예제 #1
파일: rfx.c 프로젝트: michirod/cgr-jni
int	rfx_start()
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	Sdr		sdr = getIonsdr();
	IonVdb		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	Object		iondbObj;
	IonDB		iondb;
	Object		elt;

	iondbObj = getIonDbObject();
	CHKERR(sdr_begin_xn(sdr));	/*	To lock memory.		*/
	sdr_read(sdr, (char *) &iondb, iondbObj, sizeof(IonDB));

	/*	Destroy and re-create volatile contact and range
	 *	databases.  This prevents contact/range duplication
	 *	as a result of adds before starting ION.		*/

	sm_rbt_destroy(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
	sm_rbt_destroy(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
	vdb->contactIndex = sm_rbt_create(ionwm);
	vdb->rangeIndex = sm_rbt_create(ionwm);

	/*	Load range index for all asserted ranges.  In so
	 *	doing, load the nodes for which ranges are known
	 *	and load events for all predicted changes in range.	*/

	for (elt = sdr_list_first(sdr, iondb.ranges); elt;
			elt = sdr_list_next(sdr, elt))
		if (loadRange(elt) < 0)
			putErrmsg("Can't load range.", NULL);
			return -1;

	/*	Load contact index for all contacts.  In so doing,
	 *	load the nodes for which contacts are planned (as
	 *	necessary) and load events for all planned changes
	 *	in data rate affecting the local node.			*/

	iondbObj = getIonDbObject();
	sdr_read(sdr, (char *) &iondb, iondbObj, sizeof(IonDB));
	for (elt = sdr_list_first(sdr, iondb.contacts); elt;
			elt = sdr_list_next(sdr, elt))
		if (loadContact(elt) < 0)
			putErrmsg("Can't load contact.", NULL);
			return -1;

	/*	Start the rfx clock if necessary.			*/
	if (vdb->clockPid == ERROR || sm_TaskExists(vdb->clockPid) == 0)
		vdb->clockPid = pseudoshell("rfxclock");
	sdr_exit_xn(sdr);	/*	Unlock memory.			*/
	return 0;
예제 #2
EditContactDialog::EditContactDialog(AlcatelCategoryList *cat, AlcatelContactList *lst, const AlcatelContact *cont, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KDialog(parent,name,true) {
    contact = cont;
    list= lst;
    categories = cat;

    QLabel *label;
    QFrame *line;

    resize(500, 580 );
    if (cont == NULL) setCaption( i18n( "New contact" ) );
    else setCaption( i18n( "Edit contact" ) );

    QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
    mainLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
    mainLayout->setMargin( 8 );

    if (cont == NULL) label = new QLabel( i18n("<b>New contact</b>"), this );
    else label = new QLabel( i18n("<b>Edit contact</b>"), this );

    line = new QFrame( this );
    line->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );

    mainLayout->setRowStretch(0, -1);
    mainLayout->setRowStretch(1, -1);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("First name"), this), 2, 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editFirstName = new QLineEdit(this), 2, 1);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Last name"), this), 2, 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editLastName = new QLineEdit(this), 2, 3);

    line = new QFrame( this );
    line->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Company"), this), 4, 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editCompany = new QLineEdit(this), 4, 1);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Job title"), this), 4, 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editJobTitle = new QLineEdit(this), 4, 3);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Category"), this), 5, 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editCategory = new KComboBox(this), 5, 1);

    editCategory->insertItem(i18n("Not set")); /* -1 */
    editCategory->insertItem(i18n("none_category", "None")); /* 255 */
    for( AlcatelCategoryList::Iterator c_it = categories->begin(); c_it != categories->end(); ++c_it ) {
//    , (*c_it).Id

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Private"), this), 5, 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editPrivate = new QCheckBox(this), 5, 3);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Note"), this), 6, 0); /* this will be longer */
    mainLayout->addMultiCellWidget(editNote = new QLineEdit(this), 6, 6, 1, 3);

    line = new QFrame( this );
    line->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Work number"), this),8 , 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editWorkNumber = new QLineEdit(this),8 , 1);
    editWorkNumber->setValidator(new PhoneNumberValidator(true, true, false, editWorkNumber));

