static void srvlisten_rtmplive_proc(void *pArg) { SRV_LISTENER_CFG_T *pListenCfg = (SRV_LISTENER_CFG_T *) pArg; NETIO_SOCK_T netsocksrv; struct sockaddr_in sa; int rc = 0; char buf[SAFE_INET_NTOA_LEN_MAX]; logutil_tid_add(pthread_self(), pListenCfg->tid_tag); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); memset(&netsocksrv, 0, sizeof(netsocksrv)); sa.sin_family = PF_INET; sa.sin_addr = pListenCfg->sain.sin_addr; sa.sin_port = pListenCfg->sain.sin_port; netsocksrv.flags = pListenCfg->netflags; if((NETIOSOCK_FD(netsocksrv) = net_listen(&sa, 5)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&pListenCfg->mtx); pListenCfg->pnetsockSrv = &netsocksrv; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pListenCfg->mtx); LOG(X_INFO("rtmp %sserver available at rtmp://%s:%d max:%d"), ((pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS) ? "(SSL) " : ""), net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf), ntohs(sa.sin_port), pListenCfg->max); // // Service any client connections on the live listening port // rc = srvlisten_loop(pListenCfg, srv_rtmp_proc); pthread_mutex_lock(&pListenCfg->mtx); pListenCfg->pnetsockSrv = NULL; netio_closesocket(&netsocksrv); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pListenCfg->mtx); LOG(X_WARNING("rtmp listener thread exiting with code: %d"), rc); logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); return; }
void logutil_tid_test() { logutil_tid_init(); fprintf(stderr, "ADD %d\n", logutil_tid_add(1, "one")); fprintf(stderr, "ADD %d\n", logutil_tid_add(2, "two")); fprintf(stderr, "REMOVE%d\n", logutil_tid_remove(1)); fprintf(stderr, "ADD %d\n", logutil_tid_add(3, "three")); fprintf(stderr, "ADD %d\n", logutil_tid_add(4, "four")); fprintf(stderr, "LOOKUP 4 '%s'\n", logutil_tid_lookup(4)); fprintf(stderr, "LOOKUP 3 '%s'\n", logutil_tid_lookup(3)); logutil_tid_dump(); }
static void capture_send_dummy_frames_proc(void *pArg) { CAP_SEND_DUMMY_FRAMES_CTXT_T *pCtxt = (CAP_SEND_DUMMY_FRAMES_CTXT_T *) pArg; CAP_SEND_DUMMY_FRAMES_CTXT_T ctxt; memcpy(&ctxt, pCtxt, sizeof(ctxt)); *ctxt.prunning = STREAMER_STATE_RUNNING; logutil_tid_add(pthread_self(), ctxt.tid_tag); capture_send_dummy_frames(&ctxt); *ctxt.prunning = STREAMER_STATE_FINISHED; logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); }
void thread_func_wrapper(void *pArg) { THREAD_FUNC_WRAPPER_ARG_T wrap; char tmp[128]; int rc = 0; memcpy(&wrap, pArg, sizeof(THREAD_FUNC_WRAPPER_ARG_T)); ((THREAD_FUNC_WRAPPER_ARG_T *)pArg)->flags = 0; logutil_tid_add(pthread_self(), wrap.tid_tag); //pthread_cond_broadcast(((THREAD_FUNC_WRAPPER_ARG_T *) pArg)->pcond); //fprintf(stderr, "%u THREAD_FUNC pConn:0x%x inuse:%d\n", pthread_self(), wrap.pConn, wrap.pConn->pool.inuse); // // Handle any SSL handshaking on the connection thread, to avoid blocking the accept loop // if((wrap.pConn->sd.netsocket.flags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS)) { if((rc = netio_acceptssl(&wrap.pConn->sd.netsocket)) < 0) { LOG(X_ERROR("Closing non-SSL connection on port %d from %s:%d"), htons(INET_PORT(wrap.pConn->pListenCfg->sa)), FORMAT_NETADDR(wrap.pConn->, tmp, sizeof(tmp)), htons(INET_PORT(wrap.pConn->; } } if(rc == 0) { // // Call the wrapper's thread procedure // wrap.thread_func(wrap.pConn); } //fprintf(stderr, "%d THREAD_FUNC DONE pConn:0x%x inuse:%d\n", pthread_self(), wrap.pConn, wrap.pConn->pool.inuse); netio_closesocket(&wrap.pConn->sd.netsocket); pool_return(wrap.pConnPool, &wrap.pConn->pool); logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); //fprintf(stderr, "%u THREAD_FUNC DONE pConn:0x%x inuse:%d\n", pthread_self(), wrap.pConn, wrap.pConn->pool.inuse); }
static void srvlisten_media_proc(void *pArg) { SRV_LISTENER_CFG_T *pListenCfg = (SRV_LISTENER_CFG_T *) pArg; NETIO_SOCK_T netsocksrv; struct sockaddr_storage sa; CLIENT_CONN_T *pConnTmp; char tmp[128]; char bufses[32]; const int backlog = NET_BACKLOG_DEFAULT; unsigned int tsMax = 0; unsigned int flvMax = 0; unsigned int mkvMax = 0; unsigned int rtmpMax = 0; unsigned int rtspMax = 0; int haveAuth = 0; int haveRtmpAuth = 0; int haveRtspAuth = 0; int haveToken = 0; int rc = 0; logutil_tid_add(pthread_self(), pListenCfg->tid_tag); if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & (URL_CAP_TSLIVE | URL_CAP_TSHTTPLIVE | URL_CAP_FLVLIVE | URL_CAP_MKVLIVE | URL_CAP_LIVE | URL_CAP_STATUS | URL_CAP_MOOFLIVE | URL_CAP_PIP | URL_CAP_CONFIG | URL_CAP_BROADCAST | URL_CAP_RTMPLIVE | URL_CAP_RTMPTLIVE | URL_CAP_RTSPLIVE)) == 0) { LOG(X_WARNING("Server listener exiting because no capabilities enabled on %s:%d"), FORMAT_NETADDR(pListenCfg->sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp)), ntohs(INET_PORT(pListenCfg->sa))); logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); return; } else if(!