예제 #1
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: hnney/Stanford
STHDRImage* recover_hdr(vector<Photo>& photos, CameraResponse& response) {

    int width,height;

    STImage *tmpImage = new STImage(photos[0].filename);

    width = tmpImage->GetWidth();
    height = tmpImage->GetHeight();
    delete tmpImage;

    STHDRImage *newImage = new STHDRImage(width,height);
    vector< vector<STColor3f> > Ls;
    vector< vector<STColor3f> > ws;
    vector< vector<STColor3f> > Lw;
    for (int i=0;i<width;i++)
        vector<STColor3f> row;
        for (int j=0;j<height;j++)
            STColor3f zero(0);

    for (int k=0;k<photos.size();k++)
        //open photo
        STImage currentImage(photos[k].filename);

        //perform calculations
        for (int i=0;i<width;i++)
            for (int j=0;j<height;j++)
                STColor4ub currentPixel = currentImage.GetPixel(i, j);
                Ls[i][j].r += (response.Weight(currentPixel).r * (response.GetExposure(currentPixel).r - logf(photos[k].shutter) ) );
                Ls[i][j].g += (response.Weight(currentPixel).g * (response.GetExposure(currentPixel).g - logf(photos[k].shutter) ) );
                Ls[i][j].b += (response.Weight(currentPixel).b * (response.GetExposure(currentPixel).b - logf(photos[k].shutter) ) );
                ws[i][j] += response.Weight(currentPixel);
        for (int i=0;i<width;i++)
            for (int j=0;j<height;j++)
                Lw[i][j].r = expf(Ls[i][j].r / ws[i][j].r);
                Lw[i][j].g = expf(Ls[i][j].g / ws[i][j].g);
                Lw[i][j].b = expf(Ls[i][j].b / ws[i][j].b);
                newImage->SetPixel(i, j, Lw[i][j]);
  return newImage;
예제 #2
static void reinitialize_fft(MF2UI* ui, uint32_t fft_size) {
	pthread_mutex_lock (&ui->fft_lock);

	fft_size = MIN(8192, MAX(64, fft_size));
	fft_size |= 0x3f;
	fft_size |= fft_size >> 2;
	fft_size |= fft_size >> 4;
	fft_size |= fft_size >> 8;
	fft_size |= fft_size >> 16;
	fft_size = MIN(FFT_BINS_MAX, fft_size);
	ui->fft_bins = fft_size;

	ui->fa = (struct FFTAnalysis*) malloc(sizeof(struct FFTAnalysis));
	ui->fb = (struct FFTAnalysis*) malloc(sizeof(struct FFTAnalysis));
	fftx_init(ui->fa, ui->fft_bins * 2, ui->rate, 25);
	fftx_init(ui->fb, ui->fft_bins * 2, ui->rate, 25);
	ui->log_rate  = (1.0f - 10000.0f / ui->rate) / ((2000.0f / ui->rate) * (2000.0f / ui->rate));
	ui->log_base = log10f(1.0f + ui->log_rate);
	ui->update_grid = true;

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ui->fft_bins; i++) {
		ui->phase[i] = 0;
		ui->level[i] = -100;

	int band = 0;
	uint32_t bin = 0;
	const double f_r = 1000;
	const double b = ui->fft_bins < 128 ? 6 : 12;
	const double f2f = pow(2,  1. / (2. * b));

	assert(ui->fa->freq_per_bin < f_r);
	const int b_l = floorf(b * logf(ui->fa->freq_per_bin / f_r) / logf(2));
	const int b_u = ceilf(b * logf(.5 * ui->rate / f_r) / logf(2));
	ui->freq_bins = b_u - b_l - 1;

	ui->freq_band = (uint32_t*) malloc(ui->freq_bins * sizeof(uint32_t));

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ui->fft_bins; i++) {
		double f_m = pow(2, (band + b_l) / b) * f_r;
		double f_2 = f_m * f2f;
		if (f_2 > i * ui->fa->freq_per_bin) {
		while (f_2 < i * ui->fa->freq_per_bin) {
			f_m = pow(2, (band + b_l) / b) * f_r;
			f_2 = f_m * f2f;
		ui->freq_band[bin++] = i;
	ui->freq_band[bin++] = ui->fft_bins;
	ui->freq_bins = bin;

	pthread_mutex_unlock (&ui->fft_lock);
예제 #3
 inline float operator()(const float& x) const { return logf(x); }
// Handles mouse input
void CALLBACK OnMouse( bool bLeftButtonDown, bool bRightButtonDown, bool bMiddleButtonDown, bool bSideButton1Down, bool bSideButton2Down, int nMouseWheelDelta, int xPos, int yPos, void* pUserContext )
    if( g_bDrawTerrain )
        if( bRightButtonDown )
            if( g_pInspectionTexture != NULL )
                g_pInspectionTexture = NULL;
                g_pInspectionTexture = g_pTerrainView->GetInspectionTexture();
            g_InspectionSliceIndex = 0;

    static BOOL MouseDragging = FALSE;
    static XMFLOAT4 DragMouseCursorPos( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    static XMFLOAT4 DragCameraPos( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    // vMousePos is the mouse cursor's location on the Z far and near planes in homogenous space
    XMVECTOR vMousePosFar = XMVectorSet( ( (FLOAT)xPos - g_HalfClientWidthPixels ) / g_HalfClientWidthPixels, ( (FLOAT)yPos - g_HalfClientHeightPixels ) / -g_HalfClientHeightPixels, 1, 1 );

    XMMATRIX matView = XMLoadFloat4x4A( &g_matView );
    XMMATRIX matViewProj = matView * XMLoadFloat4x4A( &g_matProjection );
    XMVECTOR vDet;
    XMMATRIX matInvViewProj = XMMatrixInverse( &vDet, matViewProj );

    // vMouseWorldPos is the location in world space of the mouse cursor on the near plane
    XMVECTOR vMouseWorldPosFar = XMVector3TransformCoord( vMousePosFar, matInvViewProj );

    XMVECTOR vCameraPosWorld = XMLoadFloat4A( &g_CameraPos );

    const XMVECTOR vPlaneNormal = XMVectorSet( 0, 1, 0, 0 );
    const XMVECTOR vPlaneDistance = XMVectorZero();

    XMVECTOR vCameraToMouseWorldFar = vMouseWorldPosFar - vCameraPosWorld;

    XMVECTOR t = ( vPlaneDistance - XMVector3Dot( vPlaneNormal, vCameraPosWorld ) ) / XMVector3Dot( vPlaneNormal, vCameraToMouseWorldFar );
    XMVECTOR vMouseCursorWorld = vCameraPosWorld + t * vCameraToMouseWorldFar;

    if( bLeftButtonDown )
        if( !MouseDragging )
            MouseDragging = TRUE;
            XMStoreFloat4( &DragMouseCursorPos, vMouseCursorWorld );
            XMStoreFloat4( &DragCameraPos, vCameraPosWorld );
            XMVECTOR vDragPos = XMLoadFloat4( &DragMouseCursorPos );
            XMVECTOR vCameraDelta = vMouseCursorWorld - vDragPos;

            vCameraPosWorld -= vCameraDelta;

            XMStoreFloat4A( &g_CameraPos, vCameraPosWorld );
            XMStoreFloat4( &DragCameraPos, vCameraPosWorld );
    else if( MouseDragging )
        MouseDragging = FALSE;

    if( bRightButtonDown )
        ID3D11TiledTexture2D* pCurrentTexture = g_pInspectionTexture;
        g_pInspectionTexture = NULL;

        UINT SceneObjectCount = (UINT)g_SceneObjects.size();
        for( UINT i = 0; i < SceneObjectCount; ++i )
            const SceneObject* pSO = g_SceneObjects[i];
            FLOAT X = pSO->matWorld._41;
            FLOAT Y = pSO->matWorld._43;

            FLOAT DeltaX = fabsf( X - XMVectorGetX( vMouseCursorWorld ) );
            FLOAT DeltaY = fabsf( Y - XMVectorGetZ( vMouseCursorWorld ) );
            if( DeltaX <= 0.5f && DeltaY <= 0.5f )
                g_pInspectionTexture = pSO->Textures[0].pTexture;

        if( g_pInspectionTexture != pCurrentTexture )
            g_InspectionSliceIndex = 0;

    if( nMouseWheelDelta != 0 )
        const FLOAT LogMoveSpeed = 0.05f * ( (FLOAT)nMouseWheelDelta / 120.0f );

        FLOAT CameraY = XMVectorGetY( vCameraPosWorld );
        float LogYPos = logf( CameraY );
        LogYPos -= LogMoveSpeed;
        vCameraPosWorld = XMVectorSetY( vCameraPosWorld, max( 0.001f, expf( LogYPos ) ) );
        XMStoreFloat4A( &g_CameraPos, vCameraPosWorld );
// . make a web page from results stored in msg40
// . send it on TcpSocket "s" when done
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool gotIndexList ( void *state ) {
	// the state
	State10 *st = (State10 *) state;
	// launch more
	if ( ! launchRequests ( st ) ) return false;
	// get the date list
	//fprintf(stderr,"termId now=%lli\n",st->m_termId);
	//fprintf(stderr,"should be=%lli\n",(st->m_termId & TERMID_MASK));
	// . now get the indexList for this termId
	// . date is complemented, so start with bigger one first
	key128_t startKey = g_datedb.makeStartKey ( st->m_termId ,0xffffffff);
	key128_t endKey   = g_datedb.makeEndKey   ( st->m_termId ,0x0);
	// get the rdb ptr to titledb's rdb
	//Rdb *rdb = g_indexdb.getRdb();
	// -1 means read from all files in Indexdb
	long numFiles = -1;
	// make it zero if caller doesn't want to hit the disk
	if ( ! st->m_useDisk ) numFiles = 0;
	// get the title rec at or after this docId
	if ( ! st->m_msg0.getList ( -1 ,
				    0  ,
				    0  ,
				    0  ,    // max cache age
				    false , // add to cache?
				    RDB_DATEDB  , // rdbId of 2 = indexdb
				    st->m_coll ,
				    &st->m_list2  ,
				    (char *)&startKey  ,
				    (char *)&endKey    ,
				    st->m_numRecs * sizeof(key128_t),//recSizes
				    //st->m_useTree   , // include tree?
				    //st->m_useCache  , // include cache?
				    //false     , // add to cache?
				    //0         , // startFileNum
				    //numFiles  , // numFiles
				    st        , // state
				    gotIndexListWrapper2 ,
				    0  ) )  // niceness
		return false;
	// otherwise call gotResults which returns false if blocked, true else
	// and sets g_errno on error
	return gotIndexList2 ( (void *) st , NULL );

void gotIndexListWrapper2 ( void *state , RdbList *list ) {
	gotIndexList2 ( state , list );

void addedKeyWrapper ( void *state ) {
	gotIndexList2 ( state, NULL );

// . make a web page from results stored in msg40
// . send it on TcpSocket "s" when done
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool gotIndexList2 ( void *state , RdbList *list ) {
	// the state
	State10 *st = (State10 *) state;
	// get the socket
	TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
	// don't allow pages bigger than 128k in cache
	//char  buf [ 64*1024 ];
	// a ptr into "buf"
	//char *p    = buf;
	//char *pend = buf + 64*1024;
	// get termId
	key_t k = *(key_t *)st->m_list.getStartKey();
	long long termId = g_indexdb.getTermId ( k );
	// get groupId from termId
	//unsigned long groupId = k.n1 & g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
	unsigned long groupId = g_indexdb.getGroupIdFromKey ( &k );
	long hostnum = g_hostdb.makeHostId ( groupId );
	// check box " checked" strings
	char *ubs = "";
	char *uts = "";
	char *uds = "";
	char *ucs = "";
	char *add = "";
	char *del = "";
	if ( st->m_useDatedb) ubs = " checked";
	if ( st->m_useTree  ) uts = " checked";
	if ( st->m_useDisk  ) uds = " checked";
	if ( st->m_useCache ) ucs = " checked";
	if ( st->m_add      ) add = " checked";
	if ( st->m_del      ) del = " checked";

	SafeBuf *pbuf = &st->m_pbuf;

	g_pages.printAdminTop ( pbuf , st->m_socket , &st->m_r );

	// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
	RdbBase *base; 
	if (!(base=getRdbBase((uint8_t)RDB_INDEXDB,st->m_collnum)))return true;

