Err menu(t_info *info) { preload_menu(info); load_menu(info); info->exit = 0; info->menu_over = 0; while (!info->exit) { SDL_Delay(10); while (SDL_PollEvent(&(info->mysdl.event))) { if (info->mysdl.event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) menu_mousemotion(info, info->mysdl.event); else if (info->mysdl.event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) menu_mousebutton(info, info->mysdl.event); else if (info->mysdl.event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) menu_key(info, info->mysdl.event); else if (info->mysdl.event.type == SDL_VIDEORESIZE) { resize_window(info, info->mysdl.event.resize.w, info->mysdl.event.resize.h); update_menu(info); } else if (info->mysdl.event.type == SDL_QUIT) info->exit = 1; break; } } free_menu(info); SDL_Quit(); return (0); }
void window(char *file) { int loop; unsigned int framelimit; framelimit = 0; loop = 0; game.file = file; if (init_all() == 0 && != NULL) { load_audio(); //load_intro(); while (loop == 0) { loop = get_input_menu(); load_menu(); while (loop == 1) { loop = get_input_game(); load_game(); framelimit = delay(framelimit); } framelimit = delay(framelimit); } } exit_game(); }
static void inbox_received_callback(DictionaryIterator *iterator, void *context) { dict_write_begin(&items_iter, items_buffer, ITEMS_BUFFER_SIZE); Tuple *t = dict_read_first(iterator); while(t != NULL) { dict_write_cstring(&items_iter, (int) t->key, (char*) t->value->cstring); t = dict_read_next(iterator); } int items_size = dict_write_end(&items_iter); load_menu(); }
int game() { int menu = 0; load_cards(); load_menu(); if ((irq_set = keyboard_subscribe_int()) == 1) { vg_exit(); return 1; } while (menu == 0) { if (keyboard_int_handler(irq_set) == 0) { if (scancode == 0x82) { menu = 1; vg_fill(0xff); vg_draw("/usr/src/drivers/proj/images/", 64, 167, 428, 36); vg_draw_all(&d1, 134, 180); vg_draw("/usr/src/drivers/proj/images/",[0]->height,[0]->width, d1.posx[0], d1.posy[0]); } else { if (scancode == 0x83) { vg_exit(); return 0; } } } } while (game_over == 0) { if (keyboard_int_handler(irq_set) == 0) { game_handling(&d1); } } if (keyboard_unsubscribe_int() != 0) { return 1; } sleep(5); vg_exit(); return 0; }
//Menu algoritmos sequenciais void load_vectors (void) { do { printf("\n\t../Vectors \n"); printf("\nPlease choose one of the following options:\n"); printf("_____________________________________________________\n\n"); printf("1.-----------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("2.-----------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("3.-----------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("4.-----------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("5.-----------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("6. Return\n"); printf("7. Exit\n"); printf("_____________________________________________________\n\n"); printf("\t\tEnter Choice: "); scanf("%u", &choice); system("clear"); switch(choice) { case 1: first(); break; case 2: second(); break; case 3: third(); break; case 4: fourth(); break; case 5: fifth(); break; case 6: load_menu(); break; case 7: printf("\nQuitting program!\n"); exit(FLAG); break; default: printf("\nInvalid choice!\n"); break; } } while (choice != 11); }
void load_alg_loop (void) { do { printf("\n\tLoop algorithms \n"); printf("\nPlease choose one of the following options:\n"); printf("___________________________________________\n\n"); printf("1. Loop algorithms - For\n"); printf("2. Loop algorithms - While\n"); printf("3. Loop algorithms - Do While\n"); printf("4. Return\n"); printf("5. Exit\n"); printf("___________________________________________\n\n"); printf("\t\tEnter Choice: "); scanf("%u", &choice); system("clear"); switch (choice) { case 1: load_alg_loop_for(); break; case 2: load_alg_loop_while(); break; case 3: load_alg_loop_do_while(); break; case 4: load_menu(); break; case 5: printf("\nQuitting program!\n"); exit(FLAG); break; default: printf("\nInvalid choice!\n"); break; } } while (choice != 5); }
void initialize (int *argc, char **argv[], char ***envp) { char buf[512], *p; char inifile[MAX_PATH], ifile[MAX_PATH]; time_t t1; struct tm tm1; #ifdef __MINGW32__ WSADATA wsa; #endif //putenv ("TZ=GMT0"); //tzset (); // first we need to initialize FLY variables fly_initialize (); fl_opt.appname = "nftp"; if (fl_opt.has_console) fprintf (stderr, "\nNFTP - Version%sof %s, %s" "\nCopyright (C) Sergey Ayukov 1994--2000.\n\n", NFTP_VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__); fly_process_args (argc, argv, envp); // checking command-line arguments check_args (*argc, *argv); // find where our config files are determine_paths ((*argv)[0]); // delete old temporary files clear_tmp (); // loading configuration files init_config (); // initilialize debug subsystem if specified if (options.debug) { sprintf (buf, /*sizeof(buf),*/ "%s/debug", paths.user_libpath); mkdir1 (buf, 0700); sprintf (buf, /*sizeof(buf),*/ "%s/debug/nftp.dbg.