예제 #1
파일: ldexpl.c 프로젝트: komh/gnulib-os2
main (void)
  long double x;
  int y;
  for (y = 0; y < 29; y++)
    printf ("%5d %.16Lg %.16Lg\n", y, ldexpl (0.8L, y), ldexpl (0.8L, -y) * ldexpl (0.8L, y));
예제 #2
파일: hypotl.c 프로젝트: Distrotech/gnulib
long double
hypotl (long double x, long double y)
  if (isfinite (x) && isfinite (y))
      /* Determine absolute values.  */
      x = fabsl (x);
      y = fabsl (y);

        /* Find the bigger and the smaller one.  */
        long double a;
        long double b;

        if (x >= y)
            a = x;
            b = y;
            a = y;
            b = x;
        /* Now 0 <= b <= a.  */

          int e;
          long double an;
          long double bn;

          /* Write a = an * 2^e, b = bn * 2^e with 0 <= bn <= an < 1.  */
          an = frexpl (a, &e);
          bn = ldexpl (b, - e);

            long double cn;

            /* Through the normalization, no unneeded overflow or underflow
               will occur here.  */
            cn = sqrtl (an * an + bn * bn);
            return ldexpl (cn, e);
      if (isinf (x) || isinf (y))
        /* x or y is infinite.  Return +Infinity.  */
        return HUGE_VALL;
        /* x or y is NaN.  Return NaN.  */
        return x + y;
예제 #3
파일: csqrt_test.c 프로젝트: 2asoft/freebsd
 * Test whether csqrt(a + bi) works for inputs that are large enough to
 * cause overflow in hypot(a, b) + a. In this case we are using
 *	csqrt(115 + 252*I) == 14 + 9*I
 * scaled up to near MAX_EXP.
static void
test_overflow(int maxexp)
	long double a, b;
	long double complex result;

	a = ldexpl(115 * 0x1p-8, maxexp);
	b = ldexpl(252 * 0x1p-8, maxexp);
	result = t_csqrt(CMPLXL(a, b));
	assert(creall(result) == ldexpl(14 * 0x1p-4, maxexp / 2));
	assert(cimagl(result) == ldexpl(9 * 0x1p-4, maxexp / 2));
예제 #4
 * Test inputs very close to 0.
static void
	float tiny = 0x1.23456p-120f;

	testall(asin, tiny, tiny, FE_INEXACT);
	testall(acos, tiny, pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	testall(atan, tiny, tiny, FE_INEXACT);

	testall(asin, -tiny, -tiny, FE_INEXACT);
	testall(acos, -tiny, pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	testall(atan, -tiny, -tiny, FE_INEXACT);

	/* Test inputs to atan2() that would cause y/x to underflow. */
	test2(atan2f, 0x1.0p-100, 0x1.0p100, 0.0, FE_INEXACT | FE_UNDERFLOW);
	test2(atan2, 0x1.0p-1000, 0x1.0p1000, 0.0, FE_INEXACT | FE_UNDERFLOW);
	test2(atan2l, ldexpl(1.0, 100 - LDBL_MAX_EXP),
	      ldexpl(1.0, LDBL_MAX_EXP - 100), 0.0, FE_INEXACT | FE_UNDERFLOW);
	test2(atan2f, -0x1.0p-100, 0x1.0p100, -0.0, FE_INEXACT | FE_UNDERFLOW);
	test2(atan2, -0x1.0p-1000, 0x1.0p1000, -0.0, FE_INEXACT | FE_UNDERFLOW);
	test2(atan2l, -ldexpl(1.0, 100 - LDBL_MAX_EXP),
	      ldexpl(1.0, LDBL_MAX_EXP - 100), -0.0, FE_INEXACT | FE_UNDERFLOW);
	test2(atan2f, 0x1.0p-100, -0x1.0p100, (float)pi, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2, 0x1.0p-1000, -0x1.0p1000, (double)pi, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2l, ldexpl(1.0, 100 - LDBL_MAX_EXP),
	      -ldexpl(1.0, LDBL_MAX_EXP - 100), pi, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2f, -0x1.0p-100, -0x1.0p100, (float)-pi, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2, -0x1.0p-1000, -0x1.0p1000, (double)-pi, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2l, -ldexpl(1.0, 100 - LDBL_MAX_EXP),
	      -ldexpl(1.0, LDBL_MAX_EXP - 100), -pi, FE_INEXACT);
예제 #5
 * Test very large inputs to atan().
static void
	float huge = 0x1.23456p120;

	testall(atan, huge, pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	testall(atan, -huge, -pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);