	// print the standard header for admin pages
	pbuf->safePrintf ( 
		  "<table cellpadding=2><tr><td colspan=4>"
		  "useDatedb:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=ub%s> "
		  "useTree:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=ut%s> "
		  "useDisk:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=ud%s> "
		  "useCache:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=uc%s> "
		  "ADD:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=add%s> "
		  "DELETE:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=del%s>"
		  "<input type=text name=q value=\"%s\" size=20>"
		  "<input type=text name=c value=\"%s\" size=10>"
		  "<input type=text name=t value=%lli size=20>"
		  "<input type=text name=numRecs value=%li size=10> "
		  "<input type=text name=d value=%lli size=20> "
		  "<input type=text name=score value=%li size=10> "
		  "<input type=submit value=ok border=0>"
		  "<tr><td colspan=2>"
		  "term appears in about %lli docs +/- %li"
		  //"<tr><td colspan=2>"
		  //"this indexlist held by host #%li and twins"
		  "</form><br><br>" ,
		  ubs, uts, uds, ucs, add, del,
		  st->m_query , st->m_coll , st->m_termId  , 
		  st->m_numRecs  ,
		  st->m_docId , (long)st->m_score ,
		  st->m_termFreq ,
		  2 * (long)GB_INDEXDB_PAGE_SIZE / 6 * 
		  base->getNumFiles() );
		  //hostnum );

	if ( g_errno || (st->m_list.isEmpty() ) ) {//&&st->m_list2.isEmpty())){
		if (g_errno)pbuf->safePrintf("Error = %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
		else        pbuf->safePrintf("List is empty");
		// erase g_errno for sending
		g_errno = 0;
		// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
		bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage(s , 
							   pbuf->length() );
		// delete it
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State10) , "PageIndexdb" );
		delete (st);
		return status;

	pbuf->safePrintf ( 
		  "<table cellpadding=1 border=1>" 

	//if ( searchingEvents

	// now print the score/docId of indexlist
	long i = 0;
	for (   st->m_list.resetListPtr () ;
	      ! st->m_list.isExhausted  () ;
		st->m_list.skipCurrentRecord () ) {
		// break if buf is low
		//if ( p + 1024 >= pend ) break;
		// but set the ip/port to a host that has this titleRec
		// stored locally!
		long long     docId   = st->m_list.getCurrentDocId () ;
		//unsigned long groupId = getGroupIdFromDocId ( docId );
		long shardNum = getShardNumFromDocId ( docId );
		// get the first host's hostId in this groupId
		//Host *h = g_hostdb.getFastestHostInGroup ( groupId );
		Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getShard ( shardNum );
		// just pick a host now...
		Host *h = &hosts[0];
		// . pick the first host to handle the cached titleRec request
		// . we assume it has the best time and is up!! TODO: fix!
		// . use local ip though if it was an internal request
		// . otherwise, use the external ip
		//unsigned long  ip   = h->m_externalIp;
		unsigned long  ip   = h->m_ip;
		// use the NAT mapped port
		unsigned short port = h->m_externalHttpPort;
		// log the first docid so we can blaster url: queries
		// to PageIndexdb and see if they are in indexdb
		if ( i == 0 ) 
			logf(LOG_INFO,"indexdb: %llu %s",docId,st->m_query);
		// adjust ip/port if local
		if ( st->m_isLocal ) {
			ip   = h->m_ip;
			port = h->m_httpPort;
		unsigned long date = 0;
		if ( st->m_useDatedb )
			date = (unsigned long)st->m_list.getCurrentDate();
		uint8_t dh = g_titledb.getDomHash8FromDocId ( docId );
		char ds[32];
		if ( st->m_useDatedb ) sprintf (ds,"%lu/",date);
		pbuf->safePrintf ( 
			  //"<a href=http://%s:%hu/admin/titledb?d=%llu>"
			  "<a href=/admin/titledb?c=%s&d=%llu>"
			  //"<td><a href=/cgi/4.cgi?d=%llu>%llu"
			  "</tr>\n" ,
			  ds, (int)st->m_list.getCurrentScore() ,
			  //iptoa(ip) , port ,
			  docId , 
			  docId ,
			  (long)dh );
	pbuf->safePrintf ( "</table>" );

	if ( ! st->m_list2.isEmpty() ) 
		p += sprintf ( p ,
			       "<table cellpadding=1 border=1>" 

	// now print the score/docId of datedb list
	i = 0;
	for (   st->m_list2.resetListPtr () ;
	      ! st->m_list2.isExhausted  () ;
		st->m_list2.skipCurrentRecord () ) {
		// break if buf is low
		if ( p + 1024 >= pend ) break;
		// but set the ip/port to a host that has this titleRec
		// stored locally!
		long long     docId   = st->m_list2.getCurrentDocId () ;
		unsigned long groupId = g_titledb.getGroupId ( docId );
		// get the first host's hostId in this groupId
		Host *h = g_hostdb.getFastestHostInGroup ( groupId );
		// . pick the first host to handle the cached titleRec request
		// . we assume it has the best time and is up!! TODO: fix!
		// . use local ip though if it was an internal request
		// . otherwise, use the external ip
		//unsigned long  ip   = h->m_externalIp;
		unsigned long  ip   = h->m_ip;
		// use the NAT mapped port
		unsigned short port = h->m_externalHttpPort;
		// adjust ip/port if local
		if ( st->m_isLocal ) {
			ip   = h->m_ip;
			port = h->m_httpPort;
		// debug
		char kb[16];
		//log(LOG_INFO,"debug: n1=%016llx n0=%016llx",
		//    *(long long *)(kb+8),*(long long *)(kb+0));
		//if ( (unsigned long)st->m_list2.getCurrentDate() == 0 )
		//	log("STOP");
		sprintf ( p , 
			  //"<a href=http://%s:%hu/admin/titledb?d=%llu>"
			  "<a href=/admin/titledb?c=%s&d=%llu>"
			  //"<td><a href=/cgi/4.cgi?d=%llu>%llu"
			  "</td></tr>\n" ,
			  st->m_list2.getTermId16(kb) ,
			  (unsigned long)st->m_list2.getCurrentDate() ,
			  (int)st->m_list2.getCurrentScore() ,
			  //iptoa(ip) , port ,
			  docId , 
			  docId );
		p += gbstrlen ( p );
	if ( ! st->m_list.isEmpty() ) 
		pbuf->safePrintf ( "</table>" );

	// print msg if we could fit all into buf
	//if ( p + 1024 >= pend ) {
	//	sprintf ( p ,"... truncated ... no mem" );
	//	p += gbstrlen ( p );		
	// print the final tail
	//p += g_httpServer.printTail ( p , pend - p );
	pbuf->safePrintf ( "</center>\n");
	// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
	bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , 
						     pbuf->getBufStart() ,
						     pbuf->length() );
	// delete the state
	mdelete ( st , sizeof(State10) , "PageIndexdb" );
	delete (st) ;
	return status;
예제 #6
static float logsc(float param, const float min,const float max,const float rolloff = 19.0f) {
	return ((expf(param * logf(rolloff+1)) - 1.0f) / (rolloff)) * (max-min) + min;
예제 #7
void charging_algorithm_step(void)
#if IMX233_SUBTARGET >= 3700
    bool is_5v_present = usb_detect() == USB_INSERTED;

    /* initial state & 5v -> battery transition */
    if(!is_5v_present && charge_state != DISCHARGING)
        logf("pwrmgmt: * -> discharging");
        logf("pwrmgmt: disable charger and 4p2"); 
        charge_state = DISCHARGING;
        /* 5V has been lost: disable 4p2 power rail */
#if IMX233_SUBTARGET >= 3780
        BF_WR(POWER_DCDC4P2, ENABLE_4P2(0));
    /* battery -> 5v transition */
    else if(is_5v_present && charge_state == DISCHARGING)
        logf("pwrmgmt: discharging -> trickle");
        logf("pwrmgmt: begin charging 4p2");
#if IMX233_SUBTARGET >= 3780
        /* 5V has been detected: prepare 4.2V power rail for activation
         * WARNING we can reach this situation when starting after Freescale bootloader
         * or after RoLo in a state where the DCDC is running. In this case,
         * we must *NOT* disable it or this will shutdown the device. This procedure
         * is safe: it will never disable the DCDC and will not reduce the charge
         * limit on the 4P2 rail. */
        BF_WR(POWER_DCDC4P2, ENABLE_4P2(1));
        BF_WR(POWER_5VCTRL, CHARGE_4P2_ILIMIT(0)); /* start by drawing 0mA */
        BF_CLR(POWER_5VCTRL, PWD_CHARGE_4P2);// FIXME: manual error ?
        /* the tick task will take care of slowly ramping up the current in the rail
         * every 10ms (since it runs at HZ and HZ=100) */
        charge_state = TRICKLE;
    /* trickle -> charging transition */
    else if(charge_state == TRICKLE)
#if IMX233_SUBTARGET >= 3780
        /* If 4.2V current limit has not reached 780mA, don't do anything, the
         * DPC is still running */
        /* If we've reached the maximum, take action */
            logf("pwrmgmt: enable dcdc and charger");
            logf("pwrmgmt: trickle -> charging");
#if IMX233_SUBTARGET >= 3780
            /* adjust arbitration between 4.2 and battery */
            BF_WR(POWER_DCDC4P2, CMPTRIP(0)); /* 85% */
            BF_WR(POWER_DCDC4P2, DROPOUT_CTRL(0xe)); /* select greater, 200 mV drop */
            /* switch to DCDC */
            /* enable battery charging */
            charge_state = CHARGING;
            timeout_charging = current_tick + IMX233_CHARGING_TIMEOUT;
    /* charging -> error transition */
    else if(charge_state == CHARGING && TIME_AFTER(current_tick, timeout_charging))
        /* we have charged for a too long time, declare charger broken */
        logf("pwrmgmt: charging timeout exceeded!");
        logf("pwrmgmt: charging -> error");
        /* stop charging, note that we leave the 4.2 rail active so that the DCDC
         * keep drawing current from the 4.2 only and leave the battery untouched */
        /* goto error state */
        charge_state = CHARGE_STATE_ERROR;
    /* charging -> topoff transition */
    else if(charge_state == CHARGING && !BF_RD(POWER_STS, CHRGSTS))
        logf("pwrmgmt: topping off");
        logf("pwrmgmt: charging -> topoff");
        charge_state = TOPOFF;
        timeout_topping_off = current_tick + IMX233_TOPOFF_TIMEOUT;
    /* topoff -> disabled transition */
    else if(charge_state == TOPOFF && TIME_AFTER(current_tick, timeout_topping_off))
        logf("pwrmgmt: charging finished");
        logf("pwrmgmt: topoff -> disabled");
        /* stop charging, note that we leave the 4.2 rail active so that the DCDC
         * keep drawing current from the 4.2 only and leave the battery untouched */
        charge_state = CHARGE_STATE_DISABLED;
// . delete a collection
// . this uses blocking unlinks, may make non-blocking later
bool Collectiondb::deleteRec ( char *coll , bool deleteTurkdb ) {
	// force on for now
	deleteTurkdb = true;
	// no spiders can be out. they may be referencing the CollectionRec
	// in XmlDoc.cpp... quite likely.
	if ( g_conf.m_spideringEnabled ||
	     g_spiderLoop.m_numSpidersOut > 0 ) {
		log("admin: Can not delete collection while "
		    "spiders are enabled or active.");
		return false;
	// do not allow this if in repair mode
	if ( g_repairMode > 0 ) {
		log("admin: Can not delete collection while in repair mode.");
		return false;
	// ensure it's not NULL
	if ( ! coll ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"admin: Collection name to delete is NULL.");
		return false;
	// find the rec for this collection
	collnum_t collnum = getCollnum ( coll );
	// bitch if not found
	if ( collnum < 0 ) {
		g_errno = ENOTFOUND;
		return log(LOG_LOGIC,"admin: Collection \"%s\" not found, "
			   "delete failed.",coll);
	CollectionRec *cr = m_recs [ collnum ];
	if ( ! cr ) return log("admin: Collection id problem. Delete failed.");
	// we need a save
	m_needsSave = true;
	// nuke it on disk
	char oldname[1024];
	sprintf(oldname, "%scoll.%s.%li/",g_hostdb.m_dir,cr->m_coll,
	char newname[1024];
	sprintf(newname, "%strash/coll.%s.%li.%lli/",g_hostdb.m_dir,cr->m_coll,
	//Dir d; d.set ( dname );
	// ensure ./trash dir is there
	char trash[1024];
	sprintf(trash, "%strash/",g_hostdb.m_dir);
	::mkdir ( trash, 
		  S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ) ;
	// move into that dir
	::rename ( oldname , newname );
	// debug message
	logf ( LOG_INFO, "admin: deleted collection \"%s\" (%li).",
	       coll,(long)collnum );

	// nuke doleiptable and waintree and waitingtable
	SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl ( collnum );

