int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { bool pass = true; { int nums[] = { 1, 3, 2, 1, 2 }; ListNode * list = ll_create(nums, sizeof(nums) / sizeof(int)); ListNode * node = list->next; delete_middle_node(node); ll_print(list); ll_delete(list); } { int nums[] = { 1, 3, 2, 1, 2 }; ListNode * list = ll_create(nums, sizeof(nums) / sizeof(int)); ListNode * node = list->next->next; delete_middle_node(node); ll_print(list); ll_delete(list); } { int nums[] = { 1, 3, 2, 1, 2 }; ListNode * list = ll_create(nums, sizeof(nums) / sizeof(int)); ListNode * node = list->next->next->next; delete_middle_node(node); ll_print(list); ll_delete(list); } return (pass ? 0 : -1); }
int32_t coolapi_open_device (int32_t demux_index, int32_t demux_id) { dmx_t * dmx; coolapi_open(); dmx = find_demux(0, demux_index); if(!dmx) { cs_log("no free demux found"); return 0; } if (!ll_cool_filter) ll_cool_filter = ll_create("ll_cool_filter"); if (!ll_cool_chanhandle) ll_cool_chanhandle = ll_create("ll_cool_chanhandle"); dmx->demux_index = demux_index; dmx->demux_id = demux_id; dmx->pid = -1; dmx->device = dmx_device[demux_index]; dmx->opened = 1; pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP); pthread_mutex_init(&dmx->mutex, &attr); return dmx->fd; }
int32_t coolapi_open_device(int32_t demux_index, int32_t demux_id) { dmx_t *dmx; SAFE_MUTEX_LOCK(&demux_lock); dmx = find_demux(0, demux_index); if(!dmx) { SAFE_MUTEX_UNLOCK(&demux_lock); cs_log("no free demux found"); return 0; } if(!ll_cool_filter) { ll_cool_filter = ll_create("ll_cool_filter"); } if(!ll_cool_chanhandle) { ll_cool_chanhandle = ll_create("ll_cool_chanhandle"); } dmx->demux_id = demux_id; dmx->pid = -1; //dmx->device = dmx_handles[demux_index].handle; dmx->opened = 1; pthread_mutexattr_t attr; SAFE_MUTEXATTR_INIT(&attr); SAFE_MUTEXATTR_SETTYPE(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP); SAFE_MUTEX_INIT(&dmx->mutex, &attr); SAFE_MUTEX_UNLOCK(&demux_lock); return dmx->fd; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Database *db; LinkedList *ll; db = db_create("project_seven"); //CREATE DATABASE project_seven; tbl_delete(db, "animals"); //DROP TABLE IF EXISTS animals; func_delete(db, "num_animals"); //DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS num_animals; tbl_create(db, "animals"); //CREATE TABLE animals /* Capabilities of this function changed to make implementation easier. The purpose of this function is to demonstrate memory management */ func_create(db, "num_animals", num_animals); //CREATE FUNCTION num_animals() /*Creates rows in table*/ ll = ll_create(); ll_append(ll, "Cow"); tbl_insert(db, "animals", ll); //INSERT INTO animals (animal) VALUES ("Cow"); ll = ll_create(); ll_append(ll, "Dog"); tbl_insert(db, "animals", ll); //INSERT INTO animals (animal) VALUES ("Dog"); /*Printing tables, and rows created*/ db_print(db); //SHOW TABLES; tbl_print(db, "animals"); //SELECT * FROM animals; /*Deallocating memory*/ tbl_clear(db, "animals"); //DELETE FROM animals; tbl_print(db, "animals"); //SELECT * FROM animals; /*Allocating so that we can deallocate again*/ ll = ll_create(); ll_append(ll, "Pig"); tbl_insert(db, "animals", ll); //INSERT INTO animals (animal) VALUES ("Pig"); ll = ll_create(); ll_append(ll, "Cat"); tbl_insert(db, "animals", ll); //INSERT INTO animals (animal) VALUES ("Cat"); tbl_print(db, "animals"); //SELECT * FROM animals; /*Deallocating memory*/ tbl_clear(db, "animals"); //TRUNCATE TABLE animals; tbl_print(db, "animals"); //SELECT * FROM animals; tbl_delete(db, "animals"); //DROP TABLE IF EXISTS animals; func_delete(db, "num_animals"); //DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS num_animals; db_print(db); //SHOW TABLES; db_delete(db); //DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS project_seven; return 0; }