	/* Test inputs to atan2() that would cause y/x to overflow. */
	test2(atan2f, 0x1.0p100, 0x1.0p-100, (float)pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2, 0x1.0p1000, 0x1.0p-1000, (double)pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2l, ldexpl(1.0, LDBL_MAX_EXP - 100),
	      ldexpl(1.0, 100 - LDBL_MAX_EXP), pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2f, -0x1.0p100, 0x1.0p-100, (float)-pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2, -0x1.0p1000, 0x1.0p-1000, (double)-pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2l, -ldexpl(1.0, LDBL_MAX_EXP - 100),
	      ldexpl(1.0, 100 - LDBL_MAX_EXP), -pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);

	test2(atan2f, 0x1.0p100, -0x1.0p-100, (float)pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2, 0x1.0p1000, -0x1.0p-1000, (double)pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2l, ldexpl(1.0, LDBL_MAX_EXP - 100),
	      -ldexpl(1.0, 100 - LDBL_MAX_EXP), pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2f, -0x1.0p100, -0x1.0p-100, (float)-pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2, -0x1.0p1000, -0x1.0p-1000, (double)-pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
	test2(atan2l, -ldexpl(1.0, LDBL_MAX_EXP - 100),
	      -ldexpl(1.0, 100 - LDBL_MAX_EXP), -pi / 2, FE_INEXACT);
예제 #6
	int i;

	 * We should insist that log2() return exactly the correct
	 * result and not raise an inexact exception for powers of 2.
	for (i = FLT_MIN_EXP - FLT_MANT_DIG; i < FLT_MAX_EXP; i++) {
		assert(log2f(ldexpf(1.0, i)) == i);
		assert(fetestexcept(ALL_STD_EXCEPT) == 0);
	for (i = DBL_MIN_EXP - DBL_MANT_DIG; i < DBL_MAX_EXP; i++) {
		assert(log2(ldexp(1.0, i)) == i);
		assert(fetestexcept(ALL_STD_EXCEPT) == 0);
	for (i = LDBL_MIN_EXP - LDBL_MANT_DIG; i < LDBL_MAX_EXP; i++) {
		assert(log2l(ldexpl(1.0, i)) == i);
#if 0
		/* XXX This test does not pass yet. */
		assert(fetestexcept(ALL_STD_EXCEPT) == 0);
예제 #7
파일: num_co.o.c 프로젝트: hoobaa/mecl
cl_scale_float(cl_object x, cl_object y)
	const cl_env_ptr the_env = ecl_process_env();
	cl_fixnum k;

	if (ECL_FIXNUMP(y)) {
		k = ecl_fixnum(y);
	} else {
	switch (ecl_t_of(x)) {
	case t_singlefloat:
		x = ecl_make_single_float(ldexpf(ecl_single_float(x), k));
	case t_doublefloat:
		x = ecl_make_double_float(ldexp(ecl_double_float(x), k));
	case t_longfloat:
		x = ecl_make_long_float(ldexpl(ecl_long_float(x), k));
	ecl_return1(the_env, x);
/* A simple Newton-Raphson method. */
long double
sqrtl (long double x)
  long double delta, y;
  int exponent;

  /* Check for NaN */
  if (isnanl (x))
    return x;

  /* Check for negative numbers */
  if (x < 0.0L)
    return (long double) sqrt (-1);

  /* Check for zero and infinites */
  if (x + x == x)
    return x;

  frexpl (x, &exponent);
  y = ldexpl (x, -exponent / 2);

      delta = y;
      y = (y + x / y) * 0.5L;
      delta -= y;
  while (delta != 0.0L);

  return y;
예제 #9
파일: e_expl.c 프로젝트: michalsc/AROS
long double
expl(long double x)
long double px, xx;
int n;

if( x > MAXLOGL)
	return (huge*huge);		/* overflow */

if( x < MINLOGL )
	return (twom10000*twom10000);	/* underflow */

/* Express e**x = e**g 2**n
 *   = e**g e**( n loge(2) )
 *   = e**( g + n loge(2) )
px = floorl( LOG2EL * x + 0.5L ); /* floor() truncates toward -infinity. */
n = px;
x += px * C1;
x += px * C2;
/* rational approximation for exponential
 * of the fractional part:
 * e**x =  1 + 2x P(x**2)/( Q(x**2) - P(x**2) )
xx = x * x;
px = x * __polevll( xx, P, 4 );
xx = __polevll( xx, Q, 5 );
x =  px/( xx - px );
x = 1.0L + x + x;

