예제 #1
 *                                                                            *
 * Function: lld_update_graphs                                                *
 *                                                                            *
 * Purpose: add or update graphs for discovery item                           *
 *                                                                            *
 * Parameters: hostid  - [IN] host identificator from database                *
 *             agent   - [IN] discovery item identificator from database      *
 *             jp_data - [IN] received data                                   *
 *                                                                            *
 * Author: Alexander Vladishev                                                *
 *                                                                            *
void	lld_update_graphs(zbx_uint64_t hostid, zbx_uint64_t lld_ruleid, zbx_vector_ptr_t *lld_rows, char **error)
	const char		*__function_name = "lld_update_graphs";

	DB_RESULT		result;
	DB_ROW			row;
	zbx_vector_ptr_t	graphs;
	zbx_vector_ptr_t	gitems_proto;
	zbx_vector_ptr_t	items;

	zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s()", __function_name);

	zbx_vector_ptr_create(&graphs);		/* list of graphs which were created or will be created or */
						/* updated by the graph prototype */
	zbx_vector_ptr_create(&gitems_proto);	/* list of graphs_items which are used by the graph prototype */
	zbx_vector_ptr_create(&items);		/* list of items which are related to the graph prototype */

	result = DBselect(
			"select distinct g.graphid,g.name,g.width,g.height,g.yaxismin,g.yaxismax,g.show_work_period,"
			" from graphs g,graphs_items gi,items i,item_discovery id"
			" where g.graphid=gi.graphid"
				" and gi.itemid=i.itemid"
				" and i.itemid=id.itemid"
				" and id.parent_itemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64,

	while (NULL != (row = DBfetch(result)))
		zbx_uint64_t	parent_graphid, ymin_itemid_proto, ymax_itemid_proto;
		const char	*name_proto;
		int		width, height;
		double		yaxismin, yaxismax, percent_left, percent_right;
		unsigned char	show_work_period, show_triggers, graphtype, show_legend, show_3d,
				ymin_type, ymax_type;

		ZBX_STR2UINT64(parent_graphid, row[0]);
		name_proto = row[1];
		width = atoi(row[2]);
		height = atoi(row[3]);
		yaxismin = atof(row[4]);
		yaxismax = atof(row[5]);
		ZBX_STR2UCHAR(show_work_period, row[6]);
		ZBX_STR2UCHAR(show_triggers, row[7]);
		ZBX_STR2UCHAR(graphtype, row[8]);
		ZBX_STR2UCHAR(show_legend, row[9]);
		ZBX_STR2UCHAR(show_3d, row[10]);
		percent_left = atof(row[11]);
		percent_right = atof(row[12]);
		ZBX_STR2UCHAR(ymin_type, row[13]);
		ZBX_DBROW2UINT64(ymin_itemid_proto, row[14]);
		ZBX_STR2UCHAR(ymax_type, row[15]);
		ZBX_DBROW2UINT64(ymax_itemid_proto, row[16]);

		lld_graphs_get(parent_graphid, &graphs, width, height, yaxismin, yaxismax, show_work_period,
				show_triggers, graphtype, show_legend, show_3d, percent_left, percent_right,
				ymin_type, ymax_type);
		lld_gitems_get(parent_graphid, &gitems_proto, &graphs);
		lld_items_get(&gitems_proto, ymin_itemid_proto, ymax_itemid_proto, &items);

		/* making graphs */

		lld_graphs_make(&gitems_proto, &graphs, &items, name_proto, ymin_itemid_proto, ymax_itemid_proto,
		lld_graphs_validate(hostid, &graphs, error);
		lld_graphs_save(parent_graphid, &graphs, width, height, yaxismin, yaxismax, show_work_period,
				show_triggers, graphtype, show_legend, show_3d, percent_left, percent_right,
				ymin_type, ymax_type);



	zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s()", __function_name);
예제 #2
 *                                                                            *
 * Function: lld_update_triggers                                              *
 *                                                                            *
 * Purpose: add or update triggers for discovered items                       *
 *                                                                            *
void	lld_update_triggers(zbx_uint64_t hostid, zbx_uint64_t lld_ruleid, zbx_vector_ptr_t *lld_rows, char **error)
	const char		*__function_name = "lld_update_triggers";

	DB_RESULT		result;
	DB_ROW			row;
	zbx_vector_ptr_t	triggers;
	zbx_vector_ptr_t	functions_proto;
	zbx_vector_ptr_t	items;
	zbx_lld_trigger_t	*trigger;

	zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s()", __function_name);

	zbx_vector_ptr_create(&triggers);		/* list of triggers which were created or will be created or */
							/* updated by the trigger prototype */
	zbx_vector_ptr_create(&functions_proto);	/* list of functions which are used by the trigger prototype */
	zbx_vector_ptr_create(&items);			/* list of items which are related to the trigger prototype */

	result = DBselect(
			"select distinct t.triggerid,t.description,t.expression,t.status,t.type,t.priority,t.comments,"
			" from triggers t,functions f,items i,item_discovery id"
			" where t.triggerid=f.triggerid"
				" and f.itemid=i.itemid"
				" and i.itemid=id.itemid"
				" and id.parent_itemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64,

	/* run through trigger prototypes */
	while (NULL != (row = DBfetch(result)))
		zbx_uint64_t	parent_triggerid;
		const char	*description_proto, *comments_proto, *url;
		char		*expression_proto;
		unsigned char	status, type, priority;
		int		i;

		ZBX_STR2UINT64(parent_triggerid, row[0]);
		description_proto = row[1];
		expression_proto = zbx_strdup(NULL, row[2]);
		ZBX_STR2UCHAR(status, row[3]);
		ZBX_STR2UCHAR(type, row[4]);
		ZBX_STR2UCHAR(priority, row[5]);
		comments_proto = row[6];
		url = row[7];

		lld_triggers_get(parent_triggerid, &triggers, type, priority, url);
		lld_functions_get(parent_triggerid, &functions_proto, &triggers);
		lld_items_get(parent_triggerid, &items);

		/* simplifying trigger expressions */

		lld_expression_simplify(&expression_proto, &functions_proto);

		for (i = 0; i < triggers.values_num; i++)
			trigger = (zbx_lld_trigger_t *)triggers.values[i];

			lld_expression_simplify(&trigger->expression, &trigger->functions);

		/* making triggers */

		lld_triggers_make(&functions_proto, &triggers, &items, description_proto, expression_proto,
				comments_proto, lld_rows, error);
		lld_triggers_validate(hostid, &triggers, error);
		lld_triggers_save(parent_triggerid, &triggers, status, type, priority, url);

		/* cleaning */

		zbx_vector_ptr_clean(&items, (zbx_mem_free_func_t)lld_item_free);
		zbx_vector_ptr_clean(&functions_proto, (zbx_mem_free_func_t)lld_function_free);
		zbx_vector_ptr_clean(&triggers, (zbx_mem_free_func_t)lld_trigger_free);



	zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s()", __function_name);