예제 #1
void Spacer::read(const QDomElement& de)
      for (QDomElement e = de.firstChildElement(); !e.isNull(); e = e.nextSiblingElement()) {
            if (e.tagName() == "space")
                  _gap = e.text().toDouble() * spatium();
            else if (!Element::readProperties(e))
예제 #2
LayoutBreak::LayoutBreak(const LayoutBreak& lb)
   : Element(lb)
      _layoutBreakType = lb._layoutBreakType;
      lw = lb.lw;
      _pause = lb._pause;
      _startWithLongNames  = lb._startWithLongNames;
      _startWithMeasureOne = lb._startWithMeasureOne;
예제 #3
void Spacer::editDrag(const EditData& ed)
      qreal s = ed.delta.y();
      if (subtype() == SPACER_DOWN)
            _gap += s;
      else if (subtype() == SPACER_UP)
            _gap -= s;
      if (_gap < spatium() * 2.0)
            _gap = spatium() * 2;
예제 #4
void Spacer::read(XmlReader& e)
      while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
            const QStringRef& tag(e.name());
            if (tag == "subtype")
                  _spacerType = SpacerType(e.readInt());
            else if (tag == "space")
                  _gap = e.readDouble() * spatium();
            else if (!Element::readProperties(e))
예제 #5
bool Spacer::setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant& v)
      switch(propertyId) {
            case P_ID::SPACE:
                  if (!Element::setProperty(propertyId, v))
                        return false;
      return true;
예제 #6
void LayoutBreak::read(const QDomElement& de)
      for (QDomElement e = de.firstChildElement(); !e.isNull(); e = e.nextSiblingElement()) {
            const QString& tag(e.tagName());
            const QString& val(e.text());
            if (setProperty(tag, e))
            else if (tag == "startWithLongNames")
                  _startWithLongNames = val.toInt();
            else if (tag == "startWithMeasureOne")
                  _startWithMeasureOne = val.toInt();
            else if (!Element::readProperties(e))
예제 #7
void LayoutBreak::read(XmlReader& e)
      while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
            const QStringRef& tag(e.name());
            if (tag == "subtype")
                  setProperty(P_ID::LAYOUT_BREAK, Ms::getProperty(P_ID::LAYOUT_BREAK, e));
            else if (tag == "pause")
                  _pause = e.readDouble();
            else if (tag == "startWithLongNames")
                  _startWithLongNames = e.readInt();
            else if (tag == "startWithMeasureOne")
                  _startWithMeasureOne = e.readInt();
            else if (!Element::readProperties(e))
예제 #8
void Spacer::editDrag(const EditData& ed)
      qreal s = ed.delta.y();

      switch (spacerType()) {
            case SpacerType::DOWN:
            case SpacerType::FIXED:
                  _gap += s;
            case SpacerType::UP:
                  _gap -= s;
      if (_gap < spatium() * 2.0)
            _gap = spatium() * 2;
예제 #9
void Spacer::setGap(qreal sp)
      _gap = sp;
예제 #10
void Spacer::setSubtype(SpacerType val)
      _subtype = val;
예제 #11
void Spacer::spatiumChanged(qreal ov, qreal nv)
      _gap = (_gap / ov) * nv;
예제 #12
void LayoutBreak::spatiumChanged(qreal, qreal)
      lw = spatium() * 0.3;
예제 #13
void LayoutBreak::setLayoutBreakType(Type val)
      _layoutBreakType = val;
예제 #14
void LayoutBreak::setSubtype(LayoutBreakType val)
      _subtype = val;
예제 #15
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Pooma::initialize(argc, argv);
  Pooma::Tester tester(argc, argv);

  // To declare a field, you first need to set up a layout. This requires
  // knowing the physical vertex-domain and the number of external guard
  // cell layers. Vertex domains contain enough points to hold all of the
  // rectilinear centerings that POOMA is likely to support for quite
  // awhile. Also, it means that the same layout can be used for all
  // fields, regardless of centering.
  Interval<2> physicalVertexDomain(14, 14);
  Loc<2> blocks(3, 3);
  GridLayout<2> layout1(physicalVertexDomain, blocks, GuardLayers<2>(1),
  GridLayout<2> layout0(physicalVertexDomain, blocks, GuardLayers<2>(0),

  Centering<2> cell = canonicalCentering<2>(CellType, Continuous, AllDim);
  Centering<2> vert = canonicalCentering<2>(VertexType, Continuous, AllDim);
  Centering<2> yedge = canonicalCentering<2>(EdgeType, Continuous, YDim);

  Vector<2> origin(0.0);
  Vector<2> spacings(1.0, 2.0);

  // First basic test verifies that we're assigning to the correct areas
  // on a brick.