x = ldexpl( x, n );
예제 #10
TEST(math, nexttowardl) {
  ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0L, nexttowardl(0.0L, 0.0L));
  // Use a runtime value to accomodate the case when
  // sizeof(double) == sizeof(long double)
  long double smallest_positive = ldexpl(1.0L, LDBL_MIN_EXP - LDBL_MANT_DIG);
  ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(smallest_positive, nexttowardl(0.0L, 1.0L));
  ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(-smallest_positive, nexttowardl(0.0L, -1.0L));
예제 #11
void test_ldexp()
    int ip = 1;
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(ldexp((double)0, ip)), double>::value), "");
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(ldexpf(0, ip)), float>::value), "");
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(ldexpl(0, ip)), long double>::value), "");
    assert(ldexp(1, ip) == 2);
예제 #12
파일: number.o.c 프로젝트: hoobaa/mecl
_ecl_long_double_to_integer(long double d0)
        const int fb = FIXNUM_BITS - 3;
        int e;
        long double d = frexpl(d0, &e);
        if (e <= fb) {
                return ecl_make_fixnum((cl_fixnum)d0);
        } else if (e > LDBL_MANT_DIG) {
                return ecl_ash(_ecl_long_double_to_integer(ldexp(d, LDBL_MANT_DIG)),
                               e - LDBL_MANT_DIG);
        } else {
                long double d1 = floorl(d = ldexpl(d, fb));
                int newe = e - fb;
                cl_object o = ecl_ash(_ecl_long_double_to_integer(d1), newe);
                long double d2 = ldexpl(d - d1, newe);
                if (d2) o = ecl_plus(o, _ecl_long_double_to_integer(d2));
                return o;
예제 #13
파일: big.o.c 프로젝트: hoobaa/mecl
long double
_ecl_big_to_long_double(cl_object o)
        long double output = 0;
        int i, l = mpz_size(o->big.big_num), exp = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                output += ldexpl(mpz_getlimbn(o->big.big_num, i), exp);
                exp += GMP_LIMB_BITS;
        return (mpz_sgn(o->big.big_num) < 0)? -output : output;
예제 #14
/* use ldexpl routine in libc prototyped in math.h */
_SET_EXPONENT_16(_f_real16 a, _f_int4 i)
	_f_int4		dummy;
	_f_real16	aa;
	if (a == 0.0) {
		aa	= 0.0;
	} else {
		aa	= ldexpl(_get_frac_and_exp(a,&dummy),i);
	return (aa);
예제 #15
static float_approx *
setup(cl_object number, float_approx *approx)
        cl_object f = cl_integer_decode_float(number);
        cl_fixnum e = ecl_fixnum(VALUES(1)), min_e;
        bool limit_f = 0;
        switch (ecl_t_of(number)) {
        case t_singlefloat:
                min_e = FLT_MIN_EXP;
                limit_f = (number->SF.SFVAL ==
                           ldexpf(FLT_RADIX, FLT_MANT_DIG-1));
        case t_doublefloat:
                min_e = DBL_MIN_EXP;
                limit_f = (number->DF.DFVAL ==
                           ldexp(FLT_RADIX, DBL_MANT_DIG-1));
        case t_longfloat:
                min_e = LDBL_MIN_EXP;
                limit_f = (number->longfloat.value ==
                           ldexpl(FLT_RADIX, LDBL_MANT_DIG-1));
        approx->low_ok = approx->high_ok = ecl_evenp(f);
        if (e > 0) {
                cl_object be = EXPT_RADIX(e);
                if (limit_f) {
                        cl_object be1 = ecl_times(be, ecl_make_fixnum(FLT_RADIX));
                        approx->r = times2(ecl_times(f, be1));
                        approx->s = ecl_make_fixnum(FLT_RADIX*2);
                        approx->mm = be;
                        approx->mp = be1;
                } else {
                        approx->r = times2(ecl_times(f, be));
                        approx->s = ecl_make_fixnum(2);
                        approx->mm = be;
                        approx->mp = be;
        } else if (!limit_f || (e == min_e)) {
                approx->r = times2(f);
                approx->s = times2(EXPT_RADIX(-e));
                approx->mp = ecl_make_fixnum(1);
                approx->mm = ecl_make_fixnum(1);
        } else {
                approx->r = times2(ecl_make_fixnum(FLT_RADIX));
                approx->s = times2(EXPT_RADIX(1-e));
                approx->mp = ecl_make_fixnum(FLT_RADIX);
                approx->mm = ecl_make_fixnum(1);
        return approx;
예제 #16
파일: s_expm1l.c 프로젝트: michalsc/AROS
long double
expm1l(long double x)
long double px, qx, xx;
int k;

/* Overflow.  */
if (x > MAXLOGL)
  return (huge*huge);	/* overflow */

if (x == 0.0)
  return x;

/* Minimum value.  */
if (x < minarg)
  return -1.0L;

xx = C1 + C2;

/* Express x = ln 2 (k + remainder), remainder not exceeding 1/2. */
px = floorl (0.5 + x / xx);
k = px;
/* remainder times ln 2 */
x -= px * C1;
x -= px * C2;

/* Approximate exp(remainder ln 2).  */
px = (((( P4 * x
	 + P3) * x
	+ P2) * x
       + P1) * x
      + P0) * x;

qx = (((( x
	 + Q4) * x
	+ Q3) * x
       + Q2) * x
      + Q1) * x
     + Q0;

xx = x * x;
qx = x + (0.5 * xx + xx * px / qx);

