예제 #1
파일: pmap.c 프로젝트: prasadv90/AdvOS
// Set up a two-level page table:
//    kern_pgdir is its linear (virtual) address of the root
// This function only sets up the kernel part of the address space
// (ie. addresses >= UTOP).  The user part of the address space
// will be setup later.
// From UTOP to ULIM, the user is allowed to read but not write.
// Above ULIM the user cannot read or write.
	uint32_t cr0;
	size_t n;

	// Find out how much memory the machine has (npages & npages_basemem).
	// create initial page directory.
	kern_pgdir = (pde_t *) boot_alloc(PGSIZE);
	memset(kern_pgdir, 0, PGSIZE);

	// Recursively insert PD in itself as a page table, to form
	// a virtual page table at virtual address UVPT.
	// (For now, you don't have understand the greater purpose of the
	// following line.)

	// Permissions: kernel R, user R
	kern_pgdir[PDX(UVPT)] = PADDR(kern_pgdir) | PTE_U | PTE_P;

	// Allocate an array of npages 'struct PageInfo's and store it in 'pages'.
	// The kernel uses this array to keep track of physical pages: for
	// each physical page, there is a corresponding struct PageInfo in this
	// array.  'npages' is the number of physical pages in memory.  Use memset
	// to initialize all fields of each struct PageInfo to 0.
	// Your code goes here:
	pages=boot_alloc(sizeof(struct PageInfo)*npages);
	memset(pages, 0, npages*sizeof(struct PageInfo));
	// Make 'envs' point to an array of size 'NENV' of 'struct Env'.
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	envs = boot_alloc(sizeof(struct Env)*NENV);
	memset(envs,0,NENV*sizeof(struct Env));
	// Now that we've allocated the initial kernel data structures, we set
	// up the list of free physical pages. Once we've done so, all further
	// memory management will go through the page_* functions. In
	// particular, we can now map memory using boot_map_region
	// or page_insert


	// Now we set up virtual memory

	// Map 'pages' read-only by the user at linear address UPAGES
	// Permissions:
	//    - the new image at UPAGES -- kernel R, user R
	//      (ie. perm = PTE_U | PTE_P)
	//    - pages itself -- kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:
	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, UPAGES, ROUNDUP( (sizeof(struct PageInfo)*npages),PGSIZE), PADDR(pages), PTE_U | PTE_P);
	// Map the 'envs' array read-only by the user at linear address UENVS
	// (ie. perm = PTE_U | PTE_P).
	// Permissions:
	//    - the new image at UENVS  -- kernel R, user R
	//    - envs itself -- kernel RW, user NONE
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, UENVS, ROUNDUP( (sizeof(struct Env)*NENV),PGSIZE), PADDR(envs), PTE_U);
	// Use the physical memory that 'bootstack' refers to as the kernel
	// stack.  The kernel stack grows down from virtual address KSTACKTOP.
	// We consider the entire range from [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP)
	// to be the kernel stack, but break this into two pieces:
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTACKTOP) -- backed by physical memory
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE) -- not backed; so if
	//       the kernel overflows its stack, it will fault rather than
	//       overwrite memory.  Known as a "guard page".
	//     Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:
	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTKSIZE, PADDR(bootstack), PTE_W);
	// Map all of physical memory at KERNBASE.
	// Ie.  the VA range [KERNBASE, 2^32) should map to
	//      the PA range [0, 2^32 - KERNBASE)
	// We might not have 2^32 - KERNBASE bytes of physical memory, but
	// we just set up the mapping anyway.
	// Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:
	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KERNBASE, -KERNBASE/* ~KERNBASE + 1 */, 0, PTE_W);
	// Check that the initial page directory has been set up correctly.

	// Switch from the minimal entry page directory to the full kern_pgdir
	// page table we just created.	Our instruction pointer should be
	// somewhere between KERNBASE and KERNBASE+4MB right now, which is
	// mapped the same way by both page tables.
	// If the machine reboots at this point, you've probably set up your
	// kern_pgdir wrong.


