예제 #1
CMissiveOMat::CMissiveOMat() : CGameObject(), _mode(1),
		_totalMessages(0), _messageNum(0), _personIndex(-1) {
	// Load data for the messages, their from and to names
	loadArray(_welcomeMessages, "TEXT/MISSIVEOMAT/WELCOME", 3);
	loadArray(_messages, "TEXT/MISSIVEOMAT/MESSAGES", 58);
	loadArray(_from, "TEXT/MISSIVEOMAT/FROM", 58);
	loadArray(_to, "TEXT/MISSIVEOMAT/TO", 58);
예제 #2
파일: Capstone.cpp 프로젝트: Ynitsed/cpp
void main() {
	const int PS = 3;
	int ls, pid[PS], quantity[PS];
	double price[PS];
	string fileName, productName[PS];
	ifstream readFile;
	ofstream writeFile;
	//----------------------Definition Complete----------------------//

	cout << "\nWhat file contains your inventory data? ";
	fileName = getAcceptableName (fileName);
	loadFileToRead (fileName, readFile);
//----------------------Load File Complete----------------------//
	cout << "\nInput file " << fileName << " successfully opened.\n";
	ls = loadArray(readFile, productName, pid, quantity, price, PS);  

	cout << "I got " << ls << " items.\n\n\n";
	printSummary(productName, pid, quantity, price, ls);  
	printStats(productName, quantity, price, ls);

	cout << "\n\n\nDo you want this info to be saved in a file? ";
	if ( getYOrN() == 'Y' ) {
		cout << "\nWhere do you want this report to go to? ";
		fileName = getAcceptableName(fileName, " OUT.TXT");
		loadFileToWrite(fileName, writeFile);
		printSummary(productName, pid, quantity, price, ls, writeFile);    
		printStats(productName, quantity, price, ls, writeFile);  
		cout << "\nYour report can be found in " << fileName << endl;
	cout << "\n\nHit ENTER to end the program...";
예제 #3
int main()
	int num,array1[SIZE],array2[SIZE];
	printf("Enter the size of the input: \n");
	while (checkError(num)==0){
		printf("Invaild input enter the size of the input again: \n");
	printf("\nInput array 1\n");
	printf("\ninput array 2\n");

	return 0;
예제 #4
파일: clab.c 프로젝트: klopez9/dictionary
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    char **wordArray;  /* declare the dynamic array of strings */
                       /* the array is NOT allocated yet */
    int capacity = INITIAL_ARRAY_MAX;
    int wordCount = 0;
    int i;

    if (argc != 3) /* if execution command does not have the .exe,
                      an inputFile and an outputFile specified */
        fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s inputfile outputfile\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    if (loadArray(argv[1], &wordArray, &wordCount, &capacity) != 0)
    /* i.e. if loadArray does not reach the end of the function ("return 0").
     * loadArray is called here; it takes in the 2nd argument from the terminal command
     (the text file of words) and references to wordArray, wordCount, and capacity so
     we can pass-by-reference. The function parameters, thus, are a string, a triple
     char pointer, and two int pointers.
        fprintf(stderr,"    loadArray failed! Program terminating...\n");
        return 1;  /* don't need to call exit - we're in main! */

    printf("\nFinished loading %d words.", wordCount);
    printf("\nArray Capacity is %d\n", capacity);
    menu(&wordArray, &wordCount, &capacity);

    if (writeToFile(argv[2], &wordArray, &wordCount) != 0)
      printf("Error writing to file\n");
      printf("Dictionary written to file '%s'\n", argv[2]);
    for (i = 0; i < wordCount; i++) 
      if (wordArray[i] != NULL) 
    return 0;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    char **wordArray;  /* declare the dynamic array of strings */
                       /* the array is NOT allocated yet */
    int capacity = INITIAL_ARRAY_MAX;
    int wordCount = 0;

    if (argc != 3)
        fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s inputfile outputfile\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    if (loadArray(argv[1], &wordArray, &wordCount, &capacity) != 0)
        fprintf(stderr,"    loadArray failed! Program terminating...\n");
        return 1;  /* don't need to call exit - we're in main! */

    printf("\n  Finished loading %d words.\n", wordCount);

    wordArray is pointing to a 50-element block of memory

    wordArray[0] is a char * -> "horse\0"
             [1] is a char * -> "cat\0"
             [2] is a char * -> "rat\0"
             [3] is a char * -> "oryx\0"
             ...      char * -> "bat\0"
             ...      char * -> "alligator\0"
             ...      char * -> "crocodile\0"
             ...      char * -> "pig\0"
             ...      char * -> "monkey\0"
             [9] is a char * -> "aardvark\0"
            [10] is a char * -> ????
            [49] is a char * -> ????