graph* g_create_(size_t szelem, graph_type gt) { graph* g = (graph*)malloc(sizeof(graph)); if(!g) toss(MemoryFault); g->elem_size = szelem; g->nodes = ll_create(gnode); g->edges = ll_create(gedge); g->gtype = gt; return g; }
void init_gbox_cards(void) { gbox_cards = ll_create(""); gbox_backup_cards = ll_create(""); cs_lock_create(__func__, &gbox_cards_lock, "gbox_cards_lock", 5000); cs_writelock(__func__, &gbox_cards_lock); checkcode[0] = 0x15; checkcode[1] = 0x30; checkcode[2] = 0x02; checkcode[3] = 0x04; checkcode[4] = 0x19; checkcode[5] = 0x19; checkcode[6] = 0x66; cs_writeunlock(__func__, &gbox_cards_lock); }
static void account_au_fn(const char *token, char *value, void *setting, FILE *f) { struct s_auth *account = setting; if (value) { // set default values for usage during runtime from Webif account->autoau = 0; if (!account->aureader_list) account->aureader_list = ll_create("aureader_list"); if (streq(value, "1")) account->autoau = 1; strtolower(value); ll_clear(account->aureader_list); LL_ITER itr = ll_iter_create(configured_readers); struct s_reader *rdr; char *pch, *saveptr1 = NULL; for (pch = strtok_r(value, ",", &saveptr1); pch != NULL; pch = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &saveptr1)) { ll_iter_reset(&itr); while ((rdr = ll_iter_next(&itr))) { if (streq(rdr->label, pch) || account->autoau) { ll_append(account->aureader_list, rdr); } } } return; } if (account->autoau == 1) { fprintf_conf(f, token, "%d\n", account->autoau); } else if (account->aureader_list) { value = mk_t_aureader(account); if (strlen(value) > 0) fprintf_conf(f, token, "%s\n", value); free_mk_t(value); } else if (cfg.http_full_cfg) { fprintf_conf(f, token, "%s\n", ""); } }
int top_create(char *name, char *schema) { Topic *st; int ncells; char bf[1024]; if (tshm_containsKey(topicTable, name)) /* topic already defined */ return 0; st = (Topic *)malloc(sizeof(Topic)); if (st != NULL) { void *dummy; strcpy(bf, schema); pthread_mutex_init(&(st->lock), NULL); st->schema = unpack(bf, &ncells); if (st->schema != NULL) { st->ncells = ncells; st->regAUs = ll_create(); if (st->regAUs != NULL) { if (tshm_put(topicTable, name, st, &dummy)) return 1; ll_destroy(st->regAUs, NULL); } free((void *)(st->schema)); } free((void *)st); } return 0; }
void module_ghttp(struct s_module *ph) { ph->ptab.nports = 0; // ph->ptab.ports[0].s_port = cfg.ghttp_port; ph->desc = "ghttp"; ph->type = MOD_CONN_TCP; // ph->listenertype = LIS_GHTTP; ph->large_ecm_support = 1; ph->recv = ghttp_recv; ph->c_init = ghttp_client_init; ph->c_recv_chk = ghttp_recv_chk; ph->c_send_ecm = ghttp_send_ecm; ph->cleanup = ghttp_cleanup; #ifdef HAVE_DVBAPI ph->c_capmt = ghttp_capmt_notify; #endif ph->num = R_GHTTP; ghttp_ignored_contexts = ll_create("ignored contexts"); #ifdef WITH_SSL SSL_load_error_strings(); SSL_library_init(); ghttp_ssl_context = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()); if(ghttp_ssl_context == NULL) { ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); } #endif }
int module_install() { printk(1, "[ext2]: Registering filesystem\n"); fslist = ll_create(0); register_sbt("ext2", 2, (int (*)(dev_t,u64,char*))ext2_mount); return 0; }
int32_t cs_init_log(void) { if(logStarted == 0) { pthread_mutex_init(&log_mutex, NULL); cs_pthread_cond_init(&log_thread_sleep_cond_mutex, &log_thread_sleep_cond); #if defined(WEBIF) || defined(MODULE_MONITOR) cs_lock_create(&loghistory_lock, "loghistory_lock", 5000); #endif log_list = ll_create(LOG_LIST); pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, PTHREAD_STACK_SIZE); int32_t ret = pthread_create(&log_thread, &attr, (void *)&log_list_thread, NULL); if(ret) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't create logging thread (errno=%d %s)", ret, strerror(ret)); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); cs_exit(1); } pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); } int32_t rc = 0; if(!cfg.disablelog) { rc = cs_open_logfiles(); } logStarted = 1; return rc; }