	// remove from spider cache, tell it to sync up with collectiondb
	// . TODO: remove from g_sync
	// . remove from all rdbs
	//g_indexdb.getRdb()->delColl    ( coll );
	g_posdb.getRdb()->delColl    ( coll );
	//g_datedb.getRdb()->delColl     ( coll );

	g_titledb.getRdb()->delColl    ( coll );
	//g_revdb.getRdb()->delColl      ( coll );
	//g_sectiondb.getRdb()->delColl  ( coll );
	g_tagdb.getRdb()->delColl ( coll );
	// let's preserve the tags... they have all the turk votes in them
	if ( deleteTurkdb ) {
	//g_catdb.getRdb()->delColl      ( coll );
	//g_checksumdb.getRdb()->delColl ( coll );
	g_spiderdb.getRdb()->delColl   ( coll );
	g_doledb.getRdb()->delColl     ( coll );
	//g_tfndb.getRdb()->delColl      ( coll );
	g_clusterdb.getRdb()->delColl  ( coll );
	g_linkdb.getRdb()->delColl     ( coll );
	// free it
	mdelete ( m_recs[(long)collnum], sizeof(CollectionRec), 
		  "CollectionRec" ); 
	delete ( m_recs[(long)collnum] );
	m_recs[(long)collnum] = NULL;
	// dec counts
	while ( ! m_recs[m_numRecs-1] ) m_numRecs--;
	// update the time
	// done
	return true;
예제 #9
 inline float MathTrait<float>::log( const float val )
   return logf( val ) ;
  logf("myIDirect3DViewport3 dtor\n");
예제 #11
static int
lumi_plg_frame(lumi_data_t *handle, xvid_plg_data_t *data)
	int i, j;

	float global = 0.0f;

	const float DarkAmpl = 14 / 4;
	const float BrightAmpl = 10 / 3;
	float DarkThres = 90;
	float BrightThres = 200;

	const float GlobalDarkThres = 60;
	const float GlobalBrightThres = 170;

	/* Arbitrary centerpoint for variance-based AQ.  Roughly the same as used in x264. */
	float center = 14000.f;
	/* Arbitrary strength for variance-based AQ. */
	float strength = 0.2f;

	if (data->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) return 0;

	/* Do this for all macroblocks individually  */
	for (j = 0; j < data->mb_height; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < data->mb_width; i++) {
			int k, l, sum = 0, sum_of_squares = 0;	
			unsigned char *ptr;

			/* Initialize the current quant value to the frame quant */
			handle->quant[j*data->mb_width + i] = (float)data->quant;

			/* Next steps compute the luminance-masking */

			/* Get the MB address */
			ptr  = data->current.plane[0];
			ptr += 16*j*data->current.stride[0] + 16*i;

			if (handle->method) { /* Variance masking mode */
				int variance = 0;
				/* Accumulate sum and sum of squares over the MB */
				for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
 					for (l = 0; l < 16; l++) {
						int val = ptr[k*data->current.stride[0] + l];
						sum += val;
						sum_of_squares += val * val;
				/* Variance = SSD - SAD^2 / (numpixels) */
				variance = sum_of_squares - sum * sum / 256;
				handle->val[j*data->mb_width + i] = (float)variance;
			else { /* Luminance masking mode */
				/* Accumulate luminance */
				for (k = 0; k < 16; k++)
					for (l = 0; l < 16; l++)
						 sum += ptr[k*data->current.stride[0] + l];
				handle->val[j*data->mb_width + i] = (float)sum/256.0f;

				/* Accumulate the global frame luminance */
				global += (float)sum/256.0f;

	if (handle->method) { /* Variance masking */
		/* Apply the variance masking formula to all MBs */
		for (i = 0; i < data->mb_height; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < data->mb_width; j++)
				float value = handle->val[i*data->mb_width + j];
				float qscale_diff = strength * logf(value / center);
				handle->quant[i*data->mb_width + j] *= (1.0f + qscale_diff);
	else { /* Luminance masking */
		/* Normalize the global luminance accumulator */
		global /= data->mb_width*data->mb_height;

		DarkThres = DarkThres*global/127.0f;
		BrightThres = BrightThres*global/127.0f;

		/* Apply luminance masking only to frames where the global luminance is
		 * higher than DarkThreshold and lower than Bright Threshold */
		 if ((global < GlobalBrightThres) && (global > GlobalDarkThres)) {

			/* Apply the luminance masking formulas to all MBs */
			for (i = 0; i < data->mb_height; i++) {
				for (j = 0; j < data->mb_width; j++) {
					if (handle->val[i*data->mb_width + j] < DarkThres)
						handle->quant[i*data->mb_width + j] *= 1 + DarkAmpl * (DarkThres - handle->val[i*data->mb_width + j]) / DarkThres;
					else if (handle->val[i*data->mb_width + j] > BrightThres)
						handle->quant[i*data->mb_width + j] *= 1 + BrightAmpl * (handle->val[i*data->mb_width + j] - BrightThres) / (255 - BrightThres);

	/* Normalize the quantizer field */
	data->quant = normalize_quantizer_field(handle->quant,
											 MAX(2,data->quant + data->quant/2));

	/* Plugin job finished */
myIDirect3DViewport3::myIDirect3DViewport3(IDirect3DViewport3 * aOriginal)
  logf("myIDirect3DViewport3 ctor\n");
  mOriginal = aOriginal;
예제 #13
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int rv;
    int width = 256;
    int height = 256;
    int padded_width, padded_height;
    fb_info fb;
    rv = fb_open(0, &fb);
    width = fb.fb_var.xres;
    height = fb.fb_var.yres;
    padded_width = etna_align_up(width, 64);
    padded_height = etna_align_up(height, 64);

    printf("padded_width %i padded_height %i\n", padded_width, padded_height);
    rv = viv_open();
        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening device\n");
    printf("Succesfully opened device\n");

    etna_ctx *ctx = 0;
    if(etna_create(&ctx) != ETNA_OK)
        printf("Unable to create context\n");

    /* Initialize buffers synchronization structure */
    etna_bswap_buffers *buffers = 0;
    if(etna_bswap_create(ctx, &buffers, (int (*)(void *, int))&fb_set_buffer, NULL, &fb) < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating buffer swapper\n");

    /* Allocate video memory */
    etna_vidmem *rt = 0; /* main render target */
    etna_vidmem *rt_ts = 0; /* tile status for main render target */
    etna_vidmem *z = 0; /* depth for main render target */
    etna_vidmem *z_ts = 0; /* depth ts for main render target */
    etna_vidmem *vtx = 0; /* vertex buffer */
    etna_vidmem *aux_rt = 0; /* auxilary render target */
    etna_vidmem *aux_rt_ts = 0; /* tile status for auxilary render target */
    etna_vidmem *tex = 0; /* texture */

    size_t rt_size = padded_width * padded_height * 4;
    size_t rt_ts_size = etna_align_up((padded_width * padded_height * 4)/0x100, 0x100);
    size_t z_size = padded_width * padded_height * 2;
    size_t z_ts_size = etna_align_up((padded_width * padded_height * 2)/0x100, 0x100);

    dds_texture *dds = 0;
    if(argc<2 || !dds_load(argv[1], &dds))
        printf("Error loading texture\n");

    if(etna_vidmem_alloc_linear(&rt, rt_size, gcvSURF_RENDER_TARGET, gcvPOOL_DEFAULT, true)!=ETNA_OK ||
       etna_vidmem_alloc_linear(&rt_ts, rt_ts_size, gcvSURF_TILE_STATUS, gcvPOOL_DEFAULT, true)!=ETNA_OK ||
       etna_vidmem_alloc_linear(&z, z_size, gcvSURF_DEPTH, gcvPOOL_DEFAULT, true)!=ETNA_OK ||
       etna_vidmem_alloc_linear(&z_ts, z_ts_size, gcvSURF_TILE_STATUS, gcvPOOL_DEFAULT, true)!=ETNA_OK ||
       etna_vidmem_alloc_linear(&vtx, VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE, gcvSURF_VERTEX, gcvPOOL_DEFAULT, true)!=ETNA_OK ||
       etna_vidmem_alloc_linear(&aux_rt, 0x4000, gcvSURF_RENDER_TARGET, gcvPOOL_SYSTEM, true)!=ETNA_OK ||
       etna_vidmem_alloc_linear(&aux_rt_ts, 0x100, gcvSURF_TILE_STATUS, gcvPOOL_DEFAULT, true)!=ETNA_OK ||
       etna_vidmem_alloc_linear(&tex, dds->size, gcvSURF_TEXTURE, gcvPOOL_DEFAULT, true)!=ETNA_OK
        fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating video memory\n");

    uint32_t tex_format = 0;
    uint32_t tex_base_width = dds->slices[0][0].width;
    uint32_t tex_base_height = dds->slices[0][0].height;
    uint32_t tex_base_log_width = (int)(logf(tex_base_width) * RCPLOG2 * 32.0f + 0.5f);
    uint32_t tex_base_log_height = (int)(logf(tex_base_height) * RCPLOG2 * 32.0f + 0.5f);
    printf("Loading compressed texture (format %i, %ix%i) log_width=%i log_height=%i\n", dds->fmt, tex_base_width, tex_base_height, tex_base_log_width, tex_base_log_height);
    if(dds->fmt == FMT_X8R8G8B8 || dds->fmt == FMT_A8R8G8B8)
        for(int ix=0; ix<dds->num_mipmaps; ++ix)
            printf("%08x: Tiling mipmap %i (%ix%i)\n", dds->slices[0][ix].offset, ix, dds->slices[0][ix].width, dds->slices[0][ix].height);
            etna_texture_tile((void*)((size_t)tex->logical + dds->slices[0][ix].offset), 
                    dds->slices[0][ix].data, dds->slices[0][ix].width, dds->slices[0][ix].height, dds->slices[0][ix].stride, 4);
        tex_format = TEXTURE_FORMAT_X8R8G8B8;
    } else if(dds->fmt == FMT_DXT1 || dds->fmt == FMT_DXT3 || dds->fmt == FMT_DXT5 || dds->fmt == FMT_ETC1)
        printf("Uploading compressed texture\n");
        memcpy(tex->logical, dds->data, dds->size);
        case FMT_DXT1: tex_format = TEXTURE_FORMAT_DXT1; break;
        case FMT_DXT3: tex_format = TEXTURE_FORMAT_DXT2_DXT3; break;
        case FMT_DXT5: tex_format = TEXTURE_FORMAT_DXT4_DXT5; break;
        case FMT_ETC1: tex_format = TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC1; break;
    } else
        printf("Unknown texture format\n");

    /* Phew, now we got all the memory we need.
     * Write interleaved attribute vertex stream.
     * Unlike the GL example we only do this once, not every time glDrawArrays is called, the same would be accomplished
     * from GL by using a vertex buffer object.
    for(int vert=0; vert<NUM_VERTICES; ++vert)
        int dest_idx = vert * (3 + 3 + 2);
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            ((float*)vtx->logical)[dest_idx+comp+0] = vVertices[vert*3 + comp]; /* 0 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            ((float*)vtx->logical)[dest_idx+comp+3] = vNormals[vert*3 + comp]; /* 1 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<2; ++comp)
            ((float*)vtx->logical)[dest_idx+comp+6] = vTexCoords[vert*2 + comp]; /* 2 */

    for(int frame=0; frame<1000; ++frame)
        if(frame%50 == 0)
            printf("*** FRAME %i ****\n", frame);
        /*   Compute transform matrices in the same way as cube egl demo */ 
        ESMatrix modelview, projection, modelviewprojection;
        ESMatrix inverse, normal; 
        esTranslate(&modelview, 0.0f, 0.0f, -8.0f);
        esRotate(&modelview, 45.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        esRotate(&modelview, 45.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        esRotate(&modelview, frame*0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        GLfloat aspect = (GLfloat)(height) / (GLfloat)(width);
        esFrustum(&projection, -2.8f, +2.8f, -2.8f * aspect, +2.8f * aspect, 6.0f, 10.0f);
        esMatrixMultiply(&modelviewprojection, &modelview, &projection);
        esMatrixInverse3x3(&inverse, &modelview);
        esMatrixTranspose(&normal, &inverse);

        /* XXX part of this can be put outside the loop, but until we have usable context management
         * this is safest.
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RA_CONTROL, 0x3);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_GL_MULTI_SAMPLE_CONFIG, 
                VIVS_GL_MULTI_SAMPLE_CONFIG_UNK16 */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_GL_VERTEX_ELEMENT_CONFIG, 0x1);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_GL_VARYING_NUM_COMPONENTS,  
                VIVS_GL_VARYING_NUM_COMPONENTS_VAR0(4)| /* position */
                VIVS_GL_VARYING_NUM_COMPONENTS_VAR1(2)  /* texture coordinate */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_GL_VARYING_TOTAL_COMPONENTS,
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_GL_VARYING_COMPONENT_USE(0), 2, (uint32_t[]){
                , 0

