a1*a2)/sqrt(a1.Length2()*a2.Length2()); if(fabs(1.-alpha) < 1e-6) { if(fabs(rs(0)) >= fabs(rs(1))) f1 -> Project(hp); else f2 -> Project(hp); } else { a(0,0) = a1 * a1; a(0,1) = a(1,0) = a1 * a2; a(1,1) = a2 * a2; a.Solve (rs, lam); hp -= lam(0) * a1 + lam(1) * a2; } if (Abs2 (rs) < 1e-24 && i > 1) i = 1; } }
Scalar stac_residual(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Func<Scalar>* u_prev = u_ext[0]; // This is a temporary workaround. The stage time t_n + h * c_i // can be accessed via u_stage_time->val[0]; // In this particular case the stage time is not needed as // the form does not depend explicitly on time. Func<Scalar>* u_stage_time = ext->fn[0]; // Stationary part of the residual (time derivative term left out). Scalar result1 = 0, result2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { result1 = result1 - wt[i] * lam(u_prev->val[i]) * (u_prev->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u_prev->dy[i] * v->dy[i]); result2 = result2 + wt[i] * heat_src(e->x[i], e->y[i]) * v->val[i]; } return result1 + result2; }
Scalar stac_jacobian(int n, double *wt, Func<Real> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *u, Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) { Func<Scalar>* K_sln = u_ext[0]; Func<Scalar>* sln_prev_time = ext->fn[0]; // This is a temporary workaround. The stage time t_n + h * c_i // can be accessed via u_stage_time->val[0]; // In this particular case the stage time is not needed as // the form does not depend explicitly on time. //Func<Scalar>* u_stage_time = ext->fn[1]; // Stationary part of the Jacobian matrix (time derivative term left out). Scalar result1 = 0, result2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Scalar sln_val_i = sln_prev_time->val[i] + K_sln->val[i]; Scalar sln_dx_i = sln_prev_time->dx[i] + K_sln->dx[i]; Scalar sln_dy_i = sln_prev_time->dy[i] + K_sln->dy[i]; result1 += -wt[i] * dlam_du(sln_val_i) * u->val[i] * (sln_dx_i * v->dx[i] + sln_dy_i * v->dy[i]); result2 += -wt[i] * lam(sln_val_i) * (u->dx[i] * v->dx[i] + u->dy[i] * v->dy[i]); } return result1 + result2; }
double ExponentialModel::sim(RNG &rng) const { return rexp_mt(rng, lam()); }
double PoissonModel::logp(int x) const { return dpois(x, lam(), true); }
double PoissonModel::simdat(RNG &rng) const { return rpois_mt(rng, lam()); }
double PoissonModel::pdf(uint x, bool logscale) const{ return dpois(x, lam(), logscale); }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { register int i; float x; int max_len = 6; int p; int ns0 = 29; static area_function *af0; if (CheckArguments(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs) ){ mexErrMsgTxt("AMgetdata argument checking failed."); return ; } /* read nasal tract area function from the file */ //printf("Reading nasal tract file.\n"); read_af(NTAFpath , &nna, &afnt ); //printf("Finished Reading nasal tract file.\n"); /* Initialization */ //read_rad(); // update all constants and variables if((int)(pTCcfg[0]) == RL_CIRCUIT) rad_boundary = RL_CIRCUIT; else rad_boundary = SHORT_CIRCUIT; //printf("Rad_boundary[%d]\n",rad_boundary); if((int)(pTCcfg[1]) == YIELDING) wall = YIELDING; else wall = RIGID; //printf("wall[%d]\n",wall); if((int)(pTCcfg[2]) == ON) nasal_tract = ON; else nasal_tract = OFF; //printf("nasal_tract[%d]\n",nasal_tract); if((int)(pTCcfg[3]) == CLOSE) glt_boundary = CLOSE; else glt_boundary = OPEN; //printf("glt_boundary[%d]\n",glt_boundary); ro = (float)(pPCcfg[0]); //printf("Air density[%f]\n",ro); c = (float)(pPCcfg[1]); //printf("Sound velocity[%f]\n",c); wall_resi = (float)(pPCcfg[2]); //printf("wall_resi[%f]\n",wall_resi); wall_mass = (float)(pPCcfg[3]); //printf("wall_mass[%f]\n",wall_mass); wall_comp = (float)(pPCcfg[4]); //printf("wall_comp[%f]\n",wall_comp); for(i=0;i<7;i++) { AMpar[i] = (float)(pAMcfg[i]); //printf("AMpar[%d][%f]\n",i,AMpar[i]); } anc = (float)(pAMcfg[7]); //printf("nasal area[%f]\n",anc); /* Initialization */ read_model_spec(); af0 = (area_function *) calloc( ns0, sizeof(area_function) ); nph = 9; nbu = 8; nss = nbu + nph; afvt = (area_function *) calloc( nss, sizeof(area_function) ); convert_scale(); semi_polar(); oAf = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(2,nss, mxREAL); pAf = mxGetPr(oAf); /* Compute VT profile and area function, and plot them */ lam( AMpar ); /* profile */ sagittal_to_area( &ns0, af0 ); /* area function */ for(i=0;i<ns0;i++) { //printf("AreaNS0[%d][%f]\n",i,af0[i]); } appro_area_function( ns0, af0, nss, afvt); for(i=0;i<nss;i++) { //printf("AreaAF[%d][%f]\n",i,afvt[i]); pAf[2*i] = afvt[i].A; pAf[2*i+1] = afvt[i].x; } if( nasal_tract == ON ) { anc = (float) min( anc, afvt[nph].A ); afvt[nph].A -= anc; pAf[2*nph] = afvt[nph].A; pAf[2*nph+1] = afvt[nph].x; } calplot_tf_FBA(nfrmmax, frm, bw, amp, &nfrms, tfunc, &ntf); //printf("Finished calculations.\n"); oPdat1 = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(4,NP, mxREAL); pPdat1 = mxGetPr(oPdat1); for(i=0;i<NP;i++) { pPdat1[4*i] = ivt[i].x; pPdat1[4*i+1] = ivt[i].y; pPdat1[4*i+2] = evt[i].x; pPdat1[4*i+3] = evt[i].y; } oPdat2 = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,2,mxREAL); pPdat2 = mxGetPr(oPdat2); pPdat2[0] = lip_w; pPdat2[1] = lip_h; oTf = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(ntf, 1, mxREAL); pTf = mxGetPr(oTf); for(i=0;i<ntf;i++) { pTf[i] = tfunc[i]; } oFmt = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nfrms, 1, mxREAL); pFmt = mxGetPr(oFmt); oBw = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nfrms, 1, mxREAL); pBw = mxGetPr(oBw); oAmp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nfrms, 1, mxREAL); pAmp = mxGetPr(oAmp); for(i=0;i<nfrms;i++) { pFmt[i] = frm[i]; pBw[i] = bw[i]; pAmp[i] = amp[i]; } /* Assign output pointers */ plhs[0] = oAf; plhs[1] = oTf; plhs[2] = oFmt; plhs[3] = oBw; plhs[4] = oAmp; plhs[5] = oPdat1; plhs[6] = oPdat2; // do cleanup //free( rad_re ); //free( rad_im ); free( afnt ); free( af0 ); free( afvt ); }
bool Mesh::interpolateElementCentered(uint elementIndex, double x, double y, double* value, const ElementOutput* output, const ValueAccessor* accessor) const { const Mesh* mesh = output->dataSet->mesh(); const Element& elem = mesh->elements()[elementIndex]; if (elem.eType() == Element::ENP) { const Node* nodes = projectedNodes(); QPolygonF pX(elem.nodeCount()); QVector<double> lam(elem.nodeCount()); for (int i=0; i<elem.nodeCount(); i++) { pX[i] = nodes[elem.p(i)].toPointF(); } if (!ENP_physicalToLogical(pX, QPointF(x, y), lam)) return false; *value = accessor->value(elementIndex); return true; } else if (elem.eType() == Element::E4Q) { int e4qIndex = mE4QtmpIndex[elementIndex]; E4Qtmp& e4q = mE4Qtmp[e4qIndex]; double Lx, Ly; if (!E4Q_mapPhysicalToLogical(e4q, x, y, Lx, Ly, *mE4Qnorm)) return false; if (Lx < 0 || Ly < 0 || Lx > 1 || Ly > 1) return false; *value = accessor->value(elementIndex); return true; } else if (elem.eType() == Element::E3T) { const Node* nodes = projectedNodes(); double lam1, lam2, lam3; if (!E3T_physicalToBarycentric(nodes[elem.p(0)].toPointF(), nodes[elem.p(1)].toPointF(), nodes[elem.p(2)].toPointF(), QPointF(x, y), lam1, lam2, lam3)) return false; // Now interpolate *value = accessor->value(elementIndex); return true; } else if (elem.eType() == Element::E2L) { const Node* nodes = projectedNodes(); double lam; if (!E2L_physicalToLogical(nodes[elem.p(0)].toPointF(), nodes[elem.p(1)].toPointF(), QPointF(x, y), lam)) return false; // Now interpolate *value = accessor->value(elementIndex); return true; } else { Q_ASSERT(0 && "unknown element type"); return false; } }
bool Mesh::interpolate(uint elementIndex, double x, double y, double* value, const NodeOutput* output, const ValueAccessor* accessor) const { const Mesh* mesh = output->dataSet->mesh(); const Element& elem = mesh->elements()[elementIndex]; if (elem.eType() == Element::ENP) { const Node* nodes = projectedNodes(); QPolygonF pX(elem.nodeCount()); QVector<double> lam(elem.nodeCount()); for (int i=0; i<elem.nodeCount(); i++) { pX[i] = nodes[elem.p(i)].toPointF(); } if (!ENP_physicalToLogical(pX, QPointF(x, y), lam)) return false; *value = 0; for (int i=0; i<elem.nodeCount(); i++) { *value += lam[i] * accessor->value( elem.p(i) ); } return true; } else if (elem.eType() == Element::E4Q) { int e4qIndex = mE4QtmpIndex[elementIndex]; E4Qtmp& e4q = mE4Qtmp[e4qIndex]; double Lx, Ly; if (!E4Q_mapPhysicalToLogical(e4q, x, y, Lx, Ly, *mE4Qnorm)) return false; if (Lx < 0 || Ly < 0 || Lx > 1 || Ly > 1) return false; double q11 = accessor->value( elem.p(2) ); double q12 = accessor->value( elem.p(1) ); double q21 = accessor->value( elem.p(3) ); double q22 = accessor->value( elem.p(0) ); *value = q11*Lx*Ly + q21*(1-Lx)*Ly + q12*Lx*(1-Ly) + q22*(1-Lx)*(1-Ly); return true; } else if (elem.eType() == Element::E3T) { /* So - we're interpoalting a 3-noded triangle The query point must be within the bounding box of this triangl but not nessisarily within the triangle itself. */ /* First determine if the point of interest lies within the triangle using Barycentric techniques described here: */ const Node* nodes = projectedNodes(); double lam1, lam2, lam3; if (!E3T_physicalToBarycentric(nodes[elem.p(0)].toPointF(), nodes[elem.p(1)].toPointF(), nodes[elem.p(2)].toPointF(), QPointF(x, y), lam1, lam2, lam3)) return false; // Now interpolate double z1 = accessor->value( elem.p(0)); double z2 = accessor->value( elem.p(1)); double z3 = accessor->value( elem.p(2)); *value = lam1 * z3 + lam2 * z2 + lam3 * z1; return true; } else if (elem.eType() == Element::E2L) { /* So - we're interpoalting a 2-noded line */ const Node* nodes = projectedNodes(); double lam; if (!E2L_physicalToLogical(nodes[elem.p(0)].toPointF(), nodes[elem.p(1)].toPointF(), QPointF(x, y), lam)) return false; // Now interpolate double z1 = accessor->value( elem.p(0) ); double z2 = accessor->value( elem.p(1) ); *value = z1 + lam * (z2 - z1); return true; } else { Q_ASSERT(0 && "unknown element type"); return false; } }
double PoissonModel::pdf(const Data * dp, bool logscale) const{ return dpois(DAT(dp)->value(), lam(), logscale); }
double PoissonModel::mean()const{return lam();}
double PoissonModel::var()const{return lam();}
double PoissonModel::sd()const{return sqrt(lam());}
double PoissonModel::simdat()const{ return rpois(lam());}
