예제 #1
void odCable::run(){
  int i;
  double pi=4.*atan(1.);
  double volume, segLen, rho, x, u, w, alpha, uwMag, alphaMap;
  odPoint P0, F, V, axial, radial;
  dVector3 P;
  // The opendynamics solver handles connections by default (unless we wish to do something odd with them).
//  dBodyAddRelForceAtRelPos(element[nSegments-1], 50, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0);

  // Axial and radial directions in local element co-ordinates.
  for (i=0;i<nSegments;i++){
    // Temporarily make the current element the active body...
    // Add buoyant force...
    dBodyGetRelPointPos(element[i], 0, 0, 0, P);
    V=localVelocity(P0, uid);
//    printf("Centre Location = %lf\t%lf\t%lf\t\n", P[0], P[1], P[2]);
//    printf("Volume = %lf\n", volume);
//    printf("Density= %lf\n", density(odPoint(P[0],P[1],P[2])));
//    printf("Buoyant Force = %lf\t%lf\t%lf\n", F.x, F.y, F.z);
//    dBodyAddForceAtRelPos(element[nSegments-1], F.x, F.y, F.z, 0, 0, 0);

    if (i==0){
      // Add resistance force...
      printf("Flow Speed = %lf\t%lf\t%lf\n", V.x, V.y, V.z);
      printf("Alpha %lf\n",alpha*180./pi);
      // map to 0-90 range for convenience...
      if (alphaMap>90) alphaMap=90-alphaMap;
      printf("AlphaMap %lf\n",alphaMap);
//    x=0.5*rho*V.mag()*segLen*diameter*0.5;
//    if (*simTime<20.) x*=*simTime/20.;
//    F=-V/V.mag()*x; // Multiply by the inverse of the velocity vector (if the body is moving with v- then drag is in the direction of v+
      printf("Drag Force = %lf\t%lf\t%lf\n", F.x, F.y, F.z);
//    dBodyAddForceAtRelPos(element[nSegments-1], F.x, F.y, F.z, 0, 0, 0);
예제 #2
void DustParticleSystem::initParticles(int numParticles, void* particleData, hkReal timestep, const void* emitParams)
	HK_ASSERT(0x6f68d095, emitParams);
	const EmitParams* params = static_cast<const EmitParams*>(emitParams);

	hkMatrix3 orthonormalBasis;
	hkVector4Util::buildOrthonormal(params->m_emitDirection, orthonormalBasis);

	const hkReal minRadiusFractions[4] = { 2.f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.2f };
	const hkReal maxRadiusFractions[4] = { 3.f, 2.f, 2.f, 1.f };
	const hkReal outOfPlaneVarianceScales[4] = { 0.01f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.05f };

	for(int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i)
		Particle& p = *reinterpret_cast<Particle*>(static_cast<char*>(particleData) + i*m_particleStride);

		p.m_position = params->m_emitPosition;
		p.m_position(3) = m_pseudoRandomGenerator.getRandReal01() * 2.f * HK_REAL_PI;

		// Choose a sprite for the particle.
		int spriteIndex;
		hkReal rnd = m_pseudoRandomGenerator.getRandReal01();
		if(rnd < 0.25f)
			spriteIndex = 1;
		else if(rnd < 0.5f)
			spriteIndex = 2;
		else if(rnd < 0.7f)
			spriteIndex = 3;
			spriteIndex = 0;

		hkReal radius =  m_pseudoRandomGenerator.getRandRange(minRadiusFractions[spriteIndex], maxRadiusFractions[spriteIndex]) * params->m_speedScale;
		hkReal theta = m_pseudoRandomGenerator.getRandReal01() * 2.f * HK_REAL_PI;
		hkReal ringX = radius * hkMath::cos(theta);
		hkReal ringY = radius * hkMath::sin(theta);
		hkReal outOfPlaneVariance = outOfPlaneVarianceScales[spriteIndex] * params->m_speedScale;
		hkVector4 localVelocity(m_pseudoRandomGenerator.getRandRange(-outOfPlaneVariance, outOfPlaneVariance), ringY, ringX);
		orthonormalBasis.multiplyVector(localVelocity, p.m_velocity);