/* exp(x) = exp(k ln 2) exp(remainder ln 2) = 2^k exp(remainder ln 2).
   We have qx = exp(remainder ln 2) - 1, so
   exp(x) - 1  =  2^k (qx + 1) - 1  =  2^k qx + 2^k - 1.  */
px = ldexpl(1.0L, k);
x = px * qx + (px - 1.0);
return x;
예제 #17
파일: number.o.c 프로젝트: hoobaa/mecl
static long double
ratio_to_long_double(cl_object num, cl_object den)
        cl_fixnum scale;
        cl_object bits = prepare_ratio_to_float(num, den, LDBL_MANT_DIG, &scale);
        /* The output of prepare_ratio_to_float will always fit an integer */
        long double output = ecl_fixnum(bits);
        long double output = ECL_FIXNUMP(bits)?
                (long double)ecl_fixnum(bits) :
        return ldexpl(output, scale);
예제 #18
spacing_r10 (GFC_REAL_10 s, int p, int emin, GFC_REAL_10 tiny)
  int e;
  if (s == 0.)
    return tiny;
  frexpl (s, &e);
  e = e - p;
  e = e > emin ? e : emin;
#if defined (HAVE_LDEXPL)
  return ldexpl (1., e);
  return scalbnl (1., e);
예제 #19
파일: e_expl.c 프로젝트: bingos/bitrig
long double
expl(long double x)
long double px, xx;
int n;

if( isnan(x) )
if( x > MAXLOGL)
	return( INFINITY );

if( x < MINLOGL )

/* Express e**x = e**g 2**n
 *   = e**g e**( n loge(2) )
 *   = e**( g + n loge(2) )
px = floorl( LOG2EL * x + 0.5L ); /* floor() truncates toward -infinity. */
n = px;
x -= px * C1;
x -= px * C2;

/* rational approximation for exponential
 * of the fractional part:
 * e**x =  1 + 2x P(x**2)/( Q(x**2) - P(x**2) )
xx = x * x;
px = x * __polevll( xx, P, 2 );
x =  px/( __polevll( xx, Q, 3 ) - px );
x = 1.0L + ldexpl( x, 1 );

x = ldexpl( x, n );
예제 #20
// static long double Duplication_Formula(long double two_x)                  //
//                                                                            //
//  Description:                                                              //
//     This function returns the Gamma(two_x) using the duplication formula   //
//     Gamma(2x) = (2^(2x-1) / sqrt(pi)) Gamma(x) Gamma(x+1/2).               //
//                                                                            //
//  Arguments:                                                                //
//     none                                                                   //
//                                                                            //
//  Return Values:                                                            //
//     Gamma(two_x)                                                           //
//                                                                            //
//  Example:                                                                  //
//     long double two_x, g;                                                  //
//                                                                            //
//     g = Duplication_Formula(two_x);                                        //
static long double Duplication_Formula( long double two_x )
   long double x = 0.5L * two_x;
   long double g;
   double two_n = 1.0;
   int n = (int) two_x - 1;

   g = powl(2.0L, two_x - 1.0L - (long double) n);
   g = ldexpl(g,n);
   g /= sqrt(pi);
   g *= xGamma_Function(x);
   g *= xGamma_Function(x + 0.5L);

   return g;
rrspacing_r10 (GFC_REAL_10 s, int p)
  int e;
  GFC_REAL_10 x;
  x = fabsl (s);
  if (x == 0.)
    return 0.;
  frexpl (s, &e);
#if defined (HAVE_LDEXPL)
  return ldexpl (x, p - e);
  return scalbnl (x, p - e);

예제 #22
파일: spacing.c 프로젝트: sharugupta/OpenUH
 *  Return a real with the same type parameter as X whose value is the
 *  absolute spacing of the model number near X, that is, b**(e-p).
_SPACING_16(_f_real16 a)
	_f_int4		e;
	_f_real16	f;
	if (a == 0) {
		e = -916;
	} else {
		(void) _get_frac_and_exp(a,&e);

	/* Unfortunately, (in Fortran) -1021 is too small.  The
	 * constant -916 is hard-wired to maintain full precision.
	if (e < -916)
		e	= -916;
	/* use ldexpl routine in libc prototyped in math.h */
	f	= ldexpl(1.0L,e);
예제 #23
#if N & 1
	long double	value = 0;
	double		value = 0;
#if N < 5
	int		exp = 0;

#if N == 1
	return ldexpl(value, exp) != 0;
#if N == 2
	return ldexp(value, exp) != 0;
#if N == 3
	return frexpl(value, &exp) != 0;
#if N == 4
	return frexp(value, &exp) != 0;
#if N == 5
	return isnan(value);
#if N == 6
	return isnan(value);
#if N == 7
	return copysign(1.0, value) < 0;
#if N == 8
	return signbit(value);
예제 #24
	int i;

	 * We should insist that exp2() return exactly the correct
	 * result and not raise an inexact exception for integer
	 * arguments.
	for (i = FLT_MIN_EXP - FLT_MANT_DIG; i < FLT_MAX_EXP; i++) {
		assert(exp2f(i) == ldexpf(1.0, i));
		assert(fetestexcept(ALL_STD_EXCEPT) == 0);
	for (i = DBL_MIN_EXP - DBL_MANT_DIG; i < DBL_MAX_EXP; i++) {
		assert(exp2(i) == ldexp(1.0, i));
		assert(fetestexcept(ALL_STD_EXCEPT) == 0);
	for (i = LDBL_MIN_EXP - LDBL_MANT_DIG; i < LDBL_MAX_EXP; i++) {
		assert(exp2l(i) == ldexpl(1.0, i));
		assert(fetestexcept(ALL_STD_EXCEPT) == 0);
예제 #25
ATF_TC_BODY(fpclassify_long_double, tc)
	long double d0, d1, d2, f, ip;
	int e, i;

	d0 = LDBL_MIN;
	ATF_REQUIRE_EQ(fpclassify(d0), FP_NORMAL);
	f = frexpl(d0, &e);
	ATF_REQUIRE_EQ(f, 0.5);
	d1 = d0;