	// entry.S set the really important flags in cr0 (including enabling
	// paging).  Here we configure the rest of the flags that we care about.
	cr0 = rcr0();
	cr0 |= CR0_PE|CR0_PG|CR0_AM|CR0_WP|CR0_NE|CR0_MP;
	cr0 &= ~(CR0_TS|CR0_EM);

	// Some more checks, only possible after kern_pgdir is installed.
예제 #2
파일: swap.c 프로젝트: Aresthu/ucore_plus
void check_mm_swap(void)
	size_t nr_free_pages_store = nr_free_pages();
	size_t slab_allocated_store = slab_allocated();

	int ret, i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < max_swap_offset; i++) {
		assert(mem_map[i] == SWAP_UNUSED);

	extern struct mm_struct *check_mm_struct;
	assert(check_mm_struct == NULL);

	// step1: check mm_map

	struct mm_struct *mm0 = mm_create(), *mm1;
	assert(mm0 != NULL && list_empty(&(mm0->mmap_list)));

	uintptr_t addr0, addr1;

	addr0 = 0;
	do {
		ret = mm_map(mm0, addr0, PTSIZE, 0, NULL);
		assert(ret ==
		       (USER_ACCESS(addr0, addr0 + PTSIZE)) ? 0 : -E_INVAL);
		addr0 += PTSIZE;
	} while (addr0 != 0);

	addr0 = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++, addr0 += PTSIZE) {
		ret = mm_map(mm0, addr0, PGSIZE, 0, NULL);
		assert(ret == -E_INVAL);


	mm0 = mm_create();
	assert(mm0 != NULL && list_empty(&(mm0->mmap_list)));

	addr0 = 0, i = 0;
	do {
		ret = mm_map(mm0, addr0, PTSIZE - PGSIZE, 0, NULL);
		assert(ret ==
		       (USER_ACCESS(addr0, addr0 + PTSIZE)) ? 0 : -E_INVAL);
		if (ret == 0) {
		addr0 += PTSIZE;
	} while (addr0 != 0);

	addr0 = 0, j = 0;
	do {
		addr0 += PTSIZE - PGSIZE;
		ret = mm_map(mm0, addr0, PGSIZE, 0, NULL);
		assert(ret ==
		       (USER_ACCESS(addr0, addr0 + PGSIZE)) ? 0 : -E_INVAL);
		if (ret == 0) {
		addr0 += PGSIZE;
	} while (addr0 != 0);

	assert(j + 1 >= i);


	assert(nr_free_pages_store == nr_free_pages());
	assert(slab_allocated_store == slab_allocated());

	kprintf("check_mm_swap: step1, mm_map ok.\n");

	// step2: check page fault

	mm0 = mm_create();
	assert(mm0 != NULL && list_empty(&(mm0->mmap_list)));

	// setup page table

	struct Page *page = alloc_page();
	assert(page != NULL);
	pde_t *pgdir = page2kva(page);
	memcpy(pgdir, boot_pgdir, PGSIZE);
	pgdir[PDX(VPT)] = PADDR(pgdir) | PTE_P | PTE_W;

	// prepare for page fault

	mm0->pgdir = pgdir;
	check_mm_struct = mm0;

	uint32_t vm_flags = VM_WRITE | VM_READ;
	struct vma_struct *vma;

	addr0 = 0;
	do {
		if ((ret = mm_map(mm0, addr0, PTSIZE, vm_flags, &vma)) == 0) {
		addr0 += PTSIZE;
	} while (addr0 != 0);

	assert(ret == 0 && addr0 != 0 && mm0->map_count == 1);
	assert(vma->vm_start == addr0 && vma->vm_end == addr0 + PTSIZE);