        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PA_W_CLIP_LIMIT, 0x34000001);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PA_SYSTEM_MODE, 0x11);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PA_CONFIG, /* VIVS_PA_CONFIG_UNK22 | */
                                            VIVS_PA_CONFIG_CULL_FACE_MODE_CCW |
                                            VIVS_PA_CONFIG_FILL_MODE_SOLID |
                                            VIVS_PA_CONFIG_SHADE_MODEL_SMOOTH /* |
                                            VIVS_PA_CONFIG_POINT_SIZE_ENABLE |
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_PA_VIEWPORT_OFFSET_Z, 0.0);
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_PA_VIEWPORT_SCALE_Z, 1.0);
        etna_set_state_fixp(ctx, VIVS_PA_VIEWPORT_OFFSET_X, width << 15);
        etna_set_state_fixp(ctx, VIVS_PA_VIEWPORT_OFFSET_Y, height << 15);
        etna_set_state_fixp(ctx, VIVS_PA_VIEWPORT_SCALE_X, width << 15);
        etna_set_state_fixp(ctx, VIVS_PA_VIEWPORT_SCALE_Y, height << 15);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PA_ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT_COUNT, 0x200);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PA_SHADER_ATTRIBUTES(0), 0x200);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PA_SHADER_ATTRIBUTES(1), 0x200);

        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_SE_CONFIG, 0x0);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_SE_DEPTH_SCALE, 0x0);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_SE_DEPTH_BIAS, 0x0);
        etna_set_state_fixp(ctx, VIVS_SE_SCISSOR_LEFT, 0);
        etna_set_state_fixp(ctx, VIVS_SE_SCISSOR_TOP, 0);
        etna_set_state_fixp(ctx, VIVS_SE_SCISSOR_RIGHT, (width << 16) | 5);
        etna_set_state_fixp(ctx, VIVS_SE_SCISSOR_BOTTOM, (height << 16) | 5);

        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PE_ALPHA_CONFIG,
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PE_ALPHA_BLEND_COLOR, 
                VIVS_PE_ALPHA_BLEND_COLOR_B(0) | 
                VIVS_PE_ALPHA_BLEND_COLOR_G(0) | 
                VIVS_PE_ALPHA_BLEND_COLOR_R(0) | 
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PE_ALPHA_OP, /* VIVS_PE_ALPHA_OP_ALPHA_TEST */ 0);
                                                    VIVS_PE_STENCIL_CONFIG_MASK_FRONT(0xff) | 
                                                    VIVS_PE_STENCIL_CONFIG_WRITE_MASK(0xff) |
                                                VIVS_PE_STENCIL_OP_FUNC_BACK(COMPARE_FUNC_ALWAYS) |
                                                VIVS_PE_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_FRONT(STENCIL_OP_KEEP) | 
                                                VIVS_PE_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_BACK(STENCIL_OP_KEEP) |
                                                VIVS_PE_STENCIL_OP_DEPTH_FAIL_FRONT(STENCIL_OP_KEEP) |
                                                VIVS_PE_STENCIL_OP_DEPTH_FAIL_BACK(STENCIL_OP_KEEP) |
                                                VIVS_PE_STENCIL_OP_PASS_FRONT(STENCIL_OP_KEEP) |
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PE_COLOR_FORMAT, 
                VIVS_PE_COLOR_FORMAT_COMPONENTS(0xf) |
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PE_DEPTH_CONFIG, 
                VIVS_PE_DEPTH_CONFIG_EARLY_Z |
                /* VIVS_PE_DEPTH_CONFIG_WRITE_ENABLE | */
                /* VIVS_PE_DEPTH_CONFIG_ONLY_DEPTH */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PE_DEPTH_ADDR, z->address);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PE_DEPTH_STRIDE, padded_width * 2);
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_PE_DEPTH_NORMALIZE, 65535.0);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PE_COLOR_ADDR, rt->address);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PE_COLOR_STRIDE, padded_width * 4); 
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_PE_DEPTH_NEAR, 0.0);
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_PE_DEPTH_FAR, 1.0);
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_PE_DEPTH_NORMALIZE, 65535.0);

        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_FLUSH_CACHE, VIVS_RS_FLUSH_CACHE_FLUSH);
        etna_stall(ctx, SYNC_RECIPIENT_RA, SYNC_RECIPIENT_PE);

        /* Set up the resolve to clear tile status for main render target 
         * Regard the TS plane as an image of width 16 with 4 bytes per pixel (64 bytes per row)
         * XXX need to clear the depth ts too? we don't really use depth buffer in this sample
         * */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_MEM_CONFIG, 0);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_CONFIG,
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_RS_DITHER(0), 2, (uint32_t[]){0xffffffff, 0xffffffff});
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_DEST_ADDR, rt_ts->address); /* ADDR_B */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_DEST_STRIDE, 0x40);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_WINDOW_SIZE, 
                ((rt_ts_size/0x40) << VIVS_RS_WINDOW_SIZE_HEIGHT__SHIFT) |
                (16 << VIVS_RS_WINDOW_SIZE_WIDTH__SHIFT));
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_FILL_VALUE(0), 0x55555555);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_CLEAR_CONTROL, 
                (0xffff << VIVS_RS_CLEAR_CONTROL_BITS__SHIFT));
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_EXTRA_CONFIG, 0);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_KICKER, 0xbeebbeeb);
        /** Done */
        /* Now set up TS */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_MEM_CONFIG, 
                VIVS_TS_MEM_CONFIG_DEPTH_16BPP | 
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE, 0xffffffff);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_DEPTH_STATUS_BASE, z_ts->address);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_DEPTH_SURFACE_BASE, z->address);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, 0xff303030);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_COLOR_STATUS_BASE, rt_ts->address);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_COLOR_SURFACE_BASE, rt->address);

        /* set up texture unit */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_GL_FLUSH_CACHE, VIVS_GL_FLUSH_CACHE_TEXTURE);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TE_SAMPLER_SIZE(0), 
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TE_SAMPLER_LOG_SIZE(0), 
                VIVS_TE_SAMPLER_LOG_SIZE_WIDTH(tex_base_log_width) |
        for(int ix=0; ix<dds->num_mipmaps; ++ix)
            etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TE_SAMPLER_LOD_ADDR(0,ix), tex->address + dds->slices[0][ix].offset);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TE_SAMPLER_CONFIG0(0), 
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TE_SAMPLER_LOD_CONFIG(0), 
                VIVS_TE_SAMPLER_LOD_CONFIG_MAX((dds->num_mipmaps - 1)<<5) | VIVS_TE_SAMPLER_LOD_CONFIG_MIN(0));
        //etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TE_SAMPLER_UNK2100(0), 0);
        //etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TE_SAMPLER_UNK2140(0), 0);

        /* shader setup */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_VS_START_PC, 0x0);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_VS_END_PC, vs_size/16);
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_VS_INPUT_COUNT, 3, (uint32_t[]){
                /* VIVS_VS_OUTPUT(0) */ VIVS_VS_OUTPUT_O0(4) | 
                                        VIVS_VS_OUTPUT_O1(0) | 
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_VS_INST_MEM(0), vs_size/4, vs);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_VS_OUTPUT_COUNT, 3);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_VS_LOAD_BALANCING, 0xf3f0542); /* depends on number of inputs/outputs/varyings? XXX how exactly */
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_VS_UNIFORMS(0), 16, (uint32_t*)&modelviewprojection.m[0][0]);
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_VS_UNIFORMS(16), 3, (uint32_t*)&normal.m[0][0]); /* u4.xyz */
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_VS_UNIFORMS(20), 3, (uint32_t*)&normal.m[1][0]); /* u5.xyz */
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_VS_UNIFORMS(24), 3, (uint32_t*)&normal.m[2][0]); /* u6.xyz */
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_VS_UNIFORMS(28), 16, (uint32_t*)&modelview.m[0][0]);
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_VS_UNIFORMS(19), 2.0); /* u4.w */
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_VS_UNIFORMS(23), 20.0); /* u5.w */
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_VS_UNIFORMS(27), 0.0); /* u6.w */
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_VS_UNIFORMS(45), 0.5); /* u11.y */
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_VS_UNIFORMS(44), 1.0); /* u11.x */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_VS_INPUT(0), VIVS_VS_INPUT_I0(0) | 
                                        VIVS_VS_INPUT_I1(1) | 

        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PS_START_PC, 0x0);
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_PS_END_PC, 2, (uint32_t[]){
                /* VIVS_PS_END_PC */ ps_size/16,
                /* VIVS_PS_OUTPUT_REG */ 0x1});
        etna_set_state_multi(ctx, VIVS_PS_INST_MEM(0), ps_size/4, ps);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_PS_CONTROL, VIVS_PS_CONTROL_UNK1);
        etna_set_state_f32(ctx, VIVS_PS_UNIFORMS(0), 1.0); /* u0.x */

        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_FE_VERTEX_STREAM_BASE_ADDR, vtx->address); /* ADDR_E */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_FE_VERTEX_STREAM_CONTROL, 
                VIVS_FE_VERTEX_STREAM_CONTROL_VERTEX_STRIDE((3 + 3 + 2)*4));
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_FE_VERTEX_ELEMENT_CONFIG(0), 
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_FE_VERTEX_ELEMENT_CONFIG(1), 
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_FE_VERTEX_ELEMENT_CONFIG(2), 

        for(int prim=0; prim<6; ++prim)
            etna_draw_primitives(ctx, PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, prim*4, 2);
#if 0
        /* resolve to self */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_CONFIG,
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_SOURCE_STRIDE, (padded_width * 4 * 4) | VIVS_RS_SOURCE_STRIDE_TILING);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_DEST_STRIDE, (padded_width * 4 * 4) | VIVS_RS_DEST_STRIDE_TILING);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_DITHER(0), 0xffffffff);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_DITHER(1), 0xffffffff);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_EXTRA_CONFIG, 0); /* no AA, no endian switch */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_SOURCE_ADDR, rt->address); /* ADDR_A */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_DEST_ADDR, rt->address); /* ADDR_A */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_WINDOW_SIZE, 
                VIVS_RS_WINDOW_SIZE_HEIGHT(padded_height) |
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_KICKER, 0xbeebbeeb);

        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_FLUSH_CACHE, VIVS_RS_FLUSH_CACHE_FLUSH);

        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_COLOR_STATUS_BASE, rt_ts->address); /* ADDR_B */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_COLOR_SURFACE_BASE, rt->address); /* ADDR_A */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_GL_FLUSH_CACHE, VIVS_GL_FLUSH_CACHE_COLOR);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_TS_MEM_CONFIG, 
                VIVS_TS_MEM_CONFIG_DEPTH_16BPP | 
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_GL_FLUSH_CACHE, VIVS_GL_FLUSH_CACHE_COLOR);
        etna_stall(ctx, SYNC_RECIPIENT_FE, SYNC_RECIPIENT_PE);

        /* copy to screen */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_CONFIG,
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_SOURCE_STRIDE, (padded_width * 4 * 4) | VIVS_RS_SOURCE_STRIDE_TILING);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_DEST_STRIDE, fb.fb_fix.line_length);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_DITHER(0), 0xffffffff);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_DITHER(1), 0xffffffff);
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_EXTRA_CONFIG, 
                0); /* no AA, no endian switch */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_SOURCE_ADDR, rt->address); /* ADDR_A */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_DEST_ADDR, fb.physical[buffers->backbuffer]); /* ADDR_J */
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_WINDOW_SIZE, 
                VIVS_RS_WINDOW_SIZE_HEIGHT(height) |
        etna_set_state(ctx, VIVS_RS_KICKER, 0xbeebbeeb);

#ifdef DUMP
    bmp_dump32(fb.logical[1-backbuffer], width, height, false, "/mnt/sdcard/fb.bmp");
    printf("Dump complete\n");
    return 0;
예제 #14
void cheReactionUpdate() {

	int i;

	if( Band_signalOmega != oldOmega ) {

	avgBuf[avgBufCount++] = (float)outputHits;
	if( avgBufCount == avgBufSize ) {
		float sum = 0.f;
		for( i=0; i<avgBufCount; i++ ) {
			sum += avgBuf[i];
		fftBuf[fftBufCount] = sum / (float)avgBufCount;
		avgBufCount = 0;
		if( fftBufCount == fftBufSize ) {
			FFT fft( fftBuf, fftBufSize );
			float *p = fft.computePowerSpectrum();
			for( i=0; i<fftBufCount/2-1; i++ ) {
				cumPowerSpectrum[i] += p[i];
				cumPowerSpectrumLog[i] = logf( 1.f + cumPowerSpectrum[i] );
			fftBufCount = 0;
			FILE *file = fopen( ZTmpStr("/transfer/fft/fft-diff-%d.txt",cumPowerSpectrumCount), "wt" );
			for( i=1; i<100; i++ ) {
				fprintf( file, "%f\n", cumPowerSpectrum[i] / (float)cumPowerSpectrumCount );
			fclose( file );

	if( !(simulationFrameNumber % 100 ) ) {
		for( int x=0; x<DIMX; x++ ) {
			for( int y=0; y<DIMY; y++ ) {
				Part *p = partAt( IVec2(x,y) );
				if( p && p->type == TYPE_CHEYP ) {

	outputHistory.setAvgWindow( Band_plotWindowRadius );
	outputHistory.add( (float)outputHits );