	/* shift a "1" bit through the mantissa (skip the implicit bit) */
	for (i = 1; i < LDBL_MANT_DIG; i++) {
		d1 /= 2;
		ATF_REQUIRE_EQ(fpclassify(d1), FP_SUBNORMAL);
		ATF_REQUIRE(d1 > 0 && d1 < d0);

		d2 = ldexpl(d0, -i);
		ATF_REQUIRE_EQ(d2, d1);

		d2 = modfl(d1, &ip);
		ATF_REQUIRE_EQ(d2, d1);
		ATF_REQUIRE_EQ(ip, 0);

		f = frexpl(d1, &e);
		ATF_REQUIRE_EQ(f, 0.5);

	d1 /= 2;
	ATF_REQUIRE_EQ(fpclassify(d1), FP_ZERO);
	f = frexpl(d1, &e);
예제 #26
파일: strtold.c 프로젝트: monarchdodra/dmd
longdouble strtold_dm(const char *p,char **endp)
        longdouble ldval;
        int exp;
        long long msdec,lsdec;
        unsigned long msscale;
        char dot,sign;
        int pow;
        int ndigits;
        const char *pinit = p;
        static char infinity[] = "infinity";
        static char nans[] = "nans";
        unsigned int old_cw;
        unsigned int old_status;

#if _WIN32 && __DMC__
        fenv_t flagp;
        fegetenv(&flagp);  /* Store all exceptions, and current status word */
        if (_8087)
            // disable exceptions from occurring, set max precision, and round to nearest
#if __DMC__
                fstcw   word ptr old_cw
                mov     EAX,old_cw
                mov     ECX,EAX
                and     EAX,0xf0c0
                or      EAX,033fh
                mov     old_cw,EAX
                fldcw   word ptr old_cw
                mov     old_cw,ECX
            old_cw = _control87(_MCW_EM | _PC_64  | _RC_NEAR,
                                _MCW_EM | _MCW_PC | _MCW_RC);

        while (isspace(*p))
        sign = 0;                       /* indicating +                 */
        switch (*p)
        {       case '-':
                        /* FALL-THROUGH */
                case '+':
        ldval = 0.0;
        dot = 0;                        /* if decimal point has been seen */
        exp = 0;
        msdec = lsdec = 0;
        msscale = 1;
        ndigits = 0;

#if __DMC__
        switch (*p)
        {   case 'i':
            case 'I':
                if (memicmp(p,infinity,8) == 0)
                {   p += 8;
                    goto L4;
                if (memicmp(p,infinity,3) == 0)         /* is it "inf"? */
                {   p += 3;
                    ldval = HUGE_VAL;
                    goto L3;
            case 'n':
            case 'N':
                if (memicmp(p,nans,4) == 0)             /* "nans"?      */
                {   p += 4;
                    ldval = NANS;
                    goto L5;
                if (memicmp(p,nans,3) == 0)             /* "nan"?       */
                {   p += 3;
                    ldval = NAN;
                    if (*p == '(')              /* if (n-char-sequence) */
                        goto Lerr;              /* invalid input        */
                    goto L3;

        if (*p == '0' && (p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X'))
        {   int guard = 0;
            int anydigits = 0;

            p += 2;
            while (1)
            {   int i = *p;

                while (isxdigit(i))
                    anydigits = 1;
                    i = isalpha(i) ? ((i & ~0x20) - ('A' - 10)) : i - '0';
                    if (ndigits < 16)
                        msdec = msdec * 16 + i;
                        if (msdec)
                    else if (ndigits == 16)
                        while (msdec >= 0)
                            msdec <<= 1;
                            i <<= 1;
                            if (i & 0x10)
                                msdec |= 1;
                        guard = i << 4;
                        exp += 4;
                        guard |= i;
                        exp += 4;
                    exp -= dot;
                    i = *++p;
#if _WIN32 && __DMC__
                if (i == *__locale_decpoint && !dot)
                if (i == '.' && !dot)
                {       p++;
                        dot = 4;