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Main number"), this),8 , 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editMainNumber = new QLineEdit(this),8 , 3);
    editMainNumber->setValidator(new PhoneNumberValidator(true, true, false, editMainNumber));

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Fax number"), this),9 , 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editFaxNumber = new QLineEdit(this),9 , 1);
    editFaxNumber->setValidator(new PhoneNumberValidator(true, true, false, editFaxNumber));

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Other number"), this),9 , 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editOtherNumber = new QLineEdit(this),9 , 3);
    editOtherNumber->setValidator(new PhoneNumberValidator(true, true, false, editOtherNumber));

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Pager number"), this),10 , 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editPagerNumber = new QLineEdit(this),10 , 1);
    editPagerNumber->setValidator(new PhoneNumberValidator(true, true, false, editPagerNumber));

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Mobile number"), this),10 , 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editMobileNumber = new QLineEdit(this),10 , 3);
    editMobileNumber->setValidator(new PhoneNumberValidator(true, true, false, editMobileNumber));

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Home number"), this),11 , 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editHomeNumber = new QLineEdit(this),11 , 1);
    editHomeNumber->setValidator(new PhoneNumberValidator(true, true, false, editHomeNumber));

/* what should be here?
    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n(""), this), , 2);*/

    line = new QFrame( this );
    line->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Email 1"), this), 13, 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editEmail1 = new QLineEdit(this), 13, 1);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Email 2"), this), 13, 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editEmail2 = new QLineEdit(this), 13, 3);

    line = new QFrame( this );
    line->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Address"), this), 15, 0); /* this will be longer */
    mainLayout->addMultiCellWidget(editAddress = new QLineEdit(this), 15, 15, 1, 3);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("City"), this), 16, 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editCity = new QLineEdit(this), 16, 1);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Zip"), this), 16, 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editZip = new QLineEdit(this), 16, 3);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("State"), this), 17, 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editState = new QLineEdit(this), 17, 1);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Country"), this), 17, 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editCountry = new QLineEdit(this), 17, 3);

    line = new QFrame( this );
    line->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Custom 1"), this), 19, 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editCustom1 = new QLineEdit(this), 19, 1);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Custom 2"), this), 19, 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editCustom2 = new QLineEdit(this), 19, 3);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Custom 3"), this), 20, 0);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editCustom3 = new QLineEdit(this), 20, 1);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Custom 4"), this), 20, 2);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editCustom4 = new QLineEdit(this), 20, 3);

    line = new QFrame( this );
    line->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Storage"), this), 22, 0);

    editStorage = new KComboBox(this);
    editStorage->insertItem(i18n("none_storage", "None"));
    connect( editStorage, SIGNAL( activated(int)), this, SLOT( slotStorage(int)));
    mainLayout->addWidget(editStorage, 22, 1);

    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Position"), this), 22, 2);

    editPosition = new KIntNumInput(this);
    editPosition->setRange(-1, 9999,1,false);
    mainLayout->addWidget(editPosition, 22, 3);

    QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout;

    layout->setSpacing( 6 );
    layout->setMargin( 0 );
    QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
    layout->addItem( spacer );

    QPushButton *buttonOK = new QPushButton(i18n("&OK"), this);

    QPushButton *buttonCancel = new QPushButton(i18n("&Cancel"), this);

    mainLayout->addMultiCellLayout( layout, 24,24, 0,3 );

    line = new QFrame( this);
    line->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );

    mainLayout->addMultiCellWidget( line, 23,23, 0,3 );
    connect( buttonOK, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotOK() ) );
    connect( buttonCancel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotCancel() ) );

    if (contact == NULL) editPosition->setValue(-1);
    editStorage->setEnabled(contact == NULL);