	// COMPUTE input signal
	signal = Band_signal;
	if( Band_useSinSignal ) {
		signal = (float)( Band_signalTop * 0.5*( 1.0+sin( Band_signalOmega * (double)simulationFrameNumber ) ) );
	inputHistory.add( signal );

	// SETUP for next computation
	outputHits = 0;
예제 #15
파일: Mcflow.c 프로젝트: 1014511134/src
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int n12, i, i1, i2, rect, order, niter;
    float **img, **grad, **grad1, **grad2, *y, **x;
    float med, t, t2, tol[2], band;
    sf_eno2 g[2];
    sf_file in, out;
    in = sf_input("in");
    out = sf_output("out");

    if (!sf_histint(in,"n1",&n1)) sf_error("No n1= in input");
    if (!sf_histint(in,"n2",&n2)) sf_error("No n2= in input");
    n12 = n1*n2;

    if (!sf_getint("rect",&rect)) rect=3;
    /* smoothing radius */
    t = (rect*rect-1)/6.0;

    if (!sf_getint("order",&order)) order=3;
    /* interpolation order */
    if (!sf_getfloat("tol",&tol[0])) tol[0]=0.1;
    /* error tolerance */
    if (!sf_getint("niter",&niter)) niter=100;
    /* number of iterations */
    if (!sf_getfloat("band",&band)) band=1.;
    /* narrow band */

    img = sf_floatalloc2(n1,n2);
    grad = sf_floatalloc2(n1,n2);
    grad1 = sf_floatalloc2(n1,n2);
    grad2 = sf_floatalloc2(n1,n2);
    y = sf_floatalloc(n12);
    x = sf_floatalloc2(2,n12);

    g[0] = sf_eno2_init (order, n1, n2);
    g[1] = sf_eno2_init (order, n1, n2);


    /* compute gradient squared */
    sf_sobel2 (n1,n2,img,grad);

    /* normalize by median */
    for (i=0; i < n12; i++) {
	y[i] = grad[0][i];

    med = sf_quantile(n12/2,n12,y);

    for (i=0; i < n12; i++) {
	grad[0][i] = -0.5*logf(1.+grad[0][i]/med);

    /* compute gradient */
    sf_sobel (n1,n2,grad,grad1,grad2);
    sf_eno2_set (g[0], grad1);
    sf_eno2_set (g[1], grad2);

    /* convection */
    for (i2=0; i2 < n2; i2++) {
	for (i1=0; i1 < n1; i1++) {
	    if (fabsf(img[i2][i1]) < band) {
		x[i][0] = i1;
		x[i][1] = i2;
		t2 = sf_ode23 (t,tol, x[i], g, rhs, term);
		if (t2 >= t) {
		    y[i] = img[i2][i1];

    /* diffusion */
    sf_int2_init (x, 0,0,1,1,n1,n2, sf_lin_int, 2, i);
    sf_triangle2_init(rect,rect, n1, n2, 1);
    sf_conjgrad_init(n12, n12, i, i, 1.0/i, 1.e-8, true, false);
		sf_int2_lop, sf_triangle2_lop, grad[0], img[0], y, niter);


예제 #16
int postings_update(struct postings* post, struct postings_docstats* stats) {
    struct postings_node* node = post->update;
    unsigned int terms = 0,
                 dterms = 0;
    float weight = 0,

    while (node) {
        /* calculate document weight */
        fdt_log = (float) logf((float) node->offsets);
        weight += (1 + fdt_log) * (1 + fdt_log);

        assert(node->last_count != node->vecmem);
        assert(node->last_count > node->vecmem);
        assert((post->docno > node->last_docno) || (node->last_docno == -1));

        /* check if we have to correct the count that we wrote before (1) */
        if (node->offsets > 1) {
            unsigned int len = vec_vbyte_len(node->offsets);
            struct vec offsetvec;
            /* check if the count will expand in size */
            if (len > 1) {
                /* check if we need to resize the vector */
                if ((VEC_LEN(&node->vec) < len - 1) 
                  /* resize it */
                  && !postings_node_expand(node)) {
                    return 0;

                /* move offsets up to make room for expanded count */
                assert(node->vec.pos > node->last_count);
                assert(node->vecmem < node->last_count);
                memmove(node->last_count + len, node->last_count + 1, 
                  node->vec.pos - (node->last_count + 1));
                node->vec.pos += len - 1;
                post->size += len - 1;

            /* point offsetvec to the correct location to write the correct
             * count */
            offsetvec.pos = node->last_count;
            offsetvec.end = node->vec.end;

            len = vec_vbyte_write(&offsetvec, node->offsets);

        /* watch for overflow */
        assert(node->occurs + node->offsets > node->occurs);  
        node->occurs += node->offsets;
        terms += node->offsets;
        node->offsets = 0;

        node->last_docno = post->docno;
        node->last_offset = -1;
        node->last_count = node->vecmem;

        node = node->update;

    post->update = NULL;                /* reset update list */
    post->update_required = 0;
    stats->weight = (float) sqrtf(weight);
    stats->terms = terms;
    stats->distinct = dterms;
    return 1;
/*Greedy method for data association & false positive models*/
void TrackAssociation::FindMatch(std::vector<AffinityVal> &affinity_mat, const std::vector<cv::Rect> &evidence, std::vector<int> &assign_match, std::vector<bool> &evidence_used, std::vector<bool> &model_used)
	const float default_th = 0.25f;
	//match threshold
	const float match_pos = 0.3f;
	const float match_scale = 0.7f;
	const float match_app = 0.52f; // range from [0,1]
	//w/o app model
	const float match_pos_no_app = 0.8f;
	const float match_scale_no_app = 0.9f;

	size_t model_size = subTrackVector.size(); // for each sub object
	size_t evidence_size = evidence.size(); // external detection

	assign_match.assign(evidence_size, -1); // assign list is for each detection evidence

	for(size_t i = 0; i < affinity_mat.size(); ++i)
		AffinityVal &aff = affinity_mat[i];
		float probScale = aff.probScale;
		float probPos = aff.probPos;
		int index = aff.index;
		size_t n = index/model_size;//index of evidence
		size_t m = index-n*model_size;//index of model

		ObjSubTrack *subTrack = subTrackVector[m];

		size_t missing_count = subTrack->missing_count;
		float missing_discount = 1;
		float missing_discount_scale = 1;
		// upper limit for relaxation
		if(missing_count >= 4)
			missing_count = 4;
			missing_discount = logf(1+missing_count/2.0f)+1;

		float scale_th;
		float pos_th;
		if (subTrack->appModel.valid)
			scale_th = match_scale;
			pos_th = match_pos;
		{//for tracks without appearance model
			scale_th = match_scale_no_app;
			pos_th = match_pos_no_app;

			if (missing_count >= 1)
				missing_discount = 1.09f;

		bool space_scale_match;
		//for tracked lost objs
		if (subTrack->appModel.valid && subTrack->appModel.tracker.tracking_lost)
			//loose positional threshold
			bool pos_fall;
			pos_fall = ((subTrack->appModel.tracker.searchRegion & evidence[n]).area()
				/ float(evidence[n].area())) > 0.0f;
			space_scale_match = pos_fall && probScale >= scale_th;
			space_scale_match = probScale >= scale_th && probPos>= pos_th/missing_discount;
			bool featureSupport = subTrack->TestFeatureSupport(objSeg,objSeg->frameNO,evidence[n]);
			if (featureSupport)
					float probApp = subTrack->appModel.TestHistSimi(this->frame_pool.back(),evidence[n]);
					float probHarr = subTrack->appModel.TestSimi(this->frame_pool.back(),evidence[n],true);
					probHarr = (probHarr + 1)/2;// to [0,1]
					aff.proApp = probApp + probHarr;
				}else //no valid appearance 
					aff.proApp = default_th; //default value
				aff.proApp = 0;
			aff.proApp = 0;

	//sort by appearance values

	for (size_t i = 0; i < affinity_mat.size(); ++i)
		AffinityVal &aff = affinity_mat[i];
		int index = aff.index;
		int n = index/model_size;//index of evidence
		int m = index-n*model_size;//index of model
		float appVal = aff.proApp;
		if (appVal >= default_th)//above the threshold
			if (!model_used[m] && !evidence_used[n])//both unused
				assign_match[n] = m;
				model_used[m] = true;
				evidence_used[n] = true;
INLINE float log_f32(float x) {return logf(x);}
예제 #19
파일: texmacs.cpp 프로젝트: mgubi/texmacs
immediate_options (int argc, char** argv) {
  if (get_env ("TEXMACS_HOME_PATH") == "")
#ifdef __MINGW32__
    if (get_env ("HOME") == "")
        set_env ("HOME", get_env("USERPROFILE"));
    set_env ("TEXMACS_HOME_PATH", get_env ("APPDATA") * "\\TeXmacs");
    set_env ("TEXMACS_HOME_PATH", get_env ("HOME") * "/.TeXmacs");
  if (get_env ("TEXMACS_HOME_PATH") == "") return;
  for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
    string s= argv[i];
    if ((N(s)>=2) && (s(0,2)=="--")) s= s (1, N(s));
    if ((s == "-S") || (s == "-setup")) {
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/settings.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/setup.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache") * url_wildcard ("*"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/fonts/font-database.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/fonts/font-features.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/fonts/font-characteristics.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/fonts/error") * url_wildcard ("*"));
    else if (s == "-delete-cache")
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache") * url_wildcard ("*"));
    else if (s == "-delete-style-cache")
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache") * url_wildcard ("__*"));
    else if (s == "-delete-font-cache") {
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache/font_cache.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/fonts/font-database.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/fonts/font-features.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/fonts/font-characteristics.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/fonts/error") * url_wildcard ("*"));
    else if (s == "-delete-doc-cache") {
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache/doc_cache"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache/dir_cache.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache/stat_cache.scm"));
    else if (s == "-delete-file-cache") {
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache/doc_cache"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache/file_cache"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache/dir_cache.scm"));
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache/stat_cache.scm"));
    else if (s == "-delete-plugin-cache")
      remove (url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/cache/plugin_cache.scm"));
    else if (s == "-delete-server-data")
      system ("rm -rf", url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/server"));
    else if (s == "-delete-databases") {
      system ("rm -rf", url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/system/database"));
      system ("rm -rf", url ("$TEXMACS_HOME_PATH/users"));
    else if (s == "-log-file" && i + 1 < argc) {
      char* log_file = argv[i];
      tm_ostream logf (log_file);
      if (!logf->is_writable ())
        cerr << "TeXmacs] Error: could not open " << log_file << "\n";
      cout.redirect (logf);
      cerr.redirect (logf);
예제 #20
파일: log2.c 프로젝트: mingw-w64/mingw-w64
float log2f(float x)
    return logf(x) / 0.69314718246459960938f;
// Handle key presses
void CALLBACK OnKeyboard( UINT nChar, bool bKeyDown, bool bAltDown, void* pUserContext )
    if( !bKeyDown || g_bDrawTerrain )

    const FLOAT LogMoveSpeed = 0.05f;

    FLOAT CameraY = g_CameraPos.y;
    FLOAT CameraYMoved = expf( logf( CameraY ) + LogMoveSpeed );
    FLOAT LinearMoveSpeed = CameraYMoved - CameraY;

    switch( nChar )
    case 'S':
            float LogYPos = logf( CameraY );
            LogYPos -= LogMoveSpeed;
            g_CameraPos.y = max( 0.001f, expf( LogYPos ) );
    case 'W':
            float LogYPos = logf( CameraY );
            LogYPos += LogMoveSpeed;
            g_CameraPos.y = expf( LogYPos );
    case VK_LEFT:
        g_CameraPos.x += LinearMoveSpeed;
    case VK_RIGHT:
        g_CameraPos.x -= LinearMoveSpeed;
    case VK_UP:
        g_CameraPos.z -= LinearMoveSpeed;
    case VK_DOWN:
        g_CameraPos.z += LinearMoveSpeed;
    case VK_BACK:
        g_pInspectionTexture = NULL;
    case VK_PRIOR:
        if( g_InspectionSliceIndex > 0 )
    case VK_NEXT:
        if( g_pInspectionTexture != NULL )
            D3D11_TILED_TEXTURE2D_DESC TexDesc;
            g_pInspectionTexture->GetDesc( &TexDesc );
            g_InspectionSliceIndex = min( (INT)TexDesc.ArraySize - 1, g_InspectionSliceIndex + 1 );

예제 #22
float MessageLog::performUnaryOperation(float input) {
  return (input <= 0.0f) ? 0.0f : logf(input);
예제 #23
} rayseg_t;