	// check pte entry

	pte_t *ptep;
	for (addr1 = addr0; addr1 < addr0 + PTSIZE; addr1 += PGSIZE) {
		ptep = get_pte(pgdir, addr1, 0);
		assert(ptep == NULL);

	memset((void *)addr0, 0xEF, PGSIZE * 2);
	ptep = get_pte(pgdir, addr0, 0);
	assert(ptep != NULL && (*ptep & PTE_P));
	ptep = get_pte(pgdir, addr0 + PGSIZE, 0);
	assert(ptep != NULL && (*ptep & PTE_P));

	ret = mm_unmap(mm0, -PTSIZE, PTSIZE);
	assert(ret == -E_INVAL);
	ret = mm_unmap(mm0, addr0 + PTSIZE, PGSIZE);
	assert(ret == 0);

	addr1 = addr0 + PTSIZE / 2;
	ret = mm_unmap(mm0, addr1, PGSIZE);
	assert(ret == 0 && mm0->map_count == 2);

	ret = mm_unmap(mm0, addr1 + 2 * PGSIZE, PGSIZE * 4);
	assert(ret == 0 && mm0->map_count == 3);

	ret = mm_map(mm0, addr1, PGSIZE * 6, 0, NULL);
	assert(ret == -E_INVAL);
	ret = mm_map(mm0, addr1, PGSIZE, 0, NULL);
	assert(ret == 0 && mm0->map_count == 4);
	ret = mm_map(mm0, addr1 + 2 * PGSIZE, PGSIZE * 4, 0, NULL);
	assert(ret == 0 && mm0->map_count == 5);

	ret = mm_unmap(mm0, addr1 + PGSIZE / 2, PTSIZE / 2 - PGSIZE);
	assert(ret == 0 && mm0->map_count == 1);

	addr1 = addr0 + PGSIZE;
	for (i = 0; i < PGSIZE; i++) {
		assert(*(char *)(addr1 + i) == (char)0xEF);

	ret = mm_unmap(mm0, addr1 + PGSIZE / 2, PGSIZE / 4);
	assert(ret == 0 && mm0->map_count == 2);
	ptep = get_pte(pgdir, addr0, 0);
	assert(ptep != NULL && (*ptep & PTE_P));
	ptep = get_pte(pgdir, addr0 + PGSIZE, 0);
	assert(ptep != NULL && *ptep == 0);

	ret = mm_map(mm0, addr1, PGSIZE, vm_flags, NULL);
	memset((void *)addr1, 0x88, PGSIZE);
	assert(*(char *)addr1 == (char)0x88 && mm0->map_count == 3);

	for (i = 1; i < 16; i += 2) {
		ret = mm_unmap(mm0, addr0 + PGSIZE * i, PGSIZE);
		assert(ret == 0);
		if (i < 8) {
			ret = mm_map(mm0, addr0 + PGSIZE * i, PGSIZE, 0, NULL);
			assert(ret == 0);
	assert(mm0->map_count == 13);

	ret = mm_unmap(mm0, addr0 + PGSIZE * 2, PTSIZE - PGSIZE * 2);
	assert(ret == 0 && mm0->map_count == 2);

	ret = mm_unmap(mm0, addr0, PGSIZE * 2);
	assert(ret == 0 && mm0->map_count == 0);

	kprintf("check_mm_swap: step2, mm_unmap ok.\n");

	// step3: check exit_mmap

	ret = mm_map(mm0, addr0, PTSIZE, vm_flags, NULL);
	assert(ret == 0);

	for (i = 0, addr1 = addr0; i < 4; i++, addr1 += PGSIZE) {
		*(char *)addr1 = (char)0xFF;

	for (i = 0; i < PDX(KERNBASE); i++) {
		assert(pgdir[i] == 0);

	kprintf("check_mm_swap: step3, exit_mmap ok.\n");

	// step4: check dup_mmap

	for (i = 0; i < max_swap_offset; i++) {
		assert(mem_map[i] == SWAP_UNUSED);

	ret = mm_map(mm0, addr0, PTSIZE, vm_flags, NULL);
	assert(ret != 0);

	addr1 = addr0;
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, addr1 += PGSIZE) {
		*(char *)addr1 = (char)(i * i);

	ret = 0;
	ret += swap_out_mm(mm0, 10);
	ret += swap_out_mm(mm0, 10);
	assert(ret == 4);

	for (; i < 8; i++, addr1 += PGSIZE) {
		*(char *)addr1 = (char)(i * i);

