예제 #1
bool QgsTransaction::addLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer )
  if ( !layer )
    return false;

  if ( layer->isEditable() )
    return false;

  //test if provider supports transactions
  if ( !layer->dataProvider() || ( layer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::TransactionSupport ) == 0 )
    return false;

  if ( layer->dataProvider()->transaction() )
    return false;

  //connection string not compatible
  if ( QgsDataSourceURI( layer->source() ).connectionInfo( false ) != mConnString )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Couldn't start transaction because connection string for layer %1 : '%2' does not match '%3'" ).arg(
                   layer->id(), QgsDataSourceURI( layer->source() ).connectionInfo( false ), mConnString ) );
    return false;

  connect( this, SIGNAL( afterRollback() ), layer->dataProvider(), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( onLayersDeleted( QStringList ) ) );
  mLayers.insert( layer );

  if ( mTransactionActive )
    layer->dataProvider()->setTransaction( this );

  return true;
QgsStatisticalSummaryDockWidget::QgsStatisticalSummaryDockWidget( QWidget *parent )
    : QgsDockWidget( parent )
    , mLayer( nullptr )
  setupUi( this );

  mFieldExpressionWidget->registerExpressionContextGenerator( this );

  mLayerComboBox->setFilters( QgsMapLayerProxyModel::VectorLayer );
  mFieldExpressionWidget->setFilters( QgsFieldProxyModel::Numeric |
                                      QgsFieldProxyModel::String |
                                      QgsFieldProxyModel::Date );

  mLayerComboBox->setLayer( mLayerComboBox->layer( 0 ) );
  mFieldExpressionWidget->setLayer( mLayerComboBox->layer( 0 ) );

  connect( mLayerComboBox, SIGNAL( layerChanged( QgsMapLayer* ) ), this, SLOT( layerChanged( QgsMapLayer* ) ) );
  connect( mFieldExpressionWidget, SIGNAL( fieldChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( refreshStatistics() ) );
  connect( mSelectedOnlyCheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( refreshStatistics() ) );
  connect( mButtonRefresh, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( refreshStatistics() ) );
  connect( QgsProject::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( layersRemoved( QStringList ) ) );

  QSettings settings;
  Q_FOREACH ( QgsStatisticalSummary::Statistic stat, mDisplayStats )
    QAction* action = new QAction( QgsStatisticalSummary::displayName( stat ), mOptionsToolButton );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    bool checked = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/StatisticalSummaryDock/checked_%1" ).arg( stat ), true ).toBool();
    action->setChecked( checked );
    action->setData( stat );
    mStatsActions.insert( stat, action );
    connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered( bool ) ), this, SLOT( statActionTriggered( bool ) ) );
    mOptionsToolButton->addAction( action );
예제 #3
QgsAtlasComposition::QgsAtlasComposition( QgsComposition* composition )
    : mComposition( composition )
    , mEnabled( false )
    , mHideCoverage( false )
    , mFilenamePattern( "'output_'||$feature" )
    , mCoverageLayer( 0 )
    , mSingleFile( false )
    , mSortFeatures( false )
    , mSortAscending( true )
    , mCurrentFeatureNo( 0 )
    , mFilterFeatures( false )

  // declare special columns with a default value
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$page", QVariant(( int )1 ) );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$feature", QVariant(( int )0 ) );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$numpages", QVariant(( int )1 ) );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$numfeatures", QVariant(( int )0 ) );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$atlasfeatureid", QVariant(( int )0 ) );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$atlasfeature", QVariant::fromValue( QgsFeature() ) );
  QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$atlasgeometry", QVariant::fromValue( QgsGeometry() ) );

  //listen out for layer removal
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( removeLayers( QStringList ) ) );
//introduced in 1.8
void QgsMapLayerRegistry::removeMapLayers( QStringList theLayerIds )
  if ( theLayerIds.isEmpty() )
  emit layersWillBeRemoved( theLayerIds );

  foreach ( const QString &myId, theLayerIds )
    QgsMapLayer* lyr = mMapLayers[myId];
    if ( mOwnedLayers.contains( lyr ) )
      emit layerWillBeRemoved( myId );
      if ( lyr == mRedliningLayer )
        mRedliningLayer = nullptr;
      else if ( lyr == mGpsRoutesLayer )
        mGpsRoutesLayer = nullptr;
      delete lyr;
      mOwnedLayers.remove( lyr );
    mMapLayers.remove( myId );
    emit layerRemoved( myId );
QgsGeometryCheckerSetupTab::QgsGeometryCheckerSetupTab( QgisInterface* iface , QWidget *parent )
    : QWidget( parent ), mIface( iface )

  ui.setupUi( this );
  ui.comboBoxInputLayer->setFilters( QgsMapLayerProxyModel::HasGeometry );
  mRunButton = ui.buttonBox->addButton( tr( "Run" ), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );
  mAbortButton = new QPushButton( tr( "Abort" ) );
  mRunButton->setEnabled( false );

  connect( mRunButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( runChecks() ) );
  connect( ui.comboBoxInputLayer, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayers() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayers() ) );
  connect( ui.radioButtonOutputNew, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.lineEditOutput, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.radioButtonOutputNew, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.pushButtonOutputBrowse, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.buttonGroupOutput, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( ui.pushButtonOutputBrowse, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectOutputFile() ) );
  connect( ui.lineEditOutput, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( ui.checkBoxSliverPolygons, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.widgetSliverThreshold, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.checkBoxSliverArea, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.doubleSpinBoxSliverArea, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );


  Q_FOREACH ( const QgsGeometryCheckFactory* factory, QgsGeometryCheckFactoryRegistry::getCheckFactories() )
    factory->restorePrevious( ui );
예제 #6
QgsMapLayerModel::QgsMapLayerModel( QList<QgsMapLayer *> layers, QObject *parent )
    : QAbstractItemModel( parent )
    , mLayersChecked( QMap<QString, Qt::CheckState>() )
    , mItemCheckable( false )
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( removeLayers( QStringList ) ) );
  addLayers( layers );
예제 #7
//introduced in 1.8
void QgsMapLayerRegistry::removeMapLayers( QStringList theLayerIds )
  emit layersWillBeRemoved( theLayerIds );

  foreach ( const QString &myId, theLayerIds )
    emit layerWillBeRemoved( myId );
    delete mMapLayers[myId];
    mMapLayers.remove( myId );
예제 #8
QgsSnappingUtils::QgsSnappingUtils( QObject* parent )
    : QObject( parent )
    , mCurrentLayer( 0 )
    , mSnapToMapMode( SnapCurrentLayer )
    , mStrategy( IndexHybrid )
    , mDefaultType( QgsPointLocator::Vertex )
    , mDefaultTolerance( 10 )
    , mDefaultUnit( QgsTolerance::Pixels )
    , mSnapOnIntersection( false )
    connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( onLayersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ) );
예제 #9
QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge( QgsLayerTreeGroup *root, QObject *parent )
    : QObject( parent )
    , mRoot( root )
    , mEnabled( true )
    , mInsertionPointGroup( root )
    , mInsertionPointIndex( 0 )
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ) );

  connect( mRoot, SIGNAL( willRemoveChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode*, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( groupWillRemoveChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode*, int, int ) ) );
  connect( mRoot, SIGNAL( removedChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode*, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( groupRemovedChildren() ) );
예제 #10
QgsAtlasComposition::QgsAtlasComposition( QgsComposition* composition )
    : mComposition( composition )
    , mEnabled( false )
    , mHideCoverage( false )
    , mFilenamePattern( QStringLiteral( "'output_'||@atlas_featurenumber" ) )
    , mCoverageLayer( nullptr )
    , mSingleFile( false )
    , mSortFeatures( false )
    , mSortAscending( true )
    , mCurrentFeatureNo( 0 )
    , mFilterFeatures( false )

  //listen out for layer removal
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( removeLayers( QStringList ) ) );
예제 #11
//introduced in 1.8
void QgsMapLayerRegistry::removeMapLayers( QStringList theLayerIds )
  emit layersWillBeRemoved( theLayerIds );

  foreach ( const QString &myId, theLayerIds )
    QgsMapLayer* lyr = mMapLayers[myId];
    emit layerWillBeRemoved( myId );
    if ( mOwnedLayers.contains( lyr ) )
      delete lyr;
      mOwnedLayers.remove( lyr );
    mMapLayers.remove( myId );
    emit layerRemoved( myId );
예제 #12
QgsSnappingDialog::QgsSnappingDialog( QWidget* parent, QgsMapCanvas* canvas )
    : QDialog( parent )
    , mMapCanvas( canvas )
    , mDock( 0 )
  setupUi( this );

  QSettings myQsettings;
  bool myDockFlag = myQsettings.value( "/qgis/dockSnapping", false ).toBool();
  if ( myDockFlag )
    mDock = new QgsSnappingDock( tr( "Snapping and Digitizing Options" ), QgisApp::instance() );
    mDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea | Qt::TopDockWidgetArea );
    mDock->setWidget( this );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), mDock, SLOT( close() ) );
    QgisApp::instance()->addDockWidget( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, mDock );
    mButtonBox->setVisible( false );
    connect( mButtonBox, SIGNAL( accepted() ), this, SLOT( apply() ) );
    connect( mButtonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply ), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( apply() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer * > ) ), this, SLOT( addLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer * > ) ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ) );
  connect( cbxEnableTopologicalEditingCheckBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( on_cbxEnableTopologicalEditingCheckBox_stateChanged( int ) ) );
  connect( cbxEnableIntersectionSnappingCheckBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( on_cbxEnableIntersectionSnappingCheckBox_stateChanged( int ) ) );


