예제 #1
TEST(math, logbl) {
  ASSERT_EQ(-HUGE_VAL, logbl(0.0L));
  ASSERT_EQ(0.0L, logbl(1.0L));
  ASSERT_EQ(3.0L, logbl(10.0L));
예제 #2
long double
hypotl (long double x, long double y)
  int exx;
  int eyy;
  int  scale;
  long double xx =fabsl(x);
  long double yy =fabsl(y);
  if (!isfinite(xx) || !isfinite(yy))
      /* Annex F.9.4.3, hypot returns +infinity if
         either component is an infinity, even when the
         other compoent is NaN.  */
      return (isinf(xx) || isinf(yy)) ? INFINITY : NAN;

  if (xx == 0.0L)
     return yy;
  if (yy == 0.0L)
     return xx;

  /* Get exponents */
  exx =  logbl (xx);
  eyy =  logbl (yy);

  /* Check if large differences in scale */
  scale = exx - eyy;
  if ( scale > PRECL)
     return xx;
  if ( scale < -PRECL)
     return yy;

  /* Exponent of approximate geometric mean (x 2) */
  scale = (exx + eyy) >> 1;

  /*  Rescale: Geometric mean is now about 2 */  
  x = scalbnl(xx, -scale);
  y = scalbnl(yy, -scale);

  xx = sqrtl(x * x  + y * y);

  /* Check for overflow and underflow */
  exx = logbl(xx);   
  exx += scale;
    if (exx > LDBL_MAX_EXP)
      errno = ERANGE; 
      return __INFL;
  if (exx < LDBL_MIN_EXP)
    return 0.0L;

  /* Undo scaling */
  return (scalbnl (xx, scale));
예제 #3
void test_logb()
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(logb((double)0)), double>::value), "");
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(logbf(0)), float>::value), "");
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(logbl(0)), long double>::value), "");
    assert(logb(1) == 0);
예제 #4
domathl (void)
  long double f1;
  long double f2;

  int i1;

  f1 = acosl(0.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "acosl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = acoshl(0.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "acoshl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = asinl(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "asinl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = asinhl(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "asinhl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = atanl(M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "atanl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = atan2l(2.3, 2.3);
  fprintf( stdout, "atan2l         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = atanhl(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "atanhl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = cbrtl(27.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "cbrtl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = ceill(3.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "ceill          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = copysignl(3.5, -2.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "copysignl      : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = cosl(M_PI_2);
  fprintf( stdout, "cosl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = coshl(M_PI_2);
  fprintf( stdout, "coshl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = erfl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "erfl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = erfcl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "erfcl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = expl(0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "expl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = exp2l(0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "exp2l          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = expm1l(0.00042);
  fprintf( stdout, "expm1l         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fabsl(-1.123);
  fprintf( stdout, "fabsl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fdiml(1.123, 2.123);
  fprintf( stdout, "fdiml          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = floorl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "floorl         : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = floorl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "floorl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fmal(2.1, 2.2, 3.01);
  fprintf( stdout, "fmal           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fmaxl(-0.42, 0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "fmaxl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fminl(-0.42, 0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "fminl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = fmodl(42.0, 3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "fmodl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = fpclassify(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "fpclassify     : %d\n", i1);

  f1 = frexpl(42.0, &i1);
  fprintf( stdout, "frexpl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = hypotl(42.0, 42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "hypotl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  i1 = ilogbl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "ilogbl         : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isfinite(3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isfinite       : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isgreater(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "isgreater      : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isgreaterequal(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "isgreaterequal : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isinf(3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isinf          : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isless(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "isless         : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = islessequal(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "islessequal    : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = islessgreater(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "islessgreater  : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isnan(0.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isnan          : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isnormal(3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isnormal       : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  f1 = isunordered(1.0, 2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isunordered    : %d\n", i1);

  f1 = j0l(1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "j0l            : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = j1l(1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "j1l            : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = jnl(2,1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "jnl            : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = ldexpl(1.2,3);
  fprintf( stdout, "ldexpl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = lgammal(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "lgammal        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = llrintl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "llrintl        : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = llrintl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "llrintl        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = llroundl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lroundl        : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = llroundl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lroundl        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = logl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "logl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = log10l(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "log10l         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = log1pl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "log1pl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = log2l(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "log2l          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = logbl(42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "logbl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = lrintl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lrintl         : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = lrintl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lrintl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = lroundl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lroundl        : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = lroundl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lroundl        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = modfl(42.0,&f2);
  fprintf( stdout, "lmodfl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = nanl("");
  fprintf( stdout, "nanl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = nearbyintl(1.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "nearbyintl     : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = nextafterl(1.5,2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "nextafterl     : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = powl(3.01, 2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "powl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = remainderl(3.01,2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "remainderl     : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = remquol(29.0,3.0,&i1);
  fprintf( stdout, "remquol        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = rintl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "rintl          : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = rintl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "rintl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = roundl(0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "roundl         : %Lf\n", f1);
  f1 = roundl(-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "roundl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = scalblnl(1.2,3);
  fprintf( stdout, "scalblnl       : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = scalbnl(1.2,3);
  fprintf( stdout, "scalbnl        : %Lf\n", f1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = signbit(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "signbit        : %i\n", i1);

