예제 #1
static void Ai_solve_path (LIScrArgs* args)
	int i;
	LIAiPath* path;
	LIExtModule* module;
	LIMatVector point;
	LIMatVector start;
	LIMatVector end;

	module = liscr_script_get_userdata (args->script, LIEXT_SCRIPT_AI);
	if (!liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "start", &start))
	if (!liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "start", &start) ||
	    !liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "target", &end))

	/* Solve the path. */
	path = liai_manager_solve_path (module->ai, &start, &end);
	if (path == NULL)

	/* Store the path to a table. */
	liscr_args_set_output (args, LISCR_ARGS_OUTPUT_TABLE_FORCE);
	for (i = 0 ; i < liai_path_get_length (path) ; i++)
		liai_path_get_point (path, i, &point);
		liscr_args_seti_vector (args, &point);
	liai_path_free (path);
예제 #2
static void Voxel_fill_region (LIScrArgs* args)
	int i;
	int count;
	int type = 0;
	LIExtModule* module;
	LIMatVector pos;
	LIMatVector size;
	LIVoxVoxel tile;
	LIVoxVoxel* tiles;

	/* Handle arguments. */
	if (!liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "point", &pos) ||
	    !liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "size", &size))
	if (size.x < 1.0f || size.y < 1.0f || size.z < 1.0f)
	liscr_args_gets_int (args, "tile", &type);
	livox_voxel_init (&tile, type);

	/* Allocate tiles. */
	count = (int) size.x * (int) size.y * (int) size.z;
	tiles = lisys_calloc (count, sizeof (LIVoxVoxel));
	if (tiles == NULL)
	for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
		tiles[i] = tile;

	/* Paste tiles to the map. */
	module = liscr_script_get_userdata (args->script, LIEXT_SCRIPT_VOXEL);
	livox_manager_paste_voxels (module->voxels,
		(int) pos.x, (int) pos.y, (int) pos.z,
		(int) size.x, (int) size.y, (int) size.z, tiles);
	lisys_free (tiles);
예제 #3
static void Widgets_find_widget (LIScrArgs* args)
	int x;
	int y;
	LIExtModule* module;
	LIWdgWidget* widget;
	LIMatVector vector;
	LIScrData* data;

	if (!liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "point", &vector) &&
	    !liscr_args_geti_vector (args, 0, &vector))
		SDL_GetMouseState (&x, &y);
		vector = limat_vector_init (x, y, 0.0f);

	module = liscr_script_get_userdata (args->script, LIEXT_SCRIPT_WIDGETS);
	widget = liwdg_manager_find_widget_by_point (module->widgets, (int) vector.x, (int) vector.y);
	if (widget == NULL)
	data = liwdg_widget_get_script (widget);
	if (data == NULL)
	liscr_args_seti_data (args, data);
예제 #4
static void Animation_set_transform (LIScrArgs* args)
	int frame = 0;
	float scale = 1.0f;
	const char* node = NULL;
	LIMatTransform transform;
	LIMdlAnimation* self;

	self = args->self;

	/* Get arguments. */
	if (liscr_args_gets_int (args, "frame", &frame))
		if (frame < 0)
	if (!liscr_args_gets_string (args, "node", &node))
	transform = limat_transform_identity ();
	liscr_args_gets_quaternion (args, "rotation", &transform.rotation);
	liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "position", &transform.position);
	liscr_args_gets_float (args, "scale", &scale);
	transform.rotation = limat_quaternion_normalize (transform.rotation);

	/* Create the channel and frame. */
	if (!limdl_animation_insert_channel (self, node))
	if (limdl_animation_get_length (self) <= frame)
		if (!limdl_animation_set_length (self, frame + 1))

	/* Set the node transformation of the frame. */
	limdl_animation_set_transform (self, node, frame, scale, &transform);
예제 #5
static void Camera_picking_ray (LIScrArgs* args)
	float fardist = 50.0f;
	float neardist = 0.0f;
	LIMatVector cursor;
	LIMatVector dir;
	LIMatVector ray0;
	LIMatVector ray1;
	LIExtCamera* self = args->self;

