int Scene_Test::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: initTestCase(); break; case 1: init(); break; case 2: cleanup(); break; case 3: initial(); break; case 4: values(); break; case 5: fixtureRemoval(); break; case 6: loadSuccess(); break; case 7: loadWrongType(); break; case 8: loadWrongRoot(); break; case 9: save(); break; case 10: copyFrom(); break; case 11: createCopy(); break; case 12: arm(); break; case 13: armMissingFixture(); break; case 14: armTooManyChannels(); break; case 15: flashUnflash(); break; case 16: writeHTPBusZero(); break; case 17: writeHTPBusOne(); break; case 18: writeLTPHTPBusZero(); break; case 19: writeLTPBusOne(); break; case 20: writeLTPReady(); break; case 21: writeValues(); break; default: ; } _id -= 22; } return _id; }
DocumentPage::DocumentPage(const QString& filePath, QGraphicsItem *parent) : MApplicationPage(parent) , currentPage(1) , m_pinchInProgress(false) , m_endScale(1.0) , m_blockRecenter(false) , pageLoaded(false) , m_defaultZoomLevelAction(ActionPool::ZoomFitToWidth) , pageIndicator(0) , m_infoBanner(0) , shareIf(0) , searchstring("") , searchingTimeout(false) , zoomAction(0) , indicatorAction(0) , zoomCombobox(0) , indicatorCombobox(0) , searchStarted(false) , noMatches(false) , totalPage(1) , liveDocument(0) , bounceAnimation(0) , jumpToPageOverlay(0) , findtoolbar(0) , quickViewToolbar(0) , quickViewer(false) , m_pageView(new ZoomBackground(this)) , m_lastZoomFactor(1.0) { setView(m_pageView); documentName = filePath; setObjectName("documentpage"); // double click interval setting to 325ms QApplication::setDoubleClickInterval(DOUBLETAP_INTERVAL); setAutoMarginsForComponentsEnabled(false); setComponentsDisplayMode(MApplicationPage::AllComponents, MApplicationPageModel::Hide); setEscapeMode(MApplicationPageModel::EscapeCloseWindow); qRegisterMetaType<ZoomLevel>("ZoomLevel"); m_autoHideTimer.setSingleShot(true); m_autoHideTimer.setInterval(NAVI_BAR_TIMEOUT); m_shortTapTimer.setSingleShot(true); m_shortTapTimer.setInterval(QApplication::doubleClickInterval()); searchTimer.setSingleShot(true); searchTimer.setInterval(searchDelay); connect(&searchTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(searchTimeout())); connect(&m_shortTapTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(shortTapEvent())); connect(&m_autoHideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(autoHideToolbar())); connect(this, SIGNAL(backButtonClicked()), this, SLOT(onClose())); connect(ActionPool::instance(), SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject *)), this, SLOT(removeActions())); connect(this, SIGNAL(loadSuccess(QString)), SLOT(updateViewerType())); connect(MInputMethodState::instance(), SIGNAL(inputMethodAreaChanged(const QRect &)), this, SLOT(sendVisibleAreayChanged())); }
bool KNMusicBackendBassThread::loadFile(const QString &filePath) { //Stop the current thread first. stop(); //Remove all the previous sync handlers. removeChannelSyncs(); //Check is the file the current file. if(filePath==m_filePath) { //Reset the current state. resetChannelInformation(); //Update the duration. emit durationChanged(m_duration); //Emit the load success signal. emit loadSuccess(); //Mission complete. return true; } //Load the file path. if(!loadBassThread(filePath)) { //Load the file failed. return false; } //When loading the file complete, load the channel info to the thread. //Get the duration of the whole file. m_totalDuration= BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(m_channel, BASS_ChannelGetLength(m_channel, BASS_POS_BYTE)) *1000.0; //Emit the duration changed signal. emit durationChanged(m_totalDuration); //Reset the thread information. resetChannelInformation(); //Load complete. return true; }