/* turn those verbose intrinsics into something readable. */
#define loadps(mem)		_mm_load_ps((const float * const)(mem))
#define storess(ss,mem)		_mm_store_ss((float * const)(mem),(ss))
#define minss			_mm_min_ss
#define maxss			_mm_max_ss
#define minps			_mm_min_ps
#define maxps			_mm_max_ps
#define mulps			_mm_mul_ps
#define subps			_mm_sub_ps

#define rotatelps(ps)		_mm_shuffle_ps((ps),(ps), 0x39)	/* a,b,c,d -> b,c,d,a */
#define muxhps(low,high)	_mm_movehl_ps((low),(high))	/* low{a,b,c,d}|high{e,f,g,h} = {c,d,g,h} */

static const float float_plus_inf = -logf(0); /* let's keep C and C++ compilers happy. */
static const float _MM_ALIGN16
ps_cst_plus_inf[4] =
{ float_plus_inf, float_plus_inf, float_plus_inf, float_plus_inf },
    ps_cst_minus_inf[4] = {
        -float_plus_inf, -float_plus_inf, -float_plus_inf, -float_plus_inf};

inline bool ray_box_intersect(const box_t & b, const ray_t & ray, rayseg_t & rs) {
    /* you may already have those values hanging around somewhere */
    const __m128
        plus_inf = loadps(ps_cst_plus_inf), minus_inf = loadps(ps_cst_minus_inf);

    /* use whatever's apropriate to load. */
    const __m128
        box_min = loadps(&b.min), box_max = loadps(&b.max), pos =
        loadps(&ray.pos), inv_dir = loadps(&ray.inv_dir);
myIDirectDraw2::myIDirectDraw2(IDirectDraw2 * aOriginal)
  logf("myIDirectDraw2 ctor\n");
  mOriginal = aOriginal;
예제 #25
파일: Mvofz.c 프로젝트: krushev36/src
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    int n, n1, n2, i1, i2;
    float g, s, v0, v, x, z, a, d1, d2, o1, o2;
    float **vel, **time;
    bool intime;
    sf_file out;

    sf_init (argc,argv);
    out = sf_output("out");

    if (!sf_getint("n1",&n1)) {
        /* vertical samples */
        if (!sf_getint("n",&n)) sf_error("Need n=");
        /* number of samples */
        n1 = n+1;
    if (!sf_getint("n2",&n2)) {
        /* horizontal samples */
        if (!sf_getint("n",&n)) sf_error("Need n=");
        /* number of samples */
        n2 = 2*n+1;
    if (!sf_getfloat("g",&g)) g = 1.;
    /* velocity gradient */
    if (!sf_getfloat("v0",&v0)) v0 = 0.5;
    /* initial velocity */
    if (!sf_getfloat("s",&s)) s = 0.5;
    /* shot location at the surface */

    if (!sf_getfloat("d1",&d1)) d1 = 0.5/(n1-1);
    /* vertical sampling */
    if (!sf_getfloat("d2",&d2)) d2 = 1./(n2-1);
    /* horizontal sampling */
    if (!sf_getfloat("o1",&o1)) o1 = 0.;
    /* vertical origin */
    if (!sf_getfloat("o2",&o2)) o2 = 0.;
    /* horizontal origin */

    if (!sf_getbool("intime",&intime)) intime = false;
    /* if in vertical time coordinates */

    a = 0.5*g*g/v0;


    vel = sf_floatalloc2 (n1,n2);
    time = sf_floatalloc2 (n1,n2);

    for (i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++) {
        x = o2+i2*d2 - s;
        x = x*x;
        for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++) {
            z = o1+i1*d1;
            if (intime) z = v0*(expf(g*z)-1.)/g;

            v = v0 + g*z;
            z = 1. + a*(z*z+x)/v;
            vel[i2][i1] = v;
            time[i2][i1] = fabsf(logf(z + sqrtf(z*z-1.))/g);

    sf_floatwrite(vel[0], n1*n2,out);

    exit (0);
  logf("myIDirectDraw2 dtor\n");
예제 #27
float log2f( float n )
	// logb (x) = (loga(x)) / (loga(B))
	return logf(n) / logf(2);
예제 #28
파일: jnf.c 프로젝트: saltstar/smartnix
float jnf(int n, float x) {
    uint32_t ix;
    int nm1, sign, i;
    float a, b, temp;

    GET_FLOAT_WORD(ix, x);
    sign = ix >> 31;
    ix &= 0x7fffffff;
    if (ix > 0x7f800000) /* nan */
        return x;

    /* J(-n,x) = J(n,-x), use |n|-1 to avoid overflow in -n */
    if (n == 0)
        return j0f(x);
    if (n < 0) {
        nm1 = -(n + 1);
        x = -x;
        sign ^= 1;
    } else
        nm1 = n - 1;
    if (nm1 == 0)
        return j1f(x);

    sign &= n; /* even n: 0, odd n: signbit(x) */
    x = fabsf(x);
    if (ix == 0 || ix == 0x7f800000) /* if x is 0 or inf */
        b = 0.0f;
    else if (nm1 < x) {
        /* Safe to use J(n+1,x)=2n/x *J(n,x)-J(n-1,x) */
        a = j0f(x);
        b = j1f(x);
        for (i = 0; i < nm1;) {
            temp = b;
            b = b * (2.0f * i / x) - a;
            a = temp;
    } else {
        if (ix < 0x35800000) { /* x < 2**-20 */
                               /* x is tiny, return the first Taylor expansion of J(n,x)
                                * J(n,x) = 1/n!*(x/2)^n  - ...
            if (nm1 > 8)       /* underflow */
                nm1 = 8;
            temp = 0.5f * x;
            b = temp;
            a = 1.0f;
            for (i = 2; i <= nm1 + 1; i++) {
                a *= (float)i; /* a = n! */
                b *= temp;     /* b = (x/2)^n */
            b = b / a;
        } else {
            /* use backward recurrence */
            /*                      x      x^2      x^2
             *  J(n,x)/J(n-1,x) =  ----   ------   ------   .....
             *                      2n  - 2(n+1) - 2(n+2)
             *                      1      1        1
             *  (for large x)   =  ----  ------   ------   .....
             *                      2n   2(n+1)   2(n+2)
             *                      -- - ------ - ------ -
             *                       x     x         x
             * Let w = 2n/x and h=2/x, then the above quotient
             * is equal to the continued fraction:
             *                  1
             *      = -----------------------
             *                     1
             *         w - -----------------
             *                        1
             *              w+h - ---------
             *                     w+2h - ...
             * To determine how many terms needed, let
             * Q(0) = w, Q(1) = w(w+h) - 1,
             * Q(k) = (w+k*h)*Q(k-1) - Q(k-2),
             * When Q(k) > 1e4      good for single
             * When Q(k) > 1e9      good for double
             * When Q(k) > 1e17     good for quadruple
            /* determine k */
            float t, q0, q1, w, h, z, tmp, nf;
            int k;

            nf = nm1 + 1.0f;
            w = 2 * nf / x;
            h = 2 / x;
            z = w + h;
            q0 = w;
            q1 = w * z - 1.0f;
            k = 1;
            while (q1 < 1.0e4f) {
                k += 1;
                z += h;
                tmp = z * q1 - q0;
                q0 = q1;
                q1 = tmp;
            for (t = 0.0f, i = k; i >= 0; i--)
                t = 1.0f / (2 * (i + nf) / x - t);
            a = t;
            b = 1.0f;
            /*  estimate log((2/x)^n*n!) = n*log(2/x)+n*ln(n)
             *  Hence, if n*(log(2n/x)) > ...
             *  single 8.8722839355e+01
             *  double 7.09782712893383973096e+02
             *  long double 1.1356523406294143949491931077970765006170e+04
             *  then recurrent value may overflow and the result is
             *  likely underflow to zero
            tmp = nf * logf(fabsf(w));
            if (tmp < 88.721679688f) {
                for (i = nm1; i > 0; i--) {
                    temp = b;
                    b = 2.0f * i * b / x - a;
                    a = temp;
            } else {
                for (i = nm1; i > 0; i--) {
                    temp = b;
                    b = 2.0f * i * b / x - a;
                    a = temp;
                    /* scale b to avoid spurious overflow */
                    if (b > 0x1p60f) {
                        a /= b;
                        t /= b;
                        b = 1.0f;
            z = j0f(x);
            w = j1f(x);
            if (fabsf(z) >= fabsf(w))
                b = t * z / b;
                b = t * w / a;
    return sign ? -b : b;
예제 #29
 inline float operator()(const float& x, const float& y) const
   return logf(x)/logf(y); 
예제 #30
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Title::setTitle ( Xml *xml, Words *words, int32_t maxTitleLen, Query *query,
                       LinkInfo *linkInfo, Url *firstUrl, const char *filteredRootTitleBuf, int32_t filteredRootTitleBufSize,
                       uint8_t contentType, uint8_t langId, int32_t niceness ) {
	// make Msg20.cpp faster if it is just has
	// Msg20Request::m_setForLinkInfo set to true, no need to extricate a title.
	if ( maxTitleLen <= 0 ) {
		return true;

	m_niceness = niceness;
	m_maxTitleLen = maxTitleLen;

	// if this is too big the "first line" algo can be huge!!!
	// and really slow everything way down with a huge title candidate
	int32_t maxTitleWords = 128;

	// assume no title

	int32_t NW = words->getNumWords();

	// now get all the candidates

	// . allow up to 100 title CANDIDATES
	// . "as" is the word # of the first word in the candidate
	// . "bs" is the word # of the last word IN the candidate PLUS ONE
	int32_t n = 0;
	int32_t as[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t bs[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float scores[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	Words *cptrs[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t types[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t parent[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];

	// record the scoring algos effects
	float  baseScore        [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  noCapsBoost      [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  qtermsBoost      [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  inCommonCandBoost[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];

	// reset these
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ; i++ ) {
		// assume no parent
		parent[i] = -1;

	// xml and words class for each link info, rss item
	int32_t  ti = 0;

	// restrict how many link texts and rss blobs we check for titles
	// because title recs like www.google.com have hundreds and can
	// really slow things down to like 50ms for title generation
	int32_t kcount = 0;
	int32_t rcount = 0;

	//int64_t x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// . get every link text
	// . TODO: repeat for linkInfo2, the imported link text
	for ( Inlink *k = NULL; linkInfo && (k = linkInfo->getNextInlink(k)) ; ) {
		// breathe
		// fast skip check for link text
		if ( k->size_linkText >= 3 && ++kcount >= 20 ) continue;
		// fast skip check for rss item
		if ( k->size_rssItem > 10 && ++rcount >= 20 ) continue;

		// set Url
		Url u;
		u.set( k->getUrl(), k->size_urlBuf );

		// is it the same host as us?
		bool sh = true;

		// skip if not from same host and should be
		if ( firstUrl->getHostLen() != u.getHostLen() ) {
			sh = false;

		// skip if not from same host and should be
		if ( strncmp( firstUrl->getHost(), u.getHost(), u.getHostLen() ) ) {
			sh = false;

		// get the link text
		if ( k->size_linkText >= 3 ) {
			char *p    = k->getLinkText();
			int32_t  plen = k->size_linkText - 1;
			if ( ! verifyUtf8 ( p , plen ) ) {
				log("title: set4 bad link text from url=%s", k->getUrl());

			// now the words.
			if ( !tw[ti].set( k->getLinkText(), k->size_linkText - 1, true, 0 ) ) {
				return false;

			// set the bookends, it is the whole thing
			cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
			as      [n] = 0;
			bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
			// score higher if same host
			if ( sh ) scores[n] = 1.05;
			// do not count so high if remote!
			else      scores[n] = 0.80;
			// set the type
			if ( sh ) types [n] = TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL;
			else      types [n] = TT_LINKTEXTREMOTE;
			// another candidate
			// use xml and words
			// break out if too many already. save some for below.
			if ( n + 30 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) break;
		// get the rss item
		if ( k->size_rssItem <= 10 ) continue;
		// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
		// . use a 0 for niceness
		if ( ! k->setXmlFromRSS ( &tx[ti] , 0 ) ) return false;
		// get the word range
		int32_t tslen;
		bool isHtmlEnc;
		char *ts = tx[ti].getRSSTitle ( &tslen , &isHtmlEnc );
		// skip if not in the rss
		if ( ! ts ) continue;
		// skip if empty
		if ( tslen <= 0 ) continue;
		// now set words to that
		if ( !tw[ti].set( ts, tslen, true, 0 ) ) {
			return false;

		// point to that
		cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
		as      [n] = 0;
		bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
		// increment since we are using it
		// base score for rss title
		if ( sh ) scores[n] = 5.0;
		// if not same host, treat like link text
		else      scores[n] = 2.0;
		// set the type
		if ( sh ) types [n] = TT_RSSITEMLOCAL;
		else      types [n] = TT_RSSITEMREMOTE;
		// advance
		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 30 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) break;