(pConnTmp = (CLIENT_CONN_T *) pListenCfg->pConnPool->pElements)) { return; } memset(&netsocksrv, 0, sizeof(netsocksrv)); memcpy(&sa, &pListenCfg->sa, sizeof(pListenCfg->sa)); netsocksrv.flags = pListenCfg->netflags; if((NETIOSOCK_FD(netsocksrv) = net_listen((const struct sockaddr *) &sa, backlog)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&pListenCfg->mtx); pListenCfg->pnetsockSrv = &netsocksrv; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pListenCfg->mtx); if(pListenCfg->pAuthStore && IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(pListenCfg->pAuthStore)) { haveAuth = 1; } if(pListenCfg->pAuthTokenId && pListenCfg->pAuthTokenId[0] != '\0') { haveToken = 1; } tsMax = pConnTmp->pStreamerCfg0->liveQs[0].max; flvMax = pConnTmp->pStreamerCfg0->action.liveFmts.out[STREAMER_OUTFMT_IDX_FLV].max; mkvMax = pConnTmp->pStreamerCfg0->action.liveFmts.out[STREAMER_OUTFMT_IDX_MKV].max; rtmpMax = pConnTmp->pStreamerCfg0->action.liveFmts.out[STREAMER_OUTFMT_IDX_RTMP].max; rtspMax = pConnTmp->pStreamerCfg0->pRtspSessions->max; if(HAVE_URL_CAP_RTMP(pListenCfg->urlCapabilities)) { if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConnTmp->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_RTMP].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { // // RTMP server streaming credentials not implemented // //haveRtmpAuth = 1; } LOG(X_INFO("rtmp %s%s available at "URL_RTMP_FMT_STR"%s max:%d"), ((pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_PLAINTEXT) && (pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS) ) ? "(SSL) " : ((pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS) ? "(SSL only) " : ""), ((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_RTMPTLIVE) && !(pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_RTMPLIVE) ? "(tunneled only) " : ((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_RTMPTLIVE) ? "(tunneled) " : "")), URL_PROTO_FMT2_ARGS( (pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS), FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), ntohs(INET_PORT(sa)), (haveRtmpAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), rtmpMax); } if(pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_RTSPLIVE) { if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConnTmp->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_RTSP].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { haveRtspAuth = 1; } if(pListenCfg->pCfg->prtspsessiontimeout && *pListenCfg->pCfg->prtspsessiontimeout != 0) { snprintf(bufses, sizeof(bufses), ", timeout:%u sec", *pListenCfg->pCfg->prtspsessiontimeout); } else { bufses[0] = '\0'; } LOG(X_INFO("rtsp %s available at "URL_RTSP_FMT_STR"%s max:%d%s"), ((pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_PLAINTEXT) && (pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS) ) ? "(SSL) " : ((pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS) ? "(SSL only) " : ""), URL_PROTO_FMT2_ARGS( (pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS), FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), ntohs(INET_PORT(sa)), (haveRtspAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), rtspMax, bufses); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_ROOTHTML)) { LOG(X_INFO("broadcast interface available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), VSX_ROOT_URL, (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), pListenCfg->max); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_LIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("live available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), VSX_LIVE_URL, (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveToken ? " (Using token)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), pListenCfg->max); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_TSLIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("tslive available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), VSX_TSLIVE_URL, (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveToken ? " (Using token)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), tsMax); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_TSHTTPLIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("httplive available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), VSX_HTTPLIVE_URL, (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveToken ? " (Using token)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), pListenCfg->max); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_FLVLIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("flvlive available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), VSX_FLVLIVE_URL, (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveToken ? " (Using token)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), flvMax); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_MKVLIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("mkvlive