   REMEMBER the 50 char * pointers are stored consecutively in 1 block
   of memory (which is why wordArray[5], for example, is well-defined,
   but the strings are distributed "randomly" throughout the heap.

    printArray(wordArray, wordCount);/* comment this out if using a big file!*/

    return 0;
예제 #6
QMap<QString, QVariant> MainWindow::loadDictionary(QDomNode n)
    QString itemName = "", itemTag = "", itemContents = "";
    QMap<QString, QVariant> returnMap;

    // Get first element of dictionary
    n = n.firstChild();

    while(!n.isNull()) {
        // Try to convert the node to an element.
        QDomElement e = n.toElement();

        // The node really is an element.
        if(!e.isNull()) {

            itemName = qPrintable(e.text());
            itemTag = qPrintable(e.tagName());

            Q_ASSERT_X(itemTag == "key", "MainWindow::loadLevelPlist", "Tag should be a key, but isn't!");

            n = n.nextSibling();
            e = n.toElement();
            itemContents = qPrintable(e.text());
            itemTag = qPrintable(e.tagName());

            // Simple case (either string or number)
            if(itemTag != "array" && itemTag != "dict")
                returnMap.insert(itemName, itemContents);

            // Do we have an array?
            else if(itemTag == "array")
                returnMap.insert(itemName, loadArray(n));

            // Else, we have a dictionary.  Let the recursion begin.
                returnMap.insert(itemName, loadDictionary(n));

            n = n.nextSibling();

    return returnMap;
예제 #7
int main(int argc,char** argv)
	//Error checking for the number of argument//
	if (argc !=3)
		printf("Insufficent arguments");
		return -1;
	//Error checking for existance of input//
	int size=loadArray(argv[1]);
                printf("Unable to open the input file");
                return -1;
	//Declaration of variables//
	int id, ngrade,search;
	//Display output//
	printf("Student Record\n");
	//Search ID and rewritng new grade//
	printf("\nEnter the ID of the student to search:");
	printf("Enter a grade of the student:");
	// Checking for the existance of the id//
		printf("Student with id %d is not present in the class\n");
	//Write a new file with the new revision//
		int x=writeContent(argv[2],size);
		//Print new output//
		printf("\nUpdated student record\n");
	//Bonus Part Sorting array//
	printf("\nBonus part\nPrinting sorted student record\n");

	return 0;	

struct Hjava_lang_Class*
java_lang_VMClass_loadArrayClass(struct Hjava_lang_String* str, struct Hjava_lang_ClassLoader* loader)
	errorInfo einfo;
	Hjava_lang_Class* clazz;
	Utf8Const *utf8buf;
	const char *buf;
	int jlen;
	jchar *js;

	 * NB: internally, we store class names as path names (with slashes
	 *     instead of dots.  However, we must also prevent calls to
	 *     "java/lang/Object" or "[[Ljava/lang/Object;" from succeeding.
	 *	Since class names cannot have slashes, we reject all attempts
	 *	to look up names that do.  Awkward.  Inefficient.
	js = STRING_DATA(str);
	jlen = STRING_SIZE(str);
	while (--jlen > 0) {
		if (*js++ == '/') {
				"Cannot have slashes - use dots instead.");

	/* Convert string to utf8, converting '.' to '/' */
	utf8buf = checkPtr(stringJava2Utf8ConstReplace(str, '.', '/'));
	buf = utf8buf->data;
	clazz = loadArray(utf8buf, loader, &einfo);

	/* if an error occurred, throw an exception */
	if (clazz == 0) {

	return clazz;
예제 #9
int main()
	inventory invList[MAX_ARR_SIZE];

	int count = 0; // holds the number of cells found in original file
	int newcount = 0; // hold the number of extracted records written to new file
	int requestId;

	char fileName[MAX_FILENAME_LEN];
	char newFile[MAX_FILENAME_LEN];

	cout << "Enter the name of the file to be read: ";
	cin >> fileName; // inventory.txt

	// change last parameter to 10 to test when no room for all data
	if (loadArray(fileName, invList, count, MAX_ARR_SIZE))
		cout << "All data loaded." << endl;
		cout << "Insufficent storage. Unable to load all data." << endl;

	cout << count << " record(s) found" << endl << endl;
	printArray(cout, invList, count);

	cout << endl;
	cout << "Enter new file name: ";
	cin >> newFile;
	cout << "Enter product ID to search for: ";
	cin >> requestId; // product id number

	extractData(newFile, requestId, ORDER_VALUE, invList, count, newcount);
	cout << newcount << " record(s) written to file." << endl << endl;

	return 0;
예제 #10
QList<QVariant> MainWindow::loadArray(QDomNode n)
    QString itemName = "", itemTag = "";
    QList< QVariant > returnArray;

    // Get first item of array
    QDomNode m = n.firstChild();

        // Try to convert the node to an element.
        QDomElement e = m.toElement();

        // The node really is an element.
        if(!e.isNull()) {

            itemName = qPrintable(e.text());
            itemTag = qPrintable(e.tagName());

            if(itemTag == "array")
            else if(itemTag == "dict")

        m = m.nextSibling();

    return returnArray;
예제 #11
파일: DArray.hpp 프로젝트: gt1/libmaus2
			DArray(std::string const & fn)
			: D(loadArray(fn))
예제 #12
파일: DArray.hpp 프로젝트: gt1/libmaus2
			DArray(stream_type & stream)
			: D(loadArray(stream))