	/* Handle arguments. */
	liscr_args_gets_float (args, "far", &fardist);
	liscr_args_gets_float (args, "near", &neardist);
	if (!liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "cursor", &cursor))
		cursor.x = self->view.viewport[0] + self->view.viewport[2] / 2.0f;
		cursor.y = self->view.viewport[1] + self->view.viewport[3] / 2.0f;
		cursor.y = self->view.viewport[3] - cursor.y - 1;

	/* Calculate ray vector. */
	cursor.z = 0.0f;
	if (!liext_camera_unproject (self, &cursor, &ray0))
	cursor.z = 1.0f;
	if (!liext_camera_unproject (self, &cursor, &ray1))
	dir = limat_vector_subtract (ray1, ray0);
	dir = limat_vector_normalize (dir);

	/* Apply near and far distances specified by the user. */
	ray1 = limat_vector_add (ray0, limat_vector_multiply (dir, fardist));
	ray0 = limat_vector_add (ray0, limat_vector_multiply (dir, neardist));
	liscr_args_seti_vector (args, &ray0);
	liscr_args_seti_vector (args, &ray1);
예제 #6
static void Sound_effect (LIScrArgs* args)
	int tmp;
	int flags = 0;
	float pitch;
	float volume;
	const char* effect;
	LIEngObject* object;
	LIExtModule* module;
	LIMatVector velocity;
	LIScrData* data;
	LISndSource* source;

	if (liscr_args_gets_string (args, "effect", &effect) &&
	    liscr_args_gets_data (args, "object", LISCR_SCRIPT_OBJECT, &data))
		if (liscr_args_gets_bool (args, "positional", &tmp) && !tmp)
		if (liscr_args_gets_bool (args, "repeating", &tmp) && tmp)
		object = liscr_data_get_data (data);
		module = liscr_script_get_userdata (args->script, LIEXT_SCRIPT_SOUND);
		source = liext_sound_set_effect (module, object->id, effect, flags);
		if (source != NULL)
			if (liscr_args_gets_float (args, "pitch", &pitch))
				lisnd_source_set_pitch (source, pitch);
			if (liscr_args_gets_float (args, "volume", &volume))
				lisnd_source_set_volume (source, volume);
			if (liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "velocity", &velocity))
				lisnd_source_set_velocity (source, &velocity);
예제 #7
    Script callback Los.heightmap_generate
      This function converts the image data to Voxels:
      <li>First image contains height information in color values</li>
      <li>Second image contains material information in color values</li>
      <li>Position is the lower inferior voxel of the mapped area</li>
      <li>Size is the volume of the mapped area. Base size must fit with image size</li>
      <li>Materials is an array of mat ID used to associate voxel types</li>
    \param LIScrArgs* args
static void Heightmap_heightmap_generate (LIScrArgs* args)
	LIExtModule* module;
	LIVoxManager* voxels;
	LIVoxVoxel* tmp;
    const char* map_file;
    const char* tiles_file;
	LIMatVector posv;
	LIMatVector sizev;
    int materials[MAX_TEXTURES];
    void* map_data;
    void* tiles_data;
	int min[3];
	int max[3];
    int size[3];
    int x,y,z, y2, i, value;
    printf("Starting heightmap generation\n");
	module = liscr_script_get_userdata (args->script, LIEXT_SCRIPT_HEIGHTMAP);
	voxels = limai_program_find_component (module->program, "voxels");
	if (voxels == NULL)
	if (!liscr_args_geti_string (args, 0, &map_file) &&
	    liscr_args_gets_string (args, "map", &map_file))
	if (!liscr_args_geti_string (args, 1, &tiles_file))
	    liscr_args_gets_string (args, "tiles", &tiles_file);
	if (!liscr_args_geti_vector (args, 2, &posv))
	    liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "pos", &posv);
	if (!liscr_args_geti_vector (args, 3, &sizev))
		liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "size", &sizev);
	if (!liscr_args_geti_intv (args, 4, MAX_TEXTURES, materials))
		liscr_args_gets_intv (args, "materials", MAX_TEXTURES, materials);