		// Set the spin direction based on whether the particle is moving towards the left or right.
		hkReal spinRate = m_pseudoRandomGenerator.getRandRange(params->m_minSpinRate, params->m_maxSpinRate);
		if(params->m_planeNormal.dot3(p.m_velocity) > 0.f)
			spinRate = -spinRate;
		p.m_velocity(3) = spinRate;

		p.m_lifeTime = m_pseudoRandomGenerator.getRandRange(params->m_minLifeTime, params->m_maxLifeTime);
		p.m_age = m_pseudoRandomGenerator.getRandReal01() * timestep;
		p.m_size = m_pseudoRandomGenerator.getRandRange(params->m_minSize, params->m_maxSize);
		p.m_spriteIndex = static_cast<hkReal>(spriteIndex);

		// Particle positions are initially integrated by a random amount to make it seem as
		// though they are emitted continuously over time instead of at discrete time steps.
		p.m_position.addMul4(p.m_age, p.m_velocity);
예제 #3
	void MayaCamera::Update(float timestep)

		// Track mouse motion
		int2 mousePos;
		GetCursorPos((POINT *)&mousePos);
		int2 mouseMove = mousePos - m_mousePosPrev;
		m_mousePosPrev = mousePos;

		// Handle mouse rotation
		if (m_mbuttonCur == MBUTTON_Left)
			m_yaw -= m_rotateSpeed * mouseMove.x;
			m_yaw = modPositive(m_yaw, 2.0f*pi);
			m_pitch -= m_rotateSpeed * mouseMove.y;
			m_pitch = clamp(m_pitch, -0.5f*pi, 0.5f*pi);

		// Retrieve controller state
		XINPUT_STATE controllerState = {};
		float2 controllerLeftStick(0.0f), controllerRightStick(0.0f);
		float controllerLeftTrigger = 0.0f, controllerRightTrigger = 0.0f;
		if (m_controllerPresent)
			// Look out for disconnection
			if (XInputGetState(0, &controllerState) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
				// Decode axes and apply dead zones

				controllerLeftTrigger = float(max(0, controllerState.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD)) / float(255 - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD);
				controllerRightTrigger = float(max(0, controllerState.Gamepad.bRightTrigger - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD)) / float(255 - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD);

				controllerLeftStick = float2(controllerState.Gamepad.sThumbLX, controllerState.Gamepad.sThumbLY);
				float lengthLeft = length(controllerLeftStick);
					controllerLeftStick = (controllerLeftStick / lengthLeft) * (lengthLeft - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB_DEADZONE) / float(32768 - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB_DEADZONE);
					controllerLeftStick = float2(0.0f);

				controllerRightStick = float2(controllerState.Gamepad.sThumbRX, controllerState.Gamepad.sThumbRY);
				float lengthRight = length(controllerRightStick);
					controllerRightStick = (controllerRightStick / lengthRight) * (lengthRight - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB_DEADZONE) / float(32768 - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB_DEADZONE);
					controllerRightStick = float2(0.0f);
				m_controllerPresent = false;

		// Handle controller rotation
		if (m_controllerPresent)
			m_yaw -= m_controllerRotateSpeed * controllerRightStick.x * abs(controllerRightStick.x) * timestep;
			m_yaw = modPositive(m_yaw, 2.0f*pi);

			m_pitch += m_controllerRotateSpeed * controllerRightStick.y * abs(controllerRightStick.y) * timestep;
			m_pitch = clamp(m_pitch, -0.5f*pi, 0.5f*pi);


		// Handle zoom
		if (m_mbuttonCur == MBUTTON_Right)
			m_radius *= expf(mouseMove.y * m_zoomSpeed);
		m_radius *= expf(-m_wheelDelta * m_zoomWheelSpeed);
		m_wheelDelta = 0;

