예제 #1
void UnsteadySolver::solve ()
  if (first_solve)
      first_solve = false;

  unsigned int solve_result = _diff_solver->solve();

  // If we requested the UnsteadySolver to attempt reducing dt after a
  // failed DiffSolver solve, check the results of the solve now.
  if (reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure)
      bool backtracking_failed =
        solve_result & DiffSolver::DIVERGED_BACKTRACKING_FAILURE;

      bool max_iterations =
        solve_result & DiffSolver::DIVERGED_MAX_NONLINEAR_ITERATIONS;

      if (backtracking_failed || max_iterations)
          // Cut timestep in half
          for (unsigned int nr=0; nr<reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure; ++nr)
              _system.deltat *= 0.5;
              libMesh::out << "Newton backtracking failed.  Trying with smaller timestep, dt="
                           << _system.deltat << std::endl;

              solve_result = _diff_solver->solve();

              // Check solve results with reduced timestep
              bool backtracking_still_failed =
                solve_result & DiffSolver::DIVERGED_BACKTRACKING_FAILURE;

              bool backtracking_max_iterations =
                solve_result & DiffSolver::DIVERGED_MAX_NONLINEAR_ITERATIONS;

              if (!backtracking_still_failed && !backtracking_max_iterations)
                  if (!quiet)
                    libMesh::out << "Reduced dt solve succeeded." << std::endl;

          // If we made it here, we still couldn't converge the solve after
          // reducing deltat
          libMesh::out << "DiffSolver::solve() did not succeed after "
                       << reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure
                       << " attempts." << std::endl;

        } // end if (backtracking_failed || max_iterations)
    } // end if (reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure)
예제 #2
void UnsteadySolver::solve ()
  if (first_solve)
      first_solve = false;

  old_local_nonlinear_solution->init (_system.n_dofs(), _system.n_local_dofs(),
                                      _system.get_dof_map().get_send_list(), false,
  old_local_nonlinear_solution->init (_system.n_dofs(), false, SERIAL);


  unsigned int solve_result = _diff_solver->solve();

  // If we requested the UnsteadySolver to attempt reducing dt after a
  // failed DiffSolver solve, check the results of the solve now.
  if (reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure)
      bool backtracking_failed =
	solve_result & DiffSolver::DIVERGED_BACKTRACKING_FAILURE;

      bool max_iterations =

      if (backtracking_failed || max_iterations)
	  // Cut timestep in half
	  for (unsigned int nr=0; nr<reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure; ++nr)
	      _system.deltat *= 0.5;
	      libMesh::out << "Newton backtracking failed.  Trying with smaller timestep, dt="
			    << _system.deltat << std::endl;

	      solve_result = _diff_solver->solve();

	      // Check solve results with reduced timestep
	      bool backtracking_failed =
		solve_result & DiffSolver::DIVERGED_BACKTRACKING_FAILURE;

	      bool max_iterations =

	      if (!backtracking_failed && !max_iterations)
		  if (!quiet)
		    libMesh::out << "Reduced dt solve succeeded." << std::endl;

	  // If we made it here, we still couldn't converge the solve after
	  // reducing deltat
	  libMesh::out << "DiffSolver::solve() did not succeed after "
		        << reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure
		        << " attempts." << std::endl;

  	} // end if (backtracking_failed || max_iterations)
    } // end if (reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure)
예제 #3
Real NewtonSolver::line_search(Real tol,
                               Real last_residual,
                               Real &current_residual,
                               NumericVector<Number> &newton_iterate,
                               const NumericVector<Number> &linear_solution)
  // Take a full step if we got a residual reduction or if we
  // aren't substepping
  if ((current_residual < last_residual) ||
      (!require_residual_reduction &&
       (!require_finite_residual || !libmesh_isnan(current_residual))))
    return 1.;

  // The residual vector
  NumericVector<Number> &rhs = *(_system.rhs);