  QMap< QString, QgsMapLayer *> mapLayers = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers();
  QMap< QString, QgsMapLayer *>::iterator it;
  for ( it = mapLayers.begin(); it != mapLayers.end() ; ++it )
    addLayer( it.value() );

  mLayerTreeWidget->setHeaderLabels( QStringList() << "" );
  mLayerTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents( 0 );
  mLayerTreeWidget->setColumnWidth( 1, 200 );  //hardcoded for now
  mLayerTreeWidget->setColumnWidth( 2, 200 );  //hardcoded for now
  mLayerTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents( 3 );
  mLayerTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents( 4 );
  mLayerTreeWidget->setSortingEnabled( true );

  connect( QgsProject::instance(), SIGNAL( snapSettingsChanged() ), this, SLOT( reload() ) );
예제 #13
QgsGeometryCheckerResultTab::QgsGeometryCheckerResultTab( QgisInterface* iface, QgsGeometryChecker* checker, QgsFeaturePool *featurePool, QTabWidget* tabWidget, QWidget* parent )
    : QWidget( parent )
    , mTabWidget( tabWidget )
    , mIface( iface )
    , mChecker( checker )
    , mFeaturePool( featurePool )
  ui.setupUi( this );
  mErrorCount = 0;
  mFixedCount = 0;
  mCloseable = true;
  mAttribTableDialog = nullptr;

  for ( int i = 0, n = mFeaturePool->getLayer()->fields().count(); i < n; ++i )
    ui.comboBoxMergeAttribute->addItem( mFeaturePool->getLayer()->fields().at( i ).name() );

  connect( checker, SIGNAL( errorAdded( QgsGeometryCheckError* ) ), this, SLOT( addError( QgsGeometryCheckError* ) ) );
  connect( checker, SIGNAL( errorUpdated( QgsGeometryCheckError*, bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateError( QgsGeometryCheckError*, bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.comboBoxMergeAttribute, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), checker, SLOT( setMergeAttributeIndex( int ) ) );
  connect( ui.tableWidgetErrors->selectionModel(), SIGNAL( selectionChanged( QItemSelection, QItemSelection ) ), this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged( QItemSelection, QItemSelection ) ) );
  connect( ui.buttonGroupSelectAction, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( highlightErrors() ) );
  connect( ui.pushButtonOpenAttributeTable, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( openAttributeTable() ) );
  connect( ui.pushButtonFixWithDefault, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( fixErrorsWithDefault() ) );
  connect( ui.pushButtonFixWithPrompt, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( fixErrorsWithPrompt() ) );
  connect( ui.pushButtonErrorResolutionSettings, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( setDefaultResolutionMethods() ) );
  connect( ui.checkBoxHighlight, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( highlightErrors() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( checkRemovedLayer( QStringList ) ) );
  connect( ui.pushButtonExport, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( exportErrors() ) );

  if (( mFeaturePool->getLayer()->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries ) == 0 )
    ui.pushButtonFixWithDefault->setEnabled( false );
    ui.pushButtonFixWithPrompt->setEnabled( false );

  ui.progressBarFixErrors->setVisible( false );
  ui.tableWidgetErrors->horizontalHeader()->setSortIndicator( 0, Qt::AscendingOrder );
  // Not sure why, but this is needed...
  ui.tableWidgetErrors->setSortingEnabled( true );
  ui.tableWidgetErrors->setSortingEnabled( false );
예제 #14
void QgsLayerTreeLayer::attachToLayer()
  // layer is not necessarily already loaded
  QgsMapLayer* l = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( mLayerId );
  if ( l )
    mLayer = l;
    mLayerName = l->name();
    // make sure we are notified if the layer is removed
    connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( registryLayersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ) );
    if ( mLayerName.isEmpty() )
      mLayerName = "(?)";
    // wait for the layer to be eventually loaded
    connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( registryLayersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ) );
QgsGeometrySnapperDialog::QgsGeometrySnapperDialog( QgisInterface* iface ):
    mIface( iface )
  ui.setupUi( this );
  mRunButton = ui.buttonBox->addButton( tr( "Run" ), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );
  ui.buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Abort )->hide();
  mRunButton->setEnabled( false );
  setFixedSize( sizeHint() );
  setWindowModality( Qt::ApplicationModal );

  connect( mRunButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( run() ) );
  connect( ui.comboBoxInputLayer, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( ui.comboBoxReferenceLayer, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayers() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayers() ) );
  connect( ui.radioButtonOutputNew, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.lineEditOutput, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.radioButtonOutputNew, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.pushButtonOutputBrowse, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.buttonGroupOutput, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( ui.pushButtonOutputBrowse, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectOutputFile() ) );
  connect( ui.lineEditOutput, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