void NLPSolverInternal::init(){ // Read options verbose_ = getOption("verbose"); gauss_newton_ = getOption("gauss_newton"); // Initialize the functions casadi_assert_message(!F_.isNull(),"No objective function"); if(!F_.isInit()){ F_.init(); log("Objective function initialized"); } if(!G_.isNull() && !G_.isInit()){ G_.init(); log("Constraint function initialized"); } // Get dimensions n_ = F_.input(0).numel(); m_ = G_.isNull() ? 0 : G_.output(0).numel(); parametric_ = getOption("parametric"); if (parametric_) { casadi_assert_message(F_.getNumInputs()==2, "Wrong number of input arguments to F for parametric NLP. Must be 2, but got " << F_.getNumInputs()); } else { casadi_assert_message(F_.getNumInputs()==1, "Wrong number of input arguments to F for non-parametric NLP. Must be 1, but got " << F_.getNumInputs() << " instead. Do you perhaps intend to use fixed parameters? Then use the 'parametric' option."); } // Basic sanity checks casadi_assert_message(F_.getNumInputs()==1 || F_.getNumInputs()==2, "Wrong number of input arguments to F. Must be 1 or 2"); if (F_.getNumInputs()==2) parametric_=true; casadi_assert_message(getOption("ignore_check_vec") || gauss_newton_ || F_.input().size2()==1, "To avoid confusion, the input argument to F must be vector. You supplied " << F_.input().dimString() << endl << " We suggest you make the following changes:" << endl << " - F is an SXFunction: SXFunction([X],[rhs]) -> SXFunction([vec(X)],[rhs])" << endl << " or F - -> F = vec(F) " << " - F is an MXFunction: MXFunction([X],[rhs]) -> " << endl << " X_vec = MX(\"X\",vec(X.sparsity())) " << endl << " F_vec = MXFunction([X_flat],[[X_flat.reshape(X.sparsity())])[0]]) " << endl << " or F - -> F = vec(F) " << " You may ignore this warning by setting the 'ignore_check_vec' option to true." << endl ); casadi_assert_message(F_.getNumOutputs()>=1, "Wrong number of output arguments to F"); casadi_assert_message(gauss_newton_ || F_.output().scalar(), "Output argument of F not scalar."); casadi_assert_message(F_.output().dense(), "Output argument of F not dense."); casadi_assert_message(F_.input().dense(), "Input argument of F must be dense. You supplied " << F_.input().dimString()); if(!G_.isNull()) { if (parametric_) { casadi_assert_message(G_.getNumInputs()==2, "Wrong number of input arguments to G for parametric NLP. Must be 2, but got " << G_.getNumInputs()); } else { casadi_assert_message(G_.getNumInputs()==1, "Wrong number of input arguments to G for non-parametric NLP. Must be 1, but got " << G_.getNumInputs() << " instead. Do you perhaps intend to use fixed parameters? Then use the 'parametric' option."); } casadi_assert_message(G_.getNumOutputs()>=1, "Wrong number of output arguments to G"); casadi_assert_message(G_.input().numel()==n_, "Inconsistent dimensions"); casadi_assert_message(G_.input().sparsity()==F_.input().sparsity(), "F and G input dimension must match. F " << F_.input().dimString() << ". G " << G_.input().dimString()); } // Find out if we are to expand the objective function in terms of scalar operations bool expand_f = getOption("expand_f"); if(expand_f){ log("Expanding objective function"); // Cast to MXFunction MXFunction F_mx = shared_cast<MXFunction>(F_); if(F_mx.isNull()){ casadi_warning("Cannot expand objective function as it is not an MXFunction"); } else { // Take use the input scheme of G if possible (it might be an SXFunction) vector<SXMatrix> inputv; if(!G_.isNull() && F_.getNumInputs()==G_.getNumInputs()){ inputv = G_.symbolicInputSX(); } else { inputv = F_.symbolicInputSX(); } // Try to expand the MXFunction F_ = F_mx.expand(inputv); F_.setOption("number_of_fwd_dir",F_mx.getOption("number_of_fwd_dir")); F_.setOption("number_of_adj_dir",F_mx.getOption("number_of_adj_dir")); F_.init(); } } // Find