%u", paths.user_libpath, (int)getpid ()); dbfile = fopen (buf, "w"); tools_debug = dbfile; } if (options.log_cc) { sprintf (buf, /*sizeof(buf),*/ "%s/CC", paths.user_libpath); mkdir1 (buf, 0700); t1 = time (NULL); tm1 = *localtime (&t1); sprintf (buf, "CC/%04d-%02d-%02d.%02d:%02d:%02d.log", tm1.tm_year+1900, tm1.tm_mon, tm1.tm_mday, tm1.tm_hour, tm1.tm_min, tm1.tm_sec); p = str_sjoin (paths.user_libpath, buf); cc_log = fopen (p, "w"); if (cc_log == NULL) options.log_cc = FALSE; free (p); } // load language-specific things nls_init (paths.system_libpath, paths.user_libpath); load_menu (); // check for correct NFTP.INI version strcpy (buf, NFTP_VERSION); str_strip2 (buf, " "); //if (str_numchars (buf, '.') > 1) *(strrchr (buf, '.')) = '\0'; if (strcmp (options.version, buf) != 0) { // looking for nftp.i file in user dir, then in system dir strcpy (ifile, paths.user_libpath); str_cats (ifile, "nftp.i"); if (access (ifile, R_OK) != 0) { strcpy (ifile, paths.system_libpath); str_cats (ifile, "nftp.i"); if (access (ifile, R_OK) != 0) fly_error (MSG(M_INI_CANT_FIND_NFTP_I), paths.user_libpath, paths.system_libpath); } strcpy (inifile, paths.user_libpath); str_cats (inifile, "nftp.ini"); update_inifile (inifile, ifile); GetProfileOptions (inifile); } config_fly (); #ifdef __MINGW32__ WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsa); #endif }
//Menu algorithmos condicionais void load_alg_conditional(void) { do { printf("\n\t../Conditional Algorithms \n"); printf("\nPlease choose one of the following options:\n"); printf("______________________________________________________\n\n"); printf("1.------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("2.------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("3.------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("4.------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("5.------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("6.------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("7.------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("8.------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("9.------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("10.-----------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("11.-----------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("12.Return...\n"); printf("13.Exit\n"); printf("_____________________________________________________\n\n"); printf("\t\tEnter Choice: "); scanf("%u", &choice); system("clear"); switch(choice) { case 1: first(); break; case 2: second(); break; case 3: third(); break; case 4: fourth(); break; case 5: fifth(); break; case 6: sixth(); break; case 7: seventh(); break; case 8: eighth(); break; case 9: ninth(); break; case 10: tenth(); break; case 11: eleventh(); break; case 12: load_menu(); break; case 13: printf("\n Quitting program!\n"); exit(FLAG); break; default: printf("\n Invalid choice!\n"); break; } } while (choice != 8); }
int main() { load_menu(); return 0; }
void menu_setup(void) { cgc_memset(&todays_menu, '\0', sizeof(Menu)); load_menu(&todays_menu); }
void graphicsMenu(world * gameWorld, char *server_ip) { int in_menu = 1; int mouse_pressed = 0; int menu_choice = 0; //fps struct timer_t2 fps; printf("Before trying to load the menu in load manu\n"); init_draw(); //load menu if ( load_menu("menu/main_menu_background.png", "menu/play_inactiv.png", "menu/options_inactiv.png", "menu/editor_inactiv.png", "menu/exit_inactiv.png", "menu/back_inactiv.png", SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) == -1) { clean_up(); printf("couldn't read texture, quitting\n"); exit(-3); } load_level(); printf("After load menu\n"); //wait for user to continue or exit while( in_menu != 0 ) { //Start the frame timer timer_start(&fps); //While there are events to handle while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) { if( event.type == SDL_QUIT ) { //exit clean_up(); exit(0); } if (mouse_pressed != 1) { mouse_over_menu(event.button.x, event.button.y); } if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { switch(event.button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: mouse_pressed = mouse_down_menu(event.button.x, event.button.y); break; } } //is mousebuttom being pressed if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { switch(event.button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: menu_choice = press_menu(event.button.x, event.button.y); break; } } } //draw menu drawMenu(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); switch(menu_choice) { case 1: printf("quitting menu, trying to play\n"); in_menu = 0; drawLoadScr(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); break; case 2: menu_choice = 0; options(server_ip); break; case 3: menu_choice = 0; editor(gameWorld); break; case 4: clean_up(); exit(0); break; default: break; } if( timer_get_ticks(&fps) < 1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND ) { //delay the as much time as we need to get desired frames per second SDL_Delay( ( 1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND ) - timer_get_ticks(&fps) ); } } }