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took1=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// . set the flags array
	// . indicates what words are in title candidates already, but
	//   that is set below
	// . up here we set words that are not allowed to be in candidates,
	//   like words that are in a link that is not a self link
	// . alloc for it
	char *flags = NULL;
	char localBuf[10000];

	int32_t  need = words->getNumWords();
	if ( need <= 10000 ) {
		flags = (char *)localBuf;
	} else {
		flags = (char *)mmalloc(need,"TITLEflags");

	if ( ! flags ) {
		return false;

	// clear it
	memset ( flags , 0 , need );

	// check tags in body
	nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds();

	// scan to set link text flags
	// loop over all "words" in the html body
	char inLink   = false;
	char selfLink = false;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < NW ; i++ ) {
		// breathe

		// if in a link that is not self link, cannot be in a candidate
		if ( inLink && ! selfLink ) {
			flags[i] |= 0x02;

		// out of a link
		if ( tids[i] == (TAG_A | BACKBIT) ) {
			inLink = false;

		// if not start of <a> tag, skip it
		if ( tids[i] != TAG_A ) {

		// flag it
		inLink = true;

		// get the node in the xml
		int32_t xn = words->getNodes()[i];

		// is it a self link?
		int32_t len;
		char *link = xml->getString(xn,"href",&len);

		// . set the url class to this
		// . TODO: use the base url in the doc
		Url u;
		u.set( link, len, true, false );

		// compare
		selfLink = u.equals ( firstUrl );

		// skip if not selfLink
		if ( ! selfLink ) {

		// if it is a selflink , check for an "onClick" tag in the
		// anchor tag to fix that Mixx issue for:
		// http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5417137

		int32_t  oclen;
		char *oc = xml->getString(xn,"onclick",&oclen);

		if ( ! oc ) {
			oc = xml->getString(xn,"onClick",&oclen);

		// assume not a self link if we see that...
		if ( oc ) {
			selfLink = false;

		// if this <a href> link has a "title" attribute, use that
		// instead! that thing is solid gold.
		int32_t  atlen;
		char *atitle = xml->getString(xn,"title",&atlen);

		// stop and use that, this thing is gold!
		if ( ! atitle || atlen <= 0 ) {

		// craziness? ignore it...
		if ( atlen > 400 ) {

		// if it contains permanent, permalink or share, ignore it!
		if ( strncasestr ( atitle, "permalink", atlen ) ||
		     strncasestr ( atitle,"permanent", atlen) ||
		     strncasestr ( atitle,"share", atlen) ) {

		// do not count the link text as viable
		selfLink = false;

		// aw, dammit
		if ( ti >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

		// other dammit
		if ( n >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

		// ok, process it
		if ( ! tw[ti].set ( atitle, atlen, true, 0 )) {
			return false;

		// set the bookends, it is the whole thing
		cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
		as      [n] = 0;
		bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
		scores  [n] = 3.0; // not ALWAYS solid gold!
		types   [n] = TT_TITLEATT;

		// we are using the words class

		// advance

		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 20 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took2=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	//int64_t *wids = WW->getWordIds();
	// . find the last positive scoring guy
	// . do not consider title candidates after "r" if "r" is non-zero
	// . FIXES http://larvatusprodeo.net/2009/01/07/partisanship-politics-and-participation/

	// the candidate # of the title tag
	int32_t tti = -1;

	// allow up to 4 tags from each type
	char table[512];

	// sanity check
	if ( getNumXmlNodes() > 512 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }

	// clear table counts
	memset ( table , 0 , 512 );

	// the first word
	char *wstart = NULL;
	if ( NW > 0 ) {
		wstart = words->getWord(0);

	// loop over all "words" in the html body
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < NW ; i++ ) {
		// come back up here if we encounter another "title-ish" tag
		// within our first alleged "title-ish" tag
		// stop after 30k of text
		if ( words->getWord(i) - wstart > 200000 ) {
			break; // 1106

		// get the tag id minus the back tag bit
		nodeid_t tid = tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP;

		// pen up and pen down for these comment like tags
		if ( tid == TAG_SCRIPT || tid == TAG_STYLE ) {
			// ignore "titles" in script or style tags
			if ( ! (tids[i] & BACKBIT) ) {

		/// @todo ALC we should allow more tags than just link
		// skip if not a good tag. we're already checking for title tag in Title::setTitleFromTags
		if (tid != TAG_A) {

		// must NOT be a back tag
		if ( tids[i] & BACKBIT ) {

		// skip if we hit our limit
		if ( table[tid] >= 4 ) {

		// skip over tag/word #i

		// no words in links, unless it is a self link
		if ( i < NW && (flags[i] & 0x02) ) {

		// the start should be here
		int32_t start = -1;

		// do not go too far
		int32_t max = i + 200;

		// find the corresponding back tag for it
		for (  ; i < NW && i < max ; i++ ) {
			// hey we got it, BUT we got no alnum word first
			// so the thing was empty, so loop back to subloop
			if ( (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == tid  &&   
			     (tids[i] & BACKBIT    ) && 
			     start == -1 ) {
				goto subloop;

			// if we hit another title-ish tag, loop back up
			if ( (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_TITLE || (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_A ) {
				// if no alnum text, restart at the top
				if ( start == -1 ) {
					goto subloop;

				// otherwise, break out and see if title works

			// if we hit a breaking tag...
			if ( isBreakingTagId ( tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP ) &&
			     // do not consider <span> tags breaking for 
			     // our purposes. i saw a <h1><span> setup before.
			     tids[i] != TAG_SPAN ) {

			// skip if not alnum word
			if ( ! words->isAlnum(i) ) {

			// if we hit an alnum word, break out
			if ( start == -1 ) {
				start = i;

		// if no start was found, must have had a 0 score in there
		if ( start == -1 ) {

		// if we exhausted the doc, we are done
		if ( i >= NW ) {

		// skip if way too big!
		if ( i >= max ) {

		// if was too long do not consider a title
		if ( i - start > 300 ) {

		// . skip if too many bytes
		// . this does not include the length of word #i, but #(i-1)
		if ( words->getStringSize ( start , i ) > 1000 ) {

		// count it

		// max it out if we are positive scoring. stop after the
		// first positive scoring guy in a section. this might
		// hurt the "Hamlet" thing though...

		// store a point to the title tag guy. Msg20.cpp needs this
		// because the zak's proximity algo uses it in Summary.cpp
		// and in Msg20.cpp

		// only get the first one! often the 2nd on is in an iframe!! which we now expand into here.
		if ( tid == TAG_TITLE && m_titleTagStart == -1 ) {
			m_titleTagStart = start;
			m_titleTagEnd   = i;

			// save the candidate # because we always use this
			// as the title if we are a root
			if ( tti < 0 ) {
				tti = n;

		// point to words class of the body that was passed in to us
		cptrs[n] = words;
		as[n] = start;
		bs[n] = i;
		if ( tid == TAG_B ) {
			types[n] = TT_BOLDTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H1 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.8;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H2 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.7;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H3 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.6;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_TITLE ) {
			types[n] = TT_TITLETAG;
			scores[n] = 3.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_DIV ) {
			types[n] = TT_DIVTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_TD ) {
			types[n] = TT_TDTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_P ) {
			types[n] = TT_PTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_FONT ) {
			types[n] = TT_FONTTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_A ) {
			types[n] = TT_ATAG;
			// . self link is very powerful BUT
			//   http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5417137
			//   doesn't use it right! so use
			//   1.3 instead of 3.0. that has an "onClick" thing in the
			//   <a> tag, so check for that!
			// this was bad for
			// http://www.spiritualwoman.net/?cat=191
			// so i am demoting from 3.0 to 1.5
			scores[n] = 1.5;

		// count it

		// start loop over at tag #i, for loop does an i++, so negate
		// that so this will work

		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 10 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took3=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// to handle text documents, throw in the first line of text
	// as a title candidate, just make the score really low
	bool textDoc = (contentType == CT_UNKNOWN || contentType == CT_TEXT);

	if (textDoc) {
		// make "i" point to first alphabetical word in the document
		int32_t i ;

		for ( i = 0 ; i < NW && !words->isAlpha(i) ; i++);

		// if we got a first alphabetical word, then assume that to be the start of our title
		if ( i < NW && n < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {
			// first word in title is "t0"
			int32_t t0 = i;
			// find end of first line
			int32_t numWords = 0;

			// set i to the end now. we MUST find a \n to terminate the
			// title, otherwise we will not have a valid title
			while (i < NW && numWords < maxTitleWords && (words->isAlnum(i) || !words->hasChar(i, '\n'))) {
				if(words->isAlnum(i)) {


			// "t1" is the end
			int32_t t1 = -1;

			// we must have found our \n in order to set "t1"
			if (i <= NW && numWords < maxTitleWords ) {
				t1 = i;

			// set the ptrs
			cptrs   [n] =  words;

			// this is the last resort i guess...
			scores  [n] =  0.5;
			types   [n] =  TT_FIRSTLINE;
			as      [n] =  t0;
			bs      [n] =  t1;

			// add it as a candidate if t0 and t1 were valid
			if (t0 >= 0 && t1 > t0) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took4=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

		// now add the last url path to contain underscores or hyphens
		char *pstart = firstUrl->getPath();

		// get first url
		Url *fu = firstUrl;

		// start at the end
		char *p = fu->getUrl() + fu->getUrlLen();

		// end pointer
		char *pend = NULL;

		// come up here for each path component
		while ( p >= pstart ) {
			// save end
			pend = p;

			// skip over /
			if ( *p == '/' ) {

			// now go back to next /
			int32_t count = 0;
			for ( ; p >= pstart && *p !='/' ; p-- ) {
				if ( *p == '_' || *p == '-' ) {

			// did we get it?
			if ( count > 0 ) {

		// did we get any?
		if ( p > pstart && n < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {
			// now set words to that
			if ( ! tw[ti].set ( p, (pend - p), true, 0 )) {
				return false;

			// point to that
			cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
			as      [n] = 0;
			bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
			scores  [n] = 1.0;
			types   [n] = TT_URLPATH;

			// increment since we are using it

			// advance

	// save old n
	int32_t oldn = n;

	// . do not split titles if we are a root url maps.yahoo.com was getting "Maps" for the title
	if ( firstUrl->isRoot() ) {
		oldn = -2;

	// point to list of \0 separated titles
	const char *rootTitleBuf    = NULL;
	const char *rootTitleBufEnd = NULL;

	// get the root title if we are not root!
	if (filteredRootTitleBuf) {
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
		// point to list of \0 separated titles
		rootTitleBuf    = filteredRootTitleBuf;
		rootTitleBufEnd =  filteredRootTitleBuf + filteredRootTitleBufSize;

		// convert into an array
		int32_t nr = 0;
		const char *pr = rootTitleBuf;
		const char *rootTitles[20];
		int32_t  rootTitleLens[20];

		// loop over each root title segment
		for ( ; pr && pr < rootTitleBufEnd ; pr += strnlen(pr,rootTitleBufEnd-pr) + 1 ) {
			// if we had a query...
			if ( query ) {
				Matches m;

				m.setQuery ( query );

				// see if root title segment has query terms in it
				m.addMatches ( const_cast<char*>(pr), strnlen(pr,rootTitleBufEnd-pr), MF_TITLEGEN, m_niceness );

				// if matches query, do NOT add it, we only add it for
				// removing from the title of the page...
				if ( m.getNumMatches() ) {
			// point to it. it should start with an alnum already
			// since it is the "filtered" list of root titles...
			// if not, fix it in xmldoc then.
			rootTitles   [nr] = pr;
			rootTitleLens[nr] = strlen(pr);
			// advance
			// no breaching
			if ( nr >= 20 ) break;

		// now split up candidates in children candidates by tokenizing
		// using :, | and - as delimters.
		// the hyphen must have a space on at least one side, so "cd-rom" does
		// not create a pair of tokens...
		// FIX: for the title:
		// Best Careers 2009: Librarian - US News and World Report
		// we need to recognize "Best Careers 2009: Librarian" as a subtitle
		// otherwise we don't get it as the title. so my question is are we
		// going to have to do all the permutations at some point? for now
		// let's just add in pairs...
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < oldn && n + 3 < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ; i++ ) {
			// stop if no root title segments
			if ( nr <= 0 ) break;
			// get the word info
			Words *w = cptrs[i];
			int32_t   a = as[i];
			int32_t   b = bs[i];
			// init
			int32_t lasta = a;
			char prev  = false;
			// char length in bytes
			//int32_t charlen = 1;
			// see how many we add
			int32_t added = 0;
			char *skipTo = NULL;
			bool qualified = true;
			// . scan the words looking for a token
			// . sometimes the candidates end in ": " so put in "k < b-1"
			// . made this from k<b-1 to k<b to fix
			//   "Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) - IMDb" to strip IMDb
			for ( int32_t k = a ; k < b && n + 3 < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES; k++){
				// get word
				char *wp = w->getWord(k);
				// skip if not alnum
				if ( ! w->isAlnum(k) ) {
					// in order for next alnum word to
					// qualify for "clipping" if it matches
					// the root title, there has to be more
					// than just spaces here, some punct.
					// otherwise title
					// "T. D. Jakes: Biography from Answers.com"
					// becomes
					// "T. D. Jakes: Biography from"
				// gotta be qualified!
				if ( ! qualified ) continue;
				// skip if in root title
				if ( skipTo && wp < skipTo ) continue;
				// does this match any root page title segments?
				int32_t j;
				for ( j = 0 ; j < nr ; j++ ) {
					// . compare to root title
					// . break out if we matched!
					if ( ! strncmp( wp, rootTitles[j], rootTitleLens[j] ) ) {