int32_t cs_init_log(void) { if(logStarted == 0) { init_syslog_socket(); SAFE_MUTEX_INIT_NOLOG(&log_mutex, NULL); cs_pthread_cond_init_nolog(__func__, &log_thread_sleep_cond_mutex, &log_thread_sleep_cond); #if defined(WEBIF) || defined(MODULE_MONITOR) cs_lock_create_nolog(__func__, &loghistory_lock, "loghistory_lock", 5000); #endif log_list = ll_create(LOG_LIST); int32_t ret = start_thread_nolog("logging", (void *)&log_list_thread, NULL, &log_thread, 0, 1); if(ret) { cs_exit(1); } logStarted = 1; } int32_t rc = 0; if(!cfg.disablelog) { rc = cs_open_logfiles(); } logStarted = 1; if(cfg.initial_debuglevel > 0) { cs_dblevel = cfg.initial_debuglevel; cs_log("debug_level=%d", cs_dblevel); } return rc; }
exp_t * exp_list(exp_t *list, exp_t *exp) { ll_t *ll; if (list->ex_type != EX_LIST) { ll = ll_create(); if (ll == NULL) { log_die(EX_SOFTWARE, "exp_list: ll_create failed"); } if (LL_INSERT(ll, list) == -1) { log_die(EX_SOFTWARE, "exp_list: LL_INSERT failed"); } list = exp_create(EX_LIST, ll); } else { ll = list->ex_data; } if (LL_INSERT(ll, exp) == -1) { log_die(EX_SOFTWARE, "exp_list: LL_INSERT failed"); } return list; }
int main(void) { struct llist *list = ll_create(1.7); ll_add(&list, 2.8); ll_print(list); }
cache_t *get_empty_cache(int (*sync)(struct ce_t *), char *name) { cache_t *c = (void *)kmalloc(sizeof(cache_t)); c->sync = sync; c->syncing=0; c->dirty=0; c->rwl = rwlock_create(0); c->count=0; c->slow=1000; c->hash = chash_create(100000); strncpy(c->name, name, 32); ll_create(&c->dirty_ll); ll_create(&c->primary_ll); ll_insert(cache_list, c); printk(0, "[cache]: Allocated new cache '%s'\n", name); return c; }
void ll_add(struct llist **list, double data) { struct llist *new_node = ll_create(data); if(new_node) { new_node->tail = *list; (*list)->head = new_node; *list = new_node; } }
int add_cronjob(p_cronjob job) { job->timestamp += get_timestamp() + 1; log_message(INFO,"Adding job for timestamp %d, cronlist %d", job->timestamp, cronlist); p_linkedlist item = ll_create(job, sizeof(t_cronjob)); log_message(DEBUG, "."); cronlist = ll_add(cronlist,item, LL_BACK, 0); log_message(DEBUG, ".."); }
/** * remove all jobs matching the name.. */ int del_cronjob(p_cronjob job){ p_linkedlist item = ll_create(job, sizeof(t_cronjob)); p_linkedlist remove = ll_find(cronlist, item, jobequal); while(remove != 0) { cronlist = ll_remove(cronlist,remove); ll_destroy(remove); remove = ll_find(cronlist, item, jobequal); } ll_destroy(item); }
driver_command_t *driver_command_create(select_group_t *group) { driver_command_t *driver = (driver_command_t*) safe_malloc(sizeof(driver_command_t)); driver->stream = buffer_create(BO_BIG_ENDIAN); driver->group = group; driver->is_shutdown = FALSE; driver->outgoing_data = buffer_create(BO_LITTLE_ENDIAN); driver->tunnels = ll_create(NULL); return driver; }