	// setup mm1

	mm1 = mm_create();
	assert(mm1 != NULL);

	page = alloc_page();
	assert(page != NULL);
	pgdir = page2kva(page);
	memcpy(pgdir, boot_pgdir, PGSIZE);
	pgdir[PDX(VPT)] = PADDR(pgdir) | PTE_P | PTE_W;
	mm1->pgdir = pgdir;

	ret = dup_mmap(mm1, mm0);
	assert(ret == 0);

	// switch to mm1

	check_mm_struct = mm1;

	addr1 = addr0;
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, addr1 += PGSIZE) {
		assert(*(char *)addr1 == (char)(i * i));
		*(char *)addr1 = (char)0x88;

	// switch to mm0

	check_mm_struct = mm0;

	addr1 = addr0;
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, addr1 += PGSIZE) {
		assert(*(char *)addr1 == (char)(i * i));

	// switch to boot_cr3

	check_mm_struct = NULL;

	// free memory



	kprintf("check_mm_swap: step4, dup_mmap ok.\n");

	for (i = 0; i < max_swap_offset; i++) {
		assert(mem_map[i] == SWAP_UNUSED);

	assert(nr_free_pages_store == nr_free_pages());
	assert(slab_allocated_store == slab_allocated());

	kprintf("check_mm_swap() succeeded.\n");
예제 #3
파일: vm.c 프로젝트: kastallion/Ensidia
// Switch h/w page table register to the kernel-only page table,
// for when no process is running.
  lcr3(v2p(kpgdir));   // switch to the kernel page table
예제 #4
파일: swap.c 프로젝트: Aresthu/ucore_plus
void check_mm_shm_swap(void)
	size_t nr_free_pages_store = nr_free_pages();
	size_t slab_allocated_store = slab_allocated();

	int ret, i;
	for (i = 0; i < max_swap_offset; i++) {
		assert(mem_map[i] == SWAP_UNUSED);

	extern struct mm_struct *check_mm_struct;
	assert(check_mm_struct == NULL);

	struct mm_struct *mm0 = mm_create(), *mm1;
	assert(mm0 != NULL && list_empty(&(mm0->mmap_list)));

	struct Page *page = alloc_page();
	assert(page != NULL);
	pde_t *pgdir = page2kva(page);
	memcpy(pgdir, boot_pgdir, PGSIZE);
	pgdir[PDX(VPT)] = PADDR(pgdir) | PTE_P | PTE_W;

	mm0->pgdir = pgdir;
	check_mm_struct = mm0;

	uint32_t vm_flags = VM_WRITE | VM_READ;

	uintptr_t addr0, addr1;

	addr0 = 0;
	do {
		if ((ret = mm_map(mm0, addr0, PTSIZE * 4, vm_flags, NULL)) == 0) {
		addr0 += PTSIZE;
	} while (addr0 != 0);

	assert(ret == 0 && addr0 != 0 && mm0->map_count == 1);

	ret = mm_unmap(mm0, addr0, PTSIZE * 4);
	assert(ret == 0 && mm0->map_count == 0);

	struct shmem_struct *shmem = shmem_create(PTSIZE * 2);
	assert(shmem != NULL && shmem_ref(shmem) == 0);

	// step1: check share memory

	struct vma_struct *vma;

	addr1 = addr0 + PTSIZE * 2;
	ret = mm_map_shmem(mm0, addr0, vm_flags, shmem, &vma);
	assert(ret == 0);
	assert((vma->vm_flags & VM_SHARE) && vma->shmem == shmem
	       && shmem_ref(shmem) == 1);
	ret = mm_map_shmem(mm0, addr1, vm_flags, shmem, &vma);
	assert(ret == 0);
	assert((vma->vm_flags & VM_SHARE) && vma->shmem == shmem
	       && shmem_ref(shmem) == 2);

	// page fault

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		*(char *)(addr0 + i * PGSIZE) = (char)(i * i);
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		assert(*(char *)(addr1 + i * PGSIZE) == (char)(i * i));

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		*(char *)(addr1 + i * PGSIZE) = (char)(-i * i);
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		assert(*(char *)(addr1 + i * PGSIZE) == (char)(-i * i));