		// Handle controller zoom
		if (m_controllerPresent && !(controllerState.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER))
			m_radius *= expf(-controllerLeftStick.y * abs(controllerLeftStick.y) * m_controllerZoomSpeed * timestep);

		// Handle motion of target point
		if (m_mbuttonCur == MBUTTON_Middle)
			m_posTarget -= m_rotateSpeed * mouseMove.x * m_radius * m_viewToWorld[0].xyz;
			m_posTarget += m_rotateSpeed * mouseMove.y * m_radius * m_viewToWorld[1].xyz;

		// Handle controller motion of target point
		if (m_controllerPresent && (controllerState.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER))
			float3 localVelocity(0.0f);
			localVelocity.x = controllerLeftStick.x * abs(controllerLeftStick.x);
			localVelocity.y = square(controllerRightTrigger) - square(controllerLeftTrigger);
			localVelocity.z = -controllerLeftStick.y * abs(controllerLeftStick.y);
			m_posTarget += xfmVector(localVelocity, m_viewToWorld) * (m_radius * m_controllerMoveSpeed * timestep);

		// Calculate remaining matrices
		m_pos = m_posTarget + m_radius * m_viewToWorld[2].xyz;
		setTranslation(&m_viewToWorld, m_pos);
void CustomVehicleController::DrawSchematic (dFloat scale) const
	dVector array [32];

	dMatrix projectionMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	projectionMatrix[0][0] = scale;
	projectionMatrix[1][1] = 0.0f;
	projectionMatrix[2][1] = scale;
	projectionMatrix[2][2] = 0.0f;
	CustomVehicleControllerManager* const manager = (CustomVehicleControllerManager*)GetManager();
	const dMatrix& chassisMatrix = m_chassisState.GetMatrix();
	const dMatrix& chassisFrameMatrix = m_chassisState.GetLocalMatrix();
	dMatrix worldToComMatrix ((chassisFrameMatrix * chassisMatrix).Inverse() * projectionMatrix);

		// draw vehicle chassis
		dVector p0 (1.0e10f, 1.0e10f, 1.0e10f, 0.0f);
		dVector p1 (-1.0e10f, -1.0e10f, -1.0e10f, 0.0f);
		for (dList<CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire>::dListNode* node = m_tireList.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
			CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire* const tire = &node->GetInfo();
			dMatrix matrix (tire->CalculateSteeringMatrix() * m_chassisState.GetMatrix());
			dVector p (worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.m_posit));
			p0 = dVector (dMin (p.m_x, p0.m_x), dMin (p.m_y, p0.m_y), dMin (p.m_z, p0.m_z), 1.0f);
			p1 = dVector (dMax (p.m_x, p1.m_x), dMax (p.m_y, p1.m_y), dMax (p.m_z, p1.m_z), 1.0f);

		array[0] = dVector (p0.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z, 1.0f);
		array[1] = dVector (p1.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z, 1.0f);
		array[2] = dVector (p1.m_x, p1.m_y, p0.m_z, 1.0f);
		array[3] = dVector (p0.m_x, p1.m_y, p0.m_z, 1.0f);
		manager->DrawSchematicCallback(this, "chassis", 0, 4, array);

		// draw vehicle tires
		for (dList<CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire>::dListNode* node = m_tireList.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {

			CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire* const tire = &node->GetInfo();

			dFloat width = tire->m_width * 0.5f;
			dFloat radio = tire->m_radio;
			dMatrix matrix (tire->CalculateSteeringMatrix() * m_chassisState.GetMatrix());

			array[0] = worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.TransformVector(dVector ( width, 0.0f,  radio, 0.0f)));
			array[1] = worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.TransformVector(dVector ( width, 0.0f, -radio, 0.0f)));
			array[2] = worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.TransformVector(dVector (-width, 0.0f, -radio, 0.0f)));
			array[3] = worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.TransformVector(dVector (-width, 0.0f,  radio, 0.0f)));
			manager->DrawSchematicCallback(this, "tire", 0, 4, array);