available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), VSX_MKVLIVE_URL, (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveToken ? " (Using token)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), mkvMax); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_MOOFLIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("dash available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), VSX_DASH_URL, (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveToken ? " (Using token)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), pListenCfg->max); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_STATUS)) { LOG(X_INFO("status available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), VSX_STATUS_URL, (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : "")); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_PIP)) { LOG(X_INFO("pip available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), VSX_PIP_URL, (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : "")); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_CONFIG)) { LOG(X_INFO("config available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, FORMAT_NETADDR(sa, tmp, sizeof(tmp))), VSX_CONFIG_URL, (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : "")); } //fprintf(stderr, "LISTENER THREAD %s %s:%d active:%d cap: 0x%x\n", pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS ? "SSL" : "", inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr), ntohs(sa.sin_port), pListenCfg->active, pListenCfg->urlCapabilities); // // Service any client connections on the live listening port // rc = srvlisten_loop(pListenCfg, srv_cmd_proc); pthread_mutex_lock(&pListenCfg->mtx); pListenCfg->pnetsockSrv = NULL; netio_closesocket(&netsocksrv); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pListenCfg->mtx); LOG(X_WARNING("HTTP listener thread exiting with code: %d"), rc); logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); return; }
static void srvlisten_rtsplive_proc(void *pArg) { SRV_LISTENER_CFG_T *pListenCfg = (SRV_LISTENER_CFG_T *) pArg; CLIENT_CONN_T *pConn = NULL; NETIO_SOCK_T netsocksrv; struct sockaddr_in sa; int haveRtspAuth = 0; char buf[SAFE_INET_NTOA_LEN_MAX]; char bufses[32]; int rc = 0; logutil_tid_add(pthread_self(), pListenCfg->tid_tag); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); memset(&netsocksrv, 0, sizeof(netsocksrv)); sa.sin_family = PF_INET; sa.sin_addr = pListenCfg->sain.sin_addr; sa.sin_port = pListenCfg->sain.sin_port; netsocksrv.flags = pListenCfg->netflags; if((NETIOSOCK_FD(netsocksrv) = net_listen(&sa, 5)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); return; } pConn = (CLIENT_CONN_T *) pListenCfg->pConnPool->pElements; if(pConn) { if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_RTSP].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { haveRtspAuth = 1; } } pthread_mutex_lock(&pListenCfg->mtx); pListenCfg->pnetsockSrv = &netsocksrv; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pListenCfg->mtx); if(pListenCfg->pCfg->prtspsessiontimeout && *pListenCfg->pCfg->prtspsessiontimeout != 0) { snprintf(bufses, sizeof(bufses), ", timeout:%u sec", *pListenCfg->pCfg->prtspsessiontimeout); } else { bufses[0] = '\0'; } LOG(X_INFO("rtsp %sserver available at "URL_RTSP_FMT_STR"%s max:%d%s"), ((pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS) ? "(SSL) " : ""), URL_RTSP_FMT2_ARGS( (pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS), net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), ntohs(sa.sin_port), (haveRtspAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), pListenCfg->max, bufses); // // Service any client connections on the rtsp listening port // rc = srvlisten_loop(pListenCfg, srv_rtsp_proc); pthread_mutex_lock(&pListenCfg->mtx); pListenCfg->pnetsockSrv = NULL; netio_closesocket(&netsocksrv); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pListenCfg->mtx); LOG(X_DEBUG("rtsp listener thread exiting with code: %d"), rc); logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); return ; }