void init_multitasking() { printk(KERN_DEBUG, "[sched]: Starting multitasking system...\n"); /* make the kernel task */ task_t *task = task_create(); task->pid = next_pid++; task->pd = (page_dir_t *)kernel_dir; task->stack_end=STACK_LOCATION; task->priority = 1; task->cpu = primary_cpu; task->thread = thread_data_create(); /* alarm_mutex is aquired inside a kernel tick, so we may not schedule. */ alarm_mutex = mutex_create(0, MT_NOSCHED); kill_queue = ll_create(0); primary_queue = tqueue_create(0, 0); primary_cpu->active_queue = tqueue_create(0, 0); tqueue_insert(primary_queue, (void *)task, task->listnode); tqueue_insert(primary_cpu->active_queue, (void *)task, task->activenode); primary_cpu->cur = task; primary_cpu->ktask = task; primary_cpu->numtasks=1; /* make this the "current_task" by assigning a specific location * in the page directory as the pointer to the task. */ arch_specific_set_current_task((addr_t *)kernel_dir, (addr_t)task); kernel_task = task; /* this is the final thing to allow the system to begin scheduling * once interrupts are enabled */ primary_cpu->flags |= CPU_TASK; add_atomic(&running_processes, 1); #if CONFIG_MODULES add_kernel_symbol(delay); add_kernel_symbol(delay_sleep); add_kernel_symbol(schedule); add_kernel_symbol(run_scheduler); add_kernel_symbol(exit); add_kernel_symbol(sys_setsid); add_kernel_symbol(do_fork); add_kernel_symbol(kill_task); add_kernel_symbol(do_send_signal); add_kernel_symbol(dosyscall); add_kernel_symbol(task_pause); add_kernel_symbol(task_resume); add_kernel_symbol(got_signal); #if CONFIG_SMP add_kernel_symbol(get_cpu); #endif _add_kernel_symbol((addr_t)(task_t **)&kernel_task, "kernel_task"); #endif }
int main () { printf("Tester for ll\n"); ll * l1 = ll_create(2); printf("Head is %d\n",l1->head); ll_add(l1,"AAAAAAAAAAAAA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"AAAAAAAAAAAAA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"AAAAAAAAAAAAA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"AAAAAAAAAAAAA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"AAAAAAAAAAACCA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"AAAAAAAAAAACCA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"AAAAAAAAAAACCA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"AAAAAAAAAAACCA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"AAAAAAAAAAACCA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"AAAAAAAAAAACCA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"ACAAAAAAAAACCA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"ACAAAAAAAAACCA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"ACAAAAAAAAACCA",5,1); ll_add(l1,"ACAAAAAAAAACCA",5,1); ll_print(l1); int hw; ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,300,&hw,5); printf("There are %d max's\n",hw); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); printf("There are %d max's\n",hw); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); printf("There are %d max's\n",hw); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); printf("There are %d max's\n",hw); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); ll_max(l1,3,&hw,5); ll_print(l1); return 0; }
static void arm_led_start_thread(void) { arm_detect_led_type(); if(!cfg.enableled || arm_led_type == LED_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { return; } // call this after signal handling is done if(!arm_led_actions) { arm_led_actions = ll_create("arm_led_actions"); } start_thread("arm led", arm_led_thread_main, NULL, &arm_led_thread, 1, 1); }
bool stack_push(stack *s, double data){ if(!s){ return false; } struct llist *new_head = ll_create(data); if(!new_head){ return false; } new_head->next = s->head; s->head = new_head; return true; }
PROBLEM* add_new_problem(const char* name, int number){ static BOOL problems_initialized = FALSE; PROBLEM* prob; if(problems_initialized == FALSE){ problems = ll_create(&problem_free); problems_initialized = TRUE; } prob = problem_initialize(name, number); ll_push_back(problems, prob); return prob; }
int32_t cs_init_log(void) { if(logStarted == 0){ #if defined(WEBIF) || defined(MODULE_MONITOR) cs_lock_create(&loghistory_lock, 5, "loghistory_lock"); #endif log_list = ll_create(LOG_LIST); start_thread((void*)&log_list_thread, "log_list_thread"); } int32_t rc = cs_open_logfiles(); logStarted = 1; return rc; }