out if we are to expand the constraint function in terms of scalar operations bool expand_g = getOption("expand_g"); if(expand_g){ log("Expanding constraint function"); // Cast to MXFunction MXFunction G_mx = shared_cast<MXFunction>(G_); if(G_mx.isNull()){ casadi_warning("Cannot expand constraint function as it is not an MXFunction"); } else { // Take use the input scheme of F if possible (it might be an SXFunction) vector<SXMatrix> inputv; if(F_.getNumInputs()==G_.getNumInputs()){ inputv = F_.symbolicInputSX(); } else { inputv = G_.symbolicInputSX(); } // Try to expand the MXFunction G_ = G_mx.expand(inputv); G_.setOption("number_of_fwd_dir",G_mx.getOption("number_of_fwd_dir")); G_.setOption("number_of_adj_dir",G_mx.getOption("number_of_adj_dir")); G_.init(); } } // Find out if we are to expand the constraint function in terms of scalar operations bool generate_hessian = getOption("generate_hessian"); if(generate_hessian && H_.isNull()){ casadi_assert_message(!gauss_newton_,"Automatic generation of Gauss-Newton Hessian not yet supported"); log("generating hessian"); // Simple if unconstrained if(G_.isNull()){ // Create Hessian of the objective function FX HF = F_.hessian(); HF.init(); // Symbolic inputs of HF vector<MX> HF_in = F_.symbolicInput(); // Lagrange multipliers MX lam("lam",0); // Objective function scaling MX sigma("sigma"); // Inputs of the Hessian function vector<MX> H_in = HF_in; H_in.insert(H_in.begin()+1, lam); H_in.insert(H_in.begin()+2, sigma); // Get an expression for the Hessian of F MX hf =; // Create the scaled Hessian function H_ = MXFunction(H_in, sigma*hf); log("Unconstrained Hessian function generated"); } else { // G_.isNull() // Check if the functions are SXFunctions SXFunction F_sx = shared_cast<SXFunction>(F_); SXFunction G_sx = shared_cast<SXFunction>(G_); // Efficient if both functions are SXFunction if(!F_sx.isNull() && !G_sx.isNull()){ // Expression for f and g SXMatrix f = F_sx.outputSX(); SXMatrix g = G_sx.outputSX(); // Numeric hessian bool f_num_hess = F_sx.getOption("numeric_hessian"); bool g_num_hess = G_sx.getOption("numeric_hessian"); // Number of derivative directions int f_num_fwd = F_sx.getOption("number_of_fwd_dir"); int g_num_fwd = G_sx.getOption("number_of_fwd_dir"); int f_num_adj = F_sx.getOption("number_of_adj_dir"); int g_num_adj = G_sx.getOption("number_of_adj_dir"); // Substitute symbolic variables in f if different input variables from g if(!isEqual(F_sx.inputSX(),G_sx.inputSX())){ f = substitute(f,F_sx.inputSX(),G_sx.inputSX()); } // Lagrange multipliers SXMatrix lam = ssym("lambda",g.size1()); // Objective function scaling SXMatrix sigma = ssym("sigma"); // Lagrangian function vector<SXMatrix> lfcn_in(parametric_? 4: 3); lfcn_in[0] = G_sx.inputSX(); lfcn_in[1] = lam; lfcn_in[2] = sigma; if (parametric_) lfcn_in[3] = G_sx.inputSX(1); SXFunction lfcn(lfcn_in, sigma*f + inner_prod(lam,g)); lfcn.setOption("verbose",getOption("verbose")); lfcn.setOption("numeric_hessian",f_num_hess || g_num_hess); lfcn.setOption("number_of_fwd_dir",std::min(f_num_fwd,g_num_fwd)); lfcn.setOption("number_of_adj_dir",std::min(f_num_adj,g_num_adj)); lfcn.init(); // Hessian of the Lagrangian H_ = static_cast<FX&>(lfcn).hessian(); H_.setOption("verbose",getOption("verbose")); log("SX Hessian function generated"); } else { // !F_sx.isNull() && !G_sx.isNull() // Check if the functions are SXFunctions MXFunction F_mx = shared_cast<MXFunction>(F_); MXFunction G_mx = shared_cast<MXFunction>(G_); // If they are, check if the arguments are the same if(!F_mx.isNull() && !G_mx.isNull() && isEqual(F_mx.inputMX(),G_mx.inputMX())){ casadi_warning("Exact Hessian calculation for MX is still experimental"); // Expression for f and g MX f = F_mx.outputMX(); MX g = G_mx.outputMX(); // Lagrange multipliers MX lam("lam",g.size1()); // Objective function scaling MX sigma("sigma"); // Inputs of the Lagrangian function vector<MX> lfcn_in(parametric_? 