예제 #1
파일: XMLprefs.cpp 프로젝트: Sp1l/pwsafe
int CXMLprefs::SetPreference(const stringT &sPath, const stringT &sValue)
  // Find the node specified by the path, creating it if it does not already exist
  // and add the requested value.

  // Notes:
  // This routine only adds plain character data to the node, see comments at the end.
  // If the node already has plain character data, it is replaced.
  // If the node exists multiple times with the same path, only the first is altered -
  //   see description of function "first_element_by_path" in the pugixml manual.

  int iRetVal = XML_SUCCESS;
  // First see if the node already exists
  pugi::xml_node node = m_pXMLDoc->first_element_by_path(sPath.c_str(), _T('\\'));
  if (node == NULL) {
    // Not there - let's build it
    // Split up path and then add all nodes in the path (if they don't exist)
    // Start at the top
    node = m_pXMLDoc->root();
    stringT::size_type pos, lastPos(0);

    // Find first "non-delimiter".
    pos = sPath.find_first_of(_T('\\'), lastPos);

    // Get all nodes in the path, if they exist fine, if not, create them
    while (pos != stringT::npos || lastPos != stringT::npos) {
      // Retrieve next node name from path
      stringT snode = sPath.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos);
      // Try to get it
      pugi::xml_node child = node.child(snode.c_str());

      // If not there, add it otherwise use it for the next iteration
      node = (child == NULL) ? node.append_child(snode.c_str()) : child;
      // Skip delimiter and find next "non-delimiter"
      lastPos = sPath.find_first_not_of(_T('\\'), pos);
      pos = sPath.find_first_of(_T('\\'), lastPos);

  //  ***** VERY IMPORTANT *****
  // Note, as documented in the pugi manual under "Document object model/Tree Structure",
  // nodes can be of various types.  Element nodes found above, do not have a value.
  // To add a value to an element node, one has to add a child node of type
  // 'node_pcdata' (plain character data node) or 'node_cdata' (character data node),
  // the latter using <![CDATA[[...]]> to encapsulate the data.

  // If the node has data in its first pcdata child use it, otherwise add a pcdata child
  pugi::xml_node prefnode = (node.first_child().type() == pugi::node_pcdata) ?
     node.first_child() : node.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata);

  if (!prefnode.set_value(sValue.c_str()))

  return iRetVal;
// It is used to get:
// - version
// - record type
// - value name
// - '=' character
std::string  getCMLCommentToken( const std::string &  comment,
                                 ssize_t &  pos )
    skipSpaces( comment, pos );

    ssize_t         lastPos( comment.size() - 1 );
    std::string     token;

    while ( pos <= lastPos )
        char    symbol( comment[ pos ] );

        if ( symbol == '=' )
            if ( token.empty() )
                return "=";     // This is a key-value separator
            break;              // A key has ended
        if ( isspace( symbol ) != 0 )
            break;              // A token has ended

        token += symbol;
    return token;
예제 #3
  * @param numbers: Give an array numbersbers of n integer
  * @param target: you need to find four elements that's sum of target
  * @return: Find all unique quadruplets in the array which gives the sum of
  *          zero.
 vector<vector<int> > fourSum(vector<int> nums, int target) {
     vector<int> &a = nums;
     vector<int> v(4);
     int n = nums.size();
     int i1, i2, i3, i4;
     sort(a.begin(), a.end());
     i1 = 0;
     while(i1 < n) {
         i4 = n - 1;
         while (i4 > i1) {
             i2 = i1 + 1;
             i3 = i4 - 1;
             while (i2 < i3) {
                 if (a[i1] + a[i2] + a[i3] + a[i4] < target) {
                 } else if (a[i1] + a[i2] + a[i3] + a[i4] > target) {
                 } else {
                     v[0] = a[i1];
                     v[1] = a[i2];
                     v[2] = a[i3];
                     v[3] = a[i4];
                     i2 = nextPos(a, n, i2);
             i4 = lastPos(a, i1, i4);
         i1 = nextPos(a, n, i1);
     return ans;
void  skipSpaces( const std::string &  comment,
                  ssize_t &  pos )
    ssize_t     lastPos( comment.size() - 1 );
    while ( pos <= lastPos )
        if ( isspace( comment[ pos ] ) == 0 )
예제 #5
void ParticleField::Render() {
  static ci::Color c = ci::Color(0.4f, 0.7f, 0.9f);
  static ci::Color c2 = ci::Color(0.9f, 0.6f, 0.1f);
  for (std::list<Particle>::iterator it = m_Particles.begin(); it != m_Particles.end(); it++) {
    const ci::Vec4f back = it->history.back();
    float temp = static_cast<float>((it->radius-MIN_RADIUS)/(MAX_RADIUS-MIN_RADIUS));
    ci::Color curColor = c*temp + c2*(1-temp);
    float radius = it->radius * back[3];
    ci::Vec3f pos(back[0], back[1], back[2]);
    renderImage(pos, radius, curColor, back[3]);
    float total = static_cast<float>(it->history.size());
    for (int i = static_cast<int>(it->history.size())-1; i>0; i--) {
      float per = static_cast<float>(i) / total;
      const ci::Vec4f& cur = it->history[i];
      const ci::Vec4f& last = it->history[i-1];
      ci::Vec3f curPos(cur[0], cur[1], cur[2]);
      ci::Vec3f lastPos(last[0], last[1], last[2]);