static void srvlisten_http_proc(void *pArg) { SRV_LISTENER_CFG_T *pListenCfg = (SRV_LISTENER_CFG_T *) pArg; NETIO_SOCK_T netsocksrv; struct sockaddr_in sa; CLIENT_CONN_T *pConn; unsigned int tsMax = 0; unsigned int flvMax = 0; unsigned int mkvMax = 0; /* int haveMkvAuth = 0; int haveFlvAuth = 0; int haveTsliveAuth = 0; int haveHttpliveAuth = 0; int haveMoofAuth = 0; int haveConfigAuth = 0; int havePipAuth = 0; int haveStatusAuth = 0; int haveRootAuth = 0; */ int haveAuth = 0; int rc = 0; char buf[SAFE_INET_NTOA_LEN_MAX]; logutil_tid_add(pthread_self(), pListenCfg->tid_tag); if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & (URL_CAP_TSLIVE | URL_CAP_TSHTTPLIVE | URL_CAP_FLVLIVE | URL_CAP_MKVLIVE | URL_CAP_LIVE | URL_CAP_STATUS | URL_CAP_MOOFLIVE | URL_CAP_PIP | URL_CAP_CONFIG | URL_CAP_BROADCAST)) == 0) { LOG(X_WARNING("http listener exiting because no capabilities enabled on %s:%d"), inet_ntoa(pListenCfg->sain.sin_addr), ntohs(pListenCfg->sain.sin_port)); logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); return; } memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); memset(&netsocksrv, 0, sizeof(netsocksrv)); sa.sin_family = PF_INET; sa.sin_addr = pListenCfg->sain.sin_addr; sa.sin_port = pListenCfg->sain.sin_port; netsocksrv.flags = pListenCfg->netflags; if((NETIOSOCK_FD(netsocksrv) = net_listen(&sa, 5)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&pListenCfg->mtx); pListenCfg->pnetsockSrv = &netsocksrv; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pListenCfg->mtx); if(pListenCfg->pAuthStore && IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(pListenCfg->pAuthStore)) { haveAuth = 1; } pConn = (CLIENT_CONN_T *) pListenCfg->pConnPool->pElements; if(pConn) { tsMax = pConn->pStreamerCfg0->liveQs[0].max; flvMax = pConn->pStreamerCfg0->action.liveFmts.out[STREAMER_OUTFMT_IDX_FLV].max; mkvMax = pConn->pStreamerCfg0->action.liveFmts.out[STREAMER_OUTFMT_IDX_MKV].max; /* if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_FLV].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { haveFlvAuth = 1; } if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_MKV].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { haveMkvAuth = 1; } if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_TSLIVE].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { haveTsliveAuth = 1; } if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_HTTPLIVE].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { haveHttpliveAuth = 1; } if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_MOOFLIVE].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { haveMoofAuth = 1; } if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_CONFIG].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { haveConfigAuth = 1; } if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_PIP].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { havePipAuth = 1; } if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_STATUS].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { haveStatusAuth = 1; } if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_ROOT].stores[pListenCfg->idxCfg])) { haveRootAuth = 1; } */ //if(IS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_SET(&pConn->pStreamerCfg0->creds.auths[STREAMER_AUTH_IDX_ROOT])) { // LOG(X_DEBUG("LIVE/ROOT AUTH ON")); //} } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_ROOTHTML)) { LOG(X_INFO("broadcast interface available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), VSX_ROOT_URL, //(haveRootAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), pListenCfg->max); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_LIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("live available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), VSX_LIVE_URL, //(haveRootAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), pListenCfg->max); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_TSLIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("tslive available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), VSX_TSLIVE_URL, //(haveTsliveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), tsMax); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_TSHTTPLIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("httplive available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), VSX_HTTPLIVE_URL, //(haveHttpliveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), pListenCfg->max); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_FLVLIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("flvlive available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), VSX_FLVLIVE_URL, //(haveFlvAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), flvMax); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_MKVLIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("mkvlive available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), VSX_MKVLIVE_URL, //(haveMkvAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), mkvMax); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_MOOFLIVE)) { LOG(X_INFO("dash available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s max:%d"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), VSX_DASH_URL, // (haveMoofAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : ""), pListenCfg->max); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_STATUS)) { LOG(X_INFO("status