void load_current_menu(){ load_menu(current_menu); }
void load_main_menu(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context){ last_menu = current_menu; load_menu(MAIN_MENU); }
void play_menu ( uint8_t height , uint8_t width , uint8_t alignWinSize , uint8_t alignWinTotal , uint8_t AI_prof ) { // play game menu int32_t Key; uint8_t row , col; uint8_t selected ( 1 ); while ( true ) { getmaxyx ( stdscr , row , col ); if ( selected < 1 ) selected = 1; if ( selected > 3 ) selected = 3; clear (); attron ( A_BOLD ); mvprintw ( row / 4 , ( col - STR_PLAY_MENU.length () + 1 ) / 2 , STR_PLAY_MENU.c_str () ); mvprintw ( ( row / 2 ) + ( ( selected - 1 ) * 2 ) , 5 * col / 20 , STR_ARROW_RIGHT.c_str () ); mvprintw ( ( row / 2 ) + ( ( selected - 1 ) * 2 ) , 15 * col / 20 , STR_ARROW_LEFT.c_str () ); mvprintw ( 2 , 2 , STR_HELP.c_str () ); attroff ( A_BOLD ); mvprintw ( row / 2 , ( col - STR_1N1.length () + 1 ) / 2 , STR_1N1.c_str () ); mvprintw ( ( row / 2 ) + 2 , ( col - STR_1NAI.length () + 1 ) / 2 , STR_1NAI.c_str () ); mvprintw ( ( row / 2 ) + 4 , ( col - STR_LOAD.length () + 1 ) / 2 , STR_LOAD.c_str () ); refresh(); Key = getch (); if ( Key == KEY_DOWN ) selected += 1; if ( Key == KEY_UP ) selected -= 1; if ( Key == ENTER ) { if ( selected == 1 ) { grid *G = new grid (); play ( G , height , width , alignWinSize , alignWinTotal , false , AI_prof ); } if ( selected == 2 ) { grid *G = new grid (); play ( G, height , width , alignWinSize , alignWinTotal , true , AI_prof ); } if ( selected == 3 ) load_menu (); break; } if ( Key == KEY_V ) { grid *G = new grid (); play ( G , height , width , alignWinSize , alignWinTotal , false , AI_prof ); } if ( Key == KEY_A ) { grid *G = new grid (); play ( G , height , width , alignWinSize , alignWinTotal , true , AI_prof ); } if ( Key == KEY_L ) load_menu (); if ( Key == ESC ) return; } }
void initialize (int *argc, char **argv[], char ***envp) { char buf[512]; char inifile[MAX_PATH], ifile[MAX_PATH]; #ifdef __MINGW32__ WSADATA wsa; #endif //putenv ("TZ=GMT0"); //tzset (); // first we need to initialize FLY variables fly_initialize (); fl_opt.appname = "nftp"; if (fl_opt.has_console) fprintf (stderr, "\nNFTP - Version%sof %s, %s" "\nCopyright (C) Sergey Ayukov 1994-2003.\n\n", NFTP_VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__); fly_process_args (argc, argv, envp); // checking command-line arguments check_args (*argc, *argv); // find where our config files are determine_paths ((*argv)[0]); // delete old temporary files clear_tmp (); // loading configuration files init_config (); // initilialize debug subsystem if specified if (options.debug) { snprintf1 (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/debug", paths.user_libpath); #ifdef __WIN32__ mkdir (buf); #else mkdir (buf, 0700); #endif snprintf1 (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/debug/nftp.dbg.%u", paths.user_libpath, (int)getpid ()); dbfile = fopen (buf, "w"); tools_debug = dbfile; } // load language-specific things /*nls_init (paths.system_libpath, paths.user_libpath);*/ load_menu (); // check for correct NFTP.INI version strcpy (buf, NFTP_VERSION); str_strip2 (buf, " "); //if (str_numchars (buf, '.') > 1) *(strrchr (buf, '.')) = '\0'; if (strcmp (options.version, buf) != 0) { // looking for nftp.i file in user dir, then in system dir strcpy (ifile, paths.user_libpath); str_cats (ifile, "nftp.i"); if (access (ifile, R_OK) != 0) { strcpy (ifile, paths.system_libpath); str_cats (ifile, "nftp.i"); if (access (ifile, R_OK) != 0) fly_error (M("Cannot find nftp.i to update nftp.ini\n" "neither in '%s' nor in '%s'!"), paths.user_libpath, paths.system_libpath); } strcpy (inifile, paths.user_libpath); str_cats (inifile, "nftp.ini"); // ask user and update ini file //if (fl_opt.has_console) // otherwise it's too annoying //{ // fprintf (stderr, M("Your current config file, %s, has version %s.\n" // "NFTP executable version number is %s."), // inifile, options.version, buf); // fprintf (stderr, M( // "Going to update '%s'\n" // "from '%s'.\n" // "Proceed? [Ynq]", inifile, ifile); // fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), stdin); // switch (buf[0]) // { // case 'Q': case 'q': exit (0); // case 'N': case 'n': break; // case 'Y': case 'y': default: // update_inifile (inifile, ifile); // } //} //else //{ update_inifile (inifile, ifile); //} GetProfileOptions (inifile); } config_fly (); #ifdef __MINGW32__ WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsa); #endif }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { load_menu(); return 0; }