		// draw vehicle velocity
		//dVector veloc1;
		//NewtonBodyGetVelocity(GetBody(), &veloc[0]);
		dVector veloc (m_chassisState.GetVelocity());
//dVector xxx (veloc1 - veloc);
//dAssert (dAbs(xxx % xxx) < 1.0e-3f);

		dVector localVelocity (chassisFrameMatrix.UnrotateVector (chassisMatrix.UnrotateVector (veloc)));
		localVelocity.m_y = 0.0f;

		localVelocity = projectionMatrix.RotateVector(localVelocity);

		array[0] = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		array[1] = localVelocity.Scale (0.25f);
		manager->DrawSchematicCallback(this, "velocity", 0, 2, array);


		dFloat scale (2.0f / (m_chassisState.GetMass() * m_chassisState.m_gravityMag));
		// draw vehicle forces
		for (dList<CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire>::dListNode* node = m_tireList.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {

			CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire* const tire = &node->GetInfo();
			//dVector p0 (tire->GetCenterOfMass());
			dMatrix matrix (tire->CalculateSteeringMatrix() * m_chassisState.GetMatrix());

//dTrace (("(%f %f %f) (%f %f %f)\n", p0.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z, matrix.m_posit.m_x, matrix.m_posit.m_y, matrix.m_posit.m_z ));
			dVector origin (worldToComMatrix.TransformVector(matrix.m_posit));

			dVector lateralForce (chassisFrameMatrix.UnrotateVector(chassisMatrix.UnrotateVector(tire->GetLateralForce())));
			lateralForce = lateralForce.Scale (-scale);
			lateralForce = projectionMatrix.RotateVector (lateralForce);
//dTrace (("(%f %f %f)\n", lateralForce.m_x, lateralForce.m_y, lateralForce.m_z ));

			array[0] = origin;
			array[1] = origin + lateralForce;
			manager->DrawSchematicCallback(this, "lateralForce", 0, 2, array);

			dVector longitudinalForce (chassisFrameMatrix.UnrotateVector(chassisMatrix.UnrotateVector(tire->GetLongitudinalForce())));
			longitudinalForce = longitudinalForce.Scale (-scale);
			longitudinalForce = projectionMatrix.RotateVector (longitudinalForce);
			//dTrace (("(%f %f %f)\n", lateralForce.m_x, lateralForce.m_y, lateralForce.m_z ));

			array[0] = origin;
			array[1] = origin + longitudinalForce;
			manager->DrawSchematicCallback(this, "longitudinalForce", 0, 2, array);

//			dVector p2 (p0 - tire->GetLateralForce().Scale (scale));

			// offset the origin of of tire force so that they are visible
			const dMatrix& tireMatrix = tire.GetLocalMatrix ();
			p0 += chassis.GetMatrix()[2].Scale ((tireMatrix.m_posit.m_z > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f) * 0.25f);

			// draw the tire load 
			dVector p1 (p0 + tire.GetTireLoad().Scale (scale));
			glColor3f (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			glVertex3f (p0.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z);
			glVertex3f (p1.m_x, p1.m_y, p1.m_z);

			// show tire lateral force
			dVector p2 (p0 - tire.GetLateralForce().Scale (scale));
			glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			glVertex3f (p0.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z);
			glVertex3f (p2.m_x, p2.m_y, p2.m_z);

			// show tire longitudinal force
			dVector p3 (p0 - tire.GetLongitudinalForce().Scale (scale));
			glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
			glVertex3f (p0.m_x, p0.m_y, p0.m_z);
			glVertex3f (p3.m_x, p3.m_y, p3.m_z);
예제 #5
	void FPSCamera::Update(float timestep)
		// Track mouse motion
		int2 mousePos;
		GetCursorPos((POINT *)&mousePos);
		int2 mouseMove = mousePos - m_mousePosPrev;
		m_mousePosPrev = mousePos;

