int procauth_init() { /* assume random number generator already seeded */ list_init(&proclist); list_attributes_copy(&proclist, procpid_meter, 1); return 0; }
list_t* dbgfmt_create_list() { list_t* result = malloc(sizeof(list_t)); list_init(result); list_attributes_copy(result, &dbgsym_meter, 1); list_attributes_comparator(result, &dbgsym_comparator); return result; }
list_t* list_create() { list_t* list = malloc(sizeof(list_t)); list_init(list); list_attributes_copy(list, &lconv_entry_meter, 1); list_attributes_comparator(list, &lconv_entry_comparator); list_attributes_seeker(list, &lconv_entry_seeker); return list; }
/// /// Performs preprocessing. /// void ppimpl(freed_bstring filename, int line, freed_bstring lang, has_t has_input, pop_t input, push_t output) { state_t state; list_init(&state.cached_input); list_init(&state.cached_output); list_init(&state.handlers); list_init(&state.scopes); list_attributes_comparator(&state.cached_input, list_comparator_char_t); list_attributes_comparator(&state.cached_output, list_comparator_char_t); list_attributes_copy(&state.cached_input, list_meter_char_t, false); list_attributes_copy(&state.cached_output, list_meter_char_t, false); list_attributes_hash_computer(&state.cached_input, list_hashcomputer_char_t); list_attributes_hash_computer(&state.cached_output, list_hashcomputer_char_t); state.has_input = has_input; state.input = input; state.output = output; state.current_line = line; state.current_filename = bstrcpy(filename.ref); state.default_filename = bfromcstr("<unknown>"); state.in_single_string = false; state.in_double_string = false; if (biseqcstrcaseless(lang.ref, "asm")) { ppimpl_asm_line_register(&state); ppimpl_asm_expr_register(&state); ppimpl_asm_define_register(&state); ppimpl_asm_include_register(&state); ppimpl_asm_lua_register(&state); ppimpl_asm_init(&state); } else if (biseqcstrcaseless(lang.ref, "c")) { ppimpl_c_line_register(&state); ppimpl_c_expr_register(&state); ppimpl_c_define_register(&state); ppimpl_c_include_register(&state); ppimpl_c_init(&state); } ppimpl_process(&state); bautodestroy(lang); bautodestroy(filename); }
list_t* list_clone(list_t* original) { list_t* list = malloc(sizeof(list_t)); list_init(list); list_attributes_copy(list, &lconv_entry_meter, 1); list_attributes_comparator(list, &lconv_entry_comparator); list_attributes_seeker(list, &lconv_entry_seeker); list_iterator_start(original); while (list_iterator_hasnext(original)) list_append(list, list_iterator_next(original)); list_iterator_stop(original); return list; }
LONG EHInitializeEventStructures(void) { (void)list_init(&ClientsWaitingForEvent); /* request to store copies, and provide the metric function */ (void)list_attributes_copy(&ClientsWaitingForEvent, list_meter_int32_t, 1); /* setting the comparator, so the list can sort, find the min, max etc */ (void)list_attributes_comparator(&ClientsWaitingForEvent, list_comparator_int32_t); (void)pthread_mutex_init(&ClientsWaitingForEvent_lock, NULL); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; }
void ddbg_create_vm() { breakpoints = breakpoint_list_create(); list_init(&backtrace); list_attributes_copy(&backtrace, list_meter_uint16_t, 1); ignore_next_breakpoint = false; vm = vm_create(); vm_hook_register(vm, &ddbg_precycle_hook, HOOK_ON_PRE_CYCLE, NULL); vm_hook_register(vm, &ddbg_postcycle_hook, HOOK_ON_POST_CYCLE, NULL); vm_hook_register(vm, &ddbg_write_hook, HOOK_ON_WRITE, NULL); vm_hook_register(vm, &ddbg_break_hook, HOOK_ON_BREAK, NULL); vm_hook_register(vm, &ddbg_interrupt_hook, HOOK_ON_INTERRUPT, NULL); vm_hook_register(vm, &ddbg_hardware_change_hook, HOOK_ON_HARDWARE_CHANGE, NULL); vm_hook_register(vm, &ddbg_send_vm_state, HOOK_ON_60HZ, NULL); printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "Created VM.\n"); }
int fw_init() { char buf[HOSTS_MAXCMDLEN]; FILE *tmp, *deny; /* set the filename of the temporary configuration file */ if (snprintf(tempflname, MAX_TEMPFILE_NAMELEN, "%s-sshguard.%u", HOSTSFILE_PATH, getpid()) >= MAX_TEMPFILE_NAMELEN) { sshguard_log(LOG_ERR, "'tempflname' buffer too small to hold '%s-sshguard.