  f1 = sinl(M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "sinl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = sinhl(M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "sinhl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = sqrtl(9.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "sqrtl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = tanl(M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "tanl           : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = tanhl(M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "tanhl          : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = tgammal(2.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "tgammal        : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = truncl(3.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "truncl         : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = y0l(1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "y0l            : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = y1l(1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "y1l            : %Lf\n", f1);

  f1 = ynl(3,1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "ynl            : %Lf\n", f1);
예제 #5
/* _IEEE_EXPONENT_I2_D - IEEE EXPONENT returns the exponent part of the
 *                      128-bit argument in 16-bit integer.
_IEEE_EXPONENT_I2_D(_f_real16 x)
	union _ieee_ldouble {
		_f_real16	ldword;
		_f_real8	dbword[2];
        const int dbword_hi = 1;
        const int dbword_lo = 0;
        const int dbword_hi = 0;
        const int dbword_lo = 1;
	union _ieee_double {
		_f_real8		dword;
		_f_int8			lword;
		unsigned long long	ull;
		struct {
			unsigned int mantissa2	: IEEE_64_MANT_BTS2;
			unsigned int mantissa1	: IEEE_64_MANT_BTS1;
			unsigned int exponent	: IEEE_64_EXPO_BITS;
			unsigned int sign	: 1;
			unsigned int sign	: 1;
			unsigned int exponent	: IEEE_64_EXPO_BITS;
			unsigned int mantissa1	: IEEE_64_MANT_BTS1;
			unsigned int mantissa2	: IEEE_64_MANT_BTS2;
		} parts;
	_f_int2	iresult = 0;

	switch(fp_class_l(x)) {
		case FP_SNAN:
		case FP_QNAN:
		case FP_POS_INF:
		case FP_NEG_INF:
			/* return positive huge for NaN or infinity. */
		case FP_POS_NORM:
		case FP_NEG_NORM:
#pragma weak	logbl
			return((_f_int2) logbl(x));
			/* return exponent from first 64-bit double. */
			union _ieee_ldouble x_val;
			x_val.ldword	= x;
			switch(fp_class_d(x_val.dbword[dbword_hi])) {
				case FP_POS_NORM:
				case FP_NEG_NORM:
					union _ieee_double db_x;
					db_x.dword	= x_val.dbword[dbword_hi];
					return((_f_int2)(db_x.parts.exponent -
				case FP_POS_DENORM:
				case FP_NEG_DENORM:
					union _ieee_double db_x;
					db_x.dword	= x_val.dbword[dbword_hi];
					db_x.ull	=
					  IEEE_64_MANTISSA & db_x.ull;
					return((_f_int2)(-IEEE_64_EXPO_BIAS -
					  (_leadz8(db_x.ull) +
		case FP_POS_ZERO:
		case FP_NEG_ZERO:
			/* return negative huge for zero. */
예제 #6
static int testl(long double long_double_x, int int_x, long long_x)
int r = 0;
r += __finitel(long_double_x);
r += __fpclassifyl(long_double_x);
r += __isinfl(long_double_x);
r += __isnanl(long_double_x);
r += __signbitl(long_double_x);
r += acoshl(long_double_x);
r += acosl(long_double_x);
r += asinhl(long_double_x);
r += asinl(long_double_x);
r += atan2l(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += atanhl(long_double_x);
r += atanl(long_double_x);
r += cbrtl(long_double_x);
r += ceill(long_double_x);
r += copysignl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += coshl(long_double_x);
r += cosl(long_double_x);
r += erfcl(long_double_x);
r += erfl(long_double_x);
r += exp2l(long_double_x);
r += expl(long_double_x);
r += expm1l(long_double_x);
r += fabsl(long_double_x);
r += fdiml(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += floorl(long_double_x);
r += fmal(long_double_x, long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += fmaxl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += fminl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += fmodl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += frexpl(long_double_x, &int_x);
r += hypotl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += ilogbl(long_double_x);
r += ldexpl(long_double_x, int_x);
r += lgammal(long_double_x);
r += llrintl(long_double_x);
r += llroundl(long_double_x);
r += log10l(long_double_x);
r += log1pl(long_double_x);
r += log2l(long_double_x);
r += logbl(long_double_x);
r += logl(long_double_x);
r += lrintl(long_double_x);
r += lroundl(long_double_x);
r += modfl(long_double_x, &long_double_x);
r += nearbyintl(long_double_x);
r += nextafterl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += nexttowardl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += powl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += remainderl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
r += remquol(long_double_x, long_double_x, &int_x);
r += rintl(long_double_x);
r += roundl(long_double_x);
r += scalblnl(long_double_x, long_x);
r += scalbnl(long_double_x, int_x);
r += sinhl(long_double_x);
r += sinl(long_double_x);
r += sqrtl(long_double_x);
r += tanhl(long_double_x);
r += tanl(long_double_x);
r += tgammal(long_double_x);
r += truncl(long_double_x);
return r;
예제 #7
파일: math.c 프로젝트: DeforaOS/libc
double logb(double x)
	return logbl(x);