  Real ax = 0.;  // First abscissa, don't take negative steps
  Real cx = 1.;  // Second abscissa, don't extrapolate steps

  // Find bx, a step length that gives lower residual than ax or cx
  Real bx = 1.;

  while (libmesh_isnan(current_residual) ||
         (current_residual > last_residual &&
      // Reduce step size to 1/2, 1/4, etc.
      Real substepdivision;
      if (brent_line_search && !libmesh_isnan(current_residual))
          substepdivision = std::min(0.5, last_residual/current_residual);
          substepdivision = std::max(substepdivision, tol*2.);
        substepdivision = 0.5;

      newton_iterate.add (bx * (1.-substepdivision),
      bx *= substepdivision;
      if (verbose)
        libMesh::out << "  Shrinking Newton step to "
                     << bx << std::endl;

      // Check residual with fractional Newton step
      _system.assembly (true, false);

      current_residual = rhs.l2_norm();
      if (verbose)
        libMesh::out << "  Current Residual: "
                     << current_residual << std::endl;

      if (bx/2. < minsteplength &&
          (libmesh_isnan(current_residual) ||
           (current_residual > last_residual)))
          libMesh::out << "Inexact Newton step FAILED at step "
                       << _outer_iterations << std::endl;

          if (!continue_after_backtrack_failure)
              libMesh::out << "Continuing anyway ..." << std::endl;
              _solve_result = DiffSolver::DIVERGED_BACKTRACKING_FAILURE;
              return bx;
    } // end while (current_residual > last_residual)

  // Now return that reduced-residual step, or  use Brent's method to
  // find a more optimal step.

  if (!brent_line_search)
    return bx;

  // Brent's method adapted from Numerical Recipes in C, ch. 10.2
  Real e = 0.;

  Real x = bx, w = bx, v = bx;

  // Residuals at bx
  Real fx = current_residual,
    fw = current_residual,
    fv = current_residual;

  // Max iterations for Brent's method loop
  const unsigned int max_i = 20;

  // for golden ratio steps
  const Real golden_ratio = 1.-(std::sqrt(5.)-1.)/2.;

  for (unsigned int i=1; i <= max_i; i++)
      Real xm = (ax+cx)*0.5;
      Real tol1 = tol * std::abs(x) + tol*tol;
      Real tol2 = 2.0 * tol1;

      // Test if we're done
      if (std::abs(x-xm) <= (tol2 - 0.5 * (cx - ax)))
        return x;

      Real d;

      // Construct a parabolic fit
      if (std::abs(e) > tol1)
          Real r = (x-w)*(fx-fv);
          Real q = (x-v)*(fx-fw);
          Real p = (x-v)*q-(x-w)*r;
          q = 2. * (q-r);
          if (q > 0.)
            p = -p;
            q = std::abs(q);
          if (std::abs(p) >= std::abs(0.5*q*e) ||
              p <= q * (ax-x) ||
              p >= q * (cx-x))
              // Take a golden section step
              e = x >= xm ? ax-x : cx-x;
              d = golden_ratio * e;
              // Take a parabolic fit step
              d = p/q;
              if (x+d-ax < tol2 || cx-(x+d) < tol2)
                d = SIGN(tol1, xm - x);
          // Take a golden section step
          e = x >= xm ? ax-x : cx-x;
          d = golden_ratio * e;

      Real u = std::abs(d) >= tol1 ? x+d : x + SIGN(tol1,d);

      // Assemble the residual at the new steplength u
      newton_iterate.add (bx - u, linear_solution);
      bx = u;
      if (verbose)
        libMesh::out << "  Shrinking Newton step to "
                     << bx << std::endl;

      _system.assembly (true, false);