%u!'", HOSTSFILE_PATH, getpid()); return FWALL_ERR; } hosts_clearsshguardblocks(); /* place sshguard block delimiters (header/footer) into HOSTSFILE_PATH */ deny = fopen(HOSTSFILE_PATH, "r+"); if (deny == NULL) { sshguard_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize " HOSTSFILE_PATH " for use by sshguard: %s", strerror(errno)); return FWALL_ERR; } tmp = make_temporary_conffile(); if (tmp == NULL) { sshguard_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not create temporary file %s!", tempflname); fclose(deny); return FWALL_ERR; } fprintf(tmp, "%s%s", HOSTS_SSHGUARD_PREFIX, HOSTS_SSHGUARD_SUFFIX); /* copy the original content of HOSTSFILE_PATH into tmp */ while (fgets(buf, HOSTS_MAXCMDLEN, deny) != NULL) { fprintf(tmp, "%s", buf); } fclose(tmp); fclose(deny); /* install temporary conf file into main file */ if (install_temporary_conffile() != FWALL_OK) return FWALL_ERR; list_init(&hosts_blockedaddrs); list_attributes_copy(&hosts_blockedaddrs, addr_service_meter, 1); list_attributes_comparator(&hosts_blockedaddrs, addr_service_comparator); return FWALL_OK; }
int main() { list_t l; int i; srandom(time(NULL)); list_init(&l); list_attributes_copy(&l, szelem, 1); for (i = 0; i < NELS; i++) { list_append(&l, &i); } for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { list_get_at(&l, random()%NELS); } return 0; }
list_t* list_convert(struct lprov_entry* first) { struct lconv_entry* entry; list_t* list = malloc(sizeof(list_t)); list_init(list); list_attributes_copy(list, &lconv_entry_meter, 1); list_attributes_comparator(list, &lconv_entry_comparator); list_attributes_seeker(list, &lconv_entry_seeker); while (first != NULL) { entry = malloc(sizeof(struct lconv_entry)); entry->address = first->address; entry->bin = NULL; entry->label = bfromcstr(first->label); list_append(list, entry); free(entry); first = first->next; } return list; }
int logsuck_init() { list_init(& sources_list); list_attributes_copy(& sources_list, list_meter_sourceentry, 1); #if defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) /* will need file descriptor seeker to look up source items from fds */ list_attributes_seeker(& sources_list, list_seeker_filedescriptor); #endif #if defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) /* initialize kqueue */ if ((kq = kqueue()) == -1) { sshguard_log(LOG_CRIT, "Unable to create kqueue! %s.", strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* re-test sources every this interval */ kev_timeout.tv_sec = 1; kev_timeout.tv_nsec = 500 * 1000 * 1000; #endif return 0; }
list_t *blacklist_load(const char *filename) { char blacklist_line[BL_MAXBUF]; unsigned int linecnt; assert(blacklist_file == NULL && blacklist == NULL); blacklist_file = fopen(filename, "a+"); if (blacklist_file == NULL) { return NULL; } blacklist = (list_t *)malloc(sizeof(list_t)); list_init(blacklist); list_attributes_copy(blacklist, attacker_el_meter, 1); rewind(blacklist_file); /* loading content of the file in the blacklist */ for (linecnt = 1; fgets(blacklist_line, BL_MAXBUF, blacklist_file) != NULL; ++linecnt) { attacker_t newattacker; /* discard empty lines and lines starting with a white-space or # */ if (isspace(blacklist_line[0]) || blacklist_line[0] == '#') { while (blacklist_line[strlen(blacklist_line)-1] != '\n') { /* consume until end of line */ if (fgets(blacklist_line, BL_MAXBUF, blacklist_file) == NULL) return blacklist; } continue; } long long blacklist_time; int service_no; if (sscanf(blacklist_line, "%lld|%d|%d|%" stringify(ADDRLEN) "s", &blacklist_time, &service_no, &newattacker.attack.address.kind, newattacker.attack.address.value) != 4) { sshguard_log(LOG_NOTICE, "blacklist: ignoring malformed line %d", linecnt); continue; } newattacker.whenlast = (time_t)blacklist_time; newattacker.attack.service = (enum service)service_no; if (newattacker.attack.address.kind != ADDRKIND_IPv4 && newattacker.attack.address.kind != ADDRKIND_IPv6) { /* unknown address type */ sshguard_log(LOG_NOTICE, "blacklist: unknown address type on line %d", linecnt); continue; } /* initialization of other default information */ newattacker.attack.dangerousness = 1; newattacker.whenfirst = 0; newattacker.pardontime = 0; newattacker.numhits = 1; newattacker.cumulated_danger = 1; /* add new element to the blacklist */ list_append(blacklist, & newattacker); } atexit(blacklist_close); return blacklist; }
void procauth_init() { list_init(&proclist); list_attributes_copy(&proclist, procpid_meter, 1); }