예제 #13
파일: DArray.hpp 프로젝트: gt1/libmaus2
			static ::libmaus2::autoarray::AutoArray<uint64_t> loadArray(std::string const & filename)
				::libmaus2::aio::InputStreamInstance CIS(filename);
				return loadArray(CIS);
 * Convert string name to class object.
struct Hjava_lang_Class*
java_lang_VMClass_forName0(struct Hjava_lang_String* str, struct Hjava_lang_ClassLoader* loader)
	errorInfo einfo;
	Hjava_lang_Class* clazz;
	Utf8Const *utf8buf;
	const char *buf;
	int jlen;
	jchar *js;

	 * NB: internally, we store class names as path names (with slashes
	 *     instead of dots.  However, we must also prevent calls to
	 *     "java/lang/Object" or "[[Ljava/lang/Object;" from succeeding.
	 *	Since class names cannot have slashes, we reject all attempts
	 *	to look up names that do.  Awkward.  Inefficient.
	js = STRING_DATA(str);
	jlen = STRING_SIZE(str);
	while (--jlen > 0) {
		if (*js++ == '/') {
				"Cannot have slashes - use dots instead.");

	 * Note the following oddity:
	 * It is apparently perfectly legal to call forName for array types,
	 * such as "[Ljava.lang.String;" or "[B".
	 * However, it is wrong to call Class.forName("Ljava.lang.String;")
	 * This situation is similar to the constant pool resolution.  We
	 * therefore do the same thing as in getClass in kaffevm/lookup.c,
	 * that is, use either loadArray or loadClass depending on the name.
	 * This is somewhat described in Section 5.1.3 of the VM
	 * Specification, titled "Array Classes".  This section seems to
	 * imply that we must avoid asking a class loader to resolve such
	 * array names (those starting with an [), and this is what calling
	 * loadArray does.

	/* Convert string to utf8, converting '.' to '/' */
	utf8buf = checkPtr(stringJava2Utf8ConstReplace(str, '.', '/'));
	buf = utf8buf->data;

	if (buf[0] == '[') {
		clazz = loadArray(utf8buf, loader, &einfo);
	else {
		clazz = loadClass(utf8buf, loader, &einfo);
	/* if an error occurred, throw an exception */
	if (clazz == 0) {
	 * loadClass returns the class in state CSTATE_LINKED.
	 * Processing to CSTATE_COMPLETE will initialize the class, resolve
	 * its constants and run its static initializers.
	 * The option to load a class via forName without initializing it
	 * was introduced in 1.2, presumably for the convenience of
	 * programs such as stub compilers.
	if (processClass(clazz, CSTATE_COMPLETE, &einfo) == false) {
	return (clazz);
예제 #15
파일: lab8.c 프로젝트: sts44b/cs1050
//call function main and gather inputs from the command line
int main (int argc, char* argv[]){
	//declare the variables to be used in this program
	int size, size2;
	int highest;
	int lowest;
	float avg;
	int findID;
	int id;
	int write;

	if (argc != 4)//check to make sure there are the appropriate number of parameters
		printf("\nInsufficient arguments\n");
		return 0;
	size = loadArray(argv[1]);//call function to load data from input file ints struct array

	if (size == 0){//if the input file cannout be opened quit program
      return 0;
	highest = findHighestgrade(size);//call a function to find the highest grade in the class

	lowest = findLowestgrade(size);//call a function to find the lowest grade in the class

	avg = averageClassgrade(size);//call a funciton to calculate the average grade of the class
	printf("\n\nStudent record");
	printArray(size);//display the array of data gathered from the input file

	//display the results of the previous functions
	printf("\nThe student with the highest grade is %s with the grade %d", students[highest].name, students[highest].grade);
	printf("\nThe student with the lowest grade is %s with the grade %d\n", students[lowest].name, students[lowest].grade);
	printf("\nThe average grade for the class %.2f\n", avg);

	printf("\nEnter the ID of the student to search: ");
	scanf("%d", &id);//prompt user to enter an id number to search for
	findID = searchArray(size, id);//call function to find what student the id entered by the user pionts to

	if (findID == -1){
      printf("Student with the ID %d is not present in the class\n", id);//check to see if correct student number entered
      printf("Student with the id %d is %s\n", students[findID].id, students[findID].name);//display the student searched for by the user
	size2 = updateArray(argv[2], size);

   printf("\nUpdated student record");
   printArray(size + size2);

   sortArray(size + size2);

   printf("\nPrinting sorted student record");
   printArray(size + size2);

   write = writeContent(argv[3], (size + size2), highest, lowest, avg);//call the function to print data in the output file

   if (write == 0)
      printf("\nUnable to open the output file\n");
return 0; 
}//end function main