    Field<UniformRectilinearMesh<2>, double,
    MultiPatch<GridTag, BrickTag_t> > Field_t;
  Field_t b0(cell, layout1, origin, spacings);
  Field_t b1(vert, layout1, origin, spacings);
  Field_t b2(yedge, layout1, origin, spacings);
  Field_t b3(yedge, layout1, origin, spacings);
  Field_t bb0(cell, layout0, origin, spacings);
  Field_t bb1(vert, layout0, origin, spacings);
  Field_t bb2(yedge, layout0, origin, spacings);

  b0.all() = 0.0;
  b1.all() = 0.0;
  b2.all() = 0.0;

  b0 = 1.0;
  b1 = 1.0;
  b2 = 1.0;

  bb0.all() = 0.0;
  bb1.all() = 0.0;
  bb2.all() = 0.0;

  bb0 = 1.0;
  bb1 = 1.0;
  bb2 = 1.0;

  // SPMD code follows.
  // Note, SPMD code will work with the evaluator if you are careful
  // to perform assignment on all the relevant contexts.  The patchLocal
  // function creates a brick on the local context, so you can just perform
  // the assignment on that context.

  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < b0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
    Patch<Field_t>::Type_t patch = b0.patchLocal(i);
    //    tester.out() << "context " << Pooma::context() << ":  assigning to patch " << i
    //              << " with domain " << patch.domain() << std::endl;
    patch += 1.5;

  // This is safe to do since b1 and b2 are built with the same layout.
  for (i = 0; i < b1.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
    b1.patchLocal(i) += 1.5;
    b2.patchLocal(i) += 1.5;

  for (i = 0; i < bb0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
    Patch<Field_t>::Type_t patch = bb0.patchLocal(i);
    //    tester.out() << "context " << Pooma::context() << ":  assigning to patch on bb0 " << i
    //              << " with domain " << patch.domain() << std::endl;
    patch += 1.5;

  // This is safe to do since bb1 and bb2 are built with the same layout.
  for (i = 0; i < bb1.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
    bb1.patchLocal(i) += 1.5;
    bb2.patchLocal(i) += 1.5;

  tester.check("cell centered field is 2.5", all(b0 == 2.5));
  tester.check("vert centered field is 2.5", all(b1 == 2.5));
  tester.check("edge centered field is 2.5", all(b2 == 2.5));

  tester.out() << "b0.all():" << std::endl << b0.all() << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "b1.all():" << std::endl << b1.all() << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "b2.all():" << std::endl << b2.all() << std::endl;

  tester.check("didn't write into b0 boundary",
               sum(b0.all()) == 2.5 * b0.physicalDomain().size());
  tester.check("didn't write into b1 boundary",
               sum(b1.all()) == 2.5 * b1.physicalDomain().size());
  tester.check("didn't write into b2 boundary",
               sum(b2.all()) == 2.5 * b2.physicalDomain().size());

  tester.check("cell centered field is 2.5", all(bb0 == 2.5));
  tester.check("vert centered field is 2.5", all(bb1 == 2.5));
  tester.check("edge centered field is 2.5", all(bb2 == 2.5));

  tester.out() << "bb0:" << std::endl << bb0 << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "bb1:" << std::endl << bb1 << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "bb2:" << std::endl << bb2 << std::endl;

    Field<UniformRectilinearMesh<2>, double,
    MultiPatch<GridTag, CompressibleBrickTag_t> > CField_t;
  CField_t c0(cell, layout1, origin, spacings);
  CField_t c1(vert, layout1, origin, spacings);
  CField_t c2(yedge, layout1, origin, spacings);
  CField_t cb0(cell, layout0, origin, spacings);
  CField_t cb1(vert, layout0, origin, spacings);
  CField_t cb2(yedge, layout0, origin, spacings);

  c0.all() = 0.0;
  c1.all() = 0.0;
  c2.all() = 0.0;

  c0 = 1.0;
  c1 = 1.0;
  c2 = 1.0;

  cb0.all() = 0.0;
  cb1.all() = 0.0;
  cb2.all() = 0.0;

  cb0 = 1.0;
  cb1 = 1.0;
  cb2 = 1.0;

  // SPMD code follows.
  // Note, SPMD code will work with the evaluator if you are careful
  // to perform assignment on all the relevant contexts.  The patchLocal
  // function creates a brick on the local context, so you can just perform
  // the assignment on that context.

  for (i = 0; i < c0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
    Patch<CField_t>::Type_t patch = c0.patchLocal(i);
    tester.out() << "context " << Pooma::context() << ":  assigning to patch " << i
                 << " with domain " << patch.domain() << std::endl;
    patch += 1.5;

  // This is safe to do since c1 and c2 are built with the same layout.
  for (i = 0; i < c1.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
    c1.patchLocal(i) += 1.5;
    c2.patchLocal(i) += 1.5;

  for (i = 0; i < cb0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
    Patch<CField_t>::Type_t patch = cb0.patchLocal(i);
    tester.out() << "context " << Pooma::context() << ":  assigning to patch on cb0 " << i
                 << " with domain " << patch.domain() << std::endl;
    patch += 1.5;