/* implementation of Test B */ void testb_check(size_t const n) { list_t lists[NUM_OF_LISTS]; int *added_value; int values[NUM_OF_LISTS][n]; int ret, i, j; int value; // -------------- // INITIALIZATION // of the lists and check for correctness // -------------- for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { ret = list_init(&lists[i]); assert(ret == 0 && "list initialization fails"); } // for achieving the insertion of new elements creating new // memory areas, instead of calling malloc(), we set the // list_attribute_copy and check the correctness. for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { ret = list_attributes_copy(&lists[i], int_size, 1); assert(ret == 0 && "setting attribute copy fails"); } // --------- // INSERTION // both successful and unsuccessful // --------- for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { // successful insertion in empty list randomi(&value); ret = list_insert_at(&lists[i], &value, 0); assert(ret > 0 && "element insertion fails"); assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == 1 && "list size is wrong"); // checking the inserted value added_value = (int *)list_get_at(&lists[i], 0); assert(added_value != NULL && "retrieving element fails"); assert(value == *added_value && "retrieved value has wrong value"); // successful deletion ret = list_delete_at(&lists[i], 0); assert(ret == 0 && "delete element fails"); assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == 0 && "list size is wrong"); } // Failure of insertion on multiple elements. // The insertion is done at indexes that are not // reachable for the list because it's empty for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { randomi(&value); for(j=1; j<4; ++j) { ret = list_insert_at(&lists[i], &value, j); assert(ret < 0 && "element insertion failure fails"); assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == 0 && "list size is wrong"); ret = list_delete_at(&lists[i], j); assert(ret < 0 && "element deletion failure fails"); assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == 0 && "list size is wrong"); } } // --------- // PREAPPEND // --------- // append the second half of the lists for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { for(j=0; j<(n/2); ++j) { randomi(&value); ret = list_prepend(&lists[i], &value); assert(ret == 1 && "element prepend fails"); // checking also the value appended added_value = (int *)list_get_at(&lists[i], 0); assert(added_value != NULL && "retrieving element fails"); assert(value == *added_value && "retrieved value has wrong value"); // store the max for each list values[i][(n/2-1)-j] = value; } assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == n/2 && "list size is wrong"); } // ------ // APPEND // ------ // append the first half of the lists for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { for(j=(n/2); j<n; ++j) { randomi(&value); ret = list_append(&lists[i], &value); assert(ret == 1 && "element append fails"); // checking also the value appended added_value = (int *)list_get_at(&lists[i], j); assert(added_value != NULL && "retrieving element fails"); assert(value == *added_value && "retrieved value has wrong value"); // store the value in the matrix values[i][j] = value; } assert(list_size(&lists[i]) == n && "list size is wrong"); } // check the values inserted in the lists for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { for(j=0; j<n; ++j) { assert(values[i][j] == *(int *)list_get_at(&lists[i], j) && "retrieved value has wrong value"); } } // ----- // CLEAR // ----- // check the correctness of the clear function execution // and check also the length of the cleared list for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) { unsigned int isize; isize = list_size(&lists[i]); ret = list_clear(&lists[i]); assert(ret == (int)isize && "clearing list fails"); ret = list_size(&lists[i]); assert(ret == 0 && "list size is wrong"); } // ------- // DESTROY // ------- // destroy both lists for(i=0; i<NUM_OF_LISTS; ++i) list_destroy(&lists[i]); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { time_t current_time; char * createdDate; int opt; char *port = "6667", *passwd = NULL; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:o:h")) != -1) switch (opt) { case 'p': port = strdup(optarg); break; case 'o': passwd = strdup(optarg); break; default: printf("ERROR: Unknown option -%c\n", opt); exit(-1); } if (!passwd) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: You must specify an operator password\n"); exit(-1); } num_pthreads = 0; int serverSocket; int clientSocket; pthread_t worker_thread; struct sockaddr_in serverAddr, clientAddr; int yes = 1; socklen_t sinSize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); memset(&serverAddr, 0, sizeof(serverAddr)); serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; serverAddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(port)); serverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; // store