    if (liext_heightmap_generate(module, map_file, &map_data) != 0)
    if (liext_heightmap_generate(module, tiles_file, &tiles_data) != 0)
        liext_heightmap_cleanup(module, &map_data);
	/* Calculate the size of the area. */
    size[0] = sizev.x;
    size[1] = sizev.y;
    size[2] = sizev.z;
	min[0] = posv.x;
	min[1] = posv.y;
	min[2] = posv.z;
	max[0] = (int)posv.x + size[0];
	max[1] = (int)posv.y + size[1];
	max[2] = (int)posv.z + size[2];
    printf("Coords: %d %d %d / %d %d %d / %d %d %d\n", min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2], size[0], size[1], size[2]);

	/* Batch copy terrain data. */
	/* Reading all tiles at once is faster than operating on
	   individual tiles since there are fewer sector lookups. */
	tmp = lisys_calloc (size[0] * size[1] * size[2], sizeof (LIVoxVoxel));
	if (tmp == NULL)
        liext_heightmap_cleanup(module, &map_data);
        liext_heightmap_cleanup(module, &tiles_data);
	livox_manager_copy_voxels (voxels, min[0], min[1], min[2],
		size[0], size[1], size[2], tmp);

	/* Apply heightmap to the copied tiles. */
    i = 0;
	for (z = min[2] ; z < max[2] ; z++)
	for (y = min[1] ; y < max[1] ; y++)
	for (x = min[0] ; x < max[0] ; x++)
        //TODO: better resolution
		y2 = 255 - liext_heightmap_find(module, x, z, map_data);
        printf("gen y: %d\n", y2);
        if (y2 != -1 && y <= y2)
            value = liext_heightmap_find(module, x, z, tiles_data);
            if (value < 0 || value >= MAX_TEXTURES)
                value = 0;
            livox_voxel_init (tmp + i, 15 /* materials[value] */);
            printf("voxel: %d %d\n", i, value);

	/* Batch write the copied tiles. */
	livox_manager_paste_voxels (voxels, min[0], min[1], min[2],
		size[0], size[1], size[2], tmp);
	lisys_free (tmp);
    printf("Area has been successfully loaded from heightmap\n");
    liext_heightmap_cleanup(module, &map_data);
    liext_heightmap_cleanup(module, &tiles_data);
예제 #8
static void Voxel_copy_region (LIScrArgs* args)
	int i;
	int length;
	int sector;
	int offset[3];
	LIArcPacket* packet;
	LIScrData* data;
	LIExtModule* module;
	LIMatVector point;
	LIMatVector size;
	LIVoxVoxel* result;

	/* Get region offset and size. */
	module = liscr_script_get_userdata (args->script, LIEXT_SCRIPT_VOXEL);
	if (liscr_args_gets_int (args, "sector", &sector))
		lialg_sectors_index_to_offset (module->program->sectors, sector,
			offset + 0, offset + 1, offset + 2);
		point = limat_vector_init (offset[0], offset[1], offset[2]);
		point = limat_vector_multiply (point, module->voxels->tiles_per_line);
		size.x = size.y = size.z = module->voxels->tiles_per_line;
		length = module->voxels->tiles_per_sector;
	else if (liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "point", &point) &&
	         liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "size", &size))
		if (point.x < 0.0f || point.y < 0.0f || point.z < 0.0f ||
		    size.x < 1.0f || size.y < 1.0f || size.z < 1.0f)
		length = (int) size.x * (int) size.y * (int) size.z;

	/* Read voxel data. */
	result = lisys_calloc (length, sizeof (LIVoxVoxel));
	if (result == NULL)
	livox_manager_copy_voxels (module->voxels,
		(int) point.x, (int) point.y, (int) point.z,
		(int) size.x, (int) size.y, (int) size.z, result);