      ci::Vec3f perp0 = curPos - lastPos;
      ci::Vec3f perp1 = perp0.cross(ci::Vec3f::zAxis());
      ci::Vec3f perp2 = perp0.cross(perp1);
      perp1 = perp0.cross(perp2).normalized();
      float offWidth = (it->radius * cur[3] * per * 0.07f);
      float opacityScale = 0.95f*back[3]*per;
      if (per > 0.8f) {
        float temp = (1.0f - per) / 0.2f;
        float tempScale = sqrt(temp);
        offWidth *= tempScale;
        opacityScale *= tempScale;
      ci::Vec3f off = perp1 * offWidth;
      glColor4f(curColor.r, curColor.g, curColor.b, opacityScale);
      ci::gl::vertex(curPos - off);
      ci::gl::vertex(curPos + off);
예제 #6
파일: Ia.cpp 프로젝트: simbaste/Bomberman
void		Ia::simpleDirection()
  bool		isOk = false;

  if (lastPos()) {
    isOk = movLast();
  if (!isOk) {
    if (_map->getCell(_posY, _posX + 1) == Tile::EMPTY) {
      _direction = Direction::RIGHT;
    } else if (_map->getCell(_posY - 1, _posX) == Tile::EMPTY) {
      _direction = Direction::DOWN;
    } else if (_map->getCell(_posY, _posX - 1) == Tile::EMPTY) {
      _direction = Direction::LEFT;
    } else if (_map->getCell(_posY + 1, _posX) == Tile::EMPTY) {
      _direction = Direction::UP;
// It is used to get a value. '"' characters are stripped and if there are many
// parts then they are merged.
std::string  getCMLCommentValue( const std::string &  comment,
                                 ssize_t &  pos,
                                 std::string &  warning )
    skipSpaces( comment, pos );

    ssize_t         lastPos( comment.size() - 1 );
    if ( pos > lastPos )
        warning = "Could not find a property value";
        return "";

    if ( comment[ pos ] != '"' )
        std::string     token = getCMLCommentToken( comment, pos );
        if ( token.empty() )
            warning = "Could not find a property value";
            return "";
        return token;

    // Here: the value is in double quotes
    std::string     value;

    while ( pos <= lastPos )
        char    symbol( comment[ pos ] );
        if ( symbol == '\\' )
            if ( pos < lastPos )
                if ( comment[ pos + 1 ] == '"' )
                    pos += 2;
                    value += std::string( "\"" );
        else if ( symbol == '"' )

            // That's the end of the value or of a part.
            // It might be that the value continues in the next part so we need
            // to look ahead.
            ssize_t     tempPos( pos );
            skipSpaces( comment, tempPos );
            if ( tempPos <= lastPos )
                if ( comment[ tempPos ] == '"' )
                    // This is a value continue
                    pos = tempPos + 1;

            return value;
        value += symbol;

    // Unfinished double quote
    warning = "Unfinished double quote for a property value";
    return "";
예제 #8
// fill matrix values; return true on success. Matrix must have only default values when passed in.
int CalculateLocalMatrixGeneric(Matrix& matrix,
    const DP_BlockInfo *blocks, DP_BlockScoreFunction BlockScore, DP_LoopPenaltyFunction LoopScore,
    unsigned int queryFrom, unsigned int queryTo)
    unsigned int block, residue, prevResidue, loopPenalty,
        lastBlock = blocks->nBlocks - 1, tracebackResidue = 0;
    int score, sum, bestPrevScore;

    // find last possible block positions, based purely on block lengths
    vector < unsigned int > lastPos(blocks->nBlocks);
    for (block=0; block<=lastBlock; ++block) {
        if (blocks->blockSizes[block] > queryTo - queryFrom + 1) {
            ERROR_MESSAGE("Block " << (block+1) << " too large for this query range");
            return STRUCT_DP_PARAMETER_ERROR;
        lastPos[block] = queryTo - blocks->blockSizes[block] + 1;

    // first row: positive scores of first block at all possible positions
    for (residue=queryFrom; residue<=lastPos[0]; ++residue) {
        score = BlockScore(0, residue);
        matrix[0][residue - queryFrom].score = (score > 0) ? score : 0;

    // first column: positive scores of all blocks at first positions
    for (block=1; block<=lastBlock; ++block) {
        score = BlockScore(block, queryFrom);
        matrix[block][0].score = (score > 0) ? score : 0;

    // for each successive block, find the best positive scoring with a previous block, if any
    for (block=1; block<=lastBlock; ++block) {
        for (residue=queryFrom+1; residue<=lastPos[block]; ++residue) {