      Real fu = current_residual = rhs.l2_norm();
      if (verbose)
        libMesh::out << "  Current Residual: "
                     << fu << std::endl;

      if (fu <= fx)
          if (u >= x)
            ax = x;
            cx = x;
          v = w;   w = x;   x = u;
          fv = fw; fw = fx; fx = fu;
          if (u < x)
            ax = u;
            cx = u;
          if (fu <= fw || w == x)
              v = w;   w = u;
              fv = fw; fw = fu;
          else if (fu <= fv || v == x || v == w)
              v = u;
              fv = fu;

  if (!quiet)
    libMesh::out << "Warning!  Too many iterations used in Brent line search!"
                 << std::endl;
  return bx;
예제 #4
unsigned int NewtonSolver::solve()
  START_LOG("solve()", "NewtonSolver");

  // Reset any prior solve result
  _solve_result = INVALID_SOLVE_RESULT;

  NumericVector<Number> &newton_iterate = *(_system.solution);

  UniquePtr<NumericVector<Number> > linear_solution_ptr = newton_iterate.zero_clone();
  NumericVector<Number> &linear_solution = *linear_solution_ptr;
  NumericVector<Number> &rhs = *(_system.rhs);



  SparseMatrix<Number> &matrix = *(_system.matrix);

  // Set starting linear tolerance
  Real current_linear_tolerance = initial_linear_tolerance;

  // Start counting our linear solver steps
  _inner_iterations = 0;

  // Now we begin the nonlinear loop
  for (_outer_iterations=0; _outer_iterations<max_nonlinear_iterations;
      if (verbose)
        libMesh::out << "Assembling the System" << std::endl;

      _system.assembly(true, true);
      Real current_residual = rhs.l2_norm();

      if (libmesh_isnan(current_residual))
          libMesh::out << "  Nonlinear solver DIVERGED at step "
                       << _outer_iterations
                       << " with residual Not-a-Number"
                       << std::endl;

      if (current_residual == 0)
          if (verbose)
            libMesh::out << "Linear solve unnecessary; residual = 0"
                         << std::endl;

          // We're not doing a solve, but other code may reuse this
          // matrix.

          if (absolute_residual_tolerance > 0)
            _solve_result |= CONVERGED_ABSOLUTE_RESIDUAL;
          if (relative_residual_tolerance > 0)
            _solve_result |= CONVERGED_RELATIVE_RESIDUAL;
          if (absolute_step_tolerance > 0)
            _solve_result |= CONVERGED_ABSOLUTE_STEP;
          if (relative_step_tolerance > 0)
            _solve_result |= CONVERGED_RELATIVE_STEP;


      // Prepare to take incomplete steps
      Real last_residual = current_residual;

      max_residual_norm = std::max (current_residual,

      // Compute the l2 norm of the whole solution
      Real norm_total = newton_iterate.l2_norm();

      max_solution_norm = std::max(max_solution_norm, norm_total);

      if (verbose)
        libMesh::out << "Nonlinear Residual: "
                     << current_residual << std::endl;

      // Make sure our linear tolerance is low enough
      current_linear_tolerance = std::min (current_linear_tolerance,
                                           current_residual * linear_tolerance_multiplier);

      // But don't let it be too small
      if (current_linear_tolerance < minimum_linear_tolerance)
          current_linear_tolerance = minimum_linear_tolerance;

      // At this point newton_iterate is the current guess, and
      // linear_solution is now about to become the NEGATIVE of the next
      // Newton step.

      // Our best initial guess for the linear_solution is zero!

      if (verbose)
        libMesh::out << "Linear solve starting, tolerance "
                     << current_linear_tolerance << std::endl;

      // Solve the linear system.
      const std::pair<unsigned int, Real> rval =
        linear_solver->solve (matrix, _system.request_matrix("Preconditioner"),
                              linear_solution, rhs, current_linear_tolerance,

      if (track_linear_convergence)
          LinearConvergenceReason linear_c_reason = linear_solver->get_converged_reason();

          // Check if something went wrong during the linear solve
          if (linear_c_reason < 0)
              // The linear solver failed somehow
              _solve_result |= DiffSolver::DIVERGED_LINEAR_SOLVER_FAILURE;
              // Print a message
              libMesh::out << "Linear solver failed during Newton step, dropping out."
                           << std::endl;