	// check swap

	ret = swap_out_mm(mm0, 8) + swap_out_mm(mm0, 8);
	assert(ret == 8 && nr_active_pages == 4 && nr_inactive_pages == 0);

	assert(nr_active_pages == 0 && nr_inactive_pages == 4);

	// write & read again

	memset((void *)addr0, 0x77, PGSIZE);
	for (i = 0; i < PGSIZE; i++) {
		assert(*(char *)(addr1 + i) == (char)0x77);

	// check unmap

	ret = mm_unmap(mm0, addr1, PGSIZE * 4);
	assert(ret == 0);

	addr0 += 4 * PGSIZE, addr1 += 4 * PGSIZE;
	*(char *)(addr0) = (char)(0xDC);
	assert(*(char *)(addr1) == (char)(0xDC));
	*(char *)(addr1 + PTSIZE) = (char)(0xDC);
	assert(*(char *)(addr0 + PTSIZE) == (char)(0xDC));

	kprintf("check_mm_shm_swap: step1, share memory ok.\n");

	// setup mm1

	mm1 = mm_create();
	assert(mm1 != NULL);

	page = alloc_page();
	assert(page != NULL);
	pgdir = page2kva(page);
	memcpy(pgdir, boot_pgdir, PGSIZE);
	pgdir[PDX(VPT)] = PADDR(pgdir) | PTE_P | PTE_W;
	mm1->pgdir = pgdir;

	ret = dup_mmap(mm1, mm0);
	assert(ret == 0 && shmem_ref(shmem) == 4);

	// switch to mm1

	check_mm_struct = mm1;

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		*(char *)(addr0 + i * PGSIZE) = (char)(0x57 + i);
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		assert(*(char *)(addr1 + i * PGSIZE) == (char)(0x57 + i));

	check_mm_struct = mm0;

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		assert(*(char *)(addr0 + i * PGSIZE) == (char)(0x57 + i));
		assert(*(char *)(addr1 + i * PGSIZE) == (char)(0x57 + i));

	swap_out_mm(mm1, 4);


	assert(shmem_ref(shmem) == 2);

	kprintf("check_mm_shm_swap: step2, dup_mmap ok.\n");

	// free memory

	check_mm_struct = NULL;


	for (i = 0; i < max_swap_offset; i++) {
		assert(mem_map[i] == SWAP_UNUSED);

	assert(nr_free_pages_store == nr_free_pages());
	assert(slab_allocated_store == slab_allocated());

	kprintf("check_mm_shm_swap() succeeded.\n");
예제 #5
파일: env.c 프로젝트: mainboy/xv6
// Set up the initial program binary, stack, and processor flags
// for a user process.
// This function is ONLY called during kernel initialization,
// before running the first user-mode environment.
// This function loads all loadable segments from the ELF binary image
// into the environment's user memory, starting at the appropriate
// virtual addresses indicated in the ELF program header.
// At the same time it clears to zero any portions of these segments
// that are marked in the program header as being mapped
// but not actually present in the ELF file - i.e., the program's bss section.
// All this is very similar to what our boot loader does, except the boot
// loader also needs to read the code from disk.  Take a look at
// boot/main.c to get ideas.
// Finally, this function maps one page for the program's initial stack.
// load_icode panics if it encounters problems.
//  - How might load_icode fail?  What might be wrong with the given input?
static void
load_icode(struct Env *e, uint8_t *binary, size_t size)
	// Hints: 
	//  Load each program segment into virtual memory
	//  at the address specified in the ELF section header.
	//  You should only load segments with ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD.
	//  Each segment's virtual address can be found in ph->p_va
	//  and its size in memory can be found in ph->p_memsz.
	//  The ph->p_filesz bytes from the ELF binary, starting at
	//  'binary + ph->p_offset', should be copied to virtual address
	//  ph->p_va.  Any remaining memory bytes should be cleared to zero.
	//  (The ELF header should have ph->p_filesz <= ph->p_memsz.)
	//  Use functions from the previous lab to allocate and map pages.
	//  All page protection bits should be user read/write for now.
	//  ELF segments are not necessarily page-aligned, but you can
	//  assume for this function that no two segments will touch
	//  the same virtual page.
	//  You may find a function like segment_alloc useful.
	//  Loading the segments is much simpler if you can move data
	//  directly into the virtual addresses stored in the ELF binary.
	//  So which page directory should be in force during
	//  this function?
	// Hint:
	//  You must also do something with the program's entry point,
	//  to make sure that the environment starts executing there.
	//  What?  (See env_run() and env_pop_tf() below.)