            // Round up if (guard && (sticky || odd))
            if (guard & 0x80 && (guard & 0x7F || msdec & 1))
                if (msdec == 0)                 // overflow
                {   msdec = 0x8000000000000000LL;

            if (anydigits == 0)         // if error (no digits seen)
                goto Lerr;
            if (*p == 'p' || *p == 'P')
                char sexp;
                int e;

                sexp = 0;
                switch (*++p)
                {   case '-':    sexp++;
                    case '+':    p++;
                ndigits = 0;
                e = 0;
                while (isdigit(*p))
                    if (e < 0x7FFFFFFF / 10 - 10) // prevent integer overflow
                        e = e * 10 + *p - '0';
                    ndigits = 1;
                exp += (sexp) ? -e : e;
                if (!ndigits)           // if no digits in exponent
                    goto Lerr;

                if (msdec)
#if __DMC__
                    // The 8087 has no instruction to load an
                    // unsigned long long
                    if (msdec < 0)
                        *(long long *)&ldval = msdec;
                        ((unsigned short *)&ldval)[4] = 0x3FFF + 63;
                    {   // But does for a signed one
                            fild        qword ptr msdec
                            fstp        tbyte ptr ldval
                    int e2 = 0x3FFF + 63;

                    // left justify mantissa
                    while (msdec >= 0)
                    {   msdec <<= 1;

                    // Stuff mantissa directly into long double
                    *(long long *)&ldval = msdec;
                    ((unsigned short *)&ldval)[4] = e2;

#if 0
                    if (0)
                    {   int i;
                        printf("msdec = x%llx, ldval = %Lg\n", msdec, ldval);
                        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                            printf("%04x ",((unsigned short *)&ldval)[i]);
                    // Exponent is power of 2, not power of 10
#if _WIN32 && __DMC__
                        fild    dword ptr exp
                        fld     tbyte ptr ldval
                        fscale                  // ST(0) = ST(0) * (2**ST(1))
                        fstp    ST(1)
                        fstp    tbyte ptr ldval
                    ldval = ldexpl(ldval,exp);
                goto L6;
예제 #27
long double
log10l(long double x)
long double y;
volatile long double z;
int e;

if( isnan(x) )
/* Test for domain */
if( x <= 0.0L )
	if( x == 0.0L )
		return (-1.0L / (x - x));
		return (x - x) / (x - x);
if( x == INFINITY )
/* separate mantissa from exponent */

/* Note, frexp is used so that denormal numbers
 * will be handled properly.
x = frexpl( x, &e );

/* logarithm using log(x) = z + z**3 P(z)/Q(z),
 * where z = 2(x-1)/x+1)
if( (e > 2) || (e < -2) )
if( x < SQRTH )
	{ /* 2( 2x-1 )/( 2x+1 ) */
	e -= 1;
	z = x - 0.5L;
	y = 0.5L * z + 0.5L;
	{ /*  2 (x-1)/(x+1)   */
	z = x - 0.5L;
	z -= 0.5L;
	y = 0.5L * x  + 0.5L;
x = z / y;
z = x*x;
y = x * ( z * __polevll( z, R, 3 ) / __p1evll( z, S, 3 ) );
goto done;

/* logarithm using log(1+x) = x - .5x**2 + x**3 P(x)/Q(x) */

if( x < SQRTH )
	e -= 1;
	x = ldexpl( x, 1 ) - 1.0L; /*  2x - 1  */
	x = x - 1.0L;
z = x*x;
y = x * ( z * __polevll( x, P, 6 ) / __p1evll( x, Q, 7 ) );
y = y - ldexpl( z, -1 );   /* -0.5x^2 + ... */


/* Multiply log of fraction by log10(e)
 * and base 2 exponent by log10(2).
 * ***CAUTION***
 * This sequence of operations is critical and it may
 * be horribly defeated by some compiler optimizers.
z = y * (L10EB);
z += x * (L10EB);
z += e * (L102B);
z += y * (L10EA);
z += x * (L10EA);
z += e * (L102A);

return( z );
예제 #28
long double frexpl(long double x, int *exponent)
  *exponent = (int)ceill(log2(x));
  return x / ldexpl(1.0, *exponent);
예제 #29
domathl (void)
  long double f1;
  long double f2;

  int i1;

  f1 = acosl(0.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "acosl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = acoshl(0.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "acoshl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = asinl(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "asinl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = asinhl(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "asinhl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = atanl(M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "atanl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = atan2l(2.3, 2.3);
  fprintf( stdout, "atan2l         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = atanhl(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "atanhl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = cbrtl(27.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "cbrtl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = ceill(3.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "ceill          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = copysignl(3.5, -2.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "copysignl      : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = cosl(M_PI_2);
  fprintf( stdout, "cosl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = coshl(M_PI_2);
  fprintf( stdout, "coshl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = erfl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "erfl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = erfcl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "erfcl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = expl(0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "expl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = exp2l(0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "exp2l          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = expm1l(0.00042);
  fprintf( stdout, "expm1l         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fabsl(-1.123);
  fprintf( stdout, "fabsl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fdiml(1.123, 2.123);
  fprintf( stdout, "fdiml          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = floorl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "floorl         : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = floorl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "floorl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fmal(2.1, 2.2, 3.01);
  fprintf( stdout, "fmal           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fmaxl(-0.42, 0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "fmaxl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fminl(-0.42, 0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "fminl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fmodl(42.0, 3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "fmodl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = fpclassify(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "fpclassify     : %d\n", i1);