4:3); lfcn_in[0] = G_mx.inputMX(); lfcn_in[1] = lam; lfcn_in[2] = sigma; if (parametric_) lfcn_in[3] = G_mx.inputMX(1); // Lagrangian function MXFunction lfcn(lfcn_in,sigma*f+ inner_prod(lam,g)); lfcn.init(); log("SX Lagrangian function generated"); /* cout << "countNodes(lfcn.outputMX()) = " << countNodes(lfcn.outputMX()) << endl;*/ bool adjoint_mode = true; if(adjoint_mode){ // Gradient of the lagrangian MX gL = lfcn.grad(); log("MX Lagrangian gradient generated"); MXFunction glfcn(lfcn_in,gL); glfcn.init(); log("MX Lagrangian gradient function initialized"); // cout << "countNodes(glfcn.outputMX()) = " << countNodes(glfcn.outputMX()) << endl; // Get Hessian sparsity CRSSparsity H_sp = glfcn.jacSparsity(); log("MX Lagrangian Hessian sparsity determined"); // Uni-directional coloring (note, the hessian is symmetric) CRSSparsity coloring = H_sp.unidirectionalColoring(H_sp); log("MX Lagrangian Hessian coloring determined"); // Number of colors needed is the number of rows int nfwd_glfcn = coloring.size1(); log("MX Lagrangian gradient function number of sensitivity directions determined"); glfcn.setOption("number_of_fwd_dir",nfwd_glfcn); glfcn.updateNumSens(); log("MX Lagrangian gradient function number of sensitivity directions updated"); // Hessian of the Lagrangian H_ = glfcn.jacobian(); } else { // Hessian of the Lagrangian H_ = lfcn.hessian(); } log("MX Lagrangian Hessian function generated"); } else { casadi_assert_message(0, "Automatic calculation of exact Hessian currently only for F and G both SXFunction or MXFunction "); } } // !F_sx.isNull() && !G_sx.isNull() } // G_.isNull() } // generate_hessian && H_.isNull() if(!H_.isNull() && !H_.isInit()) { H_.init(); log("Hessian function initialized"); } // Create a Jacobian if it does not already exists bool generate_jacobian = getOption("generate_jacobian"); if(generate_jacobian && !G_.isNull() && J_.isNull()){ log("Generating Jacobian"); J_ = G_.jacobian(); // Use live variables if SXFunction if(!shared_cast<SXFunction>(J_).isNull()){ J_.setOption("live_variables",true); } log("Jacobian function generated"); } if(!J_.isNull() && !J_.isInit()){ J_.init(); log("Jacobian function initialized"); } if(!H_.isNull()) { if (parametric_) { casadi_assert_message(H_.getNumInputs()>=2, "Wrong number of input arguments to H for parametric NLP. Must be at least 2, but got " << G_.getNumInputs()); } else { casadi_assert_message(H_.getNumInputs()>=1, "Wrong number of input arguments to H for non-parametric NLP. Must be at least 1, but got " << G_.getNumInputs() << " instead. Do you perhaps intend to use fixed parameters? Then use the 'parametric' option."); } casadi_assert_message(H_.getNumOutputs()>=1, "Wrong number of output arguments to H"); casadi_assert_message(H_.input(0).numel()==n_,"Inconsistent dimensions"); casadi_assert_message(H_.output().size1()==n_,"Inconsistent dimensions"); casadi_assert_message(H_.output().size2()==n_,"Inconsistent dimensions"); } if(!J_.isNull()){ if (parametric_) { casadi_assert_message(J_.getNumInputs()==2, "Wrong number of input arguments to J for parametric NLP. Must be at least 2, but got " << G_.getNumInputs()); } else { casadi_assert_message(J_.getNumInputs()==1, "Wrong number of input arguments to J for non-parametric NLP. Must be at least 1, but got " << G_.getNumInputs() << " instead. Do you perhaps intend to use fixed parameters? Then use the 'parametric' option."); } casadi_assert_message(J_.getNumOutputs()>=1, "Wrong number of output arguments to J"); casadi_assert_message(J_.input().numel()==n_,"Inconsistent dimensions"); casadi_assert_message(J_.output().size2()==n_,"Inconsistent dimensions"); } if (parametric_) { sp_p = F_->input(1).sparsity(); if (!G_.isNull()) casadi_assert_message(sp_p == G_->input(G_->getNumInputs()-1).sparsity(),"Parametric NLP has inconsistent parameter dimensions. F has got " << sp_p.dimString() << " as dimensions, while G has got " << G_->input(G_->getNumInputs()-1).dimString()); if (!H_.isNull()) casadi_assert_message(sp_p == H_->input(H_->getNumInputs()-1).sparsity(),"Parametric NLP has inconsistent parameter dimensions. F has got " << sp_p.dimString() << " as dimensions, while H has got " << H_->input(H_->getNumInputs()-1).dimString()); if (!J_.isNull()) casadi_assert_message(sp_p == J_->input(J_->getNumInputs()-1).sparsity(),"Parametric NLP has inconsistent parameter dimensions. F has got " << sp_p.dimString() << " as dimensions, while J has got " << J_->input(J_->getNumInputs()-1).dimString()); } // Infinity double inf = numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); // Allocate space for inputs input_.resize(NLP_NUM_IN - (parametric_? 0 : 1)); input(NLP_X_INIT) = DMatrix(n_,1,0); input(NLP_LBX) = DMatrix(n_,1,-inf); input(NLP_UBX) = DMatrix(n_,1, inf); input(NLP_LBG) = DMatrix(m_,1,-inf); input(NLP_UBG) = DMatrix(m_,1, inf); input(NLP_LAMBDA_INIT) = DMatrix(m_,1,0); if (parametric_) input(NLP_P) = DMatrix(sp_p,0); // Allocate space for outputs output_.resize(NLP_NUM_OUT); output(NLP_X_OPT) = DMatrix(n_,1,0); output(NLP_COST) = DMatrix(1,1,0); output(NLP_LAMBDA_X) = DMatrix(n_,1,0); output(NLP_LAMBDA_G) = DMatrix(m_,1,0); output(NLP_G) = DMatrix(m_,1,0); if (hasSetOption("iteration_callback")) { callback_ = getOption("iteration_callback"); if (!callback_.isNull()) { if (!callback_.isInit()) callback_.init(); casadi_assert_message(callback_.getNumOutputs()==1, "Callback function should have one output, a scalar that indicates wether to break. 0 = continue"); casadi_assert_message(callback_.output(0).size()==1, "Callback function should have one output, a scalar that indicates wether to break. 0 = continue"); casadi_assert_message(callback_.getNumInputs()==NLP_NUM_OUT, "Callback function should have the output scheme of NLPSolver as input scheme. i.e. " <<NLP_NUM_OUT << " inputs instead of the " << callback_.getNumInputs() << " you provided." ); for (int i=0;i<NLP_NUM_OUT;i++) { casadi_assert_message(callback_.input(i).sparsity()==output(i).sparsity(), "Callback function should have the output scheme of NLPSolver as input scheme. " << "Input #" << i << " (" << getSchemeEntryEnumName(SCHEME_NLPOutput,i) << " aka '" << getSchemeEntryName(SCHEME_NLPOutput,i) << "') was found to be " << callback_.input(i).dimString() << " instead of expected " << output(i).dimString() << "." ); callback_.input(i).setAll(0); } } } callback_step_ = getOption("iteration_callback_step"); // Call the initialization method of the base class FXInternal::init(); }