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
        struct Elf *env_elf;
        struct Proghdr *ph;
        struct Page *pg;
        int i;
        unsigned int old_cr3;
        env_elf = (struct Elf *)binary;
        old_cr3 = rcr3();
        if( env_elf->e_magic != ELF_MAGIC)
        ph = (struct Proghdr*)((unsigned int)env_elf + env_elf->e_phoff);
        for(i=0; i < env_elf->e_phnum;i++){
                if(ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD){
                        segment_alloc(e,(void *)ph->p_va, ph->p_memsz);
                        memset((void *)ph->p_va, 0, ph->p_memsz);
                        memmove((void *)ph->p_va, (void *)((unsigned int)env_elf + ph->p_offset), ph->p_filesz);

        e->env_tf.tf_eip = env_elf->e_entry;

	// Now map one page for the program's initial stack
	// at virtual address USTACKTOP - PGSIZE.

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
        if(page_alloc(&pg) != 0){
                cprintf("load_icode page_alloc fail!!\n");

        page_insert(e->env_pgdir, pg, (void *)(USTACKTOP - PGSIZE), PTE_U | PTE_W);

예제 #6
파일: env.c 프로젝트: rbowden91/fp261
// Set up the initial program binary, stack, and processor flags
// for a user process.
// This function loads all loadable segments from the ELF binary image
// into the environment's user memory, starting at the appropriate
// virtual addresses indicated in the ELF program header.
// It also clears to zero any portions of these segments
// that are marked in the program header as being mapped
// but not actually present in the ELF file -- i.e., the program's bss section.
// Finally, this function maps one page for the program's initial stack.
// load_elf panics if it encounters problems.
//  - How might load_elf fail?  What might be wrong with the given input?
static void
load_elf(struct Env *e, uint8_t *binary, size_t size)
	struct Elf *elf = (struct Elf *) binary;
	// Load each program segment into environment 'e's virtual memory
	// at the address specified in the ELF section header.
	// Only load segments with ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD.
	// Each segment's virtual address can be found in ph->p_va
	// and its size in memory can be found in ph->p_memsz.
	// The ph->p_filesz bytes from the ELF binary, starting at
	// 'binary + ph->p_offset', should be copied to virtual address
	// ph->p_va.  Any remaining memory bytes should be cleared to zero.
	// (The ELF header should have ph->p_filesz <= ph->p_memsz.)
	// Use functions from the previous lab to allocate and map pages.
	// All page protection bits should be user read/write for now.
	// ELF segments are not necessarily page-aligned, but you can
	// assume for this function that no two segments will touch
	// the same virtual page.
	// You may find a function like segment_alloc useful.
	// Loading the segments is much simpler if you can move data
	// directly into the virtual addresses stored in the ELF binary.
	// So which page directory should be in force during
	// this function?
	// All this is very similar to what our boot loader does, except the
	// boot loader reads the code from disk and doesn't check whether
	// segments are loadable.  Take a look at boot/main.c to get ideas.
	// You must also store the program's entry point somewhere,
	// to make sure that the environment starts executing at that point.
	// See env_run() and env_iret() below.