            // get score at this position
            score = BlockScore(block, residue);
            if (score == DP_NEGATIVE_INFINITY)

            // find max score of any allowed previous block
            bestPrevScore = DP_NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            for (prevResidue=queryFrom; prevResidue<=lastPos[block - 1]; ++prevResidue) {

                // current block must come after the previous block
                if (residue < prevResidue + blocks->blockSizes[block - 1])

                // make sure previous block is at an allowed position
                if (matrix[block - 1][prevResidue - queryFrom].score == DP_NEGATIVE_INFINITY)

                // get loop score
                loopPenalty = LoopScore(block - 1, residue - prevResidue - blocks->blockSizes[block - 1]);
                if (loopPenalty == DP_POSITIVE_INFINITY)

                // keep maximum score
                sum = matrix[block - 1][prevResidue - queryFrom].score - loopPenalty;
                if (sum > bestPrevScore) {
                    bestPrevScore = sum;
                    tracebackResidue = prevResidue;

            // extend alignment if the sum of this block's + previous block's score is positive
            if (bestPrevScore > 0 && (sum=bestPrevScore+score) > 0) {
                matrix[block][residue - queryFrom].score = sum;
                matrix[block][residue - queryFrom].tracebackResidue = tracebackResidue;

            // otherwise, start new alignment if score is positive
            else if (score > 0)
                matrix[block][residue - queryFrom].score = score;

    return STRUCT_DP_OKAY;
예제 #9
// fill matrix values; return true on success. Matrix must have only default values when passed in.
int CalculateGlobalMatrixGeneric(Matrix& matrix,
    const DP_BlockInfo *blocks, DP_BlockScoreFunction BlockScore, DP_LoopPenaltyFunction LoopScore,
    unsigned int queryFrom, unsigned int queryTo)
    unsigned int block, residue, prevResidue, lastBlock = blocks->nBlocks - 1;
    int blockScore = 0, sum;
    unsigned int loopPenalty;

    // find possible block positions, based purely on block lengths
    vector < unsigned int > firstPos(blocks->nBlocks), lastPos(blocks->nBlocks);
    for (block=0; block<=lastBlock; ++block) {
        if (block == 0) {
            firstPos[0] = queryFrom;
            lastPos[lastBlock] = queryTo - blocks->blockSizes[lastBlock] + 1;
        } else {
            firstPos[block] = firstPos[block - 1] + blocks->blockSizes[block - 1];
            lastPos[lastBlock - block] =
                lastPos[lastBlock - block + 1] - blocks->blockSizes[lastBlock - block];

    // further restrict the search if blocks are frozen
    for (block=0; block<=lastBlock; ++block) {
        if (blocks->freezeBlocks[block] != DP_UNFROZEN_BLOCK) {
            if (blocks->freezeBlocks[block] < firstPos[block] ||
                blocks->freezeBlocks[block] > lastPos[block])
                ERROR_MESSAGE("CalculateGlobalMatrix() - frozen block "
                    << (block+1) << " does not leave room for unfrozen blocks");
                return STRUCT_DP_PARAMETER_ERROR;
            firstPos[block] = lastPos[block] = blocks->freezeBlocks[block];

    // fill in first row with scores of first block at all possible positions
    for (residue=firstPos[0]; residue<=lastPos[0]; ++residue)
        matrix[0][residue - queryFrom].score = BlockScore(0, residue);

    // for each successive block, find the best allowed pairing of the block with the previous block
    bool blockScoreCalculated;
    for (block=1; block<=lastBlock; ++block) {
        for (residue=firstPos[block]; residue<=lastPos[block]; ++residue) {
            blockScoreCalculated = false;

            for (prevResidue=firstPos[block - 1]; prevResidue<=lastPos[block - 1]; ++prevResidue) {

                // current block must come after the previous block
                if (residue < prevResidue + blocks->blockSizes[block - 1])

                // make sure previous block is at an allowed position
                if (matrix[block - 1][prevResidue - queryFrom].score == DP_NEGATIVE_INFINITY)

                // get loop score at this position; assume loop score zero if both frozen
                if (blocks->freezeBlocks[block] != DP_UNFROZEN_BLOCK &&
                    blocks->freezeBlocks[block - 1] != DP_UNFROZEN_BLOCK)
                    loopPenalty = 0;
                } else {
                    loopPenalty = LoopScore(block - 1, residue - prevResidue - blocks->blockSizes[block - 1]);
                    if (loopPenalty == DP_POSITIVE_INFINITY)

                // get score at this position
                if (!blockScoreCalculated) {
                    blockScore = BlockScore(block, residue);
                    if (blockScore == DP_NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
                    blockScoreCalculated = true;

                // find highest sum of scores + loop score for allowed pairing of this block with previous
                sum = blockScore + matrix[block - 1][prevResidue - queryFrom].score - loopPenalty;
                if (sum > matrix[block][residue - queryFrom].score) {
                    matrix[block][residue - queryFrom].score = sum;
                    matrix[block][residue - queryFrom].tracebackResidue = prevResidue;

    return STRUCT_DP_OKAY;