available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), VSX_STATUS_URL, //(haveStatusAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : "")); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_PIP)) { LOG(X_INFO("pip available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), VSX_PIP_URL, //(havePipAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : "")); } if((pListenCfg->urlCapabilities & URL_CAP_CONFIG)) { LOG(X_INFO("config available at "URL_HTTP_FMT_STR"%s%s%s"), URL_HTTP_FMT_ARGS2(pListenCfg, net_inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr, buf)), VSX_CONFIG_URL, //(haveConfigAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (haveAuth ? " (Using auth)" : ""), (pListenCfg->pCfg->cfgShared.livepwd ? " (Using password)" : "")); } //fprintf(stderr, "LISTENER THREAD %s %s:%d active:%d cap: 0x%x\n", pListenCfg->netflags & NETIO_FLAG_SSL_TLS ? "SSL" : "", inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr), ntohs(sa.sin_port), pListenCfg->active, pListenCfg->urlCapabilities); // // Service any client connections on the live listening port // rc = srvlisten_loop(pListenCfg, srv_cmd_proc); pthread_mutex_lock(&pListenCfg->mtx); pListenCfg->pnetsockSrv = NULL; netio_closesocket(&netsocksrv); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pListenCfg->mtx); LOG(X_WARNING("HTTP listener thread exiting with code: %d"), rc); logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); return; }
void streamxmit_async_proc(void *pArg) { STREAMXMIT_WRAP_T wrap; int rc; STREAM_RTP_MULTI_T *pRtp = NULL; STREAM_RTP_DEST_T *pDest; unsigned int idx; struct timespec ts; struct timeval tv; int haveRequestedRetransmission = 0; memcpy(&wrap, (STREAMXMIT_WRAP_T *) pArg, sizeof(wrap)); logutil_tid_add(pthread_self(), wrap.tid_tag); pRtp = wrap.pRtp; pRtp->asyncRtpRunning = 1; LOG(X_DEBUG("RTP output thread started")); while(pRtp->asyncRtpRunning == 1 && !g_proc_exit) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if(haveRequestedRetransmission) { ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec; ts.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec + 20000; //LOG(X_DEBUG("RTP output thread going to wait for 20ms..")); } else { ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + 2; ts.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec; //LOG(X_DEBUG("RTP output thread going to wait for 2 sec..")); } if((rc = pthread_cond_timedwait(&pRtp->asyncRtpCond.cond, &pRtp->asyncRtpCond.mtx, &ts)) < 0) { LOG(X_WARNING("RTP output thread pthread_cond_timedwait failed")); usleep(20000); } if(pRtp->asyncRtpRunning != 1 || g_proc_exit) { break; } haveRequestedRetransmission = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&pRtp->mtx); //LOG(X_DEBUG("RTP output thread doing its thing..")); if(pRtp->numDests > 0) { for(idx = 0; idx < pRtp->maxDests; idx++) { pDest = &pRtp->pdests[idx]; //if(pDest->isactive) { LOG(X_DEBUG("ACTIVE[%d]"), idx); stream_abr_notifyitrate(pDest->pstreamStats, &pDest->streamStatsMtx, STREAM_ABR_UPDATE_REASON_NACK_REQ, .5f); } if(pDest->isactive && pDest->asyncQ.haveRequestedRetransmission) { if((rc = streamxmit_retransmitRtp(pDest)) > 0) { haveRequestedRetransmission = 1; } } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&pRtp->mtx); } LOG(X_DEBUG("RTP output thread ending")); pRtp->asyncRtpRunning = -1; logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); }
static void stream_monitor_proc(void *pArg) { MONITOR_START_WRAP_T startWrap; STREAM_STATS_MONITOR_T *pMonitor = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; unsigned int intervalMs; TIME_VAL tvNext, tv; memcpy(&startWrap, pArg, sizeof(startWrap)); pMonitor = startWrap.pMonitor; logutil_tid_add(pthread_self(), startWrap.tid_tag); pMonitor->runMonitor = 1; if((intervalMs = pMonitor->dumpIntervalMs) <= 0) { intervalMs = STREAM_STATS_DUMP_MS; } // // Set the output file path // if(pMonitor->statfilepath) { if(!strcasecmp(pMonitor->statfilepath, "stdout")) { fp = stdout; } else if(!strcasecmp(pMonitor->statfilepath, "stderr")) { fp = stderr; } else if(!(fp = fopen(pMonitor->statfilepath, "w"))) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed top open stats file %s for writing"), pMonitor->statfilepath); pMonitor->runMonitor = -1; } } else { //fp = stdout; } if(pMonitor->runMonitor == 1) { tvNext = timer_GetTime() + (intervalMs * TIME_VAL_MS); LOG(X_INFO("Started %sstream output monitor %s%s"), pMonitor->pAbr ? "ABR " : "", pMonitor->statfilepath ? "to " : "", pMonitor->statfilepath ? pMonitor->statfilepath : ""); } while(pMonitor->runMonitor == 1 && !g_proc_exit) { if((tv = timer_GetTime()) >= tvNext) { stream_monitor_dump(fp, pMonitor); tvNext += (intervalMs * TIME_VAL_MS); } usleep(100000); } if(fp) { fclose(fp); } pMonitor->runMonitor = -1; pthread_mutex_destroy(&pMonitor->mtx); pMonitor->active = -1; logutil_tid_remove(pthread_self()); }