  f1 = frexpl(42.0, &i1);
  fprintf( stdout, "frexpl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = hypotl(42.0, 42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "hypotl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  i1 = ilogbl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "ilogbl         : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isfinite(3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isfinite       : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isgreater(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "isgreater      : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isgreaterequal(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "isgreaterequal : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isinf(3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isinf          : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isless(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "isless         : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = islessequal(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "islessequal    : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = islessgreater(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "islessgreater  : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isnan(0.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isnan          : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isnormal(3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isnormal       : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  f1 = isunordered(1.0, 2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isunordered    : %d\n", i1);

  f1 = j0l(1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "j0l            : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = j1l(1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "j1l            : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = jnl(2,1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "jnl            : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = ldexpl(1.2,3);
  fprintf( stdout, "ldexpl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = lgammal(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "lgammal        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = llrintl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "llrintl        : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = llrintl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "llrintl        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = llroundl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lroundl        : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = llroundl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lroundl        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = logl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "logl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = log10l(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "log10l         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = log1pl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "log1pl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = log2l(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "log2l          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = logbl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "logbl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = lrintl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lrintl         : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = lrintl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lrintl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = lroundl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lroundl        : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = lroundl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lroundl        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = modfl(42.0,&f2);
  fprintf( stdout, "lmodfl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = nanl("");
  fprintf( stdout, "nanl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = nearbyintl(1.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "nearbyintl     : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = nextafterl(1.5,2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "nextafterl     : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = powl(3.01, 2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "powl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = remainderl(3.01,2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "remainderl     : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = remquol(29.0,3.0,&i1);
  fprintf( stdout, "remquol        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = rintl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "rintl          : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = rintl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "rintl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = roundl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "roundl         : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = roundl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "roundl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = scalblnl(1.2,3);
  fprintf( stdout, "scalblnl       : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = scalbnl(1.2,3);
  fprintf( stdout, "scalbnl        : %Lf\n", f1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = signbit(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "signbit        : %i\n", i1);

  f1 = sinl(M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "sinl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = sinhl(M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "sinhl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = sqrtl(9.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "sqrtl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = tanl(M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "tanl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = tanhl(M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "tanhl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = tgammal(2.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "tgammal        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = truncl(3.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "truncl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = y0l(1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "y0l            : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = y1l(1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "y1l            : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = ynl(3,1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "ynl            : %Lf\n", f1);
예제 #30
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	static const int ex_under = FE_UNDERFLOW | FE_INEXACT;	/* shorthand */
	static const int ex_over = FE_OVERFLOW | FE_INEXACT;
	long double ldbl_small, ldbl_eps, ldbl_max;


#ifdef	__i386__
	 * We can't use a compile-time constant here because gcc on
	 * FreeBSD/i386 assumes long doubles are truncated to the
	 * double format.
	ldbl_small = ldexpl(1.0, LDBL_MIN_EXP - LDBL_MANT_DIG);
	ldbl_eps = LDBL_EPSILON;
	ldbl_max = ldexpl(1.0 - ldbl_eps / 2, LDBL_MAX_EXP);

	 * Special cases involving zeroes.
#define	ztest(prec)							      \
	test##prec(copysign##prec(1.0, nextafter##prec(0.0, -0.0)), -1.0, 0); \
	test##prec(copysign##prec(1.0, nextafter##prec(-0.0, 0.0)), 1.0, 0);  \
	test##prec(copysign##prec(1.0, nexttoward##prec(0.0, -0.0)), -1.0, 0);\
	test##prec(copysign##prec(1.0, nexttoward##prec(-0.0, 0.0)), 1.0, 0)

#undef	ztest

#define	stest(next, eps, prec)					\
	test##prec(next(-0.0, 42.0), eps, ex_under);		\
	test##prec(next(0.0, -42.0), -eps, ex_under);		\
	test##prec(next(0.0, INFINITY), eps, ex_under);		\
	test##prec(next(-0.0, -INFINITY), -eps, ex_under)

	stest(nextafter, 0x1p-1074, );
	stest(nextafterf, 0x1p-149f, f);
	stest(nextafterl, ldbl_small, l);
	stest(nexttoward, 0x1p-1074, );
	stest(nexttowardf, 0x1p-149f, f);
	stest(nexttowardl, ldbl_small, l);
#undef	stest

	printf("ok 1 - next\n");

	 * `x == y' and NaN tests
	testall(42.0, 42.0, 42.0, 0);
	testall(-42.0, -42.0, -42.0, 0);
	testall(NAN, 42.0, NAN, 0);
	testall(42.0, NAN, NAN, 0);
	testall(NAN, NAN, NAN, 0);

	printf("ok 2 - next\n");

