예제 #1
void FontDisplay::draw() {
  const char* saved_encoding = fltk::get_encoding();
  fltk::setfont(font, (float) size);
  char buffer[32];
  for (int Y = 1; Y < 8; Y++) {
    for (int X = 0; X < 32; X++) buffer[X] = (32*Y+X);
    fltk::drawtext(buffer, 32, 3, 3+(size+leading())*Y);
예제 #2
QRect StyleHelper::drawText(QPainter* p, const QRect& rc, QString& str, int nLines,
                          int nFlags, const QColor& color, const QFont& font, bool bElided)
    if (str.isEmpty()) {
        qDebug() << "[WARNING]: the text should not be empty when drawing!";
        return QRect();

    QFontMetrics fm(font);
    if (rc.height() < (fm.height() + fm.leading()) * nLines) {
        qDebug() << "[WARNING]: space is not enough for drawing! text: " << str.left(30) << "...";

    //if (rc.width() * nLines < fm.width(str)) {
    //    qDebug() << "[WARNING]: width should bigger than font metrics when drawing! text:" << str.left(30) << "...";


    int nWidth = 0;
    int nHeight = 0;
    int nHeightLine = p->fontMetrics().height() + leading();

    QRect rcRet(rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), nHeightLine);
    rcRet.adjust(margin(), 0, -margin(), 0);

    QTextLayout textLayout(str, p->font());
    QTextOption opt = textLayout.textOption();

    while (nLines) {
        QTextLine line = textLayout.createLine();
        if (!line.isValid()) {


        QString lineText;
        if (nLines == 1 && bElided) { // the last line
            lineText = p->fontMetrics().elidedText(str, Qt::ElideRight, rcRet.width());
            nWidth = qMax<int>(p->fontMetrics().width(lineText), nWidth);
        } else {
            lineText = str.left(line.textLength());
            nWidth = qMax<int>(line.width(), nWidth);

        str.remove(0, line.textLength());
        p->drawText(rcRet, nFlags, lineText);

        nHeight += nHeightLine;
        rcRet.setRect(rc.x(), rc.y() + nHeight, nWidth, nHeightLine);
        rcRet.adjust(margin(), 0, -margin(), 0);


    rcRet.setRect(rc.x() + margin(), rc.y(), nWidth + margin(), nHeight);
    //rcRet.adjust(margin(), 0, -margin(), 0);


    return rcRet;
예제 #3
SYMBOL FormatMsg( VBUF *pbuf, char *fmt, va_list arg )
// this function assumes that pbuf is initialized
// all information is concatenated to the end of pbuf
    VBUF    prefix, suffix;
    char    cfmt;
    char    local_buf[ 1 + sizeof( int ) * 2 + 1 ];
    unsigned len;
    SYMBOL  retn_symbol;