server data serverInfo * servData; servData = (serverInfo *) malloc(sizeof(serverInfo)); memset(servData, 0, sizeof(servData)); struct hostent *heServ; char hostname[1024]; hostname[1023] = '\0'; gethostname(hostname, 1023); heServ = gethostbyname(hostname); memcpy(servData->passwd, passwd, strlen(passwd)); memcpy(servData->serverHost, heServ->h_name, strlen(heServ->h_name)); char serverVersion[] = "version2"; memcpy(servData->serverVersion, serverVersion, strlen(serverVersion)); current_time = time(NULL); createdDate = ctime(¤t_time); memcpy(servData->createdDate, createdDate, strlen(createdDate)); char userModes[] = "ao"; memcpy(servData->userModes, userModes, strlen(userModes)); char chanModes[] = "mtov"; memcpy(servData->chanModes, chanModes, strlen(chanModes)); serverSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); setsockopt(serverSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)); bind(serverSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr)); listen(serverSocket, 5); // initialize global list of users list_t * userList = (list_t *) malloc(sizeof(list_t)); list_init(userList); list_attributes_copy(userList, user_info_size, 1); list_attributes_comparator(userList, nick_comparator); list_attributes_seeker(userList, (element_seeker) seeker); // initialize global list of channels list_t * chanList = (list_t *) malloc(sizeof(list_t)); list_init(chanList); list_attributes_copy(chanList, chan_info_size, 1); list_attributes_comparator(chanList, chan_comparator); list_attributes_seeker(chanList, (element_seeker) chan_seeker); // initialize list of users not in a channel /* channelData * newChannel; newChannel = (channelData *) malloc(sizeof(channelData)); memcpy(newChannel->name, "*\0", strlen("*\0")); pthread_mutex_init(&newChannel->chanUserLock, NULL); // remember to delete mutex upon channel deletion newChannel->userList = (list_t *) malloc(sizeof(list_t)); list_init(newChannel->userList); list_attributes_copy(newChannel->userList, user_info_size, 1); list_attributes_comparator(newChannel->userList, nick_comparator); list_attributes_seeker(newChannel->userList, (element_seeker) seeker); list_append(chanList, newChannel); list_sort(chanList, 1); */ struct workerArgs *wa; pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&chanLock, NULL); while(1) { clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &clientAddr, &sinSize); setsockopt(clientSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)); // retrieve client hostname struct hostent *he; struct in_addr ipv4addr; char *IP = inet_ntoa(clientAddr.sin_addr); inet_pton(AF_INET, IP, &ipv4addr); he = gethostbyaddr(&ipv4addr, sizeof(ipv4addr), AF_INET); char *clientHost = he->h_name; // pass on arguments to worker thread wa = malloc(sizeof(struct workerArgs)); wa->socket = clientSocket; wa->clientHost = clientHost; wa->userList = userList; wa->chanList = chanList; wa->servData = servData; if(pthread_create(&worker_thread, NULL, run_client, wa) != 0) { perror("Could not create a worker thread"); free(wa); close(clientSocket); pthread_exit(NULL); } } close(serverSocket); pthread_mutex_destroy(&lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&chanLock); return 0; }
void dbg_lua_init() { DIR* dir; struct dirent* entry; struct lua_debugst* dsm; bstring name = NULL; bstring modpath = NULL; bstring ext = bfromcstr(".lua"); // Initialize lists. list_init(&modules); list_attributes_copy(&modules, &lua_debugst_meter, 1); // Get the module path. modpath = osutil_getmodulepath(); if (modpath == NULL) { bdestroy(ext); return; } // Attempt to open the module directory. dir = opendir(modpath->data); if (dir == NULL) { // The directory does not exist, so we don't load // any custom debugger modules. modules_online = false; bdestroy(modpath); bdestroy(ext); return; } // Load each file from the hw directory. while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { name = bfromcstr(&entry->d_name[0]); // Check to see whether it is a lua file. if (binstr(name, blength(name) - 4, ext) == BSTR_ERR) { // Not a Lua file, skip over and // then continue. bdestroy(name); continue; } // Check to see if it is a normal file. #if defined(DT_REG) if (entry->d_type != DT_REG) #elif defined(DT_DIR) if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) #elif defined(DT_UNKNOWN) if (entry->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN) #else #error Build system must support DT_REG, DT_DIR or DT_UNKNOWN in dirent.h. #endif { // Not a file, skip over and then // continue. bdestroy(name); continue; } // Attempt to load the Lua file. printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, "loading custom debugger module from: %s\n", name->data); dsm = dbg_lua_load(name); if (dsm != NULL) list_append(&modules, dsm); // Free data. bdestroy(name); } // Free resources. closedir(dir); }