void KNMusicBackendQtAVThread::onActionLoaded() { //Update the volume size. if(m_player->audio()) { //Set the volume size. m_player->audio()->setVolume(m_volumeSize); } //Set the start and end position. m_player->setStartPosition(m_startPosition); //Set the end position. m_player->setStopPosition(m_endPosition); //Check out the end position is 0 or not. if(m_endPosition==0) { //Change the end position to the media stop position. m_endPosition=m_player->duration()-100; } //Get the duration of the player. emit durationChanged(m_endPosition - m_startPosition); //Emit the loaded success signal. emit loadSuccess(); }
bool KNMusicBackendMpvThread::event(QEvent *event) { //Check out the event type. if(event->type()==QEvent::User) { //Get all the event until there no event. while(m_mpvHandle) { //Get the mpv event. mpv_event *mpvEvent=mpv_wait_event(m_mpvHandle, 0); //Check out the event pointer. if(mpvEvent==nullptr || MPV_EVENT_NONE == mpvEvent->event_id) { //All the event has been processed. break; } //Check out whether there's an error occurs. if(mpvEvent->error < 0) { //!FIXME: Do something here. } switch(mpvEvent->event_id) { case MPV_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE: { //Cast the mpv event data to event property. mpv_event_property *prop=(mpv_event_property *)mpvEvent->data; //Check out the property name. // From bakamplayer: // playback-time does the same thing as time-pos but works for // streaming media if(strcmp(prop->name, "time-pos") == 0) { //Cehck the format. if(MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE==prop->format) { //Output the playback time. emit positionChanged((qint64)((*(double *)prop->data)*1000.0)-m_startPosition); } } //Mission finished. break; } //This event is totally different, though I don't know why. //BakaMPlayer says it is. case MPV_EVENT_START_FILE: { break; } case MPV_EVENT_FILE_LOADED: { //Pause it right after the file loaded. pause(); //Reset the playing state. m_state=MusicUtil::Stopped; //Emit the state changed signal. emit stateChanged(m_state); //We have to update all the file inforamtion here. //Get the duration of the file. double mediaDuration; //Get the property. mpv_get_property(m_mpvHandle, "length", MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE, &mediaDuration); //Save the total duration. qint64 propertyDuration=(qint64)(mediaDuration*1000.0); //Check property duration if(propertyDuration>0) { //For valid duration. m_totalDuration=propertyDuration; //Update the end position. checkStartAndEndPosition(); //Emit the loaded signal. emit loadSuccess(); } //Mission complete. break; } case MPV_EVENT_PAUSE: { //We should save the state as pause. //We may never have stop. m_state=MusicUtil::Paused; //Emit the state changed signal. emit stateChanged(m_state); break; } case MPV_EVENT_UNPAUSE: { //We should save the state as playing. m_state=MusicUtil::Playing; //Emit the state changed signal. emit stateChanged(m_state); //Sync the playing volume. setVolume(m_volumeSize); break; } case MPV_EVENT_END_FILE: { //It should be stopped. m_state=MusicUtil::Stopped; //Emit the state changed signal. emit stateChanged(m_state); break; } } } } //For others, do the defualt event. return KNMusicStandardBackendThread::event(event); }
QHotLoadImageBay::QHotLoadImageBay() : QObject(), dirHint(D_NEUTRAL) { qsrand(time(0)); QObject::connect(&qiltp, SIGNAL(loadSuccess(QString,QImage)), this, SLOT(handleSuccess(QString,QImage)), Qt::DirectConnection); QObject::connect(&qiltp, SIGNAL(loadFailed(QString)), this, SLOT(handleFailure(QString)), Qt::DirectConnection); this->startTimer(50); }
void QImageLoadThreadPool::internalThreadEnd(QString path, QImage img) { this->internalJoinThread(path); controlExternal.lock(); if (img.isNull()) emit loadFailed(path); else emit loadSuccess(path, img); controlExternal.unlock(); }