obj* LinkedList() { obj* self = Object(); self->dealloc = dealloc; list* list = ll_create(); set_p(self, "value", &list, sizeof(struct llist_*)); bind(self, "push back", push_back); bind(self, "push front", push_front); bind_o(self, "back", back); bind_o(self, "front", front); return self; }
int32_t dvbapi_edit_channel_cache(int32_t demux_id, int32_t pidindex, uint8_t add) { struct s_ecmpids *p = &demux[demux_id].ECMpids[pidindex]; struct s_channel_cache *c; LL_ITER it; int32_t count = 0; if(!channel_cache) { channel_cache = ll_create("channel cache"); } it = ll_iter_create(channel_cache); while((c = ll_iter_next(&it))) { if(demux[demux_id].program_number == c->srvid && p->CAID == c->caid && p->ECM_PID == c->pid && (p->PROVID == c->prid || p->PROVID == 0)) { if(add && p->CHID == c->chid) { return 0; //already added } ll_iter_remove_data(&it); count++; } } if(add) { if(!cs_malloc(&c, sizeof(struct s_channel_cache))) { return count; } c->srvid = demux[demux_id].program_number; c->caid = p->CAID; c->pid = p->ECM_PID; c->prid = p->PROVID; c->chid = p->CHID; ll_append(channel_cache, c); #ifdef WITH_DEBUG char buf[ECM_FMT_LEN]; ecmfmt(c->caid, 0, c->prid, c->chid, c->pid, c->srvid, 0, 0, 0, 0, buf, ECM_FMT_LEN, 0, 0); cs_debug_mask(D_DVBAPI, "[DVBAPI] added to channel cache: %s", buf); #endif count++; } return count; }
void module_init(int glob, ...) { va_list ap; char *module_name; char *module_path; char buffer[BUFLEN]; module_list = ll_create(); if (module_list == NULL) { log_die(EX_SOFTWARE, "module_init: ll_create failed"); } module_path = cf_module_path? cf_module_path: defs_module_path; // Search modules in the filesystem if (glob) { module_glob(module_path); return; } // Load modules supplied in va_list va_start(ap, glob); for (;;) { module_name = va_arg(ap, char *); if (module_name == NULL) { break; } if (strlen(module_path) + strlen(module_name) + 2 > sizeof buffer) { log_die(EX_SOFTWARE, "module_init: buffer exhausted"); } strcpy(buffer, module_path); strcat(buffer, "/"); strcat(buffer, module_name); module_load(buffer); } va_end(ap); }
void exp_init(void) { exp_defs = sht_create(EXP_BUCKETS, NULL); if (exp_defs == NULL) { log_die(EX_SOFTWARE, "exp_init: sht_create failed"); } exp_garbage = ll_create(); if (exp_garbage == NULL) { log_die(EX_SOFTWARE, "exp_init: ll_create failed"); } return; }
int32_t cacheex_add_stats(struct s_client *cl, uint16_t caid, uint16_t srvid, uint32_t prid, uint8_t direction) { if(!cfg.cacheex_enable_stats) { return -1; } // create list if doesn't exist if(!cl->ll_cacheex_stats) { cl->ll_cacheex_stats = ll_create("ll_cacheex_stats"); } time_t now = time((time_t *)0); LL_ITER itr = ll_iter_create(cl->ll_cacheex_stats); S_CACHEEX_STAT_ENTRY *cacheex_stats_entry; // check for existing entry while((cacheex_stats_entry = ll_iter_next(&itr))) { if(cacheex_stats_entry->cache_srvid == srvid && cacheex_stats_entry->cache_caid == caid && cacheex_stats_entry->cache_prid == prid && cacheex_stats_entry->cache_direction == direction) { // we already have this entry - just add count and time cacheex_stats_entry->cache_count++; cacheex_stats_entry->cache_last = now; return cacheex_stats_entry->cache_count; } } // if we land here we have to add a new entry if(cs_malloc(&cacheex_stats_entry, sizeof(S_CACHEEX_STAT_ENTRY))) { cacheex_stats_entry->cache_caid = caid; cacheex_stats_entry->cache_srvid = srvid; cacheex_stats_entry->cache_prid = prid; cacheex_stats_entry->cache_count = 1; cacheex_stats_entry->cache_last = now; cacheex_stats_entry->cache_direction = direction; ll_iter_insert(&itr, cacheex_stats_entry); return 1; } return 0; }