bool do_search(CURL* curl, bstring name, bool all) { DIR* dir; bool printed; CURLcode res; FILE* fp; list_t installed; struct bStream* stream; long httpcode = 0; bstring buffer, fname, sstr; bstring ext = bfromcstr(".lua"); bstring url = bfromcstr(""); bstring modpath = osutil_getmodulepath(); struct dirent* entry; list_init(&installed); list_attributes_copy(&installed, list_meter_string, 1); list_attributes_comparator(&installed, list_comparator_string); // Attempt to open the modules directory. dir = opendir(modpath->data); if (dir == NULL) { printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "unable to query local repository.\n"); return 1; } // Append the temporary search file name. bcatcstr(modpath, "/.search"); bconcat(url, name); // Open the file and do the cURL transfer. printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "querying module repository...\n"); fp = fopen(modpath->data, "wb"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url->data); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fp); res = curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE, &httpcode); if (res != 0 || httpcode != 200) { bdestroy(url); bdestroy(name); bdestroy(modpath); printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "curl failed with error code %i, HTTP error code %i.\n", res, httpcode); return 1; } fclose(fp); // Print the local results. if (all) printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "all modules:\n"); else printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "search results for %s:\n", name->data); while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { fname = bfromcstr(&entry->d_name[0]); if (binstr(fname, blength(fname) - 4, ext) == BSTR_ERR) { bdestroy(fname); continue; } if (binstr(fname, 0, name) == BSTR_ERR) { bdestroy(fname); continue; } if (entry->d_type != DT_REG) { bdestroy(fname); continue; } sstr = bmidstr(fname, 0, blength(fname) - 4); printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, " %s (installed)\n", sstr->data); list_append(&installed, sstr->data); bdestroy(sstr); bdestroy(fname); } // Print the online results. fp = fopen(modpath->data, "r"); stream = bsopen(&read_data, fp); buffer = bfromcstr(""); printed = false; while (bsreadln(buffer, stream, '\n') != BSTR_ERR) { btrimws(buffer); sstr = bmidstr(buffer, 0, blength(buffer) - 4); if (!list_contains(&installed, sstr->data)) printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, " %s\n", sstr->data); printed = true; bdestroy(sstr); } if (!printed) printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, " <no online results>\n"); bsclose(stream); fclose(fp); // Clean up. curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return 0; }
bool do_install_all(CURL* curl) { // define used variables DIR* dir; FILE* fp; CURLcode res; bool printed; bool install_status; bool something_errored; bool if_something_was_installed; list_t installed; long httpcode = 0; struct dirent* entry; struct bStream* stream; bstring buffer, fname, sstr; bstring modpath = osutil_getmodulepath(); bstring ext = bfromcstr(".lua"); bstring url = bfromcstr(""); list_init(&installed); list_attributes_copy(&installed, list_meter_string, 1); list_attributes_comparator(&installed, list_comparator_string); // Attempt to open the modules directory. dir = opendir(modpath->data); if (dir == NULL) { printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "unable to query local repository.\n"); return 1; } // add the filename we wish to query to the modules folder path bcatcstr(modpath, "/.all_avail"); // Open the file and do the cURL transfer. printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "loading a list of all the modules...\n"); fp = fopen(modpath->data, "wb"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url->data); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fp); res = curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE, &httpcode); if (res != 0 || httpcode != 200) { bdestroy(url); bdestroy(modpath); printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "curl failed with error code %i, HTTP error code %i.