      // We may need to localize a parallel solution
      _system.update ();
      // The linear solver may not have fit our constraints exactly
        (_system, &linear_solution, /* homogeneous = */ true);

      const unsigned int linear_steps = rval.first;
      libmesh_assert_less_equal (linear_steps, max_linear_iterations);
      _inner_iterations += linear_steps;

      const bool linear_solve_finished =
        !(linear_steps == max_linear_iterations);

      if (verbose)
        libMesh::out << "Linear solve finished, step " << linear_steps
                     << ", residual " << rval.second
                     << std::endl;

      // Compute the l2 norm of the nonlinear update
      Real norm_delta = linear_solution.l2_norm();

      if (verbose)
        libMesh::out << "Trying full Newton step" << std::endl;
      // Take a full Newton step
      newton_iterate.add (-1., linear_solution);

      if (this->linear_solution_monitor.get())
          // Compute the l2 norm of the whole solution
          norm_total = newton_iterate.l2_norm();
          (*this->linear_solution_monitor)(linear_solution, norm_delta,
                                           newton_iterate, norm_total,
                                           rhs, rhs.l2_norm(), _outer_iterations);

      // Check residual with full Newton step, if that's useful for determining
      // whether to line search, whether to quit early, or whether to die after
      // hitting our max iteration count
      if (this->require_residual_reduction ||
          this->require_finite_residual ||
          _outer_iterations+1 < max_nonlinear_iterations ||
          _system.assembly(true, false);

          current_residual = rhs.l2_norm();
          if (verbose)
            libMesh::out << "  Current Residual: "
                         << current_residual << std::endl;

          // don't fiddle around if we've already converged
          if (test_convergence(current_residual, norm_delta,
                               linear_solve_finished &&
                               current_residual <= last_residual))
              if (!quiet)
                print_convergence(_outer_iterations, current_residual,
                                  norm_delta, linear_solve_finished &&
                                  current_residual <= last_residual);
              break; // out of _outer_iterations for loop

      // since we're not converged, backtrack if necessary
      Real steplength =
                          last_residual, current_residual,
                          newton_iterate, linear_solution);
      norm_delta *= steplength;

      // Check to see if backtracking failed,
      // and break out of the nonlinear loop if so...
      if (_solve_result == DiffSolver::DIVERGED_BACKTRACKING_FAILURE)
          break; // out of _outer_iterations for loop

      if (_outer_iterations + 1 >= max_nonlinear_iterations)
          libMesh::out << "  Nonlinear solver reached maximum step "
                       << max_nonlinear_iterations << ", latest evaluated residual "
                       << current_residual << std::endl;
          if (continue_after_max_iterations)
              _solve_result = DiffSolver::DIVERGED_MAX_NONLINEAR_ITERATIONS;
              libMesh::out << "  Continuing..." << std::endl;

      // Compute the l2 norm of the whole solution
      norm_total = newton_iterate.l2_norm();

      max_solution_norm = std::max(max_solution_norm, norm_total);

      // Print out information for the
      // nonlinear iterations.
      if (verbose)
        libMesh::out << "  Nonlinear step: |du|/|u| = "
                     << norm_delta / norm_total
                     << ", |du| = " << norm_delta
                     << std::endl;

      // Terminate the solution iteration if the difference between
      // this iteration and the last is sufficiently small.
      if (test_convergence(current_residual, norm_delta / steplength,
          if (!quiet)
            print_convergence(_outer_iterations, current_residual,
                              norm_delta / steplength,
          break; // out of _outer_iterations for loop
    } // end nonlinear loop

  // The linear solver may not have fit our constraints exactly

  // We may need to localize a parallel solution
  _system.update ();

  STOP_LOG("solve()", "NewtonSolver");

  // Make sure we are returning something sensible as the
  // _solve_result, except in the edge case where we weren't really asked to
  // solve.
  libmesh_assert (_solve_result != DiffSolver::INVALID_SOLVE_RESULT ||

  return _solve_result;