	// LAB 3: Your code here.

    if (elf->e_magic != ELF_MAGIC)
        panic("Invalid Elf Magic");
    struct Proghdr *ph = (struct Proghdr *) ((uint8_t *) elf + elf->e_phoff);
    int ph_num = elf->e_phnum;

    // iterate over all program headers
    for (; --ph_num >= 0; ph++) 
        if (ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD)
            segment_alloc(e, ph->p_va, ph->p_memsz);
            // copy data from binary to address space
            memmove((void *)ph->p_va, binary + ph->p_offset, ph->p_filesz);

    // set entry point for new env
    e->env_tf.tf_eip = elf->e_entry;
    e->env_tf.tf_esp = USTACKTOP;
	// Now map one page for the program's initial stack
	// at virtual address USTACKTOP - PGSIZE.
	// (What should the permissions be?)
    struct Page *p;
    if ((p = page_alloc()) == NULL || page_insert(e->env_pgdir, p, USTACKTOP-PGSIZE, PTE_U|PTE_W|PTE_P))
        panic("segment_alloc: Can't allocate page");
    memset(page2kva(p), 0, PGSIZE);
예제 #7
파일: env.c 프로젝트: ren85/jos2006
// Set up the initial program binary, stack, and processor flags
// for a user process.
// This function is ONLY called during kernel initialization,
// before running the first user-mode environment.
// This function loads all loadable segments from the ELF binary image
// into the environment's user memory, starting at the appropriate
// virtual addresses indicated in the ELF program header.
// At the same time it clears to zero any portions of these segments
// that are marked in the program header as being mapped
// but not actually present in the ELF file - i.e., the program's bss section.
// All this is very similar to what our boot loader does, except the boot
// loader also needs to read the code from disk.  Take a look at
// boot/main.c to get ideas.
// Finally, this function maps one page for the program's initial stack.
// load_icode panics if it encounters problems.
//  - How might load_icode fail?  What might be wrong with the given input?
static void
load_icode(struct Env *e, uint8_t *binary, size_t size)
	// Hints: 
	//  Load each program segment into virtual memory
	//  at the address specified in the ELF section header.
	//  You should only load segments with ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD.
	//  Each segment's virtual address can be found in ph->p_va
	//  and its size in memory can be found in ph->p_memsz.
	//  The ph->p_filesz bytes from the ELF binary, starting at
	//  'binary + ph->p_offset', should be copied to virtual address
	//  ph->p_va.  Any remaining memory bytes should be cleared to zero.
	//  (The ELF header should have ph->p_filesz <= ph->p_memsz.)
	//  Use functions from the previous lab to allocate and map pages.
	//  All page protection bits should be user read/write for now.
	//  ELF segments are not necessarily page-aligned, but you can
	//  assume for this function that no two segments will touch
	//  the same virtual page.
	//  You may find a function like segment_alloc useful.
	//  Loading the segments is much simpler if you can move data
	//  directly into the virtual addresses stored in the ELF binary.
	//  So which page directory should be in force during
	//  this function?
	// Hint:
	//  You must also do something with the program's entry point,
	//  to make sure that the environment starts executing there.
	//  What?  (See env_run() and env_pop_tf() below.)

	// LAB 3: Your code here.

	struct Proghdr *ph, *eph; 
	struct Elf * header = (struct Elf *)binary;
	int i;
	uint32_t cr3;
	//switch to environment's page directory
	// (kernel part of which is the same as kernel's page directory's (except vpt, hm)) -ren
	cr3 = rcr3(); 
	// is this a valid ELF?
	if (header->e_magic != ELF_MAGIC)
		panic("load_icode - magic number is bad!");

	ph = (struct Proghdr *) (binary + header->e_phoff);
	eph = ph + header->e_phnum;

	for (; ph < eph; ph++){
		if (ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD){
			segment_alloc(e, (void *)ph->p_va, (size_t) ph->p_memsz);			
			memset( (void *) ph->p_va, 0, ph->p_memsz);	
			memcpy( (void *) ph->p_va, binary + ph->p_offset, ph->p_filesz);	
	//what about processor flags? (don't know) - ren
	// Now map one page for the program's initial stack
	// at virtual address USTACKTOP - PGSIZE.

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	segment_alloc(e, (void *)USTACKTOP - PGSIZE, PGSIZE);

	//switch back to kernel's page directory - ren
예제 #8
파일: vm.c 프로젝트: mmerler/osgroup
// Switch h/w page table register to the kernel-only page table,
// for when no process is running.
  lcr3(PADDR(kpgdir));   // switch to the kernel page table