\n", res, httpcode); return 1; } fclose(fp); // create a list of already installed modules while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { fname = bfromcstr(&entry->d_name[0]); if (binstr(fname, blength(fname) - 4, ext) == BSTR_ERR) { bdestroy(fname); continue; } if (entry->d_type != DT_REG) { bdestroy(fname); continue; } sstr = bmidstr(fname, 0, blength(fname) - 4); list_append(&installed, sstr->data); bdestroy(sstr); bdestroy(fname); } printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "\n"); // Print the names of the modules, and install them through the do_install function fp = fopen(modpath->data, "r"); stream = bsopen(&read_data, fp); buffer = bfromcstr(""); printed = false; if_something_was_installed = false; something_errored = false; while (bsreadln(buffer, stream, '\n') != BSTR_ERR) { btrimws(buffer); sstr = bmidstr(buffer, 0, blength(buffer) - 4); // if the module is not already installed if (!list_contains(&installed, sstr->data)) { install_status = do_install(curl, bfromcstr(sstr->data)); if_something_was_installed = true; // check whether the installation was successful if (install_status != 0) { printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, " %s failed to install.\n", sstr->data); something_errored = true; } printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "\n"); } printed = true; bdestroy(sstr); } if (!printed) printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, " <no modules available>\n"); if (something_errored) printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "errors occured\n"); if (!if_something_was_installed) printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "no changes were made\n"); bsclose(stream); fclose(fp); // Clean up. curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return 0; }
/** * @brief Creates threads to handle messages received from Clients. * * @param[in] pdwClientID Connection ID used to reference the Client. * * @return Error code. * @retval SCARD_S_SUCCESS Success. * @retval SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR Exceded the maximum number of simultaneous Application Contexts. * @retval SCARD_E_NO_MEMORY Error creating the Context Thread. */ LONG CreateContextThread(uint32_t *pdwClientID) { int rv; int lrv; int listSize; SCONTEXT * newContext = NULL; LONG retval = SCARD_E_NO_MEMORY; (void)pthread_mutex_lock(&contextsList_lock); listSize = list_size(&contextsList); if (listSize >= contextMaxThreadCounter) { Log2(PCSC_LOG_CRITICAL, "Too many context running: %d", listSize); goto out; } /* Create the context for this thread. */ newContext = malloc(sizeof(*newContext)); if (NULL == newContext) { Log1(PCSC_LOG_CRITICAL, "Could not allocate new context"); goto out; } memset(newContext, 0, sizeof(*newContext)); newContext->dwClientID = *pdwClientID; /* Initialise the list of card contexts */ lrv = list_init(&newContext->cardsList); if (lrv < 0) { Log2(PCSC_LOG_CRITICAL, "list_init failed with return value: %d", lrv); goto out; } /* request to store copies, and provide the metric function */ list_attributes_copy(&newContext->cardsList, list_meter_int32_t, 1); /* Adding a comparator * The stored type is SCARDHANDLE (long) but has only 32 bits * usefull even on a 64-bit CPU since the API between pcscd and * libpcscliter uses "int32_t hCard;" */ lrv = list_attributes_comparator(&newContext->cardsList, list_comparator_int32_t); if (lrv != 0) { Log2(PCSC_LOG_CRITICAL, "list_attributes_comparator failed with return value: %d", lrv); list_destroy(&newContext->cardsList); goto out; } (void)pthread_mutex_init(&newContext->cardsList_lock, NULL); lrv = list_append(&contextsList, newContext); if (lrv < 0) { Log2(PCSC_LOG_CRITICAL, "list_append failed with return value: %d", lrv); list_destroy(&newContext->cardsList); goto out; } rv = ThreadCreate(&newContext->pthThread, THREAD_ATTR_DETACHED, (PCSCLITE_THREAD_FUNCTION( )) ContextThread, (LPVOID) newContext); if (rv) { int lrv2; Log2(PCSC_LOG_CRITICAL, "ThreadCreate failed: %s", strerror(rv)); lrv2 = list_delete(&contextsList, newContext); if (lrv2 < 0) Log2(PCSC_LOG_CRITICAL, "list_delete failed with error %d", lrv2); list_destroy(&newContext->cardsList); goto out; } /* disable any suicide alarm */ if (AutoExit) alarm(0); retval = SCARD_S_SUCCESS; out: (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&contextsList_lock); if (retval != SCARD_S_SUCCESS) { if (newContext) free(newContext); (void)close(*pdwClientID); } return retval; }