    retn_symbol = NULL;
    cfmt = *fmt;
    while( cfmt ) {
        if( cfmt == '%' ) {
            cfmt = *fmt;
            switch( cfmt ) {
            case '1':   /* %01d */
            case '2':   /* %02d */
            case '3':   /* %03d */
            case '4':   /* %04d */
            case '5':   /* %05d */
            case '6':   /* %06d */
            case '7':   /* %07d */
            case '8':   /* %08d */
            case '9':   /* %09d */
                len = sticpy( local_buf, va_arg( arg, int ) ) - local_buf;
                leading( pbuf, '0', ( cfmt - '0' ) - len );
                VbufConcStr( pbuf, local_buf );
            case 'c':   /* %c */
                VbufConcChr( pbuf, va_arg( arg, int ) );
            case 's':   /* %s */
                VbufConcStr( pbuf, va_arg( arg, char * ) );
            case 'u':   /* %u */
                VbufConcDecimal( pbuf, va_arg( arg, unsigned int ) );
            case 'd':   /* %d */
                VbufConcInteger( pbuf, va_arg( arg, int ) );
            case 'L':   /* token location */
            {   TOKEN_LOCN *locn;
                locn = va_arg( arg, TOKEN_LOCN * );
                if( locn == NULL ) {
                    VbufConcStr( pbuf, "by compiler" );
                } else {
                    char *src_file = SrcFileName( locn->src_file );
                    if( src_file == NULL ) {
                        VbufConcStr( pbuf, "on the command line" );
                    } else {
                        if( ( CompFlags.ew_switch_used )
                          &&( locn->src_file == SrcFileTraceBackFile() ) ) {
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, "at: " );
                        } else {
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, "in: " );
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, SrcFileName( locn->src_file ) );
                        VbufConcChr( pbuf, '(' );
                        VbufConcInteger( pbuf, locn->line );
                        if( locn->column ) {
                            if( CompFlags.ew_switch_used ) {
                                VbufConcChr( pbuf, ',' );
                                VbufConcInteger( pbuf, locn->column );
                            } else {
                                VbufConcStr( pbuf, ") (col " );
                                VbufConcInteger( pbuf, locn->column );
                        VbufConcChr( pbuf, ')' );
            }   break;
            case 'N':   /* name */
                FormatName( va_arg( arg, NAME ), &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            case 'F':   /* symbol name (decorated) */
            {   SYMBOL      sym;
                sym = va_arg( arg, SYMBOL );
                FormatSym( sym, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
            case 'S':   /* symbol name (abbreviated) */
            {   SYMBOL      sym;
                SYMBOL_NAME sn;
                NAME        name;
                sym = va_arg( arg, SYMBOL );
                if( sym == NULL ) {
                    VbufConcStr( pbuf, "module data" );
                } else {
                    if( formatClassForSym( sym, pbuf ) ) {
                        VbufConcStr( pbuf, "::" );
                    if( SymIsCtor( sym ) ) {
                        formatClassForSym( sym, pbuf );
                    } else if( SymIsDtor( sym ) ) {
                        VbufConcChr( pbuf, '~' );
                        formatClassForSym( sym, pbuf );
                    } else {
                        sn = sym->name;
#ifndef NDEBUG
                        if( sn == NULL ) {
                            CFatal( "FormatMsg -- %S symbol has NULL SYMBOL_NAME" );
                        name = sn->name;
#ifndef NDEBUG
                        if( name == NULL ) {
                            CFatal( "FormatMsg -- %S SYMBOL_NAME has NULL name" );
                        if( name == CppConversionName() ) {
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, "operator " );
                            FormatType( SymFuncReturnType( sym )
                                      , &prefix
                                      , &suffix );
                            VbufFree( &suffix );
                        } else {
                            FormatName( name, &prefix );
                        VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                        VbufFree( &prefix );
                    if( sym->flag2 & SF2_TOKEN_LOCN ) {
                        DbgVerify( retn_symbol == NULL, "too many symbols" );
                        retn_symbol = sym;
            }   break;
            case 'T':   /* type name */
            {   TYPE type = va_arg( arg, TYPE );
                TYPE refed = TypeReference( type );
                if( NULL != refed ) {
                    type = refed;
                FormatType( type, &prefix, &suffix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &suffix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
                VbufFree( &suffix );
                VbufTruncWhite( pbuf );
                if( NULL != refed ) {
                    VbufConcStr( pbuf, " (lvalue)" );
            }   break;
            case 'P':   /* PTREE list */
            {   const PTREE p = va_arg( arg, PTREE );

                FormatPTreeList( p, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
            case 'I':   /* PTREE id */
            {   const PTREE p = va_arg( arg, PTREE );

                FormatPTreeId( p, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
            case 'M':   /* template info */
            {   TEMPLATE_INFO * const tinfo = va_arg( arg, TEMPLATE_INFO * );
                const SYMBOL sym = tinfo->sym;