	/* Create a packet writer. */
	packet = liarc_packet_new_writable (0);
	if (packet == NULL)
		lisys_free (result);

	/* Write the dimensions. */
	if (!liarc_writer_append_uint32 (packet->writer, (int) size.x) ||
		!liarc_writer_append_uint32 (packet->writer, (int) size.y) ||
		!liarc_writer_append_uint32 (packet->writer, (int) size.z))
		lisys_free (result);

	/* Write voxel data. */
	for (i = 0 ; i < length ; i++)
		if (!livox_voxel_write (result + i, packet->writer))
			lisys_free (result);
	lisys_free (result);

	/* Return data. */
	data = liscr_data_new (args->script, args->lua, packet, LISCR_SCRIPT_PACKET, liarc_packet_free);
	if (data == NULL)
		liarc_packet_free (packet);
	liscr_args_seti_stack (args);
예제 #9
static void Voxel_find_blocks (LIScrArgs* args)
	int sx;
	int sy;
	int sz;
	int index;
	int line;
	int stamp;
	float radius;
	LIAlgRange sectors;
	LIAlgRange blocks;
	LIAlgRange range;
	LIAlgRangeIter iter0;
	LIAlgRangeIter iter1;
	LIExtModule* module;
	LIMatVector min;
	LIMatVector max;
	LIMatVector point;
	LIMatVector size;
	LIVoxBlock* block;
	LIVoxSector* sector;

	/* Initialize arguments. */
	if (!liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "point", &point))
	liscr_args_gets_float (args, "radius", &radius);
	liscr_args_set_output (args, LISCR_ARGS_OUTPUT_TABLE_FORCE);
	module = liscr_script_get_userdata (args->script, LIEXT_SCRIPT_VOXEL);
	line = module->voxels->blocks_per_line * module->voxels->sectors->count;

	/* Calculate sight volume. */
	size = limat_vector_init (radius, radius, radius);
	min = limat_vector_subtract (point, size);
	max = limat_vector_add (point, size);
	sectors = lialg_range_new_from_aabb (&min, &max, module->voxels->sectors->width);
	sectors = lialg_range_clamp (sectors, 0, module->voxels->sectors->count - 1);
	blocks = lialg_range_new_from_aabb (&min, &max, module->voxels->sectors->width / module->voxels->blocks_per_line);
	blocks = lialg_range_clamp (blocks, 0, module->voxels->blocks_per_line * module->voxels->sectors->count - 1);

	/* Loop through visible sectors. */
	LIALG_RANGE_FOREACH (iter0, sectors)
		/* Get voxel sector. */
		sector = lialg_sectors_data_index (module->voxels->sectors, LIALG_SECTORS_CONTENT_VOXEL, iter0.index, 0);
		if (sector == NULL)

		/* Calculate visible block range. */
		livox_sector_get_offset (sector, &sx, &sy, &sz);
		sx *= module->voxels->blocks_per_line;
		sy *= module->voxels->blocks_per_line;
		sz *= module->voxels->blocks_per_line;
		range.min = 0;
		range.max = module->voxels->blocks_per_line;
		range.minx = LIMAT_MAX (blocks.minx - sx, 0);
		range.miny = LIMAT_MAX (blocks.miny - sy, 0);
		range.minz = LIMAT_MAX (blocks.minz - sz, 0);
		range.maxx = LIMAT_MIN (blocks.maxx - sx, module->voxels->blocks_per_line - 1);
		range.maxy = LIMAT_MIN (blocks.maxy - sy, module->voxels->blocks_per_line - 1);
		range.maxz = LIMAT_MIN (blocks.maxz - sz, module->voxels->blocks_per_line - 1);

		/* Loop through visible blocks. */
		LIALG_RANGE_FOREACH (iter1, range)
			block = livox_sector_get_block (sector, iter1.x, iter1.y, iter1.z);
			stamp = livox_block_get_stamp (block);
			index = (sx + iter1.x) + (sy + iter1.y) * line + (sz + iter1.z) * line * line;
			liscr_args_setf_float (args, index, stamp);