		// Handle mouse rotation
		if (m_mbuttonActivate == MBUTTON_None ||
			m_mbuttonCur == m_mbuttonActivate)
			m_yaw -= m_rotateSpeed * mouseMove.x;
			m_yaw = modPositive(m_yaw, 2.0f*pi);
			m_pitch -= m_rotateSpeed * mouseMove.y;
			m_pitch = clamp(m_pitch, -0.5f*pi, 0.5f*pi);

		// Retrieve controller state
		XINPUT_STATE controllerState = {};
		float2 controllerLeftStick(0.0f), controllerRightStick(0.0f);
		float controllerLeftTrigger = 0.0f, controllerRightTrigger = 0.0f;
		if (m_controllerPresent)
			// Look out for disconnection
			if (XInputGetState(0, &controllerState) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
				// Decode axes and apply dead zones

				controllerLeftTrigger = float(max(0, controllerState.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD)) / float(255 - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD);
				controllerRightTrigger = float(max(0, controllerState.Gamepad.bRightTrigger - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD)) / float(255 - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD);

				controllerLeftStick = float2(controllerState.Gamepad.sThumbLX, controllerState.Gamepad.sThumbLY);
				float lengthLeft = length(controllerLeftStick);
					controllerLeftStick = (controllerLeftStick / lengthLeft) * (lengthLeft - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB_DEADZONE) / float(32768 - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB_DEADZONE);
					controllerLeftStick = float2(0.0f);

				controllerRightStick = float2(controllerState.Gamepad.sThumbRX, controllerState.Gamepad.sThumbRY);
				float lengthRight = length(controllerRightStick);
					controllerRightStick = (controllerRightStick / lengthRight) * (lengthRight - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB_DEADZONE) / float(32768 - XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB_DEADZONE);
					controllerRightStick = float2(0.0f);
				m_controllerPresent = false;

		// Handle controller rotation
		if (m_controllerPresent)
			m_yaw -= m_controllerRotateSpeed * controllerRightStick.x * abs(controllerRightStick.x) * timestep;
			m_yaw = modPositive(m_yaw, 2.0f*pi);

			m_pitch += m_controllerRotateSpeed * controllerRightStick.y * abs(controllerRightStick.y) * timestep;
			m_pitch = clamp(m_pitch, -0.5f*pi, 0.5f*pi);


		// Handle translation

		// !!!UNDONE: acceleration based on how long you've been holding the button,
		// to make fine motions easier?
		float moveStep = timestep * m_moveSpeed;

		// !!!UNDONE: move keyboard tracking into an input system that respects focus, etc.
		if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) || (controllerState.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER))
			moveStep *= 3.0f;

		if (GetAsyncKeyState('W'))
			m_pos -= m_viewToWorld[2].xyz * moveStep;
		if (GetAsyncKeyState('S'))
			m_pos += m_viewToWorld[2].xyz * moveStep;
		if (GetAsyncKeyState('A'))
			m_pos -= m_viewToWorld[0].xyz * moveStep;
		if (GetAsyncKeyState('D'))
			m_pos += m_viewToWorld[0].xyz * moveStep;
		if (GetAsyncKeyState('E'))
			m_pos += m_viewToWorld[1].xyz * moveStep;
		if (GetAsyncKeyState('C'))
			m_pos -= m_viewToWorld[1].xyz * moveStep;

		if (m_controllerPresent)
			float3 localVelocity(0.0f);
			localVelocity.x = controllerLeftStick.x * abs(controllerLeftStick.x);
			localVelocity.y = square(controllerRightTrigger) - square(controllerLeftTrigger);
			localVelocity.z = -controllerLeftStick.y * abs(controllerLeftStick.y);
			m_pos += xfmVector(localVelocity, m_viewToWorld) * (moveStep * m_controllerMoveSpeed);

		// Calculate remaining matrices
		setTranslation(&m_viewToWorld, m_pos);