                FormatTemplateInfo( tinfo, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
                if( sym->flag2 & SF2_TOKEN_LOCN ) {
                    DbgVerify( retn_symbol == NULL, "too many symbols" );
                    retn_symbol = sym;
            }   break;
            case 'C':   /* template specialisation */
            {   TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION * const tspec =
                    va_arg( arg, TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION * );

                FormatTemplateSpecialization( tspec, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
                VbufConcChr( pbuf, cfmt );
        } else {
예제 #4
void Lyrics::layout1()
      if (!parent()) // palette & clone trick

      ChordRest* cr = chordRest();
      const QList<Lyrics*>* ll = &(cr->lyricsList());

      qreal lh = lineSpacing() * score()->styleD(StyleIdx::lyricsLineHeight);
      int line = ll->indexOf(this);
      qreal y  = lh * line + point(score()->styleS(StyleIdx::lyricsDistance));
      qreal x  = 0.0;

      // parse leading verse number and/or punctuation, so we can factor it into layout separately
      // TODO: provide a way to disable this
      bool hasNumber = false; // _verseNumber;
      qreal adjust = 0.0;
      QString s = plainText(true);
      // find:
      // 1) string of numbers and non-word characters at start of syllable
      // 2) at least one other character (indicating start of actual lyric)
      QRegularExpression leadingPattern("(^[\\d\\W]+)([^\\d\\W]+)");
      QRegularExpressionMatch leadingMatch = leadingPattern.match(s);
      if (leadingMatch.hasMatch()) {
            // leading string
            QString s1 = leadingMatch.captured(1);
            // actual lyric
            //QString s2 = leadingMatch.captured(2);
            Text leading(*this);
            adjust = leading.width();
            if (!s1.isEmpty() && s1[0].isDigit())
                  hasNumber = true;

      if (textStyle().align() & AlignmentFlags::HCENTER) {
            // center under notehead, not origin
            // however, lyrics that are melismas or have verse numbers will be forced to left alignment
            // TODO: provide a way to disable the automatic left alignment
            qreal maxWidth;
            if (cr->type() == Element::Type::CHORD)
                  maxWidth = static_cast<Chord*>(cr)->maxHeadWidth();
                  maxWidth = cr->width();       // TODO: exclude ledger line for multivoice rest?
            qreal nominalWidth = symWidth(SymId::noteheadBlack);
            if (!isMelisma() && !hasNumber)     // center under notehead
                  x +=  nominalWidth * .5 - cr->x() - adjust * 0.5;
            else                                // force left alignment
                  x += (width() + nominalWidth - maxWidth) * .5 - cr->x() - adjust;
      else {
            // even for left aligned syllables, ignore leading verse numbers and/or punctuation
            x -= adjust;

      rxpos() += x;
      rypos() += y;

      if (_ticks > 0 || _syllabic == Syllabic::BEGIN || _syllabic == Syllabic::MIDDLE) {
            if (_separator == nullptr) {
                  _separator = new LyricsLine(score());
            // if font parameters different from font cached values, compute new dash values from font metrics
            if (textStyle().family() != g_fontFamily && textStyle().size() != g_fontSize) {
                  QFontMetricsF     fm    = textStyle().fontMetrics(spatium());
                  QRectF            r     = fm.tightBoundingRect("\u2013");   // U+2013 EN DASH
                  g_cachedDashY           = _dashY          = r.y() + (r.height() * HALF);
                  g_cachedDashLength      = _dashLength     = r.width();
   #if defined(USE_FONT_DASH_TICKNESS)
                  g_cachedDashThickness   = _dashThickness  = r.height();
                  g_fontFamily            = textStyle().family();
                  g_fontSize              = textStyle().size();
            // if same font, use cached values
            else {
                  _dashY                  = g_cachedDashY;
                  _dashLength             = g_cachedDashLength;
   #if defined(USE_FONT_DASH_TICKNESS)
                  _dashThickness          = g_cachedDashThickness;
            if (_separator != nullptr) {
                  delete _separator;
                  _separator = nullptr;