	 * Tests where x is an ordinary normalized number
	testboth(1.0, 2.0, 1.0 + DBL_EPSILON, 0, );
	testboth(1.0, -INFINITY, 1.0 - DBL_EPSILON/2, 0, );
	testboth(1.0, 2.0, 1.0 + FLT_EPSILON, 0, f);
	testboth(1.0, -INFINITY, 1.0 - FLT_EPSILON/2, 0, f);
	testboth(1.0, 2.0, 1.0 + ldbl_eps, 0, l);
	testboth(1.0, -INFINITY, 1.0 - ldbl_eps/2, 0, l);

	testboth(-1.0, 2.0, -1.0 + DBL_EPSILON/2, 0, );
	testboth(-1.0, -INFINITY, -1.0 - DBL_EPSILON, 0, );
	testboth(-1.0, 2.0, -1.0 + FLT_EPSILON/2, 0, f);
	testboth(-1.0, -INFINITY, -1.0 - FLT_EPSILON, 0, f);
	testboth(-1.0, 2.0, -1.0 + ldbl_eps/2, 0, l);
	testboth(-1.0, -INFINITY, -1.0 - ldbl_eps, 0, l);

	/* Cases where nextafter(...) != nexttoward(...) */
	test(nexttoward(1.0, 1.0 + ldbl_eps), 1.0 + DBL_EPSILON, 0);
	testf(nexttowardf(1.0, 1.0 + ldbl_eps), 1.0 + FLT_EPSILON, 0);
	testl(nexttowardl(1.0, 1.0 + ldbl_eps), 1.0 + ldbl_eps, 0);

	printf("ok 3 - next\n");

	 * Tests at word boundaries, normalization boundaries, etc.
	testboth(0x1.87654ffffffffp+0, INFINITY, 0x1.87655p+0, 0, );
	testboth(0x1.87655p+0, -INFINITY, 0x1.87654ffffffffp+0, 0, );
	testboth(0x1.fffffffffffffp+0, INFINITY, 0x1p1, 0, );
	testboth(0x1p1, -INFINITY, 0x1.fffffffffffffp+0, 0, );
	testboth(0x0.fffffffffffffp-1022, INFINITY, 0x1p-1022, 0, );
	testboth(0x1p-1022, -INFINITY, 0x0.fffffffffffffp-1022, ex_under, );

	testboth(0x1.fffffep0f, INFINITY, 0x1p1, 0, f);
	testboth(0x1p1, -INFINITY, 0x1.fffffep0f, 0, f);
	testboth(0x0.fffffep-126f, INFINITY, 0x1p-126f, 0, f);
	testboth(0x1p-126f, -INFINITY, 0x0.fffffep-126f, ex_under, f);

#if LDBL_MANT_DIG == 53
	testboth(0x1.87654ffffffffp+0L, INFINITY, 0x1.87655p+0L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1.87655p+0L, -INFINITY, 0x1.87654ffffffffp+0L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1.fffffffffffffp+0L, INFINITY, 0x1p1L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1p1L, -INFINITY, 0x1.fffffffffffffp+0L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x0.fffffffffffffp-1022L, INFINITY, 0x1p-1022L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1p-1022L, -INFINITY, 0x0.fffffffffffffp-1022L, ex_under, l);
#elif LDBL_MANT_DIG == 64 && !defined(__i386)
	testboth(0x1.87654321fffffffep+0L, INFINITY, 0x1.87654322p+0L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1.87654322p+0L, -INFINITY, 0x1.87654321fffffffep+0L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1.fffffffffffffffep0L, INFINITY, 0x1p1L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1p1L, -INFINITY, 0x1.fffffffffffffffep0L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x0.fffffffffffffffep-16382L, INFINITY, 0x1p-16382L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1p-16382L, -INFINITY,
	    0x0.fffffffffffffffep-16382L, ex_under, l);
#elif LDBL_MANT_DIG == 113
	testboth(0x1.876543210987ffffffffffffffffp+0L, INFINITY,
	    0x1.876543210988p+0, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1.876543210988p+0L, -INFINITY,
	    0x1.876543210987ffffffffffffffffp+0L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1.ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffp0L, INFINITY, 0x1p1L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1p1L, -INFINITY, 0x1.ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffp0L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x0.ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffp-16382L, INFINITY,
	    0x1p-16382L, 0, l);
	testboth(0x1p-16382L, -INFINITY,
	    0x0.ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffp-16382L, ex_under, l);

	printf("ok 4 - next\n");

	 * Overflow tests
	test(idd(nextafter(DBL_MAX, INFINITY)), INFINITY, ex_over);
	test(idd(nextafter(INFINITY, 0.0)), DBL_MAX, 0);
	test(idd(nexttoward(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX * 2.0L)), INFINITY, ex_over);
#if LDBL_MANT_DIG > 53
	test(idd(nexttoward(INFINITY, DBL_MAX * 2.0L)), DBL_MAX, 0);

	testf(idf(nextafterf(FLT_MAX, INFINITY)), INFINITY, ex_over);
	testf(idf(nextafterf(INFINITY, 0.0)), FLT_MAX, 0);
	testf(idf(nexttowardf(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX * 2.0)), INFINITY, ex_over);
	testf(idf(nexttowardf(INFINITY, FLT_MAX * 2.0)), FLT_MAX, 0);

	testboth(ldbl_max, INFINITY, INFINITY, ex_over, l);
	testboth(INFINITY, 0.0, ldbl_max, 0, l);

	printf("ok 5 - next\n");

	return (0);