  // This is safe to do since cb1 and cb2 are cuilt with the same layout.
  for (i = 0; i < cb1.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
    cb1.patchLocal(i) += 1.5;
    cb2.patchLocal(i) += 1.5;

  tester.check("cell centered field is 2.5", all(c0 == 2.5));
  tester.check("vert centered field is 2.5", all(c1 == 2.5));
  tester.check("edge centered field is 2.5", all(c2 == 2.5));

  tester.out() << "c0.all():" << std::endl << c0.all() << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "c1.all():" << std::endl << c1.all() << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "c2.all():" << std::endl << c2.all() << std::endl;

  tester.check("didn't write into c0 boundary",
               sum(c0.all()) == 2.5 * c0.physicalDomain().size());
  tester.check("didn't write into c1 boundary",
               sum(c1.all()) == 2.5 * c1.physicalDomain().size());
  tester.check("didn't write into c2 boundary",
               sum(c2.all()) == 2.5 * c2.physicalDomain().size());

  tester.check("cell centered field is 2.5", all(cb0 == 2.5));
  tester.check("vert centered field is 2.5", all(cb1 == 2.5));
  tester.check("edge centered field is 2.5", all(cb2 == 2.5));

  tester.out() << "cb0:" << std::endl << cb0 << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "cb1:" << std::endl << cb1 << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "cb2:" << std::endl << cb2 << std::endl;

  // Scalar code example:

  c0 = iota(c0.domain()).comp(0);
  c1 = iota(c1.domain()).comp(1);

  // Make sure all the data-parallel are done:


  for (i = 0; i < c0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
    Patch<CField_t>::Type_t local0 = c0.patchLocal(i);
    Patch<CField_t>::Type_t local1 = c1.patchLocal(i);
    Patch<CField_t>::Type_t local2 = c2.patchLocal(i);

    Interval<2> domain = local2.domain();  // physical domain of local y-edges

    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // I believe the following is probably the most efficient approach
    // for sparse computations.  For data-parallel computations, the
    // evaluator will uncompress the patches and take brick views, which
    // provide the most efficient access.  If you are only performing
    // the computation on a small portion of cells, then the gains would
    // be outweighed by the act of copying the compressed value to all the
    // cells.
    // The read function is used on the right hand side, because
    // operator() is forced to uncompress the patch just in case you want
    // to write to it.

    for(Interval<2>::iterator pos = domain.begin(); pos != domain.end(); ++pos)
      Loc<2> edge = *pos;
      Loc<2> rightCell = edge;  // cell to right is same cell
      Loc<2> leftCell = edge - Loc<2>(1,0);
      Loc<2> topVert = edge + Loc<2>(0, 1);
      Loc<2> bottomVert = edge;

      local2(edge) =
        local0.read(rightCell) + local0.read(leftCell) +
        local1.read(topVert) + local1.read(bottomVert);

    // This statement is optional, it tries to compress the patch after
    // we're done computing on it.  Since I used .read() for the local0 and 1
    // they remained in their original state. compress() can be expensive, so
    // it may not be worth trying unless space is really important.


  tester.out() << "c0" << std::endl << c0 << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "c1" << std::endl << c1 << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "c2" << std::endl << c2 << std::endl;

  // Interfacing with a c-function:
  // This example handles the corner cases, where the patches from a
  // cell centered field with no guard layers actually contain some
  // extra data.


  for (i = 0; i < cb0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
    Patch<CField_t>::Type_t local0 = cb0.patchLocal(i);
    Interval<2> physicalDomain = local0.physicalDomain();
    double *data;
    int size = physicalDomain.size();

    if (physicalDomain == local0.totalDomain())
      data = &local0(physicalDomain.firsts());
      nonsense(data, size);
      // In this case, the engine has extra storage even though the
      // field has the right domain. We copy it to a brick engine,
      // call the function and copy it back.  No uncompress is required,
      // since the assignment will copy the compressed value into the
      // brick.

      // arrayView is a work-around.  Array = Field doesn't work at
      // the moment.

      Array<2, double, Brick> brick(physicalDomain);
      Array<2, double, CompressibleBrick> arrayView(local0.engine());
      brick = arrayView(physicalDomain);
      data = &brick(Loc<2>(0));
      nonsense(data, size);
      arrayView(physicalDomain) = brick;

      // Note that we don't need a blockAndEvaluate here, since an iterate has
      // been spawned to perform the copy.

    // If you want to try compress(local0) here, you should do blockAndEvaluate
    // first in case the local0 = brick hasn't been executed yet.
  tester.out() << "cb0.all()" << std::endl << cb0 << std::endl;

  b2 = positions(b2).comp(0);

  RefCountedBlockPtr<double> block = pack(b2);

  // The following functions give you access to the raw data from pack.
  // Note that the lifetime of the data is managed by the RefCountedBlockPtr,
  // so when "block" goes out of scope, the data goes away.  (i.e. Don't write
  // a function where you return block.beginPointer().)

  double *start = block.beginPointer();  // start of the data
  double *end = block.endPointer();      // one past the end
  int size = block.size();               // size of the data

  tester.out() << Pooma::context() << ":" << block.size() << std::endl;

  unpack(b3, block);

  tester.out() << "b2" << std::endl << b2 << std::endl;
  tester.out() << "b3" << std::endl << b3 << std::endl;

  tester.check("pack, unpack", all(b2 == b3));

  int ret = tester.results("LocalPatch");
  return ret;