				// if we did not match a root title segment,
				// keep on chugging
				if ( j >= nr ) continue;
				// . we got a root title match!
				// . skip over
				skipTo = wp + rootTitleLens[j];
				// must land on qualified punct then!!
				int32_t e = k+1;
				for ( ; e<b && w->getWord(e)<skipTo ; e++ );
				// ok, word #e must be a qualified punct
				if ( e<b &&
				     ! isWordQualified(w->getWord(e),w->getWordLen(e)))
					// assume no match then!!
				// if we had a previous guy, reset the end of the
				// previous candidate
				if ( prev ) {
					bs[n-2] = k;
					bs[n-1] = k;
				// . ok, we got two more candidates
				// . well, only one more if this is not the 1st time
				if ( ! prev ) {
					cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
					scores  [n] = scores  [i];
					types   [n] = types   [i];
					as      [n] = lasta;
					bs      [n] = k;
					parent  [n] = i;
				// the 2nd one
				cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
				scores  [n] = scores  [i];
				types   [n] = types   [i];
				as      [n] = e + 1;
				bs      [n] = bs      [i];
				parent  [n] = i;

				// now add in the last pair as a whole token
				cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
				scores  [n] = scores  [i];
				types   [n] = types   [i];
				as      [n] = lasta;
				bs      [n] = bs      [i];
				parent  [n] = i;

				// nuke the current candidate then since it got
				// split up to not contain the root title...
				//cptrs[i] = NULL;

				// update this
				lasta = k+1;

				// if we encounter another delimeter we will have to revise bs[n-1], so note that
				prev = true;

			// nuke the current candidate then since it got
			// split up to not contain the root title...
			if ( added ) {
				scores[i] = 0.001;
				//cptrs[i] = NULL;

			// erase the pair if that there was only one token
			if ( added == 3 ) n--;

	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) baseScore[i] = scores[i];
	// . now punish by 0.85 for every lower case non-stop word it has
	// . reward by 1.1 if has a non-stopword in the query
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// point to the words
		Words *w = cptrs[i];

		// skip if got nuked above
		if ( ! w ) {

		// the word ptrs
		char **wptrs = w->getWordPtrs();

		// skip if empty
		if ( w->getNumWords() <= 0 ) {

		// get the word boundaries
		int32_t a = as[i];
		int32_t b = bs[i];

		// record the boosts
		float ncb = 1.0;
		float qtb = 1.0;

		// a flag
		char uncapped = false;

		// scan the words in this title candidate
		for ( int32_t j = a ; j < b ; j++ ) {
			// skip stop words
			if ( w->isQueryStopWord( j, langId ) ) {

			// punish if uncapitalized non-stopword
			if ( ! w->isCapitalized(j) ) {
				uncapped = true;

			// skip if no query
			if ( ! query ) {

			int64_t wid = w->getWordId(j);

			// reward if in the query
			if ( query->getWordNum(wid) >= 0 ) {
				qtb       *= 1.5;
				scores[i] *= 1.5;

		// . only punish once if missing a capitalized word hurts us for:
		//   http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/current/match/351682.html
		if ( uncapped ) {
			ncb *= 1.00;
			scores[i] *= 1.00;

		// punish if a http:// title thingy
		char *s = wptrs[a];
		int32_t size = w->getStringSize(a,b);
		if ( size > 9 && memcmp("http://", s, 7) == 0 ) {
			ncb *= .10;
		if ( size > 14 && memcmp("h\0t\0t\0p\0:\0/\0/", s, 14) == 0 ) {
			ncb *= .10;

		// set these guys
		scores[i] *= ncb;

		noCapsBoost[i]  = ncb;
		qtermsBoost[i]  = qtb;

	// . now compare each candidate to the other candidates
	// . give a boost if matches
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// point to the words
		Words *w1 = cptrs[i];

		// skip if got nuked above
		if ( ! w1 ) {

		int32_t a1 = as[i];
		int32_t b1 = bs[i];

		// reset some flags
		char localFlag1 = 0;
		char localFlag2 = 0;

		// record the boost
		float iccb = 1.0;

		// total boost
		float total = 1.0;

		// to each other candidate
		for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
			// not to ourselves
			if ( j == i ) {

			// or our derivatives
			if ( parent[j] == i ) {

			// or derivates to their parent
			if ( parent[i] == j ) {

			// only check parents now. do not check kids.
			// this was only for when doing percent contained
			// not getSimilarity() per se
			//if ( parent[j] != -1 ) continue;

			// TODO: do not accumulate boosts from a parent
			// and its kids, subtitles...
			// do not compare type X to type Y
			if ( types[i] == TT_TITLETAG ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_TITLETAG ) {

			// do not compare a div candidate to another div cand
			// http://friendfeed.com/foxiewire?start=30
			// likewise, a TD to another TD
			// http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/match/351681.html
			// ... etc.
			if ( types[i] == TT_BOLDTAG ||
			     types[i] == TT_HTAG    ||
			     types[i] == TT_DIVTAG  ||
			     types[i] == TT_TDTAG   ||
			     types[i] == TT_FONTTAG    ) {
				if ( types[j] == types[i] ) continue;
			// . do not compare one kid to another kid
			// . i.e. if we got "x | y" as a title and "x | z"
			//   as a link text, it will emphasize "x" too much
			//   http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/current/match/351682.html
			if ( parent[j] != -1 && parent[i] != -1 ) continue;

			// . body type tags are mostly mutually exclusive
			// . for the legacy.com url mentioned below, we have
			//   good stuff in <td> tags, so this hurts us...
			// . but for the sake of 
			//   http://larvatusprodeo.net/2009/01/07/partisanship-politics-and-participation/
			//   i put bold tags back

			if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) continue;
			if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL ) continue;

			// only compare to one local link text for each i
			if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL && localFlag1 ) {
			if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL  && localFlag2 ) {
			if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) {
				localFlag1 = 1;
			if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL  ) {
				localFlag2 = 1;

			// not link title attr to link title attr either
			// fixes http://www.spiritualwoman.net/?cat=191
			if ( types[i] == TT_TITLEATT &&
			     types[j] == TT_TITLEATT )

			// get our words
			Words *w2 = cptrs[j];

			// skip if got nuked above
			if ( ! w2 ) continue;
			int32_t   a2 = as   [j];
			int32_t   b2 = bs   [j];

			// how similar is title #i to title #j ?
			float fp = getSimilarity ( w2 , a2 , b2 , w1 , a1 , b1 );

			// error?
			if ( fp == -1.0 ) return false;

			// custom boosting...
			float boost = 1.0;
			if      ( fp >= .95 ) boost = 3.0;
			else if ( fp >= .90 ) boost = 2.0;
			else if ( fp >= .85 ) boost = 1.5;
			else if ( fp >= .80 ) boost = 1.4;
			else if ( fp >= .75 ) boost = 1.3;
			else if ( fp >= .70 ) boost = 1.2;
			else if ( fp >= .60 ) boost = 1.1;
			else if ( fp >= .50 ) boost = 1.08;
			else if ( fp >= .40 ) boost = 1.04;

			// limit total
			total *= boost;
			if ( total > 100.0 ) break;
			// if you are matching the url path, that is pretty 
			// good so give more!
			// actually, that would hurt:
			// http://michellemalkin.com/2008/12/29/gag-worthy/

			// custom boosting!
			if ( fp > 0.0 && g_conf.m_logDebugTitle )
				logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: i=%" PRId32" j=%" PRId32" fp=%.02f "
				     "b=%.02f", i,j,fp,boost);
			// apply it
			scores[i] *= boost;

			iccb      *= boost;

		inCommonCandBoost[i] = iccb;

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took7=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// loop over all n candidates
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// skip if not in the document body
		if ( cptrs[i] != words ) continue;
		// point to the words
		int32_t       a1    = as   [i];
		int32_t       b1    = bs   [i];

		// . loop through this candidates words
		// . TODO: use memset here?
		for ( int32_t j = a1 ; j <= b1 && j < NW ; j++ ) {
			// flag it
			flags[j] |= 0x01;

	// free our stuff
	if ( flags!=localBuf ) {
		mfree (flags, need, "TITLEflags");

	// now get the highest scoring candidate title
	float max    = -1.0;
	int32_t  winner = -1;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// skip if got nuked
		if ( ! cptrs[i] ) {

		if ( winner != -1 && scores[i] <= max ) {

		// url path's cannot be titles in and of themselves
		if ( types[i] == TT_URLPATH ) {

		// skip if empty basically, like if title was exact
		// copy of root, then the whole thing got nuked and
		// some empty string added, where a > b
		if ( as[i] >= bs[i] ) {

		// got one
		max = scores[i];

		// save it
		winner = i;

	// if we are a root, always pick the title tag as the title
	if ( oldn == -2 && tti >= 0 ) {
		winner = tti;

	// if no winner, all done. no title
	if ( winner == -1 ) {
		// last resort use file name
		if ((contentType == CT_PDF) && (firstUrl->getFilenameLen() != 0)) {
			Words w;
			w.set(firstUrl->getFilename(), firstUrl->getFilenameLen(), true);
			if (!copyTitle(&w, 0, w.getNumWords())) {
				return false;
		return true;

	// point to the words class of the winner
	Words *w = cptrs[winner];
	// skip if got nuked above
	if ( ! w ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }

	// need to make our own Pos class if title not from body
	Pos  tp;
	if ( w != words ) {
		// set "Scores" ptr to NULL. we assume all are positive scores
		if ( ! tp.set ( w ) ) {
			return false;

	// the string ranges from word #a up to and including word #b
	int32_t a = as[winner];
	int32_t b = bs[winner];
	// sanity check
	if ( a < 0 || b > w->getNumWords() ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }

	// save the title
	if ( ! copyTitle(w, a, b) ) {
		return false;

	// debug logging
	SafeBuf sb;
	SafeBuf *pbuf = &sb;

	log("title: candidates for %s",xd->getFirstUrl()->getUrl() );

	pbuf->safePrintf("<div stype=\"border:1px solid black\">");
	pbuf->safePrintf("<b>***Finding Title***</b><br>\n");

	pbuf->safePrintf("<table cellpadding=5 border=2><tr>"
			 "<td colspan=20><center><b>Title Generation</b>"
			 "<td>base score</td>"
			 "<td>format penalty</td>"
			 "<td>query term boost</td>"
			 "<td>candidate intersection boost</td>"
			 "<td>FINAL SCORE</td>"
			 "</tr>\n" );

	// print out all candidates
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		char *ts = "unknown";
		if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL  ) ts = "local inlink text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTREMOTE ) ts = "remote inlink text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL   ) ts = "local rss title";
		if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMREMOTE  ) ts = "remote rss title";
		if ( types[i] == TT_BOLDTAG        ) ts = "bold tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_HTAG           ) ts = "header tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TITLETAG       ) ts = "title tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_FIRSTLINE      ) ts = "first line in text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_FONTTAG        ) ts = "font tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_ATAG           ) ts = "anchor tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_DIVTAG         ) ts = "div tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TDTAG          ) ts = "td tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_PTAG           ) ts = "p tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_URLPATH        ) ts = "url path";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TITLEATT       ) ts = "title attribute";
		// get the title
				 "<td>#%" PRId32"</td>"
				 "<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
				 "<td>%0.2f</td>" // baseScore
				 ts ,
		// ptrs
		Words *w = cptrs[i];
		int32_t   a = as[i];
		int32_t   b = bs[i];
		// skip if no words
		if ( w->getNumWords() <= 0 ) continue;
		// the word ptrs
		char **wptrs = w->getWordPtrs();
		// string ptrs
		char *ptr  = wptrs[a];//w->getWord(a);
		int32_t  size = w->getStringSize(a,b);
		// it is utf8
		pbuf->safeMemcpy ( ptr , size );
		// end the line


	// log these for now
	log("title: %s",sb.getBufStart());

	return true;
